расширенный поиск
10589999 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 6
10589998 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 5
10589997 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 4
10589996 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 3
10589995 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 2
10589994 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 11-12
10589993 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 9-10
10589992 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 7-8
10589991 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 5-6
10589990 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 4
10589989 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 2-3
10589988 - Вестник Академии наук СССР. № 1
10589987 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 31. № 1
10589986 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 30. № 7-9
10589985 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 30. № 4-6
10589984 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 30. № 3
10589983 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 30. № 2
10589982 - Доклады Академии наук СССР. Новая серия. Том 30. № 1
10589981 - Как работать над диссертацией
10589980 - Великие ученые Узбекистана IX-XI вв.
10589979 - Советское славяноведение
10589978 - Советское славяноведение
10589977 - Советское славяноведение
10589976 - Советское славяноведение
10589975 - Советское славяноведение
10589974 - Советское славяноведение
10589973 - Советское славяноведение
10589972 - Советское славяноведение
10589971 - Советское славяноведение
10589970 - Советское славяноведение
10589969 - Советское славяноведение
10589968 - Советское славяноведение
10589967 - Советское славяноведение
10589966 - Советское славяноведение
10589965 - Советское славяноведение
10589964 - Советское славяноведение
10589963 - Советское славяноведение
10589962 - Как убеждать в своей правоте
10589961 - Советское славяноведение
10589960 - Советское славяноведение
10589959 - Советское славяноведение
10589958 - Ростехнологии
10589957 - Король Владислав Ягелло. Том 1-2
10589956 - История Ливонии с древнейших времен. Т.2
10589955 - История Ливонии с древнейших времен. Т.3. (не окончен)
10589954 - Великий Новгород по четырем Новгородским летописям, с дополнениями по другим источникам до конца первой четверти XVIII века
10589953 - Запорожская старина. Ч.1. Вып.1-3
10589952 - История Тибета и Хухунора
10589951 - История Тибета и Хухунора
10589950 - Литовская метрика, государственный отдел Великого княжества Литовского, при Правительствующем Сенате. Грамоты и регесты из собрания "древних актов" писанных на пергаменте на литовско-русском, латинском, нижне-германском, старо-чешском и польском языках
10589949 - Древние памятники письма и языка югозападных славян (IX-XII вв.). Общее повременное обозрение с заметками о памятниках, доселе бывших неизвестными
10589948 - Географический словарь древней Жомойтской земли XVI столетия
10589947 - Скорая помощь (группа)
10589946 - Скорая помощь (телесериал)
10589945 - Террористический акт в Кизляре (1996)
10589944 - Террористический акт в Будённовске
10589943 - Синдром внезапной детской смерти
10589942 - Орден Святого Станислава
10589941 - Польский алфавит
10589940 - Советское славяноведение
10589939 - Советское славяноведение
10589938 - Советское славяноведение
10589937 - Закатов, Александр Николаевич
10589936 - Закатальский округ
10589935 - Бедствия войны
10589934 - Советское славяноведение
10589933 - Советское славяноведение
10589932 - Советское славяноведение
10589931 - Что читать по профдвижению
10589930 - Формы национального движения в современных государствах
10589929 - Славянский вопрос в его современном значении. Речи и статьи
10589928 - Система русского гражданского права. Том 6
10589927 - Система русского гражданского права. Том 4
10589926 - Система русского гражданского права. Том 2
10589925 - Свобода и труд. Анархизм-синдикализм. Сборник 1
10589924 - Сборник статей Антонова, А. Баха, Е. Брешковской и др.
10589923 - Сборник статей анархистов-индивидуалистов
10589922 - Публицист-гражданин. Литературный сборник, посвященный памяти Григория Константиновича Градовского
10589921 - Против смертной казни
10589920 - Правда о расах и расизме
10589919 - По поводу воззваний иностранных ученых относительно прав Финляндии
10589918 - По вехам...
10589917 - Первый русский парламент
10589916 - Очерки реалистического мировоззрения
10589915 - Отклики современности. № 3
10589914 - Отклики современности. № 1
10589913 - Основные черты гражданско-правового строя крестьян по Положениям 19-го февраля и позднейшим узаконениям
10589912 - Проклятия по контракту
10589911 - Идущие на смех
10589910 - Освоение огня древними людьми
10589909 - Освоение целины
10589908 - Советское славяноведение
10589907 - Советское славяноведение
10589906 - Советское славяноведение
10589905 - Советское славяноведение
10589904 - Советское славяноведение
10589903 - Советское славяноведение
10589902 - Советское славяноведение
10589901 - Советское славяноведение
10589900 - Фонтанка
10589899 - Авария в энергосистеме
10589898 - Жесть
10589897 - Новые идеи в правоведении. Сборник 3
10589896 - Новые идеи в правоведении. Сборник 1
10589895 - Наши недоразумения
10589894 - Национальный вопрос пред судом социал-демократов
10589893 - Националисты в 3-ей Государственной думе
10589892 - Накануне пробуждения
10589891 - На славном посту. 1860-1900 гг.
10589890 - Издательство Отголоски. Сборник-Апрель
10589889 - Зачем и как выбирать в Учредительное собрание
10589888 - Зарницы. Сборник №2
10589887 - Зарницы. Сборник №1
10589886 - Закон о выборах в Учредительное собрание
10589885 - Искра. За два года. Часть 2
10589884 - Государственный строй и политические партии в Западной Европе и Северно-Американских Соединенных Штатах. Том 3
10589883 - Государственный строй и политические партии в Западной Европе и Северно-Американских Соединенных Штатах. Том 2
10589882 - Подземелье драконов (мультсериал)
10589881 - Тягнибок, Олег Ярославович
10589880 - Государственный строй и политические партии в Западной Европе и Северно-Американских Соединенных Штатах. Том 1
10589879 - Вотчинный режим в России
10589878 - Вопросы дня. Сборник статей
10589877 - Война и Польша
10589876 - Возрождение. Еврейский пролетариат и национальная проблема
10589875 - Великая Россия
10589874 - Великая Россия. Сборник статей по военным и общественным вопросам. Книга 1
10589873 - Введение в изучение социальных наук
10589872 - В защиту интеллигенции
10589871 - Аграрный вопрос. Том 2
10589870 - Аграрный вопрос. Том 1
10589869 - Автономия, федерация и национальный вопрос
10589868 - Метафора как средство развития творческих способностей младших школьников
10589867 - "Отзвуки". Август 1907 г.
10589866 - "Немецкое зло". Сборник статей. Выпуск 1
10589865 - Живой труп 17 октября
10589864 - Воля труда. Сборник статей по вопросам программы и тактики Максимализма
10589863 - "Возрождающийся идеализм" в миросозерцании русского образованного общества
10589862 - Чего ждет Россия от войны
10589861 - Запоминающее устройство с произвольным доступом
10589860 - Правовое значение оговорки "Rebus sic stantibus" в междувластных отношениях
10589859 - От Первой ко Второй мировой войне
10589858 - О вечном мире
10589857 - Идейные горизонты мировой войны
10589856 - Вопросы мировой войны
10589855 - Мой милый Фантомас
10589854 - Америка и русское общество
10589853 - "Я сказал: Вы - боги"
10589852 - Будь мужиком! Трансформация мышления
10589851 - Философия для технических вузов
10589850 - Самому результативному игроку (хоккейный приз)
10589849 - Фондовая биржа ПФТС
10589848 - Фондовая биржа РТС
10589847 - Указатель профессиональной литературы, выпущенной издательством ВЦСПС 1919-1926 гг.
10589846 - Указатель литературы по советскому строительству в деревне
10589845 - Сперанский и Aракчеев
10589844 - Систематический указатель литературы по профессиональному движению в России. Выпуск 1
10589843 - Систематический указатель литературы по профессиональному движению в России. Выпуск 2
10589842 - М.М. Ковалевский. Ученый, государственный и общественный деятель и гражданин
10589841 - Ленин и о Ленине
10589840 - Легальная социал-демократическая литература в России за 1906-1914 годы
10589839 - Краткая ленинская библиография
10589838 - Издательство Коммунистической академии при ЦИК СССР
10589837 - Джордж Вашингтон и борьба за независимость Америки
10589836 - Библиотека социал-демократа
10589835 - Библиотека коммуниста
10589834 - Факелы. Книга 2
10589833 - Политические воззрения Ипполита Тэна
10589832 - Новые идеи в правоведении. Сборник № 4
10589831 - Век ожидания
10589830 - Философский сборник
10589829 - Революция 1848 года во Франции. Часть 2
10589828 - Революция 1848 года во Франции. Часть 1
10589827 - Политические идеи жирондистов
10589826 - Первомайские прокламации. Библиографическое описание
10589825 - На рубеже. К характеристике современных исканий
10589824 - Каталог коммунистической и социалистической литературы на немецком языке
10589823 - Издательство "Отголоски". Сборник 5
10589822 - Из истории верховной власти в России
10589821 - Древнерусские учения о природе царской власти
10589820 - Диалектический материализм-мировоззрение марксистско-ленинской партии
10589819 - Государственные идеи Крижанича
10589818 - Гитлеровская партия, ее "идеология" и ее механизм
10589817 - Социальные основы женского вопроса
10589816 - Символы в общественной жизни
10589815 - Новые идеи в социологии. Сборник 4
10589814 - Новые идеи в социологии. Сборник 2
10589813 - Международная экономическая борьба
10589812 - Итоги науки об искусстве
10589811 - Современные социологи
10589810 - Очерки материалистической социологии
10589809 - Основные законы развития общественных явлений
10589808 - Новая постановка основных вопросов социологии
10589807 - Историко-философские и социологические этюды
10589806 - Введение в изучение социологии
10589805 - Большевский исправительный приют для нищенствующих девочек
10589804 - Бетонные, каменные и армокаменные конструкции
10589803 - Опробование и испытание полезных ископаемых
10589802 - Мастерство рыболовное
10589801 - Динамика ледяного покрова
10589800 - Подвижной состав метрополитена
10589799 - Выбор экономичного варианта процесса сварки
10589798 - Рыбы и круглоторые. Их жизнь и значение
10589797 - Строительная механика грунта на основе его физических свойств
10589796 - Методические нагревательные печи
10589795 - Строевой устав пехоты 1934
10589794 - Сигналы из микромира
10589793 - Проблемы кинетики и катализа. Том 10. Физика и физико-химия катализа
10589792 - Проблемы кинетики и катализа. Том 9. Изотопы в катализе
10589791 - Основы закаливания
10589790 - Переходные процессы в электроэнергетических системах
10589789 - Погода интересует всех
10589788 - Полевой устав для унтер-офицера
10589787 - История вагонного парка железных дорог СССР
10589786 - Забойка шпуров
10589785 - Петрография железорудного агломерата
10589784 - Практические электрические единицы. Международные и абсолютные
10589783 - Инженерное оформление химических процессов
10589782 - Фюзеляжные модели самолетов с резиновыми двигателями
10589781 - Синтетические гетероцепные полиамиды
10589780 - Выращивание и дрессировка собак
10589779 - Почему происходят химические реакции?
10589778 - Судебные уставы 20 ноября 1864 года
10589777 - Советское славяноведение
10589776 - Российская родословная книга. Ч.4
10589775 - Российская родословная книга. Ч.3
10589774 - Российский родословный сборник. Кн.1
10589773 - Российский родословный сборник. Кн.2
10589772 - Российский родословный сборник. Кн.4
10589771 - Российский родословный сборник. Кн.3
10589770 - Древние грамоты и другие письменные памятники, касающиеся Воронежской губернии и частию Азова. Кн.1
10589769 - Опыт словопроизводного словаря, содержащий в себе дерево, стоящее на корне МР
10589768 - Этимологический словарь русского языка т.3
10589767 - Euripides in four volumes
10589766 - Euripides in four volumes
10589765 - О мнимых норманских именах в русской истории
10589764 - Русские древности и памятники православия Холмско-Подляшской Руси (Люблинской и Седлецкой губ.)
10589763 - Ibrahim's-ibn-Ja'kub's reiseberight uber die Slawenlande aus dem jahre 965
10589762 - Euripides in four volumes
10589761 - Славянские апокрифические евангелия
10589760 - Русские достопамятности, издаваемые Обществом истори и древностей российских. Ч.1
10589759 - Русские достопамятности, издаваемые Обществом истори и древностей российских.Ч.2
10589758 - Уральцы. Очерки быта Уральских казаков. Полное собрание сочинений. Т.1. Издание 2-е
10589757 - Полное историческое известие о древних стригольниках и новых раскольниках, так называемых старообрядцах, собранное из потаенных старообрядческих преданий, записок и писем, церкви сошествия Святого духа, что на Большой Охте, протоиереем Андреем Иоанновым
10589756 - Предварительные юридические сведения для полного объяснения Русской Правды. Вып.1. Изд. 2-е.
10589755 - Исторические песни малорусского народа Т.2. Вып.1
10589754 - Проектирование и строительство рыбоводных хозяйств и заводов
10589753 - Казачьи пики 1891 г. и новейших образцов
10589752 - Каталитические реакции при высоких температурах и давлениях
10589751 - Примеры проектирования и расчета деревянных конструкций
10589750 - Гари Глиттер
10589749 - Покорение глубин
10589748 - Древние государственные грамоты, наказные памяти и челобитные, собранные в Пермской губернии
10589747 - Письмо князя Щербатова, сочинителя российской истории, к одному его приятелю, в оправдание на некоторые сокрытые и явные охуления, учиненные его истории от господина генерал-майора Болтина, творца Примечаний на Историю древней и нынешней России, г.Леклерк
10589746 - Исследование о Касимовских царях и царевичах
10589745 - Исследование о Касимовских царях и царевичах
10589744 - Рукописное отделение Виленской публичной библиотеки. Вып.1. I-Церковно-славянские рукописи-II-Русские пергамены
10589743 - Исторические акты Ярославского Спасского монастыря. Т.3. Выписи из писцовых и переписных книг. Дополнение - Книга Кормовая
10589742 - Летописец Переяславля-Суздальского, составленный в начале XIII века (между 1214 и 1219 годами)
10589741 - Превращения атомных ядер
10589740 - Исторические акты Ярославского Спасского монастыря. Т.1. Княжие и царские грамоты
10589739 - Яблоня в маленьком саду
10589738 - Пружинные двигатели
10589737 - Летопись электричества
10589736 - Охлаждение отливки
10589735 - Послание многословное (по рукописи XVI века)
10589734 - Записки о продовольствии войск в военное время. Ч.3
10589733 - Боевой устав броневых сил РККА
10589732 - Боевой устав артиллерии РККА. Часть 1
10589731 - Пожарная служба в условиях воздушного нападения
10589730 - Учебник гидроакустика флота
10589729 - Опыт бурения скважин на воду
10589728 - Общий список флотских линейных чинов 1831 года
10589727 - Список населенных мест. Смоленская губерния
10589726 - Талергофский Альманах
10589725 - Талергофский Альманах.
10589724 - Талергофский Альманах
10589723 - Талергофский Альманах
10589722 - Труды пермской губернской ученой архивной коммиссии. Выпуск 9
10589721 - Труды пермской губернской ученой архивной коммиссии. Выпуск 7
10589720 - Труды пермской ученой архивной коммиссии. Выпуск 11
10589719 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 51. Средний посев и средний сбор зерновых хлебов и картофея за 1896-1900 гг.
10589718 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 48. Посевные площади принимавшиеся ЦСК при разработке урожаев 1881, 1887, 1893-1899 годов
10589717 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 47. Вес четверти зерна отдельных хлебов в 1888-1899 гг.
10589716 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 46. Время начала главнейших полевых работ в 1899 году
10589715 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 45. Отчет по всеобщей переписи населения
10589714 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 44. Пожары в Российской империи в 1888-1894 гг.
10589713 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 42. Библиографический обзор русских статистических изданий
10589712 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 41. Умершие насильственно и внезапно в Российской империи 1888-1893 гг.
10589711 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 39. Местные продовольственные капиталы и хлебные запасы в общественных магазинах 1867-1891 гг.
10589710 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 36. Содержание волостных должностных лиц в Европейской России 1890-1893 гг.
10589709 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 35. Умершие насильственно и внезапно в Европейской России 1875-1887 гг.
10589708 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 34. Средний сбор хлебов и картофеля за 1883-1892 гг.
10589707 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 33. Население сельских обществ и количество у них пахотной надельной земли
10589706 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 32. Задолжность сельских обществ
10589705 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 30. Урожай хлебов по Европейской России
10589704 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 28. Статистические данные по выдаче ссуд населению пострадавшему от неурожая 1891-1892 гг.
10589703 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 27. Взаимное страхование от огня 1889-1892 гг.
10589702 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 26. Статистические данные о разводах и недействительных браках 1867-1886 гг.
10589701 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 25. Главные разультаты урожая 1892 года
10589700 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 24. Хлебные запасы в общественных магазинах
10589699 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 23. Сведения о производстве золота и серебра на земном шаре 1493-1892 гг.
10589698 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 22. Вексельные курсы России 1841-1890 гг.
10589697 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 21. Основания расчетов по публичным займам
10589696 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 20. Главные результаты урожая 1891 года
10589695 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 19. Главные результаты урожая 1890 года
10589694 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 18. Статистика движения населения
10589693 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 17. Православное население Томской губернии 1870-1880 годов
10589692 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 16. Очерк развития вопроса о всеобщей переписи населения
10589691 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 15. Главные разультаты урожая 1889 года
10589690 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 13. Пожары в Российской империи 1883-1887 гг.
10589689 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 12. Опыт рассчета стоимости пшеницы, ржи, овса, ячменя
10589688 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 11. Цены на землю в Европейской России по продажам, сделанным в 1882 и 1887 годах
10589687 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 5. Сведения о международной хлебной торговле
10589686 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 4. Цены на провиант и фураж
10589685 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 3. Цены на пшеницу, рожь, овес и ячмень в Европейской России 1881-1887 годах
10589684 - Временник центрального статистического комитета. Выпуск 1. Университеты и средние учебные заведения мужские и женские
10589683 - Предистория интеллекта
10589682 - Geschichte der p
10589681 - Ордена Франции
10589680 - Ордена Российской империи
10589679 - Бирн, Роуз
10589678 - Бирнерова, Ева
10589677 - Мемуары к истории одного рода пресноводных полипов с руками в форме рогов
10589676 - Происхождение позвоночных животных и принцип смены функций
10589675 - Наладка электрических машин
10589674 - Тонкие магнитные пленки
10589673 - Электромагнитные муфты и тормоза с массивным якорем
10589672 - Полупроводниковые реле
10589671 - Многоконтурные пневматические системы автоматического регулирования тепловых процессов
10589670 - Одноконтурные пневматические системы автоматического регулирования тепловых процессов
10589669 - Задающие устройства программных и следящих регуляторов технологических процессов
10589668 - Логические элементы в промышленной автоматике
10589667 - Сельсины и их применение в системах автоматизации производственных процессов
10589666 - Электропривод автоматических летучих ножниц
10589665 - Логика и цепи переключения
10589664 - Ионное возбуждение генераторов и двигателей реверсивных прокатных станов
10589663 - Пневматические вычислительные приборы непрерывного действия
10589662 - Моделирование электроприводов
10589661 - Современные телеизмерительные системы
10589660 - Централизованный контроль технологических процессов
10589659 - Датчики в схемах автоматизации технологических процессов обогатительных фабрик
10589658 - Элементы пневмоавтоматики для регулирования тепловых процессов
10589657 - Автоматы гашения магнитного поля
10589656 - Системы сеточного управления трутными выпрямителями для автоматических электроприводов
10589655 - Комплексная автоматизация и телемеханизация систем водоснабжения промышленных предприятий
10589654 - Автоматизация процессов доменного производства с применением счетно-решающих устройств
10589653 - Использование вычислительных машин для автоматизации электроприводов
10589652 - Блоки регулируемого запаздывания
10589651 - Реле времени
10589650 - Программное управление металлорежущими станками
10589649 - Гидравлические усилители
10589648 - Педагогическая психология в связи с общей педагогикой. Часть 3
10589647 - Педагогическая психология в связи с общей педагогикой. Часть 2
10589646 - Педагогическая психология в связи с общей педагогикой. Часть 1
10589645 - Очерк психологии для воспитателей и учителей
10589644 - Идеализм как физиологический фактор
10589643 - Психология и школа. Сборник статей
10589642 - Основания экспериментальной психологии
10589641 - Историческое введение в психологию
10589640 - Учебник психологии для средних учебных заведений
10589639 - Учебник психологии для гимназий и самообразования
10589638 - Сновидения как предмет научного анализа
10589637 - Психология чувств
10589636 - Психология опытная. Выпуск 1
10589635 - Психология внимания
10589634 - Психология без всякой метафизики
10589633 - Психологические профили. Часть 1. Методика
10589632 - Программа исследования личности
10589631 - Приспособительные моторные навыки макака в условиях эксперимента
10589630 - Очерк науки о характерах
10589629 - Объективное изучение личности
10589628 - О памяти и мнемонике
10589627 - Новые идеи в философии
10589626 - Курс психологии
10589625 - Еще по поводу вопроса о психологии чувствований
10589624 - Вопросы теории и психологии творчества. Том 8
10589623 - Вопросы теории и психологии творчества. Том 5
10589622 - Ассоциация сходства
10589621 - Психология женщин. О равноправии женщин
10589620 - Систематический указатель русской педагогической и юридической литературы о социально-правовой охране несовершеннолетних
10589619 - Мать семейства, или главнейшие правила, которыми должна руководствоваться мать при воспитании детей
10589618 - Беседы с юношеством о вопросах пола
10589617 - Указатель литературы по ликвидации неграмотности
10589616 - Воспитание, нравственность, право
10589615 - Дидактические очерки. Теория образования
10589614 - Библиотека современного читателя
10589613 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 6
10589612 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 5
10589611 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 4
10589610 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 3
10589609 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 2
10589608 - Педагогическая библиография. Систематический указатель книжной и журнальной литературы по вопросам народного просвещения за 1917-1924 гг. Книга 1
10589607 - Летняя школа. Обзор литературы по строительству летней школы в России и на Западе
10589606 - Каталог изданий на июнь 1925 года
10589605 - Сборник материалов для истории просвещения в России. Том 4. Выпуск 1
10589604 - Постановка преподавания физики и электротехники в училище
10589603 - К университетскому вопросу
10589602 - Церковь Св.Николая Чудоторца на Липне, близ Новгорода. Вопрос о первоначальной форме иконостасов в русских церквах
10589601 - Церковь св. пророка Ильи что слывет обыденный
10589600 - Сорокин
10589599 - Сорокин, Питирим Александрович
10589598 - Сороки (город)
10589597 - Обыкновенная сорока
10589596 - Ульяновский монастырь у зырян. Троицко-Стефановская новообщежительная обитель
10589595 - Эстремадура
10589594 - Экономический факультет Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета
10589593 - Экономический и социальный совет ООН
10589592 - Экономический факультет МГУ
10589591 - Экономический кризис
10589590 - Экономический кризис в России (1998)
10589589 - Указатель святыни и священных достопамятностей Киева, как в самом городе, так и в его окрестностях
10589588 - Спасо-Вифанский монастырь
10589587 - Сказание о создании храма св. Софии в Царьграде
10589586 - Сказание о начале и настоящем положении Спасо-Преображенского Гуслицкого монастыря
10589585 - Ростовский Ярославской губернии Рождественский третьеклассный женский монастырь
10589584 - Православные монастыри Российской империи
10589583 - Очерк истории села Капшина Калязинского уезда Тверской епархии и существовавшего прежде на месте его Капшина Знаменского монастыря
10589582 - Палата общин Великобритании
10589581 - Палата общин Канады
10589580 - Палата лордов
10589579 - Счётная Палата США
10589578 - Обстоятельства, исключающие преступность деяния
10589577 - Обстоятельства, смягчающие уголовное наказание
10589576 - Остров Валаам и тамошний монастырь
10589575 - Описание Федоровского женского монастыря в г. Переславле-Залесском
10589574 - Фортепиано
10589573 - Кембриджская история древнего мира
10589572 - Магловский квиддич
10589571 - Описание Троицкого Селижарова монастыря Тверской епархии
10589570 - Описание Святогорского Успенского монастыря Псковской епархии
10589569 - Описание Псковского Иоанно-Предтеченского женского монастыря
10589568 - Описание Почаевской Успенской Лавры
10589567 - Описание Осташковского мужского Житенного монастыря Тверской епархии 1863 года
10589566 - Описание Новгордсеверского Спасопреображенского первоклассного мужеского монастыря
10589565 - Описание монастырей в Российской империи находящихся, с показанием времени построения оных и в каких классах положены по штатам
10589564 - Описание Лихвинского Покровского Доброго мужского монастыря
10589563 - Описание Костромского Ипатиевского монастыря, в коем юный Михаил Феодорович Романов умолен знаменитым посольством Московским на Царство Русское
10589562 - Описание Кашинского Димитровского монастыря Тверской епархии
10589561 - Описание Зеленецкого Троицкого монастыря
10589560 - Описание Веркольского первоклассного общежительного св. праведного Артемия монастыря Архангельской губернии Пинежского уезда
10589559 - Общежительная пустынь св. Параклита близь Свято-Троицкой Сергиевой лавры и краткий очерк жизни ее основателей
10589558 - Новоспасский монастырь
10589557 - Набилковская богадельня
10589556 - Московский Звенигород и его уезд в церковно-археологическом отношении
10589555 - Московская церковная старина. Уничтоженные в московском Китай-городе церкви
10589554 - Можайский уезд Московской губернии
10589553 - Летопись церкви св. великомученика и победоносца Георгия, что на Красной Горке, в Никитском сороке столичного города Москвы
10589552 - Летопись Серафимо-Дивеевского монастыря Нижегородской губернии Ардатовского уезда
10589551 - Краткое описание Одрино-Николаевского монастыря
10589550 - Краткое описание московского ставропигиального первоклассного общежительного Симонова монастыря
10589549 - Советское славяноведение
10589548 - Советское славяноведение
10589547 - Советское славяноведение
10589546 - Советское славяноведение
10589545 - Советское славяноведение
10589544 - Теория упругости и упруго-пластичности в перемещениях
10589543 - Советское славяноведение
10589542 - Советское славяноведение
10589541 - Советское славяноведение
10589540 - Советское славяноведение
10589539 - Советское славяноведение
10589538 - Советское славяноведение
10589537 - Советское славяноведение
10589536 - Советское славяноведение
10589535 - Советское славяноведение
10589534 - Советское славяноведение
10589533 - Советское славяноведение
10589532 - Советское славяноведение
10589531 - Исследование систем управления
10589530 - Инфраструктура муниципальных образований
10589529 - Находка (порт)
10589528 - Kaidan Restaurant
10589527 - Кавказтрансгаз-2005
10589526 - Стюарт, Джеймс (актёр)
10589525 - Картер, Джимми
10589524 - Пейдж, Джимми
10589523 - Скотланд-Ярд
10589522 - Хэллоуин 4: Возвращение Майкла Майерса
10589521 - Хэллоуин: Воскрешение
10589520 - Хэллоуин: 20 лет спустя
10589519 - Хэллоуин 2007
10589518 - Славянская топонимия Германии
10589517 - Славянская партия (Украина)
10589516 - Ростунов, Вячеслав Львович
10589515 - Краткое историческое описание Киево-Печерской Лавры
10589514 - Краткая история построения Нежинского Благовещенского монастыря, называемого Богородичным Назаретом
10589513 - История православного русского монашества, от основания Печерской обители преподобным Антонием до основания Лавры Св.Троицы преподобным Сергием
10589512 - Историческо-статистическое описание Киево-Флоровского Вознесенского женского монастыря
10589511 - Историческое описание Троицко-Варницкого заштатного мужского монастыря близь Ростова Великого Ярославской губернии
10589510 - Историческое описание Суздальского первоклассного Спасо-Евфимиева монастыря
10589509 - Историческое описание Сербской царской лавры Хиландаря и ее отношения к царству сербскому и русскому
10589508 - Историческое описание Николаевского Корельского третьеклассного монастыря
10589507 - Историческое описание Никитского женского общежительного монастыря в городе Кашире, Тульской губернии
10589506 - Историческое описание мужского общежительного монастыря святого чудотворца Николая, что на Пешноше
10589505 - Историческое описание московскаго ставроп Донского монастыря
10589504 - Историческое описание Малоярославецкого Черноостровского Николаевского общежительного монастыря
10589503 - Историческое описание Короцкого женского общежительного монастыря Валдайского уезда Новгородской епархии
10589502 - Историческое описание Козельской Введенской оптиной пустыни
10589501 - Историческое описание Калужского Лаврентиева монастыря, нынешнего Калужского архиерейского дома и принадлежащей к оному Крестовской церкви
10589500 - Историческое описание Елецкого Свято-Троицкого мужеского третьеклассного монастыря
10589499 - Историческое описание Елецкого Знаменского девичьего монастыря, что на каменной горе
10589498 - Историческое описание Городецкого Авраамиева монастыря в Костромской губернии
10589497 - Историческое описание Валдайского Иверского Святоозерского Богородицкого первоклассного монастыря
10589496 - Историческое описание Борисовской Тихвинской девичьей пустыни
10589495 - Историческое известие о начале и судьбе Виноградского-Ирдынского монастыря с приложением его документов
10589494 - Историческое известие о всех церквах столичного города Москвы
10589493 - Историческое и археологическое описание Тихоновой Калужской пустыни
10589492 - Историко-статистическое описание церквей и приходов Рижской епархии. Выпуск 3. Часть 1
10589491 - Историко-статистическое описание Кирилло-Белозерского (Успенского) мужского первоклассного монастыря Новгородской епархии
10589490 - Историко-статистическое описание заштатного Староладожского Николаевского монастыря
10589489 - Историко-статистическое описание Задонского Богородицкого монастыря
10589488 - Историко-статистическое описание Богородице-Знаменского Сухотинского женского монастыря
10589487 - Историко-статистическое и археологическое описание церквей Введения Пресвятой Богородицы в селе Ивановском и приписной к ней Христорождественской в селе Черневе с их приходами
10589486 - Историко-статистическое и археологическое описание Корнилиево-Комельского Введенского мужского монастыря
10589485 - Историко-археологическое описание церкви св. Живоначальной Троицы, что в больших Лужниках, в Москве
10589484 - Статистические сведения о приходах Волынской епархии
10589483 - Девятисотлетие Православия на Волыни. 992-1892 г.
10589482 - History of Cooper County Missouri
10589481 - Вознесенская второклаввная общежительная Давидова пустынь Серпуховского уезда, Московской губернии 1515-1915 гг.
10589480 - Владимирская Заоникиева пустыня Вологодской епархии
10589479 - Вкладная книга московского Новоспасского монастыря
10589478 - Виннице-Браиловский женский монастырь и его святыни
10589477 - История византийского права
10589476 - История византийского права
10589475 - Нихон-буё
10589474 - Большие Вязёмы
10589473 - Большие противолодочные корабли проекта 61
10589472 - Большие олимпийские гонки (телепрограмма)
10589471 - Большие противолодочные корабли проекта 1155
10589470 - Иностранная военная интервенция на севере России
10589469 - Интервенция (фильм)
10589468 - Пауэлл, Сэнди
10589467 - ПОЛЁТ Свободной Мысли книга первая Рубаи, Басни, Афоризмы
10589466 - Советское славяноведение
10589465 - Советское славяноведение
10589464 - Советское славяноведение
10589463 - Тобольская епархия. Часть 2. Отдел 2. Описание церквей и монастырей Тобольской епархии
10589462 - Тобольская епархия. Часть 2. Отдел 1. Архипастыри Тобольской епархии
10589461 - Тобольская епархия. Часть 1. Отдел 2. Историко-этнографические сведения о Тобольской губернии
10589460 - Каир (аэропорт)
10589459 - Тобольская епархия. Часть 1. Отдел 1
10589458 - Статистическое описание соборов и церквей Костромской епархии
10589457 - Статистическое описание соборов и церквей Костромской епархии
10589456 - Старинные церкви Костромской губернии
10589455 - Список лицам служащим по Духовному ведомству, Православного исповедания на 1884 г.
10589454 - Святоезерская пустынь. Женский общежительный монастырь в Гороховецком уезде, Владимирской губернии. Историческое описание. Книга 11
10589453 - Сборник законов и форм о наградах
10589452 - Описание города Шуи и шуйских церквей, с приложением сказания о чудесах от чудотворной иконы Шуйской-Смоленской Божией Матери
10589451 - Москва. Виды некоторых городских местностей, храмов, примечательных зданий и других сооружений. Часть 5. Приложение 1
10589450 - Москва. Виды некоторых городских местностей, храмов, примечательных зданий и других сооружений. Часть 5
10589449 - Род князей Волконских
10589448 - Геноцид сербов (1941-1945)
10589447 - Геноцид индейцев
10589446 - Геноцид цыган
10589445 - Птицы (фильм, 1963)
10589444 - Птицы-носороги
10589443 - Энциклопедия элементраной математики
10589442 - Энциклопедия элементарной математики
10589441 - Монотеизм в индуизме
10589440 - Британское королевское астрономическое общество
10589439 - Королевское географическое общество
10589438 - Хасидизм
10589437 - Движение против нелегальной иммиграции
10589436 - Движение Сопротивления (Германия)
10589435 - Движение неприсоединения
10589434 - Движение Сопротивления
10589433 - Калужская старина 1904 г. Том 4. Калужское церковное историко-археологическое общество
10589432 - Калужская старина 1901 г. Том 1. Калужское церковное историко-археологическое общество
10589431 - Историко-статистическое описание Черниговской епархии. Книга 7. Стародубский, Мглинский, Новозыбковский, Глуховский и Нежинский уезды
10589430 - Историко-статистическое описание церквей и монастырей Рязанской епархии, ныне существующих и упраздненных
10589429 - Именной список преосвященным Архиреям
10589428 - Высокопреосвященный Смарагд Крыжановский, архиепископ Рязанский. Его жизнь и деятельность. Части 1-2
10589427 - Поминки по Финнегану
10589426 - Имджинская война
10589425 - Перемирие между Италией и Союзниками во Второй мировой войне
10589424 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII вв.
10589423 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII
10589422 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 9. Волоколамская и Серпуховская десятина
10589421 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 8. Пехрянская десятина
10589420 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 7. Перемышлская и хотунская десятины
10589419 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 6. Вохонская десятина
10589418 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVII столетий
10589417 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 4. Селецкая десятина
10589416 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 3. Загородская десятина
10589415 - Исторические материалы о церквях и селах XVI-XVIII. Выпуск 2. Звенигородская десятина
10589414 - Das Hochgebirge der Republik Ecuador. Volume 2
10589413 - Голая (альбом)
10589412 - Голая Пристань
10589411 - Das Hochgebirge der Republik Ecuador. Volume 1
10589410 - Geologische Studien in Der Republik Colombia, Volume 3
10589409 - Geologische Studien in Der Republik Colombia, Volume 1
10589408 - Медицинские беседы (том 2)
10589407 - Старинные монастыри Томского Края
10589406 - Медицинские беседы (том 1)
10589405 - Списки настоятелей Московского Высокопетровского монастыря с 1379 года
10589404 - Сведения о существующих в России лаврах и монастырях
10589403 - Саввино-Сторожевский монастырь близ Звенигорода
10589402 - Псково-Печерский монастырь
10589401 - Подробное и верное описание монастырей находящихся в Российской империи
10589400 - Пензенская епархия
10589399 - Ах, этот Эрос шаловливый!..
10589398 - Описание второклассного Тверского Успенского Желтикова монастыря
10589397 - Ах, этот Эрос шаловливый!..2
10589396 - О храмах Владимиро-Суздальского княжества XII-XIII в.
10589395 - О погосте Рожке Осташковского уезда
10589394 - Страна Кроватия
10589393 - Сердцу
10589392 - Мемориал (электронный архив)
10589391 - Мемориал Карла Шефера
10589390 - Мемориал Ондрея Непелы
10589389 - И смех и слезы
10589388 - О крестных ходах в городе Пскове и его окрестностях
10589387 - Московский кафедральный Архангельский собор или историческое исследование о родословиях св. мученика князя Черниговского Михаила
10589386 - Лекции по истории русской церкви
10589385 - Можайский Лужецкий второго класса монастырь
10589384 - Летопись Старо-Русского Спасо-Преображенского первоклассного мужского монастыря с 1192 года по 1896 год
10589383 - Краткое описание Рождественского девичьего Тверского монастыря
10589382 - Козелецкий Георгиевский третье-классный мужеский монастырь
10589381 - Киево-Софийский собор. Исследование древней мозаической и фресковой живописи
10589380 - Киево-Златоверхо-Михайловский монастырь. Исторический очерк от основания его до настоящего времени
10589379 - Scritti giuridici varii
10589378 - Contracts
10589377 - История Минской архиепископии. 1793-1832 гг.
10589376 - Историческое и топографическое описание городов Московской губернии с прибавлением исторического сведения о соборах, монастырях и церквах
10589375 - Историческое описание Московского женского общежительного Всех скорбящих радости монастыря
10589374 - Исторические сведения о Саввинской, на Саввинсокй улице, церкви в г. Москве
10589373 - Историко-статистическое описание церквей и приходов Волынской епархии. Том 5. Ковельский уезд
10589372 - Историко-статистическое описание церквей и приходов Волынской епархии
10589371 - Историко-статистическое описание Псковского кафедрального Троицкого собора
10589370 - Иерархия Вятской епархии
10589369 - Ивановская колокольня в Москве
10589368 - Дубровка (Всеволожский район)
10589367 - Дубровка
10589366 - Оркестр
10589365 - Возникновение протетических звуков в праславянском языке
10589364 - Демографическое старение
10589363 - Заложница (фильм)
10589362 - Акты русского на святом Афоне монастыря св. великомученика и целителя Пантелеймона
10589361 - Специальное обозрение Москвы с политипажами всех церквей, монастырей и казенных зданий. Часть 2. Тверская часть
10589360 - Норд-Ост (мюзикл)
10589359 - Славянские названия месяцев
10589358 - Просинечки, Роберт
10589357 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 10. Духовенство Древней Вселенской Церкви
10589356 - Церковно-исторические повествования общедоступного содержания и изложения
10589355 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Т. 8. История Греко-Восточной Церкви под властию турок (1903)
10589354 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 7. Исторические очерки состояния Византийско-Восточной Церкви от конца XI до половины XV в.
10589353 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 6. Очерки внутренней истории Византийско-Восточной Церкви в IX, X и XI веках
10589352 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 5. История разделения Церквей в IX, X и XI веках
10589351 - Собрание слов и речей высокопреосвященного Арсения (Брянцева). Том 5. 1909-1912 гг.
10589350 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 4. История Вселенских Соборов. Часть 2. Вселенские Соборы VI, VII и VIII веков
10589349 - Собрание церковно-исторических сочинений. Том 1. Церковная историография в главных ее представителях с IV века по XX
10589348 - Собрание слов и речей высокопреосвященного Арсения (Брянцева). Том 3. Книга 1. 1897-1900 гг.
10589347 - Собрание слов и речей высокопреосвященного Арсения (Брянцева). Том 2. Книга 2. 1894-1897 гг.
10589346 - Собрание слов и речей высокопреосвященного Арсения (Брянцева). Том 2. Книга 1. 1887-1894 гг.
10589345 - Собрание слов и речей высокопреосвященного Арсения (Брянцева). Том 1. 1873-1887 гг.
10589344 - Москва. Снимки с видов местностей, храмов, зданий и других сооружений. Часть 4
10589343 - Москва. Снимки с видов местностей, храмов, зданий и других сооружений. Часть 3
10589342 - Москва. Снимки с видов местностей, храмов, зданий и других сооружений. Часть 2
10589341 - Москва. Снимки с видов местностей, храмов, зданий и других сооружений. Часть 1
10589340 - Акты Холмогорской и Устюжской епархий. Часть 3
10589339 - Акты Холмогорской и Устюжской епархий. Часть 2
10589338 - Акты Холмогорской и Устюжской епархий. Часть 1. 1500-1699 гг.
10589337 - Инновационная экономика
10589336 - Песни оренбургских казаков. Ч.1-2
10589335 - Путешествие московского купца Трифона Коробейникова с товарищи в Иерусалим, Египет и к Синайской горе, предпринятое по особливому соизволению Государя Царя и Великого Князя Иоанна Васильевича всея России, в 1583 году, и описанное им Коробейниковым
10589334 - Юбилейная памятная книга для духовенства, изданная по случаю 100-летия Пермской епархии
10589333 - Тобольский Епархиальный адрес-календарь на 1897 год
10589332 - Сказочные повести об Азове. "История" 7135 года. Исследование и текст
10589331 - Статистические сведения о церквах и причтах Полоцкой Епархии
10589330 - Справочная книжка по Тамбовской епархии
10589329 - Состав Священно-Церковнослужителей Томской Епархии
10589328 - Русская История т.14
10589327 - Русская История т.12
10589326 - Русская История т.11
10589325 - Справочная книга по Тверской епархии на 1915 год
10589324 - Справочная книга Пермской епархии на 1912 год
10589323 - Русская История т.10
10589322 - Русская История т.8
10589321 - Списки церквей и священников Ставропольской губернии и Кубанской области
10589320 - Русская История т.6
10589319 - Сборник церковно-исторических и статистических сведений о Рязанской епархии
10589318 - Русская История т.5
10589317 - Русская История т.2
10589316 - Русская история т.5
10589315 - Русская история т.3
10589314 - Росписание городских и сельских приходов, церквей и причтов Рязанской епархии
10589313 - Пермский епархиальный адрес-календарь на 1885 год
10589312 - Пермский епархиальный адрес-календарь на 1882 год
10589311 - Памятная книжка по С.-Петербургской Епархии
10589310 - Метрическая книга Полоцкой Духовной Консистории на 1874 год
10589309 - Исторические сведения о возникновении и устройстве Белогорского Свято-Николаевского мужского православного-миссионерского монастыря
10589308 - Историческая записка о Покровской церкви в Ростове на Дону
10589307 - Забайкальская Духовная миссия. 1681 - 1903 гг.
10589306 - Воскресенско-Мироносинский женский общежительный монастырь, в Астраханской губернии вблизи г. Черный Яр. Краткое историческое описание
10589305 - Адрес-календарь Пермской епархии на 1894 год и справочная книжка духовенства
10589304 - Лолита (мода)
10589303 - Авантюристы (телесериал, 2002)
10589302 - Лингвоинформационный подход к высшему иноязычному образованию
10589301 - Авторство Библии
10589300 - Силовик
10589299 - Мир Одноклеточных
10589298 - Адрес-календарь Пермской епархии на 1877 год
10589297 - Адрес-календарь Нижегородской епархии, в память исполнившегося в 1888 году 900-летия крещения Руси
10589296 - Адрес-календарь Екатеринбургской епархии на 1887 год
10589295 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1886 год
10589294 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1885 год
10589293 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1882 год
10589292 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1881 год
10589291 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1880 год
10589290 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1879 год
10589289 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1878 год
10589288 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1877 год
10589287 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1876 год
10589286 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1874 год
10589285 - Оренбургские Епархиальные Ведомости за 1873 год
10589284 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 10
10589283 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 9
10589282 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 8
10589281 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 7
10589280 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 6
10589279 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 5
10589278 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской Епархии
10589277 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 3
10589276 - Историко-статистические сведения о С.-Петербургской епархии. Выпуск 2
10589275 - Явления в канале огнестрельного оружия при выстреле
10589274 - Справочник егеря
10589273 - Проектирование и расчет орудийных стволов и затворов
10589272 - Правка ружейных стволов
10589271 - Нарезание орудийных стволов
10589270 - Конструкция и материал стволов огнестрельного оружия
10589269 - К вопросу о стрельбе по быстро движущимся целям
10589268 - Дробовое ружье и стрельба из него
10589267 - Боеприпасы стрелкового вооружения Патроны, ручные и ружейные гранаты и их устройство
10589266 - Производство стволов стрелкового оружия
10589265 - Функционирование системы озелененных территорий крупных городов Нижнего Поволжья в условиях техногенной нагрузки
10589264 - Устав постовой и патрульной службы милиции
10589263 - Эксплуатация автомобилей и тракторов Советской Армии
10589262 - Основы применения и размещения на местности казематированных фортификационных сооружений
10589261 - Общевойсковое необоронительное строительство РККА. Дома начсостава
10589260 - Начальные основы военно-инженерного дела
10589259 - Курс кавалерийских училищ. Конно-саперное дело
10589258 - Наставление для войск красной армии. Полевые необоронительные постройки
10589257 - Пулемет, бомбомет, миномет и ручные гранаты
10589256 - Учебное пособие по МПВО
10589255 - Ударные войска и огнеметы
10589254 - Руководство службы 7,62-мм самозарядная винтовка образца 1940 г. и 7,62-мм самозарядная снайперская винтовка образца 1940 г.
10589253 - Руководство по ремонту 7,62-мм винтовки образца 1891/1930 гг. средствами войсковых мастерских
10589252 - Руководство для устранения неисправностей и повреждений 3-лин. винтовки образца 1891 г. средствами войсковых оружейных мастерских
10589251 - Описание автомата системы Федорова
10589250 - Инструкция на прием 7,62 мм. (3 лн.) винтовок образца 1891 г.
10589249 - Защита населения в условиях применения атомного, химического и бактериологического оружия
10589248 - Атлас чертежей к руководству для устранения неисправностей и повреждений в оружии
10589247 - Средства личной противохимической защиты
10589246 - Малогабаритный автомат 9А-91
10589245 - Региональные почтовые марки Великобритании
10589244 - Региональные выборы на Украине (2006)
10589243 - Сандово
10589242 - Сандовский район
10589241 - Книга Спасения от Конца Света 2012-2013
10589240 - Координаты Риндлера
10589239 - Field Manual 21-150 Combatives
10589238 - Координационный центр национального домена сети Интернет
10589237 - Святая вода
10589236 - Святая Анна
10589235 - Святой
10589234 - Харири, Рафик
10589233 - Русско-чеченский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589232 - Русско-узбекский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589231 - Русско-румынский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589230 - Русско-грузинский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589229 - Русско-венгерский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589228 - Русско-белорусский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589227 - Русско-азербайджанский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589226 - Русско-чеченский тематический словарь
10589225 - Русско-узбекский тематический словарь
10589224 - Русско-румынский тематический словарь
10589223 - Русско-грузинский тематический словарь
10589222 - Русско-венгерский тематический словарь
10589221 - Русско-белорусский тематический словарь
10589220 - Русско-азербайджанский тематический словарь
10589219 - Русско-чеченский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589218 - Русско-узбекский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589217 - Русско-румынский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589216 - Русско-грузинский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589215 - Русско-венгерский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589214 - Русско-белорусский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589213 - Русско-азербайджанский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589212 - Русско-чеченский тематический словарь
10589211 - Русско-узбекский тематический словарь
10589210 - Русско-румынский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589209 - Русско-грузинский тематический словарь
10589208 - Русско-венгерский тематический словарь
10589207 - Русско-белорусский тематический словарь
10589206 - Русско-азербайджанский тематический словарь
10589205 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589204 - Русско-французский тематический словарь
10589203 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589202 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 9000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589201 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589200 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь
10589199 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589198 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь
10589197 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589196 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь
10589195 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589194 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь
10589193 - Русско-датский тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589192 - Русско-датский тематический словарь
10589191 - Русско-датский тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589190 - Русско-датский тематический словарь. 9000 слов. Международная транскрипция
10589189 - Русско-шведский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589188 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589187 - Русско-турецкий тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589186 - Русско-португальский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589185 - Русско-польский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589184 - Русско-немецкий тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589183 - Русско-итальянский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589182 - Русско-испанский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589181 - Русско-болгарский тематический словарь. 3000 слов
10589180 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589179 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь. 3000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589178 - Русско-шведский тематический словарь
10589177 - Русско-французский тематический словарь
10589176 - Русско-турецкий тематический словарь
10589175 - Русско-португальский тематический словарь
10589174 - Русско-польский тематический словарь
10589173 - Русско-немецкий тематический словарь
10589172 - Русско-итальянский тематический словарь
10589171 - Русско-испанский тематический словарь
10589170 - Русско-болгарский тематический словарь
10589169 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь
10589168 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь
10589167 - Русско-шведский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589166 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589165 - Русско-турецкий тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589164 - Русско-португальский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589163 - Русско-польский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589162 - Русско-немецкий тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589161 - Русско-итальянский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589160 - Русско-испанский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589159 - Русско-болгарский тематический словарь. 7000 слов
10589158 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь. 7000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589157 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь
10589156 - Русско-шведский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589155 - Русско-французский тематический словарь. 9000 слов. Кириллическая транслитерация
10589154 - Русско-турецкий тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589153 - Русско-португальский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589152 - Русско-польский тематический словарь
10589151 - Русско-немецкий тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589150 - Русско-итальянский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
10589149 - Русско-испанский тематический словарь
10589148 - Русско-болгарский тематический словарь
10589147 - Русско-английский (британский) тематический словарь
10589146 - Русско-английский (американский) тематический словарь
10589145 - Топливо
10589144 - Спирс, Абигейл
10589143 - Кастроневеш, Хелио
10589142 - Кастро, Рауль
10589141 - Инцидент в тоннеле на Садовом кольце (1991)
10589140 - Инцидент в Тонкинском заливе
10589139 - Инцидент на Лугоуцяо
10589138 - Сын Отечества. Исторический и политический журнал. Часть 20
10589137 - Сын Отечества. Исторический и политический журнал. Часть01
10589136 - Описание Киева. Иллюстрации
10589135 - Сын Отечества. Исторический и политическiй журнал. Часть 10
10589134 - Книга Спасения от Конца Света 2012-2013
10589133 - Сын Отечества. Исторический и политический журнал. Часть 19
10589132 - Родословная роспись потомковъ великаго князя Рюрика
10589131 - Школьная реформа (Латвия, 2004)
10589130 - Школьная форма
10589129 - Катера и яхты
10589128 - Проектирование гидротехничеких сооружений
10589127 - Конфигурационная статистика полимерных цепей
10589126 - Промышленность и техника. Том 3. Электричество
10589125 - Разделение на ионообменных смолах
10589124 - Электрофотография
10589123 - Новые идеи в математике. Выпуск 4. Учение о числах
10589122 - Пластические массы. Часть 2
10589121 - Современные цементные заводы
10589120 - Авиационные поршневые компрессоры
10589119 - Радиоспектроскопия
10589118 - Цена бессмертия
10589117 - Железобетонные пролетные строения, собираемые навесным способом из блоков
10589116 - Информационная работа стратегической разведки
10589115 - Фильтрование ткани. Изготовление и применение
10589114 - Бронепоезда Белого движения
10589113 - Аксиомы истории. Анализ географии древности
10589112 - Опыты
10589111 - Опыты
10589110 - Опыты
10589109 - Основные вопросы марксизма
10589108 - Введение в философию
10589107 - Клевета
10589106 - Психиатрическая реформа в Италии
10589105 - Единому
10589104 - Идеи Мао Цзэ-дуна
10589103 - Karaganda
10589102 - История человечества
10589101 - История человечества
10589100 - Эстетика в 4-х томах
10589099 - Эстетика в 4-х томах
10589098 - Эстетика в 4-х томах
10589097 - Эстетика в 4-х томах
10589096 - Тридцать лет Коммунистической Партии Китая
10589095 - Рассуждение о добровольном рабстве
10589094 - История человечества
10589093 - История человечества
10589092 - О доверии к себе
10589091 - Ответ киевской комиссии для разбора древних актов на обвинения некоторых газет и журналов по поводу выхода в свет II ч. Архива югозападной России
10589090 - Содержание постановлений дворянских провинциальных сеймов в югозападной России
10589089 - Сведения о начале унии, извлеченные из актов киевского центрального архива
10589088 - Сведения о Ковельском имении, принадлежавшем князю Курбскому
10589087 - Жизнь князя А. М. Курбского в Литве и на Волыни
10589086 - Николай Александрович Лейкин
10589085 - Пух и перья
10589084 - Пик нефти
10589083 - Кусок хлеба
10589082 - Неунывающие россияне
10589081 - История геологического исследования Сибири. Период второй. 1801-1850 гг.
10589080 - Пособие по дактилоскопии
10589079 - Химия боразотных соединений
10589078 - Анализ биологических систем управления
10589077 - Введение в лазерный эмиссионный микроспектральный анализ
10589076 - Мобилизация
10589075 - Кристель, Сильвия
10589074 - Фарина-Элия, Сильвия
10589073 - Экспертная техника
10589072 - Теория плавания под парусами
10589071 - Гидросилилирование, гидрогермилирование и гидростаннилирование
10589070 - Радиолюбительские конструкции транзисторных приемников
10589069 - Основы современной теории потенциала
10589068 - Ремонтно-зарядные аккумуляторные станции
10589067 - Теория корабля
10589066 - Древнее право Чехов
10589065 - Автоколебания управляемых колес автомобиля
10589064 - Реакции и методы исследования органических соединений. Книга 18
10589063 - Реакции и методы исследования органических соединений. Книга 16
10589062 - Элементы магнитной газодинамики
10589061 - Рассуждение об идее личности в древнем праве богемском и скандинавском
10589060 - О плате за убийство в древнем русском и других славянских законодательствах в сравнение с германской верой
10589059 - Эксплуатация паровозов О
10589058 - Эксплуатация (экономика)
10589057 - К истории развития горного промысла в Средней Азии
10589056 - Концентрационные столы
10589055 - Справочник по производству цемента
10589054 - Руководство для небольших библиотек
10589053 - Интуиционизм. Введение
10589052 - Железобетон в ХХ веке
10589051 - Учебник гигиены
10589050 - Иларион (Огиенко)
10589049 - Иларион (Троицкий)
10589048 - Иларион (Капрал)
10589047 - Психиатрическое литературоведение
10589046 - Горелов, Гавриил Никитич
10589045 - Стандарты и принципы оценивания
10589044 - Поколения мобильной телефонии
10589043 - Стандарт
10589042 - Двойная звезда
10589041 - Терминология свидетелей Иеговы
10589040 - Терминатор: Битва за будущее
10589039 - Редактирование изображений
10589038 - Религия в Молдавии
10589037 - Кафедральный собор Святых Петра и Павла (Москва)
10589036 - Кафедральный собор Святого Станислава (Вильнюс)
10589035 - Собор (храм)
10589034 - The Wheelman
10589033 - Wheels
10589032 - Электроника в ядерной физике
10589031 - Теория тепло- и массообмена
10589030 - Химия органических лекарственных препаратов
10589029 - Источники электропитания на полупроводниковых приборах. Проектирование и рачет
10589028 - Конденсаторы постоянной и переменной емкости
10589027 - Прозводство фосфоритной муки, суперфосфата и кремнефтористого натрия
10589026 - Кухня на примусе
10589025 - Хозяйственная необходимость
10589024 - Русская техника
10589023 - Справочная книга для инженеров, архитекторов, механиков и студентов
10589022 - Дафф, Хилари
10589021 - Ламповые усилители сигналов постоянного тока
10589020 - Процессы и аппараты химических производств
10589019 - Как сдавать экзамены
10589018 - Антикризисное управление
10589017 - Механическое оборудование цементных заводов
10589016 - Сушильные аппараты
10589015 - Справочник по комплектации боеприпасов германской артиллерии
10589014 - Упругие, тепловые и электрические явления в ферромагнитных металлах
10589013 - Радиолюбительские измерения
10589012 - Курс лекций для беременных
10589011 - Металлургия редких металлов
10589010 - Херст, Уильям Рэндольф
10589009 - Курение каннабиса
10589008 - Трудовая миграция с Украины
10589007 - Трудовая теория стоимости
10589006 - Трудовая книжка
10589005 - Трудовая группа
10589004 - Гельман, Марат Александрович
10589003 - Магнитский, Сергей Леонидович
10589002 - Краткий очерк развития органической химии в России
10589001 - Введение в методы микроскопического исследования
10589000 - Приемные трубки для цветного телевидения
10588999 - Радиолюбительская УКВ аппаратура
10588998 - О состоянии России и современных государств Европы в XI веке
10588997 - Патриотизм - это последнее прибежище негодяя
10588996 - Истина (фильм)
10588995 - Ракетные крейсера типа "Вирджиния"
10588994 - Ракетные катера проекта 1241
10588993 - Ракетные крейсера типа "Тикондерога"
10588992 - Philosophische Versuche
10588991 - Товарищ
10588990 - Производство сажи
10588989 - Теплоотдача в ламинарном потоке жидкости
10588988 - Теплоотдача пучков труб в поперечном потоке жидкости
10588987 - Полное собрание сочинений Козьмы Пруткова
10588986 - Справедливая торговля
10588985 - Справедливая Россия
10588984 - Недовольство культурой
10588983 - Список правителей Валахии
10588982 - Планета страха
10588981 - Брежнев в филателии
10588980 - Паразитные связи и наводки
10588979 - Методы определения фильтрационных свойств горных пород
10588978 - Химия синтетических красителей. Том 1
10588977 - Линейные ускорители
10588976 - Изучение скоростей в сейсморазведке
10588975 - Пептиды. Том 1
10588974 - Первые годы Советской радиотехники и радиолюбительства
10588973 - Оросительные теплообменники химических производств
10588972 - Синхротронное излучение
10588971 - Накопление релятивистских частиц
10588970 - Ландшафт и архитектура
10588969 - Сушка во взвешенном состоянии
10588968 - Механизм и кинетика радиационно-химических реакций
10588967 - Теория кеплеровых движений летательных аппаратов
10588966 - Кислотоупорщик-футеровщик
10588965 - Библиография русской периодической печати 1703-1900 гг.
10588964 - Причинная связь в уголовном праве
10588963 - Причина
10588962 - Система координат
10588961 - Система APG II
10588960 - Наши детки Веселое воспитание, или несколько игр для родителей
10588959 - Путь к счастью через несчастья
10588958 - Феликсстоув
10588957 - Мендельсон, Феликс
10588956 - Полтавская область
10588955 - Полковник
10588954 - Остров Святого Лаврентия
10588953 - Святогорский государственный историко-архитектурный заповедник
10588952 - Святогорск
10588951 - Святогорская лавра
10588950 - Коровинское шоссе
10588949 - Коровин, Константин Алексеевич
10588948 - A general biographical dictionary
10588947 - A General Dictionary of the English Language
10588946 - Advice to People in General, with Respect to Their Health
10588945 - General report to the Board of trade upon the accidents which have occured on the railways of the United Kingdom
10588944 - The history of Jamaica or, A general survey of the antient and modern state of that island
10588943 - Major General William T. Sherman, and his campaign
10588942 - General Report on Public Instruction in the North Western Provinces of the Bengal Presidency
10588941 - A supplement to the Pharmacopњia and treatise on pharmacology in general
10588940 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster ...
10588939 - A general history of music
10588938 - The clinical pharmacopoeia, or, General principles of practice and prescription
10588937 - Manual of general, descriptive, and pathological anatomy
10588936 - A memoir of General James Oglethorpe
10588935 - A General History Of Music
10588934 - The Monthly repository of theology and general literature
10588933 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyll
10588932 - The youth's general introduction to geography
10588931 - Considerations on the legality of general warrants, and the propriety of a parliamentary regulation of the same
10588930 - A General View of the Stage
10588929 - The General stud book
10588928 - General rules governing employees of the Hartford, Providence & Fishkill railroad
10588927 - General Seydlitz, a military biography
10588926 - A general catalogue of valuable and rare old books, in the ancient and modern languages, and various classes of literature
10588925 - Acts of the State of Tennessee passed at the General Assembly
10588924 - A general history of England
10588923 - A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America and Other Parts of the World
10588922 - General views on archaeology
10588921 - A general history of music
10588920 - Observations on a general iron rail-way, or land steam-conveyance
10588919 - General zoology
10588918 - A general system of toxicology
10588917 - Proceedings of a general court martial for the trial of Major General Arnold
10588916 - The General Baptist repository, and Missionary observer [afterw.] The General Baptist magazine repository and Missionary observer [afterw.] The General Baptist magazine
10588915 - Acts passed at the ... session of the ... General Assembly for the commonwealth of Kentucky
10588914 - The Brighton gleaner; or, General repository of literary selections, general occurrences [&c.].
10588913 - A general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language
10588912 - THE Scots Magazine OR General Repository OF Literature, History, AND Politics
10588911 - Bibliotheca britannica; or, A general index to British and foreign literature
10588910 - A general abridgment and digest of American law
10588909 - A general abridgment of law and equity
10588908 - The principal acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ....
10588907 - Report of the Adjutant General and acting Quartermaster General of the state of Iowa
10588906 - Report of the Adjutant General and acting Quartermaster General of Iowa
10588905 - General orders and index to general orders, 1861-1865
10588904 - Il lume a gas
10588903 - Storia naturale dei terreni ardenti, dei vulcani fangosi, delle sorgenti infiammabili dei pozzi idropirict e di altri fenomeni geologici operati dal gas idrogene e della origine di esso gas, del Dott. Giuseppe Bianconi ...
10588902 - Ricerche storico-critico-scientifiche sulle origini: De'libri. Poesia. Epigrafia. Musica. Giuochi. Aereostatica. Gas
10588901 - Ueber die Verwandlung des Wassers in Stickstoff-Gas
10588900 - Anleitung zur zweckmдssigsten einrichtung der apparate zur beleuchtung mit steinkohlen-gas
10588899 - The theory and practice of gas-lighting
10588898 - An historical sketch of the origin, progress, & present state, of gas-lighting
10588897 - An historical sketch of the origin and progress of gas-lighting
10588896 - The gas manager's handbook
10588895 - New York by Gas-light
10588894 - Some information concerning gas lights
10588893 - Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System: Canada. 3 v
10588892 - Contracts for cooperative and supporting research on enhanced oil and gas recovery and improved drilling methods
10588891 - Oil and gas in Louisiana
10588890 - A Practical Treatise on Gas-light
10588889 - Alaska natural gas transportation system
10588888 - OCS oil and gas
10588887 - Geologic structure and occurrence of gas in part of southwestern New York
10588886 - Records of unsuccessful test wells drilled for oil and gas in Mississippi as of July 1, 1956
10588885 - Garden architecture and landscape gardening
10588884 - The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental perennials
10588883 - The fruit garden
10588882 - The companion for the kitchen garden
10588881 - Garden companion and florists' guide
10588880 - The botanic garden; representations of hardy ornamental flowering plants cultivated in Great Britain; with their names, classes [&c.]. [With] The floral register [and] The fruitist
10588879 - The English garden
10588878 - Partheneia sacra or the mysterious and delicious garden of the sacred parthenes ; symbolically set forth and enriched with pious devises and emblemes... contriued al to the honour of the incomparable Virgin Marie... by
10588877 - The wild garden; or, Our groves & shrubberies made beautiful by the naturalization of hardy exotic plants
10588876 - The spiritual use of an orchard or garden of fruit trees
10588875 - The Covent Garden Magazine Or the Amorous Repository
10588874 - Harris's list of Covent-Garden ladies
10588873 - A plan of Mr. Pope's garden
10588872 - The Flower garden
10588871 - A new orchard and garden
10588870 - A goodly gallerye with a most pleasaunt prospect, into the garden of naturall contemplation, to behold the naturall causes of all kynde of meteors, as wel fyery and ayery, as watry and earthly, of whiche sort be # starres, shooting starres, flames in the
10588869 - The garden flowers of the year
10588868 - Bel-vedйre, of The garden of the muses
10588867 - The botanic garden
10588866 - A catalogue of American and foreign plants, cultivated in the Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Massachusetts
10588865 - The botanic garden
10588864 - The flower garden
10588863 - Tales of the garden of Kosciusko
10588862 - The British flower garden
10588861 - The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental annuals
10588860 - Pharmaco-botanologia: or, an alphabetical and classical dissertation on all the British indigenous and garden plants of the new London dispensatory. ... By Patrick Blair, ...
10588859 - The American flower garden companion
10588858 - Sir Thomas Browne's Works: Pseudodoxia epidemica, books 4-7. The garden of Cyrus. Hydriotaphia. Brampton urns
10588857 - The American flower garden directory
10588856 - Edwards's botanical register, or ornamental flower garden and shrubbery
10588855 - The botanical magazine, or, Flower-garden displayed
10588854 - Reflections on a flower-garden, in a letter to a lady
10588853 - Bahar-Danush; or garden of knowledge
10588852 - The Covent-garden journal, by sir Alexander Drawcansir. by sir Alexander Drawcansir, otherwise Henry Fielding
10588851 - The school garden
10588850 - A Catalogue of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London
10588849 - Curtis's botanical magazine, or, flower-garden displayed
10588848 - Hortus Anglicanus; or, The modern English garden, by the author of the British botanist
10588847 - The Garden Party
10588846 - The British flower garden, (series the second,)
10588845 - Garden Cities of Tomorrow
10588844 - A treatise on the insects most prevalent on fruit trees, and garden produce
10588843 - The Covent Garden journal ...
10588842 - Prйcis de l'histoire de la ville de Gap, suivi de notices biographiques sur les йvкques de cette ville
10588841 - Description des fossiles du terrain nummulitique supйrieur des environs de Gap, des Diablerets et de quelques localitйs de la Savoie
10588840 - Lettre pastorale de monseigneur l'evesque de Gap aux nouveaux catholiques de son diocese
10588839 - Recueil historique des merveilles que Dieu a opйrйes a Notre-Dame du Laus, prиs Gap en Dauphinй, par l'intercession de la sainte Vierge et des principaux traits de la vie de Benoite Rencurel, surnommйe la Bergиre du Laus
10588838 - Reflexions de M. Hervй ancien evкque de Gap sur differentes matieres de religion
10588837 - The Delaware water gap
10588836 - The mayor of Wind-Gap
10588835 - Cronica de D. Pedro Nino, conde de Buelna por Gutierre Diaz de Games su Alferez. La publica Don Eugenio de Llaguno Amirola,...
10588834 - Bohn's New Hand-book of Games
10588833 - Hoyle's games, improved and enlarged by new and practical treatises
10588832 - Festivals, games, and amusements
10588831 - The Hand-book of Games
10588830 - Morphy's Games
10588829 - The boy's handy book of sports, pastimes, games and amusements
10588828 - The Law and Practice of the Games of Euchre
10588827 - Chess studies; or endings of games, by Kling and Horwitz, ed. by H.C. Mott
10588826 - Games of skill, and conjuring [by C.H. Bennett.].
10588825 - Morphy's Games of Chess
10588824 - The boy's book of sports and games
10588823 - The Book of parlour games
10588822 - Games and sports for young boys
10588821 - The Book of parlour games
10588820 - The American boy's book of sports and games
10588819 - Games for family parties and children
10588818 - Hobbinol, or the rural games
10588817 - Hoyle's games
10588816 - Chess studies: comprising one thousand games
10588815 - Morphy's match games
10588814 - Games and Sports
10588813 - Games of Whist, Quadrille Piquet quinze Vingt un ...
10588812 - The Book of Games, Or, A History of Juvenile Sports
10588811 - Hoyle's games improved
10588810 - A Selection of Games at Chess, actually played by Philidor and his Contemporaries
10588809 - Mr. Hoyle's games of whist, quadrille [&c.].
10588808 - The Games of the match of chess played between the London and the Edinburgh Chess Clubs, in 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828 with Notes...
10588807 - The Noble Game of Chess
10588806 - The Noble Game of Billiards
10588805 - The game of chesse
10588804 - On the Persian game of chess
10588803 - A short treatise on the game of whist
10588802 - A treatise on the game of chess
10588801 - Considerations on the game laws
10588800 - The royall game of chesse-play
10588799 - The game law
10588798 - A letter on the game laws
10588797 - practical chess grammar: or an introudcution to the royal game of chess
10588796 - The works of Gianutio, and Gustavus Selenus on the game of chess
10588795 - A treatise on the game of chess
10588794 - A treatise on the game of chess
10588793 - Gioachino Greco on the Game of Chess
10588792 - Stamma on the game of chess
10588791 - Gamonia, or, The art of preserving game
10588790 - A treatise on the game of chess
10588789 - The game of life
10588788 - The Game of Life and How to Play It
10588787 - Traitй des gains nuptiaux et de survie, qui sont en usage dans les paпs de droit йcrit, tant du ressort du parlement de Paris, que des autres parlemens
10588786 - No gains without pains
10588785 - Traitй des gains nuptiaux et de survie en usage dans les pays de droit йcrit, tant du ressort du parlement de Paris, que des autres parlemens contenant tout ce qui concerne les augmens de dot, agencements, contre-augmens, donations de survie, bagues & joy
10588784 - The young gentleman and lady instructed in such principles of politeness, prudence, and virtue, as will lay a sure foundation for gaining respect, esteem, and satisfaction in this life, and eternal happiness in a future state
10588783 - The Rich Men of the World, and how They Gained Their Wealth
10588782 - Three essays on the subjects propsed by the Cambrian Society in Dyfed which gained the respective prizes at the Eisteddfod held at Caermarthen
10588781 - Hipparque ou L'amour du gain: dialogue, tr. avec une intr. et des notes [by the comte de Fortia d'Urban].
10588780 - Le gain du fidиle
10588779 - Loss and gain
10588778 - To live is Christ, to die is gain
10588777 - Mandement de Monseigneur l'Evкque de Montpellier au sujet de l'appel qu'il a interjette conjointement avec Mrs. les Evкques de Mirepoix de Senez, & de Boulogne au future Concile gйnйral, de la Constitution de N. S. P. le Pape Clement XI. du 8. Septembre 1
10588776 - A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
10588775 - The future life
10588774 - Nicaragua: past, present and future
10588773 - London; past, present and future [poem].
10588772 - Canada ; past, present and future
10588771 - Exegetical essays on several words relating to future punishment. ...
10588770 - Status and future potential of crystallography
10588769 - Remarks on secular & domestic architecture, present & future
10588768 - Chicago: past, present, future
10588767 - The fleet of the future: iron or wood/
10588766 - The philosophy of a future state
10588765 - Reply to Professor Stuarts
10588764 - The future of Russia
10588763 - Jonah: his life, character and mission, viewed in connexion with the prophet's own times, and future manifestations of God's mind and will in prophecy
10588762 - France and England: a vision of the future. Transl
10588761 - The velocipede, its past, its present & its future, by J.F.B.
10588760 - Anticipations of the future, to serve as lessons for the present time
10588759 - An examination of the doctrine of future retribution
10588758 - The Future of Africa
10588757 - South Shields: its past, present, and future! A lecture. [With] Decennial suppl
10588756 - New York, Past, Present, and Future
10588755 - Past, present & probably the future state of the wine trade ...
10588754 - The literature of the doctrine of a future life, or, A catalogue of works relating to the nature, origin, and destiny of the soul
10588753 - Literature of the doctrine of a future life
10588752 - The harmony of the law [of Moses] and the gospel with regard to the doctine of a future state
10588751 - The Unseen Universe
10588750 - New South Wales; its present state and future prospects
10588749 - An Essay on the Principle of Population, as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society
10588748 - The happy future state of England
10588747 - Future of nuclear science
10588746 - Lectures on future punishment
10588745 - Environmental program for the future
10588744 - Strictures on the Past History of the Jews and on the Future Prospects of that People
10588743 - An essay on the future life of brute creatures
10588742 - A short account of Danegeld: with some further particulars relating to Will. the conqueror's survey. By a member of the Society of antiquaries of London [signing himself P.C.W.].
10588741 - The Ansayrii, and the Assassins, with travels in the further East, in 1850-51
10588740 - A collection of papers relating to the Thames quay, with hints for some further improvements in the metropolis
10588739 - Further report on the famine in Bengal and Orissa in 1866, with appendices
10588738 - Further Confessions of Zeno
10588737 - An essay for the further improvement of dancing
10588736 - A further account of the sufferings of the persecuted Protestants in the archbishoprick of Saltzburg:
10588735 - A further account of the rise and progress of astronomy amongst the antients, in three letters to Martin Folkes, Esq; President of the Royal Society
10588734 - Truth further defended and William Penn vindicated
10588733 - Further adventures of Jemmy Donkey
10588732 - The Protestant Dissent Further Vindicated
10588731 - Some considerations concerning the publick funds,
10588730 - Observations on clerical funds, a letter
10588729 - View of the history, constitution, & funds, of the Guildry, and Merchants House of Glasgow
10588728 - An Account of the several public funds
10588727 - Teorнa fundamental de las circunstancias agravantes y atenuantes de los delitos
10588726 - Teorнa fundamental de las circunstancias atenuantes y agravantes de los delitos
10588725 - Allgemeines Europдisches Staats-Rechts-Lexicon, oder Repertorium Aller, sonderlich in den letzt verwichenen 5. Seculis, bis auf heutigen Tag, zwischen den hohen Mдchten, in ganz Europa, geschlossenen Friedens-Allianz-Freundschafts-Commercien- und anderer
10588724 - Catecismo fundamental y universal o Consideraciones y convencimientos fundamentales de las verdades de la religiуn ...
10588723 - Mystica fundamental de Christo ... explicada por ... San Juan de la Cruz ... ; y El religioso perfecto ...
10588722 - Schutz der Anhaltischen geheymen Cantzley, Oder deren dritter Theyl, Das ist: Nothwendige Ehrenrettung, auch auЯfьhrliches Fundamental Examen, vnd wohlgegrьndte Widerlegung des vnlangst widerichen auЯgangenen Berichts, welcher wider die Anhaltisch: geheym
10588721 - Mystica fundamental de Christo Senor Nuestro
10588720 - Fundamental Philosophy.
10588719 - Ta Tsing Leu Li being the fundamental laws, and a selection from the supplementary statutes of the penal code of China; (etc.) Transl. from the Chinese and accompanied with an appendix ... by George Thomas Staunton
10588718 - On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts
10588717 - Apologetic lectures on the fundamental truths of Christianity
10588716 - Fundamental aspects of dislocation theory
10588715 - Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
10588714 - Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants; Proceedings
10588713 - The fundamental words of the Greek language
10588712 - Elementary or fundamental principles of the philosophy of natural history
10588711 - Fundamental research and the process of education
10588710 - Glьckseeligister Fund Nach Helden-mьthiger Verliehrung Alles des Seinigen
10588709 - Glьckseliger Fund
10588708 - Quarterly statement - Palestine Exploration Fund
10588707 - Observations on the superannuation fund
10588706 - An essay on the sinking fund
10588705 - Oriental Translation Fund
10588704 - Theory of the Functions of the Human Passions
10588703 - The nervous system and its functions
10588702 - Professor Schroeder van der Kolk on the minute structure and functions of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata And on the proximate cause and rational treatment of epilepsy
10588701 - The Functions and disorders of the reproductive organs ...
10588700 - A treatise on the functions and duties of a constable ...
10588699 - On the nature of Gothic architecture: and herein of the true functions of the workman in art. Being the greater part of the 6th chapter of the 2nd vol. of 'Stones of Venice'. [48 p.].
10588698 - A description of the human: its structure & functions
10588697 - Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions
10588696 - A Treatise on the Calculus of Functions
10588695 - Theory of conjugate functions, or algebraic couples
10588694 - On the functions of the cerebellum
10588693 - A manual of botany: comprising vegetable anatomy and physiology; or, The structure and functions of plants
10588692 - A treatise on the structure, functions and diseases of the human sympathetic nerve
10588691 - Loading Functions for Assessment of Water Pollution from Nonpoint Sources
10588690 - Prophecy viewed in respect to its distinctive nature, its special function, and proper interpretation
10588689 - Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion
10588688 - Monumentum vitae bonae ac diuturnae memoriae ... V. N. P. Draingii, Reip. Hamb. Senatoris ... dicatum Programmate fun
10588687 - Programma ad concionem fun. in memoriam Jo. Schmidii Theol. D. ...
10588686 - Memoriam ... Rahelis Christianae e gente Winckleria, Car. Frid. Trierii ... coniugis ... hoc programmate fun. commendat Acad. Lipsiensis Rector
10588685 - Memoria aeterna ... Leopoldi Magni, Romanorum Imp. ... in Acad. Fridericiana laudatione fun. ... dedicata
10588684 - Fun
10588683 - Mrs. Partington's Carpet-bag of Fun ...
10588682 - The Laughing philosopher; or, Fun, humour and wit ...
10588681 - Arithmology; or, Theory of common arithmetic fully proved without algebra
10588680 - The certainty of the world of spirits fully evinced
10588679 - A full collation of the Codex Sinaiticus with the received text of the New Testament
10588678 - Andreae Alciati Emblematum flumen abundans; or, Alciat's Emblems in their full stream
10588677 - Antigua and the Antiguans: a Full Account of the Colony and Its Inhabitants from the Time of the Caribs to the Present Day, Interspersed with Anecdotes and Legends
10588676 - the new army list, and militia list; exhibiting the rank,standing,and various services of every regimental officer in the army serving on full pay
10588675 - Organizational maintenance, repair parts, and special tool list for tank, combat, full-tracked, 105-mm gun, M48A5 (2350-00-582-5595) turret
10588674 - Revised regulations for the Army of the United States, 1861 with a full index
10588673 - Full annals of the revolution in France, 1830 ...
10588672 - Narrative of the murder of the late rev. J. Waterhouse; with a full report of the trial, confession, & execution of the murderer (J. Slade).
10588671 - The history of English poetry. A full repr. of ed., London 1778 & 1781
10588670 - A Full and Circumstantial Account of the Memorable Battle of Waterloo
10588669 - A full and arranged digest of the decisions in common law, equity, and admiralty, of the courts of the United States
10588668 - A Tamil handbook, or, Full introduction to the common dialect of that language
10588667 - A full report of the trial of Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, queen of England, before the peers of Great Britain
10588666 - The Works of Alexander Hamilton: Miscellanies, 1774-1789: A full vindication; The farmer refuted; Quebec bill; Resolutions in Congress; Letters from Phocion; New-York Legislature, etc
10588665 - New and Full Moons 1001 B.C. to A.D. 1651
10588664 - First lessons in Tamil, or, A full introduction to the common dialect of that language
10588663 - A Full View Of The Public Transactions In the Riegn of Q. Elisabeth: Or A Particular Account Of All The Memorable Affairs of that Queen
10588662 - A full account of the atrocious murder of the late Mr. W. Weare
10588661 - Canine pathology, or A full description of the diseases of dogs
10588660 - A full view of the public transactions in the reign of Q. Elizabeth
10588659 - A full inquiry into the subject of suicide
10588658 - A full report of the trial of Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of England
10588657 - A true and full relation of the witches at Pittenweem [&c.].
10588656 - A full account of the siege of Minorca
10588655 - Full Moon is Rising
10588654 - Vie d'Elisabeth Fry
10588653 - Der Erbaren, fry Rykes unde Seestede Lьbeck, Bremen, Hamborch, Rostock, Stralsund unde Lьneborch Christlik. Mandat wedder die Sacramentschender (etc.)
10588652 - Evangelium Matthaei translatum a Thoma Fry et Gulielmo B. Collyer.)
10588651 - Memoir of the life of Elizabeth Fry
10588650 - Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Fry
10588649 - Voyage historique de l'Amйrique mйridionale, fait par ordre du roi d'Espagne par Don George Juan ... et par Don Antoine de Ulloa ...: p., p. [1]-200, 193*-200*, 201-208, 201*-208*, front., f. de pl. Xxvi-Xxxvii, en grande partie dйpl
10588648 - Abrйgй de l'histoire romaine par Eutrope, depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'а la mort de l'empereur Jovien. Traduction nouvelle avec des notes critiques... par M. l'Abbй Lezeau [Ep. dйd. а Mgr. de La Vergne de Tressan. - Front. gr. par L. Cassin]
10588647 - Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de lettres et а ceux qui exercent les diffйrentes parties de l'art de l'imprimerie par Fournier, le jeune... [Front. gr. par. E. Fessard]
10588646 - Parallйle de la Doctrine des Payens, avec celle des Jesuites, & de la Constitution du Pape Clement XI. qui commence par ces mots : "Unigenitus Dei Filius. Revelabo pudenda tua in facie tuв, & ostendam gentibus nuditatem tuam, & renis ignominiam tuam ; & p
10588645 - Eryci Puteani in Is. Casauboni ad front. ducaeum S. I. Theologum V. C. Epistolam stricturae liber prodromus
10588644 - Eryci Puteani in Is. Casauboni ad Front. Ducaeum epistolam stricturae
10588643 - Eryci Puteani in Is. Casauboni ad Front. Ducaeum S.I. theologum V.C. epistolam stricturae liber prodromus
10588642 - Eryci Puteani In Is. Casavboni Ad Front. Dvcaevm S. I. Theologvm Epistolam Strictvrae Liber Prodromvs
10588641 - Iconography of the west front of Wells cathedral
10588640 - Dissertations sur les prolegomenes de Uvalton. [tr. from the Lat. by - Йmery?].
10588639 - Cameos from English history, from Rollo to Edward II.
10588638 - A history of the Articles of religion. To which is added a series of documents, from A.D.1536 to A.D.1615; together with illustrations from contemporary sources
10588637 - All the Western States and Territories, from the Alleghanies to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf
10588636 - A collection of letters, statutes, and other documents, from the ms. library of Corp. Christ. coll., illustrative of the history of the University of Cambridge during the period of the reformation, from A.D. MD., to A.D. Mdlxxii
10588635 - Journal of a six weeks' tour. Letters from Geneva. Journal at Geneva: ghost stories, Journal: return to England. Letters from Italy
10588634 - The negociations ... in his embassy to the ottoman Porte from the year. 1621-28 inclusive. Now first publ. from the originals
10588633 - Golden apples, or, Seasonable and serious counsel from the sanctuary to the rulers of the earth
10588632 - A letter from monsieur de Cros
10588631 - Gospel-separation separated from its abuses
10588630 - The Oceana, and Other Works, Now First Publish'd from His Own Manuscripts (etc.)
10588629 - News from the stars
10588628 - A Journal or historical Account of the life, travels ... and labour of love in the work of the ministry. From the 1. ed. in George Yard. 1694
10588627 - History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent
10588626 - Observations on the epidemical diseases in Minorca from the year 1744 to 1749
10588625 - From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
10588624 - Ten Tales from Shakespeare
10588623 - Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period ...
10588622 - The history of England from the invasion of Julius Cesar to the Revolution in 1668
10588621 - From Ritual to Romance: History of the Holy Grail Legend
10588620 - Letter from the Secretary of War
10588619 - A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans
10588618 - Tales from Shakespeare
10588617 - Letters from England
10588616 - Popular Tales From the Norse
10588615 - A letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a noble lord
10588614 - A history of prices, and of the state of the circulation, from 1793 to 1837
10588613 - Extracts from a journal
10588612 - History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814
10588611 - The works of the English poets, from Chaucer to Cowper
10588610 - The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Revolution in 1688
10588609 - News From Nowhere
10588608 - A memoir of the late major-general Robert Craufurd, repr. from the Military panorama, with an account of his funeral by the author of 'The subaltern' [G.R. Gleig] repr. from 'The Gem'.
10588607 - Tales from the German, comprising specimens from the most celebrated authors
10588606 - pt. I. From 1620 to 1641.- v. 2, pt. II-IV. From 1641 to 1692
10588605 - The theory and practice of brewing from malted and unmalted corn and from potatos
10588604 - A list of bankrupts ... from Jan. 1, 1786, to June 24, 1806
10588603 - Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carleton ... during his embassy in Holland, from January 1615/16, to December 1620
10588602 - Outlines from the antients
10588601 - Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, and Freeholder: Selections from the Tatler. Selections from the Spectator [no.5-150
10588600 - Jo. Fries M. tractatus hist. pol. de fatis et rationibus legum Mosaicarum generalibus
10588599 - De Vrije Fries
10588598 - Transactions of the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends during the famine in Ireland, in 1846 and 1847
10588597 - Description of the Retreat, an institution near York, for insane persons of the Society of friends
10588596 - Little ferns for Fanny's little friends
10588595 - Memoirs of madame Malibran, by the countess de Merlin and other friends. With a selection from her correspondence
10588594 - Tixall letters; or The correspondence of the Aston family, and their friends, during the seventeenth century, with notes by A. Clifford
10588593 - Our garden friends and foes
10588592 - Letters, &c., of early Friends
10588591 - The history of the Society of Friends in America
10588590 - The Garies and their friends
10588589 - Autobiography of William Stout, of Lancaster, wholesale and retail grocer and ironmonger, a member of the Society of Friends. A.D. 1665-1752
10588588 - Lady Huntington and her friends; or, The revival of the work of God in the days of Wesley, Whitefield, Romaine, Venn, and others in the last century
10588587 - Early Cumberland and Westmoreland Friends
10588586 - The Two Friends
10588585 - Observations on the religious peculiarities of the Society of Friends
10588584 - Lives of the friends and contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon
10588583 - Our departed friends
10588582 - Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends
10588581 - Familiar letters between Mr. John Locke, and several of his friends
10588580 - Friends intelligencer
10588579 - The doll and her friends
10588578 - Health: its friends and its foes
10588577 - Friends' review
10588576 - The London Friends' meetings
10588575 - Letters from a late eminent prelate to one of his friends
10588574 - The letters of Madame de Sйvignй to her daughter and friends
10588573 - Letters of ... George Cornewall Lewis, Bart. to various friends
10588572 - Daniel and his three friends, 7 lectures by the author of 'Plain preaching to poor people'.
10588571 - Epistles from the Yearly meeting of Friends
10588570 - Bessie and her friends
10588569 - Adolphe Monod's farewell to his friends and to the church
10588568 - A descriptive catalogue of Friends' books
10588567 - Rab and his friends
10588566 - A group of Englishmen (1795 to 1815) being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends
10588565 - The cricket's friends
10588564 - A Brief account of the life and religious labors of Sarah Grubb, (formerly Sarah Lynes), a minister of the gospel in the Society of Friends
10588563 - Literary hours; by various friends [ed. by J. Ablett].
10588562 - The Society of Friends vindicated
10588561 - Letters from a young painter abroad [J. Russell] to his friends in England
10588560 - Works of Fisher Ames, compiled by a number of his friends
10588559 - Sailor's letters written to his select friends in England during his voyages and travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America from the year 1754 to 1759, 1
10588558 - Miscellaneous poems. The illustrious friends; address to music and poesy. &c. &c. By Samuel Ashby
10588557 - The letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero to several of his friends
10588556 - The Friends' library
10588555 - Report of the trial of Friends
10588554 - Friends' miscellany
10588553 - Letters, written by the late Jonathan Swift ... and several of his friends
10588552 - Minute book of the Men's Meeting of the Society of Friends in Bristol, 1686-1704
10588551 - Letters from an Armenian in Ireland, to his friends at Trebisond, &c. Translated in the year 1756
10588550 - Some reflections on the importance of a religious life, offered to the younger members of the Society of Friends
10588549 - Friends and Independents
10588548 - Original anecdotes of Frederic the second, king of Prussia, and of his family, his court, his ministers, his academies, and his literary friends
10588547 - The school for friends, a comedy
10588546 - Letters, written by Jonathan Swift, D.D. Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. And several of his friends
10588545 - Epistles and testimonies issued by the yearly meetings of Friends
10588544 - Letters of M. de Voltaire to several of his friends
10588543 - Letters of Madame de Sйvignй to her daughter and her friends
10588542 - Shakspeare and his friends
10588541 - Biographical notices of members of the Society of friends
10588540 - The Letters to Several of His Friends
10588539 - Private correspondence of William Cowper, Esq., with several of his most intimate friends
10588538 - Friends Library: The history
10588537 - Letters of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne, to his most intimate friends
10588536 - Music and friends
10588535 - Friends' monthly magazine
10588534 - A remonstrance to the Society of Friends
10588533 - Letters of the late John Thorp, of Manchester, a minister of the Gospel in the Society of Friends
10588532 - Some familiar letters between Mr. Locke, and several of his friends..
10588531 - Letters from the Abbй Edgeworth to his friends
10588530 - Minute book of the Men's Meeting of the Society of Friends in Bristol 1667-1686
10588529 - Private correspondence of William Cowper with several of his most intimate friends. Now first published from the originals in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson
10588528 - Letters Written By The Late Jonathan Swift, D. D. Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin; And Several Of His Friends
10588527 - Principles and prospects of the friends of peace
10588526 - Tonga and the Friendly Islands
10588525 - Friendly and Feejee islands
10588524 - A brief account of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
10588523 - British antiquities revived, or A friendly contest touching the soveraignty of the three princes of Wales in ancient times
10588522 - THE Friendly Societies' Journal.
10588521 - A friendly visit to the house of mourning ...
10588520 - A friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions
10588519 - The Friendly Stars
10588518 - Friendly Intruders
10588517 - A friendly and charitable legacy to the world
10588516 - The sixth commandment friendly to virtue, honor and politeness
10588515 - Friendly cautions to the heads of families and others, very necessary to be observed in order to preserve health and long life
10588514 - A friendly visit to the house of mourning [by R. Cecil].
10588513 - The Friendly societies' and licensed victuallers' journal, freehold land, building, and general advertiser [afterw.] The Friendly societies' journal (with which is incorporated The Friendly societies' gazette).
10588512 - Friend
10588511 - Our Mutual Friend
10588510 - Joseph AND HIS Friend: A Story OF Pennsylvania
10588509 - The Prisoners' friend
10588508 - Female piety: or, The young woman's friend and guide through life to immortality
10588507 - The Miner's Friend
10588506 - The knitter's friend, a selection of receipts in knitting, netting, and crochet work
10588505 - The Friend, ed. by R. Smith, Vol. [1st and 2nd eds. of vol.1. The 1st ed. of vol.1 wanting no.7, 14-17, 25, 26].
10588504 - The young man's friend and guide through life to immortality
10588503 - The young housewife's counsellor and friend
10588502 - Correspondence of Lord Byron, with a friend
10588501 - The sailors' magazine and seamen's friend
10588500 - Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge
10588499 - The friend of Australia
10588498 - The british friend
10588497 - The Mother's assistant and young lady's friend
10588496 - The friend of women
10588495 - The present state of wit in a letter to a friend in the country. London, 1711
10588494 - Principles of design in architecture, a series of letters to a friend
10588493 - A letter to a friend of Robert Burns
10588492 - Letters from the late Rev. William Romaine ... to a friend
10588491 - The friend of Africa
10588490 - Letters to a female friend
10588489 - The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr Abraham Adams. In two volumes. ... By Henry Fielding, ...
10588488 - Dana's Seaman's friend
10588487 - The sinner's friend
10588486 - The Female's Friend
10588485 - Gunn's domestic medicine, or, Poor man's friend, in the hours of affliction, pain, and sickness ...
10588484 - The absurdity and perfidy of all authoritative toleration of ... heresy ... in Britain, in two letters to a friend
10588483 - The Seaman's Friend
10588482 - Youth's friend
10588481 - The Home friend, a weekly miscellany of amusement and instruction
10588480 - The Female's friend
10588479 - The Friend, conducted by S.T. Coleridge, No
10588478 - The Jewish expositor, and Friend of Israel
10588477 - The British Friend
10588476 - Letters from a Persian in England, to his friend at Ispahan
10588475 - The wonderful narrative: or, A faithful account of the French prophets, their agitations, extasies, and inspirations. To which are added several other instances of persons under the influence of the like spirit, a letter to a friend [by C. Chauncy].
10588474 - The Bristol Job Nott, or, Labouring man's friend
10588473 - Mother's assistant and young lady's friend...
10588472 - Essays in a series of letters to a friend
10588471 - Letters written in France, in the summer 1790, to a friend in England
10588470 - The young housekeeper's friend
10588469 - Child's friend and youth's magazine
10588468 - Letters from a lady, who resided some years in Russia, to her friend in England [by mrs. W. Vigor].
10588467 - The practical housekeeper, and young woman's friend
10588466 - The Lady's friend
10588465 - The Friend of progress
10588464 - Parting gift to a Christian friend
10588463 - The Photographer's friend
10588462 - The juvenile miscellany, or, Friend of youth
10588461 - The universal restoration, exhibited in four dialogues between a minister and his friend
10588460 - Letters from a Moor at London to his friend at Tunis
10588459 - The labourer's friend
10588458 - A catechism of perspective. By a friend to youth
10588457 - Origines divisianae. Or the antiquities of the Devizes: in some familiar letters to a friend, wrote in the years 1750, and 1751
10588456 - Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History "of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern provinces of North America". ... In a series of letters to a friend, by Roderick Mackenzie, ...
10588455 - Epistle to a friend
10588454 - The Children's friend [ed.] by W.C. Wilson [and others].
10588453 - The Friend of India
10588452 - A catechism of music. By a friend to youth
10588451 - The Youth's friend
10588450 - The friend
10588449 - The catechism of modern history. By a friend to youth
10588448 - Letters to a Friend
10588447 - Letters to a friend
10588446 - The history of myself and my friend
10588445 - Letters from a gentleman in the North of Scotland to his friend in London
10588444 - The Friend of peace
10588443 - The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams
10588442 - Moral and entertaining stories, for youth: selected by a friend
10588441 - Fifth epistle to a friend in town, Warwickshire, and other poems
10588440 - A letter to a friend, relative to the present state of the Island of Domнnнca
10588439 - Reflections on Mr. Wall's History of Infant-baptism, in Several Letters to a Friend
10588438 - The Friend
10588437 - Letters to a friend, on the evidences, doctrines, and duties of the Christian religion
10588436 - The Friend, or, Advocate of truth
10588435 - Letters to a sick friend
10588434 - The young lady's friend, by a lady [E.W. Farrar].
10588433 - The Labourers' friend magazine
10588432 - Fresh leaves from the diary of a Broadway dandy
10588431 - Land and fresh water shells of North America
10588430 - О функциях наименее уклоняющихся от нуля в данном промежутке
10588429 - Fresh leaves
10588428 - A manual of the land and fresh-water shells of the British Islands
10588427 - Testacea Britannica Or Natural History of British Shells, Marine, Land, and Fresh-water
10588426 - Mr. A--d's motives for renouncing the popish and re-embracing the protestant religion, in which he was educated; with several fresh instances of the unchristian principles of the papists in general, and the Jesuits in particular
10588425 - Mine d'or dans laquelle l'on dйcouvre le fin or des grвces cйlestes, qu'on tire du frequent, & bon usage des SS. Sacrements de pйnitence et d'eucharistie
10588424 - A treatise of the diseases most frequent in the West-Indies, and herein more particulary of those which occur in Barbadoes
10588423 - A persuasive to frequent communion
10588422 - An expostulatory address to all who frequent places of diversion and gaming
10588421 - French Wines and Vineyards
10588420 - A catalogue raisonnй of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters ... with a copius description of their principal pictures, etc...
10588419 - The Women of the French Revolution
10588418 - The French Cook, Or, The Art of Cookery
10588417 - A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated from the French of the Abbй Raynal, by J. Justamond, ...
10588416 - History of the French revolution
10588415 - Принципы работы циклических ускорителей
10588414 - On the state of Europe before and after the French Revolution
10588413 - An historical sketch of the French Revolution, 2
10588412 - Sketches of the state of manners and opinions in the French republic
10588411 - A new method of learning the French language
10588410 - Memoir upon the late war in North America, between the French and English, 1755-60
10588409 - Pronouncing reading book of the French language
10588408 - Bњuf's new and complete grammar of the French tongue
10588407 - The New Italian, English, and French Pocket Dictionary: English before the French and Italian
10588406 - Considerations on the nature of the French revolution
10588405 - A French and English dictionary
10588404 - The whole French language
10588403 - Diamond pocket dictionary of the French language
10588402 - Familiar dialogues in Japanese with English & French translations...
10588401 - Conversations on Italy; in English and French
10588400 - French love songs
10588399 - Adventures of a young rifleman in the French and English armies, durng the war in Spain an Portugal, from 1806 to1816
10588398 - A dictionary of two thousand Italian, French, German, English, and other musical terms
10588397 - The liturgy of the French Protestant church
10588396 - A new pocket-dictionary and vocabulary of the English, Flemish and French Languages
10588395 - A Dictionary, of the Norman Or Old French Language
10588394 - Anecdotes of the French Revolution of 1830
10588393 - A History of the Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution
10588392 - A treatise on the French verbs, regular, irregular, defective
10588391 - Catalogue of the works exhibited in the British section of the exhibition, in French and English
10588390 - A new pocket dictionary of the French and English language ...
10588389 - A law glossary of the Latin, Greek, Norman, French, and other languages
10588388 - The Royal dictionary, english and french, and french and english
10588387 - A new dictionary, English and French, and French and English ...
10588386 - Narrative of the French revolution in 1830
10588385 - Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval; with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish
10588384 - Technological military dictionary, German-English-French
10588383 - Old English and French ornament
10588382 - A historical grammar of the French tongue
10588381 - A new French grammar
10588380 - The complete French master
10588379 - A book of the French verbs
10588378 - The royal phraseological English-French, French-English dictionary
10588377 - Memoirs and reminiscences of the French revolution
10588376 - Epistles translated from the French of Mr. Voltaire
10588375 - Ollendorff's new method of learning to read, write, and speak the French language
10588374 - A defence of Louis XVI. Translated from the French
10588373 - The royal dictionary. French and English. English and French. Revu & augmentй
10588372 - A French grammar ...
10588371 - Memoir of Baron Larrey, surgeon-in-chief of the Grande Armйe, from the French
10588370 - Beautiful thoughts from French and Italian authors
10588369 - An explanatory pronouncing dictionary of the French language, (in French and English)
10588368 - Grammatical institutes of the French language; or, The teacher's French assistant
10588367 - The philosophical dictionary, from the French
10588366 - History of the Catholic Church: From the Renaissance to the French Revolution
10588365 - French homonyms
10588364 - French cathedrals
10588363 - A French grammar ...
10588362 - First impressions on a tour upon the Continent in the summer of 1818, through parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, the borders of Germany, and a part of French Flanders
10588361 - The French cook
10588360 - The works of Moliere, French and English ...
10588359 - The new pocket dictionary of the French and English languages
10588358 - The French Gardiner;
10588357 - A new universal French grammar
10588356 - Fabliaux or tales, abridged from French manuscripts of the XIIth and XIIIth centuries
10588355 - The French revolution of 1830
10588354 - Six stories, in English and French
10588353 - Peace. Reasons why terms of peace should be offered to the French nation
10588352 - A theoretical and practical grammar of the French language
10588351 - The compleat French-master, for ladies and gentlemen ...
10588350 - Medieval French Literature and Law
10588349 - Illustrations of the Anglo-French coinage
10588348 - Annals of the French revolution
10588347 - The History of the War, from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Present Time
10588346 - Theoretical and practical grammar of the French language ...
10588345 - Memoirs of General Lafayette and of the French revolution of 1830
10588344 - Biographical memoirs of the French revolution
10588343 - The history of the French revolution
10588342 - New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85. Translated from the French of Le Vaillant. Illustrated with a map, ... In three volumes. ...
10588341 - History of Europe from the commencement of the French revolution in M.DCC.Lxxxix to the restoration of the Bourbons in M.Dccc.XV.
10588340 - A comparative view of the French and English nations, in their manners, politics and literature
10588339 - A French grammar
10588338 - The French anas ...
10588337 - History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in Mdcclxxxix to the Restoration of the Bourbons in Mdcccxv
10588336 - The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
10588335 - History of the French Revolution
10588334 - A Catalogue Raisonnй of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: Gerard Dow, Peter van Slingelandt, Francis van Mieris, William van Mieris, Adrian Ostade, Isaac Ostade, and Philip Wouwermans
10588333 - Adventures of a French serjeant
10588332 - Select proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scotish, British, &c. chiefly moral
10588331 - The Old French Johannes Translation of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle
10588330 - Prose Works: Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; with a preliminary view of the French revolution
10588329 - The complete French master for ladies and gentlemen ...
10588328 - A grammar of the French tongue
10588327 - A new pocket dictionary of the French and English languages
10588326 - The works of Moliere, French and English
10588325 - The art of French cookery
10588324 - The British and French expeditions to Teembo
10588323 - A French and English dictionary
10588322 - A Catalogue Raisonnй of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters: Gerard Dow, Peter van Slingelandt, Francis van Mieris, William van Mieris, Adrian Ostade, Isaac Ostade, and Philip Wouwermans
10588321 - The old French way of managing treaties
10588320 - Royal memoirs on the French revolution
10588319 - Boyer's French Dictionary
10588318 - The new pocket-dictionary of the French and English languages
10588317 - History of the Wars of the French Revolution
10588316 - A Grammar of the French Language with Practical Exercises
10588315 - Thoughts on the present state of French politics, and the necessity and policy of diminishing France
10588314 - The French Revolution
10588313 - The law-French dictionary alphabetically digested
10588312 - English, French and Italian
10588311 - Intercepted letters. Letters intercepted on board the Admiral Aplin, captured by the French; and inserted by the French government in the Moniteur, and two supplementary sheets, of the 16th September 1804
10588310 - Jacobite and nonjuring principles, freely examined
10588309 - The oeconomy of the sexes. Or the doctrine of divorce, the plurality of wives, and the vow of celebacy freely examined. ...
10588308 - The case of the Hessian forces, in the pay of Great-Britain, impartially and freely examin'd;
10588307 - The law of freedom and bondage in the United States
10588306 - A treatise on the will: containing i. A review of [J.] Edwards' Inquiry into the freedom of the will [&c.].
10588305 - Autographs FOR Freedom.
10588304 - Freedom and war
10588303 - The Liberty bell, by friends of freedom [ed. by M.W. Chapman].
10588302 - Christian freedom: chiefly taken from Bolton's 'True bounds' by the author of 'Three years in Italy' [&c., signing herself S.M.].
10588301 - Freedom national; slavery sectional
10588300 - The freedom of the will as a basis of human responsibility and a divine government
10588299 - Freedom and independence for the golden lands of Australia
10588298 - Voices of freedom
10588297 - My Bondage and My Freedom ...
10588296 - A review of Edwards's "Inquiry into the freedom of the will."
10588295 - The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom
10588294 - The New Freedom; a Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
10588293 - Freedom and slavery in the United States of America
10588292 - The harp of freedom
10588291 - Freedom for Priscilla
10588290 - A letter concerning enthusiasm. Sensus communis; an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. Soliloquy, or advice to an author
10588289 - The Colonizationist and journal of freedom
10588288 - Champions of freedom
10588287 - A letter ... to such of the citizens and electors of Dublin, as have preserved their freedom, independence and integrity
10588286 - Freedom of the Will
10588285 - Le Free-Holder, Ou L'Anglois Jaloux de Sa Libertй
10588284 - Le free-holder [by J. Addison]. Tr. de l'anglois
10588283 - The principles of free trade
10588282 - The ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies
10588281 - Sufferings endured for a free government
10588280 - Lands of the slave and the free
10588279 - The Progress of His Royal Highness, Prince Alfred Ernest Albert, through the Cape Colony, Brittish Kaffraria, the Orange Free State, and Port Natal, in the year 1860
10588278 - Three tracts respecting the conversion and instruction of the free indians, and negroe slaves in the colonies
10588277 - The History of Free Masonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland
10588276 - The Master Workman; Or, True Masonic Guide: Containing Elucidations of the Fundamental Principles of Free-masonry, Operative and Speculative--morally and Beneficially
10588275 - The life, labors, and travels of elder Charles Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist denomination
10588274 - Free Love and Its Votaries
10588273 - The free schools and endowments of Staffordshire, and their fulfilment
10588272 - Free Love
10588271 - Richard Cobden, the apostle of free trade
10588270 - A history of the free churches of England, from A.D. 1688-A.D. 1851
10588269 - The History of the New-York African Free-schools
10588268 - united methodist free churches
10588267 - The constitutions of the free-masons
10588266 - The Free Church Pulpit
10588265 - GOD Sovereign AND MAN Free
10588264 - The free-trader
10588263 - Historical notices of the collegiate church or royal free chapel and sanctuary of St. Martin-le-Grand, London
10588262 - Free thoughts on religion, the Church, and national happiness, by B.M.
10588261 - Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolicфn liber. The bucolics of Virgil, literally tr. into Engl. prose: with a more free tr., notes [&c.], by T.W.C. Edwards
10588260 - The Danube and the Black Sea: memoir on their junction by a railway between Tchernavoda and a free port at Kustendjie: with remarks on the navigation of the Danube, the Danubian provinces, the corn trade ...
10588259 - The relations and duties of free colored men in America to Africa
10588258 - THE United Methodist Free Churchs' Magazine
10588257 - A critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion
10588256 - What IS Free Trade?
10588255 - An account of the Free-School Society of New York
10588254 - History of the colonization of the free states of antiquity
10588253 - A free and independent translation of the first and fourth books of the Aeneid of Virgil
10588252 - Turkey and its resources: its municipal organization and free trade [&c.].
10588251 - Martin Luther on the bondage of the will, written in answer to the diatribe of Erasmus on free-will, tr. by H. Cole
10588250 - The free grant lands of Canada
10588249 - A free inquiry into the nature and origin of evil
10588248 - The Free Church of Scotland monthly record
10588247 - A free and impartial censvre of the Platonick philosophie
10588246 - How a free people conduct a long war
10588245 - The scripture-doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination
10588244 - The free-holder by Addisson
10588243 - The free schools of Worcestershire, and their fulfilment
10588242 - On Freedom and Free Enterprise
10588241 - The Free enquirer
10588240 - Free Masonry
10588239 - A General History of Free-masonry in Europe
10588238 - The gymnastic free exercises of P.H. Ling
10588237 - Philosophical history of free-masonry and other secret societies
10588236 - The Council of Trent plainly discover'd not to have been a free assembly
10588235 - A full and free inquiry into the merits of the peace; with some strictures on the spirit of party
10588234 - The history of the pirates, free-booters, or buccaneers of America
10588233 - A free inquiry into the miraculous powers
10588232 - The Free Church of Scotland and American slavery
10588231 - Songs of the Free and Hymns of Christian Freedom
10588230 - The free-holder, or, Political essays
10588229 - The motives of Richard Sheldon pr. for his iust, voluntary, and free renouncing of communion with the Bishop of Rome, Pavl the 5. and his church. ...
10588228 - Free thoughts on religion, the church, and national happiness
10588227 - A Second Free-Gift to the Clergy : Or the HirelingPriests, of what Denomination Soever Again Challeng' D to a Disputation on this Question ; Whether the Hireling Preachers of this Age... be Not Worshippers of the Apocalyptical Beast... By Thomas Woolston.
10588226 - Remarks upon - Free & candid disquisitions relating to the Church of England
10588225 - A free-gift to the clergy, or, The hireling priests of what denomination soever, challeng'd to a disputation on this question
10588224 - Memoirs of the life and ministerial conduct, with some free remarks on thepolitical voritings of the late Lord Life Bolingroke
10588223 - Animadversions upon Mr. Tho. Chubb's discourse on miracles, considered as evidences to prove the divine original of a revelation. ... To which is added, an appendix, containing Dr. Turnbull's queries, which are humbly offered to the serious consideration
10588222 - Memoirs of the life and ministerial conduct, with some free remarks on the political writings, of the late lord visc. Bolingbroke [by D. Mallet]. [on large paper].
10588221 - A free comment on the late Mr. W-g-n's apology for his conduct
10588220 - A free and impartial enquiry into the extraordinary and advantagious bargain, (lately under the consideration of Parliament) for remitting money for the pay of the forces abroad, for the year 1743. Being a faithful specimen of the oeconomy and management
10588219 - Free thoughts concerning occasional conformity for an office
10588218 - A letter to a member of parliament concerning the free British fisheries
10588217 - His Majesty's royal charter, granted on the eleventh day of October, 1750, in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King George the Second, for incorporating the Society of the free British fishery
10588216 - A free-gift to the clergy
10588215 - A philological essay: or, reflections on the death of free-thinkers. ... By monsieur D- of the Royal Academy of Sciences in France, and author of the Poetж rusticantis literatum otium. Translated from the French by Mr. B- ...
10588214 - Observations on the impolicy of permitting the exportation of British wool, and of preventing the free importation of foreign wool
10588213 - Some of the beauties of Free-masonry
10588212 - A free translation of the Preface to Bellendenus
10588211 - On the influence attributed to philosophers, free-masons, and to the illuminati
10588210 - A candid disquisition of the principles and practices of the most ancient and honorable Society of free Masons ...
10588209 - An Essay on Colonization, Particularly Applied to the Western Coast of Africa, with Some Free Thoughts on Cultivation and Commerce
10588208 - Remarks upon a late Discourse of free-thinking
10588207 - Free masonry
10588206 - Free observations on the scurvy, gout, diet, and remedy
10588205 - Free parliaments
10588204 - The free-holders grand inquest
10588203 - The Antiquities of Free-masonry
10588202 - Free man's companion
10588201 - A letter to ... George Canning ... relative to a free trade in corn in Great Britain
10588200 - The New Free-mason's Monitor
10588199 - A short view of the history of free-masonry
10588198 - The ... annual report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States
10588197 - The Free-thinker
10588196 - The free thinker or essays of wit and humour
10588195 - Free and safe government
10588194 - Principles of Free-masonry Delineated ...
10588193 - Free thoughts upon Methodists, actors, and the influence of the stage
10588192 - Pamphlets on free trade
10588191 - A discourse of free-thinking
10588190 - The universall free grace of the gospell asserted, or The light of the ... gospell ... shining forth universally
10588189 - The Pocket Companion and History of Free-masons
10588188 - Economics of the Free Society
10588187 - Free and impartial considerations upon the free and candid disquisitions relating to the Church of England
10588186 - A free answer to Dr. Middleton's Free inquiry into the miraculous powers of the primitive church
10588185 - The minute mathematician: or, The free-thinker no just-thinker, a 2nd letter to the author of the Analyst [G. Berkeley] containing a defence of sir I. Newton against A defence of free-thinking in mathematicks. By Philalethes Cantabrigiensis
10588184 - A confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of the world, a sermon
10588183 - The philosophy of insanity, by a late inmate of the Glasgow royal asylum [- Frame].
10588182 - The teacher's assistant in the use of the fourth volume of Union questions
10588181 - King Henry the Fourth
10588180 - 24TH Congress, 2D Session - Message From THE President OF THE United States, TO THE TWO Houses OF Congress, AT THE Commencement OF THE Second Session OF THE Twenty-Fourth Congress
10588179 - A Diurnal of remarkable occurrents that have passed within the country of Scotland since the death of King James the Fourth till the year Mdlxxv.
10588178 - Jefferson and liberty, or, Celebration of the fourth of March
10588177 - Elements of botany and vegetable physiology, tr. from the fourth ed. by W. Macgillivray
10588176 - Observations in illustration of Virgil's celebrated fourth eclogue
10588175 - Proceedings, fourth Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Research Institute, October 17-18, 1955, Washington
10588174 - Memoirs of the public and private life of Her most gracious Majesty Caroline, queen of Great Britain, and consort of King George the Fourth
10588173 - Henry the fourth of France
10588172 - memoirs of George the fourth, 2
10588171 - The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England
10588170 - Tales of a grandfather, fourth series
10588169 - Diary illustrative of the times of George the Fourth
10588168 - The Life and Times of England's Patriot King William The Fourth
10588167 - An impartial examination of the fourth volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans ...
10588166 - Les Aphorismes d'Hippocrate, rangez selon l'ordre des parties du corps humain, avec des nouvelles explications, divers remиdes et plusieurs observations de pratique sur les maladies, par M. Du Four,...
10588165 - The last four books of the Pentateuch
10588164 - Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England
10588163 - The four Gospels of the New Testament in Greek from the Text of Griesbach
10588162 - A harmony of the four Gospels
10588161 - A supplement to the four volumes of The peerage of England
10588160 - A narrative of four journeys into the country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria
10588159 - Four years in Great Britain, 1831-1835
10588158 - Deism refuted: or, The truth of Christianity demonstrated, by infallible proof from four rules. In a letter, by a lover of truth [C. Leslie].
10588157 - Descriptive excursions through South Wales and Monmouthshire, in ... 1804, and the four preceding summers
10588156 - Ephemeris of the distances of the four planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the moon's center ...
10588155 - Questions on select portions of the four Evangelists
10588154 - An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries in Four Books
10588153 - Twenty-four sermons ...
10588152 - The first four books of Milton's Paradise lost, with notes, by J.R. Major
10588151 - Military memoirs of four brothers
10588150 - Four sermons
10588149 - Sixty-four practical sermons
10588148 - Annotations on the four Gospels
10588147 - A defence of the Trinitatian system, in twenty-four sermons
10588146 - Four letters to the Earl of Carlisle
10588145 - A paraphrase on the four Evangelists
10588144 - The four Gospels
10588143 - Lives of the most eminent fathers of the church that flourished in the first four centuries
10588142 - An authentic narrative of four years' residence at Tongataboo
10588141 - A musical grammar in four parts
10588140 - The gradual revelation of the gospel from the time of man's apostacy, set forth in twenty-four sermons, preached at the lecture founded by R. Boyle
10588139 - Travels of four years and a half in the United States of America
10588138 - Testimonies of the fathers of the first four centuries
10588137 - Bills, Public: Three Volumes. Annuities; Army Pensions; Beer; Canada Constables AND Constabulary; County Bates; Four-PER-Cents; Game; Holyhead Roads; Session 5 February - 23 July 1830. VOL. II.
10588136 - A Narrative of Four Voyages, to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean
10588135 - A collection of poems in four volumes
10588134 - Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth
10588133 - Exhibit pictures from the four regional research laboratories
10588132 - Four Dissertations
10588131 - Four years in Paraguay
10588130 - The cause of God and truth; in four parts. With a vindication of part IV. From the cavils, calumnies, and defamations, of Mr. Henry Heywood, &c
10588129 - Voyage to, and travels through the four principal islands of the African seas
10588128 - The history of the reign of the emperor Charles V with a view of the Progress of Society in Europe ... in four volume
10588127 - Vatican sculptures, selected, and arranged in the order in which they are found in the galleries, briefly explained by Robert Macpherson
10588126 - The internal structure of fossil vegetables found in the carboniferous and oolitic deposits of Great Britain
10588125 - Plantж rariores in Hibernia inventж or, Habitats of smoe plants, rather scarce and valuable, found in Ireland
10588124 - A Mind That Found Itself
10588123 - An Essay on a Punic Inscription Found in the Island of Malta
10588122 - A catalogue of the plants found in Ireland
10588121 - The lost sheep found. A sermon
10588120 - A dictionary of the most important names, objects, and terms, found in the holy scriptures
10588119 - ¬Le Tableau de la fortune
10588118 - Le Sage rйsolu contre la bonne et mauvaise fortune, nouvellement mis en franзois
10588117 - L'histoire des grecs, ou de ceux qui corrigent la fortune au jeu
10588116 - Entretiens Familiers De Petrarque Sur La Bonne Et Mauvaise Fortune
10588115 - Traittй de la fortune des gens de qualitй et des gentilshommes particuliers
10588114 - L'argent ou l'art de faire fortune : traitй pratique des affaires
10588113 - L' Homme а bonne Fortune
10588112 - Recherches sur la maison o9u Blaise Pascal est nй et sur la fortune d'
10588111 - La fortune marastre de plusieurs Princes et grands seigneurs de toutes nations
10588110 - Le Sage resolu contre l'une et l'autre Fortune
10588109 - Fragment de l'examen du prince de Machiavel. Oщ il est traictй, des confidens, ministres, et conseillers particuliers du Prince, ensemble, de la fortune des favoris
10588108 - Traittй de la fortune des gens de qualitй et des gentilshommes particuliers, enseignant l'art de vivre а la Cour suivant les maximes de la politique et de la morale
10588107 - Memoires de Marguerite de Valois, reine de France et de Navarre, Auquels on a ajoыtй son Eloge, celuy de Monsieur de Bussy (par Brantфme) & la Fortune de la Cour (par P. Dammartin et C. Sorel. Ed. par J. Godefroy)
10588106 - Le Favori De La Fortune
10588105 - Un lendemain de fortune, ou, Les embarras du bonheur
10588104 - L'homme а bonne fortune
10588103 - Le plaisant jeu du dodechedron de fortune
10588102 - Le dodechedron de fortune
10588101 - Georges, ou le favori de la fortune
10588100 - De la fortune publique en France et de son administration
10588099 - Ducatiana; ou, Remarques de feu M. Le Duchat: ptie. I. Additions au Menagiana. II. Additions aux Peroniana & Thuana. III. Additions aux Melanges d'histoire et de litterature recueillis par M. de Vigneul-Marville. IV. Les Memoires pour servir а l'histoire
10588098 - Les vicissitudes de la fortune
10588097 - Un jeu de la fortune, ou Les marionnettes
10588096 - L' Ecole du Monde. (XIIIe) Entretien de la fortune dans la finance par Mr Le Noble
10588095 - Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune
10588094 - The fortune-teller; or, Peeps into futurity
10588093 - The parasite, or The art to make one's fortune
10588092 - The wheel of fortune
10588091 - Humane prudence, or, The art by which a man may raise himself and fortune to grandeur, by A.B.
10588090 - Holme park, or, The reverses of fortune
10588089 - The Tarot: Its Occult Significance, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play, Etc.
10588088 - French and Indian cruelty: exemplified in the life, and various vicissitudes of fortune, of Peter Williamson
10588087 - The Begum's Fortune
10588086 - Explication littйrale et morale des Йvangiles de saint Mathieu et de saint Marc [by J. Polinier. The vol. concerning st. Mark's gospel forms a separate work].
10588085 - The English language in its elements and forms
10588084 - Forms of decrees in equity
10588083 - Practice, pleadings, and forms in civil actions in courts of record in the State of New York
10588082 - Forms of animal life
10588081 - On the diseases and derangements of the nervous system, in their primary forms and in their modifications by age, sex, constitution, hereditary predisposition, excesses, general disorder and organic disease
10588080 - A treatise on the writ of scire facias, with an appendix of references to forms
10588079 - List of marine Mollusca comprising the Quaternary fossils and recent forms from American localities between cape Hatteras and cape Roque, including the Bermudas
10588078 - Lectures on the pathology and treatment of lateral and other forms of curvature of the spine
10588077 - Измерение и анализ случайных процессов
10588076 - Forms of ecclesiastical law
10588075 - Concise forms of wills
10588074 - The Principal forms of the skeleton and the teeth
10588073 - Richmond's book of legal forms and law manual
10588072 - Civil list and forms of government of the Colony and State of New York
10588071 - Теория потенциальной помехоустойчивости
10588070 - Частотные электрические фильтры
10588069 - Теория циклических ускорителей
10588068 - Динамика разреженного газа
10588067 - Основы синтеза линейных электрических цепей во временной области
10588066 - Реакции и методы исследования органических соединений. Книга 13
10588065 - Реакции и методы исследования органических соединений. Книга 19
10588064 - Реакции и методы исследования органических соединений. Книга 2
10588063 - Активные угли
10588062 - Расчеты атомных структур
10588061 - ВКБ-приближение
10588060 - Современная фототелеграфная аппаратура
10588059 - Кассетные роботы
10588058 - Преодоление прошлого
10588057 - Отходы пищевой промышленности и их использование
10588056 - Введение в пиротехнику
10588055 - Гидрогеология с основами гидрологии суши
10588054 - Расчеты теплообменных аппаратов
10588053 - Парусно-моторные суда
10588052 - Ректификация фурфурола
10588051 - Циклические ускорители заряженных частиц
10588050 - Введение в теорию помехоустойчивого кодирования
10588049 - Статистические проблемы выделения потока сигналов из шума
10588048 - Краткий курс математического анализа для втузов
10588047 - Химия и технология синтетических лекарственных средств
10588046 - Ручная математическая энциклопедия
10588045 - Ручная математическая энциклопедия
10588044 - Применение в экономике теории графов
10588043 - Рязань (хоккейный клуб)
10588042 - Обед душевный
10588041 - Шаховской, Дмитрий Иванович
10588040 - Музыкальное воспитание дошкольников: теория и практика
10588039 - Архив военно-походной канцелярии гр. П.А. Румянцева-Задунайского.Ч. 1. 1767-1769. ЧОИДР. Кн. 1
10588038 - Остатки славянъ на южномъ берегу Балтiйскаго моря
10588037 - Памятники этрусские (Monumenti Etruschi o di Etrusco nome) т.6
10588036 - Памятники этрусские (Monumenti Etruschi o di Etrusco nome) т.5. ч.2
10588035 - Поездка в центральную Россию для собирания этнографических коллекций
10588034 - Жезл правления
10588033 - Бразильская литература
10588032 - Бразильская старая республика
10588031 - История о царях и великих князьях земли русской. По списку С.-Петербургской Духовной Академии № 306
10588030 - О древностях Константинополя. Ч.2. (фактически "Словарь древностей Константинополя" Г.Ласкина)
10588029 - Материалы для истории исправления богослужебных книг. Об исправлении устава церковного в 1682 году и месячных Миней в 1689-1691 гг
10588028 - Славянские средневековые манускрипты. Библиография напечатанных каталогов
10588027 - Новгородские писцовые книги. Т.1. Переписная оброчная книга Деревской пятины около 1495 года. 1-я половина
10588026 - Новгородские писцовые книги. Т.4. Переписные оброчные книги Шелонской пятины 1498, 1539, 1552-1553 гг
10588025 - Приданое по обычному праву крестьян Архангельской губернии
10588024 - Понятия крестьян Орловской губернии о природе физической и духовной
10588023 - Московское государство при царе Алексее Михайловиче и патриархе Никоне по запискам архидиакона Павла Алеппского
10588022 - Писцовые книги Ижорской земли
10588021 - Переворот 1762 года. Сочинения и переписка участников и современников. Изд.3-е испр
10588020 - Собрание Словенских памятников, находящихся вне России. Кн.1. Памятники, собранные в Германии
10588019 - Список русским памятникам
10588018 - Девятая ревизия. Исследование о числе жителей в России в 1851 году
10588017 - Состояние Российской державы и Великого княжества Московского
10588016 - Книга сия зовомая Огледало, описася ради потреби и ползования препростейшим и некнижним язиком Болгарским Долния Миссии...
10588015 - Монументальное искусство
10588014 - Монументаль Ривер Плейт
10588013 - Миссия "Североатлантический альянс"
10588012 - Генератор псевдослучайных чисел
10588011 - Патруль Карлсона
10588010 - Голубиные
10588009 - Философия жизни
10588008 - Известия древних писателей греческих и латинских о Скифии и Кавказе
10588007 - Византийский альбом. Т.1. Вып.1
10588006 - Академик Василий Григорьевич Васильевский
10588005 - Борьба великого князя киевского Святослава Игоревича с императором Иоанном Цимисхием
10588004 - Египетские заимствования в греческом языке
10588003 - Исторический список епископов и потом патриархов святой и великой церкви Христовой, находящейся в Константинополе, от 36 года по р.х. по 1834
10588002 - Трапезундская хроника Михаила Панарета. Татские этюды. Тексты и татско-русский словарь
10588001 - Общество любителей древней письменности № 120. Миниатюры некоторых рукописей византийских, болгарских, русских, джагатайских и персидских
10588000 - О подделке предметов классической древности на юге России. (Извлечено из Трудов 10-го Археологического съезда.)
10587999 - История византийского искусства и иконографии по миниатюрам греческих рукописей
10587998 - Известия византийских историков, объясняющих российскую историю древних времён и переселения народов; ч.1
10587997 - Мир гуннов. исследование их историии культуры
10587996 - Известия византийских историков, объясняющих российскую историю древних времён и переселения народов; ч.2
10587995 - Записки о продовольствии войск в военное время. Ч.1
10587994 - Времясчисление христианского и языческого мира с изложением календарей: китайского, японского, народов Индокитая, египетского, древнегреческого, римского, Юлианского и Григорианского, а также еврейского и магометанского, и с особенно-подробным объяснением
10587993 - Известия Русского Археологического Института в Константинополе Том 14
10587992 - Математическая обработка результатов наблюдений
10587991 - Метод наименьших квадратов и основы математико-статистической теории обработки наблюдений
10587990 - Основные принципы термодинамики
10587989 - Атлантис
10587988 - Дискавери (шаттл)
10587987 - Шаттлворт, Марк
10587986 - Квальярелла, Фабио
10587985 - Братеево (Москва)
10587984 - Братец медвежонок
10587983 - Братеево (район Москвы)
10587982 - Химки (баскетбольный клуб)
10587981 - Химки (футбольный клуб)
10587980 - Геометрические неравенства и задачи на максимум и минимум
10587979 - Колонизация Луны
10587978 - Лунная радуга (роман)
10587977 - Лунная династия
10587976 - Лунная радуга (фильм)
10587975 - Сексуальное рабство
10587974 - Сексуальная самоидентификация
10587973 - Сексуальные преступления против несовершеннолетних
10587972 - Сексуальная революция
10587971 - Призрак Оперы (фильм, 2004)
10587970 - Призрак в доспехах: Синдром одиночки
10587969 - Призрак Оперы (мюзикл)
10587968 - Привидение
10587967 - Куликов, Виктор Георгиевич
10587966 - Куликов, Анатолий Сергеевич
10587965 - Кулик-сорока
10587964 - Кулик, Григорий Иванович
10587963 - Культура Клеток И Тканей Растений
10587962 - Числа и фигуры
10587961 - Датчик
10587960 - Памятниковедение
10587959 - Теория затмений.
10587958 - Курс сферической астрономии.
10587957 - Методы астродинамики.
10587956 - Методы астродинамики
10587955 - Космическая геодезия.
10587954 - Элементы динамики космического полета.
10587953 - Методы спутниковой геодезии.
10587952 - American Combat Judo
10587951 - Звуковые сигналы BIOS
10587950 - Сигналы (дайвинг)
10587949 - Сигнал
10587948 - Shooting to live
10587947 - Hand Off - Self Defense for Women
10587946 - All-In Fighting/Get Tough!
10587945 - My Method of Self-Defence
10587944 - Успехи в химии и технологии редкоземельных элементов
10587943 - Безумные сказки Андрея Ангелова
10587942 - Грузоподъёмный кран
10587941 - Arwrology: All-Out Hand-to-Hand Fighting
10587940 - Нобелевская премия по химии
10587939 - Нобелевская премия
10587938 - Германия на летних Олимпийских играх 2012
10587937 - Теории гибели западной цивилизации
10587936 - Теории заговора относительно событий 11 сентября 2001 года
10587935 - Уинтерс, Шелли
10587934 - Combat Judo
10587933 - Конте, Лансана
10587932 - Хрестоматия по латинской христианской литературе
10587931 - Московский государственный университет путей сообщения
10587930 - Конкурсы искусств на Олимпийских играх
10587929 - 7 самураев
10587928 - Самурай Джек
10587927 - Самурай Чамплу
10587926 - Хожение за три моря
10587925 - Хождение в Каноссу
10587924 - Плавательный бассейн
10587923 - Характеристики персонажа в Dungeons & Dragons
10587922 - Список политических партий Российской Федерации
10587921 - Избирательные блоки на Украине
10587920 - Машинный перевод
10587919 - Тойота (команда Формулы-1)
10587918 - Дон Кихот (роман)
10587917 - Хитроу
10587916 - Диптих
10587915 - George Washington
10587914 - Могильный, Александр Геннадьевич
10587913 - Городской округ Балашиха
10587912 - Городской округ Домодедово
10587911 - Герцль, Теодор
10587910 - Журнал "Смена"
10587909 - Журнал "Смена"
10587908 - Space Quest (серия игр)
10587907 - Брянская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия
10587906 - Брянская операция
10587905 - Брянская область
10587904 - Снятие с креста (Рогир ван дер Вейден)
10587903 - Снятие с креста (картина Рубенса)
10587902 - Физикелла, Джанкарло
10587901 - Таракановка (приток Москвы)
10587900 - Мирновка
10587899 - Проекты и группы музыкантов Disbelief
10587898 - Поставки электроэнергии в Финляндию
10587897 - Армейский цикл
10587896 - Внешняя политика Пакистана
10587895 - Володарский мост
10587894 - Эдуард Чёрный Принц
10587893 - Эдуард Исповедник
10587892 - Пхеньян
10587891 - Женитьба Бальзаминова (пьеса)
10587890 - Причинная
10587889 - Известные львовяне
10587888 - Украинское (Крым)
10587887 - Украинское реестровое казачество (организация)
10587886 - Украинское государственное правление
10587885 - Украинское имя
10587884 - Украинское барокко
10587883 - Канадская пенсионная программа
10587882 - Космическая программа Китая
10587881 - Космическая программа СССР
10587880 - Космическая платформа
10587879 - Космическая опера
10587878 - Космическая одиссея 2001 года
10587877 - Научный креационизм
10587876 - Состояние вооружённых сил Австрии на начало Австро-прусско-итальянской войны
10587875 - Состояние (шаблон проектирования)
10587874 - Состояние монет
10587873 - Копетдаг (футбольный клуб)
10587872 - Космический симулятор (жанр)
10587871 - Палестинские беспорядки 1929 года
10587870 - Замок Орх
10587869 - Зеленая душа Эркейда Кримзона
10587868 - Адрес-календарь Нижегородской епархии
10587867 - Лягушки
10587866 - Обыкновенная овсянка
10587865 - Рояль
10587864 - Электрический предохранитель
10587863 - Вандальская война
10587862 - Джонс, Джеймс Эрл
10587861 - Джонс, Томми Ли
10587860 - Эйприл Райан
10587859 - Триумф Казановы
10587858 - Полторацкий, Владимир Александрович
10587857 - Полторацкий, Константин Маркович
10587856 - Фельдмаршал Румянцев
10587855 - Civilist AND Forms OF Government OF THE Colony AND State OF NEW York.
10587854 - Practical forms of proceedings under the laws of New Jersey
10587853 - A Latin grammar on the system of crude forms
10587852 - The Lord's prayer in 250 languages and 180 forms of writing
10587851 - A guide to magistrates: with practical forms for the discharge of their duties out of court
10587850 - Abstract of the forms of deeds relating to heritable rights with observations
10587849 - Forms of prayer, and other offices, for the use of Unitarian societies
10587848 - Minor antiquities of Edinburgh, by the author of 'Traditions of Edinburgh' [to which it forms a suppl. Half title reads Reekiana].
10587847 - Treatise on the deeds and forms used in the constitution, transmission, and extinction of feudal rights
10587846 - A practical treatise on the forms of process
10587845 - Forms for facilitating the records of post mortem appearances
10587844 - Vegetative characteristics of some wild forms of saccharum and related grasses
10587843 - Religious ceremonies and customs, or, The forms of worship practised by the several nations of the known world, from the earliest records to the present time
10587842 - A system of the forms of deeds used in Scotland
10587841 - Bibliotheca Lusitana; or, Catalogue of books and tracts, relating to ... Portugal: forming part of the library of John Adamson
10587840 - Jacobi Perizonii orationes xii [ed. by F.G. Westhovius. With] Dissertationes septem. [2 vols., forming Opuscula minora].
10587839 - Dilston hall; or, Memoirs of James Radcliffe, earl of Derwentwater. To which is added a visit to Bamburgh castle [&c.] forming the 2nd ser. of Descriptive and historical notices of Northumbrian churches and castles
10587838 - Catalogue of a collection of books, mostly printed in London and on the continent of Europe ... forming the library of Mr. Richard Grant White
10587837 - A New Universal Biography: Forming the first volume of series III
10587836 - Lessons on the book of Proverbs, topically arranged, forming a system of practical ethics
10587835 - A manual of Gothic stone carving. Forming no. i. of a ser. of manuals of Gothic ornament
10587834 - Useful Tables, Forming an Appendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society
10587833 - The Mah
10587832 - The stranger's companion; forming a complete guide through the university and town of Cambridge
10587831 - Cours de sciences sur des principes nouveaux et simples, pour former le langage, l'esprit et le coeur, dans l'usage ordinaire de la vie
10587830 - L'art de greffer les arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes fruitiers, forestiers ou d'ornement pour les multiplier les former ou les mettre а fruit
10587829 - La botanique de J.J. Rousseau, contenant tout ce qu'il a йcrit sur cette science ; l'Exposition de la mйthode botanique de M. de Jussieu ; La maniиre de former les herbiers, par M. Haьy
10587828 - La logique ou L'art de penser,
10587827 - Les rиgles de la vie civile, avec des traits d'histoire pour former l'esprit d'un jeune prince
10587826 - L'art de former les jardins modernes, ou L'art des jardins anglois
10587825 - L' art de former les jardins modernes
10587824 - Regles pour former un avocat, tire'es des plus fameux auteurs tant anciens que modernes
10587823 - Bibliothиque poлtique de la jeunesse, ou recueil de piиces et morceaux de poйsie, propres а orner l'esprit et а former le goьt des jeunes gens, sans nuire а leurs moeurs
10587822 - Manuel complet des domestiques ou L'art de former de bons serviteurs ...
10587821 - Le roy d'armes ou L'art de bien former, charger, briser, timbrer, et par consequent, blassonner toutes les sortes d'Armoiries ...
10587820 - Traitй du vrai mйrite de l'homme, considйrй dans tous les вges et dans toutes les conditions ; avec des principes d'йducation propres а former les jeunes gens а la vertu
10587819 - Analyse raisonnйe de Bayle, ou abrйgй mйthodique de ses ouvrages, particulierement de son Dictionnaire historique et critique, dont les remarques ont йtй fondues dans le texte, pour former un corps instructif et agrйable de lectures suivies
10587818 - Le spectacle de la nature, ou Entretiens sur les particularitйs de l'histoire naturelle, qui ont paru les plus propres а rendre les jeunes-gens curieux, & а leur former l'esprit
10587817 - Statuts de la Sociйtй anonyme а former а Bruxelles, en execution de l'arrкte royal du 28 aoыt 1822
10587816 - Avis important au sexe, ou essai sur les corps baleinйs, pour former [et] conserver la taille aux jeunes personnes
10587815 - Les avantures de Nйoptolиme, fils d'Achille, propres а former les moeurs d'un jeune prince
10587814 - Conseils pour former une bibliothиque peu nombreuse, mais choisie
10587813 - Le nouveau secrйtaire de la cour, ou lettres familiиres sur toutes sortes de sujets, avec des rйponses, une instruction pour se former dans le stile йpistolaire, le cйrйmonial des lettres et des rиgles de biensйance qu'il faut observer dans les lettres qu
10587812 - Encyclographie de rиgne vйgйtal ... accompagnйe de monographies de genres destinйes а former progressivement une flore universelle
10587811 - Abrйgй des йtudes de l'homme fait en faveur de l'homme а former
10587810 - Mйthodes nouvelles et faciles de former les puissances par l'addition et d'extraire les racines quarrйes et cubiques qui rйsultent de leurs progressions gйnйratrices, etc...
10587809 - Voyage autour de ma bibliothиque, roman bibliographique oщ les gens du monde et les dames peuvent apprendre а former une bibliothиque de bons ouvrages
10587808 - Pensйes de Montaigne propres а former l'esprit et les moeurs
10587807 - Йlements de fortification, contenant la construction raisonnge des ouvrages de la fortification, les systemes des ingenieurs les plus cйlebres, la fortification irrйguliere, le tracй des redoutes, forts de campagne, &c., avec un plan des principales instr
10587806 - Le Roy d'armes ou l'art de bien former, charger, briser, timbrer, parer, expliquer, et blasonner les armoiries
10587805 - Organic Remains of a Former World: The fossil zoophytes
10587804 - Views and notices of Glasgow in former times
10587803 - The confessions of s. Augustine, revised from a former tr. by E.B. Pusey
10587802 - The Challenge Accepted; a Dialogue Between a Jew and a Christian: the Former Answering a Challenge Thrown Out by the Latter, Respecting the Accomplishment of the Prophecies Predictive of the Advent of Jesus
10587801 - Odes of Pindar, tr., with notes and illustr., by G. West, R.B. Greene and H.J. Pye. To which is prefixed A dissertation on the Olympic games, by the former
10587800 - Organic remains of a former world
10587799 - The life and writings of Henry Fuseli, the former written and the latter ed. by J. Knowles
10587798 - Agreement betwixt the present and the former government
10587797 - An illustrated descriptive catalogue of the collection of antique silver plate formed by Albert, lord Londesborough
10587796 - Catalogue of the pictures, which formed the collection of Joseph Capece Latro, ancient archbishop of Taranto, &c. in the kingdom of Naples
10587795 - Letters to the members of the New Jerusalem Church formed by Baron Swedenborg
10587794 - A sketch of the one great argument formed from the several concurring evidences for the truth of Christianity
10587793 - Abstracts of records and manuscripts respecting the county of Gloucester; formed into a history
10587792 - Catalogue d'une bibliothиque ... principalement d'histoire ... sur tous des Pais-Bas ... En partie sauvez de la ... abaпe d'Egmond, & d'autres edifices religieux ... delaissйs par feu les savans ... de Westphalen, Meyerus, Chiflets, Butkens Le Roy &c. ...
10587791 - Folgen schцne Gesдnge D. Philippi Nicolai und anderer frommen Christen, so zuvor in solchem Format noch niemals auЯgangen, Den Reisenden aber zu gut also gedruckt sind
10587790 - Goethe's poetische und prosaische Werke in zwei Bдnden: Lieder ; Gesellige Lieder ; Loge ; Balladen ; Cantaten ; Oden ; Vermischte Gedichte ; Sonette ; Epigrammatisch ;Parabolisch ; Kunst ; Gedichte zu Bildern ; Gott, Gemьth und Welt ; Sprichwцrtlich ; Za
10587789 - Om Finnarnes folkdikt i obunden berдttande form
10587788 - Masekhet Avot de-Rabi Natan (romanized form)
10587787 - Disputier-Kunst, Fьr die Einfдltigen Catholischen, Das ist, Form vn[d] WeiЯ, Wie sich der gemeine, vngestudierte Mann, wan[n] er in Glaubens-Sachen von den Vn-Catholischen Theils Evangelischen, Theils Reformierten angefochten wirdt, zu verantworten habe
10587786 - Die Elemente der Form und Grцsse(gewцhnlich Geometrie genannt) nach Pestalozzi's Grundsдtzen
10587785 - Teutsche Vers- oder Reimkunst darin Unsere Teutsche Muttersprache, so viel dero sьЯeste Poesis betrift, in eine richtige Form der Kunst zum ersten mahle gebracht worden
10587784 - Ueber Ursprung, Form und Bedeutung des Centumviralgerichts in Rom
10587783 - Oeconomus Apostolicus, Oder Der Vortreffliche, Nach Lehr und Form deЯ H. Apostels Pauli, gewidmete HauЯ-Halter
10587782 - Ueber die Mцglichkeit einer Form der Philosophie ьberhaupt
10587781 - Xenoph
10587780 - Ideen ueber Pathogenie und Einfluss der Lebenskraft auf Entstehung und Form der Krankheiten, als Einleitung zu pathologischen Vorlesungen
10587779 - Beitrдge zur Aesthetik der Baukunst, oder, die Grundgesetze der plastischen Form
10587778 - Pharmaceutische Botanik in Tabellen-Form
10587777 - Der grцssere Catechismus in erneuerter Form
10587776 - Pharmakologische Tabellen oder systematische Arzneimittellehre in tabellarischer Form
10587775 - Ьber Ursprung, Form und Bedeutung des Centumviralgerichts in Rom
10587774 - Deutsche Sprachlehre mit Ьbungen, in einer der lateinischen Grammatik verwandten Form
10587773 - Construction der Verzahnungen mit besonderer Rьcksicht auf die beste Form der Zдhne
10587772 - Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der kinder Zions, von alten und neuen auserlesenen Geistes-Gesдngen, allen wahren heilsbegierigen Sдuglingen der Weisheit, besonders aber den Gemeinden des Herrn zum Dienst und Gebrauch mit Fleiss zusammen getragen in ge
10587771 - Die Deklination der indogermanischen Sprachen nach Bedeutung und Form entwickelt
10587770 - Theokritou ta euriskomena (romanized form)
10587769 - Agende, oder, Anleitung, wie die Prediger ihren kirchlichen Amtshandlungen eine wьrdige Form geben mцgen
10587768 - Pausaniou Hellados peri
10587767 - Christliche Bцttigers-Arbeit. Oder Geistlich Schlag-FдЯlein, In der Werckstadt deЯ H. Geistes nach allen Stьcken auЯgearbeitet, vnd nach der Form Gцttliches Worts abgebunden, Vnd Dem Ehrsamen vnd Namhafften Johanni VЯlebern, Bьrgern vnd Bцttigern in Leipz
10587766 - Katholikon fьr Alle unter jeder Form das Eine
10587765 - H
10587764 - Longou Poimenik
10587763 - Arrianou Indik
10587762 - Theophrastou
10587761 - The Practice of the Court of Probate in common form business
10587760 - An introduction to geometry and the science of form
10587759 - Horae homileticae, or, Discourses (in the form of skeletons) upon the whole Scriptures
10587758 - A manual of mythology in the form of question and answer
10587757 - Some account of Dr. Gall's new theory of physiognomy, founded upon the anatomy and physiology of the brain, and the form of the skull
10587756 - "The latest form of infidelity" examined
10587755 - The form of covenant, of the Old South Church in Boston, Massachusetts, with lists of the founders, the pastors, the ruling elders and deacons, and the members
10587754 - General problems in the linear perspective of form, shadow, and reflection
10587753 - A vindication of the Presbyterian form of church government
10587752 - A new picture of Rome, and its environs, in the form of an itinerary
10587751 - A help to Latin grammar, or, The form and use of words in Latin
10587750 - Remarks on the form and construction of prisons
10587749 - Journal of the proceedings of the convention to form a constitution for the government of the state of New Jersey
10587748 - Pleroma to pneumatikon (romanized form)
10587747 - A collection of laws which form the constitution of the Bedford Level Corporation
10587746 - The power of form applied to geometric tracery
10587745 - The American lawyer, and business-man's form-book
10587744 - A dictionary of archaic & provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs & ancient customs, form the fourteenth century
10587743 - A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form and shadow
10587742 - The [hekatompathia (romanized form)]
10587741 - Wells's lawyer & United States form-book
10587740 - Pantheisticon: or the Form of Celebrating the Socratic-Society
10587739 - An account of the first settlement, laws, form of government, and police, of the Cessares, a people of South America
10587738 - A discourse on the latest form of infidelity
10587737 - State of the present form of government of the province of Quebec, with a large appendix
10587736 - Lessons in Music Form
10587735 - Blake's Human Form Divine
10587734 - The Dynamics of Architectural Form
10587733 - A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed:
10587732 - A general treatise of morality, form'd upon the principles of natural reason only
10587731 - Romantic Opera and Literary Form
10587730 - A practical exposition of the general epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude in the form of lectures
10587729 - A guide to the study of the holy Scriptures in the form of a catechism
10587728 - Universalism in its modern and ancient form
10587727 - Form and Function
10587726 - The Parliamentary History of England, form the Earliest period to the year 1803
10587725 - Les Sentimens universels de messire Pierre Forget...
10587724 - Forget me not
10587723 - The juvenile forget me not
10587722 - The Colonial church chronicle, missionary journal, and foreign ecclesiastical reporter
10587721 - The Quarterly journal of foreign and British medicine and surgery
10587720 - The English review, or, An abstract of English and foreign literature
10587719 - A treatise on the manufacture, imitation, adulteration, and reduction of foreign wines, brandies, gins, rums, etc
10587718 - An historical account of the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
10587717 - The cabinet of foreign voyages and travels
10587716 - The Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science and art
10587715 - Foreign tales and traditions chiefly selected from the fugitive literature of Germany
10587714 - The Foreign quarterly review
10587713 - Foreign desserts for English tables, by the author of 'Everbody's pudding book'.
10587712 - Foreign missions
10587711 - History of the borough and foreign of Walsall, in the county of Stafford
10587710 - The British and foreign review
10587709 - The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America: Treaties between the United States of America and foreign nations
10587708 - 'Sunny Memories OF Foreign Lands
10587707 - Embassies and foreign courts
10587706 - Manual of the system of teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and needle-work, in the elementary schools of the British and foreign school society
10587705 - The history of the French, Walloon, Dutch and other foreign Protestant Refugees settled in England
10587704 - Journal of botany, British and foreign
10587703 - The foreign missionary
10587702 - The ... Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587701 - Simmonds's colonial magazine and foreign miscellany
10587700 - Foreign slave trade
10587699 - Simon's Essay on Irish coins, and of the currency of foreign monies in Ireland
10587698 - The Oxford literary gazette and classical and foreign journal
10587697 - Catalogue of the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587696 - Allen's Indian mail and register of intelligence for British & foreign India, China, & all parts of the East
10587695 - Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Mary, 1553-1558
10587694 - The royal English and foreign confectioner
10587693 - The cabinet gallery of pictures by the first masters of the English and foreign schools
10587692 - A history of the Foreign missionary work of the Protestant Episcopal Church
10587691 - A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
10587690 - Foreign acquisitions newsletter
10587689 - The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British and foreign India, China, and Australia
10587688 - British and foreign medical review
10587687 - The American diplomatic code embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers: from 1778 to 1834
10587686 - The foreign slave trade
10587685 - The historical gallery of criminal portraitures, foreign and domestic
10587684 - The Westminster and foreign quarterly review
10587683 - On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects
10587682 - The British and foreign medico-chirurgical review or quarterly journal of practical medicine and surgery
10587681 - Mission life; or Home and foreign church work
10587680 - Simmond's colonial magazine and foreign miscellany
10587679 - Dues and charges on shipping in foreign ports
10587678 - Foreign reminiscences
10587677 - The Foreign Policy of Modern Japan
10587676 - Catalogue of books on foreign law
10587675 - The Home and foreign review
10587674 - Commentaries on the conflict of laws, foreign and domestic
10587673 - A general guide to the companies formed for working foreign mines
10587672 - The Religious magazine, or spirit of the foreign theological journals and reviews
10587671 - The Cook's Guide, and Housekeepers and Butler's Assistant: a Practical Treatise on English and Foreign Cookery in All Branches ...
10587670 - The Museum of foreign literature, science and art
10587669 - New Quarterly Review; or, home, foreign and colonial journal
10587668 - Memorial volume of the first fifty years of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
10587667 - British and foreign medico-chirurgical review
10587666 - History of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions
10587665 - Foreign missionary chronicle
10587664 - The Home and foreign record of the Free Church of Scotland
10587663 - History of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587662 - Select journal of foreign periodical literature
10587661 - Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, The Metropolitan, and The Foreign quarterly review
10587660 - The Home and foreign record of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
10587659 - London review of English and foreign literature
10587658 - The Journal of foreign medical science and literature
10587657 - Report of the British and Foreign School Society
10587656 - Relation of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to slavery
10587655 - The history of the origin and first ten years of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587654 - The Foreign review
10587653 - U.S. foreign trade
10587652 - Reports of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587651 - The trees of America, native and foreign
10587650 - The Foreign Office List, forming a complete British Diplomatic and Consular Handbook
10587649 - Press-list of Records Belonging to the Foreign Department of the Government of India: Descriptive list of ... 1784
10587648 - United States airborne exports of domestic and foreign merchandise
10587647 - Papers relating to foreign affairs
10587646 - The foreign quarterly review
10587645 - Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States
10587644 - Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
10587643 - Foreign essays on agriculture and arts ...
10587642 - A practical treatise on the trustee process, or, foreign attachment
10587641 - Foreign relations of the United States
10587640 - Foreign maps
10587639 - Annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America
10587638 - The eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art
10587637 - The Museum of foreign literature and science
10587636 - Foreign butterflies
10587635 - Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Elizabeth
10587634 - Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
10587633 - A catalogue of upwards of fifty thousand volumes of ancient and modern books, English and foreign
10587632 - Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth: 1562
10587631 - Shall the new Foreign office be gothic or classic? A plea for the former
10587630 - The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British and foreign India, China and Australasia
10587629 - A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, and of the Several States of the American Union: With References to the Civil and other Systems of Foreign Law
10587628 - British & foreign spirits
10587627 - Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society
10587626 - Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States
10587625 - The American and Foreign Christian Union
10587624 - Wiley and Putnam's literary news-letter, and monthly register of new books, foreign and American
10587623 - A defence of the Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
10587622 - The Analytical review, or History of literature, domestic and foreign, on an enlarged plan
10587621 - Lloyd's register of British and foreign shipping
10587620 - Catalogue of British, colonial, and foreign postage stamps
10587619 - Campbell's foreign monthly magazine
10587618 - Supplement to the Index testaceologicus, or, A catalogue of shells, British and foreign
10587617 - Bibliotheca Britannica, or a general index to British and foreign literature
10587616 - Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science, and from foreign journals. Natural philosophy
10587615 - Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign journals
10587614 - The Scotch forcing and kitchen gardener;
10587613 - Les estats, empires, royaumes et principautez du monde, reprйsentez par l'ordre, et vйritable description des pays, moeurs des peuples, forces, richesse, gouvernemens, religions, Princes, magistrats et souverains qui ont gouvernй et gouvernent aujourd'huy
10587612 - L'unitй des forces physiques
10587611 - Alger, tableau du royaume, de la ville d'Alger, et de ses environs; йtat de son commerce, de ses forces de terre et de mer [&c.]. Prйcйdes d'une intr. historique sur les diffйrentes expйditions d'Alger
10587610 - Les forces perdues
10587609 - Recherches experimentales sur l'eau et le vent, consideres comme forces motrices applicables aux moulins et autres machines a mouvement circulaire, etc
10587608 - Traitй pour la pratique des forces mouvantes
10587607 - Considйrations sur l'influence du gйnie de Vauban dans la balance des forces de l'Etat
10587606 - Recherches sur l'identitй des forces chimiques et йlectriques
10587605 - Les raisons des forces mouvantes avec diverses machines tant utilles que plaisantes
10587604 - Physiologie vйgйtale, ou exposition des forces et des fonctions vitales des vйgйtaux
10587603 - La Logique ou Rйflexions sur les forces de l'entendement humain et sur leur lйgitime usage dans la connoissance de la vйritй /.
10587602 - Prйcis succinct des principaux phйnomиnes du gal vanisme, suivi de la traduction d'un commentaire de J. Aldini, sur un mйmoire de Galvani, ayant pour titre: Des forces de l'йlectricitй dans le mouvement musculaire ... et de l'extrait d'un ouvrage de Vassa
10587601 - Traitй des forces mouvantes pour la pratique des arts et mйtiers
10587600 - Ele
10587599 - Oeuvres du R. P. Ignace-Gaston Pardies,... contenant : 1. Les йlйmens de gйomйtrie ; 2. Un discours du mouvement local ; 3. La Statique, ou la science des forces mouvantes ; 4. Deux machines propres а faire les quadrans ; 5. Un discours de la connaissance
10587598 - A history of the campains of the british forces in Spain and Portugal..., 4
10587597 - Opposing forces
10587596 - A narrative of the proceedings of the British fleet commanded by admiral sir John Jervis ... off cape St. Vincent's, a letter, by an officer of his majesty's land forces [J.D. Bethune].
10587595 - Visual problems of the armed forces
10587594 - Planning U.S. general purpose forces
10587593 - Narrative of a forced journey through Spain and France
10587592 - One sheet, or, if you will A winding sheet for the good old cause, by W.P.
10587591 - The New England Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Christ Mdcxcv
10587590 - The Private Christians Non Ultra, or a plea for the lay-man's interpreting the scriptures
10587589 - Boston almanack for the year of our Lord God 1692
10587588 - An almanack for the year of our Lord [1688-89, 1691-92]
10587587 - Objective methods for food evaluation
10587586 - Pleasant quippes for upstart newfangled gentlewomen
10587585 - Athletic sports for boys
10587584 - A treatise on arithmetic in theory and practice for the use of the Irish national schools
10587583 - An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1648
10587582 - All for Love Or the World Well Lost
10587581 - A plea for painted glass
10587580 - Almanac for the use of navigators, from the American ephemeris and nautical almanac
10587579 - An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1656
10587578 - Proposed United States program for the international geophysical year
10587577 - A handbook for travellers in Syria and Palestine ...
10587576 - Prayers and offices of devotion for families and for particular persons, upon most occasions
10587575 - The north-west passage and the plans for the search for Sir John Franklin
10587574 - Meditations for Advent and Easter, by the author of 'Meditations for Lent'.
10587573 - Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774 on the Bill for making more effectual provision for the government of the Province of Quebec
10587572 - A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America principally selected and altered from Nelson's Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England with forms of devotion
10587571 - Popular Pastimes for Field and Fireside; Or, Amusements for Young and Old
10587570 - The naval officer's guide for preparing ships for sea
10587569 - Introductory notes on lying-in institutions, together with a proposal for organising an institution for training midwives and midwifery nurses
10587568 - Homes abroad. For each and for all. French wines and politics
10587567 - Report of the trial by impeachment of James Prescott, judge of the probate of wills, &c. for the County of Middlesex for misconduct and maladministration in office, before the Senate of Massachusetts in the year 1821
10587566 - The Religious souvenir, for Mdcccxxxix, republished for Mdcccxlv / ed. by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
10587565 - Politics for the people; or, A salmagundy for swine ...
10587564 - Shakespeare's play of The Tempest, with notes, adapted for use in schools and for private study by J. Hunter
10587563 - A report of the trial of Cooper v. Wakley, for an alleged libel, taken by shorthand writers employed expressly for the occasion
10587562 - Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (late vice president of the United States,) for treason, and for a misdemeanor
10587561 - A collection of hymns for social worship, more particularly design'd for the use of the Tabernacle congregation, in London
10587560 - Agricultural and industrial magazine of the Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry, and for Promoting Effectual Relief from the General Distress
10587559 - A cloud of witnesses, for the royal prerogatives of Jesus Christ: or, The last speeches and testimonies of those who have suffered for the truth in Scotland, since 1680
10587558 - Prйparation for death, or considerations on the eternal maxims useful for all ...
10587557 - Chronological index of patents applied for and patents granted [afterw.] of patentees and applicants for patents of invention, by B. Woodcroft
10587556 - Hand-book for Hythe [i.e. for the School of musketry at Hythe].
10587555 - A living picture of London, for 1828, and stranger's guide, by Jon Bee. To which is appended 'Hints for the improvement of the police'.
10587554 - Feathers for arrows; or, Illustrations for preachers and teachers, from my note book
10587553 - A system of anatomy for the use of students of medicine
10587552 - Tracts for the Times: for 1833-34, Tract no. 1-46 ; Records of the church, no.I-XVIII
10587551 - The looking-glass for the mind; or, Intellectual mirror;
10587550 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit
10587549 - Recommended procedures for measuring the productivity of plankton standing stock and related oceanic properties
10587548 - The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge for the year
10587547 - An apology for the true Christian divinity
10587546 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of Judicature and in the Court for Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors in the State of New-York
10587545 - The Annual register, or, A view of the history, politics, and literature for the year ...
10587544 - A summary of the principal evidences for the truth and divine origin of the Christian revelation
10587543 - The Precious Blood of the Son of God, Shed Without the Gates of Jerusalem, for the Redemption of Lost and Undone Sinners
10587542 - Fraser's magazine for town and country
10587541 - Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific
10587540 - Manual of botany, for North America
10587539 - Socialization for Achievement
10587538 - The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
10587537 - Tracts for the Times
10587536 - The Guide for the Perplexed
10587535 - Directory for the city of Augusta, and business advertiser for 1859
10587534 - A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, May 22. 1734. Candidates: Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. William Wodehouse, Esq; The Honourable Robert Coke. William Morden, Esq
10587533 - Transactions for the Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry in the year...
10587532 - A handbook for India; being an account of the three presidencies and of the Overland route, intended as a guide for travellers, officers and civilians, with vocabularies and dialogues of the spoken languages of India
10587531 - Fights for the Championship; and Celebrated prize battles
10587530 - Facts for farmers; also for the family circle
10587529 - Testimony in full in the case of Ford against Everts for slander, and in the case of Hord against Ford for immoral conduct
10587528 - A poll for Members of Parliament for the borough of Colchester, in the county of Essex; taken before Samuel Ennew, Esq; Mayor, on Wednesday the 16th of March 1768
10587527 - The Freemasons' calendar and directory for the province of Oxfordshire
10587526 - Fourth Annual Report of the Colonization Commissioners for South Australia to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies
10587525 - Prayers of intercession for their use who Mourn in secret for the publick calamities of this Nation
10587524 - Speech of Mr. Hayne, of South Carolina, on Mr. Foot's resolution
10587523 - A treatise on the structure, functions, and diseases of the foot and leg of the horse
10587522 - Instruction for field artillery, horse and foot
10587521 - historical record of the tenth, or the north lincolnshire, regiment of foot
10587520 - Historical record of the Thirty-sixth, or the Herefordshire regiment of foot
10587519 - Foot-prints of an itinerant
10587518 - Speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate on the Resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830
10587517 - Historical record of the Sixty-first, or, the South Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot
10587516 - Studies on foot-and-mouth disease
10587515 - historical record of the fifty-third, or the shropshire regiment of foot.
10587514 - The foot of the Cross; or, The sorrows of Mary
10587513 - Memoir of Colonel John Cameron, Fassiefern, K.T.S., lieutenant-colonel of the Gordon Highlanders, or 92d regiment of foot
10587512 - The trial of the British soldiers [T. Preston and others] of the 29th regiment of foot, for the murder of Crispus Attucks [and others].
10587511 - Art of Defence on Foot, with the Broad Sword and Sabre
10587510 - Historical record of the Forty-fourth, or the East Essex regiment of foot
10587509 - Twice-told Tales: Legends of the Province house. The haunted mind. The village uncle. The ambitious guest. The sister years. Snow flakes. The seven vagabonds. The white old maid. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. Chippings with a chisel. The Shaker bridal. Ni
10587508 - Historical record of the Twentieth, or the East Devonshire Regiment of Foot
10587507 - Historical record of the Eighth, or the King's Regiment of Foot
10587506 - Services of the 102nd regiment of foot (Royal Madras Fusiliers), from 1842 to the present time
10587505 - Historical record of the Seventy-ninth Regiment of Foot
10587504 - The perfidious brethren, or, the religious triumvirate: display'd in three ecclesiastical novels. I. Heathen priestcraft: ... II. Presbyterian piety; ... III. The cloven-foot: ...
10587503 - The first, or royal regiment of foot
10587502 - A vindication of the reformation, on foot, among the ladies
10587501 - A treatise on the foot of the horse
10587500 - A discourse of the Romane foot, and denarius
10587499 - An impartial journal of a detachment from the Brigade of Foot Guards
10587498 - An historical account of his majesty's First, or the royal regiment of foot
10587497 - The art of defence on foot
10587496 - An impartial journal of a detachment from the brigade of Foot Guards
10587495 - The anatomy of the horse, embracing the structure of the foot
10587494 - Catalogue of the Splendid Library of an Illustrious Foreign Personage [i.e. Caroline Ferdinanda Louisa, Duchess de Berry] ... which will be sold by auction by Mr. Evans ... on Monday March 21, and four following days. 1831. Some MS. prices and names
10587493 - Translations from the Greek of the Following Treatises of Plotinus
10587492 - The pupil's pharmacopњia; a literal tr. of the London pharmacopњia, the Engl. following the orig. [&c.]. By W. Maugham
10587491 - The journal of Nicholas Assheton, of Downham, in the county of Lancaster, esq., for part of the year 1617, and part of the year following
10587490 - Seven sermons upon the following subjects
10587489 - The following of Christ
10587488 - Adam's Latin grammar
10587487 - The following of Christ
10587486 - The history of Wem, and the following villages and townships, viz. Edstaston, Cotton [&c.].
10587485 - The history of the arts and sciences of the antients, under the following heads
10587484 - Decay following logging injury to western hemlock, Sitka spruce, and true firs
10587483 - Following the Equator
10587482 - Origine de' feudi ne' regni di Napoli e Sicilia, loro usi e leggi feudali. Relative alla prammatica emanata dall'augusto Ferdinando iv per la retta intelligenza del capitolo Volentes. [Followed by] Rimostranza del caporuota d. Saverio Simonetti sulla reve
10587481 - L'incontro di Dante con Beatrice, quadro di Dario Querci. [Followed by] Venezia! Canto di guerra
10587480 - La visiera alzata, hecatoste di scrittori, che vaghi d'andare in maschera fuor del tempo di carnouale sono scoperti da Gio. Pietro Giacomo Villani. [Followed by] Pentecoste d'altri scrittori
10587479 - Lexicon literaturae academico-iuridicae, quo tituli dissertationum, programmatum aliarumque commentationum iuridicarum ab academiarum initiis usque ad finem anni 1835 editarum ... continentur. [Followed by] Suppl. quo tituli dissertationum anno 1836 et 18
10587478 - Della lingua punica presentemente usata da Maltesi &c., ovvero Nuovi documenti li quali possono servire di lume all' antica lingua etrusca. [Followed by] Nuova scuola di grammatica per agevolmente apprendere la lingua punica-maltese
10587477 - Tavola alimentaria velejate detta Trajana, restituita alla sua vera lezione da P. de Lama. [Followed by] Lettera del chiarissimo signor Pietro vitali all'autore
10587476 - Fondation de la chapelle funйraire de Picpus. [followed by] Liste des victimes immolйes а la Barriиre du trфne, et inhumйes au cimetiиre de Picpus
10587475 - Histoire gйnйalogique des sires de Salins. [Followed by] Histoire de la ville de Salins
10587474 - Llyfr gweddi gyffredin. [Followed by] Llyfr y psalmau, wedi iu [sic] cyfieithu, a'u cyfansoddi ar fesur-cerdd, o waith E. Prys
10587473 - Isaaci Casauboni de satyrica Grжcorum poesi & Romanorum satira libri duo. [Followed by] Cyclops Euripidж, Lat. donata a Q. Septimo Florente Christiano. T. Crenii suasque notas adiecit I.I. Rambach. Accedit E. Spanhemii de eodem argumento dissertatio
10587472 - Recherches historiques sur l'origine des Sarmates, des Esclavons et des Slaves, et sur les йpoques de la conversion de ces peuples. [Followed by] Citations et notes marginales. 4 tom. [in 1. With] Table. Йd. populaire. 4 tom. [in 1. With] Table
10587471 - Origine delle scoperte attribuite a' moderni. Trad. [Vol. 1 is followed by] Dissertazione sopra i progressi delle arti, del signor Palissot
10587470 - Epistola ... ad Alexandrum septimum, pontificem Romanum. [Followed by] Ad Philippum iv. regem epistola
10587469 - GSumboul
10587468 - The morning-interview, an heroi-comical poem. [Followed by] Edinburgh's address to the country
10587467 - A Carlo Napier ... visconte del Capo san Vincenzo ... canzone. [Followed by] Sonetti
10587466 - Obras. [Followed by] Vida, por L. Muсoz
10587465 - I riti nuziali de'Greci, per le ... nozze dell'illustrissimo signor marchese Vincenzio Riccardi con l'illustrissima signora Ortenzia del Vernaccia [by F. Fontani. Followed by] Componimenti poetici [by several hands].
10587464 - La venida del Mesнas en gloria y magestad, observaciones de Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra. [Followed by] Carta apologetica, por J. Valdivieso
10587463 - Commentariorum de bello Sarmatico liber unicus. [Followed by] Observations sur l'ouvrage en gйnйral
10587462 - Ladislai Bielek ... Maiores Hungarorum. [Followed by] Analecta ii. comitat. Bihar, et Threncsin ex archivo Collegii Debrecinen. schol. piarum, publicae luci data per L. Bielek
10587461 - Catalogue codicum MSS. bibliothecae Bernensis. [Followed by] Bibliothecae Bernensis codicum MSS. syllabus
10587460 - Lettre de messieurs les chanoines ... de l'йglise cathйdrale d'Auxerre а monseigneur l'йvкque d'Auxerre, au sujet des erreurs prкchйes par le p. Pigenot. [Followed by] Seconde lettre ... dans laquelle ... on ... dйnonce les erreurs prкchйes ... par le p.
10587459 - Du commandement de la cavalerie, et De l'йquitation: tr. par un officier d'artillerie б cheval [P.L. Courier de Mйrй. Followed by the text and notes].
10587458 - Bйlisaire. [Followed by] Fragmens de philosophie morale
10587457 - L'Agnano zeffonnato, poemma aroico, e La malatia d'Apollo, idillio. [Followed by] La sporchia de lo bbene o sia L'aosanza posta ncanzona da S. Nova
10587456 - Leabhraichean an t-Seann Tiomnaidh. [Followed by] Tiomnadh Nuadh
10587455 - New guide to health, or Botanic family physician. [Followed by] A narrative of the life and medical discoveries of Samuel Thomson
10587454 - Matrials for translating from English into French, a short essay on translation; followed by a selection by L. Le Brun
10587453 - The Book of common prayer. [Followed by] The whole book of Psalms, in metre [in the version of N. Tate and N. Brady] with hymns
10587452 - Mazzaroth; or, The constellations (by F. Rolleston). [Followed by] Mizraim; or, Astronomy of Egypt
10587451 - The spirit of s. Teresa. (Exclamations of the soul to God). [Followed by passages chiefly extr. from L'esprit de ste. Thйrйse, ed. by J.A. Йmery]. Teresa'
10587450 - The old Taming of a shrew (A pleasant conceited historie, called The taming of a shrew), upon which Shakespeare founded his comedy, repr. from the ed. of 1594, and collated with the subsequent eds. of 1596 and 1607. Ed. by T. Amyot. [Followed by] A merry
10587449 - The life, voyages, and discoveries, of captain James Cook. [Followed by] Pitcairn's island and the mutineers of the Bounty
10587448 - Adeline Mowbray, or, The mother and daughter. New, illustr. ed. [Followed by] The welcome home [and] The Quaker, and the young man of the world
10587447 - Justa Edouardo King, naufrago, ab amicis mњrentibus, amoris et Gmneнas@ hбrin. [Followed by] Obsequies to the memorie of mr. Edward King. Re-impr
10587446 - Roma antica [ed. by O. Falconieri. Followed by] Discorso d'O. Falconieri intorno alla piramide di C. Cestio. Lettera del medesimo. [Followed by] Memorie di varie antichitа trovate in diversi luoghi della cittа di Roma, da F. Vacca
10587445 - Mrs. Mary Carter's letters. [With ms. notes. Followed by] Journal [by F.M. Nelthorpe].
10587444 - The pleasures of anarchy; a dramatic poem [by F. Newnham]. By F. Newnham. [Followed by] (Second, Third suppl.). [With] Fourth suppl
10587443 - The remarkable life of John Elwes esq. [Followed by] Life of William Fuller
10587442 - A compleat collection of the resolutions of the volunteers, grand juries, &c of Ireland, which followed the celebrated resolves of the first Dungannon diet
10587441 - The task. [Followed by] Tirocinium: or, A review of schools
10587440 - Persecution for religion judged and condemned. [Followed by] An humble supplication to the king's majesty; 1620
10587439 - Memoirs of secret service. [Followed by] The reasons why I corresponded with mr. John Hewet
10587438 - Life of Galileo. [Followed by] Life of Kepler
10587437 - The Odyssey, tr. [by A. Pope and others, with notes by W. Broome. Preceded by] A general view of the epic poem, and of the Iliad and Odyssey, extr. from Bossu. [Followed by] Battle of the frogs and mice [tr.] by mr. Parnel
10587436 - Fifty years' recollections of an old bookseller [signed W.W. Followed by] Three hundred and fifty years retrospection of an old bookseller
10587435 - Mercies of a covenant God, or, An account of some of the Lord's dealings in providence and grace with John Warburton [the author. Followed by] Letters from Sarah to Barnabas; or, Epistles from a daughter of Israel to John Warburton
10587434 - Helps and hints how to protect life and property. [Followed by] Particulars and recommendations of the Stadium, or British national arena for manly and defensive exercises
10587433 - A dictionary of the Welsh language. [Preceded by] A grammar of the Welsh language. 2 vols. [in 3 pt.]. [Followed by] An outline of the characteristics of the Welsh. 2 vols. [in 4 pt.].
10587432 - Greece, a poem. [Followed by] Cassandra [a poem].
10587431 - The delights of wisdom concerning conjugial love: after which follow the pleasures of insanity concerning scortatory love
10587430 - A NEW Home-WHO'LL Follow?
10587429 - A New Home--who'll Follow?
10587428 - Det norske Folks Historie
10587427 - Nordiske folks overtroe, guder, fabler og helte indtil Frode 7 tider, i bogstav-orden
10587426 - Kort Samling om ursprung til вtskilliga Folks skrifteligen fцrfattade och utgifna Lagar
10587425 - Eddalжren og dens oprindelse eller Nцjagtig fremstilling af de gamle nordboers digtninger og meninger om verdens, gudernes, aandernes og menneskenes tilblivelse, natur og skjжbne i udfцrlig sammenligning saavel med naturens store bog, som med grжkers, per
10587424 - Samlinger til det norske folks sprog og historie
10587423 - Om de Nordiske folks aeldste oprindelse
10587422 - Oldtown folks
10587421 - Jingles and jokes for the little folks
10587420 - Our Young Folks
10587419 - Svenska folk-sagor och дfventyr
10587418 - Kapitain Lemuel Gullivers reise til Lilleput eller til de smaane folk
10587417 - Svenska folk-visor frеn forntiden, saml. och utg. af E.G. Geijer och A.A. Afzelius. 3 deler
10587416 - Svenska folk-visor frеn forntiden
10587415 - Historie om de fra Norden udvandrede Folk
10587414 - Folk songs
10587413 - The Norse Folk
10587412 - The Souls of Black Folk
10587411 - Tom Tit Tot: An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale
10587410 - Irish folk lore: traditions and superstitions of the country: with humorous tales, by 'Lageniensis'.
10587409 - Memoirs on the history, folk-lore, and distribution of the races of the North Western Provinces of India
10587408 - Home-life of the Lancashire factory folk during the cotton famine
10587407 - On the ancient British, Roman and Saxon antiquities and folk-lore of Worcestershire
10587406 - Stories of Russian Folk-Life
10587405 - Notes on the folk-lore of the northern counties of England and the borders
10587404 - The folk-songs of southern India
10587403 - Lancashire folk-lore
10587402 - A Book of Folk-lore
10587401 - Gypsy Folk Tales
10587400 - Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland
10587399 - Folk-lore of the Holy Land
10587398 - The Algonquin Legends of New England: Or, Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes
10587397 - Folk Tales of Brittany
10587396 - Zuсi Folk Tales
10587395 - Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry
10587394 - The Folk-lore of the Isle of Man
10587393 - Folk Tale, Fiction and Saga in the Homeric Epics
10587392 - An Inquiry Into the Animism and Folk-lore of the Guiana Indians
10587391 - American Folk Medicine
10587390 - The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects
10587389 - Tachygraphy, or The flying pen
10587388 - The Flying Saucers Are Real
10587387 - A theatre of politicall flying-insects
10587386 - Flying beans, botanical whales, Jack's beanstalk, and other marvels
10587385 - Vision research: flying and space travel
10587384 - The flying Dutchman
10587383 - The flying-post, or, the post-master
10587382 - Narrative of the surveying voyage of H. M. S. Fly
10587381 - The illustrated fly-fisher's text book
10587380 - Fly
10587379 - The practical fly-fisher
10587378 - A true treatise on the art of fly-fishing, trolling, etc
10587377 - The fly-fisher's entomology
10587376 - The literary fly
10587375 - Art of angling; or, Complete fly and bottomfisher
10587374 - Annotated bibliography of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.) including references on the buffalo fly H. exigua (de Meijere), and other species belonging to the genus Haematobia
10587373 - Transient flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in porous media
10587372 - Western water laws and irrigation return flow
10587371 - Nitrogen and irrigation management to reduce return-flow pollution in the Columbia Basin
10587370 - The flow of water in flumes
10587369 - Influence of trickle and surface irrigation on return flow quality
10587368 - A guide to methods and standards for the measurement of water flow
10587367 - The first floor; a farce
10587366 - The Pretender's flight
10587365 - The Sarah-ad: or, a flight for fame. A burlesque poem in three canto's, in hudibrastic verse. Founded on An account of the conduct of the Dowager Du---ss of M-gh, ...
10587364 - The Reverie, Or, A Flight to the Paradise of Fools ...
10587363 - A flight to the moon, or, The vision of Randalthus
10587362 - Folly as it flies
10587361 - British angling flies
10587360 - A list of natural flies that are taken by trout, grayling, & smelt, in the streams of Ripon
10587359 - Shakespeare Jest-books: Merie tales of the mad men of Gotham. XII mery jests of the Wydow Edyth. Pasquils jests with Mother Bunches merriments. The pleasant conceits of Old Hobson. Cerayne conceyts and jeasts. Taylors wit and mirth. Conceits, clinches, fl
10587358 - Memoirs of James Hardy Vaux, written by himself. [Ed. by B. Field. Followed by] A new vocabulary of the flash language
10587357 - The Vulgar Tongue: a Glossary of Slang, Cant, and Flash Words and Phrases
10587356 - Trouhartige waarschouwing aan alle flag van menschen
10587355 - The Bethel flag
10587354 - History of the national flag of the United States of America
10587353 - The British flag
10587352 - Africa and the American flag. By Commander Andrew H. Foote
10587351 - The Death-flag
10587350 - A list of the flag officers & other commissioned officers of His Majesty's fleet
10587349 - Chost stories. Frere du Diable. The fisherman's family. The red flag at the fore. The prisoner. The convict. The burning ship. The veteran soldier
10587348 - An Edict of Diocletian, fixing a maximum of prices throughout the Roman empire, A.D. 303
10587347 - An Edict of Diocletian fixing a maximum of prices throughout the Roman empire a
10587346 - On the elements of light and their identity with those of matter, radiant and fixed ...
10587345 - Preliminary catalogue of fixed stars
10587344 - The astrarium improved: or, Views of the principal fixed stars and constellations, represented on twelve plates [by J. Marsh].
10587343 - New tables for facilitating the computation of precession, aberration and nutation of 2881 principal fixed stars, together with a catalogue of the same. (Mem., Astron. soc. of Lond., vol.2, appendix).
10587342 - Suite DU Nouveau Recueil DES Edits, Declarations, Lettres Patentes, Arrets ET Reglemens DE SA Majeste. LES Quels ONT ETE Enregistrez AU Parlement; DES Arrets ET Reglemens & autres de ladire Cour; Le rome depuis l'annee 1717. julqu'en mil lepr cens cingt-f
10587341 - A catalogue of the libraries of ... William Hewer ... Thomas Hobart ... and ... John Hancocke. Which will begin to be sold, the lowest price fix'd in each book, Apr.23, 1730
10587340 - The five wounds of Christ, a poem [ed. by W. Bateman. Illuminated].
10587339 - Letters written by a Turkish spy, who lived five-and-forty years undiscovered at Paris
10587338 - The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or, The history, geography, and antiquites of Chaldжa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia
10587337 - Five years in China
10587336 - Notes of a twenty-five years' service in the Hudson's Bay territory
10587335 - Five years in Texas
10587334 - Historical commentaries on the state of Christianity during the first three hundred and twenty-five years from the Christian era
10587333 - A particular history of the five years French and Indian War in New England and parts adjacent, from its declaration by the King of France, March 15, 1744, to the treaty with the eastern Indians, Oct. 16, 1749, sometimes called Governor Shirley's War
10587332 - Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements
10587331 - The Ionian islands; what they have lost and suffered under the thirty-five years' administration of the lord high commissioners sent to govern them. In reply to 'The Ionian islands under British protection' [by sir G.F. Bowen]. By an Ionian [G.D. Papaniko
10587330 - Five old friends and A young prince
10587329 - The Catholic history of North America. Five discourses
10587328 - Some of the Five hundred points of good husbandry, newly corrected and ed. by H.M.W. [2 issues].
10587327 - Five years in an English university
10587326 - Of the church, five books
10587325 - Thirty-five years of a dramatic author's life
10587324 - Five Books of Plotinus
10587323 - Wirksworth and five miles round: an historical sketch
10587322 - Thirty-five Years in the East
10587321 - The five senses
10587320 - Five years' residence in the West Indies
10587319 - The five great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world; or, The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldжa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia
10587318 - Five old plays
10587317 - The five gateways of knowledge
10587316 - The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world
10587315 - The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England, in five volumes
10587314 - Cicero's five books De finibus
10587313 - The autobiography of a five-pound note
10587312 - Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom
10587311 - Five months on the Yang-Tsze
10587310 - Five hundred mistakes of daily occurrence in speaking
10587309 - Catalogue of the teachers and pupils of Punahou school and Oahu College for twenty-five years
10587308 - Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the Book of the psalmes, and Song of songs, or, Canticles
10587307 - Reports of the Select committee of five ...
10587306 - Narrative of a five year's residence at Nepaul
10587305 - Tully's five books de finibus
10587304 - Five letters from a free merchant in Bengal, to Warren Hastings, Esq., Governor General of the Honorable East India Company's settlements in Asia
10587303 - The way to keep him : a comedy, in five acts
10587302 - The old brewery, and the new mission house at the Five Points
10587301 - Jail journal, or, Five years in British prisons
10587300 - Samaria's downfall: or, A commentary ... on the five last verses of the thirteenth chapter of Hosea
10587299 - Five years on the Erie Canal
10587298 - Five discourses on so many very important points of practical religion
10587297 - Five years before the mast, or, Life in the forecastle aboard of a whaler and man-of-war
10587296 - The Works: Letters to Mr. Wortley and the Countess of Bute, during her last residence abroad. II. Poems. III. Essays. IV. Index to the five vols
10587295 - Five sermons at the Boyle lectures
10587294 - Five Thousand Receipts in All the Useful and Domestic Arts
10587293 - Memoirs of the seventy-five eminent divines
10587292 - Five years in Damascus
10587291 - Five books of the history of C. Cornelius Tacitus
10587290 - Five years in Trinidad and St. Vincent
10587289 - A Select Collection of Old Plays: Adventures of five hours
10587288 - Tables of logarithms and anti-logarithms to five places, with marginal indices for instant reference
10587287 - Memoirs of the first forty-five years of the life of James Lackington,
10587286 - A compendium of practical music in five parts
10587285 - A narrative of five youth from the Sandwich islands
10587284 - Five thousand musical terms
10587283 - A Five Weeks Tour to Paris, Versailles, Marli, &c. ... With an Accurate Description of Paris, ...
10587282 - Five new plays
10587281 - Twenty five sermons preached to the inmates of a gaol
10587280 - Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade
10587279 - The first five books of the Roman history
10587278 - The Christian's family and pocket companion: embracing five sermons on the ...
10587277 - The layman's legacy, or twenty-five sermons on important subjects
10587276 - Five hundred points of good husbandry,
10587275 - Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts in All the Useful and Domestic Arts
10587274 - Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, the present bookseller in Chiswell-Street, Moorfields, London
10587273 - Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years
10587272 - Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings in Five Parliaments: The fourth and last part, 1645-1648
10587271 - Seventy-five receipts for pastry, cakes and sweetmeats
10587270 - The history of the five Indian nations
10587269 - Five essays on picturesque subjects; with a poem on landscape painting
10587268 - Three years' travels throughout [!] the interior parts of North America, for more than five thousand miles
10587267 - Five years' residence in the Canadas
10587266 - Sixty five plates of shipping and craft
10587265 - The voyages and five years' captivity in Algiers, of Doctor G.S.F. Pfeiffer
10587264 - From Two to Five
10587263 - Chaucer'S Canterbury Tales. IN Five Volumes. VOL. II.
10587262 - A five years' residence in Buenos Ayres
10587261 - Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington, bookseller
10587260 - Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry,
10587259 - The Piccolomini, or the first part of Wallenstein, a drama in five acts. Translated from the German of Frederick Schiller by S. T. Coleridge
10587258 - A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the British Museum hitherto undescribed: consisting of five thousand volumes; including the collections of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. the Rev. Thomas Birch, ... By Samuel Ayscough, ...
10587257 - The dramatic works of Colley Cibber, esq. in five volumes
10587256 - Five pieces of runic poetry translated from the islandic language
10587255 - Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred
10587254 - The Dramatic Works of Colley Cibber, Esq. In Five Volumes. ...: The careless husband; The rival fools; The lady's last stake; Richard III
10587253 - The union, number five
10587252 - Sixty-five sonnets, with prefatory remarks [by T. Doubleday].
10587251 - Historical Collections Of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings in Five Parliaments
10587250 - The poetical works of Edmund Spenser in five volumes
10587249 - The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato, in five books
10587248 - Five letters to Governor Hamilton
10587247 - Five Old Plays
10587246 - Observations, chiefly lithological, made in a five weeks' tour to the principal lakes in Westmoreland and Cumberland
10587245 - Five dissertations on fever
10587244 - The general history of Polybius in five books
10587243 - An account of five aerial voyages in Scotland
10587242 - Extracts of the journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke's five visits to America
10587241 - The works of Nathaniel Lardner in five volumes
10587240 - Remarks on the manner of fitting boats for ships of war and transports
10587239 - Ten Sermons, Tending Chiefly to the Fitting of Men for the Worthy Receiving of the Lords Supper
10587238 - Time's telescope universal and perpetual, fitted for all countries and capacities
10587237 - Christianity fitted for universal diffusion
10587236 - Vibius Sequester De fluminibus, fontibus, lacubus, nemoribus, paludibus, montibus, gentibus quorum apud poetas mentio fit
10587235 - Tractatus De Eo Quod Fit Ipso Iure
10587234 - Le Nouveau Panurge. Auec sa nauigation en l'Isle Imaginaire, son rajeunissement en icelle et le voyage que fit son esprit en l'autre monde pendant le rajeunissement de son corps (attrib. а G. de Reboul)
10587233 - La vie et les aventures de Robinson Crusoe, contenant sa naissance, son йvasion de chez ses pere & mere les voyages qu'il fit sur mer, & son sйjour dans le Bresil. Traduit de l'anglois ...
10587232 - Disp. iur. inaug. de causis, in quibus ex aetore fit reus, et vice versa
10587231 - Dissertatio Inauguralis Juridica De Probatione, Qvae Fit Per Libros Mercatorum. Vulgo Von BeweiЯ der Schuld mit Handels-Bьchern
10587230 - De probatione quae fit per libros mercatorum. Von BeweiЯ der Schuld mit Handels-Bьcher; resp. Joh. Adolph. Krohn
10587229 - Diss. inaug. iur. de eo quod fit dicis gratia
10587228 - Officium et cantus in processione Dom. Palmarum, in triduo Majoris Hebdomadae, in diluculo Resurrectionis, et in processione quae fit post Vesperas juxta ritum s. Ordinis Praedicatorum
10587227 - Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu m. de la Sale fit dans le golfe de Mexique, redigй & mis en ordre par m. de Michel
10587226 - Johannis Buxtorfi fil. ... Dissertatio, de sponsalibus et divortiis. Cui accessit Isaaci Abarbanelis Diatriba de excidii poena, cujus frequens in lege, et in hac ipsa materia fit mentio
10587225 - Christophori Besoldi ... Dissertationum nomicopoliticarum libri III, ubi de successione quae regni fit iure, et electione regia potissimum disputatur
10587224 - Vibii Sequestris De fluminibus, fontibus, lacubus, nemoribus, paludibus, montibus, gentibus, quorum apud poлtas mentio fit
10587223 - Disp. iur. inaug. de eo quod fit in continenti
10587222 - Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de eo quod fit dicis gratia
10587221 - Eid
10587220 - A fit rebuke to a ludicrous infidel
10587219 - On the Anatomy of Vertebrates ...: Fishes and reptiles
10587218 - A history of the fishes of the British Islands
10587217 - An introduction to the natural history of fishes
10587216 - The natural history of the fishes of Guiana ...
10587215 - A history of British star-fishes, and other animals of the class Echinodermata
10587214 - Catalogue of the acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum
10587213 - Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of birds, reptiles, and fishes
10587212 - The Natural History of Ireland: Birds, comprising the orders Raptores & Insessores.-v. 2. Birds, comprising the orders Rasores & Grallatores.-v. 3. Birds, comprising the order Natatores.-v. 4. Mammalia, reptiles, and fishes, also Invertebrata
10587211 - Fishes of the perch family
10587210 - The fishes of Zanzibar
10587209 - The natural history of fishes, particularly their structure and economical uses
10587208 - A history of the fishes of Madeira
10587207 - Buffon's natural history of the globe, and of man, beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects
10587206 - The Fishes of Malabar
10587205 - The natural history of animals, containing an account of remarkable beasts, birds, fishes, and insects
10587204 - Prize essay on the fishes of the district of the Firth of Forth
10587203 - Fishes and fishing
10587202 - Fishes of British Guiana
10587201 - Zoologia medicinalis hibernica or, A treatise of birds, beasts, fishes, reptiles, or insects in this kingdom
10587200 - The Natural History of British Fishes
10587199 - Tidepool and Nearshore Fishes of California
10587198 - A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, St Christophers and Jamaica with the Natural History of the Herbs, and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles &c. of the Last of Those Islands
10587197 - California Marine Food and Game Fishes
10587196 - A history of British fishes
10587195 - Inland Fishes of California
10587194 - A natural history of the most remarkable quadrupeds, birds, fishes, serpents, reptiles, and insects
10587193 - Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes
10587192 - Oppian's Halieuticks of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients
10587191 - The natural history of fishes and serpents, including sea-turtles, crustaceous and shell fishes, with their medicinal uses
10587190 - Frank Forester's fish and fishing of the United States and British provinces of North America
10587189 - Heraldry of Fish
10587188 - The whole art of curing, pickling, and smoking meat and fish
10587187 - A treatise on the propagation of salmon and other fish
10587186 - Pastors and people: a centenary memorial of Fish-street Congregational church, Hull
10587185 - The Art and Mystery of Curing, Preserving, and Potting All Kinds of Meats, Game, and Fish
10587184 - Fish hatching
10587183 - Checklist of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, present on forest and rangelands in California
10587182 - Influence of turbidity on fish abundance in western Lake Superior
10587181 - Fish and food organisms in acid mine waters of Pennsylvania
10587180 - Fauna Boreali-americana, Or, The Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America: The fish
10587179 - Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish
10587178 - Toxicity of chlorinated power plant condenser cooling waters to fish
10587177 - Natural history of birds, fish, insects, and reptiles
10587176 - The traveller, or A shy fish glancing at the "Tuck-net".
10587175 - A discourse of fish and fish-ponds
10587174 - Informe fiscal sobre fomento de la poblacion blanca en la isla de Cuba y emancipacion progresiva de la esclava
10587173 - Manual del promotor-fiscal
10587172 - Observaciones sobre lo que ha sido desde su origen el Ministerio Fiscal
10587171 - El Fiscal fiscalizado
10587170 - Representaciуn hecha al Rey Nuestro Sr. por el Illmo. Sr. D. Francisco Carrasco, Marquйs de la Corona del Consejo Supremo de Castilla y Fiscal en el de Hacienda
10587169 - Memorial ajustado formado en virtud de la Cбmara con citacion y asistencia de la partes del pleyto que en ella sigue el clero de Racioneros de Mensa y Beneficiados colativos de la Iglesia Metropolitana del Salvador de Zaragoza con el Cabildo de Canonigos
10587168 - Seсor. Facil es acusar, y dificultoso, defender los delitos: pero quando para que lo parezcan, el Fiscal de V. Magestad haze los esfuerзos, solo con su erudicio[n], con la razon desnuda, estarа segura la defensa ...
10587167 - Por el licenciado don Iuan Avello de Valdиs, Alcalde del Crimen de la Real Chancilleria de Valladolid, Visitador General que fue de la Audiencia de Panamа, y Reyno de Tierra Firme, y de la Prouincia de Cartagena de Indias. Con el seсor fiscal del Consejo,
10587166 - Mayor fiscal contra judios
10587165 - Memorial ajustado de la causa criminal, que a instancia del ilustrisimo Seсor D. Pedro Rodriguez Campomanes, fiscal del Consejo, y en virtud del decreto de este ... ha substanciado, en calidad de comisionado el seсor Don Agustin de Leyza ... sobre la volu
10587164 - Executorial de hidalguia, nobleza y uso de este escudo de armas, inserta sentencia de la Real Corte de Navarra, obtenida por ... Ignacio Navarro ... y por ... sus hijos ... y por sus aderidos ... en juicio formal con el seсor fiscal de su Magestad ...
10587163 - Acusacion fiscal que en la causa sobre falsificacion de Vales Reales
10587162 - Breve noticia, y resumen del verdadero hecho, y derecho que assiste а el Real Monasterio de San Prudencio ... en el pleyto ... contra el Fiscal General Eclesiastico del Obispado del Calahorra, sobre varios excessos cometidos por el Provisor de dicho Obisp
10587161 - Por Don Diego de Avila ... con Don Miguel Laso de la Vega ... y otros muchos vezinos ... y con la ciudad de Sevilla y con Don Gabriel de Campos ... y con el Sr. Fiscal del Consejo de Hazienda sobre la paga de los derechos de Alcavala ...
10587160 - Representacion iuridica por el Hermano Rodrigo de la Cruz, Prefecto General de la Compaсia Bethleemitica con el seсor Fiscal del Supremo, y Real Consejo de Indias sobre el pretenso passo de dos Breves Apostolicos, expedidos por la Santidad de Inocencio Vn
10587159 - Reports of the heads of departments to the Governor of Pennsylvania, in pursuance of the law for the fiscal year ending ...
10587158 - San Francisco Municipal Reports for the Fiscal Year ...
10587157 - Results of spirit-leveling, fiscal year 1900-'01
10587156 - Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1904-5
10587155 - Diatribe histor. philosophica de Philosophia Lucii Caecilii Lactantii Firm
10587154 - Dealings with the firm of Dombey and Son
10587153 - Catalogue
10587152 - Catalogue / Pickering and Chatto, firm, booksellers, London
10587151 - La methode d'apprendre de latin et oщ on explique l'usage que doit fire de cette Grammaire
10587150 - Camp-fire and cotton-field: southern adventure in time of war
10587149 - The sun: ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system
10587148 - Camp-Fire AND Cotton-Field: Southern Adventure IN Time OF WAR
10587147 - The gun; or, A treatise on the various descriptions of small fire-arms
10587146 - London before the fire of 1666
10587145 - On the construction of fire engines and apparatus
10587144 - Ragnarok
10587143 - The Evening fire-side, or Weekly intelligence in the civil, natural, moral, literary and religious worlds
10587142 - The Evening fire-side, or Literary miscellany
10587141 - A treatise on the law of fire and life insurance
10587140 - The prophet of fire
10587139 - Deanes' manual of the history and science of fire-arms
10587138 - A Treatise on Fire and Thief-proof Depositories, and Locks and Keys
10587137 - The Tragedy of the Seas; Or, Sorrow on the Ocean, Lake, and River, from Shipwreck, Plague, Fire and Famine ...
10587136 - God's terrible voice in the city ... the history of the ... plague and fire in London ...
10587135 - The Rosicrucians, their rites and mysteries, with chapters on the ancient fire and serpent worshipers
10587134 - The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
10587133 - The Family fire-side book
10587132 - The fire-resistive properties of various building materials
10587131 - A Record of the Great Fire in Newcastle and Gateshead
10587130 - The fire-worshippers
10587129 - A round of stories by the Christmas fire
10587128 - Fire prevention and fire extinction
10587127 - International Symposium on the Use of Models in Fire Research
10587126 - Shipwrecks and disasters at sea
10587125 - The gleaner; or, Entertainment for the fire-side
10587124 - Fishes, Flowers & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c., with Illustrative Myths and Legends
10587123 - Beside the Fire
10587122 - The Vulcano's or, burning and fire-vomiting mountains, famous in the world
10587121 - The Sacred Fire
10587120 - The dissolution of this world by fire
10587119 - Directory of fire research in the United States
10587118 - Statistics of fire departments of cities having a population of over 30,000. 1917
10587117 - The pastor's fire-side
10587116 - Narrative of the destructive fire at Providence grove [Hadnall, Sropshire] ...
10587115 - The fire-eater
10587114 - A treatise on the law of fire insurance and insurance on inland waters : in two parts, with an appendix of forms / by Elisha Hammond
10587113 - Articles and regulations of the Edinburgh friendly insurance against losses by fire: and seal of cause granted by the magistrates and town-ouncil of Edinburgh
10587112 - Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades: with a history of manual and steam fire engines [&c.].
10587111 - Theory of Groups of Finite Order
10587110 - The art of dyeing, cleaning, scouring, and finishing
10587109 - Finishing the Christian course, considered and argued. A funeral sermon, occasion'd by the death of the late Reverend John Evans, D.D. who deceased May 16, 1730. ... Preach'd at New Broad-Street in Petty-France. To which is added the practical improvement
10587108 - Finishes for metals
10587107 - The Malformations, diseases and injuries of the fingers and toes and their surgical treatment
10587106 - Subtle brains and lissom fingers, and other papers
10587105 - Jackson's gymnastics for the fingers and wrist
10587104 - Corso di diritto civile secondo il Codice francese, con sommarii o sunti analitici in fronte di ciascun capitolo e sezione di materia, una tavola generale in fine di ciascun volume e delle note indicative delle leggi romane ed antiche ordinanze ove sono s
10587103 - Delle belle arte in Sicilia dai Normanni sino alla fine del secolo xiv
10587102 - Cl. viri D. Petri Michaelis de Heredia ... Operum medicinalium tomus tertius in quo complete tractatur de morbis acutis totius corporis humani. Adjiciuntur in fine eiusdem de somno & vigilia, necnon de natura delirii & eius causis tractatus
10587101 - Storia della repubblica di Venezia dal suo principio sino al suo fine
10587100 - Traite pratique de la culture de l'osier
10587099 - Le cuisinier parisien ou manuel complet d'йconomie domestique contenant la cuisine, la charcuterie, la grosse pвtisserie et la pвtisserie fine, l'office dans toutes ses branches, la cuisine des malades[...]
10587098 - Dell'unico principio e dell'unico fine del diritto universale
10587097 - Statistica numerativa delle popolazioni dello stato pontificio alla fine del 1853 col ripartimento territoriale ...
10587096 - Lucio Fauno. Della antichita della citta di Roma, raccolte e scritte da m. Lucio Fauno con somma breuitа, & ordine, con quanto gli Antichi o Moderni scritti ne hanno libri V. Reuisti hora, e corretti dal medesimo autore in molti luoghi, con aggiungerui pe
10587095 - Historia d'Ezzelino Terzo da Roman, nella quale non solo si contiene la vita, ma anco l'origine, e fine della sua famiglia
10587094 - Vite de'santi beati venerabili e servi di dio della diocesi di Faenza
10587093 - Dell'unico principio e dell'unico fine dell'universo diritto
10587092 - Avvisi della Cina et Giapone del fine dell' anno 1586 ...
10587091 - Disputationes de fine mundi, in quibus quaecunque a varijs philosophorum sectis in hoc argumento naturali lumine sunt constituta, refelluntur etc. Opus posthumum
10587090 - De professione regulari ad leges iuris communis, & constitutiones summorum pontificum, tum antiquorum, tum modernorum, cum omnibus fere decisionibus per extensum, Sacrae Rotae Romanae, in fine operis, quae hucusque emanarunt in lucem. Auctore r. p. magist
10587089 - Theses sacrae de scriptura sacra, ejus scilicet essentia, causis [materia, forma, efficiente, & fine] proprietatibus & accidentibus
10587088 - Teatro Gallico, o vero La Monarchia della Real Casa di Borbone in Francia, sotto i Regni di Henrico IV, Luigi XIII e Luigi XIV ... detto Luigi il Grande, sino al fine dell' anno 1690
10587087 - Theses sacrae de scriptura sacra, ejus scilicet essentia, causis [materia, forma, efficiente, et fine] proprietatibus et accidentibus
10587086 - Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Commentaria in octo Physicorum Aristotelis libros cum duplici textus translatione, antiqua, et Argyropoli. Ad haec accessit Roberti Linconiensis in eosdem summa. [Accedunt in fine Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Opuscula de Principiis natu
10587085 - Lettres du Cardinal Duc, Oщ l'on voit la fine Politique & le Secret de ses plus grandes Negotiations
10587084 - Lettres du cardinal duc de Richelieu, oщ l'on voit la fine politique et le secret de ses plus grandes nйgociations
10587083 - D. Jo. Baptistae de Luca ... Conflictus legis et rationis sive Observationes in iis legalibus propositionibus ... ; additur in fine Votum seu Discursus an [et] quadno minor aetas excuset in delicto ...
10587082 - Dettaglio delle chiese di Cremona, con in fine il catalogo della gerarchia celeste di nostra patria ed altre persone illustri per religione e per pietа
10587081 - Considerazioni del marchese Glovan-Gioseffo Orsi bolognese, sopra La maniera di ben pensare ne' componimenti, giа pubblicata dal padre Domenico Bouhours della Compagnia di Gesu'. S' aggiungono tutte le scritture, che in occasione di questa letteraria cont
10587080 - Ragionamento Istorico Intorno A'Nuovi Vulcani, Comparsi nella fine dell'anno scorso 1760, nel Territorio della Torre del Greco
10587079 - Dell'ultimo fine dell'huomo
10587078 - I dieci paradossi faceti e morali del Chiari da Pisa, i titoli de' quali saranno espressi nelle pagine seguenti. Operetta da leggersi con piacere a fine di passare le ore oziose non senza qualche profitto
10587077 - Sinonimi ed aggiunti italiani, con in fine un trattato de' sinonomi, degli aggiunti, e delle similitudini. Accresciuta di giunte postume dell'autore, e d'altre di prosastica frasologia dal padre A.M. Bandiera
10587076 - Catalogo istorico de' pittori e scultori ferraresi e delle opere loro, con in fine una nota esatta della piщ celebri pitture della chiese di Ferrara
10587075 - Storia pittorica della Italia dal risorgimento delle belle arti fin presso al fine del XVIII secolo: Le scuole bolognese e ferrarese, e quelle di Genova e del Piemonte
10587074 - Storia della statistica ... sino alla fine del secolo xviii
10587073 - Catalogus Bibliothecae Hungaricae Francisci com. Szйchйnyi. [With] Suppl. 1,2 [and] Index alter. [3 pt. Pr. on fine paper].
10587072 - In Qvatvor Andraeae Osiandri Coniecturas de fine Mundi, uelitatio Iohannis Cochlaei
10587071 - Riflessioni anatomiche sulle note di Monsignor Gio: Maria Lancisi fatte sopra le tavole del celebre Bartolomeo Eustachio : coll'aggiunta di molte cose omessenelle suddette note, oltra quelle, che si riferiscano in fine, per meglior dilucidazione di dette
10587070 - Petri Simonis Aprilei ... De lingua latina vel De arte gra[m]matica libri quatuor ... ; adiectus est in fine liber De arte poetica ...
10587069 - Dissertatio iuridica de fine fidelitatis vasalliticae suasorio unico, iustificatorio autem ex conventione inter dominum et vasallum arbitraria diverso
10587068 - Specimen juridicum inaugurale De fundamento juris puniendi atque legum poenalium fine et de quibusdam poenis criminalibus quibus hodie utimur, ...
10587067 - Ad tirones institutiones theologicж in Primam secundж d. Thomж de fine, regula, et principio actuum humanorum [by J. Opstraet].
10587066 - Dell'unico principio e fine del dritto universale, di Giambattista Vico
10587065 - Boetii Eponis Frisii De iure sacro, vel Principorum iuris pontificij libri 3. Nempe De vero iuris pont. fine ... Historia simul et ars iuris pont. vna cum variss auctorum ... Paratitla decretarum grecorii
10587064 - De fine creationis primario
10587063 - Catalogo istorico de pittori e scultori Ferraresi e delle opere loro con in fine una nota esatta delle piu celebri pitture delle Chiese di Ferrara
10587062 - Storia di Catania sino alla fine del secolo XVIII
10587061 - Relazione vera et fedele del giubileo, tenuto in Alemagna, da quelli che vengono detti Luterani nel fine dell'anno 1617
10587060 - Histoire de l'introduction des moutons а laine fine d'Espagne, dans les divers йtats de l'Europe et au cap de Bonne-Espйrance...
10587059 - Petri Simonis Aprilei ... De lingua latina vel De arte grammatica libri quatuor ... ; adiectus est in fine liber De arte poлtici ...
10587058 - Li riflessi della Santissima Trinita del padre Antonio Glielmo sacerdote della congregatione dell'oratorio di Napoli, con vn poema sacro nel fine intitolato il calvario laureato del medesimo autore...
10587057 - Relatio compendiaria de initio processu et fine Colloquii Ratisbonensis anno 1601 inst
10587056 - Storia pittorica della Italia del risorgimento delle belle arti fin presso al fine del XVIII secolo
10587055 - I confessori della fede nella chiesa di Francia alla fine del secolo XVIII.
10587054 - Sermones dominicales per totum annum : eximij doctoris magistri Iacobi de Voragine ordinis praedicatorum quondam archiepiscopi Ianuensis... Cum duplici indice, altero sermonum in fine
10587053 - Hadriani a Mynsicht ... Thesaurus [et] armamentarium medico-Chymicum ... cui in fine adjunctum est testamentum Hadrianeum de Aureo Philosophorum Lapide ... Auctarium Andrea Battimelli, Corollarium Hieronymi Piperi ... nunc demum Praelectiones chymicae in
10587052 - Biblioteca degli autori antichi, greci e latini, volgarizzati, che abbraccia la notizia delle loro edizioni... in fine si da la notizia de' volgarizzamenti Biblia, del messale e del breviario
10587051 - Vocabolario italiano e latino, diviso in due tomi : Ne i quali si contengono le Frasi piщ eleganti e difficili, i Modi di dire, Proverbj ec. dell'una e l'altra Lingua; aggiutovi in fine le Favole, e i Nomi delle principali Cittа, Castella, Mari, Fiumi, Mo
10587050 - Sinonimi ed aggiunti italiani raccolti dal padre Carlo Costanzo Rabbi bolognese della congregazione agostiniana di Lombardia, con in fine un trattato de sinonimi, degli aggiunti, e delle similtudini
10587049 - Il senato Romano nella sette epoche di svariato governo da Romolo fine a noi
10587048 - Storia pittorica della Italia dal Risorgimento delle belle arti fin presso al fine del XVIII secolo
10587047 - P. Pauli Mariae Astensis ... Arcanum impenetrabile de mutua necessitudine animae et corporis quod inscribitur Psychologia sive motuum animalium & reciprochorum machinae animalis theoria medica omnes humanos actus autoptica & facili, quamvis hactenus inaud
10587046 - Cariche del Piemonte e paesi uniti colla serie cronologica delle persone che le hanno occupate ed altre notizie di nuda istoria dal fine del secolo decimo sino al dicembre 1798
10587045 - Vera ac memorabilis historia de tribus energumenis in partibus Belgii, et de quibusdam aliis magiae complicibus, de fine mundi, Antichristo,... e memorabilibus Nicolai de Momorenci... Sebastiani Michaлlis... Francisci Domptii... edita in lucem diligentiв
10587044 - Cvrsvs physicomathematicvs p. Francisci Eschinardi ... Pars prima. De cosmographia. Tomvs primvs continens duplicem tractatum. Primum de sphaera. Secundum de astronomia. Additur in fine, quamplurium quaesitorum ex praecedentibus doctrinis solutio
10587043 - Istoria del l'arrianesmo dalla sua nascita fin al suo fine
10587042 - Indici generali dell'opera
10587041 - Opuscoli matematici e fisici di diversi autori: Cauchy, A.L. Sulla meccanica celesta e sopra un nuovo calcolo chiamato calcolo dei limiti (translated by P. Frisiani and G. Piola) Bellani, A. Sulla grandine. Bordoni, A. Sulle svolte ordinarie delle strade.
10587040 - Christus iudex non ante quam in ipso mundo fine venturus, ex Luc. 21,27 sistetur
10587039 - The London polytechnic magazine, and journal of science, literature, and the fine arts, ed. by T. Stone. Jan.-June, 1844
10587038 - Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts...
10587037 - The Literary magnet of the belles lettres, science, and the fine arts
10587036 - Outline history of the fine arts
10587035 - Catalogue of paintings by artists of the Dьsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts
10587034 - The fine arts and civilization of ancient Ireland
10587033 - Practical essays on various branches of the fine arts
10587032 - Idea Eliana pro triplici statu prophetae visibilis inter homines ante raptum, occulti post eundem in Synagoga & Ecclesia, iterumque visibilis in fine mundi
10587031 - De fine et objecto juris publici romanogermanici; respond. Joh. Bapt. Staedel
10587030 - Disputationes de fine mundi
10587029 - Legends of the Monastic Orders, as Represented in the Fine Arts
10587028 - Index and introductory. Raw materials. Machinery.-v.2. Manufactures. Fine arts. Colonies.-v.3 Foreign states
10587027 - The Fine arts' journal
10587026 - The Newleafe discourses on the fine-art architecture
10587025 - The Magazine of the fine arts
10587024 - Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts
10587023 - Painting and the fine arts
10587022 - A Biographical History OF THE Fine Arts
10587021 - The photographic and fine art journal
10587020 - A general view of the fine arts, critical and historical
10587019 - Descriptive catalogue of the paintings now on exhibition at the Institute of fine arts ...
10587018 - Somerset house gazette, and literary museum; or, Weekly miscellany of fine arts, antiquities, and literary chit chat ...
10587017 - Dress as a Fine Art
10587016 - The London and Paris observer or, Chronicle of literature, science, and the fine arts
10587015 - A general and bibliographical dictionary of the fine arts
10587014 - A biographical history of the fine arts, or, Memoirs of the lives and works of eminent painters, engravers, sculptors, and architects
10587013 - Hand-book of literature and the fine arts
10587012 - Fine arts almanack, or, Artists' remembrancer
10587011 - Fine art, chiefly contemporary
10587010 - Bent's literary advertiser and register of engravings, works on the fine arts
10587009 - The tryal of William Whiston, clerk, for defaming and denying the Holy Trinity, before the lord chief justice Reason. To which is subjoined, A new catechism for the fine ladies [&c.].
10587008 - Library of the fine arts; or Repertory of painting, sculpture, architecture & engraving
10587007 - Letters on the fine arts, written from Paris, in the year 1815
10587006 - Blackwood's lady's magazine and gazette of the fashionable world, or, St. James's court-register of belles lettres, fine arts, music, drama, fashions, &c
10587005 - A catalogue of a large and curious collection of books, in which is included the fine Italian library of ... mr. Pheringer. Which will be sold July 1780
10587004 - The Portfolio of entertaining & instructive varieties in history, literature, fine arts, etc. ...
10587003 - Annals of the fine arts
10587002 - Arnold's magazine of the fine arts
10587001 - The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford ...: Anecdotes of painting [and the other fine arts
10587000 - The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests ...including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts
10586999 - New, valuable, and most important books, in the fine arts, architecture, natural history, philology, and belles lettres, at very reduced prices ...
10586998 - The Parlour review, and journal of music, literature, and the fine arts
10586997 - Hydraulic tables, coefficients, and formulж for finding the discharge of water from orifices, notches, weirs, pipes, and rivers
10586996 - Tables requisite to be used with The nautical ephemeris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea
10586995 - A Notable Career in Finding Out
10586994 - A supplement to the treatise for finding the longitude
10586993 - A practical method for finding the longitude and latitude of a ship at sea, by observations of the moon
10586992 - Vocabularium litthuanico-germanicum et germanico-litthuanicum darin alle im Neuen Testament und Psalter befindliche Woerter nach dem Alphabeth enthalten find
10586991 - Quarterly financial report for manufacturing corporations
10586990 - Mexico and her financial questions with England, Spain and France
10586989 - The Commercial and financial chronicle, and Hunt's merchants' magazine
10586988 - The financial statements of 1853, 1860-1863
10586987 - Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education Correspondence, Financial Statements, etc., and Reports by Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools
10586986 - The Financial register of the United States
10586985 - A Digest of all the accounts relating to the population productions, revenues, financial operations, manufactures, shipping, colonies, commerce ... of Great Britain and Ireland
10586984 - Financial maturity
10586983 - Financial statistics of cities having a population of over 100,000
10586982 - On financial reform
10586981 - Financial statistics of states
10586980 - Quarterly financial report for manufacturing, mining and trade corporations
10586979 - Diccionario de los geroglificos que contienen las medallas antiguas Romanas, con un appendice de las ciudades y pueblos de Espaсa en que se batieron у acuсaron; concluyendo б su final con un diccionario latino de las letras mayъsculas que los Romanos usab
10586978 - Sermon du iugement final, vniuersel & general, de Iesus Christ nostre Seigneur & Sauueur, colligй... traduict & tournй de Latin en Franзoys, par Leonard Ianier...
10586977 - De legitimo contradictore adl. final C. de edict. D. Adr. toll
10586976 - Suenos, y discursos de verdades descubridoras de abusos, vicios y enganos, en todos los oficios y estados del mundo...[El Sueno del Juyzio final. El Alguazil Endemoniado. Sueno del Infierno. El Mundo por de dentro. Sueno de la Muerte. Cartas del Cavallero
10586975 - Tratado del iuyzio final
10586974 - Abb. Jo. Baptistae Pacichellii ... Tractatus de distantiis ad text. in leg. final. Digest. Fin. regund. in quo tota ferи servitutum materia theoricи, ac practicи delibatur. Accesserunt in hac postrema editione. Francisci Lazzarini ... adnotationes, ac sac
10586973 - Entierro del juizio final y vivificaciуn de la Astrologнa...
10586972 - Entierro del juizio final y vivificacion de la astrologia, herida con tres llagas en lo natural, moral y politico, y curada con tres parches ...
10586971 - El secreto revelado on cartas confidenciales, que un constitucional rezagado escribia б sus amigos refugiados en Londres, reconviniйndoles por los graves yerros que han cometido, y dandoles instrucciones seguros para su final enmienda
10586970 - Monumentos sagrados de la salud del hombre desde la caida de Adan hasta el jucio final
10586969 - Tratado del iuyzio final, en el qual se hallaran muchas cosas muy curiosas, y prouechosas para la salud de las armas y recreacion de los que las leyerean
10586968 - Final Environmental Impact Statement: Appendices
10586967 - The national and private "Alabama claims" and their "final and amicable settlement".
10586966 - The history of the Jews of Spain and Portugal, from the earliest times to their final expulsion from those kingdoms, and their subsequent dispersion
10586965 - Final report on the geology and mineralogy of the state of New Hampshire
10586964 - Sermon del iuyzio final
10586963 - The general history of the Christian Church from her birth to her final triumphant state in heaven
10586962 - Final report on the geology of Massachusetts
10586961 - The History of Greece, from the Accession of Alexander of Macedon, Till Its Final Subjection to the Roman Power
10586960 - Centuria thematum legalium, ex l. si umquam IIX. lod. De revoc. donat. et Cap. Final. Causs. 17. Quaest. 4. desumptorum
10586959 - The doctrine of the saints final perseverance, asserted and vindicated: in answer to a late pamphlet, called, Serious thoughts, on that subject. By John Gill
10586958 - A complete and final detection of A-d B-r: containing a summary view of the evidence formerly produced against him; a confutation of the evasions and subterfuges in his several defences; and many new demonstrations of the fictions of the pretended convert
10586957 - Final report
10586956 - Final environmental statement for the issuance of annual regulations permitting the sport hunting of migratory birds
10586955 - Promulgation of leasing and operating regulations
10586954 - Final restoration demonstrated from the Scriptures of truth
10586953 - The full and final restoration of the Jews and Israelites
10586952 - Final Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Trans-Alaska Pipeline: Evaluation of environmental impact
10586951 - Final report
10586950 - Final environmental statement
10586949 - A vindication of the doctrine of the final perseverance of the saints ...
10586948 - Kuleshov on Film
10586947 - Film
10586946 - A Grammar of the Film
10586945 - Dialogos de la doctrina christiana que son norma, forma y pauta ab que los pares, amos y mestres poden facilment cumplir б la obligaciу que tenen de ensenyar la doctrina б sos fills, criats y deixebles
10586944 - Criteria for compacted fills
10586943 - The art of saw-filing
10586942 - A historical collection from official records, files, &c., of the part sustained by Connecticut, during the war of the revolution
10586941 - Le cabinet des Dames: contenant l'ornement spirituel de la femme, file &l Vefue Chrestienne. Plus le cabinet de la Vierge Consacrйe а Dieu par le Voeu de Chastetй. Avec un Calendrier historial des Sainctes & vertueuses dames
10586940 - Des cultes qui ont prйcйdй et amenй l'idolatrie ou l'adoration des figures humaines ...
10586939 - L'Antiquitй expliquйe et reprйsentйe en figures: Les usages de la vie. 1. Les habits, les meubles, les vases, les monnayes, les poids ... 2. Les bain, les mariages, les ... jeux, les pompes, la chasse, la pкche, les arts
10586938 - Recherche des antiquitez et noblesse de Flandres, contenant l'histoire gйnйalogique des comtes de Flandres, avec une description curieuse dudit pays ... Enrichie de plusieurs figures, & divisйe en deux livres...
10586937 - Les Proportions du Corps humain mesurйes sur les plus belles Figures de l'antiquitй et gravйes par...
10586936 - Tableaux sacrez des figures mystiques du tresauguste sacrifice et Sacrement de l'Euchariste
10586935 - Dictionnaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de l'architecture navale enrichi des figures etc
10586934 - Traitй historique des monnoyes de France, avec leurs figures, depuis le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'а present
10586933 - Nouveau voyage d'un paпs plus grand que l'Europe avec les reflections des entreprises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les mines de St Barbe et enrichi de la carte, de figures expressives, des moeurs et maniиres de vivre des sauvages du Nord, et du Sud... avec a
10586932 - Trois traictez de la philosophie naturelle... Le Secret livre du tres-ancien Philosophe Artephius... Plus les Figures hierogliphiques de Nicolas Flamel... Ensemble Le vray Liure du docte Synesius... le tout traduict par B. Arnauld, sieur de la Cheuallerie
10586931 - Nouvelle dйcouverte d'un trиs grand pays situй dans l'Amйrique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la mer glaciale avec les cartes & les figures nйcessaires, & de plus l'histoire naturelle & morale, & les avantages, qu'on peut en tirer par l'йtablissement des c
10586930 - Йtudes sur les Йchinides fossiles du dйpartement de l'Yonne par M. Gustave Cotteau, avec des figures de tontes les espиces lithographiйes d'aprиs nature par MM. Vachey et Levasseur
10586929 - Figures pour le bon jardinier
10586928 - Physique sacrйe, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, traduite du latin de M. Jean Jacques Scheuchzer,... enrichie de figures en taille douce, gravйes par les soins de Jean Andrй Pfeffel
10586927 - Essay de psaumes et cantiques, mis en vers et enrichis de figures
10586926 - Tresor heraldique ou Mercure armorial, Ou sont demonstrees toutes les choses necessaires pour l'acquerir une parfaite connoissance de l'Art de blazonner. Enrichy de Figures et du Blazon des Maisons Nobles ... de France (etc.)
10586925 - Description des plantes de l'Amйrique avec leurs figures par le R. P. Charles Plumier...
10586924 - Histoire gйnйrale des drogues traitant des plantes, des animaux, et des minйraux, ouvrage enrichy de plus de quatre cent figures en taille douce tirйes d'aprиs nature ; avec un discours qui explique leurs differens noms, les pays d'oщ elles viennent, la m
10586923 - Recueil d'emblкmes, devises, medailles, et figures hieroglyphiques
10586922 - Fables choisies, traduites en italien avec le franзois а cфtй, par le sieur de Veroni...le tout enrichi de figures а chaque fable...
10586921 - Introduction а l'Ecriture sainte... enrichie de plusieurs figures [par M. Ogier], trad. du latin du R. Pиre Lamy... [par le P. Franзois Boyer]
10586920 - Contes et Fables, de Monsieur Le Noble. Ouvrage enrichi de Figures (d'Ertinger)...
10586919 - La Rhйtorique franзoise... oщ l'on trouve de nouveaux exemples sur les passions et sur les figures
10586918 - La vie de Don Pedro Giron, duc d'Ossone, vice Roi Sicile et de Naples, lequel a йtй un Prodige de bon Gouvernement. Enrichie de figures en taille douce
10586917 - Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, enrichie de figures
10586916 - Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament enrichie de plus de quatre cens figures en Taille douce, etc
10586915 - Architecture de Vignole, qui comprend des ordres, avec des commentaires, les figures et descriptions de des plus beaux bвtimens et de ceux de Michel-Ange, et une explication de tous les termes par ordre alphabйtique
10586914 - Diagrammes chimiques, ou receuil de 360 figures qui expliquent ... les expйriences par l'indication des agens et des produits а cotй de l'appareil ...
10586913 - Moпse sans voile ou explication des types et des figures de l'Ancien Testament
10586912 - Les tropes ou les figures de mots
10586911 - Figures de la Bible contenues en cinq cens tableaux
10586910 - Bibliothиque hermйtique, contenant les ouvrages les plus rares & les plus estimйs des Philosophes Alchimiques, tant anciens que modernes ... le tout enrichi de Figures ... pour en faciliter l'intelligence
10586909 - L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveaux Testament, reprйsentй avec des figures ...
10586908 - Traitй des propriйtйs projectives des figures
10586907 - Gleanings of natural history, exhibiting figures of quadrupeds, birds, insects, plants, &c
10586906 - Voyages .. de Mendez Pinto
10586905 - Traitй historique des monnoyes de France avec leurs figures, depuis le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'а prйsent
10586904 - L'anatomie universelle de toutes les parties du corps humain, reprйsentйe en figures, & exactament expliquйe par *** ...
10586903 - Afrique
10586902 - Abrйgй de l'histoire gйnйrale des voyages, contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile et de mieux avйrй dans les pays oщ les voyageurs ont pйnйtrй ; les moeurs des habitans, la religion, les usages, arts et sciences, commerce, manufactures;
10586901 - Oeuvres. Avec des eclaircissemens historiques, donnez par lui-meme. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee & augmentee. figures gravees par Bernard Picart
10586900 - Traitй des operations de chirurgie, avec les figures & la description des instrumens qu'on y employ, & une introduction sur la nature & le traitement des plaies, des absces & des ulcйres
10586899 - Table gйnйrale
10586898 - Quelques Rйflexions d'un vieux croyant catholique sur le changement des sculptures, emblиmes et figures fait au frontispice du Panthйon, ci-devant l'йglise Sainte-Geneviиve
10586897 - Les vies des SS. Pиres des dйserts d'Orient, avec des figures qui reprйsentent l'austйritй de leur vie, & leurs principales occupations
10586896 - Collection iconographique et historique des chenilles ou Description et figures des chenilles d'Europe
10586895 - Oeuvres de M. de Voltaire. Nouvelle йdition, revue, corrigйe et considйrablement augmentйe par l'auteur, enrichie de figures en taille-douce
10586894 - Les Tropes, ou les Figures de mots, poиme en 4 chants, avec des notes, un extrait de Denys d'Halicarnasse sur les tropes d'Homиre...
10586893 - Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idolatres, reprйsentйes par des figures dessinйes de la main de Bernard Picart: avec une explication historique, & quelques dissertations curieuses
10586892 - Les monumens de la monarchie franзaise qui comprennent l'histoire de France, avec les figures de chaque regne ...
10586891 - L'Histoire du vieux et du nouveau Testament reprйsentйe avec des figures et des explications йdifiantes
10586890 - Les Monuments de la Monarchie franзoise qui comprennent l'histoire de France avec les figures de chaque rиgne que l'injure des tems a epargnйes
10586889 - Essai gйologique et minйralogique sur les environs d'Issoire, dйpartement du Puy-de-Dфme, et principalement sur la montagne de Boulade avec la description et les figures lithographiйes des ossemens fossiles qui y ont йtй recueillis
10586888 - Description de la Ville de Paris, et de tout ce qu'elle contient de plus remarquable. Par Germain Brice. Enrichie de plans et de figures dessinйes & gravйes correctement. Sixiиme йdition revue et augmentйe par l'auteur
10586887 - Chef d'oeuvres dramatiques d'Alexis Piron, prйcйdйs de la vie de l'auteur йcrite par luimкme. Nouvelle йdition, avec figures en taille douce, d'aprиs les dessins de M. Cochin (par J. J. Flipart, D. Sornique)...
10586886 - Relation nouvelle d'un voyage de Constantinople, enrichie de plans levez par l'auteur sur les lieux, et des figures de tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans cette ville, prйsentйe au Roy
10586885 - Voyages de Monsieur le chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l'Orient... enrichi d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille-douce, reprйsentant les antiquitez, les choses remarquables du pais
10586884 - Cйrйmonies et coutumes religieuses des peuples idфlatres, reprйsentйes par des figures dessinйes...
10586883 - Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de quelques especes de moines, dйcrits а la maniиre de Linnй. Ouvrage traduit du latin (d'Ignaz von Born) et ornй de figures par M. Jean d'Antimoine... (i. e. P. M. A. Broussonnet)
10586882 - Figures des differents habits des chanoines reguliers en ce siecle
10586881 - L'Antiquite expliquee et representee en figures
10586880 - Le trйsor du fidиle, ou manuel de piйtй..., ornй de figures en taille douce
10586879 - Essai de cristallographie ou description des figures gйomйtriques...
10586878 - Antiquitйs de la ville de Saintes et du dйpartement de la Charente Infйrieure, inйdites ou nouvellement expliquйes avec figures
10586877 - Њuvres choisies du comte de Tressan, avec figures: Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule, t. 1-2
10586876 - Anatomie de l'homme ou Description et figures lithographiйes de toutes les parties du corps humain
10586875 - Histoire abrйgйe de diffйrens cultes: Des cultes qui ont prйcйdй et amenй l'idolatrie, ou l'adoration des figures humaines
10586874 - Desmographie ou description des ligamens du corps humain, avec figures
10586873 - Cйrйmonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, reprйsentйes par des figures dessinйes de la main de Bernard Picart: avec une explication historique, & quelques dissertations curieuses: Un parallиle historique des cйrйmonies religieuses d
10586872 - The passion of our Saviour [53 engr. The title-leaf is an adaptation of S. Le Clerc's Figures de la passion d. n. s. Iesus Christ, of which re-engravings of plates 1-35 are included].
10586871 - Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse, et autres lieux de l'Orient, enrichis d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille-douce, reprйsentant les antiquitйs et les choses remarquables du pays
10586870 - Cйrйmonies des gages de bataille selon les constitutions du roi Philippe de France, reprйsentйes en onze figures
10586869 - Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions, et romans cabalistiques; ornйs de figures
10586868 - Њuvres choisies de l'abbe
10586867 - Icones plantarum or figures, with brief descriptive characters and remarks, of new or rare plants
10586866 - Le Panthйon ou Les Figures de la fable, avec leurs historiques (par P. S. Marйchal)
10586865 - Cйrйmonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde reprйsentйes par des figures dessinйes et gravйes par Bernard Picart, etc. ...
10586864 - Iconologie, ou Explication nouvelle de plusieurs images, emblиmes et autres figures hyйrogliphiques des vertus, des vices, des arts, des sciences... oeuvre augmentйe d'une seconde partie nйcessaire а toute sorte d'esprits...
10586863 - Voyages du capitaine Cook
10586862 - Sentimens d'un chrйtien touchй d'un vйritable amour de Dieu, tirйs de divers passages de l'Ecriture Sainte, et reprйsentйs par quarante-six figures en Taille-douce. Par un Solitaire de Sept-Fonts. Septieme edition
10586861 - Histoire universelle : depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'а prйsent composйe en anglais par une sociйtй de gens de lettres ; nouvellement traduit en franзais par une sociйtй de gens de lettres [P. Le Tourneur, L. d'Ussieux, F.-J. Goffaux] enrichie de f
10586860 - Les fables d'Йsope, mises en franзois, avec le sens moral en quatre vers, & des figures а chaque fable
10586859 - Poeme Heroique, de L'Arioste, avec Figures
10586858 - L'antiquitй expliquйe et reprйsentйe en figures
10586857 - Satyre Mйnippee de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, et de la tenue des Etats de Paris. A laquelle est ajoыtйe un discours sur l'interpretation du mot de Higuiero del Infierno, et qui en est l'Auteur. Plus le Regret sur la mort de l'Asne Ligueur d'une Dam
10586856 - Histoire gйnйrale d'Espagne, depuis le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'а prйsent. Tirйs de Mariana et des auteurs les plus cйlиbres. Ouvrage enrichi d'un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce
10586855 - Les Hommes volans, ou Les Aventures de Pierre Wilkins, traduites de l'Anglois (de R. Paltock, par Ph.-F. de Puisieux), & ornйes de Figures en Taille-douce...
10586854 - Petite Astronomie des Dames ornйe de figures, par le Comte de ...
10586853 - Supplement au livre de l'antiquitй expliquйe et reprйsentйe en figures
10586852 - Traduction Libre D'Amadis DE Gaule, Avec Figures
10586851 - Moyse dйvoilй ou l'explication des types et figures du Vieux Testament
10586850 - Histoire naturelle des abeilles, avec des figures en taille-douce
10586849 - Memoires sur l'histoire naturelle du chene; sur la resistance des bois a etre rompus par les poids dont ils sont charges; sur les arbres forestiers de la Guienne etc. (Avec figures.)
10586848 - Њuvres choisies de l'abbй Prйvost, avec figures
10586847 - L'вme amante de son Dieu, reprйsentйe dans les emblйmes de H. Hugo sur ses Pieux dйsirs & dans ceux d'O. Vжnius sur l'amour divin, avec des figures nouvelles accompagnйes de vers [by J.M. Bouviиres de la Motte Guyon, ed. by P. Poiret].
10586846 - Њuvres choisies de Prйvost avec figures
10586845 - Figures des differents de Chanoines Reguliers en ce siecle
10586844 - Suite ... Afrique
10586843 - OEuvres choisies de l'Abbй Prйvost, avec figures
10586842 - Oeuvres complиtes, ornйes de 193 figures
10586841 - Les genealogies historiques des rois, empereurs, &c. et de toutes les maisons souveraines qui ont subsistй jusqu'а prйsent; exposйes dans des cartes genealogiques tirйes des meilleurs auteurs: avec des explications historiques et chronologiques, dans lesq
10586840 - Iconologie ou nouvelle explication de plusieurs images, emblиmes et autres figures hiйrogliphiques des vertus, des vices, des arts, des sciences.... tirйes des recherches et des figures de Cйsar Ripas [gravйes par Jacques de Bie]
10586839 - The Art of Dancing Explained by Reading and Figures
10586838 - Icones rerum naturalium, ou figures enluminees d'histoire naturelle du Nord. Cah. 1-5
10586837 - Outlines from the figures and compositions upon the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan vases of the late Sir William Hamilton
10586836 - English Botany, Or, Coloured Figures of British Plants: Campanulaceж to Verbenaceж
10586835 - The Figures Or Types of the Old Testament
10586834 - Figures and descriptions of the Palaeozoic fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset
10586833 - Grammar of arithmetic, or, An analysis of the language of figures and science of numbers
10586832 - Rhetoric; Or, A View of Its Principal Tropes and Figures, in Their Origin and Powers
10586831 - Facts and figures
10586830 - A curious hieroglyphick Bible: or, Select passages ... represented with emblematical figures
10586829 - Coloured Figures of English Fungi Or Mushrooms
10586828 - The British coleoptera delineated, consisting of figures of all the genera of British beetles, ed. by W.E. Shuckard
10586827 - Holy pictures of the mysticall figures of the most holy sacrifice and sacrament of the eucharist, tr. by C.A.
10586826 - Zoological illustrations, or Original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals
10586825 - The history of St. Pauls Cathedral in London, from its foundation untill these times: extracted out of originall charters, records, leiger books, and other manuscript,. beautified with sundry prospects of the church, figures of tombes and monuments
10586824 - Revue critigue des poissons fossiles figure's dans l'Ittiolitologia Veronese
10586823 - Byblia in vulgar ultimamente impressa, ornata intorno de moral postille e figure (ecc.)
10586822 - La figure de la terre
10586821 - Atlante elementare di Botanica ossia iconografia ed organografia di 50 piante tratte dalle principali famiglie contenente 50 tavole colorate e piщ di 600 figure di dettaglio in fianco disegnate dal vero, preceduto da un breve sunto sulla nomografia botani
10586820 - Elйments de gйographie. Relation du voyage fait par ordre du roi au cercle polaire pour dйterminer la figure de la terre. Relation d'un voyage au fond de la Lapponi pour trouver un ancien monument. Lettre sur la comиte, qui paroissoit en 1742. Discours ac
10586819 - Dictionnaire de pomologie, contenant l'histoire, la description, la figure des fruits anciens et des fruits modernes les plus gйnйralement connus et cultivйs
10586818 - Tables of six-figure logarithms. Stereotyped ed
10586817 - Vetri ornati di figure in oro
10586816 - Thйorie du mouvement d'une figure plane dans son plan
10586815 - Corso di matematico elementare geometria e la trigonometria rettilinea con esercizi e problemi a ciascuna teoria e 365 figure nel testo
10586814 - Traitй de la grandeur et de la figure de la terre
10586813 - Habiti antichi ouero Raccolta di figure delineate dal gran Titiano, e da Cesare Vecellio ... conforme alle nationi del mondo
10586812 - Leggendario delle santissime vergini... Et in questa Impressione diligentemente corretto, e di nuoue, e bellisime figure adornato
10586811 - Thйorie de la figure de la terre
10586810 - Bradamante gelosa. Di nuouo ristampata, & ricorretta, & di vaghe figure a dornata
10586809 - De la grandeur et de la figure de la terre..
10586808 - Traitй des arbres fruitiers, contenant leur figure, leur description, leur culture etc
10586807 - Prose italiane, con figure in rame
10586806 - La Figure de la Terre
10586805 - Les fables d'Йsope, mises en franзais, avec le sens moral en quatre vers, et une figure а chaque fable
10586804 - L' alphabet raisonnй, ou explication de la figure des lettres
10586803 - Le Maschere sceniche e le figure comiche d'antichi Romani
10586802 - De' Sermoni Del Padre D. Stefano Pepe Chierico Regolare Sopra le figure del Purgatorio dell'antico, e nuouo Testamento
10586801 - La figure de la terre
10586800 - Relation d'un voyage en Allemagne, qui comprend les opйrations relatives а la figure de la terre et а la gйographie particuliиre du Palatinat, du duchй de Wurtemberg, du cercle de Souabe, de la Baviиre et de l'Autriche... suivie de la description des conq
10586799 - Relation des deux voyages faits en Allemagne ... par rapport а la figure de la terre, pour dйterminer la grandeur des degrйs de longitude
10586798 - La figure de la terre
10586797 - L'Adone, poema heroico del C. Marino, con gli argomenti del Conte Sanvitale e l'allegorie di Don Lorenzo Scoto... di nuova ricorreto e di figure ornato [da S. Leclerc]
10586796 - Sito, et antichitа della cittа di Pozzuolo, e del suo amenissimo distretto con la descrittione di tutti i luoghi notabili, e degni di memoria, e di Cuma, e di Baia, e di Miseno, e de gli altri luoghi conuicini. Con le figure de gli edifici, e con gli epit
10586795 - Comentario ... degli acquedotti della cittа di Roma con note e figure illustr. da B. Orsini. [In Lat. and Ital. With] Saggio d'idraulica
10586794 - Les sirenes, ou discours sur leur forme et figure ...
10586793 - Le Miroir spirituel Qui ne flate point, figure par le mondain Qui flate Conprenant plus de reflexions, et de morales ...
10586792 - Les merveilles du Mont-Carmel ou le progrиz du secours de la trиs-Sainte Vierge continuй, depuis qu'en figure elle apparut au prophиte Elie, plus de 900 ans avant la naissance de Jesus-Christ ...
10586791 - Artistic anatomy of the human figure
10586790 - The proportions of the human figure, according to a new canon, for practical use
10586789 - The fight with the dragon
10586788 - The last fight of 'the Revenge' at sea under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Grenville on the 10-11th of September 1591
10586787 - The original account of Capt. John Lovewell's "great fight" with the Indians
10586786 - The giant-killer; or, The battle which all must fight, by A.L.O.E.
10586785 - A just, genuine, and impartial history of the memorable sea-fight, in the mediterranean:
10586784 - A history of the fight at Concord
10586783 - Illustrations of the fungi of our fields and woods, drawn from natural specimens
10586782 - Australia and its gold fields
10586781 - Gleanings in Buddha-fields
10586780 - The Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria
10586779 - Oil fields of the Texas-Louisiana gulf coastal plain
10586778 - Visits to fields of battle, in England, of the fifteenth century
10586777 - The gold fields of St. Domingo
10586776 - Resources of the southern fields and forests, medical, economical, and agricultural
10586775 - The Battle-fields of Virginia
10586774 - The northern heiress: or, the humours of York. A comedy. As it was acted at the New-Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mrs. Mary Davяs
10586773 - The Jew of Venice, a comedy (adapted from W. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice by G. Grenville) as it is acted at the theatre in Little-Lincoln's-inn fields
10586772 - Description of the house and museum on the north side of Lincoln's-Inn-Fields
10586771 - Medicina Britannica : or, A treatise on such physical plants as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens in Great-Britain
10586770 - The history of the united parishes of St. Giles in the Fields and St. George Bloomsbury
10586769 - Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska valley, Alaska
10586768 - The works of the learned and reverend John Scott, D.D., sometime rector of St. Giles's in the Fields
10586767 - Confessio fidei in conventu theologorum authoritate parliamenti anglicani indicto elaborata. - Cantabrigiae, Joh. Field 1659
10586766 - Camp, Field and Prison Life
10586765 - Field sports of the north of Europe
10586764 - My days and nights on the battle-field
10586763 - Oriental field sports
10586762 - Field Problems of Tropical Rice
10586761 - Favourite field flowers
10586760 - Gray's school and field book of botany
10586759 - Manual of field fortification, military sketching and reconnaissance
10586758 - Caleb Field
10586757 - Three years in field hospitals of the Army of the Potomac
10586756 - Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K. G.: Waterloo, the campaign in France, and the capitulation of Paris by a military convention with the allied British and Prussian armies, 1815
10586755 - The field of Mars
10586754 - The field book
10586753 - A treatise on field fortification
10586752 - British field sports
10586751 - Observations on fox-hunting and the management of hounds in the kennel and the field
10586750 - The field, the garden, and the woodland
10586749 - Military memoirs of Field Marshal, the Duke of Wellington
10586748 - Field guide to India
10586747 - Chile Con Carne, Or, The Camp and the Field
10586746 - A memorial of Abraham Van Nest, Esq., of the City of New York ... [and] Margaret Field Van Nest
10586745 - The Sunset-Midway oil field, California ; part 1
10586744 - The Field quarterly magazine and review
10586743 - Organizational and field maintenance manual
10586742 - The Horse, in the stable and the field
10586741 - Memoirs and Correspondence of Field-Marshal Viscount Combermere, G. C. B., Etc
10586740 - The field of Waterloo; a poem
10586739 - Field maintenance
10586738 - The general orders of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington ... in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809 to 1814
10586737 - Construction Print Reading in the Field
10586736 - Field guide to Japan
10586735 - A list of the general and field officers as they rank in the Army
10586734 - The General Orders of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington ... in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809-to 1814
10586733 - Geology and fuel resources of the southern part of the Oklahoma coal field
10586732 - A treatise on field diversions
10586731 - The Field naturalist
10586730 - The theory of field-fortification
10586729 - The battle of Floddon Field;
10586728 - The Life and Music of John Field, 1782-1837, Creator of the Nocturne
10586727 - The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K. G. During His Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France from 1799 to 1818
10586726 - The battle of Bosworth Field
10586725 - Operator, organizational, field, and depot maintenance manual
10586724 - Labor relations in the Fairmont, West Virginia, bituminous coal field
10586723 - Foreign field sports, fisheries, sporting anecdotes, &c.&c
10586722 - Ireland's misery and remedy; or, Ireland a field of missionary labour, a discourse
10586721 - The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G.: Peninsula, 1809-1813
10586720 - Elements of field fortification
10586719 - Field and depot maintenance manual
10586718 - Sketches of field sports as followed by the natives of India with observations on the animals
10586717 - The dispatches of Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington
10586716 - The field of Orleans
10586715 - Life of Field Marshal, His Grace the Duke of Wellington
10586714 - Organizational, field, and depot maintenance repair parts list (including operation and organizational, field, and depot maintenance) for wrench, impact, hydraulic (Bowen-McLaughin-York, model BML15436), 5130-790-2284
10586713 - Hand-bьchl. von allerley wider die feind practicirter fewer-werck, und anders auch wie man alles was darzu gehцrig selbst machen
10586712 - Translations from Charles Baudelaire, with a few original poems
10586711 - The nabob: or, asiatic plunderers. A satyrical poem, in a dialogue between a friend and the author. To which are annexed, a few fugitive pieces of poetry
10586710 - Theory of teaching, with a few practical illustrations
10586709 - History Of Vermont, Natural, Civil And Statistical, In Three Parts, With A Few Map Of The State, And 200 Engravings
10586708 - Sketches OF Boston, Past AND Present, AND OF Some FEW Places IN ITS Vicinity.
10586707 - A Few Thoughts for a Young Man
10586706 - A few months in Borneo, from the journal of a naval officer, ed. by M.B.B.
10586705 - A few practical observations on the art of cupping
10586704 - A few passages in the life of Dr. Francis Tumblety
10586703 - A few notes on Shakespeare
10586702 - A few remarks on mr. Hayward's English prose translation of Goethe's Faust
10586701 - A selection of hymns adapted to divine worship, with a few poems
10586700 - A Collection of Papers on the Subject of Bilious Fevers, Prevalent in the United-States for a Few Years Past
10586699 - Few words on many subjects, grave and light, by a recluse
10586698 - The negro equalled by few Europeans
10586697 - Lyrical ballads, with a few other poems
10586696 - A translation of Andreini's Adamo by Cowper and his Friend of Sussex. Cowper's Translations from Latin and Italian compositions of Milton, with the Originals, and a few Notes, relating to them
10586695 - Lacon: or, Many things in few words
10586694 - Жsop at Bathe; or, A few select fables in verse, by a person of quality
10586693 - S. Caecilii Cypriani opera recognita et illustrata per Joannem (Fell), Oxoniensem episcopum. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, sive... Brevis historia chronologice delineata per Joannem [Pearson] Cestriensem. (Opuscula vulgo adscripta Caecilio Cypriano. Arnold
10586692 - Clarissimi viri Thomae Willis... Opera Medica & Physica... (Carmen Ph. Fell)
10586691 - Des Durchlauchtigsten Hochgebore[n] Fьrsten vnd Herrn, Herrn Augusten Hertzogen zu Sachsen... Vnd Churfьrsten... Verordenungen vnd Constitutionen des Rechtlichen Proces, auch waser massen etzlicher zweiffelhafftiger vnd streitiger fell halben... Zu recht
10586690 - Des durchlauchtigsten ... Fьrsten und Herren Hertzogen zu Sachsen Verordnungen und Constitutionen, des Rechtlichen Proces, auch wasser massen etzlicher zweifelhaftiger Fell halben, ... Recht gesprochen werden sol
10586689 - Memorials, or the memorable things that fell out within this island of Britain from 1638 - 1684
10586688 - A treatise on a section of the strata, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to the mountain of Cross Fell, in Cumberland
10586687 - Third series of observations with a twenty-feet reflector, containing a catalogue of 384 new doble stars( reduced to the beginning of 1828)
10586686 - Phases of thought and feeling, poems and lyrics
10586685 - The Works of Henry Mackenzie, Esq. ...: The man of feeling, and miscellaneous pieces.-v.II. The man of the world.-v.III. Julia de Roubignй
10586684 - Fleetwood, or, The new man of feeling
10586683 - The man of feeling
10586682 - Wartime shifts in feed and livestock production
10586681 - Potatoes for livestock feeding
10586680 - Diario de sesiones de la Convenciуn del estado de Buenos Aires encargada del examen de la Constitucion federal
10586679 - The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution
10586678 - Your Federal income tax for individuals
10586677 - Comentario sobre la Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos
10586676 - Ventajas de la repъblica federal
10586675 - Manual de providencias economico-politicas para uso de los habitantes del Distrito Federal
10586674 - Constitucion federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
10586673 - Surface management of Federal coal resources (43 CFR 3041) and coal mining operating regulations (30 CFR 211).
10586672 - Debates in the Federal Convention, from Tuesday, August 7, 1787 until its final adjournment, Monday, September 17, 1787
10586671 - Three years in the federal calvary
10586670 - Six months in the federal states
10586669 - The federal constitution of the Swiss confederation
10586668 - A digest of the decisions of the federal courts
10586667 - Exposition of the federal Constitution
10586666 - The behavioral sciences and the Federal Government
10586665 - The guardian genius of the federal union
10586664 - The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution
10586663 - The Federal Principle
10586662 - Constitutive acts of the Mexican federation, 21 of January 1824. Also federal constitution of the United Mexican States, October 4, 1824
10586661 - The Federal Construction Guide Specification program
10586660 - Your Federal income tax for individuals
10586659 - The Code of Federal regulations of the United States of America
10586658 - Proposed revised federal grain standards, including explanations
10586657 - Digest of Federal Indian probate law
10586656 - Final environmental impact statement: proposed Federal coal leasing program
10586655 - The federal calculator
10586654 - History of the New Netherlands, province of New York, and state of New York, to the adoption of the federal Constitution
10586653 - Opera quae extant. Philostrati junioris imagines et Callistrati ecphrases; item Eusebii Caesariensis Episcopi liber contra Hieroclem, qui ex Philostrati historia aequipararat Apollonium Tyaneum Jesu Christo; graeca latinis e regione posita. Fed. Morellus
10586652 - Philostrati Lemnii Opera quae exstant. Philostrati iunioris Imagines et Callistrati Ecphrases. Item Eusebii Caesariensis episcopi Liber contra Hieroclem [Z. Acciolo interprete], qui ex Philostrati historia aequipararat Apollonium Tyaneum Salvatori nostro
10586651 - D. Hieronymi theologi graeci Dialogus de S. Trinitate, Graeca ex bibliotheca Friderici Lindebrogii primus anno 1612 Lutetiae edidit ac Latine vertit Fed. Morellius... huic accesserunt hac editione Gennadii Scholarii... dialogus de via salutis humanae insc
10586650 - Discours de la vйritй du S. Sacrement de l'Autel. Traduict sur l'original grec du sermon de S. Iean Chrysostome... par Fed. Morel...
10586649 - Rime, con le annotazioni di Ant. Fed. Seghezzi
10586648 - Considerazioni sul saggio di un esame critico del Gugl. Fed. Rinck, per restituire ad Emilio Probo il libro de vita excellentium imperatorum
10586647 - Lexicon historicum, geographicum, poeticum, authore Carolo Stephano, gentium, hominum, deorum, gentilium, regionum, locorum... nomina... complectens... Hanc postremam editionem Fed. Morellus,... recensuit...
10586646 - Dictionarium historicum, geographicum, poeticum recensuit ... Fed Morellus
10586645 - Physiognomy, or, The corresponding analogy between the conformation of the features and the ruling passions of the mind
10586644 - Negro slavery, or, A view of some of the more prominent features of that state of society
10586643 - The fear of God
10586642 - The Valley of Fear
10586641 - The olive branch, or, Faults on both sides, Federal and Democratic
10586640 - A supplement to the Faults on both sides
10586639 - Most faults on one side
10586638 - Most faults on one side: or, The shallow politicks, foolish arguing, and villanous designs of the author of a late pamphlet, entitul'd Faults on both sides consider'd and expos'd
10586637 - A vindication of the Faults on both sides, from the reflections of the Medley, the specimen-maker, and a pamphlet, entituled, Most faults on one side. With a dissertation on the nature and use of money and paper-credit in trade, ... By the author of the F
10586636 - Chinese scenes and people, in a series of letters by J. R. Edkins. With Narrative of a visit to Nanking by her husband, J. Edkins. Also a memoir by her father W. Stobbs
10586635 - The Swiss family Robinson; or, Adventures of a father and mother and four sons in a desert island
10586634 - Memorial of the Most reverend father in God Thomas Cranmer, sometime lord archbishop of Canterbury
10586633 - The Roman father
10586632 - The Daughter's own book, or, Practical hints from a father to his daughter
10586631 - Memoirs of Father Ripa
10586630 - The Works Of...John Cosin: Miscellaneous works
10586629 - The prose works of the Right Rev. Father in God, Thomas Ken
10586628 - Memorials of the Most reverend father in God Thomas Cranmer, sometime lord archbishop of Caterbury
10586627 - The glories of Mary, tr. from the Ital. of st. Alphonsus de'Liguori, founder of the Congregation of the most holy Redeemer, by a father of the same Congregation
10586626 - The history of the life and acts of the Most Reverend Father in God, Edmund Grindal, the first Bishop of London, and the second Archbishop of York and Canterbury successively, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth
10586625 - The lectures complete of Father Gavazzi, as delivered in New York
10586624 - The works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, D.D. sometime lord archbishop of Canterbury
10586623 - The life of father Gavazzi [by G.M.Campanella. Transl.].
10586622 - 'Our Father', a manual of short family prayers
10586621 - Letters from a father to his son
10586620 - "Father Clark," or, The pioneer preacher
10586619 - A voyage to Abyssinia by Father Jerome Lobo a portuguese missionary
10586618 - The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Devotions, diary, and history
10586617 - Of Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
10586616 - The works of the Most Reverend Father in God, John Bramhall, D.D., sometime Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland
10586615 - Father Abbot, or, The home tourist
10586614 - The works of the most reverend father in God, William Laud
10586613 - Father Mathew
10586612 - Father Gavazzi's lectures in New York
10586611 - The History Of The Troubles And Tryal Of The Most Reverend Father in God, and Blessed Martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury
10586610 - Selections of a father for the use of his children
10586609 - The Father and Daughter
10586608 - The whole works of the Most Reverend Father in God, Robert Leighton
10586607 - History of Armenia, by Father Michael Chamich
10586606 - The reliques of Father Prout ...
10586605 - An humble attempt to investigate and defend the Scripture doctrine concerning the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ...
10586604 - The Father
10586603 - Japhet, in search of a father, by the author of 'Peter Simple'.
10586602 - The travels of ... father Montfaucon from Paris thro' Italy. Made Engl. [by J. Henley.].
10586601 - Poems on several occasions, with the Roman father, a tragedy. By Mr. W. Whitehead
10586600 - The travels of the learned Father Montfaucon from Paris thro' Italy
10586599 - The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Joseph Butler
10586598 - The patriot father, a play; freely tr. from [Die Hussiten vor Naumberg] by F. Shoberl
10586597 - Monsieur Bossu's treatise of the epick poem: Preface of the translator. A discourse of ... to Monsieur the abbot knight of Morsan. A memoire concerning the Reverend Father Bossu, sent to M....... by the Reverend Father Courayer (p. xxi-xxxvi) Monsieur Bos
10586596 - A Pastoral Letter writ by the Right Rev. Father in God Gilbert lord Bishop of Sarum to the Cegy of his Diocesi, concerning the Dats of Allegiance and Supremacy to K. William and Q. Mary
10586595 - The father and daughter, a tale. With An epistle from the maid of Corinth to her lover; and other poetical pieces
10586594 - Father Butler, or Sketches of Irish manners
10586593 - The works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Joseph Hall, D.D., successively Bishop of Exeter and Norwich
10586592 - The Greek theatre of Father Brumoy
10586591 - An attempt to restore the supreme worship of God the Father Almighty
10586590 - Father Clement
10586589 - The Jesuite unmasqued, or, A dialogue between the most holy father La Chaise, the most chaste father Peters, and the most pious father Tachart. Transl
10586588 - Il lago delle fate
10586587 - Zadig; Or, The Book of Fate
10586586 - The treatises of M.T. Cicero on the nature of the gods [tr. by T.Francklin]; on divination; on fate; on the republic; on the laws; and on standing for the consulship, tr. chiefly by the ed. C.D.Yonge [and F.Barham].
10586585 - Zadig; or, the book of fate. An oriental history. Translated from the French of M. de Voltaire, by Francis Ashmore, Esq
10586584 - The fate and fortunes of Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donel, earl of Tyrconnel
10586583 - Christina's revenge; or, The fate of Monaldeschi: with other poems
10586582 - The Oracle Or Book of Fate
10586581 - The fate of Adelaide
10586580 - The book of fate, formerly in the possession of Napoleon, rendered into Engl. from a Germ. tr. of an ancient Egyptian MS., by H. Kirchenhoffer
10586579 - The wedded wanderer; or, The soldier's fate
10586578 - The history and fate of the sacrilege
10586577 - The fatal marriage
10586576 - Account of the terrific and fatal riot at the New-York Astor Place Opera House, on the night of May 10th, 1849
10586575 - Isabella; or, The fatal marriage
10586574 - An Essay on the Diseases most fatal to infants
10586573 - Sacontalб, or, The fatal ring, tr. [by sir W. Jones]. Repr
10586572 - Lillo's Dramatic Works: Fatal curiosity, a tragedy. Marina, a play. Elmerick; or, Justice triumphant, a tragedy. Britannia and Batavia, a masque. Arden of Feversham, a tragedy
10586571 - The fatal effects of gambling exemplified in the murder of Wm. Weare, and the trial and fate of John Thurtell, the murderer, and his accomplices
10586570 - The Italians; or The fatal accusation
10586569 - Fatal attachment
10586568 - Life of the author [signed I.K.] Elfrid. Walking statue. Rinaldo. Fatal vision. King Henry V. Fatal extravagance. Merlin in love. Athelwold
10586567 - Vollstдndiges handbuch der blumengдrtnerei, oder genaue beschreibung fast aller in Deutschland bekannt gewordenen zierpflanzen, mit einschluss derjenigen straucher und vorzьglichern zierbдume, welche zu lustanlagen dienen
10586566 - Leben und Werke des Bildhauers Tilman Riemenschneider, eines fast unbekannten aber vortrefflichen Kьnstlers, am Ende des 15. und Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts
10586565 - Theatrum Diabolorum, Das ist: Warhafte eigentliche und kurtze Beschreibung Allerley grewlicher, schrecklicher und abschewlicher Laster, so in diesen letzten, schweren und bцsen Zeiten an allen Orten und Enden fast brдuchlich, auch grausamlich im schwang g
10586564 - Flagellum salutis, das ist: Curieuse Erzahlung wie mit Schlagen
10586563 - Grьndliche Wiederlegung der von Arnoldo Wion fьr des Irelдndischen Bischoffs Nalachiae Arbeit ausgegeben und fast von iederman dafьr angenommenen Prophezeyung betreffend alle Rцmische Pдbste, so von Anno Christi 1143 bis ans Ende der Welt regieren sollen.
10586562 - Weltlicher Stand- Ambt- Kunst- und Handwercks-Calender worinn Fast allen weltlichen Persohnen Besondere Heilige Gottes Ihres Stands- Ambts- Kunst- und Handwercks zur Verehrung, und Nachfolg vorgestellet werden Hrsg. Frz. X. Dorn
10586561 - Ьber ein fast spezifisches Mittel wider die Abzehrung, und deren Vorbauung und Heilart im Allgemeinen
10586560 - Im Frauwenzimmer Wirt vermeldt von allerley schцnen Kleidungen vnnd Trachten der Weiber hohes vnd niders Stands, wie man fast an allen Orten geschmьckt vnnd gezieret ist...
10586559 - Enchiridion oder eyn Handbuchlein, eynem yetzlichen Christen fast omtzlich bey sich zu haben zur stetter Ubung und trachtung geystlicher geseuge und Psalmen
10586558 - Historische Nachricht Von den Nьrnbergischen Mathematicis und Kьnstlern, welche fast von dreyen Seculis her Durch ihre Schrifften und Kunst-Bemьhungen die Mathematic und mehreste Kьnste in Nьrnberg vor andern trefflich befцrdert, und sich um solche sehr w
10586557 - Bibliotheca librorum germanicorum classica das ist, Verzeichnuss aller und jeder Bьcher, so fast bey dencklichen Jaren biss auffs Jahr nach Christi Geburt 1625. in teutscher Spraach von allerhand Materien hin und wider in Truck aussgangen, und noch den Me
10586556 - Kurtze Chronick oder Beschreibu[n]g der vornembsten hдndel, so sich beide in Religions vnd Weltlichen sachen, fast in der gantzen Welt zugetragen
10586555 - The Paschal or Lent fast, apostolical and perpetual
10586554 - A sermon preached to the honourable House of commons, at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, December 27, 1643
10586553 - A sermon preached to the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at a publike fast, May, 25, 1642
10586552 - The School of fashion
10586551 - The Book of Costume: Or, Annals of Fashion
10586550 - The American Ladies and Gentleman's Manual of Elegance, Fashion, and True Politeness
10586549 - The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion
10586548 - Fashion AND Famine.
10586547 - The perils of fashion [by A. Atkins].
10586546 - The Gentleman's Magazine of Fashion
10586545 - Friendship in fashion
10586544 - Sargent's new monthly magazine of literature, fashion and the fine arts
10586543 - Moderation in fashion: or, An answer to a treatise written by F. Tallents, entituled A short history of schism. By S.G.
10586542 - An address to persons of fashion
10586541 - Plays: Don Carlos, Prince of Spain (1736). The history and fall of Caius Marius (1735). Titus and Berenice (1736). Friendship in fashion (1735). Venice preserved (1735)
10586540 - The Works of Mr. Thomas Otway: Friendship in fashion. The soldier's fortune. The atheist, or, The second part of The soldier's fortune
10586539 - The steward; or, Fashion and feeling:
10586538 - Fashion. The emigrants, and other poems
10586537 - The school for fashion
10586536 - The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance
10586535 - The Toilette of Health, Beauty, and Fashion ...
10586534 - What's a man of fashion? A farce
10586533 - The Works of Mr. Thomas Otway: Alcibiades. Don Carlos. Titus and Berenice. Friendship in fashion. The soldiers fortune
10586532 - Farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches
10586531 - Farther excursions of the observant pedestrian, exemplified in a tour to Margate, by the author of the 'Observant pedestrian'.
10586530 - Some Farther Remarks, Paragraph by Paragraph, Upon Proposals Lately Publish'd for a New Edition of a Greek and Latin Testament
10586529 - An historical account of the rise and growth of heresie in the Christian church, to the sixteenth century and farther
10586528 - Farther remarks on the Reverend Dr. Snape's second letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor
10586527 - The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe;
10586526 - The Country Housewife and Lady's Director, in the Management of a House, and the Delights and Profits of a Farm
10586525 - A state of facts in defence of His Majesty's right to certain fee-farm rents in the county of Norfolk
10586524 - The Eucalyptus Energy Farm
10586523 - Meat on the farm
10586522 - Farm reservoirs
10586521 - Testing farm seeds in home and school
10586520 - Food supply and pellagra incidence in 73 South Carolina farm families
10586519 - Father-son farm-operating agreements
10586518 - The Farm outlook for 1939
10586517 - Fifty common birds of farm and orchard
10586516 - Tsemah David : dizis sefer ... izt fun loshn ha-kodesh tsum taytshn ibr zetst vordin ... vi ez fun ar shafung der velt biz zati fur milhomos far zaynin gangin ... voz pasirt izt alz der Tsorfas in Ashkenaz kumin izt un' vi ha-Sh.y. ... unz den Sholem gish
10586515 - Discorsi di Pietro Pablo Magni Piacentino sopra il modo
10586514 - Enologia ovvero l'arte di fare, conservare e far viaggiare i vini del regno
10586513 - Opera nuoua di fortificare, offendere et difendere, et far gli alloggiamenti campali, secondo l'vso di guerra. aggiontoui nel fine, vn trattato de gl'essamini de' bombardieri, [et] di far fuochi arteficiati ...
10586512 - The soul of the Far East
10586511 - Incidents of travel and adventure in the far West
10586510 - Wild sports in the far West
10586509 - A letter of compliment to the ingenious author of A treatise on the passions, so far as they regard the stage; ... With some further remarks on Mr. M-----n. ...
10586508 - The far West
10586507 - The history of the ministerial conduct of the chief governors of Ireland, (so far as relates to that kingdom,) from the glorious revolution in 1688, to the never-to-be forgotten 17th of December, 1753. ...
10586506 - A winter in the far West
10586505 - The timber trees, timber and fancy woods, as also, the forests of India and of eastern and southern Asia
10586504 - Flights of fancy
10586503 - The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth ...: Poems of the fancy.-Poems of the imagination.-Peter Bell.-Miscellaneous sonnets
10586502 - Gems of thought and flowers of fancy, ed. by R.W. Procter
10586501 - The Ladies' Complete Guide to Crochet, Fancy Knitting and Needlework
10586500 - The fancy, a selection from the poetical remains of Peter Corcoran
10586499 - Flowers of fancy, a collection of similes taken from various authors, by H. Schultes
10586498 - Facts against fancy
10586497 - The heart and the fancy; or, Valsinore
10586496 - The history of Thomas Aram, commander of the Fancy, in the Rhoan trade. Exhibiting an account of all his voyages; ... Written by himself
10586495 - Interesting anecdotes, memoirs, allegories, essays, and poetical fragments; tending to amuse the fancy, and inculcate morality
10586494 - Tales of fancy
10586493 - A famous forgery
10586492 - The history of the life and adventures of the famous knight Don Quixote, de la Mancha
10586491 - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
10586490 - The Works of the Famous Nicolas Machiavel
10586489 - Famous men of ancient times
10586488 - Famous beauties and historic women, a gallery of croquis biographiques
10586487 - Stories From Famous Ballads
10586486 - The Life and Adventures of the Famous Moll Flanders, who was Born in Newgate ...
10586485 - A description of the antient and famous city of Bristol
10586484 - Gammer Gurton's famous histories
10586483 - Anecdotes concerning the famous John Reinhold Patkul
10586482 - The life of the famous Cardinal-Duke de Richlieu, Principal minister of state to Lewis XIII, King of France and Navarr
10586481 - The reading of the famous and learned Robert Callis, esq., upon the statute of sewers
10586480 - Sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory
10586479 - The history of the famous preacher, Friar Gerund de Campazas
10586478 - Catalogue of an exhibition of one hundred famous first editions in English and French literature from December 1st to 14th, 1909
10586477 - An historical account of the life and writings of the late eminently famous Mr. John Toland
10586476 - The famous history of Cassandra
10586475 - The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey
10586474 - The family Shakespeare
10586473 - The botanic physician, or Family medical adviser
10586472 - Family medical adviser
10586471 - The Swiss family Robinson; or, Adventures of a shipwrecked family on a desolate island. New, unabridged tr. [by W.H.D. Adams]. With an intr. from the Fr. of C. Nodier
10586470 - Domestic medicine; or, The family physician
10586469 - Maltby-Maltbie family history
10586468 - Memorials of the Bagot Family
10586467 - Catalogue of diurnal Lepidoptera of the family Satyridж in the collection of the British museum
10586466 - New guide to health, or, Botanic family physician
10586465 - The Swiss Family Robinson
10586464 - The Family Nurse
10586463 - Traditionary stories of old families, and legendary illustrations of family history with notes, historical and biographical
10586462 - The New Family Receipt Book
10586461 - Family magazine
10586460 - Memorials of the Bagot family
10586459 - The Cottage Bible and family expositor
10586458 - Original Family Sermons
10586457 - A New Family Encyclopedia;
10586456 - Memoirs of the family de Poly
10586455 - The plays of Philip Massinger, adapted for family reading and the use of young persons
10586454 - New guide to health; or, Botanic family physician
10586453 - The reformed family, by an old officer
10586452 - The Working man's friend, and family instructor
10586451 - Memoirs and select letters of mrs. Anne Warren; with biographical sketches of her family
10586450 - Dr. John Williams' last legacy, and useful family guide...
10586449 - The Elliott family
10586448 - The Parliamentary review, and family magazine
10586447 - A sketch of my friend's family
10586446 - A family record, or Memoirs of the late rev. Basil Woodd ... and of several deceased members of his family
10586445 - The merchant's widow and her family, by the author of The officer's widow and her family
10586444 - Comentario o declaracion familiar, y compendiosa sobre la primera epistola de san Paulo apostol alos Corinthios
10586443 - Epistolarum criticarum et familiar: Libri XVI. Et rerum varietate, et dictionis elegantia, cum studios ... Gratia, suada,(aliis) Sophie, &Jus Historiaque singula sunt: verum huic omnia juncta libro
10586442 - Rhetoric made familiar and easy to young gentlemen and ladies, and illustrated with several beautful orations from Demosthenes, Cicero, Sallust, Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, &c
10586441 - Familiar words
10586440 - Dauids repentance: or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51. Psalme
10586439 - The Prompters Packet of Letters Both Private and Familiar (etc.)
10586438 - Familiar letters on various subjects of business and amusement
10586437 - A plain and familiar d'scourse by way of dialogue betwixt a minister and his parishioner, concerning the Catholick church
10586436 - The laird and farmer, a dialogue upon farming, trade, cookery, and their method of living in Scotland, balanc'd with that of England, by the author of the Familiar catechism
10586435 - Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar Letters Domestic and Forren
10586434 - Grammar made familiar and easy to young gentlemen, ladies, and foreigners
10586433 - Canterbury tales, rendred into familiar verse
10586432 - A familiar enquiry: concerning I. The fixed rule of God's worship
10586431 - A plain and familiar introduction to the Newtonian philosophy
10586430 - A familiar treatise on the natural history and management of the phalaena bonbyx mori, or common Silk-Worm
10586429 - The secretaries studie containing new familiar Epistles
10586428 - Historical and familiar essays, on the scriptures of the Old Testament
10586427 - Familiar Lectures on Botany
10586426 - Origines divisianae. Or the antiquities of the Devizes: in some familiar letters to a friend, wrote in the years 1750, and 1751
10586425 - Familiar lectures on botany, practical, elementary and physiological
10586424 - The history of Everton, including familiar dissertations on the people, and descriptive delineations of the several & separate properties of the township
10586423 - A familiar treatise on the fine arts, painting, sculpture, and music
10586422 - Elegant epistles, or, a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters
10586421 - A key or familiar introduction to the science of botany
10586420 - A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States
10586419 - A Familiar History of Birds
10586418 - Familiar conversations on the types and prophecies relating to the Saviour
10586417 - English grammar in familiar lectures
10586416 - The Works of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe: Dialogues. Familiar letters. Life of the author
10586415 - A plain and familiar treatise on the mode of baptism
10586414 - Practical and familiar sermons
10586413 - Familiar letters, written by Mrs. Sarah Osborn, and Miss Susanna Anthony
10586412 - Arius detected and confuted: or, A short and familiar direction for plain Christians
10586411 - Singular familiar ... Letters
10586410 - Mario Adorno e le false accuse del sac. Emilio Bufardeci
10586409 - La regola de
10586408 - Universalism false and unscriptural
10586407 - False delicacy
10586406 - The false friend
10586405 - The Works of Lactantius: Of the false worship of the gods
10586404 - Joseph Smith, the great American impostor; or, Mormonism proved to be false
10586403 - A treatise on the law of slander, libel, scandalum magnatum, and false rumours
10586402 - The false friend
10586401 - The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Laws of candy. False one. Little French lawyer. Tragedy of Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas
10586400 - The almost Christian discovered, or The false professor tried and cast
10586399 - A refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and false sleightes, by which M. Whitaker laboureth to deface the late english translation, and catholike annotations of the new testament, and the booke of discovery of heretical corruptions
10586398 - The false step ...
10586397 - Versuche ьber das Gesetz des Falls, ьber den Widerstand der Luft und ьber die Umdrehung der Erde nebst der Geschichte aller frьheren Versuche von Galilдi bis auf Guglielmini
10586396 - Fornmanna sцgur: Sцgur Hбkonar Sverrissonar, Guttorms Sigurрarsonar, Нnga Bбrрarsonar ok Hбkonar Hбkonarsonar til falls Skъla hertoga ... [ъtg. af F. Magnъssyni og C.C. Rafn] ... 1835
10586395 - Versuche ьber das gesetz des falls
10586394 - Handbuch ьber den fragenden Rechner, welchem jedesmal eine belehrende Antwort, und nцthigen Falls auch die geeignete Erlдuterung zum Selbst-Unterrichte gegeben worden ist Oder: Arithmetisches Rechenbuch fьr alle Stдnde des bьrgerlichen Lebens
10586393 - Die Kunst zu Schwimmen, Oder Erfindung, vermittelst welcher man sich allemal aus einem Schiffbruch retten, auch bedьrfenden Falls ganze Armйen ьber die breitesten Flьsse bringen, kan
10586392 - The traveler's guide to the Hudson River, Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Falls of Niagara and Thousand Islands
10586391 - The falls of Niagara
10586390 - The falls, lakes, and mountains, of North Wales
10586389 - The city of Springfield, Chicopee and Chicopee Falls and West Springfield directory
10586388 - Visit to the falls of Niagara in 1800
10586387 - Steele's book of Niagara Falls
10586386 - A summer month, or, recollections of a visit to the falls of Niagara, and the lakes
10586385 - A cultural resource management plan for the Fossil Falls/Little Lake locality
10586384 - Journal of a tour from Boston to Niagara Falls and Quebec
10586383 - Meteors, aerolites, and falling stars
10586382 - Roseae Crucis Frater Thrasonico-Mendax; Das ist: Verlogner Rhumbsichtiger Rosencreutzbruder Oder Verantwortung auff die Scartecken Speculi Constantiae, so newlich wider den Catholischen Tractat: Speck auff der Fallen von einem vermainten Rosencreutzer aug
10586381 - Reformir-Spiegel des weltlichen Bapsts, un[d] wahren Antichrist zu Rom. Das ist: Kurtzer unnd eygentlicher Bewei, Wer der Bapst sey: Woher er kom[m]en: Wie sein Reich gestiegen, und endlich von wegen seiner grossen Abgotterey widerumb fallen werde
10586380 - Tractatus De Jure Revolutionis, Ad Lucem Ordinationis Judiciariae, Cap. BeschluЯ von Succession 88. DaЯ nach altem Herkommen und Gebrauch der Fьrstenthumben Gьlich und Berg, die Gьter fallen und erben sollen hinder sich an die nдchste Erben, daher sie kom
10586379 - The Bible history of Satan. Is he a fallen angel? By a Cambridge master of arts
10586378 - Out at last! or, The fallen minister, by Peter Pindar
10586377 - Calthorpe; or, Fallen fortunes
10586376 - Christian memorials of the war, or, Scenes and incidents illustrative of religious faith and principle, patriotism and bravery in our army
10586375 - The Soul's Conflict and Victory Over Itself by Faith
10586374 - A scripture account of the faith and practice of Christians
10586373 - The reason of faith
10586372 - Travels in Western India, Embracing a Visit to the Sacred Mounts of the Jains, and the Most Celebrated Shrines of Hindu Faith Between Rajpootana and the Indus
10586371 - The life of faith
10586370 - The divine rule of faith and practice
10586369 - Hymns of faith and hope
10586368 - Hymns of faith and hope [First series]
10586367 - Formularies of Faith Put Forth by Authority During the Reign of Henry VIII. Viz
10586366 - Primitive Christianity revived in the faith and practice of the people called Quakers
10586365 - Faith Gartney's girlhood
10586364 - The confession of faith
10586363 - Time and faith
10586362 - A treatise on the faith of the Freewill Baptists
10586361 - Faith and thought
10586360 - The victory of faith, and other sermons
10586359 - Historical sketch, articles of faith, and covenants of the original congregational church in Wrentham, Mass
10586358 - The Christian's manual of faith and devotion
10586357 - The vision of faith
10586356 - The Life of Faith
10586355 - The power of faith and prayer exemplified in the life and labours of mrs. Mary Porteus, late of Durham, a local preacher in the primitive Methodist connexion
10586354 - The confession of faith and covenant of the Mount Vernon Congregational Church in Boston, Mass. ; organized June 1, 1842
10586353 - The Nemesis of Faith
10586352 - The perpetuity of the faith of the Catholic Church on the Eucharist
10586351 - The faith of catholics
10586350 - The Jewish faith
10586349 - Hymns for the household of faith, and lays of the better land [compiled by J. Williamson].
10586348 - Roots and fruits of the Christian life, or, Illustrations of faith and obedience
10586347 - The rule of faith
10586346 - The joy of faith in the shadow of death
10586345 - An illustration of the doctrines of the Christian religion, with respect to faith and practice, upon the plan of the Assembly's Shorter catechism, comprehending a complete body of divinity
10586344 - Aids to faith
10586343 - The Westminster Confession of Faith critically compared with the Holy Scriptures and found wanting
10586342 - The faith once delivered to the saints
10586341 - The Practical Works: Sermons on repentance, faith, justification, &c., &c
10586340 - The Apologetics of the Christian Faith
10586339 - Deeds of faith
10586338 - The doleful fall of Andrew Sall ... from the Roman Catholick ... faith
10586337 - The articles of faith of the Holy evangelical church
10586336 - Annals of the propagation of the faith
10586335 - The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large
10586334 - A confession of faith
10586333 - Phases of Faith
10586332 - A commentary on the Confession of faith
10586331 - The tryal & triumph of faith: or, An exposition of the history of Christs dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan
10586330 - True Catholic and apostolic faith maintained in the Church of England
10586329 - Original sin, free-will, grace, regeneration, justification, faith, good works, and universal redemption
10586328 - Fifteen sermons on various subjects, viz. Of faith in general [&c.]. Vol.12 [of Sermons] publ. by R. Barker
10586327 - An account of reason & faith: in relation to the mysteries of Christianity
10586326 - A confession of faith, owned and consented to, by the elders and messengers of the churches in the colony of Connecticut, in New-England, assembled by delegation at Saybrook, September 9th, 1708
10586325 - A vindication of the doctrine of Scripture, and of the primitive faith
10586324 - An essay on faith
10586323 - A treatise of faith
10586322 - Life; Sermons 1-8.- V. 2. Sermons 9-31.- V. 3. Sermons 32-54.- V. 4. Sermons 55-84.- V. 5. Sermons 85-116.- V. 6. Sermons 117-143.- V. 7. Sermons 144-175.- V. 8. Sermons 176-206.- V. 9. Sermons 207-244.- V. 10. Sermons 245-254. Prayers. Rule of faith
10586321 - Family lectures: or, A copious collection of sermons, on faith and practice [ed. by V. Knox].
10586320 - The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large
10586319 - The Confession of faith; the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large: together with the Sum of saving knowledge [&c.].
10586318 - The constitution, profession of faith, and covenant of ...
10586317 - Gnosticism
10586316 - A plain and rational account of the catholick faith ... vindication of catholick morals from old calomnies revived ...
10586315 - A disquisition on faith
10586314 - Geraldine; or, modes of faith and practice
10586313 - Justification by faith
10586312 - Discourses on various points of Christian faith and practice
10586311 - Faith No Fancy
10586310 - The work of faith
10586309 - The faith and patience of the saints: exhibited in the narrative of the sufferings & death of ... Isaac Le Febvre by a French Protestant pastor. A new transl
10586308 - Practical Discourses on Regeneration, and on Salvation by Faith
10586307 - A catechism and confession of faith
10586306 - Beauties of Dr.Porteus... containing a digest of the faith, duties and privileges of a Christian
10586305 - Treatises upon the life, walk, and triumph of faith
10586304 - The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Notes on Luther; St. Theresa; Bedell; Baxter; Leighton; Sherlock; Waterland; Skelton; Andrew Fuller; Whitaker; Oxlee; A barrister's Hints; Davison; Irving; Noble. Essay on faith
10586303 - Annals of the propagation of the faith
10586302 - The sincere Christian instructed in the faith of Christ from the written word [by G. Hay].
10586301 - A Defence of the ancient faith
10586300 - Christ the righteousness of his people; or, The doctrine of justification by faith in Him. Sermons
10586299 - The Works of Robert Traill: Stedfast adherence to the profession of our faith
10586298 - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries
10586297 - The confession of faith, of the Christians known by the name of Mennonites
10586296 - Faith and practice represented in fifty-four sermons on the principal heads of the Christian religion
10586295 - Treatise upon the life of faith
10586294 - Pious reflecions and devout prayers on several points of faith and morality...
10586293 - The Christian scheme fairly stated, and briefly vindicated
10586292 - The case of the Church of England truly, fairly and impartially stated and freely submitted to the unbyass'd consideration of all sober, candid and sincere Christians ...
10586291 - Deism fairly stated, and fully vindicated from the gross imputations and groundless calumnies of modern believers
10586290 - The case of the Church of England's memorial fairly stated
10586289 - The case of the five millions, fairly stated
10586288 - The first and second parts of the Fair maid of the west
10586287 - Old ballads illustrating the great frost of 1683-4 and the fair on the river Thames
10586286 - History of the North-western soldiers' fair, held in Chicago the last week of October and the first week of November, 1863
10586285 - A History of the Town of Fair Haven, Vermont
10586284 - British Theatre: Centlivre, Mrs. S. The busy body. 1791; The wonder. 1792; Fletcher, J. Rule a wife and have a wife. 1791; Cumberland, R. The West Indian. 1792; Shadwell, C. The fair quaker of Deal. 1792; Goldsmith, O. She stoops to conquer. 1791
10586283 - Sketches of the fair sex, in all parts of the world
10586282 - Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende
10586281 - Waverly Novels: The fair maid of Perth. Anne of Geierstein
10586280 - A Record of the Metropolitan Fair
10586279 - The Spanish tragedy [by Thomas Kyd] The love of King David and fair Bethsabe [by George Peele] Soliman and Perseda. The tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex [by Thomas Norton
10586278 - Honor; or, The story of the brave Caspar and the fair Annerl, with an intr. by T.W. Appell. Transl
10586277 - The ambitious step-mother. Tamerlane. The fair penitent. Ulysses
10586276 - History of the Brooklyn and Long Island Fair, February 22, 1864
10586275 - The fair penitent. A tragedy
10586274 - The record of the Kurrachee fair and exhibition of 1869
10586273 - History of the Great western sanitary fair
10586272 - Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair
10586271 - The alchemist. Catiline. Bartholomew Fair
10586270 - The Works of Ben. Jonson: The alchemist. Catiline, his conspiracy. Bartholomew Fair
10586269 - Official Report of the Trial of Laura D. Fair
10586268 - The Works: The ambitious step-mother. Tamerlane. The fair penitent. Ulysses
10586267 - A fair account of the late unhappy disturbance at Boston
10586266 - Vanity Fair
10586265 - The New lady's magazine, or, Polite and entertaining companion for the fair sex
10586264 - The fair concubine
10586263 - The fair penitent
10586262 - The Lady's Magazine Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex
10586261 - the ladys magazine or entretaing companion for the fair sex
10586260 - A vision of fair spirits
10586259 - An essay on the learning, genius, and abilities, of the fair-sex
10586258 - The history and antiquities of Barnwell Abbey, and of Sturbridge Fair..
10586257 - Fair maid of Perth
10586256 - Report of the Earl of Sheffield to the Meeting at Lewes Wool Fair, 26th July, 1816
10586255 - The fair-haired Eckbert; The trusty Eckart; The Runenberg; The elves; The goblet
10586254 - A fair and impartial testimony
10586253 - The heroine, or Adventures of a fair romance reader
10586252 - Failure of Teton Dam
10586251 - Laws of Success and Failure in Life
10586250 - Candid reflections on the Report ... of the general-officers appointed ... to enquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition to the coasts of France. In a letter [attr. to lord Holland].
10586249 - Seasonable advice to Protestants, containing some means of reviving and strengthening the Protestant interest where it has failed, or delined
10586248 - Les Contes et discours d'Eutrapel par le feu Seigneur de la Herissaye... (Noлl Du Fail. Sonnet de Pibareil)
10586247 - Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest
10586246 - Human factors in long-duration spaceflight
10586245 - The town spy, or, the devil's factors discover'd
10586244 - A reply to The vindication of the representation of the case of the planters of Tobacco. in Virginia. In a letter to Sir J. R. from the merchants or factors of London
10586243 - Libro de la vida y obras marauillosas del ... padre Fray Pedro Nicolas Factor, de la Orden de ... Sant Francisco ...
10586242 - Libro de la vida, y obras maravillosas del sieruo de Dios el.... Padre Fray Pedro Nicolas Factor, de la Orden de... S. Francisco... de la prouincia de Valencia
10586241 - Libro de la vida y obras maravillosas del siervo de Dios ... Pedro Nicolas Factor ...
10586240 - Vida del B. Nicolбs Factor hijo de la provincia de menores observantes de N.P.S. Francisco de Valencia
10586239 - The sot-weed factor, or, A voyage to Maryland : a satyr : in which is describ'd, the laws, government, courts and constitutions of the country, and also the buildings, feasts, frolicks, entertainments and drunken humours of the inhabitants of that part of
10586238 - Report of the trial of Patrick Sellar, esq., factor for the ... marquis and marchioness of Stafford, for the crimes of culpable homicide, real injury, and oppression
10586237 - The second part of Fact against scandal
10586236 - Purae, elegantes et copiosae Latinae linguae phrases, a Iac. Burdino nobili adolescente Parisiensi, regisque a secretis Galli[a]e fact[a]e. Nunc autem ordine alphabetico in sectiones et capita distributae ... ut studiosi absque mora omnes ferme purioris L
10586235 - Fact and fiction
10586234 - Opinion and matter of fact: or, A seasonable Caution to the present Conv-------------n
10586233 - 55 mph fact book
10586232 - Fact against scandal
10586231 - Fact book of U.S. agriculture
10586230 - Fact book on manpower
10586229 - The Religions of South Vietnam in Faith and Fact
10586228 - A new method of learning with facility the Greek tongue ...
10586227 - A new method of learning with greater facility the Greek tongue, tr. [by T. Nugent] from the Fr. of messieurs de Port Royal [really only C. Lancelot]. Nugent. Revised
10586226 - A new method of learning with facility the Latin tongue
10586225 - A new method of learning with greater facility the Greek tongue
10586224 - Planning and design of outdoor recreation facilities
10586223 - L'йglise romaine en face de la rйvolution
10586222 - Histoire de la sainte Face de notre Seigneur Jйsus-Christ
10586221 - De postliminio in face, et amnestia; praes. Hern. Coccejus. - Francofurti a. V., Zeitler 1691
10586220 - Essai sur la maladie de la face
10586219 - Rиgle et statut de la confrйrie de Sainte Face, concernant l'obligation des vingt-quatre confrиres & vingt-quatre consoeurs au sujet des criminels...
10586218 - Traduction nouvelle des Satures de Perse en vers franзois (en face du texte latin). Avec des remarques sur les passages les plus difficiles
10586217 - Hypatia; or, New foes with an old face
10586216 - The study of the human face
10586215 - New system of physiognomony [sic], or, The art of knowing men by their eyes
10586214 - Eyes and ears
10586213 - The humble confession and petition of a Whig with his eyes open
10586212 - The economy of the eyes
10586211 - L'espion anglais ou Correspondance secrиte entre milord All'eye et milord All'ear
10586210 - Beitraege zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hьhnchens im Eye
10586209 - L'observateur anglois, ou Correspondance secrete entre Milord All'Eye et Milord All'Ear [sic] ...
10586208 - L'espion anglois, ou correspondance secrиte entre Milord All'eye et Milord Alle'ar
10586207 - On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye
10586206 - A treatise on the diseases of the eye
10586205 - A treatise on the diseases of the eye
10586204 - Lectures on the operative surgery of the eye
10586203 - The music of the eye
10586202 - Lectures at home. Discovery and manufacture of glass; lenses and mirrors; the structure of the eye
10586201 - The language of the eye
10586200 - The eye-witness,
10586199 - Ophthalmographia or, A treatise of the eye
10586198 - A manual of the diseases of the eye
10586197 - The anatomy and histology of the human eye
10586196 - A description of the human eye, and its adjacent parts
10586195 - An essay on the education of the eye with reference to painting
10586194 - The case of the Genoese impartially stated; wherein the conduct of that people, the Austrians and Piedmontese, during the late convulsions, is candidly examined. To which is prefixed, a letter from an eye-witness, giving an exact account of the insurrecti
10586193 - A supplement to Kennedy's Ophthalmographia, or Treatise of the eye ...
10586192 - Austria as it is: or, Sketches of continental courts, by an eye-witness [C. Sealsfield].
10586191 - A treatise on the venereal diseases of the eye
10586190 - A manual of the diseases of the human eye
10586189 - The eye
10586188 - Compendium of the diseases of the human eye
10586187 - A System of Optics
10586186 - Essays on the morbid anatomy of the human eye
10586185 - A treatise on the diseases of the eye and its appendages
10586184 - Treatise on the diseases of the eye
10586183 - The number of alehouses shewn to be extremely pernicious to the publick. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. By the V. of S. in Kent
10586182 - Zur Vermittelung der Extreme in der Heilkunde
10586181 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques du Diocese d'Angers,sur le sacrement de pйnitence, sur les indulgences et l'extreme-onction
10586180 - Zur Vermittlung der Extreme in den Meinungen
10586179 - Traitй du sacrement de l'extreme-onction, oщ l'on fait voir que les curez & les vicaires perpetuels en sont les ministres ordinaires. Ouvrage rempli d'observations sur la discipline de l'Eglise
10586178 - Extract oder Auszug aus der Postill
10586177 - Aufrichtiger Wandel Vor Gott und der Welt: Oder Extract Von einem guten Politico, Wie ein Christ wandlen solle gegen Gott, den Nдchsten, und sich selbst
10586176 - Extract Einer, Anno Tausent vierhundert acht und achtzigg geschriebenen Weissagung ... neben einer ... nach Abzug der Schweden Ihrer Churfьrstlichen Durchlauchtigkeit zu Sachsen ьbersendeten Gratulation
10586175 - Extract derer nouvellen
10586174 - Gцttlicher Extract, So aus Befehl des grossen Gottes ... Aus Doct. Joh. Tauleri Schrifften gezogen zu Nutz der armen Menschen ...
10586173 - Extract of report of the adjutant general of the state of New Hampshire for the year ending June 1, 1866
10586172 - Extract eines Schreibens von Utrecht den 19./29. Julii 1660 betreffende Die Erlaszung und Auszweisung der beyden vornehmen Prediger Velde und Telincks
10586171 - An extract of the life of the late Rev. David Brainerd
10586170 - An extract of the Christian's pattern, or, A treatise on the imitation of Christ
10586169 - An extract of ... John Wesley's journal from February 1, 1737-8, to his return from Germany
10586168 - Extract from the journal of John Nelson
10586167 - A short extract from m. Necker's pamphlet to the French nation on the impending trial of the king [Louis xvi] a letter
10586166 - An extract of mr. Richard Baxter's Aphorisms of justification, publ. by J. Wesley
10586165 - An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal ...
10586164 - Augustini Barbosae ... Summa apostolicarum decisionum extra ius commune vagantium
10586163 - Repetitio admodum solenn. c. Raynutius extra de testamentis
10586162 - Augustini Barbosae ... Summa apostolicarum decisionum extra jus commune vagantium
10586161 - Classification mйthodique des produits de l'industrie extra-europйene ou objets provenant des voyages lointains
10586160 - Extra-Post-Ordnung fьr das Kцnigreich Bayern
10586159 - De fideicommissis ex casu contrafactionis per alienationem extra familiam, resultantibus; praes: Joh. Volkm. Bechmann
10586158 - Manuale Benedictionum, Rituumquae Ecclesiasticorum tam intra, quam extra Ecclesias occurrentium
10586157 - Summa Apostolicarum decisionum extra jus commune vagantium etc. Ed. ultima aucta et recognita
10586156 - Epitaphia Budissinensia, quotquot Latii sermonis in Templis et Coemeteriis in ... et extra moenia conspiciuntur
10586155 - Jo. Baptistae de Luca S. R. E. cardinalis Commentaria ad constitutionem Innocentii XI. P. M. de statutariis successionibus cum particulis statutorum et legum excludentium foeminas propter masculos, tam intra statum ecclesiasticum, quam extra illum. De pen
10586154 - De authoritate legum civilium extra territorium legislatoris
10586153 - de feudis in curte et extra curtem ...
10586152 - Introductio in Orientem, sive synopsis quaestionum nobiliorum de origine, natura, usu et adminiculis linguarum orientalium et plerarumque extra Europam ...
10586151 - Grьndlicher Bericht und Vorstellung; Was es Mit denen, von des Herrn Fьrstens zu Taxis Fьrstl. Gnaden, zu Nьrnberg, Neuerlich- angelegten Extra - Ordinari Post-Land-Fuhrwercken vor eine Beschaffenheit habe
10586150 - Antonii Ricciulli ... Tractatus de iure personarum extra Ecclesiae gremium existentium
10586149 - Summa Apostolicarum Decisionum, Extra Ius Commune Vagantium
10586148 - Historia del prodigioso aparecimiento de la ... imagen de Nuestra Seсora de la Natividad, venerada extra-muros de la villa de Mentrida, refierense los notables, y milagrosos sucessos de su aparecimiento en la Dehessa de Berciana
10586147 - Casparis Thurmanni Bibliotheca academica de rebus et iuribus non tantum academiarum, & academicorum, sed etiam doctorum aliorumque eruditorum, extra academias viventium ...
10586146 - Description of an extra-uterine foetus
10586145 - Chorasmiae et Mawaralnahrae, hoc est regionum extra fluvium Oxum, descriptio
10586144 - Albini Riuii Duraquensis De optimis interpretibus diuinorum librorum praelectiones Biblicae quatuor, extra ordinem ...
10586143 - Differentiae iuris Romani & Germanici in consensu connubiali extra patrem
10586142 - Iacobi Mazonii Caesenatis in almo gymnasio Pisano Aristotelem ordinarie, Platonem vero extra ordinem profitentis, In universam Platonis, et Aristotelis philosophiam praeludia, sive de comparatione Platonis, et Aristotelis ; Liber primus
10586141 - integram ecclesiae Christi ideam, quantum ad locum, propagationem, persecutionem, tranquillitatem, doctrinam, haereses, ceremonias, gubernationem, schismata, synodos, personas, miracula, martyria, religiones extra ecclesiam, & statum imperij politicum att
10586140 - Commentariorum continuatio ad leges regias nunc denuo post recopilationem regiam in curiis [et] extra constitutas ...
10586139 - Gesta et vestigia Danorum extra Daniam praecipue in Oriente, Italia, Hispania, Gallia, Anglia, Scotia, Hibernia, Belgio, Germania et Sclavonia
10586138 - Oracion funebre que en las solemnes exequias que celebrт la ... provincia de Andalucia de RR.PP. Capuchinos en su Convento de Santa Justa, y Rufina, extra-muros de esta ciudad de Sevilla, el dia 8 del mes de agosto de este presente aсo de 1766 por ... Fr.
10586137 - Epicrisis critico-apologetica de affectu atrabilario, mirachiali sive de morbis cerebri, et mentis, qui extra cerebrum originem ducunt
10586136 - De visitatione cuiuscumque praelati regularis et simul de iurisdictione eiusdem, extra actum visitandi
10586135 - Literatura medica externa recentior seu Enumeratio librorum plerorumque et commentariorum singularium ad doctrinas medicas facientium, qui extra Germaniam ab anno inde 1750 impressi sunt
10586134 - Sancti Josephi Sanctificatio extra uterum...
10586133 - Antiquitatis romanae monumenta legalia extra libros juris romani sparsa, quae in aere, lapide, aliave materia, vel apud veteres auctores extraneos, partim integra, partim mutila, sed genuina, supersunt
10586132 - Bipartitus tubarum clangor diffusus ad mundum extra mundum, et ad mundum in mundo, id est ad statum regularem et saecularem, sive discursus selecti claustrales
10586131 - Die Kunst nach vielen erhaltenen Kцrben auf der Extra-Post glьcklich zu heyrathen
10586130 - Traitй du froid; de son action et de son emploi, intus et extra, en hygiиne, en mйdecine et en chirurgie
10586129 - Quaestura partes duae quarum altera de Ciceronis vita et libris item de ceteris Ciceronibus agit altera Ciceronis libros permultis locis emendat numquam antea extra Italiam
10586128 - Omnia in uno, quae in singulis totius anni solemnitatibus extra chorum choraliter canenda occurrunt
10586127 - Stirpium Europaearum extra Britannias nascentium Sylloge
10586126 - Summa apostolicorum decisionum extra jus commune vagantium
10586125 - Dissertatio Jvridica Inavgvralis De Parasynaxibvs, seu Conventicvlis Extra Ecclesiam Illicitis
10586124 - Hispaniarum catholico regi Philippo IV ... Supplicatio vt ... declaret Regulares istius Ordinis Canonicos capaces esse, vt absque dispensatione praebendas, et quaeuis beneficia saecularia extra eum obtineant
10586123 - Diss. mor. disquirens an liberis extra periculum constitutis, pro vita parentum mortem oppetere liceat?
10586122 - Sine somno somnium. Accidens extra subjectum; praes.: Johannes Barth. Rьdiger
10586121 - Guessing stories: or, The surprising adventures of the man with the extra pair of eyes. By a country parson [P. Freeman]. By P. Freeman
10586120 - Avgvstini Barbosae Lvsitani, ... Svmma Apostolicarvm Decisionum Extra Ivs Commvne Vagantivm
10586119 - Concionator Extra-Ordinarius, Das ist: Auserlesene Extra-Ordinari in sechs Theil verschiedene Lob- Ehr- und Lehr-Predigen
10586118 - Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century. [extra-illustr. and with MS. notes by the author].
10586117 - Extra series
10586116 - Extra-Sensory Perception
10586115 - The view of India extra Gangem, China, and Japan
10586114 - Extra globe
10586113 - An essay on the external corn trade
10586112 - The anatomy of the external forms of man
10586111 - Imperial Network and External Dependency
10586110 - A review of the external commerce of Bengal from 1813-14 to 1827-28
10586109 - Index locupletissimus duobus tomis digestus, in Aristotelis Stagiritae Opera quae extent
10586108 - A dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States
10586107 - Sonora : its extent, population, natural productions, Indian tribes, mines, mineral lands, etc
10586106 - The Hebrew wife, or, The law of marriage examined in relation to the lawfulness of polygamy and to the extent of the law of incest
10586105 - Comitatus de Atholia. The earldom of Atholl: its boundaries stated. Also, the extent therein of the possessions of the family of de Atholia, and their descendants, the Robertsons
10586104 - Report from the select committee appointed to inquire into the nature, character, extent, and tendency of Orange Lodges, Associations, or Societies in Ireland; with the minutes of evidence and appendix
10586103 - The Procedure extent, and Limits of human Understanding
10586102 - Methods for identifying and evaluating the nature and extent of nonpoint sources of pollutants
10586101 - The extent and efficacy of the atonement
10586100 - An inquiry into the nature and extent of poetick licence
10586099 - A catalogue of an extensive and extraordinary assemblage of the productions of the Aldine press, together with Lyonese and Venetian counterfeits
10586098 - A catalogue of an extensive collection of English books, offered at the prices annexed
10586097 - New and extensive sailing directions for the navigation of the North Sea
10586096 - A catalogue of an extensive collection of books
10586095 - A Catalogue OF AN Extensive Collection OF Books IN THE Greek, Latin, AND Oriental Languages With A FEW French, Italian, AND Spanish
10586094 - The grand extensive plan of human redemption
10586093 - Йtudes sur les poиtes dans leur relations avec les cours, et, par extension, sur les bouffons, les nains, les abbйs, etc
10586092 - Renovation Und ferner-weithe Extension Der Mannheimer Privilegien, welche ... biЯ ad Annum 1727 inclus. zu dem Ende prolongirt worden
10586091 - Declaracion, y extension, sobre las Ordenanzas que escriviт Juan de Torija ... y de las que se practican en las ciudades de Toledo, y Sevilla
10586090 - Prolongation Und Extension Der Mannheimer Privilegien, Welche zwar erst Den 23. Augusti 1700. ihre Endschafft erreichet hдtten, Ьber von Dem Durchleuchtigsten Fьrsten und Herrn Philipp Wilhelm, Pfaltzgrafen bey Rhein, des H. Rцm. Reichs ... biЯ ad Annum 1
10586089 - Relaciуn de las fiestas, que el Real Convento de Santa Catalina de Toledo del Real, y Militar Orden de nuestra Seсora de la Merced, Redencion de Cautivos, consagro a la solemnidad de la extension del culto, y rezo concedido a San Pedro Pasqual de Valencia
10586088 - Disertacion historico-politica, en que se trata de la extension de el Mahometismo en las islas Philipinas
10586087 - Reales cedulas de franquicias, y extension de ellas, concedidas por la magestad del rey nuestro seсor don Phelipe V. De este nombre,(que Dios guarde) a favor de la compaсia de la Real Fabrica de Hoja de Lata, nuevamente construмda en estos Reynos, y de to
10586086 - Informe Final Seminario Regional de Extension Agricola
10586085 - La Castilla y el mas famoso castellano, discurso sobre el sitio, nombre, extension, gobierno y condado de la antigua Castilla. Historia del celebre castellano Rodrigo Diaz Hamado vulgarmente el Cid Campeador, por el P... Manuel Risco,...
10586084 - Mйmoire sur l'extension sigmoпde et la flexion, dans le traitement des dйviations latйrales de l'йpine
10586083 - La Cantabria vindicada, y demostrada, segun la extension que tuvo en diferentes tiempos
10586082 - A history of agricultural extension work in the United States, 1785-1923
10586081 - History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, by the Three Great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain, and the Subsequent Occupation, Settlement, and Extension of Civil Government by the United States, Until the Ye
10586080 - The great American question, democracy vs. doulocracy, or, Free soil, free labor, free men, & free speech, against the extension and domination of the slaveholding interest
10586079 - Second Annual Report OF THE Commissioners FOR THE Extension AND Improvement OF Public Works IN Ireland
10586078 - Training and Extension in the Co-operative Movement
10586077 - Report of surveys across the continent, in 1867-'68, on the thirty-fifth and thirty-second parellels, for a route extending the Kansas Pacific Railway to the Pacific Ocean at San Francisco and San Diego ...
10586076 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Durham, particularly that part of it extending from the Tyne to the Tees
10586075 - Remarks on the country extending from Cape Palmas to the River Congo
10586074 - Notitia of New Brunswick, for 1836, and extending into 1837
10586073 - A discourse containing a summary of the proceedings of the directors of the Society for extending the fisheries and improving the sea coasts of Great Britain, by G. Dempster. Together with Some reflections intended to promote the success of the said socie
10586072 - The Boy's own book extended
10586071 - A versatile high-voltage bias supply for extended range MIS C(V) and G(V) measurements
10586070 - Des passions et de leur expression gйnйrale et particuliиre sous le rapport des beaux-arts
10586069 - Nouveau langage des fleurs, avec la nomenclature des sentiments dont chaque fleur est le symbole et leur emploi pour l'expression des pensйes
10586068 - Nouveau langage des fleurs avec leur valeur symbolique et leur emploi pour l'expression des pensйes
10586067 - Victima dolorosa, clamor lamentable, expression fina, del lealissimo afecto, con que la illustre ciudad de Malaga, solemnizт las Reales exequias, del Christianissimo Rey, el Seсor Don Luis XIV
10586066 - Manifiesto puntual, y sucinta expression de los bienes, hacienda, y efectos, que se hallaban exitentes el dia 10. de junio de 1728 (entre los que quedaron por fallecimiento de Don Antonio Puche) а cuyo tiempo entrу а exercer la Admisntracion general de el
10586065 - A mayor gloria de Dios, expression de dolor (en el dia 24 de Julio de 1754) del Colegio de la Compaсia de Jesus de Cordoba ... o Explicacion peculiar de su sentimiento, y amor al grato nombre, y digna memoria del XI preporito general de la misma Compaсia,
10586064 - Justa demonstracion, expression tierna, y agradecida manifiesto funebre, que la amante, y agradecida familia del ill.mo ... D. Miguel Vicente Cebrian y Augustin ... hizo en las honras, y cavo del aсo ... el dia ocho del mes de Juio del aсi 1753 en al S.ta
10586063 - Expression des nivellemens, ou mйthode nouvelle pour marquer rigoureusement sur les cartes terrestres et marines les hauteurs et les configurations du terrain
10586062 - Origen de la renta del servicio y montazgo su exigencia y cobro con expression del quid sean estos derechos en que y por que se establecieron, que ganados los pagan, que personas, quanto, quando y en donde, sacado de las leyes del reyno, con arreglo a las
10586061 - Archйologie йgyptienne ou recherches sur l'expression des signes hiйroglyphiques et sur les йlйmens de la langue sacrйe des Egyptiens
10586060 - Essai sur l'expression des diverses passions du cheval ...
10586059 - On legislative expression, or, The language of the written law
10586058 - Hymns selected from various authors with a key of musical expression
10586057 - The Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression
10586056 - Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting
10586055 - Essays on the Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression
10586054 - Golden Remains of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales, with additions from the author's own copy, sermons and miscellanies, also letters and expresses concerning the Synod of Dordrecht
10586053 - History of the express companies
10586052 - The divine legation of Moses demonstrated from his having made express mention of, and insisted so much on the doctrine of a future state: ... A sermon preached before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's, March 4. 1739. By William Romaine, ...
10586051 - Explicit: Caput Historiae Iuris Publici Electorum Origo Omnibus Dubiis Soluta Et Novo Methodo Demonstrata
10586050 - An explanation of the African-company's property in the sole trade to Africa
10586049 - On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: Critical review of some anatomico-physiological works; with an explanation of a new philosophy of the moral qualities and intellectual faculties
10586048 - The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway
10586047 - A short explanation of the Nicene creed
10586046 - An explanation of the rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer
10586045 - Peterson's familiar science, or, The scientific explanation of common things
10586044 - First Footsteps in East Africa; Or, An Explanation of Harar
10586043 - An Explicatory catechism; or, An explanation of the Assembly's Shorter catechism ...
10586042 - The Derbyshire miners' glossary; or, An explanation of the technical terms of the miners
10586041 - An explanation and history of the Book of Common Prayer
10586040 - The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery used in steam navigation
10586039 - An explanation of the map of the city and liberties ... of Philadelphia
10586038 - An explanation of the Psalms, as read in the Liturgy of the Church
10586037 - An explanation of the popular weather prognostics of Scotland on scientific principles
10586036 - Explanation of the construction, furniture and ornaments of a church, of the vestments of the clergy, and of the nature and ceremonies of the mass
10586035 - Familiar science, or, the scientific explanation of the principles of natural and physical science
10586034 - The theory of the infantry movements, by the author of 'The British drill'. [With] Explanation of the plates
10586033 - The Explanation of Albinus's Anatomical Figures of the Human Skeleton and Muscles
10586032 - An explanation of the gnomonic projection of the sphere
10586031 - A new and enlarged military dictionary, or, Alphabetical explanation of technical terms
10586030 - The philosophic alphabet, with an explanation of its principles; to which is added, a philosophic system of punctuation
10586029 - A Familiar explanation of the poetical works of Milton
10586028 - An explanation of the interesting prophecy respecting the two apocalyptic witnesses, as fulfilled by the institution and progress of the British and foreign Bible society, by an observer of the times [A. Shand.].
10586027 - Twelve discourses in explanation of the liturgy of the Church of England
10586026 - Explanation of the ceremonies of the Holy week in the chapels of the Vatican; and of those of Easter Sunday, in the church of St. Peter
10586025 - A practical explanation of cancer in the female breast
10586024 - An explanation of several of Mr. Hogarth's prints..
10586023 - A familiar Explanation of the ... works of Milton
10586022 - The Statutes at Large, Passed in the Parliaments Held in Ireland: I. A table of the titles of all the public statutes that are printed; II. A table of the titles of all the private statutes passed in Ireland from the first year of Henry VIII, to the first
10586021 - A popular law-dictionary, familiarly explaining the terms and nature of English law
10586020 - The Law-dictionary, Explaining the Rise Progress and Present State of the British Law Etc. The 4. Ed. with Extensive Additions ... by Thomas Colpitts Granger
10586019 - The Zillah dictionary, in the Roman character, explaining ... words used in business in India
10586018 - Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva, Or of Spring Explaining the Power of Springing Bodies
10586017 - A treatise on the principal mathematical instruments employed in surveying, levelling, and astronomy: explaining their construction, adjustments, and use
10586016 - The law-dictionary: explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law
10586015 - Explaining Music
10586014 - The Law-dictionary: explaining the rise, progress and present state of the British law
10586013 - The doctrine of instituted Churches explained and proved from the word of God
10586012 - The Principles of the Christian Religion Explained in a Commentary Upon the Church Catechism
10586011 - The CIXth psalm explained and vindicated
10586010 - The Apocalypse, or, Book of revelations, explained according to the spiritual sense, tr. [by W. Hill] and revised by the translator of Arcana cњlestia [J. Clowes].
10586009 - Ventriloquism Explained
10586008 - The Eucharistical service: or, the nature of the Lord's supper explained. ... By Samuel Johnson, ...
10586007 - The doctrine of justification by faith through the imputation of the righteousness of Christ explained ... and vindicated
10586006 - Ancient Alphabets & Hieroglyphic Characters Explained
10586005 - The doctrine of interest and annuities analytically investigated and explained
10586004 - Iconology; or, Emblematic figures explained
10586003 - Theology explained and defended, sermons; with a memoir [by S. E. Dwight] of the life of the author
10586002 - The supplement to Antiquity explained, and represented in sculptures,
10586001 - Antiquities explained
10586000 - Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicus: Vallancey, C. The Uraikeft, or book of Oghams. An essay on the origin of alphabet writing. Terms of the Brehon-Amhan laws explained. Origin of the feudal system of government
10585999 - English synonymes explained in alphabetical order
10585998 - The Doctrine of the Passions Explained and Improved
10585997 - The principles and practice of agriculture, systematically explained
10585996 - The Christian sacrifice explained
10585995 - Theology; explained and defended, in a series of sermons
10585994 - The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demonstrated
10585993 - The riches of a hop-garden explain'd, from the several improvements arising by that beneficial plant ..
10585992 - Egyptian hieroglyphics; being an attempt to explain their nature, origin and meaning
10585991 - The conditions of the covenant of grace particularly explain'd; and the proper use of natural conscience in the work of our salvation: set forth in a letter from J.S.
10585990 - Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd for the use of the ladies
10585989 - Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures Explain'd and Exemplify'd in Several Dissertations
10585988 - The true nature of the Christian church, the office of its ministers, and the means of grace administred by them explain'd. In twelve sermons. By the Right Reverend ... William Beveridge, ...
10585987 - The principles of religion explain'd and prov'd from the Scriptures
10585986 - A review and defence of Mr. Mede's Exposition of the four forst Vials as also an attempt made to explain the fifth and sixth
10585985 - A glossary to explain the original, the acceptation, and obsoleteness of words and phrases
10585984 - The Mythology and Fables of the Ancients, Explain'd from History
10585983 - An attempt to explain the oeconomy of the human frame, upon the principles of the new philosphy
10585982 - The sacramental part of the Eucharist explain'd,
10585981 - An attempt to explain the words: reason, substance, person, creeds, orthodoxy, Catholic-church, subscription, and Index expurgatorius
10585980 - Tйtrade des plus griиves maladies de tout le cerveau, composйe de veilles, observations et pratiques des plus sзavants et experts mйdecins tant dogmatiques que hermйtiques par Joseph Du Chesne, sieur de La Violette
10585979 - Tableau de l'exploitation d'йpreuve. La dame Danycan requiert qu'en йxйcution de l'Ordonnace du 3 mars, les experts indiquent а ses Ouvriers une troise cube а extraire de chacun des filons ou massis ...
10585978 - Verbal d'experts
10585977 - La demande, l'offre et le commerce de la pate et du papier, v. 2. Documents selectionnes presentes a une Consultation d'Experts, Tunis, 2022 Septembre 1977
10585976 - Le Grand marйchal expert et franзois
10585975 - Le marйschal expert
10585974 - Le tuileur-expert des sept grades du rite franзais ou rite moderne[...]
10585973 - Le Mareschal expert, traictant du naturel et des marques des beaux et bons chevaux, de leurs maladies et remиdes d'icelles...par feu N. Beaugrand,... Augmentй d'une seconde partie contenant plusieurs receptes...du sieur de l'Espinay...pour toutes maladies
10585972 - Le Tuilleur-Expert des sept grades du rite franзais ou rite moderne
10585971 - Physical technics; or, Practical instructions for making experiments in physics and the construction of physical apparatus with the most limited means
10585970 - Experiments in agriculture
10585969 - A treatise on new philosophical instruments, for various purposes in the arts and sciences. With experiments on light and colours
10585968 - Report of experiments on gunpowder, made at Washington arsenal, in 1843 and 1844
10585967 - Liberia OR' MR. Peyton'S Experiments
10585966 - Chemical experiments
10585965 - Report of experiments on gunpowder, made at Washington arsenal in 1843 and 1844
10585964 - The principles of chemistry, illustrated by simple experiments
10585963 - Researches and experiments upon silk from spiders, and upon their reproduction
10585962 - Experiments and Observations on the Atomic Theory, and Electrical Phenomena
10585961 - The History and Present State of Electricity, with Original Experiments
10585960 - Experiments of spiritual life & health, and their preservatives
10585959 - The Stormontfield piscicultural experiments, 1853-1866
10585958 - Hydrostatical paradoxes, made out by new experiments ...
10585957 - Electrical Experiments
10585956 - Reports of experiments with small arms for the military services
10585955 - New Experiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in America. 2. Ed
10585954 - Experiments upon magnesia alba, quick-lime, and other alcaline substances
10585953 - Rational Recreations: Electrical and magnetical experiments.- v. 4. Experiments in pneumatics, hydrology, and pyrotechnics, with an appendix of miscellaneous recreations
10585952 - Experiments upon Vegetables
10585951 - Medical reports of cases and experiments
10585950 - Medical facts and experiments
10585949 - Chemical experiments on zoophytes
10585948 - Experiments and observations on american potashes
10585947 - Nautical and hydraulic experiments, with numerous scientific miscellanies, by colonel Mark Beaufoy,...
10585946 - One Thousand Experiments in Chemistry;
10585945 - Breeding experiments with Holstein-Friesian cattle
10585944 - Experiments and observations on the angustura bark
10585943 - Medical, chirurgical and anatomical cases and experiments
10585942 - Experiments and observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestion
10585941 - Facts and experiments on the use of sugar in feeding cattle
10585940 - Experiments, and observations on the Malvern waters
10585939 - Clinical experiments
10585938 - Philosophical experiments and observations of ... Robert Hooke ... and other eminent virtuoso's in his time, publ. by W. Derham
10585937 - Experiments on the red and quill Peruvian bark
10585936 - One thousand processes in manufactures and experiments in chemistry
10585935 - An account of some experiments and observations on Tar-Water
10585934 - An account of the experiments made in the French navy for the trial of bomb cannon, etc
10585933 - Lowell hydraulic experiments
10585932 - Lecciones de physica experimental escritas en francйs
10585931 - Lecciones de Physica Experimental
10585930 - Lecciones de Physica experimental escritas en idioma francйs por el Abate Nollet ... traducidas al espaсol por el P. Antonio Zacagnini ...
10585929 - Fнsica moderna, racional y experimental
10585928 - Physica moderna, experimental, systematica
10585927 - Physica moderna experimental, systematica
10585926 - An experimental treatise on optics
10585925 - Experimental essays
10585924 - Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics
10585923 - True religion delineated, or, Experimental religion
10585922 - Experimental religion
10585921 - A school compendium of natural and experimental philosophy
10585920 - An experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of water and wind to turn mills
10585919 - The annals of electricity magnetism and chemistry and guardian of experimental science
10585918 - Experimental investigation of the spirit manifestations
10585917 - Essays medical, philosophical, and experimental
10585916 - A plain and easy introduction to the Newtonian experimental philosophy ...
10585915 - An experimental inquiry on some parts of the animal structure
10585914 - A system of experimental philosophy, ...
10585913 - Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and experimental
10585912 - Experimental Researches in Electricity: Series 1-14 [Phil. trans., 1831-38] 1839
10585911 - Experimental outlines for a new theory of colours, light and vision
10585910 - Experimental compression of dehydrated foods
10585909 - A short elementary treatise on experimental and mathematical optics
10585908 - Experimental Researches in Electricity
10585907 - Lectures in experimental philosophy
10585906 - Experimental philosopher
10585905 - Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1963
10585904 - Experimental essays on medical and philosophical subjects
10585903 - An essay towards an unfolding the glory of Christ, sermons. [With] Sermons of doctrinal, experimental and practical subjects
10585902 - An epitome of the elementary principles of natural and experimental philosophy
10585901 - Osiandrische Experiment von Sole, Luna et Mercurio... Germanica-latine cum explicat. Johannes Ulrich Reschen
10585900 - Kurz Handtbьchlin vnd experiment vieler Artzneyen durch den gantzen Cцrper des Menschens von dem Haupt biЯ auff die FьЯ
10585899 - Osiandrische Experiment von Sole, Luna et Mercuria
10585898 - An analysis of the experiment in education, made at Egmore, near Madras ...
10585897 - Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment
10585896 - Plan for U.S. participation in the Monsoon Experiment (MONEX)
10585895 - The philosophical emperor, a political experiment, or, The progress of a false position
10585894 - List of bulletins of the agricultural experiment stations for the calendar years 1935 and 1936
10585893 - Methods of poultry management at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
10585892 - An experiment in education, made at the male asylum of Madras. Suggesting a system by which a school or family may teach itself under the superintendance of the master or parent. By the Reverend Dr. Andrew Bell, ...
10585891 - The jotting book; a political and literary experiment. By an amateur [J. Hall].
10585890 - Nouvelles experiences sur la vipere, ou l'on verra une description exacte de toutes ses parties, la source de son venin, ses divers effets, et les remиdes exquis ...
10585889 - Recueil d'experiences et observations sur le combat qui procede du melange des corps
10585888 - Rares experiences sur l'esprit mineral, pour la preparation et transmutation des corps metaliques. Oщ est enseignй la maniere de faire les agens necessaires, qui ont estй jusques aujourd'huy inconnus [et] cachez au public ...
10585887 - Experiences sur la bonnification de tous les Vins
10585886 - R
10585885 - Recherches physiologiques et experiences sur la vitalitй et le galvanisme
10585884 - Experiences et observations, pour servir a l'explication de la nature et des proprietes de l'electricite. Proposees en trois lettres a la Societe Royale de Londres
10585883 - Experiences de Physique
10585882 - Nouvelles experiences sur la vipere ...
10585881 - Star papers, or, Experiences of art and nature
10585880 - Experiences of an English sister of mercy
10585879 - School experiences of a fag at a private and public school
10585878 - Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849
10585877 - The maxims, experiences, and observations of Agogos
10585876 - A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry of that ancient, eminent, and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox
10585875 - Summer in the soul; or, Views and experiences
10585874 - Inside Sebastopol, and experiences in camp
10585873 - My experiences in Australia
10585872 - Memoirs of the life, religious experiences, and labours in the Gospel of ---
10585871 - A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry, of that ancient, eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ
10585870 - An account of the gospel labours, and Christian experiences of a faithful minister of Christ, John Churchman, late of Nottingham, in Pennsylvania, deceased
10585869 - A journal of the life, travels, and Christian experiences of Thomas Chalkley
10585868 - A journal of the life, gospel labours, and Christian experiences, of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, John Woolman
10585867 - The Experienced English House-keeper
10585866 - The Experienced English Housekeeper
10585865 - The frugal housewife, or, Experienced cook
10585864 - The experienced butcher
10585863 - The experienced farmer's tour in America
10585862 - The experienced bee-keeper
10585861 - The Experienced English Housekeeper,
10585860 - Francisca del SS. Sacramento (Francisca Binvessa, en religion Soeur), carmйlite dйchaussйe.- Lumiere aux vivans par l'experience des morts, ou Diverses apparitions des ames du Purgatoire de nostre siecle auprиs de la Ven. Soeur Franзoise du Tres S. Sacrem
10585859 - Traite du beau essentiel dans les arts applique particulierement a l'architecture et demontre physiquement et par l'experience avec un traite des proportions-harmoniques par C. E. Briseux
10585858 - La Nature Expliquйe Par Le Raisonnement Et Par L'Experience
10585857 - Recueil d'experience ... sur le combat, qui procede du mйlange des corps
10585856 - Elemens de Metaphysique tires de l'experience: ou Lettres a un Materialiste sur la nature de l'ame
10585855 - Abregй pour les arbres nains et autres; contenant tout ce qui les regarde, tirй en partie des derniers auteurs qui ont йcrit de cette matiere; joint une experience avec application de vingt ans et plus. Avec un traitй tres-particulier pour les bons melons
10585854 - La Salubritй du caffй, prouvйe par la raison et par l'experience
10585853 - The experience of Thomas H. Jones
10585852 - Two years in the Pontifical zouaves, a narrative of travel, residence, and experience in the Roman states
10585851 - Two years' experience among the Shakers
10585850 - The medical missionary in China: a narrative of twenty years' experience
10585849 - The experience and spiritual letters of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers
10585848 - Songs of Innocence and Experience
10585847 - The experience of a slave in South Carolina [ed. by W.M.S.].
10585846 - The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield, the Younger
10585845 - Experience of German Methodist preachers
10585844 - Memoirs of the life and religious experience of Ray Potter
10585843 - Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee, Giving an Account of Her Call to Preach the Gospel
10585842 - Vicissitudes illustrated, in the experience of Nancy Towle, in Europe and America
10585841 - Cottage comforts, with hints for promoting them, gleaned from experience
10585840 - Confessions and experience of a novel reader
10585839 - The gambler's life, or, The life, adventures, and personal experience of Jonathan H. Green, (the "Reformed gambler")
10585838 - An Englishwoman's experience in America
10585837 - A Hairdresser's Experience in High Life
10585836 - The shepherd of Banbury's rules to judge of the changes of the weather, grounded on forty years experience
10585835 - Pious memorials, or, The power of religion upon the mind in sickness and at death exemplified in the experience of many divines and other eminent persons at those important reasons
10585834 - The Experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
10585833 - Memoir of the life, travels, and religious experience, of Martha Routh
10585832 - The experience and gospel labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott
10585831 - Twenty years experience in Australia
10585830 - The remarkable conversion and Christian experience of Mary Hurll
10585829 - Christian experience
10585828 - Experience and gospel labors of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott
10585827 - The Experience of Several Eminent Methodist Preachers
10585826 - The elements of mental and moral philosophy, founded upon experience, reason and the Bible
10585825 - A diary of the religious experience of Mary Waring
10585824 - Results of experience in the treatment of cases of defective utterance
10585823 - Curiosities of Medical Experience
10585822 - Experience historie and divinitie
10585821 - Memoirs of the life and religious experience of William Lewis, late of Bristol
10585820 - Animadversions Upon the Present Laws of England ; Or, An Essay to Render Them More Useful and Less Expensive to All His Majesty' Subjects
10585819 - Official aptitude maximized, expense minimized
10585818 - Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution, management, and expense of the Royal Mint
10585817 - Proposal for putting a Speedy End to the Warby Ruining the Commerce of the French and Spaniards, and Securing our Own, without any additional Expense to the Nation
10585816 - A view of the expected Christian millennium
10585815 - Expansion des ressources en eau dans les zones arides
10585814 - Guesses at truth, by two brothers [A.W. and J.C. Hare. Publ. in two series, representing an expansion of vol. 1 of the work publ. in 1872].
10585813 - An original history of the religious denominations at present existing in the United States
10585812 - Report from the select committee appointed to report the nature and substance of the laws and ordinances existing in foreign states (etc.)
10585811 - William Blackstone's Commentaries systematically abridged and adapted to the existing state of the law and Constitution with great additions by Samuel Warren
10585810 - The peerage and baronetage of the British empire as at present existing
10585809 - A brief history of an existing controversy on the subject of assimilated rank in the Navy of the United States
10585808 - The genealogy of the existing British peerage and baronetage
10585807 - The Book of common prayer in its history and interpretation, with special reference to existing controversies
10585806 - U. S. import duties, under existing laws and decisions, and digest of the tariff laws. August 1, 1871
10585805 - Remarks on the importance of preserving the existing scale of duties on North American and foreign timber
10585804 - The peerage of the British Empire as at present existing
10585803 - The Genealogy of the existing British Peerage with Sketches of the family histories of the Nobility
10585802 - The Genealogy of the Existing British Peerage
10585801 - Une existence de grand seigneur au seiziиme siиcle
10585800 - Dissertations sur l'existence de Dieu ou l'on dйmontre cette vйritй par l'histoire universelle de la premiиre antiquitй du monde
10585799 - L'existence de Dieu, dйmontrйe par les merveilles de la nature
10585798 - Dissertations sur l'existence de Dieu, oщ l'on dйmontre cette vйritй par l'histoire universelle de la premiere antiquite du monde, par la rйfutation du systиme d'Йpicure et de Spinosa, par les caractиres de divinitй qui se remarquent dans la religion des
10585797 - L'anti-dйmon de Mascon ou La relation pure et simple des principales choses qui ont estй faites et dites par un dйmon... dans la ville de Mascon en la maison du sr Perreaud ["sic"]... Ensemble la Dйmonologie, ou Discours en gйnйral touchant l'existence...
10585796 - Preuves de l'existence d'anciens glaciers dans les vallйes des Vosges
10585795 - L'Antidemon de Mascon, ou La Relation pure et simple des principales choses qui ont estй faites & dites par vn Demon il y a quelques annees dans la ville de Mascon en la maison du Sr Perreaud [i. e. Perrault] opposees a plusieurs faussetez... comme celles
10585794 - Thalysie; ou, La nouvelle existence
10585793 - Idйe gйnйrale de la thйologie payenne servant de rйfutation au systиme de M. Bekker touchant l'existence et l'opйration des dйmons...
10585792 - Traitйs de l'existence et des attributs de Dieu: des devoirs de la religion naturelle et de la vйritй de la religion chrйtienne
10585791 - L'institution des communes dans la Belgique, pendant les douziиme et treiziиme siиcles. Suivie d'un Traitй sur l'existence chimйrique de nos forestiers de Flandre
10585790 - L'enlиvement et l'existence actuelle de Louis XVII
10585789 - L'existence reflechie; ou, Coup d'oeil moral sur le prix de la vie
10585788 - L' existence de Dieu dйmontrйe par les merveilles de la nature en trois parties
10585787 - Dйmonstration gйomйtrique de l'existence du Dieu des Chrйtiens, et de l'immatйrialitй de l'вme
10585786 - Tomo 2o., 2a. parte
10585785 - Lettres de M.L.B.D.B. a M.P.L.G.H.D.L.S. a Marseille, sur l'existence du Magnйtisme animal, et l'agent universel de la nature, dont le Docteur Mesmer se sert pour opйrer ses guйrisons
10585784 - Oeuvres philosophiques, ou Dйmonstration de l'existence de Dieu
10585783 - Evils of quarantine laws, and non-existence of pestilential contagion
10585782 - A refutation of the calumnies circulated against the Southern and Western States, respecting the institution and existence of slavery among them
10585781 - The existence of Christ disproved by irresistible evidence, in a series of letters, from a German Jew. [30 letters].
10585780 - Discourses Upon the Existence and Attributes of God
10585779 - Testimonies in proof of the separate existence of the soul in a state of self-consciousness between death and the resurrection
10585778 - Natural theology: or, Evidence of the existence and attributes of the Deity
10585777 - Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations, Demonstrating the Existence of Spirits and Their Communion with Mortals
10585776 - A report of all such English statutes as existed at the time of the first emigration of the people of Maryland
10585775 - memories of an american lady: with sketches of manners and scenery in america, as they existed previous to the revolution
10585774 - Diss. theol. de peccati orig. inhaer. exist., natura, eiusque a parentibus ad liberos propagatione
10585773 - A comparative view of Christianity and of the other forms of religion which have existed, and still exist, in the world, particularly with regard to their moral tendency
10585772 - Exercise de la prйparation а la mort
10585771 - Compte dйfinitif des recettes et des dйpenses de l'exercise
10585770 - Nouvelle grammaire parfaite, contenant les rиgles pour faciliter l'exercise de la langue franзoise, avec soixante-huit dialogues, et lettres franзois et flamands, selon le langage et l'ortographe du tems
10585769 - Exercise des commerзans
10585768 - Rapport prйsentй au Grand-Conseil, dans sa sйance du 8 janvier 1834, sur le projet de loi sur l'exercise de la libertй religieuse
10585767 - Liturgie pour les protestants de France, ou priиres pour les familles des fidиles privйes de l'exercise public de leur religion
10585766 - Traite complet du droit de chasse
10585765 - Field exercise and evolutions of infantry
10585764 - Field exercise and evolutions of infantry
10585763 - United States Infantry Tactics, for the Instruction, Exercise, and Manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, Including Infantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Riflemen
10585762 - Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army
10585761 - Angelo's Bayonet exercise
10585760 - Manual of Bayonet Exercise
10585759 - The artillerist's manual, and compendium of infantry exercise
10585758 - Instructions for the sword, carbine, pistol, and lance exercise
10585757 - The scholar's guide to arithmetic; or, A complete exercise-book
10585756 - Eton French grammar and exercise book
10585755 - Skirmishers' Drill and Bayonet Exercise
10585754 - The school exercise
10585753 - The morning-exercise at Cripple-gate
10585752 - The Sword Exercise
10585751 - Cavalry drill and sabre exercise
10585750 - Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Light Infantry, and Instructions for Their Conduct in the Field
10585749 - Patten's infantry tactics, bayonet drill, and small sword exercise
10585748 - Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-exercise, and Movements, of His Majesty's Forces
10585747 - The morning exercise methodized
10585746 - Exercise of light infantry, with some instructions for their conduct in the field, intended for the use of the Ulverston volunteer infantry [by T. Sunderland].
10585745 - The first booke of the Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution ...
10585744 - Exercise of piety, or, Meditations on the principal doctrines and duties of religion. For the use of enlightened and virtuous Christians
10585743 - Rules and regulations for the manual and platoon exercises, formations, field-exercise, and movements, of his majesty's forces
10585742 - An extract of several letters relating to the great charity and usefulness of printing the New Testament and Psalter in the Arabick language. With a proposal for executing so good an undertaking
10585741 - Pictorial notices, consisting of a memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of the etchings executed by him, and a variety of interesting particulars relating to other artists patronized by Charles I
10585740 - Observations on the design for the Theatre royal, Drury lane, as executed in 1812
10585739 - Catalogue of miniature portraits, landscapes, and other pieces executed by Charles Fraser, Esq
10585738 - Recollections of John Thurtell, who was executed at Hertford on Friday, the 9th of January, 1824, for murdering Mr. W. Weare
10585737 - An account of the pirates executed at St. Christopher's, in the West Indies, in 1828
10585736 - Narrative of conversations held with Christopher Davis and Wm. Clarke, who were executed 1832, by a layman [signing himself J.S.H.].
10585735 - Voyage dans la Russie meridionale et la Crimee par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie. Execute en 1837
10585734 - Apologie pour Iehan Chastel Parisien, execute a mort, et pour les peres & escholliers, de la Societй de Iesus, bannis du Royaume de France. Contre l'arrest de Parlement, donnй contre eux a Paris, le 29. Decembre, 1594
10585733 - La Taille latйrale s'execute-t-elle plus surement & plus facilement avec l'instrument connu sous le nom de lithotome cachй?
10585732 - Les faux prйtextes du pкcheur, ou Le pкcheur sans excuse
10585731 - Les Faux Pretextes Du Pecheur, Ou Le Pecheur Sans Excuse
10585730 - Concordantie (Concordantiae) maiores Biblie tam dictionum declinabilium quam indeclinabilium de novo ... cum textu vise ac ... excuse (a Conrado Leontorio)
10585729 - Brieve response excuse et defense de Bernard de Merode, Baron, Chevalier et Seigneur de Rummen contre les calomnies semйes contre luy concernant le fait du gouvernement qu'il a eu a Malines. L'an 1572
10585728 - Plays Written by Thomas Southerne, Esq: The wives excuse. The maid's last prayer. The fatal marriage. Oroonoko
10585727 - Plays: The wives excuse. The maid's last prayer. The fatal marriage. Oroonoko
10585726 - M. Fr. Vincentii Ferre ... Tractatus theologici in Primam partem D. Thomae а quaestione quarta decima, vsque ad vigesimam septimam exclusive ...
10585725 - Antilogia Jacobi Schegkii Schorndorffensis, qua refellit XXVII Propositiones Servetianae Haereseїos, quibus impie statuitur solius Patris essentia et persona Deus esse Verus exclusive, Filius autem, et Spiritus S. impie negantur personaliter subsistere in
10585724 - M. Fr. Vincentii Ferre ... Tractatus theologici in Priman secundae D. Thomae a quaestione decimanona, art. V ubi de conscientia et deinceps a quaestione septuagesima prima usque ad octuagesimam quartam exclusive
10585723 - The Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Containing the acts from 1752, exclusive, to 1786, inclusive, arranged chronologically. id., 1838. xxxv, 774 p
10585722 - Commentarii et Disputationes in tertiam partem D. Thomae Aquinatis а quaestione sexagesima usque ad octuagesimem quartam exclusive
10585721 - The Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Containing the acts from 1814, exclusive, to 1838, inclusive, arranged chronologically, with an appendix. id., 1839. 1 p.l., xxv, 809 p
10585720 - French influence upon English counsels demonstrated from an impartial examination of our measures for twenty years past. From whence is shewn the necessity of excluding effectually, most placemen, and all pensioners, from having seats in the House of Comm
10585719 - The fair maid of the exchange
10585718 - Essays on the action for money had and received, on the law of insurances, and on the law of bills of exchange and promissory notes
10585717 - The Shareholders' guardian, a general compendium of all financial and stock exchange news
10585716 - The life of Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the Royal Exchange
10585715 - Commentaries on the law of bills of exchange
10585714 - Annual report of the Boston Board of Trade, Merchants exchange ...
10585713 - A treatise on the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, and letters of credit in Scotland
10585712 - Money and the Mechanism of Exchange
10585711 - Chitty on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques on Bankers, Bankers'lash Note and Bank Notes; with references to the Law of Scotland, France and Amerika
10585710 - Sylvester's bank-note and exchange manual
10585709 - Universal exchange tables
10585708 - The general principles of banking, bills of exchange, British funds, and foreign exchanges
10585707 - The Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, and Journal of the Household
10585706 - The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood: Edward IV, pt. 1-2. Fair maid of the exchange. Fortune by land and sea. Fair maid of the west, pt. 1-2
10585705 - Exchange, Prices, and Production in Hyper-Inflation: Germany, 1920-1923
10585704 - The life and times of Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the Royal Exchange
10585703 - Summary of the law of bills of exchange, cash bills, and promissory notes
10585702 - Stewards for international exchange
10585701 - The law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks, etc
10585700 - Considerations on the exchange of seamen, prisoners of war
10585699 - A practical summary of the law and usage of bills of exchange and promissory notes
10585698 - Exchange no robbery, a comedy
10585697 - Liber mercatoris; or, The merchant's manual, a concise and practical treatise on bills of exchange
10585696 - Cation-exchange techniques in radiochemistry
10585695 - A treatise on the law of bills of exchange and promissory notes
10585694 - Foreign Exchange Explained
10585693 - L'Union dйsunie, ou Les jesuites dйpouillez de la prйvфtй de Pignans qu'ils avoient usurpйe. On montre aussi, en plusieurs endroits de cet ouvrage, la nйcessitй qu'il y a de remettre ces religieux dans la subordination de leur йtat et surtout de modйrer l
10585692 - Traitй de l'espйrance chrйtienne, contre l'esprit de pusillanimitй & de dйfiance, et contre la crainte excessive. Nouvelle edition revыe, corrigйe & augmentйe
10585691 - Self-preservation: a medical treatise on the secret infirmities and disorders of the generative organs, resulting from solitary habits, youthful excess, or infection
10585690 - Proposals to preserve the publick roads, without prejudice to trade, excess of tolls or turnpikes
10585689 - Petit dictionnaire raisonnй des difficultйs et exceptions de la langue franзaise
10585688 - Rechtsbegrьndete Replik contra die Exceptions-Schrift ... des Graf Max Tauffkirchen ... Klдger ... dann des ... Graf Guido Jos. Tauffkьrchen Beklagten Punct ... inhabilitatis ad succedendum in Fidei ... commisso
10585687 - The evidence of the resurrection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet, entitled, The resurrection of Jesus considered by a moral philosopher; ...
10585686 - The certainty of a future state asserted and vindicated against the exceptions of the late Lord Bolingbroke
10585685 - Apology against the modest exceptions of M. Blake and the digression of Mr. G. Kendale ...
10585684 - A defence of reveal'd religion against the exceptions of a late writer, in his book, intituled. "Christianity as old as the creation, &c."
10585683 - Histoire parlementaire du traitй de paix du 19 avril 1839 entre la Belgique et la Hollande, contenant, sans exception, tous les discours qui ont йtй prononcйs dans les Chambres lйgislatives belges
10585682 - Vocabulaire universel latin-franзais contenant les mots de la latinitй des diffйrents siиcles, а l'exception de ceux qui sont analogues а la langue franзoise, avec un vocabulaire franзois-latin des mots qui sont le plus d'usage dans la langue latine
10585681 - Dissertatio juridica inauguralis ad Julii Pauli responsum quod extat, in l. 14. D. de dol. mal. & met. except
10585680 - Phase-equilibrium relations of the common rock-forming oxides except water
10585679 - Formularium variarum commiss[ionum], artic[ulorum], except[ionum] ...
10585678 - The choice spirits museum. A collection of songs [&c.]. [2 other copies, wanting all before sheet E except for the portrait, title-leaf, and the leaf containing Life, a new humorous song. The 2nd copy also wants the portrait].
10585677 - L' Excellent jeu du Trique-trac trиs doux esbat es nobles compagnies par E. de Jollyvet, sieur de Votilley, augmentй de nouveau
10585676 - Les quatre livres d'Albert Durer, peinctre & geometrien tres excellent, de la proportion des parties & pourtraicts des corps humains
10585675 - Opuscule tres-excellent, de la vraye philosophie naturelle des metaulx...
10585674 - Histoire du grand Tamerlan, tirйe d'un excellent manuscrit... (d'Alhacent) par le sieur de Sainctyon...
10585673 - L'eau fraоche, comme excellent diйtйtique et admirable curatif
10585672 - Le tres excellent Enterrement du Prince Claude de Lorraine
10585671 - Thйodoret, йvиque de Cyr... de la Providence et son excellent discours de la divine charite
10585670 - Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum, or, Cornelius Nepos's Lives of the excellent commanders
10585669 - Oraison funebre de trиs-haut, trиs-puissant et trиs-excellent prince, Louis XV, roi de France et de Navarre
10585668 - Le bon usage du trиs-auguste Sacrement de l'autel et du trиs-excellent Sacrifice de la Messe
10585667 - Oraison funиbre de trиs grand, trиs haut, trиs puissant et trиs excellent Prince Louis XVIII, roi de France et de Navarre
10585666 - Catalogue d'un excellent cabinet qui consiste en trois tiroirs des coquilles, moules ...
10585665 - The book of common prayer in short-hand, according to Mr. Weston's excellent method, ...
10585664 - Several excellent methods of hearing mass
10585663 - The Psalter, or, Seven ordinary hours of prayer according to the use of the illustrious and excellent Church of Sarum
10585662 - The Bruce; Or, The Book of the Most Excellent and Noble Prince, Robert de Broyss, King of Scots: Books XI-XX, notes, and glossary. How the good wife taught her daughter. A dietary, by John Lydgate
10585661 - The excellent history of the merchant of Venice
10585660 - The life and reign of that excellent princess Queen Elizabeth
10585659 - The royal charter of confirmation granted by His most excellent Majesty King James II to the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond
10585658 - The palace of pleasure, beautified, adorned, and well furnished with pleasant histories and excellent novels
10585657 - Memoirs of Her most excellent Majesty Sophia-Charlotte
10585656 - The most excellent historie of the Merchant of Venice
10585655 - Shigurf namah-i-Velaлt, or, Excellent intelligence concerning Europe
10585654 - An Excellent Conceited Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet
10585653 - Examples of Chinese ornament
10585652 - Philosophie botanique de Charles Linnй ... dans laquelle sont expliquйs les fondaments de la botanique, avec les dйfinitions de ses parties, les examples des termes, des observations sur les plus rares
10585651 - Examples of modern alphabets
10585650 - Examples of Gothic architecture, selected from various antient edifices in England, the literary part by E.J. Wilson. (Vol.2, by A. and A.W. Pugin. Vol.3, by A.W. Pugin and T.L. Walker).
10585649 - Examples of the processes of the differential and integral calculus
10585648 - Three Thousand Test Examples in Arithmetic
10585647 - Noble deeds of woman; or, Examples of female courage and virtue
10585646 - Collection of examples and problems in pure and mixed mathematics
10585645 - The book of good examples drawn from authentic history and biography
10585644 - Plane trigonometry. [With] Solutions of examples
10585643 - Examples and exercises in English parsing, syntax and the analysis of sentences
10585642 - Examples and solutions in the differential calculus
10585641 - Examples of analytical geometry of three dimensions
10585640 - Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries, and their publication by means of separate, stereotyped titles, with rules and examples
10585639 - The theory and practice of Latin inflection, being examples in the form of copybooks for declining nouns and verbs, etc
10585638 - The art of poetry on a new plan, illustrated with a great variety of examples [compiled by J. Newbery, revised by O. Goldsmith].
10585637 - Heroic Women of History: Comprising Some of the Most Remarkable Examples of Female Courage, Disinterestedness, and Self-sacrifice, of Ancient and Modern Times
10585636 - Examples of goodness
10585635 - A Guide to the Mathematical Student in Reading, Reviewing, and Working Examples
10585634 - Examples of youthful piety
10585633 - Exempla minora: or, New English examples, to be rendered into Latin [ed. by T. Morell].
10585632 - Examples of Gothic architecture
10585631 - Proverbs, Chiefly Taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with Explanations; and Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples from the Spanish, Italian, French & English Languages
10585630 - A practical system of rhetoric; or The principles and rules of style, inferred from examples of writing. With an historical dissertation on English style
10585629 - Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament ... Wherein the sacred text is at large recited, the sense explained, and the instructive example of the blessed Jesus and His Holy Apostles to our imitation recommended ...
10585628 - The Example of France, a Warning to Britain
10585627 - Precept and example, in the instructive letters of eminent men to their younger friends: with short biographs of the writers
10585626 - An example of plain catechising upon the Assembly's Shorter catechism ...
10585625 - Warning and example to the young
10585624 - The Geographical System of Herodotus Examined and Explained
10585623 - The witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ re-examined
10585622 - Antipжdobaptism examined
10585621 - Cardinal Bellarmine's Notes of the Church examined and refuted
10585620 - Church-of-Englandism and its catechism examined ...
10585619 - The doctrine of universal salvation examined and refuted
10585618 - Pжdobaptism examined
10585617 - A dissertation on the power of states to deny civil protection to the marriages of minors made without the consent of their parents or guardians. In which the opinion of Baron Puffendorf upon that subject, is examined. By Henry Stebbing, ...
10585616 - The grounds of Christianity examined
10585615 - The primitive creed, examined and explained
10585614 - Duelling and the laws of honor examined and condemned
10585613 - The Salvation of All Men Strictly Examined
10585612 - The examiner examined, or, Gilbert Tennent harmonious
10585611 - The Church of England catechism examined
10585610 - Traitй de la conscience, dans lequel on examine sa nature, ses illusions, ses craintes, ses doutes, ses scrupules, sa paix, & divers cas de conscience, avec des reflexions sur le commentaire philosophique par Mr. Basnage, tome premier [- tome troisiиme]
10585609 - Traitй historique de l'ancienne Pвque des Juifs. Oщ l'on examine а fond la question cйlиbre si J. C. N. S. fit cette Pвque la veille de sa mort; & ce que l'on a crы
10585608 - De Triplici Examine ordinandorum, confessariorum et poenitentium, cum appendice de censuris et impedimentis canonicis, authore M. Ludovico Bail... Editio 3.
10585607 - Traitй de la conscience, dans lequel on examine sa nature, ses illusions, ses craintes, ses dontes, etc
10585606 - Abrйgй des ouvrages d'Em. Swйdenborg, contenant La doctrine de la nouvelle Jйrusalem-Cйleste, prйcйdй d' un discours oщ l'on examine la vie de l'auteur... (par Daillant de La Touche)
10585605 - Nйgociation de la paix de Ryswick oщ l'on examine les droits et prйtentions du roi de France sur chacun des serenissimes princes alliez, et les droits et prйtentions des princes alliez sur le roi de France
10585604 - Lettres a Mr. l'abbй de la Trappe, oщ l'on examine sa rйponse au Traitй des йtudes monastiques...
10585603 - De l'incredulitй, oщ, L'on examine les motifs & les raisons gйnerales qui portent les incredules а rejetter la religion chrйtienne : avec deux lettres oщ l'on en prouve directement la veritй
10585602 - Dissertation critique, sur l'art poйtique d'Horace, oщ l'on donne une idйe gйnйrale des piиces de thйвtre et oщ on examine si un poиte doit prйfйrer les caractиres connus aux caractиres inventez [Par Ch. de Sйvignй et A. Dacier]
10585601 - Dissertationem Historico-Theologigam De Pavlo Samosateno, Socinianorum Patriarchв, ejusque haeresi, examine & condemnatione ...
10585600 - Negociation de la Paix de Ryswick Oщ l'on examine les Droits & Pretentions du Roi de Frаnce pur chacun des Sereaiffimes Princes Alliez
10585599 - Lettres а M. l'abbe de la Trappe, ou l'on examine sa reponse au Traitй des Etudes monastiques & quelques endroits de son commentaire sur la rиgle de Saint Benoist
10585598 - Dissertationem Historico-Theologigam De Pavlo Samosateno, Socinianorum Patriarcha, ejusque haeresi, examine & condemnatione, in incluta ad Salam Academia
10585597 - Pyrotechnia sophica: In Qva Rerum Omnium Principiis Vestigatis, Relisquisque Chymici apparatus expensis, singulorum Corporum ex triplicato Naturae Regno Vegetantium nempи, Mineralium & Animalium principia, genesis, praeparationes, usus, & dosis ignis arti
10585596 - Manuductio practica ad sancte exacte que ministrandum sacramentum Baptismi, adjecto examine pro obstetrice, in usum et commodum venerabilis cleri, authore Joanne Georgio Spengler
10585595 - Traitй historique de l'ancienne Pвque des Juifs, oщ l'on examine а fond la question cйlиbre si J.-C. N.-S. fit cette Pвque la veille de sa mort, et ce que l'on en a cru, avec de nouvelles preuves des deux prisons de saint Jean Baptiste
10585594 - Mйmoire sur les maladies contagieuses, dans lequel on examine
10585593 - Nouveau voyage dans la partie mйridionale de l'Afrique oщ l'on examine quelle est l'importance du Cap de Bonne Espйrance pour les diffйrentes parties de l'Europe
10585592 - Nouveau traitй de diplomatique ou l'on examine les fondemens de cet art... avec des йclaircissemens sur un nombre considйrable de points d'histoire... par deux religieux bйnйdictins,... [Dom Renй Tassin, et Dom Ch.-Fr. Toustain]
10585591 - Traitй de l'administration de la justice, ou l'on examine tout ce qui regarde la juridiction en gйnйral ; la compйtence, les fonctions, devoirs, rangs, sйances & prйrogatives des officiers de judicature, & ...
10585590 - Nouveau Traitй De Diplomatique, Oщ L'On Examine Les Fondemens De Cet Art
10585589 - Discours sur l'irreligion, oщ l'on examine des principes et ses suites funestes ...
10585588 - Herodiani Histor. Lib. VIII. Cum Angeli Politiani interpretatione, & huius partim supplemento, partim examine Henrici Stephani ...
10585587 - Instructio parochi pro assistentia ss. contractuum solemnium sponsalium et matrimonii : adiecto examine pro contracturis in usum & commodum venerab. cleri ... authore Joanne Georgio Spengler
10585586 - Apparatus interrogationum et responsionum pro examine clerici promovendi ad ordines, ad beneficia simplicia... auctore P. D. Thoma Francisco Rotario,...
10585585 - Memoire politico-critique [par l'abbй Jean Novi de Caveirac] oщ l'on examine s'il est de l'intйrкt de l'Eglise et de l'Estat d'йtablir pour les calvinistes du Royaume une nouvelle forme de se marier...
10585584 - Traitй du formulaire, oщ l'on examine а fond l'affaire du jansйnisme quant au fait et quant au droit [par l'abbй F. Ilharat de La Chambre et l'abbй O. Joly de Fleury]
10585583 - Traitй de la justice criminelle de France, oщ l'on examine tout ce qui concerne les crimes & les peines en gйnйral & en particulier; les juges йtablis pour dйcider les affaires criminelles; ...
10585582 - Rйponse aux lettres d'un chanoine pйnitencier &c. а un chanoine thйologal &c. oщ l'on examine
10585581 - Rйflexions critiques sur la mйdecine, oщ l'on examine ce qu'il y a de vrai & de faux dans les jugemens qu'on porte au sujet de cet art
10585580 - Essai sur le beau ou l'on examine en quoi consiste prйcisйment le beau dans le physique, dans le moral, dans les ouvrages d'esprit & dans la musique
10585579 - Traitй des miracles, dans lequel on examine: 10. leur nature et les moyens de les discerner d'avee les prodiges de l'enfer; 20. leurs fins; 30. leur usage
10585578 - Lettres Amйricaines, dans lesquelles on examine l
10585577 - De compositorum medicamentorum examine noua methodus ...
10585576 - Pauli de Sorbait ... Tam theorica tam practica sempe, Isagoge Institutionum Medicarum et Anatomicarum, methodus medendi, cum controbersiis, anexa Sylva Medica. Deinde sequuntur curationes omnium morborum, virorum, mulierum et puerorum ... item, Chrurgia c
10585575 - Traitй du jeu, oщ l'on examine les principales questions de droit naturel et de morale qui ont du rapport а cette matiиre ...
10585574 - Lettre a une dame de qualitй. Oщ l'on examine jusqu'а quel point il est permis aux Dames de raisonner sur les Matiйres de Religion.b[Livre]
10585573 - Votum platonis de iusto examine doctrinarum & de earum probabilitate & de primis instantiis ... in causis fidei
10585572 - Proceedings of a court of inquiry convened at Washington, D.C., November 9, 1868 by special orders no. 217 War Department, to examine into the accusations against brigadier and brevet major general A.B. Dyer, Chief of Ordnance
10585571 - De triplici examine ordinandorum
10585570 - Fabula Hamelensis sive disquisitio historica ... de infausto exitu puerorum Hamelensium 1282 ... In examine fabulae respondetur Samuelis Erich libello: Exodus Hamelensis
10585569 - The Irish Compendium Or Rudiments of Honour Containing the Descent, Marriage, Issue, Titles Posts and Seats of All the Nobility of Ireland with Their Arms Crests Supporters, Motto's and Parliaments Roles Exactly Engraved on Copper-plates
10585568 - An exact transcript of the Codex Augiensis
10585567 - Catйchиse universelle ou extrait et recueil exact et choisi, des meilieurs ouvrages imprimйs ou manuscrits, sur cette matiиre et qui la regardent ou directement, ou indirectement, autant que l'on en a pы recouvrer, et que l'on a rйduit sous la forme et da
10585566 - Rйsumй gйnйral et exact des cahiers et pouvoirs
10585565 - Histoire de l'йglise de Meaux... On y a joint un recueil complet des statuts synodaux de la mкme йglise, divers catalogues des йvкques, doпens... abbйs et abbesses du diocиse, et un pouillй exact, par Dom Toussaints Du Plessis,...
10585564 - Mйmoires contenant un dйtail exact des intrigues de la cour, des dйsordres et guerres dans le Royaume... durant la minoritй de Louis XIII
10585563 - Tabelle militaire, contenante un etat exact des troupes ... de sa Majestй impйriale et roiale-apostolique dressйe depuis le mois de mai 1759
10585562 - Rapport fait а l'Assemblйe du clergй de 1788 sur les moyens de parvenir а un nouveau dйpartement exact des impositions ecclйsiastiques
10585561 - Histoire du thйвtre franзois, depuis son origine jusqu'а prйsent, avec la vie des plus cйlиbres poлtes dramatiques, un catalogue exact de leurs piиces, et des notes historiques et critiques
10585560 - Essai sur la valeur intrinseque des fonds, ou Le moyen de les apprйcier, de faire connoitre leurs bornes, leurs limites, leurs servitudes, de pйnйtrer dans leurs charges & d'en donner le rapport exact & prйcis en justice
10585559 - An exact abridgment, in English, of the eleven books of reports of the learned Sir Edward Coke, knt. ...
10585558 - The history of Carolina, containing the exact description and natural history of that country, together with the present state thereof and a journal of a thousand miles traveled through several nations of Indians, giving a particular account of their cust
10585557 - England's perfect school-master. Or, Directions for exact spelling, reading, and writing
10585556 - An exact survey of the tide
10585555 - Athenae Oxonienses, an exact History of Writers and Bishops, who have had their Education in the University of Oxford
10585554 - Penmanship explained, or, The principles of writing reduced to an exact science
10585553 - Florus Anglicus or an exact history of England...
10585552 - A True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes, Illustrated with a Map of the Island Etc. - London, Parker 1673
10585551 - A true and exact particular and inventory of all and singular the lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods, chattels, debts and personal estate whatsoever, of Denis Bond ...
10585550 - Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit
10585549 - An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius
10585548 - Shewing the exact accomplishment of the word of God, in his works of providence, performed, and to be performed
10585547 - De recta sanguinis missione, or new and exact observations of fevers
10585546 - Le secret des francs-mвзons mis en evidence Par Mr. Uriot... (Lettre de Mme de Grafigny)
10585545 - A true narrative of the proceedings, with general remarks on the evidence given upon the memorable trials of Mary Squires, and Elizabeth Canning
10585544 - The evidence of things not seen: or, The immortality of the human soul, prov'd from Scripture & reason. 2 discourses
10585543 - A report of the evidence and points of law, arising in the trial of John Francis Knapp, for the murder of Joseph White, Esquire
10585542 - An exposition of evidence in support of the memorial to Congress
10585541 - An Essay on the Rationale of Circumstantial Evidence
10585540 - Faction detected, by the evidence of facts
10585539 - Reports ... together with the minutes of evidence ...
10585538 - Discourses relating to the evidence of revealed religion
10585537 - The rules of evidence on pleas of the crown
10585536 - A practical treatise on the law of evidence
10585535 - A practical treatise of the law of evidence
10585534 - The Origin of Pagan Idolatry Ascertained from Historical Testimony and Circumstantial Evidence
10585533 - Natural evidence of a future life
10585532 - An essay on the evidence, external and internal, relating to the poems attributed to Thomas Rowley
10585531 - The evidence of the Christian miracles in favour of the Christian religion, a lecture
10585530 - Questions on the law of evidence
10585529 - A treatise on the doctrine of presumption and presumptive evidence
10585528 - An inquiry, historical and critical, into the evidence [&c.].
10585527 - The substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West-India planters and merchants to the Hon. House of Commons
10585526 - Discourses on the millennium, the doctrine of election, justification by faith, and on the historical evidence for the apostolical institution of episcopacy
10585525 - Rationale of judicial evidence
10585524 - Notes to Phillipps' Treatise on the law of evidence
10585523 - The law of evidence
10585522 - A treatise on the evidence of the Scripture miracles
10585521 - Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion
10585520 - A view of evidence on the subject of tithes in Ireland, given before the committees of Lords and Commons in 1832, vindicating the Protestant clergy of that country. [With] Appendix. Extracts from evidence
10585519 - The good genius that turned everything into gold, or, The queen bee and the magic dress
10585518 - Enquire within upon everything [by R.K. Philp. Wanting sheet L].
10585517 - The ice book: a history of everything connected with ice, with recipes
10585516 - Enquire Within Upon Everything
10585515 - Solomon's recantation, entituled Ecclesiastes, paraphrased, with a soliloquie upon every chapter, by F. Quarles
10585514 - Colloquial Portuguese; or, The words and phrases of every-day life
10585513 - Every month
10585512 - The toilet of Flora; or, A collection of the most simple and approved methods of preparing baths, essences [&c.] with receipts for cosmetics of every kind. New eit. [sic].
10585511 - Considerations upon Christian truths and Christian duties, digested into meditations for every day in the year...
10585510 - The water-cure, applied to every known disease
10585509 - A History of All Nations, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time; Or, Universal History: in which the History of Every Nation, Ancient and Modern, is Separately Given
10585508 - The religious creeds and statistics of every Christian denomination in the United States and British provinces
10585507 - The Farmer's Every-day Book
10585506 - British galleries of painting and sculpture, comprising a general historical and critical catalogue, with separate notices of every work of fine art in the principal collections
10585505 - Meditations and prayers for every situation and occasion in life
10585504 - Morning Exercises for the Closet: for Every Day in the Year ...
10585503 - Every man his own teacher
10585502 - Short family prayers, for every morning and evening of the month, and for particular occasions. By a member of the Church of England
10585501 - A treatise on the wealth, power and resources of the British empire in every quarter of the world, including the East-Indies
10585500 - Practical meditations for every day in the year on the life of ... Jesus Christ, by a father of the Society of Jesus. Tr. from the French. Vol.1; 2, new ed
10585499 - Hymen: an accurate description of the ceremonies used in marriage, by every nation in the known world
10585498 - The every-day book and table-book; or, Everlasting calendar of popular amusements
10585497 - The Word of God the Best Guide to All Persons, at All Times, and in All Places, Or, A Collection of Scripture-texts Plainly Shewing Such Things as are Necessary for Every Christians Knowledge and Practice
10585496 - Every Saturday
10585495 - Wells' every man his own lawyer, and business form book
10585494 - Every man his own doctor
10585493 - The whole duty of prayer, containing devotions for every day in the week, and for several occasions, by the author of The whole duty of man
10585492 - The family physician, or every man his own doctor
10585491 - Education, the birthright of every human being
10585490 - Every man his own lawyer
10585489 - Life tables, founded upon the discovery of a numerical law regulating the existence of every human being
10585488 - Every Man His Own Brewer, Or, A Compendium of the English Brewery
10585487 - Meditations for every Wednesday and Friday in Lent on a prayer of s. Ephraem, tr. from the Russ.To which are added short homilies for Passion week from s. Chrysostom, s. Severian and s. Ephraem. By S. C. Malan
10585486 - Every Man in His Humour, a Comedy ... with Alterations and Additions by David Garrick
10585485 - The statistical breviary; shewing the resources of every state and kingdom in Europe
10585484 - Every boy's book
10585483 - An interpreting concordance of the New Testament, shewing the Greek original of every word, with a glossary
10585482 - Routledge's every boy's annual
10585481 - Tables of logarithms of numbers and of sines and tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant, with other useful tables
10585480 - English inquisition: or, Money rais'd by the new secret extent law, without Act of Parliament. Wherein it is prov'd that an arbitrary power tolerated in these realms, gives up to be sacrific'd at pleasure, every man's right and property; ... In the treati
10585479 - Christian thoughts for every day of the month
10585478 - Every man in his humour
10585477 - Every man his own butler
10585476 - A letter to a Tory friend. Upon the present critical situation of our affairs; wherein every objection of the disaffected to the present government is fully answered; ...
10585475 - Every man his own broker
10585474 - Every-day cookery, for every family
10585473 - Every man his own cattle doctor
10585472 - The history of the revolutions that happened in the government of the Roman Republic. Written in French by the Abbot de Vertot, ... . The second edition. English'd by Mr. Ozell from the original newly re-printed at Paris, with amendments and additions by
10585471 - Every man his own physician
10585470 - A guide to France, explaining every form and expense from London to Paris
10585469 - Every man his own cattle doctor; or, A practical treatise on the diseases of horned cattle
10585468 - The Lawyer's and magistrate's magazine. In which is included an account of every important proceeding in the courts at Westminster during the present year. With the decisions of the judges in their own words
10585467 - Sermons for every Sunday throughout the year
10585466 - Every man his own farrier
10585465 - The sporting dictionary and rural repository of general information upon every subject appertaining to the sports of the field ...
10585464 - The connoisseur: or, Every man in his folly
10585463 - Every man his own broker; or, A guide to Exchange-Alley
10585462 - French and English questions on every particular of the French grammar
10585461 - The General biographical dictionary: containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation
10585460 - Expository discourses on the Gospels for every Sunday in the year, and the principal festivals of the United Church of England and Ireland
10585459 - Every Man in His Humor
10585458 - The history and proceedings of the House of lords, from the Restoration in 1660, to the present time ... With an account of the promotions of the several peers, and the state of the peerage in every reign
10585457 - The family sanctuary; a form of domestic devotion for every Sabbath in the year
10585456 - The Sporting magazine; or Monthly calendar of the transactions of the turf, the chace, and every other diversion interesting to the man of pleasure and enterprize
10585455 - A complete system of shorthand, adapted to the pulpit and courts of law and to every purpose of neat and expiditious writing ...
10585454 - Every man his own gardener
10585453 - The royal military calendar, containing the services of every general officer in the British army [&c. By J. Philippart].
10585452 - "Liberty." The image and superscription on every coin issued by the United States of America
10585451 - Every woman in her humor
10585450 - Sermons for every Sunday and festival of the year, chiefly taken [and tr.] from the sermons of m. Massillon by E. Peach
10585449 - Devotions in the ancient way of offices
10585448 - The Works of Ben. Jonson: Every man in his humour. Every man out of his humour. Cynthia's revels; or, the fountain of self-love
10585447 - Explicaciones del jurisconsulto Ever Bronchorst al titulo del Digesto De diversas reglas del derecho antiguo
10585446 - Ever. Bronchorst [...] In titulum Digestorum de diversis regulis juris antiqui Enarrationes
10585445 - A vindication of the doctrine of the holy and ever blessed Trinity, and the incarnation of the Son of God
10585444 - The "ever-victorious army,"
10585443 - Smallest ship that ever crossed the Atlantic Ocean
10585442 - A short treatise on forest-trees, aquaticks, ever-greens, fences and grass-seeds
10585441 - Golden remains, of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales ...
10585440 - A treatise on leases for lives, renewable for ever
10585439 - Hope on! Hope ever! or,The boyhood of Felix Law
10585438 - The history of Gibraltar and of its political relation to events in Europe
10585437 - Memorable events of modern history
10585436 - Turkey and the Crimean war: a narrative of historical events
10585435 - Local records; or, Historical register of remarkable events, which have occurred in Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Berwick-upon-Tweed. Repr
10585434 - The great events of history
10585433 - Narrative of the late proceedings and events in China
10585432 - A diary of American Events
10585431 - Memoirs of the principal events in the life of Henry Taylor of North Shields
10585430 - The American annual cyclopжdia and register of important events ...
10585429 - Journal of events, principally on the Detroit and Niagara frontiers, during the War of 1812
10585428 - Events of a military life
10585427 - Narrative of events during the invasion of Russia by Napolйon Bonaparte and the retreat of the French Army 1812
10585426 - A book for a rainy day; or, Recollections of the events of the years 1766-1833
10585425 - A sketch of the events which preceded the capture of Washington, by the British, on the twenty-fourth of August, 1814
10585424 - A narrative of the principal events of the campaigns of 1809, 1810, & 1811, in Spain and Portugal
10585423 - American annual cyclopaedia and register of important events
10585422 - Memorable accidents, and unheard of transactions, containing an account of several strange events which have happened in several countries in this last age [extr. from various works by T. Lйonard]. Publ. in Engl. by R.B.
10585421 - Events of 1812-13
10585420 - A collection of useful, interesting, and remarkable events
10585419 - A Century of Birmingham life, or, A chronicle of local events, from 1741 to 1841
10585418 - Great men and great events
10585417 - The fugitive blacksmith; or, Events in the history of James W.C. Pennington
10585416 - A historical and statistical gazetteer of Massachusetts, with sketches of the principal events from its settlement
10585415 - Naval Chronology, Or an Historical Summary of Naval and Maritime Events from the time of the Romans, to the Treaty of Peace 1802
10585414 - A Narrative of the Events which Have Taken Place in France, from the Landing of Napoleon Bonaporte, on the 1st of March, 1815, Till the Restoration of Louis XVIII
10585413 - The American annual cyclopedia and register of important events
10585412 - Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan
10585411 - The ruin and recovery of mankind: or, An attempt to vindicate the scriptural account of these great events upon the plain principles of reason
10585410 - Appletons' annual cyclopedia and register of important events
10585409 - A second argument in defence of Christianity, taken from the ancient prophesies, applied to the most remarkable events in the life and character of Jesus Christ, by the author of An argument taken from the concessions of the most ancient adversaries
10585408 - Memoirs of the late ... sir James Leith, with a prйcis of events of the Peninsular war, by a British officer [sir A.L. Hay].
10585407 - The American annual cyclopedia and register of important events of the year ...
10585406 - Extraordinary events the doings of God, and marvellous in pious eyes, a sermon
10585405 - God's foreknowledge of contingent events vindicated
10585404 - A narrative of the important and interesting events in the history of Ireland from the invasion of the Milesians to the present time
10585403 - Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events
10585402 - Thanksgiving ode, January 18, 1816, with other short pieces, chiefly referring to recent public events
10585401 - Epitome of some of the chief events and transactions in the life of Joseph Lancaster
10585400 - The chronological historian, or, A record of public events
10585399 - The Chiefe Events of the Monarchie of Spaine, in the Yeare 1639
10585398 - Men and events of forty years
10585397 - A Chronological account and brief history of the events of the French Revolution ...
10585396 - Miscellaneous papers, principally illustrative of events in the reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI.
10585395 - Local records; or, Historical register of remarkable events
10585394 - Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the Principal Events of His Time
10585393 - A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology; Or, The Art of Foretelling Future Events and Contingencies
10585392 - Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the Principal Events of His Time
10585391 - Alexander I, emperor of Russia or a sketch of his life and the most important events of his reign
10585390 - Narrative of memorable events in Paris
10585389 - Interesting historical events, relative to the provinces of Bengal, and the empire of Indostan
10585388 - A concise account of the material events and atrocities which occurred in the present rebellion
10585387 - The Historical magazine, or, Classical library of public events
10585386 - the american annual register of public events, for the year 1831-32, of the fifty- seventh year american independence; contanning a view of the history, polictics,and literature of the year , with biographical notices of eminent persons
10585385 - Historical religious events
10585384 - Letters on the events of the revolution in France
10585383 - A statement of some of the principal events in the public life of Agustнn de Iturbide
10585382 - Recent events at Mauritius
10585381 - The Remembrancer, or impartial repository of public events
10585380 - THE Historical Magazine OR Classical Library OF Public Events, Volume THE Second
10585379 - Napoleon in exile; or, A voice from St. Helena, the opinions and reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his life and government, in his own words
10585378 - A narrative of the political and military events of 1815
10585377 - Letters on some of the events of the revolutionary war [by R.B. Bernard].
10585376 - The Historical Magazine or Classical Library of Public Events Volume the fourth
10585375 - La bataille de B'en'event
10585374 - History of the French Revolution and of the wars produced by that memorable event
10585373 - History of the French revolution, and of the wars resulting from that memorable event. 11 vols. [in 12. Wanting the title-leaves of vol.4,5,8].
10585372 - Discovery of the Yosemite, and the Indian war of 1851, which led to that event
10585371 - Evenings with Prince Cambacйrиs, second consul, arch-chancellor of the empire, duke of Parma, etc., etc., etc
10585370 - Evenings at Antioch
10585369 - Evenings AT THE Microscope;
10585368 - Chess for winter evenings, containing the rudiments of the game, also a series of chess tales, the whole extracted and tr. by H.R. Agnel
10585367 - Evenings at home
10585366 - Evenings of a working man
10585365 - The Little female orators, or Nine evenings entertainment, with observations
10585364 - Odes upon cash, corn, Catholics, etc.; National airs; Evenings in Greece; glees, etc
10585363 - Lessons of wisdom for the young; or, Spring mornings and evenings
10585362 - Winter evenings
10585361 - Some important cases of conscience answered at the casuistical exercise, on Wednesday evenings, in Little St. Helen's, Bishopgate-street
10585360 - Evenings with Prince Cambacйrиs
10585359 - Evenings by Eden-side, or, Essays and poems
10585358 - Evenings in Boston. ...
10585357 - Winter evenings; or, Tales of travellers
10585356 - The British Essayists: Knox's Winter evenings
10585355 - A companion for the fire-side; or, Winter evening's amusement
10585354 - The new short-hand; or, The art of swift writing. With a large specimen thereof containing the morning and evening prayers
10585353 - The Whitehall Evening Post Or London Intelligencer
10585352 - Evening BY Evening: OR Readings AT Eventide
10585351 - The winter evening book
10585350 - A form of common-prayer, for morning and evening, fitted for the use of Christians of all denominations. To which are added four ... homilies
10585349 - Evening post
10585348 - Evening readings in history. Repr
10585347 - Three letters [by C. Fleming] concerning systematic taste, exemplified in The centaur not fabulous [by E. Young]: Laicus's letter of June 7th, 1755, London evening-post, and the bishop of London's second volume of discourses
10585346 - The young Christian's morning and evening prayers
10585345 - Annotations on the Sunday lessons for morning and evening service throughout the year
10585344 - An exposition of the morning and evening services in the liturgy of the Church of England: in 13 lectures
10585343 - THE Poor MAN'S Morning AND Evening Portions;
10585342 - Tales of an evening
10585341 - The London chronicle, or, Universal evening post
10585340 - S
10585339 - S
10585338 - Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. And An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world
10585337 - An estimate of the comparative strength of Great-Britain
10585336 - An estimate of places for life
10585335 - A vindication of providence: or, A true estimate of human life, discourse i
10585334 - A true estimate of the value of leasehold estates, and of annuities and reversions for lives and years. In answer to a pamphlet, intitled, Sir Isaac Newton's Tables for renewing and purchasing leases [really by G. Mabbut].
10585333 - A new estimate of manners and principles [by J. Gordon].
10585332 - Some paragraphs of Mr. Hutcheson's treatises on the South-Sea subject; which relate to the relief of the unhappy traders in South-Sea stock, and to publick credit. And the reason of his reprinting them at this time. To which is added, a near estimate of t
10585331 - An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world
10585330 - An Estimate Of The Manners And Principles Of The Times
10585329 - A true estimate of human life in which the Passions are considered in a New Light
10585328 - Annals of the reformation and the establishment of religion
10585327 - The history of the Maroons, from their origin to the establishment of their chief tribe at Sierra Leone
10585326 - History of the Inquisition, from its establishment to the present time [by C.H. Davie].
10585325 - the history of the rise, progress and establishment of the independence of the united states of america: including an account of the late war, and of the thirteen colonies
10585324 - Sketches of her majesty's household: forming a guide to situations in the sovereign's domestic establishment [by J.T. Judge].
10585323 - A History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire
10585322 - The student's France, a history of France from the earliest times to the establishment of the second empire in 1852
10585321 - A history of Rome from the earliest times to the establishment of the empire
10585320 - The regulations and establishment of the household of Henry Algernon Percy, the fifth Earl of Northumberland, at his castles of Wresill and Lekinfield in Yorkshire
10585319 - Some account of the Shrewsbury House of Industry, its establishment and regulations
10585318 - third report of the committee appointed by the right honourable the gobernour of bengal for the establishment of a fever hospital, and for inquireing 1976 local management and taxation in calcutta
10585317 - Description of the Establishment of Cornelius and Baker, Manufacturers of Lamps, Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures, Philadelphia
10585316 - Draught of a new plan for the organisation of the judicial establishment in France
10585315 - A plan for the establishment of charity-houses for exposed or deserted women and girls, and for penitent prostitutes
10585314 - The History of the Church and Court of Rome from the Establishment of Christianity under Constantine, to the Present Time
10585313 - The History of the Inquisition of Spain, from the Time of Its Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand VII
10585312 - Annals of the Reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England, during the first twelve years of Queen Elizabeth's happy reign ...
10585311 - The naval temple: containing a complete history of the battles fought by the navy of the United States. From its establishment in 1794, to the present time
10585310 - THE History OF THE Rise, Progress, AND Establishment, OF THE Independence OF THE United States OF America: Including AN Account OF THE Late WAR; AND OF THE Thirteen Colonies, From Their Origin TO That Period.
10585309 - Historical outlines of the rise and establishment of the papal power
10585308 - A concise history of the Christian church, from its first establishment to the present time
10585307 - consular establishment
10585306 - The History of the Maroons, from Their Origin to the Establishment of Their Chief Tribe at Sierra Leone
10585305 - Annals of the Reformation and the Establishment of Religion
10585304 - Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England, during queen Elizabeth's happy reign: together with an appendix of original papers of state [&c.]. [on large paper, cm.24].
10585303 - the history of rise, progress, and establishment of the independence of the united states of america
10585302 - A List of the Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and Ensigns of His Majesty's Forces on the British Establishment
10585301 - A digest of the laws relating to the military establishment of the United States
10585300 - Thoughts for the restoration and permanent establishment of peace in Ireland
10585299 - Colonial ecclesiastical establishment
10585298 - The history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America
10585297 - Regulations For The Establishment And Government Of The Royal Hibernian Military School
10585296 - Reasons for withdrawing from the national establishment
10585295 - Message from the President of the United States in relation to the consular establishment of the United States, communicated to the Senate, March 2, 1833
10585294 - The establishment of the Turks in Europe
10585293 - History of the Ottoman Empire, from Its Establishment, Till the Year 1828
10585292 - A narrative of the establishment and progress of the missions to Ceylon and India
10585291 - Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England
10585290 - Report From THE Secretary OF WAR, IN Obedience TO Resolutions OF THE Senate OF THE 5TH AND 30TH OF June,1834, AND THE 3RD OF March, 1835, IN Relation TO THE Pension Establishment OF THE United States
10585289 - The Independant Whig Or a Defence of Primitive Christianity, and of Our Ecclesiastical Establishment
10585288 - An History of the Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture
10585287 - The New pictorial & illustrated family magazine, established for the diffusion of useful knowledge...
10585286 - A practical and elementary abridgment of the common law as altered and established by the recent statutes, rules of court, and modern decisions
10585285 - Good order established in Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, in America
10585284 - Our Bible chronology established
10585283 - The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
10585282 - Memoirs of science and the arts, or, An abridgement of the transactions published by the principal learned and oeconomical societies established in Europe, Asia and America
10585281 - The Training System Established in the Glasgow Normal Seminary, and Its Model Schools
10585280 - Annual report of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church Throughout England and Wales
10585279 - eighth annual report of the national society, for promoting the education of the poor in the principles of the established church
10585278 - Annual report of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church
10585277 - Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren established among the heathen
10585276 - Papers Relating TO THE State OF THE Established Church of Ireland
10585275 - The present state of the established Church, or, Ecclesiastical registry of Ireland, for 1814
10585274 - Rules and orders established for the relief and government of the poor of the parish of Walthamstow, in the county of Essex
10585273 - A Reply to the Dissenters in Their Attacks on the Established Church
10585272 - Transactions of the geological society, established November 13th 1807
10585271 - The Book of common prayer, with notes upon the Epistles, Gospels, and Psalms by a member of the established Church [sir J. Bayley].
10585270 - Letters of Yorick; or, A good-humoured remonstrance in favour of the established Church, by a very humble member of it
10585269 - The Irish pulpit: sermons, by clergymen of the established Church of Ireland
10585268 - An e.s.s.a.y intended to establish a standard for an universal system of stenography, or short hand writing;
10585267 - An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait
10585266 - Essays On Important Subjects Intended to Establish the Doctrine of Salvation by Grace, and to Point Out Its Influence on Holiness of Life
10585265 - No-Church establish'd
10585264 - The constitution of our establish'd church, as founded on law divine, and humane, consider'd: in a sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, Dublin, September 30, 1722. At the consecration of the Right Reverend Theophilus, Lord Bishop of Clo
10585263 - A defence of the Church of England, as by law-establish'd, in opposition to popery and presbytery. A sermon preach'd, on Thursday, Dec. 16. 1714. at the parish-church of St. Nicolas-Cole-Abby, London. By William Hendley, ...
10585262 - A seasonable discourse shewing the necessity of maintaining the establish'd religion, in opposition to popery
10585261 - An attempt to establish a pure scientific system of mineralogy
10585260 - A proposal [by J. Richardson] for the conversion of the popish natives of Ireland to the establish'd religion
10585259 - Outlines of an attempt to establish a knowledge of extraneous fossils on scientific principles
10585258 - Statistics and calculations essentially necessary to persons connected with railways or canals
10585257 - A short synopsis of the most essential points in Hawaiian grammar
10585256 - The law of truth: or, The obligations of reason essential to all religion
10585255 - Plunging a subject of bigotry, when made essential to baptism
10585254 - A treatise concerning baptism and the Supper: shewing, that the one baptism of the spirit, and spiritual supper of the Lord, are only, essential, and necessary to salvation. Wherein ... the people, called Quakers, are vindicated; ... By J. P.
10585253 - A treatise of power essential and mechanical
10585252 - The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion
10585251 - The world in miniature; with references to the most essential rules of the French language
10585250 - A vindication of some of the most essential doctrines of the reformation
10585249 - A compendious grammar of the primitive english or anglo-saxon language, a knowledge of which is essential to every modern english grammarian who would fully understand the true origin and idiom of his own language
10585248 - The Law of Christ Respecting Civil Obedience, Especially in the Payment of Tribute
10585247 - Throat ailments: more especially the enlarged tonsil and elongated uvula
10585246 - View of the British empire, more especially Scotland
10585245 - The flowers of History, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain
10585244 - The influence of tropical climates more especially the climate of India on European constitutions
10585243 - Sketches of modern philosophy, especially among the Germans
10585242 - An exposure ... of female prostitution in London, Leeds and Rochdale and especially ... Glasgow
10585241 - Remarks on the architecture of the Middle ages, especially of Italy
10585240 - Greek testament with English notes, critical, philological and exegetical, especially adapted to the use of theological students and ministers
10585239 - Virginia, especially Richmond, in by-gone days
10585238 - New physiognomy, or Signs of character, as manifested through temperament and external forms and especially in "the human face divine"
10585237 - Of eduction, especially of young gentlemen [by O. Walker].
10585236 - The true doctrine of justification asserted and vindicated from the errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and more especially Antinomians
10585235 - The chronicle of queen Jane and of two years of queen Mary and especially of the rebellion of sir Thomas Wyat
10585234 - History of revivals of religion in the British Isles, especially in Scotland
10585233 - The achromatic telescope, and its various mountings, especially the equatorial
10585232 - A century of select Psalms, and portions of the Psalms of David, especially those of praise
10585231 - A disputation on Holy Scripture against the papists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton
10585230 - Observations on poetry, especially the epic:
10585229 - A new selection of hymns especially adapted to public worship [among the Baptists]. Watts' Psalms and hymns
10585228 - The pastime of people, or, The chronicles of divers realms; and most especially of the realm of England
10585227 - A treatise on the art of midwifery. Setting forth various abuses therein, especially as to the practise with instruments
10585226 - The sacred calendar of prophecy; or, A dissertation on the prophecies which treat of the grand period of seven times and especially of its second moiety
10585225 - An epistle to friends concerning the present and succeeding times ... By one who is a traveller in the way of peace, and hath good will towards all men, and more especially to the houshold of faith
10585224 - Some improvements to the art of teaching, especially in the first grounding of a young scholar in grammar learning
10585223 - On the curative influence of the southern coast of England, especially that of Hastings; with observations on diseases in which a residence on the coast is most beneficial
10585222 - The secret service, the field, the dungeon, and the escape
10585221 - The captivity, sufferings, and escape of James Scurry, who was detained a prisoner during ten years, in the dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Saib
10585220 - Prison scenes; and narrative of escape from France, during the late war
10585219 - Running a thousand miles for freedom,or, The escape of William and Ellen Craft from slavery ...
10585218 - The Capture, the Prison Pen, and the Escape
10585217 - Narrative of a captivity, escape, and adventures in France and Flanders
10585216 - A genuine and true journal of the most miraculous escape of the young Chevalier
10585215 - My escape from Siberia
10585214 - A Lady's Escape from Gwalior and Life in the Fort of Agra During the Mutinies of 1857
10585213 - Female fortitude, exemplify'd in an impartial narrative of the seizure, escape and marriage of the princess Clementina Sobiesky
10585212 - A Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper from American Slavery
10585211 - A narrative of an extraordinary escape
10585210 - Narrative of Don Juan van Halen's imprisonment in the dungeons of the Inquistion at Madrid, and his escape in 1817 and 1818
10585209 - Reports of cases adjudged in the Superior Court and Supreme Court of Errors
10585208 - Things not generally known. Popular errors explained and illustrated
10585207 - The History of the Reformation of the Church of England: A collection of records, letters, and original papers, with other instruments referred to in the first [and second] part[s] ... [Appendices] concerning some of the errors and falsehoods in Sanders'
10585206 - Popular errors explained and illustrated
10585205 - Tragedy of errors
10585204 - Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme court of errors and appeals of Tennessee
10585203 - A grammatical corrector, or, Vocabulary of the common errors of speech
10585202 - Moravian heresy. Wherein the principal errors of that doctrine are fully set forth, proved, and refuted
10585201 - The Plays of William Shakespeare: Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour lost
10585200 - Reports of cases in equity, argued and determined in the Court of appeals and Court of errors of South Carolina ...
10585199 - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John
10585198 - Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV., part I
10585197 - Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. King Richard the second. King Henry the fourth, pt. 1st
10585196 - Arminian inconsistencies and errors
10585195 - The Plays & Poems of Shakespeare: Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. Comedy of errors
10585194 - Popular errors in English grammar, particularly in pronunciation, familiarly pointed out
10585193 - The encylical [!] letter of Pope Pius IX. and the Syllabus of modern errors
10585192 - The errors of innocence [by H. Lee].
10585191 - Experiments and observations made with a view to point out the errors of the present received theory of electricity
10585190 - The Scholar armed against the errors of the time
10585189 - The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare: Two gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of errors. Love's labour's lost
10585188 - Doctrinal errors of the apostolical and early fathers
10585187 - A new catalogue of vulgar errors
10585186 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Errors of the state of Connecticut ...
10585185 - Reports of cases adjudged in the Superior Court and Supreme Court of Errors
10585184 - Taming of the shrew. Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth
10585183 - Political disquisitions; or, An enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses
10585182 - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Comedy of errors. Titus Andronicus. Pericles
10585181 - Political disquisitions, or, An Inquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses
10585180 - Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Superior court and Court of errors and appeals of the state of Delaware
10585179 - Errors regarding religion: and thoughts on prayer at the present time
10585178 - Vulgar errors, ancient and modern
10585177 - Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. Merchant of Venice. As you like it
10585176 - The Comedy of Errors
10585175 - The wife and the ward; or, A life's error
10585174 - Truth and Error, Or Letters to a Friend on Some of the Controversies of the Day
10585173 - An exalted Diotrephes reprehended, or, The spirit of error and envy in William Rogers against the truth
10585172 - Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the High Court of Parliament in Ireland
10585171 - Original letters, dramatic pieces, and poems
10585170 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Exchequer & Exchequer chamber
10585169 - Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the House of Lords
10585168 - New reports of cases heard in the House of Lords, on appeals and writs of error
10585167 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, at law and in equity, and in the Exchequer Chamber in equity and in error
10585166 - Adelgitha, or, The fruits of a single error
10585165 - Truth and error contrasted
10585164 - Lebens-Lauff H[err]n M. Johann Caspar Schadens, gewesenen Predigers und Seelsorgers der Gemeinde zu Nicolai in Berlin
10585163 - Operator, organizational, DS and GS maintenance manual for test set, guided missile system, AN/TSM-84 and electrical equipment shelter, S-250/G (modified)
10585162 - Organization, equipment and operation of the structural-materials testing laboratories at St. Louis, Mo
10585161 - Catalog of security equipment
10585160 - Electrical equipment on movable bridges
10585159 - Cotton ginning machinery & equipment in the United States, 1940
10585158 - Rice Milling Equipment Operation and Maintenance
10585157 - King George's title asserted: or, a letter to a fellow of a college in Cambridge; shewing, the lawfulness of the oaths requir'd by the present government, upon principles equally receiv'd by all parties
10585156 - Equal rights of the rich and poor ...
10585155 - The Method and Plain Process for Making Pot-Ash, Equal, If Not Superior to the Best Foreign Pot-Ash. (With Plates.)
10585154 - Principles for evaluating chemicals in the environment
10585153 - Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment : Water and Wastes
10585152 - The sediment environment of Port Valdez, Alaska
10585151 - Federal interagency energy/environment R&D program
10585150 - An assessment of mercury in the environment
10585149 - Managing the environment
10585148 - Catalogue of copyright entries
10585147 - Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [B] Group 2. Pamphlets, Etc. New Series
10585146 - Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [A] Group 1. Books. New Series
10585145 - Catalogue of copyright entries
10585144 - Evelina, Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
10585143 - B. Jon: His Part of King James, His Royall and Magnificent Entertainement Through His Honourable Cittie of London, Thurseday the 15. of March, 1603, So Mush as was Presented in the First and Last of Their Triumphal Arch's. With His Speach Made to the Last
10585142 - An entrance into the sacred language;
10585141 - A review of the conduct of the Prince of Wales, from his entrance into public life, till his late offer to undertake the government of Ireland
10585140 - Fatherless Fanny, Or A Young Lady's First Entrance Into Life
10585139 - Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world
10585138 - Evelina or a young ladys entrance into the world in a series of letters
10585137 - Dictionnaire franзois-hollandois et hollandois-franзois. [2 vols. Vol.2 is entitled Nederduitsch en Fransch Woordenboek].
10585136 - Geschichte der Grafen von Zollern-Hohenberg und ihrer Grafschaft, nebst Urkundenbuch [entitled Monumenta Hohenbergica].
10585135 - Forme gйnйrale et particuliиre de la convocation et de la tenue des assemblйes nationales ou йtats-gйnйraux de France [ed. by - Lalourcй and - Duval]. [Pt. 3 entitled] Recueil de piиces originales ... concernant la tenue des йtats-gйnйraux d'Orlйans en 15
10585134 - Zeitschrift [afterw. entitled] Wirtembergisch Franken
10585133 - Verosimilia sacra et profana. [Pt. 4-6 are entitled Vera et verosimilia sacra et profana. With] Invitatio quв annes professores [&c.] rogant, qui unice optant [&c.].
10585132 - Retratos de los reyes de Espaсa, desde Atanarico hasta ... Cбrlos iii. Con los sumarios de sus vidas. Dispuestos por J. Ezquerra. [Vol. 4 is numbered 'tom. 3, pt. 2' on the title-leaf. Vol. 5 is entitled] Retratos de los reyes de Aragon, desde Iсigo Arist
10585131 - Jacobi Friderici Reimmanni Historia literaria Babyloniorum et Sinensium. [2 pt. Pt.2 is entitled: J. F.R. Historia philosophiж Sinensis, emendata et vice 2a sub prelum ire jussa.].
10585130 - Electoralis bibliothecae Monacensis codices Graeci msc. 5 voll. [vol.2-5 are entitled Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Graecorum bibliothecae regiae Bavaricae].
10585129 - Histoire du fanatisme de nostre temps. [Vol. 2-4 entitled Suite de l'Histoire [&c.] ].
10585128 - The English poems of George Herbert, together with his collection of proverbs entitled Jacula prudentum
10585127 - Notes upon Russia : being a translation of the earliest account of that country, entitled Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii
10585126 - The Bodmin register [ed. by J. Wallis] with an appendix on the diocese of Exeter [separately entitled The Exeter register
10585125 - Abridgment of Sir T. Fowell Buxton's work entitled "The African slave trade and its remedy"
10585124 - The divine authority of the Old and New Testament asserted against the unjust aspersions and false reasonings of a book entitled The moral philosopher
10585123 - The substance of a pamphlet, entitled, A solemn review of the custom of war
10585122 - A ballad in macaronic Latin, entitled Rustica descriptio visitationis fanaticж
10585121 - Histoire des ducs de Bretagne [by P.F. Guyot Desfontaines. Vol. 3, 4 are entitled Histoire particuliиre de la Ligue en Bretagne, by C. de Rosnivinen; vol. 5, 6 are entitled Dissertation historique sur l'origine des Bretons, by J. Galet]. 6 tom
10585120 - El-Mas
10585119 - The World, by Adam Fitz-Adam. [209 nos. in 4 vols. With a final no. entitled A World extraordinary, signed Vandyke.].
10585118 - Sharpe's London magazine, a journal of entertainment and instruction. [entitled] Sharpe's London journal. [entitled] Sharpe's London magazine, conducted by mrs. S.C. Hall
10585117 - A tale of ancient times, entitled Romulus
10585116 - Remarks on that part of the rev. J. Kings pamphlet entitled, Maitland not authorized to censure Milner which relates to the Waldenses
10585115 - Remarks on a book entitled Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani
10585114 - The Pictorial edition of the works of Shakspere, ed. by C. Knight. [8 vols., including a vol. entitled William Shakspere, by C. Knight].
10585113 - Reply to Mr Lockhart's pamphlet, entitled, "The Ballantyne-humbug handled".
10585112 - A refutation of Mr. J. H. Roebuck's pamphlet, entitled "The principles and tendency of Swedenborgianism".
10585111 - An account of the national anthem entitled God save the king!
10585110 - Northcroft's parliamentary chronicle. [With suppl. entitled] The critical review
10585109 - The Comedy of errors [by W. Shakespeare] with alterations, additions, and with songs, duets, glees, and chorusses, selected entirely from the plays, poems, and sonnets of Shakspeare
10585108 - An etymological dictionary of the English language on a plan entirely new
10585107 - A complete system of cookery on a plan entirely new
10585106 - History of Redemption, on a Plan Entirely Original
10585105 - Bibliotheca Classica Or a Classical Dictionary, on a Plan Entirely New
10585104 - A catalogue of the entire library of ... Jeremiah Hunt ... which will be sold by auction
10585103 - Bibliothecж Bridgesianж catalogus: or, A catalogue of the entire library of John Bridges, late of Lincolns-Inn, Esq;
10585102 - The entire works of John Bunyan
10585101 - The Entire Works Of John Bunyan
10585100 - An entire commentary upon the whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians
10585099 - Present to my Christian friend on entire devotion to God
10585098 - A history, military and municipal, of the town (otherwise called the city) of Marlborough and more generally of the entire hundred of Selkley
10585097 - THE Entire Works OF John Bunyan
10585096 - A treatise containing an entire new method of solving adfected quadratic, and cubic equations, with their application to the solution of biquadratic ones
10585095 - Catalogue of the entire libraries of Charles Hedges ... and of the Rev. William Cole
10585094 - A concordance to the entire works of Alfred Tennyson
10585093 - Bibliothecж Milbourneanж & Broughtonianж: or, a catalogue of the entire libraries of the Reverend and learned Mr. Luke Milbourn, ... and John Broughton
10585092 - The Works of that Late Most Excellent Philosopher and Astronomer, Sir George Wharton, Bar. Collected Into One Entire Volume by John Gadbury
10585091 - A catalogue of the entire library of Mrs. Katherine Bridgeman
10585090 - A catalogue of the genuine, entire and curious collection of prints and drawings, (bound and unbound) of the late Doctor Mead;
10585089 - A catalogue of an entire library of curious and uncommon books, ... belonging to a gentleman lately deceas'd
10585088 - The Athenian oracle; an entire collection of all the valuable questions and answers in the old Athenian mercuries, by a member of the Athenian society [J. Dunton, ed. by S. Wesley].
10585087 - An entire and complete history, political and personal, of the boroughs of Great Britain;
10585086 - The history of Titus Livius, with the entire supplement of J. Freinsheim; tr. into Engl
10585085 - A dissuasive from entering into holy orders, in a letter to a young gentleman, &c
10585084 - L'Ecole des jardiniers, oъ l'on apprend б semer les arbres fruitiers, а les mettre en pйpiniиre, б les enter, а les йdifier en nain, en espalier, en contrespalier, en haute tige ...
10585083 - Telegraphic code, to ensure secresy in the transmission of telegrams
10585082 - ten acres enough
10585081 - Hanging not punishment enough ...
10585080 - Sighs upon the never enough lamented death of Queen Anne
10585079 - Odd enough, to be sure! or, Emilius in the world
10585078 - How to enjoy Paris
10585077 - How to enjoy Paris, a complete guide to the visiter [sic].
10585076 - Lives and works of civil and military engineers of America
10585075 - Field-book for railroad engineers
10585074 - Engineers' and mechanics' pocket-book ...
10585073 - Norris's hand-book for locomotive engineers and machinists
10585072 - Lives of the engineers
10585071 - A compendium of mechanics; or, Text book for engineers, mill-wrights, and machine-makers, founders, smiths, &c
10585070 - Locomotive engineers journal
10585069 - The modern practice of American machinists & engineers
10585068 - Report of the Chief of Engineers U.S. Army
10585067 - Scribner's engineers' and mechanics' companion
10585066 - Useful information for engineers
10585065 - Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers
10585064 - Adventures and recollections of Colonel Landmann, late of the Corps of Royal Engineers
10585063 - Appletons' Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal
10585062 - Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers
10585061 - Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
10585060 - Minority groups among United States doctorate-level scientists, engineers, and scholars
10585059 - Narrative of the proceedings of the Board of engineers
10585058 - Doctoral scientists and engineers in the United States
10585057 - Description of Chasseloup de Laubat's system of fortification, as executed at Alessandria, by an officer of the corps of Royal engineers
10585056 - A Manual of Civil Engineering
10585055 - The mechanical principles of engineering and architecture
10585054 - Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine work, and engineering
10585053 - Sketch of the civil engineering of North America
10585052 - Trigonometrical surveying, levelling, and railway engineering
10585051 - Modern Marine Engineering
10585050 - The mechanics of engineering
10585049 - An encyclopжdia of civil engineering, historical, theoretical, and practical
10585048 - Experimental researches in steam engineering
10585047 - A practical treatise on mechanical engineering
10585046 - Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering
10585045 - An elementary course of military engineering
10585044 - Catalogue of Books on Architecture and Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military, and Naval
10585043 - Engineering field notes on parish and railway surveying and levelling, with plans and sections, being a sequel to his Elementary text book
10585042 - The rudiments of civil engineering ...
10585041 - Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering
10585040 - Engineering
10585039 - Useful rules and tables relating to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines
10585038 - Locomotive Engineering
10585037 - The illustrated glossary of practical architecture and civil engineering
10585036 - Engineering
10585035 - A Glossary of Civil Engineering
10585034 - Cyclopaedia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining and engineering
10585033 - Professional papers on Indian engineering
10585032 - Cyclopжdia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining, and engineering
10585031 - Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, enginework, and engineering
10585030 - The Mechanics' magazine and journal of engineering, agricultural machinery, manufactures and shipbuilding
10585029 - Railway engineering; or, Field work preparatory to the construction of railways
10585028 - Canal and river engineering
10585027 - Spons' dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval; with technical terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish
10585026 - Van Nostrand's engineering magazine
10585025 - Engineering for resolution of the energy-environment dilemma
10585024 - Value engineering in Federal construction agencies
10585023 - Earthquake Engineering Research
10585022 - Systems engineering in ceramics
10585021 - The National Academy of Engineering
10585020 - Human Engineering Guide for Equipment Designers
10585019 - Engineering report on the Managua earthquake of 23 December 1972
10585018 - Symposium on Air Force Human Engineering, Personnel and Training Research
10585017 - Engineering and medicine
10585016 - Foreign-language and English Dictionaries in the Physical Sciences and Engineering
10585015 - Engineering facts and figures
10585014 - Modeling and simulation for engineering manpower studies
10585013 - Engineering report on the Muradiye-Зaldiran, Turkey, earthquake of 24 November 1976
10585012 - An Index of U.S. Voluntary Engineering Standards, Supplement 2
10585011 - The working engineer's practical guide to the management of the steam engine and boiler
10585010 - The mechanic's text-book and engineer's practical guide ...
10585009 - The Millwright and Engineer's Pocket Companion
10585008 - The engineer's & mechanic's encyclopeadia ...
10585007 - The engineer's handbook
10585006 - The engineer's, millwright's and machinist's practical assistant
10585005 - The mechanic's, machinist's, and engineer's practical book of reference
10585004 - Blower's architect's, surveyor's, engineer's and builder's directory
10585003 - The engineer's and mechanic's encyclopжdia
10585002 - Practical geometry for the architect, engineer, surveyor and mechanic
10585001 - The royal engineer
10585000 - The story of the life of George Stephenson, railway engineer
10584999 - Trips in the life of a locomotive engineer
10584998 - Report of the chief engineer
10584997 - The Miscellaneous Papers of John Smeaton, Civil Engineer, &c. F.R.S.
10584996 - Report of General J.G. Totten, chief engineer, on the subject of national defences
10584995 - THE Practical Model Calculator, FOR THE Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist, Manufacturer OF Engine-Work, Naval Architect, Miner, AND Millwright.
10584994 - The Engineer and machinist
10584993 - The engineer and machinist's assistant
10584992 - The Civil engineer & [and] architect's journal
10584991 - Biography of William Symington, civil engineer
10584990 - Parkin Jeffcock, civil and mining engineer
10584989 - The engineer and machinist's assistant
10584988 - Handbook for the artisan, mechanic, and engineer
10584987 - Manual for engineer troops ...
10584986 - The field engineer
10584985 - An exact account of all that passed at Prague, from the French army's flight thither, after the battle between the King of Prussia and Prince Charles of Lorrain, down to the raising of the siege; ... By an engineer in the French army at Prague. ...
10584984 - Mechanics for the millwright, machinist, engineer, civil engineer, architect and student
10584983 - The military engineer
10584982 - The Civil engineer and architect's journal
10584981 - The International Steam Engineer
10584980 - The field engineer of M. le Chevalier de Clairac
10584979 - The civil engineer and machinist
10584978 - The Electrical engineer
10584977 - The enemy conquered
10584976 - Death the last enemy of man
10584975 - Barbarities of the enemy
10584974 - Our Enemy, the State
10584973 - Ordonnantien ends statvten die de Keys. Maj. in sijder teghenwoordigheydt 7 oct. 1531. heeft doen lesen ende verclaren ...
10584972 - Small means and great ends
10584971 - Military ends and moral means
10584970 - As you like it; All's well that ends well
10584969 - The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare: All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. Winter's tale
10584968 - As you like it. Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night; or, what you will
10584967 - The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew
10584966 - The Works of Shakespear: Comedies: The merchant of Venice. Love's labour's lost. As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night; or, What you will. The winter's tale
10584965 - A few odds and ends, for cheerful friends [poems, signed J.P.C.].
10584964 - The City-secret, Or, Corruption at All Ends of the Town
10584963 - The Plays & Poems of Shakespeare: All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew. Winter's tale
10584962 - The city-secret; or, corruption at all ends of the town; containing a succcinct history of an 100,000 l. Jobb, &c. being an examination of the conduct of several comptrollers of the city of London, ...
10584961 - The Plays of William Shakespeare: All's well that ends well. Twelfth Night. Winter's tale. Macbeth
10584960 - A list of the Royal Society of London; instituted by His Majesty Charles II. For the advancement of natural knowledge. ... As also an advertisement, shewing what subjects seem most suitable to the ends of its institution
10584959 - Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night, or, What you will. The winter's tale. Macbeth
10584958 - All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. Winter's tale. Macbeth
10584957 - Means and ends, or, Self-training
10584956 - All's Well That Ends Well
10584955 - Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the Shrew. Winter's tale
10584954 - A voyage into New England, begun in 1623, and ended in 1624
10584953 - Copy of the poll for the election of two citizens to serve in the present parliament for the city and liberty of Westminster. Begun on Thursday the 7th, and ended on Saturday the 23d September 1780 ...
10584952 - Annual report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ended ...
10584951 - Report of the treasurer for the fiscal year ended June 30 ...
10584950 - The Works of Shakespear: Comedies: The merchant of Venice. Love's labour's lost. As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that end's well. Twelfth night: or, What you will. The winter's tale
10584949 - Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that end's well. Taming of the shrew
10584948 - Miabanowt'iwn hayoc' sb Ekegec'oyn. End meci sb Ekegec'woyn Hroma. Saradreal i yerkows hators. I batmakan ew vicabanakan i karge t'eatinosac' Kgmes vardapete. Arajin hator
10584947 - Die Bis zu End der Welt Bestдndig-Sichtbar-Unfдhlbar-Lehrende Authoritдt Der Rцmisch-Catholischen Kirchen, von Gott eingesetzt, Zu ErkanntnuЯ der wahren Christlichen Religion
10584946 - Ancient armour and weapons in Europe: from the iron period of the northern nations to the end of the thirteenth (-seventeenth) century
10584945 - History of the later Roman commonwealth, from the end of the second Punic war to the death of Julius Caesar; and of the reign of Augustus: with a life of Trajan
10584944 - End of religious controversy
10584943 - A digest of the criminal laws of Illinois from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the twenty-fifth General Assembly, 1818-1868
10584942 - Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe: The iron period to the end of the 13th century
10584941 - The history of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus I. to the end of Q. Ann's reign
10584940 - History of the American Civil War: Containing the events from the Proclamation of the Emancipation of the slaves to the end of the war
10584939 - Religious thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of last century
10584938 - THE West-END Gazette OF Gentlemens Fashions
10584937 - The symbol of glory, shewing the object and end of freemasonry
10584936 - The Land's End district
10584935 - The West-End Gazette of Gentlemen's Fashion
10584934 - The Land's end, Kynance cove, and other poems
10584933 - Letters and papers of the Verney Family down to the end of the year 1639
10584932 - Porcupine's Works;: Selections from Porcupine's gazette (from 16th August to end of November, 1797) ; The republican judge ; Selections from Porcupine's gazette (for December, 1797)
10584931 - The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from Their Commencement, in 1665, to the Year 1800: 1796-1800. (General index at end of v. 18)
10584930 - History of the Roman Empire, from the accession of Augustus to the end of the empire of the West
10584929 - Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers Preserved in the Bodleian Library: From the death of Charles I, 1649, to the end of the year 1654
10584928 - The History of Painting in Italy from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century: The schools of Naples, Venice, Lombardy, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Cremona, and Milan
10584927 - A Youth's History of the Rebellion ...: From the massacre at Fort Pillow to the end
10584926 - The shortest way to end disputes about religion
10584925 - A plain account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper
10584924 - The chief end of man
10584923 - The Annals of Tennessee, to the End of the Eighteenth Century
10584922 - A General Index to the First Fifty-six Volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine, from Its Commencement in the Year 1731, to the End of 1786
10584921 - Formulare anglicanum: or, a collection of ancient charters and instruments of divers kinds, taken from the Originals ... and deduced from the Norman conguest, to the end of the reign of King Henry the VIII.
10584920 - A new and literal translation, from the Hebrew, of the Pentateuch of Moses, and of the historical books of the Old Testament, to the end of the second book of Kings
10584919 - The history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies from its commencement to the end of the year 1778
10584918 - A catalogue of books printed in England since the dreadful fire of London in 1666 to the end of Michaelmas term, 1672 ...
10584917 - A vindication of the end of religious controversy
10584916 - History of Rome: From the Gaulish invasion to the end of the first Punic war
10584915 - A chronological history of England: or, An impartial abstract of the most remarkable transactions ... to ... 1713. to the end of queen Anne's reign
10584914 - The laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed from the year 1780, to the end of the year 1800, with the constitutions of the United States of America, and of the commonwealth, prefixed
10584913 - A history of New York, from the beginnimg of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty
10584912 - Annals of Aberdeen from the Reign of King William the Lion, to the End of the Year 1818
10584911 - The history of painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the fine arts to the end of the eighteenth century
10584910 - History of the wars occasioned by the French Revolution, from the commencement of hostilities in 1792, to the end of 1816
10584909 - A general history of voyages and travels to the end of the 18th century
10584908 - A new history of England, from the time that the Phoenicians first landed in this island, to the end of the reign of King George I
10584907 - The Writings of George Washington: pt. IV. Letters official and private, from the beginning of his presidency to the end of his life: (v. 10) May, 1789-November, 1794. (v. 11) November, 1794-December, 1799
10584906 - England's reformation, (from the time of K. Henry VIII. to the end of Oates's plot.)
10584905 - A biographical history of England, from the revolution to the end of George I's reign
10584904 - A true account of the nature, end, and efficacy of the sacrament of the Lord's supper
10584903 - The revolutions of Spain, from 1808 to the end of 1836
10584902 - The naval chronology of Great Britain; or, An historical account of naval and maritime events from the commencement of the war in 1803 to the end of the year 1816 ...
10584901 - A General Index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the First to the End of the Seventieth Volume
10584900 - A guide to the Mount's Bay and the Land's End ...
10584899 - Portraits, memoirs, and characters, of remarkable persons, from the revolution in 1688 to the end of the reign of George II.
10584898 - An ecclesiastical history of Great Britain, chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity, to the end of the reign of King Charles the second
10584897 - The statutes at large, from Magna Charta to the end of the [reign of King George the Third ...]
10584896 - An essay on the nature, the end, and the means of imitation in the fine arts
10584895 - Missions the chief end of the Christian Church
10584894 - A general index ... from the commencement of the new series, in January, 1790, to the end of the eighty-first volume completed in December 1816 ...
10584893 - The Philosophical Transactions and Collections, to the End of the Year 1700: Containing all the physiological papers, by J. Lowthorp
10584892 - An historical sketch of the progress of knowledge in England, from the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons, to the end of the reign of queen Elisabeth
10584891 - Howards End
10584890 - The duty and advantages of encouraging public infirmaries
10584889 - Several orations ... to encourage the Athenians to oppose the exorbitant power of Philip of Mбcedon, English'd by several hands [under the direction of John, lord Somers]. To which is prefix'd the historical preface of monsieur Tourreil. Revised and corre
10584888 - Taxonomy of Some Scale Insects of the Genus Parlatoria Encountered in Plant Quarantine Inspection Work
10584887 - The Lady's Equestrian Manual, in which the Principles and Practice of Horsemanship for Ladies are Thoroughly Explained, to Enable Every Lady to Ride with Comfort and Elegance
10584886 - A few remarks on a pamphlet written by Sir James Caldwell: entitled, a brief examination of the question: whether it is expedient, either in a religious or political view; to pass an act to enable papists to take real securities
10584885 - The empty crib
10584884 - The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined. (People's ed.). Empty Field
10584883 - 1977 Census of Governments: no. 1. Employee retirement systems of state and local governments. no. 3. State payments to local governments. no. 4. Historical statistics on governmental finances and employment. no. 5. Graphic summary of the 1977 census of g
10584882 - Directory of national unions and employee associations
10584881 - Finances of employee-retirement systems of state and local governments in ...
10584880 - A literature survey of Populus species with emphasis on P. Tremuloides
10584879 - The American speaker: containing numerous rules, observations, and exercises on pronunciation, pauses, inflections, accent, and emphasis
10584878 - Emergency vehicle warning lights
10584877 - Emergency food plants and poisonous plants of the islands of the Pacific
10584876 - Memorials of sir Francis Chantrey ... in Hallamshire and elsewhere
10584875 - The methods used for erecting charity-schools, with the rules and orders by which they are governed. A particular account of the London charity-schools: with a list of those erected elsewhere in Great Britain & Ireland: ...
10584874 - Friedrich von Zollern und seine schцne Else
10584873 - Recueil d'observations faites en plusieurs voyages par ordre de Sa Majestй, pour perfectionner l'astronomie et la gйographie, avec divers traitez astronomiques par Messieurs de l'Acadйmie Royales des Sciences [De l'origine de l'astronomie..., Observations
10584872 - Nouveaux elements d'arithmetique et d'algebre
10584871 - The Elements Of Medicine
10584870 - Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry
10584869 - The Elements of Algebra in Ten Books
10584868 - First six books of the Elements (of Euclides)
10584867 - Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry
10584866 - Elements of geometry
10584865 - Elements of conchology
10584864 - Elements of English grammar
10584863 - Euclid's elements of geometry
10584862 - Elements of trigonometry
10584861 - The first six books of the Elements of Euclid
10584860 - Elements of analytic trigonometry, plane and spherical
10584859 - Elements of tacticks
10584858 - Elements of Latin prosody and metre
10584857 - The elements of perspective
10584856 - Elements of mathematics
10584855 - Elements of the English language
10584854 - The Elements of Maritime International Law
10584853 - The elements of Syriac grammar
10584852 - Elements of painting with crayons
10584851 - Elements of mythology, or, Classical fables of the Greeks and Romans
10584850 - Курочка Ряба. Русская сказка
10584849 - Рукавичка. Украинская сказка
10584848 - The elements of book-keeping
10584847 - Elements of elocution
10584846 - Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry
10584845 - Elements of political science
10584844 - Elements of Gaelic grammar ...
10584843 - The elements of a polite education
10584842 - Elements of practical agriculture
10584841 - Euclide's Elements ... compendiously demonstrated, by I. Barrow. Transl
10584840 - Elements of useful knowledge
10584839 - An introduction to the elements of algebra
10584838 - Elements of criticism
10584837 - Elements of chemistry
10584836 - The Elements of Experimental Chemistry
10584835 - Elements of chinese grammar
10584834 - Elements of Christian theology
10584833 - Elements of geometry
10584832 - General elements of pathology
10584831 - Elements of the art of assaying metals
10584830 - Elements of Greek accentuation
10584829 - Lectures on the elements of hieroglyphics and Egyptian antiquities
10584828 - Elements of surveying
10584827 - A popular grammar of the elements of astronomy
10584826 - The elements of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics
10584825 - Elements of chemistry
10584824 - Elements of electricity
10584823 - The elements of navigation
10584822 - Elements of therapeutics and materia medica
10584821 - Elements of chemistry, and natural history
10584820 - Elements of Hind
10584819 - Elements of botany
10584818 - Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry
10584817 - The Elements of Algebra Preliminary to the Differential Calculus
10584816 - Elements of spherical trigonometry
10584815 - Elements of natural history and chemistry
10584814 - Oration on the comparativ elements and dutys of Grecian and American eloquence
10584813 - Elements of reform, or, An account of the motives and intentions of the advocates for parliamentary reformation
10584812 - Elements of ancient classical and scripture geography
10584811 - Elements of astronomy
10584810 - Elements of medical jurisprudence
10584809 - Elements of the philosophy of plants
10584808 - An introduction to entomology, or, Elements of the natural history of insects : with plates
10584807 - The elements of war
10584806 - New Elements of Conick Sections
10584805 - Elements of natural philosophy
10584804 - Elements of surveying
10584803 - The elements of medicine or, A translation of the Elementa medicinae Brunonis
10584802 - The elements of logic
10584801 - Elements of Latin hexameters and pentameters
10584800 - The elements of trigonometry
10584799 - Elements of geometry...
10584798 - Elements of Natural History: Invertebrata. Vegetable kingdom. Mineral kingdom
10584797 - Elements of physics, or, Natural philosophy, general and medical
10584796 - Elements of astronomy
10584795 - Elements of moral science
10584794 - The Elements of Greek Grammar
10584793 - The elements of geology
10584792 - Elements of agricultural chemistry
10584791 - Elements of moral philosophy
10584790 - Elements of surgery
10584789 - Elements of British entomology
10584788 - Metaphysical Elements of Ethics
10584787 - Elements of logic
10584786 - Elements of geography
10584785 - Elements of chemistry
10584784 - The elements of pleas in equity
10584783 - Elements of general history
10584782 - Euclide's Elements
10584781 - Elements of the Doctrine of Metres
10584780 - Guy
10584779 - Elements of chemistry
10584778 - The elements of mechanics
10584777 - The elements of natural or experimental philosophy
10584776 - Euclid's elements of geometry, the first six books
10584775 - The elements of optics
10584774 - Elements of trigonometry, plane and spherical
10584773 - The Elements of Euclid
10584772 - Elements of conic sections and analytical geometry
10584771 - The Elements of Anatomy
10584770 - Elements of electricity, magnetism, and electro-magnetism
10584769 - Elements of the art of dyeing, by C.L. and A.B. Berthollet
10584768 - The elements of logic, explained by numerous examples and exercises
10584767 - Elements of International Law
10584766 - The elements of astronomy, illustrated by observations which the student may make ...
10584765 - The elements of architecture
10584764 - Elements of history
10584763 - Elements of general knowledge
10584762 - The Relation of selected trace elements to health and disease
10584761 - The Elements of Ethics
10584760 - A new spanish grammar or The elements of the spanish language ...
10584759 - The elements of moral science
10584758 - Elements of rhetoric
10584757 - Elements of intellectual philosophy
10584756 - Elements of Algebra
10584755 - Elements of phrenology
10584754 - Elements of dogmatic history
10584753 - Elements of general knowledge
10584752 - Elements of geometry for the use of the Irish national schools (the first and second parts of Clairaut's Elements of geometry. tr. [by J.B. White]).
10584751 - Das albanesische Element in Griechenland
10584750 - Grundliche Meynung, von den wahrhafften Element, Eigenschafft, Ursprung, Zusammenwachs, etc. des in den menschlichen Corper befindlichen Steines
10584749 - Marriage and parentage, or, The reproductive element in man, as a means to his elevation and happiness
10584748 - The Church of God as an Essential Element of the Gospel
10584747 - De Privilegio elects fori augustж domus Brunsvico-Luneburgicж
10584746 - English-Russian, Russian-English electronics dictionary
10584745 - Electronic density of states
10584744 - The history and progress of the electric telegraph
10584743 - The electric telegraph
10584742 - The electric telegraph
10584741 - Historical sketch of the electric telegraph
10584740 - The electric telegraph: was it invented by Professor Wheatstone?
10584739 - Wonderful inventions: from the mariner's compass to the electric telegraph cable
10584738 - The electric telegraph
10584737 - History, theory, and practice of the electric telegraph
10584736 - Manual of Electricity: Magnetism and the electric telegraph
10584735 - Flammability, smoke, toxicity, and corrosive gases of electric cable materials
10584734 - Grinder, electric valve refacer wet-type
10584733 - Recent electric power developments in the U.S.S.R.
10584732 - Street and electric railways 1907
10584731 - The poll book for ... Dorset ... at the general election of 1857
10584730 - Museum museorum oder vollstдndige Schau-Bьhne aller Materialen und Specereyen nebst deren natьrlichen Beschreibung, Election, Nutzen und Gebrauch
10584729 - West riding election. The poll for a knight of the shire for the west riding of Yorkshire ... 1848
10584728 - The poll at the election of a member to serve in parliament for the city of Durham, taken the 7th [&c.] December, 1761
10584727 - A poll of the freeholders of the county of Buckingham at the election of two knights of the shire to serve in the parliament... taken at Aylesbury... 1831
10584726 - Histoire des empereurs, et des autres princes qui ont regnй durant les six premiers siecles de l'Eglise,: Depuis Severe jusques а l'election de Diocletien
10584725 - Discours historique de l'Election de L'Empereur par le Resident de Brandebourg
10584724 - Le joyeux reveil de le election imperialle...
10584723 - Response d'un gentilhomme allemand, a un sien amy parisien, sur une lettre publiee en France, touchant l'election d'un nouveau empereur
10584722 - Бондаренко, Игорь Михайлович
10584721 - Бондаренко, Алёна Владимировна
10584720 - The poll of the freeholders of ... Berks, at the election for knights of the shire ... taken ... 1727
10584719 - Mйmoires de l'Election de l'Empereur Charles VII.
10584718 - Interpretatio historico-politico-legalis Cap. Venerabilem 34. X. de Election. et Elect. potestat. de praetensa potestate Papae in promovendis regibus Romanorum electis ad sceptrum Imperii Romano-Germanici
10584717 - Sussex election, 1820. The poll, for knights of the shire, to represent the county of Sussex, in the first parliament of ... king George the fourth
10584716 - Avis important et necessaire, aux corps de ville, Bourgeois & Citoyens de la Ville de Paris, sur la prochaine election d'un prevot des marchands &c. - Paris, Andre Chouqueux 1652
10584715 - Rйflexions critiques sur l'etat de l'Allemagne et de toute l'Europe pendant l'election de l'empereur Charles VII.
10584714 - Harangue Faicte Et Prononcee De La Part Du Roy Tres-Chrestien, Le 10. jour du mois d'Avril. 1573 Par Tres-reverend & Illustre Seigneur Iean de Montluc, Evesque & Conte de Valence & Dye, ... en l'assemblйe tenue а Warssavie, pour l'election du nouveau Roy,
10584713 - The history of the Norman conquest of England its causes and its results
10584712 - History of the Christian Church. From the election of pope Gregory the great to the Concordat of Worms, A.D.590-1122
10584711 - The election of grace
10584710 - A discourse concerning I. The true import of the words election and reprobation, and the things signified by them in the holy scripture. II. The extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God ... IV. The liberty of the will in a state of trial and p
10584709 - Reports of equity, election, and other important cases, argued and determined principally in the courts of the county of Philadelphia
10584708 - Minutes OF Evidence Taken Before THE Select Committee ON Evesham Election Petition
10584707 - A treatise on the election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal
10584706 - History of the Westminster election ...
10584705 - The doctrine of election
10584704 - City of Dublin election, July 15th, 1865. List of electors [&c.] compiled by S.T. Bradburne
10584703 - THE Minutes OF Evidence Taken Before THE Committee OF THE Carlow County Election Petition
10584702 - Reading election. A list of voters at the election of two burgesses to serve in parliament, for the borough of Reading, 1837
10584701 - The assembled Commons; or, Parliamentary biographer, with an abstract of the law of election, by a member of the Middle Temple
10584700 - The poll at the election of knights of the shire for the county of Southampton, anno 1710
10584699 - A compendious ... account of the election at Liverpool ... Nov., 1806, with songs and squibs and a list of the freemen who polled
10584698 - Election sermons
10584697 - An historical account of the rights of election of the several counties, cities and boroughs of Great Britain...
10584696 - Six discourses, concerning I. Election and reprobation. II. Extent of Christ's redemption. III. The grace of God. IV. Liberty of the will. V. Defectibility of the saints. VI. Answer to three objections
10584695 - The doctrines of election, and final perseverance, stated from Scripture [&c.]. A sermon
10584694 - Dorset election, September and October, 1831. The poll
10584693 - Sermons preached at the annual election
10584692 - The election magazine; or The Oxfordshire register
10584691 - Letters to the gentlemen, clergy, freeholders, manufacturers, tradesmen, and inhabitants, of the county of Wilts, in reference to the events of the late election
10584690 - The Works of the Celebrated Mrs. Centlivre ...: The wonder. The man bewitch'd. Gotham election. Wife well managed. Bickerstaff's burial. Bold stroke for a wife. Artifice
10584689 - Barry on election, revised by W. Huntington
10584688 - The poll for the election of a member of Parliament for the borough of Liverpool
10584687 - The primitive doctrine of election; or, An historical inquiry into the ideality and causation of scriptural election, as received and maintained in the primitive Church of Christ
10584686 - The poll at the electing of two knights of the shire to represent the county of Leicester in parliament ... 1830
10584685 - The poll for electing two burgesses to represent the borough of Leicester, in the ensuing Parliament: taken before Tho. Chapman Esq; ... and Tho. Heyrick, ... On Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the 19th 20th 22d and 23d of April 1754. George Wrighte
10584684 - The freeness and sovereignty of God's justifying and electing grace
10584683 - An humble address to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, elected to represent the commons of Great Britain in the ensuing Parliament
10584682 - A dictionary of old English plays, existing either in print or in manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century
10584681 - Tables for setting out curves for railways, canals, roads, etc., varying from a radius of five chains to three miles, either with or without a theodolite ...
10584680 - An Introduction to the Art of Fortification, Containing Draughts of All the Common Works Used in Military Architecture, and of the Machines and Utensils Necessary Either in Attacks Or Defences
10584679 - The plays of William Shakespeare in eight volumes
10584678 - Eight chirurgical treatises, on these following heads
10584677 - Eight years in Asia and Africa from 1846-1855
10584676 - Autobiography of an actress
10584675 - The life of Luther in forty-eight historical engravings
10584674 - Catlin's notes of eight years' travels and residence in Europe with his North American Indian collection
10584673 - The golden ladder: stories illustrative of the eight Beatitudes, by the authors of 'The wide, wide world'.
10584672 - Eight years in Congress, from 1857-1865
10584671 - The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God Thomas Wilson, Fifty-eight Years Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man
10584670 - A residence of eight years in Persia, among the Nestorian Christians
10584669 - Gems of poetry, from forty-eight American poets
10584668 - Revised statutes of the State of Delaware, to the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, inclusive
10584667 - Eight Years in British Guiana
10584666 - Notes of eight year's travels and residence in Europe, with his North American Indian collection
10584665 - The gentleman angler, by a gentleman who has made angling his diversion upwards of twenty eight years
10584664 - Eight years in Canada
10584663 - Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon
10584662 - Honda Angel-Cynnam, or A compleat view of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the inhabitants of England from the arrival of the saxons, till the reign of Henry the Eight with a short account of the Britons during the Government of the Romans
10584661 - Reports From Committees: Eight Volumes
10584660 - The eight hour movement
10584659 - Narrative of the adventures, sufferings, and deliverance of eight English seamen, left by accident in Greenland, in the year 1630
10584658 - journal of the house of representatives of the united states beign the second session of the eight congress
10584657 - Eight Cousins
10584656 - A treatise on practical mensuration in eight parts ...
10584655 - Eight chirurgical treatises, on these followings heads
10584654 - Eight speeches made in Parliament, on several important occasions
10584653 - The History of Philosophy, in Eight Parts
10584652 - The first twenty-eight Odes of Anacreon
10584651 - The plays of William Shakespeare in eight volumes
10584650 - A Translation of the Eight Books of Aul. Corn. Celsus on Medicine
10584649 - The works of Shakespeare: in eight volumes
10584648 - Thirty-eight plates, with explanations
10584647 - Eight sermons preached before the University of Oxford,
10584646 - The works of Shakespear in eight volumes
10584645 - Eight chirurgical treatises, on these following heads
10584644 - The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy
10584643 - Eight sermons on the divinity and operations of the Holy Ghost
10584642 - Political sketches of eight years in Washington
10584641 - The life and most surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of fork, mariner, who lived twenty-eight years in an uninhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river Oronoque
10584640 - Temora: an epic poem of Ossian, in eight cantos
10584639 - Suite de la Politique du clergй de France, ou les derniers efforts de l'innocence affligйe. Troisiиme йdition, revue, corrigйe et augmentйe de la Muse lugubre, йlйgie а madame la marquise de *** [par P. Jurieu].
10584638 - Vains efforts des jesuites contre la Justification des rйflexions sur le Nouveau Testament, composйe par feu messire Jacques-Benigne Bossuet ...
10584637 - Les derniers efforts de l'innocence affligйe. Avec une lettre curieuse d'un particulier а un de ses amis. Deuxiиme йdition reveьe & corrigйe
10584636 - Les Derniers Efforts De L'Innocence Affligйe
10584635 - La politique du clergй de France, avec les derniers efforts de l'innocence affligйe
10584634 - Nouvelle dйcouverte et les admirables efforts des fermens dans le corps humain
10584633 - Vains Efforts Des Bйnis [!] Pиres
10584632 - Vains efforts des Mйlangistes ou Discernans dans l'oeuvre des convulsions
10584631 - Suite de la Politique du clergй de France, ou les Derniers efforts de l'innocence affligйe
10584630 - Certitude des principes de la religion, contre les nouveaux efforts des incrйdules
10584629 - Les derniers efforts de l'innocence affligйe ou entretiens curieux de deux catholiques romains, l'un parisien et l'autre provincial, sur les moyens dont on se sert aujourd'huy pour dйtruire la religion protestante dans ce royaume
10584628 - Les Efforts De La Liberte & du Patriotisme Contre Le Despotisme
10584627 - Ethical issues in governmental efforts to promote health
10584626 - An authentick narrative of the original, establishment, and progress, of the Inquisition in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. With the efforts used by the Church of Rome, to establish this tyranny ...
10584625 - Tableau des passions humaines, de leurs causes, et de leurs effects
10584624 - The use of tobacco: its physical, intellectual and moral effects on the human system
10584623 - The effects of civilization on the people in European states
10584622 - Historical causes and effects
10584621 - Treatise on the progress of literature and its effects on society
10584620 - A serious fall in the value of gold ascertained, and its social effects set forth
10584619 - Observations on the management of the poor in Scotland, and its effects on the health of the great towns
10584618 - An Essay on the Principle of Population, Or, A View of Its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness
10584617 - Report on the disastrous effects of the destruction of forest trees
10584616 - Faith and its effects; or, Fragments from my portfolio ...
10584615 - An exposition of the state of the medical profession in the British dominions; and of the injurious effects of the monopoly, by usurpation, of the Royal college of physicians in London
10584614 - A pinch of snuff, anecdotes of snuff taking, with the moral and physical effects of snuff, by dean Snift of Brazen-nose
10584613 - An inquiry into the effects of putting a stop to the African slave trade
10584612 - The fatal effects of religious intolerance; a sermon
10584611 - Perils of the sea, and their effects on policies of insurance
10584610 - A serious inquiry into the nature and effects of the stage
10584609 - Death by measure; or, Poisons, and their effects, found in intoxicating liquors
10584608 - The backslider; or, An enquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension, with the means of recovery
10584607 - Effects of temperature on growth and reproduction of aquatic snails
10584606 - Medical reports, of the effects of tobacco
10584605 - Effects of Exposure to Heavy Metals on Selected Freshwater Fish
10584604 - Effects of copper and zinc on smoltification of coho salmon
10584603 - Biological effects of pesticides on the Dungeness crab
10584602 - The history of the effects of religion on mankind;
10584601 - The effects of atomic radiation on oceanography and fisheries
10584600 - Effects of chronic exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide on human health, behavior, and performance
10584599 - Slavery illustrated in its effects upon woman and domestic society
10584598 - Effects of pesticides on fruit and vegetable physiology
10584597 - Effects of inhaled radioactive particles
10584596 - Halocarbons, effects on stratospheric ozone
10584595 - Effects of fluorides in animals
10584594 - Medical researches on the effects of iodine, in bronchocele, paralysis, chorea, scrophula, fistula lachrymalis, deafness, dysphagia, white swelling, and distortions of the spine
10584593 - Halocarbons, environmental effects of chlorofluoromethane release
10584592 - Transcript of two rolls, containing an inventory of effects formly belonging to Sir John Fastolfe
10584591 - Health effects of alpha-emitting particles in the respiratory tract
10584590 - Effects of pesticides in water
10584589 - An essay on the effects of carbonate and other preparations of iron upon cancer
10584588 - A letter to lord Grenville on the effects ascribed to the resumption of cash payments on the value of the currency
10584587 - An essay, medical, philosophical, and chemical, on drunkenness, and its effects on the human body
10584586 - (A) concise relation of the effects of an extraordinary styptic
10584585 - Some effects of cadmium on coniferous forest soil/litter microcosms
10584584 - Effects of wastewater and cooling water chlorination in aquatic life
10584583 - Effects of NIGMS training programs on graduate education in the biomedical sciences
10584582 - The effects of arts, trades, and professions
10584581 - A treatise on bilious diseases and indigestion; with the effects of quassy and natron in these disorders. By John Gibson, M.D. ...
10584580 - Annotated bibliography on biological effects of metals in aquatic environments
10584579 - Effects of Pollution on Health
10584578 - Electron spin resonance and the effects of radiation on biological systems
10584577 - Effects of futures trading on price performance in the cash onion market, 1930-68
10584576 - Observations on the effects of the corn laws
10584575 - A collection of treatises on the effects of sol-lunar influence in fevers
10584574 - The effects of excessive parental indulgence, exhibited in the history of Robert Jones
10584573 - Some enquiries into the effects of fermented liquors
10584572 - Wind and seismic effects
10584571 - A true and exact particular and inventory of all and singular the estate and effects whatsoever, of Thomas Warren, ...
10584570 - An inquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of religious declension
10584569 - A treatise on fortification ..., with observations on the increased effects of artillery
10584568 - The effects of delusion: or, Materials towards a history of two invasions of France
10584567 - Effects of Intensive Fertilizer Use on the Human Environment
10584566 - Effective extension circular letters
10584565 - Environmental assessments for effective water quality management planning
10584564 - Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de Leg. 6. §. I. D. quemadm. servit. amitt. L. 49. D. de re judic. et de effect. sentent. L. 21. §. I. D. de pactis
10584563 - Discours veritable de l'ordre et forme qui a estй gardee en l'assemblee faicte а Fontainebleau par le congй du Roy, pour l'effect de la conference accordee, entre Monsieur l'Evesque d'Evreux & le Sr. du Plessis Mornay, le Jeudy 4. jour du moys de May 1600
10584562 - Hispanischer Arragonischer Spiegel : Darin mit gutem grund der warheit, abgebildet, zu was ende vnd effect, das jetzige Spanische Kriegsvolck ... jemals gethan ... Dabey zu befinden J. Key. May. acht erklerung vnd anderer Chur vnd Fьrsten vnterschiedene S
10584561 - Verhaal hoe dat het project door den captein en ingenieur Wiltschut, geformeert op de Passegeule, om door dezelve tot in den Brackman een doorgaande Vloed en Ebbe te brengen, in de Waereld is gekomen. De gronden waar op dat het rust en de redenen waarom d
10584560 - L'art d'embellir, tirй du sens de ce sacrй paradoxe: la sagesse de la personne embellit sa face. Estendu en toutte sorte de beautй et es moyens de faire que le corps retire en effect son embellissement des belles qualitez de l'вme
10584559 - Historical and moral view of the origin and progress of the French revolution and the effect it has produced in Europe
10584558 - Geexperimenteerde remedie tegen de sieckte van de hooren-beesten, die in Hollandt met goet effect is gebruyckt, en waer door alle de beesten genesen zyn waer aen het geappliceert is
10584557 - An essay upon the relation of cause and effect
10584556 - The theory of effect
10584555 - Inquiry Into the Relation of Cause and Effect
10584554 - A prognostication of right good effect, fructfully augmented contayninge playne, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules, to iudge the wether for euer, by the sunne, moone, sterres ...
10584553 - The history of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America
10584552 - A constant search after truth, the necessary result of a trust in God: and a neglect of a free uninterrupted enquiry into religion, the effect of presumption
10584551 - Effect of geographical variation on performance of recirculating cooling ponds
10584550 - The emigrant's directory and guide to obtain lands and effect a settlement in the Canadas
10584549 - Effect of layout, equipment, and routine on time and travel required for milking cows
10584548 - Reflections upon the tendency of a publication, entitled, Hints to the public and the legislature, on the nature and effect of evangelical preaching, by a barrister [J. Sedgwick].
10584547 - Effect of Processing on the Nutritional Value of Feeds
10584546 - Synopsis of federal plant quarantines affecting interstate shipments in effect January 1, 1934
10584545 - The Educational magazine
10584544 - The Educational magazine, and journal of Christian philanthropy, and of public utility [afterw.] The Educational magazine; and journal of scholastic literature [ed. by T. Dick].
10584543 - Working men's social clubs and educational institutes
10584542 - Mathematical questions with their solutions, from the "Educational times"...
10584541 - Letters from Hofwyl by a parent [L.M. Barwell] on the educational institutions of de Fellenberg. With an appendix, containing [W.C.] Woodbridge's Sketches of Hofwyl, repr. from the Annals of education
10584540 - The New York teacher, and the American educational monthly
10584539 - the educational times, and journal of the college of preceptors
10584538 - Proceedings of the California State Teachers' Institute and Educational Convention ...
10584537 - The Quarterly educational magazine, and record of the Home and colonial school society
10584536 - American educational monthly
10584535 - Educational laws of Virginia
10584534 - The Literary and educational year book
10584533 - The Charities of London: comprehending the benevolent educational and religious Institutions
10584532 - The educational times, and journal of the college of preceptors
10584531 - Reports by the four factory inspectors on the effects of the educational provisions of the Factories Act
10584530 - The Educational magazine
10584529 - On the educational institutions of Germany
10584528 - The Educational magazine, and journal of Christian philanthropy, and of public utility [afterw.] The Educational magazine; and journal of scholastic literature [ed. by T. Dick].
10584527 - Code Matrimonial, Ou Recueil Complet De toutes les Loix Canoniques & Civiles de France, des dispositions des Conciles, des Capitulaires, Ordonnances, Edits & Declarations; & des Arrкts & Rйglemens de tous les Parlemens & Tribunaux Souverains, rangйs par o
10584526 - Histoire g
10584525 - Traitй des matieres criminelles, suivant l'ordonnance du mois d'aoыt 1670 & les edits, dйclarations du roi, arrкts & rйglemens intervenus jusqu'а prйsent, divisй en quatre parties
10584524 - Nouvelles Lettres et opuscules inйdits de G. G. Leibniz
10584523 - Recueil des edits, dйclarations et arrests du conseil
10584522 - Recueil des edits, declarations et arrests, rendus en faveur des Curez, Vicaires Perpetuels, Vicaires Amovibles, & autres Beneficiers concernant les dismes grosses, vertes, menues, novales, prйmices et champarts...
10584521 - Supplement au traitй dogmatique et historique des edits et des autres moпens spirituels et temporels, dont on s'est servi dans tous les tems, pour maintenir l'Unitй de l'Eglise Catholique ...
10584520 - Table chronologique des edits, dйclarations, ordonnances, arrests et reglemens, rendus depuis 1629 jusqu'а present concernant la Ferme generale du tabac
10584519 - Recueil des Edits, dйclarations, arrests et rйglemens
10584518 - Recueil des Edits Et declarations du Roy arrests de son conseil, et autres jugemens rendus en Faveur du Clergй
10584517 - Traitй dogmatique et historique des edits et des autres moпens spirituels et temporels
10584516 - Collection Complete PAR Ordre Chronologique, DES Lois Edits, Traites DE Paix Ordonnances, Declarations ET Relemens D'Interet General Anteriurs A 1789 ET Restes EN Vigueur
10584515 - Seconde Suite du Journal de ce qui s'est passй au Parlement de Toulouse au sujet de la transcription des edits du mois d'Avril dernier
10584514 - Edits royaux concernant le faict ... des notaires ... du royaume de la France
10584513 - Edits de la Republique de Genиve
10584512 - Edits declarations etc. concernant l'hotel royal des invalides
10584511 - Coustume de Bretagne, avec les commentaires et observations pour l'intelligence et l'usage des articles obscurs, abolis & а rйformer, suivant les edits, ordonnances & arrests de reglemens rendus depuis la derniere reformation de la coыtume par Maоtre Mich
10584510 - Histoire des Edits de pacification
10584509 - Papiers in
10584508 - Recueil des edits, declarations, et arrests du Conseil, concernant les Gens de la Religion prйtenduл Rйformйe, lesquels ont йtй registrez en la Cour de Parlement, depuis l'annйe 1664 jusqu' а present
10584507 - Precision Measurement and Calibration: Electricity: low frequency, F. L. Hermach and R. F. Dziuba, editors
10584506 - Knick-knacks from an editor's table
10584505 - Virorum aliquot eruditorum in Aristжneti epistolas conjecturж communicatж cum editor novissimo [F.L. Abresch] qui suas notas adjecit. Accedunt Claudii Salmasii et Th. Munkeri notж
10584504 - Moral and political dialogues: being the substance of several conversations between divers eminent persons, with critical and explanatory notes by the editor [R. Hurd]. With letters on chivalry and romance by mr. Hurd
10584503 - The Works of William Cowper, Esq., Comprising His Poems, Correspondence and Translations. With a Life of the Author by the Editor, Robert Southey ...: Translation of Homer's Iliad
10584502 - The Roving Editor
10584501 - The treatise on human nature and that on liberty and necessity. With a suppl. to which is prefixed an account of his life and writings by the editor [P. Mallet].
10584500 - The family save-all, a system of secondary cookery. By the editor of 'Enquire within'.
10584499 - The illustrated girl's own treasury, by the editor of the 'Illustrated boy's own treasury'.
10584498 - The champion of virtue, by the editor of the Phњnix
10584497 - The correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia, from their first acquaintance to the departure of Theodosius, by the editor [really author] of the Letters that passed between Theodosius and Constantia, after she had taken the veil
10584496 - Life of Edmond Malone, editor of Shakespeare
10584495 - Letter to the editor of the British critic, occasioned by the censure pronounced in that work on "Johnson, Pope, Bowdler, Warburton, Theobald, Steevens, Reed, Malone
10584494 - Sixteen sermons, chiefly on the principal fasts and festivals of the Church, modernized by the editor of 'Helps to devotion'.
10584493 - Clarissa, or, The history of a young lady, by the editor of Pamela. Richardson
10584492 - The Works of William Cowper, Esq., Comprising His Poems, Correspondence and Translations. With a Life of the Author by the Editor, Robert Southey ...: Posthumous poems. Translations from Vincent Bourne. Translations of the Latin and Italian poems of Milto
10584491 - Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Brian Walton, Bishop of Chester, Editor of the London Polyglot Bible
10584490 - Postscript to a letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Review
10584489 - Life and works of Cowper, by R. Southey
10584488 - The works of William Cowper, esq., comprising his poems, correspondence and translations. With a life of the author by the editor, Robert Southey ...
10584487 - Two letters on the subject of the French Bible published by the British and foreign Bible society, with a postscript containing remarks on the observations of the editor of the Christian remembrancer
10584486 - The history of sir Charles Grandison, in a series of letters publ. by the editor of Pamela. To which is added A brief history of the treatment which the editor has met with from certain booksellers and printers in Dublin
10584485 - Pensйes de Monsieur Pascal... Revыл (sic), corrigйe (sic) et augmentйe (sic) de nouveau dans cette derniиre Edition. Tome premier (Prйf. par Etienne Pйrier - Tome second : Discours sur les Pensйes de Monsieur Pascal... Avec un autre Discours sur les Preuv
10584484 - Supplement au grand Dictionnaire historique , genealogique, geografique, &c. de M. Louis Moreri : pour servir a la derniere edition de l'an 1732 & aux precedentes: tome premier
10584483 - Les Oeuvres spirituelles du R. P. Louys de Grenade... divisйes en quatre parties. Quatriesme edition enrichie... le tout exactement traduit & confйrй sur l'espagnol par... Simon Martin... [Marque]
10584482 - Relation de la Campagne de Flandre et du Siege de Namur, en l'Annйe 1695. Avec les cartes et les plans necessaires pour la parfaite intelligence de cette Relation. Seconde Edition, revыe & corrigйe
10584481 - “Das” neue Testament, nach der letzten Rцmischen Sixtiner Edition ьbersehen durch Casparum Ulenbergium
10584480 - Oeuvres de l'eminentisssime et reverendissime Pierre Cardinal de Berulle, instituteur, et premier superieur general de la Congregation de l'Oratoire de Jesus-Christ nostre Seigneur. Augmentйes de divers opuscules de controverse et de pietй, avec plusieurs
10584479 - Les Oeuvres diverses du Sieur de Balzac. Augmentйes en cette derniиre Edition d'vn discours sur la Paix prйsentй а la Reyne. Et de plusieurs autres piиces nouuelles
10584478 - Relation de la vie et de la mort de Frиre Palйmon, religieux de l'abbaye de la Trappe, dans le monde le Comte de Santena
10584477 - Les oeuvres diverses du sieur De Balzac. Augmentйes en cette edition, de plusieurs pieces nouvelles
10584476 - Poйsies chrestiennes d'Ant. Godeau, evesque de Grasse. Nouvelle edition revue et augmantee [To. [I]-To. III]
10584475 - De l'usage des passions. Par le R. P. I. Franзois Senault, Prestre de l'Oratoire. Huictiesme edition
10584474 - Les Oeuvres de Theophile, Divisiйes en trois Parties ... Derniere edition (Ep. dйd. а Le Pays par A. Cellier. Prйf. par Scudйry. Tombeau de Theophile par le mкme. Solitude par Saint-Amant)
10584473 - Les Poйsies de Madame Des-Houliиres. Edition nouvelle, augmentйe d'un tiers
10584472 - Les Amours de madame de Maintenon, epouse de Louis XIV, roi de France, etc... Augmentй en cette nouvelle Edition de plusieurs pieces curieuses
10584471 - La solitude chrestienne. Oщ l'on apprendra par les sentimens des saints peres, combien on doit dйsirer de se sйparer du monde, autant qu'on le peut, lors qu'on veut travailler serieusement а son salut. Seconde edition
10584470 - Traitй de mignature, pour apprendre aisйment а peindre sans maistre, avec le secret de faire les plus belles couleurs, l'or bruny et l'or en coquille. Troisiesme edition reveuл, corrigйe & augmentйe par l'autheur
10584469 - Pensees ou Reflexions chretiennes pour tous les jours de l'annee Par le R. P. Francois Nepveu... Troisieme Edition
10584468 - La Grande chirurgie des tumeurs
10584467 - Histoire du rиgne de Louis le Grand par les mйdailles, emblemes, devises, jettons, inscriptions, armoiries & autres Monumens publics. Recueillis et Expliquez par le Pere Claude Franзois Menestrier... Edition nouvelle corrigйe & augmentйe d'un Discours sur
10584466 - Histoire de la ville de Marseille, contenant tout ce qui s'y est passй de plus mйmorable depuis sa fondation, durant le tems qu'elle a йtй rйpublique & sous la domination des Romains, Bourguignons, Visigots, Ostrogots, rois de Bourgogne, Vicomtes de Marse
10584465 - Le directeur pacifique des consciences. Ou les personnes devotes tant religieuses que seculieres pourront connoоtre clairement l'йtat de leur conscience, s'йclaircir de toutes leurs difficultйs, discerner le pechй mortel d'avec le veniel, dйcouvrir plusie
10584464 - Dictionaire pharmaceutique, ou Apparat de medecine, pharmacie et chymie... par M. de Meuve... Troisiйme edition. Tome premier (A-F)
10584463 - Les Provinciales ou Lettres йcrites par Louis de Montalte а un provincial de ses amis... avec les notes de Guillaume Wendrock... traduites en franзois [par Mlle de Joncoux] sur la V. Edition de 1660 [sic pour 1679]...
10584462 - L'homme de cour de Baltasar Gracian, traduit & commentй par le Sieur Amelot de la Houssaie,... Nouvelle edition revыл & corrigйe
10584461 - Cosmographia, das ist: Grьndliche Anleitung zur Betrachtung des gantzen Weltkreises ... die andere edition vermehret und verbessert
10584460 - L'idйe du sacerdoce et du sacrifice de Jesus-Christ, donnйe par le R. P. De Condren,... Avec quelques eclaicissemens, & une explication des prieres de la messe par le R. P. Quesnel,... Nouvelle edition reveьe & corrigйe par l'auteur
10584459 - Histoire abregee de la vie et des ouvrages de MonsR. Arnauld, ... augmentee dans cette nouvelle edition (etc.)
10584458 - Les evenemens singuliers de Monsieur de Belley divisez en quatre livres, reueus et corrigez en cette derniere edition
10584457 - Le Triomphe de la Magdeleine, en la crйance et vйnйration de ses saintes reliques en Provence... Response a vne lettre intitulee "Les sentimens de Me Iean Launoy", etc. Par Monsieur Denys de la Saincte Baume Gentil-homme Proanзal [i. e. J. B. Guesnay]...
10584456 - La Conduite qu'ont tenu les Pиres Bйnйdictins depuis qu'on a attaquй leur Edition de S. Augustin [par le P. J. B. Langlois]
10584455 - Les remedes charitables de madame Fouquet, pour guerir a peu de frais toute sorte de maux internes, inveterez, et qui ont passй jusques а present pour incurables. Augmentйs en cette edition d'un grand nombre d'autres remedes faciles, & aussi experimentйs,
10584454 - La vie reglйe des Dames qui veulent se sanctifier dans le monde. Seconde edition
10584453 - Le Tableau de la fortune, Par Mr Chevreau. Nouvelle edition, reveue et augmentйe de plusieurs Remarques Morales, Politiques et Naturelles
10584452 - Les remedes charitables de madame Fouquet, pour guerir a peu de frais toute sorte de maux internes, inveterez, et qui ont passй jusques а present pour incurables. Augmentйs en cette edition d'un grand nombre d'autres remedes faciles, & aussi experimentйs,
10584451 - La vie reglйe des Dames qui veulent se sanctifier dans le monde. Seconde edition
10584450 - Les evenemens singuliers de M. de Belley, divisez en quatre livres, reueus et corrigez en cette derniere edition
10584449 - Le Tableau de la fortune, Par Mr Chevreau. Nouvelle edition, reveue et augmentйe de plusieurs Remarques Morales, Politiques et Naturelles
10584448 - Histoire de la monarchie franзoise, sous le regne de Louis le Grand, contenant ce qui s'y est passй de plus remarquable depuis 1643. jusqu'en 1650. Par Monsieur de Riencourt... Troisiйme edition, reveьe, corrigйe & augmentйe par l'auteur. Tome premier [-T
10584447 - Quinte-Curce, de la Vie et des actions d'Alexandre le Grand de la traduction de Monsieur de Vaugelas. Quatriйme edition... Avec les Supplйmens de Jean Freinshemius... Traduits par feu Monsieur Du Ryer
10584446 - Les evenemens singuliers de M. de Belley, divisez en quatre livres, reueus et corrigez en cette derniere edition
10584445 - Les Livres de Ciceron, De la Vieillesse, et De l'Amitiй, avec les Paradoxes du mкme autheur : traduits en francois sur l'edition latine de Graevius, avec des notes, et des sommaires des chapitres. Par l'Autheur de la Traduction des Offices [des autres oeu
10584444 - Histoire de la monarchie franзoise, sous le regne de Louis le Grand, contenant ce qui s'y est passй de plus remarquable depuis 1643. jusqu'en 1650. Par Monsieur de Riencourt... Troisiйme edition, reveьe, corrigйe & augmentйe par l'auteur. Tome premier [-T
10584443 - La triple couronne de la Bien-heureuse Vierge mиre de Dieu. Tissue de ses principales grandeurs... et enrichie de diverses inventions pour l'aimer, l'honorer, & la servir. Par le R. P. Franзois Poirй... Nouuelle edition reueuл, corrigйe & augmentйe en diu
10584442 - Quinte-Curce, de la Vie et des actions d'Alexandre le Grand de la traduction de Monsieur de Vaugelas. Quatriйme edition... Avec les Supplйmens de Jean Freinshemius... Traduits par feu Monsieur Du Ryer
10584441 - Conduite pour la retraite du mois. Sixiиme edition
10584440 - Les Livres de Ciceron, De la Vieillesse, et De l'Amitiй, avec les Paradoxes du mкme autheur : traduits en francois sur l'edition latine de Graevius, avec des notes, et des sommaires des chapitres. Par l'Autheur de la Traduction des Offices [des autres oeu
10584439 - Le Theatre italien ou le recueil de toutes les comedies et scenes francoises, qui ont ete jouees sur le theatre italien (etc.)(Publie par Evariste Gherardi.) Seconde edition reveue, corrigee et augmentee suivant la copie de Paris
10584438 - La triple couronne de la Bien-heureuse Vierge mere de Dieu
10584437 - Conduite pour la retraite du mois. Sixiиme edition
10584436 - Le Theatre italien ou le recueil de toutes les comedies et scenes francoises, qui ont ete jouees sur le theatre italien (etc.)(Publie par Evariste Gherardi.) Seconde edition reveue, corrigee et augmentee suivant la copie de Paris
10584435 - La guide des pecheurs, composйe en espagnol par le R. P. Louis de Grenade, de l'ordre de Saint Dominique. Traduite de nouveau en franзois. Par M. Girard, conseiller du roy en ses conseils. Nouvelle edition, reveuл & corrigйe
10584434 - La Vie de messire Jean d'Aranthon d'Alex, eveque et prince de Geneve (par I. Le Masson)... Seconde edition. Revыл et beaucoup augmentйe, et particuliиrement de quelques piиces Originales
10584433 - Mйditations de Saint Thomas sur les trois vies purgative, illuminative et unitive pour les Exercices de dix jours ; avec la Pratique des mйditations du mкme S. Thomas ou Traittй des vertus.....par le R.P. Antonin Massouliй, ...Troisiиme edition, augmentйe
10584432 - Arreats Notables du Parlement de Paris et Autres Parlements de France: 2nd Edition
10584431 - Abrйgй de la nouvelle methode presentйe au Roy pour apprendre facilement la langue latine. Contenant les rudimens... et les regles... [par Cl. Lancelot]. Nouvelle edition...
10584430 - Pensйes diverses, ecrites а un docteur de Sorbonne, a l'occasion de la comete qui parut au mois de decembre 1680. troisieme edition
10584429 - La Sainte Bible. Traduction de M. de Genoude. Nouvelle Edition publiee sous les auspices du clerge de France et dirigee par les soins de M. l'abbe Juste
10584428 - Oeuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu. Nouvelle Edition, Revue, corrigйe & augmentйe de plusieurs Piиces...
10584427 - Le Medecin charitable Dix-neufviesme edition
10584426 - “Le” nouveau testament ... imprime sur l'edition de Paris 1805. Ed. stereotype
10584425 - Edition gйnйrale des oeuvres de M. Rossignol
10584424 - Histoire des Juifs, depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'а prйsent. Pour servir de continuation a l'Histoire de Joseph. Nouvelle edition
10584423 - Menagiana ou les Bons mots et remarques critiques, historiques, morales & d'йrudition, de Monsieur Menage, recueillies par ses amis. Nouvelle edition
10584422 - De l'oraison des pecheurs par un pecheur
10584421 - Les trois estats de l'innocence, par le sieur De Ceriziers, aumфnier du roy. Tome I. [-Tome III]. L'innocence affligee. Derniere edition reueuл et corrigйe de nouueau de plusieurs fautes et obmissions
10584420 - An improved and enlarged edition of Biddle's Young carpenter's assistant
10584419 - The Percy anecdotes, revised edition
10584418 - Illustrated and unabridged edition of the Times report of the trial of William Palmer
10584417 - Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine / American edition
10584416 - The physical geography of the Sea and its meteorology being a reconstruction and enlargement of the eight edition of "the physical geography of the sea"
10584415 - The first edition of the tragedy of Hamlet,
10584414 - Lacy's acting edition of plays, dramas, farces and extravagances, etc., etc
10584413 - A review of Doctor Johnson's new edition of Shakespeare
10584412 - Stereotype edition of Rowlett's Tables of discount
10584411 - Hoyle's improved edition of the rules for playing fashionable games
10584410 - Bell's edition of Shakespeare's plays
10584409 - Memoirs on the History, Folk-Lore, and Distribution of the Races of the North Western Provinces of India; being an amplified Edition of the original
10584408 - A temporary preface to the Six-text edition of Chaucer's Canterbury tales, part 1
10584407 - Finden's landscape illustrations to Mr. Murray's first complete and uniform edition of the life and works of Lord Byron
10584406 - The pictorial edition of the works of Shakspere
10584405 - The pictorial edition of the works of W. Shakespeare, 1
10584404 - Supplement to the Edition of Shakespeare's Plays Published in 1778
10584403 - Strictures on Mr. Collier's new edition of Shakespeare, 1858
10584402 - Second American edition of the new Edinburgh encyclopжdia
10584401 - The Dramatic Works of Samuel Foote, Esq: The mayor of Garratt. A new edition. 1776. The knights. [176-?] The bankrupt. A new edition. 1782. The devil upon two sticks. 1778. The cozeners. 1778
10584400 - A new edition of Toland's History of the druids
10584399 - A new edition of a Hebrew grammar
10584398 - Remarks on professor Lee's vindication of his edition of Jones's Persian grammar, published in ... The Asiatic journal, 1824
10584397 - A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Swift. Thompson. Watts. Hamilton. A. Philips. G. West. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Mallet. Akenside. Harte
10584396 - Belletristical Works in Baudry's Edition
10584395 - American edition of the British encyclopedia
10584394 - Dr. Bentley's Proposals for Printing a New Edition of the Greek Testament, and St. Hierom's Latin Version
10584393 - Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's abridgment of the History of England
10584392 - The Parliamentary debates (Authorized edition)
10584391 - Bell's edition
10584390 - A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton
10584389 - The Works of Richard Bentley: Editor's preface. A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. With an answer to the objections of the Honourable Charles Boyle.-v.2. A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris (cont.) Of Themistocles's Epistles. Of Socrat
10584388 - A new and complete edition of Ossian's poems
10584387 - Questions on the enlarged and improved edition of Goodrich's school history of the United States
10584386 - Mirror for magistrates: pt. 2. Part IV. A winter night's vision, by Richard Niccols from the edition of 1610 Part V. Englands Eliza, by Richard Niccols from the edition of 1610
10584385 - A key to the last New-York edition of Bonnycastle's algebra
10584384 - Stereotype edition of Rowlett's Tables of discount, or interest
10584383 - Congressional Edition
10584382 - The Plays of Philip Massinger: Advertisement to the second edition. Introduction; Essay on the writings of Massinger, by John Ferriar, &c. The virgin-martyr. The unnatural combat. The Duke of Milan
10584381 - Reverendi Patris Nicolai Mazzotta. Theologia Moralis, omnem rem moralem ... complectens. [Edited by P. Sasso.]
10584380 - Dell'historia d'Italia ... gli ultimi quattro libri non piu stampati. [Edited by A. Guicciardini]
10584379 - The Letters and Dispatches of John Churchill of Marlborough from 1702 - 1712 edited by George Murray
10584378 - THE Works OF THE English Poets, From Chaucer TO Cowper; Including THE Series Edited, With Prefaces, Biographical AND Critical,
10584377 - The Literary register; a weekly paper edited by the professors of Miami University
10584376 - The letters; with important additions and corrections from his own manuscripts selected and edited by the Rev. John Mitford
10584375 - Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, esq., F. R. S., secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II and James II, comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith ... from the original short-hand ms. in the Pepysian library, and a sel
10584374 - Lectures on the elements of political economy ...
10584373 - European agriculture and rural economy
10584372 - The working man's political economy
10584371 - The rural economy of Glocestershire
10584370 - The Cultivator, A Monthly Journal to Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture and to Domestsic and Rural Economy
10584369 - Incidental illustrations of the economy of salvation
10584368 - The Housekeeper's Encyclopedia of Useful Information for the Housekeeper in All Branches of Cooking and Domestic Economy ...
10584367 - An essay towards a history of Hexham ... illustrating its ancient and its present state , civil and ecclesiastical economy, antiquities and statistics
10584366 - Introductory lectures on political-economy
10584365 - The political economy of art
10584364 - Demerara. Ella of Garveloch. Weal and woe in Garveloch
10584363 - Rural economy in Yorkshire in 1641
10584362 - Political Economy
10584361 - Outlines of political economy
10584360 - Dockyard economy and naval power
10584359 - A manual of political economy
10584358 - Practical American cookery and domestic economy
10584357 - A manual of domestic economy
10584356 - Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy
10584355 - Familiar Letters on Chemistry in Its Relations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce and Political Economy
10584354 - Miss Leslie's Lady's House-book; a Manual of Domestic Economy Containing Approved Directions for Washing, Dress-making ...
10584353 - A description and history of vegetable substances, used in the arts, and in domestic economy
10584352 - A journey in the seaboard slave states, with remarks on their economy
10584351 - A Cyclopaedia of Six Thousand Practical Receipts, and Collateral Information in the Arts Manufactures, and Trades Including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Domestic Economy
10584350 - Principles of Political Economy
10584349 - The Italian confectioner; or, Complete economy of desserts
10584348 - Rural economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics, and meteorology
10584347 - Hints for the table: or, The economy of good living [by J. Timbs].
10584346 - Political economy
10584345 - A Treatise on Domestic Economy
10584344 - The theory of political economy
10584343 - The economy of nature explained and illustrated
10584342 - The Free trade advocate and journal of political economy
10584341 - The Economy Of Charity
10584340 - Natural elements of political economy
10584339 - the cottage gardener: a practical guide in every department of horticulture rural and domestic economy
10584338 - Domestic economy, and cookery, for rich and poor, by a lady
10584337 - On political economy
10584336 - The Examiner, and journal of political economy
10584335 - National System of Political Economy
10584334 - The Cottage Gardener: A Practical Guide in every department of horticulture and rural and domestic economy
10584333 - General view of the agriculture and rural economy of the county of Aberdeen, with observations on the means of its improvement
10584332 - Essays on political economy
10584331 - A treatise on political economy; or The production, distribution, and consumption of wealth
10584330 - A dictionary of political economy
10584329 - THE Journal OF Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, AND Country Gentleman. A Journal OR Horticulture, Rural AND Domestic Economy, Botany AND Natural History.
10584328 - Conversations on political economy
10584327 - Essays on natural history and rural economy
10584326 - Proceedings of the convention of the Republican Party of Louisiana held at Economy Hall, New Orleans, September 25, 1865
10584325 - Harmonies of Political Economy
10584324 - The Examiner, and Journal of Political Economy
10584323 - The economy of the eyes
10584322 - The economy of human life
10584321 - Practical economy
10584320 - Outlines of social economy ...
10584319 - The literature of political economy
10584318 - The domestic encyclopedia, or, A dictionary of facts and useful knowledge, chiefly applicable to rural & domestic economy
10584317 - Statement of some new principles on the subject of political economy
10584316 - A treatise on political economy
10584315 - General view of the agriculture and domestic economy of North Wales
10584314 - An outline of the science of political economy
10584313 - Financial economy
10584312 - A Description and history of vegetable substances used in the arts, and in domestic economy : timber trees, fruits
10584311 - Elements of political economy
10584310 - Manual of political economy
10584309 - Indian domestic economy and receipt book
10584308 - The Magazine of domestic economy
10584307 - A New System of Practical Domestic Economy
10584306 - Text-book of lectures on the political economy of nations
10584305 - The Magazine of domestic economy, and family review
10584304 - Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
10584303 - The manufacturing economy of Southern Rhodesia
10584302 - The Christian economy:
10584301 - The Public Economy of Athens
10584300 - The Christian and civic economy of large towns
10584299 - The economy of beauty
10584298 - Rural economy
10584297 - Thoughts on political economy
10584296 - A complete system of French domestic cookery, formed upon principles of economy, and adapted to the use of families of moderate fortune
10584295 - Domestic economy
10584294 - The Farrers of Budge-row. The moral of many fables
10584293 - The principles of political economy: with a sketch of the rise and progress of the science
10584292 - The rural economy of the southern counties;
10584291 - Anatomy of a Peasant Economy
10584290 - Public and private economy
10584289 - Popular political economy, 4 lects
10584288 - Practical moral and political economy; or, The government, religion, and institutions most conducive to individual happiness and to national power
10584287 - Lectures on the elements of political economy
10584286 - First principles of political economy, with reference to statesmanship and the progress of civilization
10584285 - The botanic annual, or, Familiar illustrations of the structure, habits, economy, geography, classification, and principal uses of plants
10584284 - The Political Economy of Juan de Mariana
10584283 - Some illustrations of Mr. M'Culloch's Principles of political economy
10584282 - Sowers not reapers. Cinnamon and pearls. A tale of the Tyne
10584281 - Indian Recreations: Consisting chiefly of strictures on the domestic and rural economy of the Mahommedans - Hindoos
10584280 - The economy of nature explained and illustrated on the principles of modern philosophy
10584279 - A Treatise on Political Economy
10584278 - A manual of political economy
10584277 - General view of the agriculture and domestic economy of South Wales
10584276 - On the principles of political economy, and taxation
10584275 - A treatise on the nature, economy, and practical management, of bees
10584274 - Essays on political economy
10584273 - An Inquiry Into the Principles of Political Economy
10584272 - The divine economy of the church
10584271 - Catechism of political economy
10584270 - Illustrations of Political Economy
10584269 - The principles of political economy
10584268 - The Moral Economy
10584267 - On The economy of machinery and manufactures
10584266 - Economic series
10584265 - Long term economic growth, 1860-1965
10584264 - Economic geology of the Beaver Quadrangle, Pennsylvania
10584263 - Economic effects of metallic corrosion in the United States--Appendix B.
10584262 - Economic-geographic reorientation in western Finnish Karelia
10584261 - Economic assessment of waste water aquaculture treatment systems
10584260 - Economic-demographic Simulation Models
10584259 - Economic survey of the live-poultry industry in New York City
10584258 - An economic perspective on the evolution of graduate education
10584257 - A report on the economic geology of the Silverton quadrangle, Colorado
10584256 - Swedish Economic Policy
10584255 - Underexploited tropical plants with promising economic value
10584254 - Studies in Economic Nationalism
10584253 - Economic Geography
10584252 - Economic law enforcement
10584251 - The New Economic Systems of Eastern Europe
10584250 - Gasohol economic feasibility study
10584249 - Individualism and Economic Order
10584248 - Mites Injurious to Economic Plants
10584247 - Reconstruction, Political and Economic, 1865-1877
10584246 - The Works of Thomas De Quincey: Coleridge and opium-eating
10584245 - Lotus-eating: a summer book
10584244 - Coleridge and opium-eating ; and other writings
10584243 - Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers: System of the heavens as revealed by Lord Rosse's telescopes. Modern superstition. Coleridge and opium-eating. Temperance movement. On war. The last days of Immanuel Kant
10584242 - Catalogue of monkeys, lemurs, and fruit-eating bats in the collection of the British museum
10584241 - A dissertation on the voluntary eating of blood
10584240 - Christophagia. The mystery of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ
10584239 - A new practical and easy method of learning the Greek language, after the system of F. Ahn. 1st course
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10584237 - Easy conversations in French
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10584207 - Easy poetry for children, a selection
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10584174 - The professed cook; or, The modern art of cookery, pastry, & confectionary, made plain and easy
10584173 - The art of cookery, made plain and easy, by a lady [H. GLasse].
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10584152 - A Welsh grammar, or A short and easy introduction to the Welsh tongue
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10584149 - Chronology made familiar and easy to young gentlemen and ladies
10584148 - The Village doctor; or, The art of curing diseases rendered familiar and easy
10584147 - The British negociator: or, Foreign exchanges made perfectly easy ...
10584146 - A New and Easy Method of Curing the Lues Venerea, by the Introduction of Mercury Into the System Through the Orifices of the Absorbent Vessels on the Inside of the Mouth
10584145 - Practical perspective; or, An easy method of representing natural objects, by a Jesuit of Paris [J. Dubreuil] tr. by E. Chambers. 7th ed., to which is prefixed, The theory of perspective, by J. Hodgson
10584144 - A New and Easy Method of Cookery
10584143 - Easy lessons in perspective
10584142 - Essay towards an easy and useful system of logic
10584141 - Logic made familiar and easy
10584140 - Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and Made Easy to Those who Have Not Studied Mathematics
10584139 - Universal stenography; or, An easy and practical system of short-hand
10584138 - A short and easy method with the deists
10584137 - Latin prosody made easy
10584136 - The Art of Rhetoric Made Easy
10584135 - English history made easy on a popular plan
10584134 - The rudiments of the Latin tongue, or, A plain and easy introduction to Latin grammar
10584133 - A New system of agriculture; or, A plain, easy, and demonstrative method of speedily growing rich
10584132 - An easy grammar of the French language, for young beginners
10584131 - Practical geometry, or, A new and easy method of treating that art ...
10584130 - The art of cookery made plain and easy
10584129 - A Short and Easy Introduction to Heraldry, in Two Parts ...
10584128 - Mr. Midshipman Easy
10584127 - Euclides Physicus, sive de principiis naturae Stoecheidea E. Authore Thoma [White] Anglo Ex Albiis East-Saxonum...
10584126 - Monumetham excantatus. Sive Animadversiones in libellum famosum inscriptum De Anglicani Cleri retinendв in Apostolicam Sedem Observantiв etc. [per Robertum Pugh] Authore Thoma [White] Anglo Ex Albiis East-Saxonum...
10584125 - A voyage to the East-Indies
10584124 - Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series: East Indies: China & Japan 1513-1616
10584123 - First Footsteps in East Africa
10584122 - Narrative of voyages and excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America
10584121 - A general description of the east coast of Scotland
10584120 - Wanderings of a journeyman tailor through Europe and the East during the years 1824 to 1840
10584119 - East-India register and army list
10584118 - East and West, a diplomatic history of the annexation of the Ionian islands to the Kingdom of Greece
10584117 - A Concise Natural History of East and West-Florida
10584116 - A General Register of the Hon'ble East India Company's Civil Servants of the Bengal Establishment from 1790 to 1842 ...
10584115 - Commemorative discourse delivered at the centennial anniversary of the erection and the sixtieth of the consecration of St. Paul's Church, East Chester
10584114 - An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East Indies
10584113 - Three months passed in the mountains east of Rome
10584112 - A new voyage to the East-Indies by Francis Leguat and his companions
10584111 - A history of the towns of Haddam and East-Haddam
10584110 - Plays: The maid of honour. The picture. The Emperor of the East. The fatal dowry. A new way to pay old debts
10584109 - Food Composition Table for Use in East Asia
10584108 - The connexion of the East-India Company's government with the superstitious and idolatrous customs and rites of the natives of India, stated and explained
10584107 - A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated from the French of the Abbй Raynal, by J. Justamond, ...
10584106 - An historical and architectural description of the priory church of Bridlington, in the East Riding of the county of York
10584105 - The Ideals of the East
10584104 - The East India sketch-book
10584103 - A voyage to the East Indies
10584102 - ([Views of the East; Comprising] India, Canton, [and the Shores of the Red Sea
10584101 - Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West Looe, in the County of Cornwall
10584100 - A new nautical directory for the East-India and China navigation ...
10584099 - Report of the pleadings and judgments in the Supreme court, equity side, Madras, in East India co. v. Robert Sherson and others, for alleged frauds in the grain dept.
10584098 - East and West India sugar
10584097 - An Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Tunstede. Walsham. West and East Flegg. Great Yarmouth. Indexes
10584096 - A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of Europeans in the East and West Indies
10584095 - A Relation of Two Several Voyages Made Into the East-Indies
10584094 - General view of the agriculture of East Lothian
10584093 - The East-Haven Register
10584092 - The history and antiquities of the seigniory of Holderness, in the East-Riding of the county of York
10584091 - The Technical Intelligentsia and the East German Elite
10584090 - A voyage to China and the East Indies
10584089 - Alexander's East India and colonial magazine
10584088 - The strangers infallible East-Indian Guide of Hindoostanee multum in parvo as a grammatical compendium of the grand popular and military language of India
10584087 - A new account of the East Indies
10584086 - Propagation of the Gospel in the East
10584085 - An account of the diseases, natural history and medicines of the East Indies
10584084 - Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, and other countries of the East
10584083 - A voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies
10584082 - The history of Rutherglen and East-Kilbride
10584081 - Gods from the Far East
10584080 - Mission to the east coast of Sumatra
10584079 - The general east India guide and vade mecum
10584078 - Travels in various countries of the East. More particularly Persia. Volume 1
10584077 - Oriental Commerce, Or, The East India Trader's Complete Guide
10584076 - A guide to the Giants' Causeway, and the north east coast of the county of Antrim
10584075 - Returns: Slave Trade, East India and Ceylon
10584074 - The first bookй of the historie of the discouerie and conquest of the East Indias, enterprised by the Portingales, in their daungerous nauigations, in the time of King Don Iohn, the second of that name
10584073 - Proceedings of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East...
10584072 - The citizen of the world, or, Letters from a Chinese philosopher residing in London, to his friends in the East
10584071 - The Plays of Philip Massinger: The maid of honour. The picture. The Emperor of the East. The fatal dowry. A new way to pay old debts
10584070 - View in the East, with historical and descriptive illustrations
10584069 - Sketches of Persia, from the journals of a traveller in the East
10584068 - The vocabulary of East-Anglia
10584067 - The East Indians at Selwood; or, The orphans' home, by the author of 'Portugal'.
10584066 - The star in the East
10584065 - A narrative of the loss of the East India company's ship Cabalva
10584064 - Considerations on colonial policy with relation to the renewal of the East India Company's charter
10584063 - Theater East and West
10584062 - A letter to the proprietors of the East India stock
10584061 - A Voyage to the East Indies [etc.]
10584060 - Travels to the seat of war in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829
10584059 - The road book of India; or, East Indian traveller's guide through the presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay
10584058 - The Making of South East Asia
10584057 - The farmer's tour through the east of England
10584056 - Considerations relative to the renewal of the East-India Company's charter
10584055 - Voyages to the East-Indies;
10584054 - Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769, to the south-east of New Guinea
10584053 - A voyage to East-India
10584052 - Travels in various countries of the East
10584051 - Four sermons preached at Fort-William, in Bengal, in the East-Indies. By William Anderson, ...
10584050 - The East-India Question
10584049 - A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies
10584048 - The East Indian gazetteer
10584047 - The East India military calendar
10584046 - East-India Register and Directory
10584045 - Travels in the oasis of Thebes, and in the deserts situated east and west of the Thebaid
10584044 - A voyage to the East-Indies
10584043 - Journal through the counties of Berwick, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Dumfries, Ayr, Lanark, East, West, & Mid Lothians, in ... 1817, by W.G.
10584042 - Letters from the East
10584041 - Travels through Arabia and other countries in the East
10584040 - Great Yarmouth and Lowestoff, a handbook for visitors and residents; with chapters on the archaeology, natural history, & of the district; a history, with statistics, of the East Coast Herring Fishery, and an etymological and comparative glossary of the d
10584039 - Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematick Philosophy More Easily Demonstrated:
10584038 - The Encyclopaedia of Geography, Complete Description of Earth
10584037 - The earth and man
10584036 - Laws from heaven for life on earth: illustrations of the Book of proverbs
10584035 - Life on the Earth
10584034 - The earth and its inhabitants
10584033 - A manual of elementary geology; or, The ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants
10584032 - The treasures of the earth; or, Mines, minerals, and metals
10584031 - A treatise on the origin, qualities and cultivation of moss-earth, with directions for converting it into manure
10584030 - Notes to accompany mr. Wyld's model of the Earth, Leicester square [by himself].
10584029 - Rotteck'S History OF THE World: From THE Creation TO Present Time; Containing A General History OF THE Rise, Progress, Revolutions, Wars, Events OF ALL THE Nations OF THE Earth
10584028 - The earth, plants, and man
10584027 - The life of Our Lord upon the earth
10584026 - Mark Twain on Religion
10584025 - The earth we inhabit; its past, present, and probable future
10584024 - Earth-closets
10584023 - An essay towards a natural history of the earth, and terrestrial bodies, especially minerals
10584022 - The wars of Jehovah, in Heaven, earth and Hell [a poem].
10584021 - The first book of Napoleon, the tyrant of the earth
10584020 - ... Indigenous Races of the Earth
10584019 - Werner. The deformed transformed. Heaven and earth. The island. Poems
10584018 - Earth and sea
10584017 - Biographical memoir. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth
10584016 - Mathematical tracts on physical astronomy, the figure of the earth, precession and nutation, and the calculus of variations
10584015 - Tables for calculating the cubic quantity of earth work in the cuttings and embankments of canals, railways, and turnpike roads
10584014 - Heaven and earth, a mystery
10584013 - A Philosophical Discourse of Earth
10584012 - Physics of the earth in space
10584011 - The Earth
10584010 - A view of the earth: a short system of modern geography
10584009 - This Island Earth
10584008 - The Theory of the Earth
10584007 - The Natural History of the Earth
10584006 - A new Theory of the Earth
10584005 - A history of the earth and animated nature
10584004 - Essay on the theory of the earth
10584003 - The scriptural history of the earth and of mankind
10584002 - A new treatise on the use of the globes: or, a philosophical view of the earth and heavens ...
10584001 - Goldsmith's history of the earth and animated nature, abridged
10584000 - The knowledge of the heavens and the earth made easy: or, The first principles of astronomy and geography explain'd by the use of globes and maps
10583999 - A new system of geography and astronomy, or A view of the earth and heavens, by W. and G. Frost
10583998 - Kings, the devil's viceroys and representatives on earth
10583997 - Earth in Space
10583996 - Christs personall reigne on earth, one thousand yeares with his saints, containing a reply to A. Petrie [in Chiliasto-mastix].
10583995 - An examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth
10583994 - A history of the earth, and animated nature
10583993 - Zetetic astronomy. Earth not a globe! an experimental inquiry into the true figure of the earth, by 'Parallax'.
10583992 - Early Bibles of America
10583991 - A collection of facsimile reprints of early printed Spanish books...
10583990 - Scotland under her early kings
10583989 - History of the early settlement and Indian wars of Western Virginia
10583988 - Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history, ed. by W.F. Skene. (H.M. gen. reg. house, Edinburgh. Ser. of chron. and memorials).
10583987 - Early Scottish ballads
10583986 - Early records of the city and county of Albany
10583985 - A view of the early Parisian Greek press
10583984 - Memoir of the Early Campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal and Spain
10583983 - Pioneer biography, sketches of the lives of some of the early settlers of Butler county, Ohio
10583982 - Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England
10583981 - Letters from an early settler of Texas
10583980 - Specimens of early English metrical romances
10583979 - THE Early History OF Michigan
10583978 - The early Scottish church
10583977 - The History of Persia from the Early Period to the Present Time
10583976 - Early History of the Falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh Navigation Companies, Fairmount Waterworks, Etc
10583975 - Early Recollections of Newport, R. I.
10583974 - Essays on the early period of the French Revolution
10583973 - The early history of brass and the brass manufactures of Birmingham ...
10583972 - Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans
10583971 - Early magnetism in its higher relations to humanity
10583970 - The early history of Florida
10583969 - The Parker Society for the publication of the works of the fathers and early writers of the reformed English church
10583968 - Early English poems and lives of saints
10583967 - Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits
10583966 - Facts relating to the early history of Chester, N.H., from the settlement in 1720 until the formation of the state constitution in the year 1784
10583965 - On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer
10583964 - The Early Flemish Painters
10583963 - Illustrations of early English popular literature
10583962 - Early English poems, Chaucer to Pope
10583961 - Hope Leslie, or, Early times in the Massachusetts
10583960 - Catalogue of a collection of early newspapers and essayists
10583959 - Some account of the early part of the life of Elizabeth Ashbridge ...
10583958 - On Early English Pronunciation: Illustrations of the pronunciation of the XIVth and XVIth centuries. Chaucer, Gower, Wycliffe, Spenser, Shakspere, Salesbury, Barclay, Hart, Bullokar, Gill, Pronunciation vocabulary
10583957 - Early reminiscences of Indianapolis
10583956 - Stories from Church history, from the introduction of Christianity, to the sixteenth century, by the author of 'Early recollections'.
10583955 - The early history of New England
10583954 - Early history of the University of Virginia
10583953 - Early ecclesiastical history of Whately
10583952 - Early Indiana trials and sketches
10583951 - An address embracing the early history of Delaware
10583950 - Early history of New England
10583949 - History of the town of Danvers, from its early settlement to the year 1848
10583948 - Early Bibles of America
10583947 - Early Oriental history
10583946 - Early voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia
10583945 - Early Sassanian inscriptions, seals and coins
10583944 - Almeria's castle; or, My early life in India and in England
10583943 - Early English alliterative poems
10583942 - Early History of Freemasonry in England
10583941 - Early writings of John Hooper, D.D., Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester, Martyr 1555
10583940 - Saint Patrick and the early church of Ireland
10583939 - Researches Into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization
10583938 - The early Baptists of Virginia
10583937 - Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Northborough, with the Early History of Marlborough, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Furnished for the Worcester Magazine ...
10583936 - The beauty and benefit of early piety
10583935 - Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon and early English
10583934 - Gephyralogia. An historical account of bridges, antient and modern, from the most early mention of them by authors, down to the present time. Including a more particular history and description of the new bridge at Westminster ...
10583933 - A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language for the Use of Early Students
10583932 - The watchful Christian prepared for early death. A sermon on occasion of the decease of mrs. Sarah Abney
10583931 - The abbey of Saint Alban, some extracts from its early history and a description of its conventual church
10583930 - Early Dutch, German & English printers' marks
10583929 - Early English Alliterative Poems
10583928 - On Ellis's Specimens of the early English poets. Ellis' and Ritson's Specimens of early English metrical romances. Godwin's life of Chaucer. Todd's edition of Spenser. Herbert's poems Evans's Old ballads. Moliere. Chatterton. Reliques of Burns. Compbell's
10583927 - Early mysteries
10583926 - Frank, pt. 2. Rosamond, pts. 1 and 2
10583925 - The Environment of Early Man in the British Isles
10583924 - The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the state of Europe during the early part of the reign of Louis XIV
10583923 - The Church at Philippi, or The doctrines and conduct of the early Christians illustrated
10583922 - Memoir of the early life of William Cowper, Esq
10583921 - Early Theories of Translation
10583920 - The English mother; or, Early lessons on the Church of England, by a lady
10583919 - Historia litteraria: or, An exact and early account of the most valuable books published in several parts of Europe ...
10583918 - Early recollections
10583917 - Historia litteraria: or, An exact and early account of the most valuable books published in the several parts of Europe ...
10583916 - A selection of curious, rare and early voyages ...
10583915 - Specimens of the early English poets
10583914 - Goethe's works
10583913 - The history and antiquities of the town and minster of Beverley, in the county of York, from the most early period
10583912 - Chapters on early English literature
10583911 - An history of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ
10583910 - Early miscellaneous papers, from 1799-1805
10583909 - The History of Persia, from the Most Early Period to the Present Time
10583908 - History of the early kings of Persia
10583907 - Notices relative to the early history of the town and port of Hull
10583906 - The early naval history of England
10583905 - Alexander Pope; notes towards a bibliography of early editions of his writings
10583904 - An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving
10583903 - Early years and late reflections
10583902 - Early metrical tales
10583901 - Emily Dundorne; or, The effects of early impressions, by mrs. Thomson
10583900 - Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early english poet
10583899 - Early lays,
10583898 - The book of private devotions; containing a collection of early devotions of the reformers and their successors in the English Church, ed. by E. Bickersteth
10583897 - Old ballads, from early printed copies of the utmost rarity
10583896 - The Works of the Rev. John Wesley: An account of his family ; of his education in the early part of his life, and the first five numbers of his journal
10583895 - Early Friends and Dr. Ash; or, An exhibition of their principles in reply to his work on "The Christian profession of the Society of Friends."
10583894 - A collection of early prose romances
10583893 - The Early History of Narragansett
10583892 - Early Greek Philosophy
10583891 - Sketches of the early history of Maryland
10583890 - Early Songs of Uncle Sam
10583889 - Sketch of the early history of the Cymry
10583888 - Early schools and school-books of New England
10583887 - A statement of the early symptoms which lead to the disease termed water in the brain ... in a letter to M. Wall
10583886 - A Buddhist Bible: History of Early Zen Buddhism, Self-Realisation of Noble Wisdom, The Diamond Sutra, The Prajna Paramita Sutra, The Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
10583885 - Ley Lines
10583884 - Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances: Saxon romances: Guy of Warwick. Sir Bevis of Hamptoun. Anglo-Norman romance: Richard Cњur de Lion. Romances relating to Charlemagne: Roland and Ferragus. Sir Otuel. Sir Ferumbras
10583883 - Historical and geographical notes on the earliest discoveries in America, 1453-1530 ...
10583882 - History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome
10583881 - A history of the world from the earliest records to the present time
10583880 - An illustrated history of the hat from the earliest ages to the present time
10583879 - History of Brighton and its environs, from the earliest period to the present time
10583878 - Specimens of English prose-writers, from the earliest times to the close of the 17th century, with sketches biogr. and literary, &c. By G. Burnett
10583877 - A history of the Royal navy, from the earliest times to the wars of the French revolution
10583876 - Historical sketch of the progress of discovery, navigation and commerce, from the earliest records to the beginning of the nineteenth century
10583875 - History of Indiana, From the Earliest Exploraration by Europeanss
10583874 - The History of Philosophy, from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century
10583873 - The history of Egypt from the earliest times till the conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640
10583872 - Our Indian empire: its history and present state, from the earliest settlement of the British in Hindostan, to the close of the year 1846
10583871 - The history of Louisiana, from the earliest period
10583870 - A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest
10583869 - Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
10583868 - The Malayan Peninsula embracing its history, manners and customs of the inhabitants, politics, natural history, etc. from its earliest records
10583867 - The history of the Jews, from the earliest period down to modern times
10583866 - From earliest times to 800
10583865 - THE Parliamentary History of England From THE Earliest Period TO THE Year 1803. From Which Last-Mentioned Epoch IT IS Continued Downwards IN THE Work Entitled, " THE Parliamentary Debates."
10583864 - History of the City of Dublin, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time
10583863 - The history and antiquities of the county of the town of Carrickfergus, from the earliest records, to the present time
10583862 - An analytical digested index of the reported cases in the several courts of equity and the High Court of Parliament, from the earliest authentic period to the present time
10583861 - The British Herald; Or, Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility & Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland, from the Earliest to the Present Time
10583860 - Dictionary of musicians from the earliest times to the present
10583859 - The history of philosophy, from the earliest periods
10583858 - Tales of a grandfather being the history of Scotland from the earliest times
10583857 - A history of Edinburgh from the earliest period to the completion of the half century 1850
10583856 - An historical account of Peterhead, from the earliest period to the present time
10583855 - History of Roman Literature . .: From its
10583854 - The history and survey of London and its environs from the earliest period to the present time
10583853 - An Universal History From The Earliest Account of Time
10583852 - The History of Women, from the Earliest Antiquity, to the Present Time
10583851 - A History of Jefferson County in the State of New York, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
10583850 - Memoir of the first centenary of the earliest Protestant mission at Madras
10583849 - A New History of England from the Earliest Accounts of Britain to the Ratification of the Peace of Versailles, 1763
10583848 - A History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860: exhibiting the origin and growth of the principal mechanic arts and manufactures, from the earliest colonial period to the adoption of the constitution and comprising Annals of the industry of the Unit
10583847 - The modern part of An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
10583846 - A biographical dictionary of eminent Welshmen., from the earliest times to the present
10583845 - A concise history of the kingdom of Hanover from the earliest periods, to its restoration in 1813
10583844 - The book of carriages; or, A short account of modes of conveyance, from the earliest periods to the present time ...
10583843 - The history of usury from the earliest period to the present time
10583842 - A general history of Scotland from the earliest accounts to the present time
10583841 - A Complete History of Algiers. To which is Preficed an Epitome of the General History of Barbary from the Earliest Times (etc.)
10583840 - Cobbett's complete Collection of State Trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the present time
10583839 - A Free Inquiry Into the Miraculous Powers, which are Supposed to Have Subsisted in the Christian Church, from the Earliest Ages Through Several Successive Centuries
10583838 - Philemon to Hydaspes, or, The history of false religion in the earliest pagan world
10583837 - A Popular History of Ireland: From the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics
10583836 - A compend of history, from the earliest times
10583835 - Bibliotheca Americana; Or, A Chronological Catalogue Of The Most Curious And Interesting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c. Upon The Subject Of North And South America, From The Earliest Period To The Present, In Print And Manuscript
10583834 - The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England, from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II.
10583833 - The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the Year 1803
10583832 - The literary history of Galloway, from the earliest period to the present time
10583831 - The History of Paris from the earliest period to the present day
10583830 - An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time
10583829 - The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the Earliest Period
10583828 - A history of the church from the earliest ages to the reformation
10583827 - The lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV.
10583826 - The history of the Anglo-Saxons, comprising the history of England from the earliest period to the Norman conquest
10583825 - The history of England from the earliest accounts of time, to the death of the late Queen Anne
10583824 - The history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George the Second
10583823 - History of the inductive sciences, from the earliest to the present times
10583822 - The History of the Anglo-Saxons from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest
10583821 - An essay on the earlier part of the life of Swift
10583820 - A History of All Nations, from the Earlier Periods to the Present Time
10583819 - Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation
10583818 - The Earlier Prophecies of Isaiah
10583817 - The history of the Church of Christ
10583816 - Reliques of ancient english poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs and other pieces of our earlier poets (etc.)
10583815 - Onondaga, or, Reminiscences of earlier and later times
10583814 - Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; to which are Prefixed Examples of Earlier Proceedings in that Court, Namely from the Reign of Richard the Second to that of Queen Elizabeth, Inclusive
10583813 - The Odes of Horace: first two books, with the scanning of each verse, an interlineal tr. and notes by C. Dalton
10583812 - Thuringia sacra, Urkundenbuch, Geschichte und Beschreibung der thьringischen Klцster. [2 vols., each with its special title-leaf. No more publ.].
10583811 - Das Leben des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen: Verbesserungen. Books 1-5 (1663-1707), each book ending with a "Reflexion des Grafen von Bismark." Beilagen
10583810 - Det skandinaviske litteraturselskabs Skrifter. [1805-07 are each issued in 2 vols.].
10583809 - Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der Geschichte der neuern Philosophie. 3 Bde [each in 2].
10583808 - La Gerusalemme liberata, travestita in lingua milanese (da D. Balestrieri) [with the orig. text and with O. Ariosto's synopsis to each canto].
10583807 - La Gerusalemme liberata [ed. by G. Conti. With O. Ariosto's synopsis to each canto].
10583806 - Obras. 12 tom. [vols. 2 and 3 are each in 2 pt.].
10583805 - P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libri x, or, Ten select books of Ovid's Metamorphoses; with an English translation, compiled from the two former translations by Davidson and Clarke, a prosody table and references (after the manner of Mr. Stirling) pointi
10583804 - The mechanic's companion, or, The elements and practice of carpentry, joinery, bricklaying, masonry, slating, plastering, painting, smithing, and turning. And an explanation of the terms used in each art
10583803 - Short prayers, for the morning and evening of each day in our ecclesiastical year, by a layman
10583802 - The epigrams of Martial, tr. into Engl. prose. Each accompanied by one or more verse transl
10583801 - On the constitution of the Church and State, according to the idea of each
10583800 - A tour in Scotland, and voyage to the Hebrides; Mdcclxxii [by T. Pennant]. 2 pt. [each bound in 2 vols. Pt.2 wants plates 8, 15, 28 and the Additions. Extra-illustr.].
10583799 - The effect of secession upon the commercial relations between the North and South, and upon each section
10583798 - Local self-government and centralization: the characteristics of each
10583797 - Protestantism Contrasted with Romanism by the Teaching of Each Religion
10583796 - I. On the constitution of church and state according to the idea of each
10583795 - A narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan
10583794 - The beauties of Shakespear: regularly selected from each play, with explanatory notes and similar passages from ancient and modern authors by W. Dodd
10583793 - The beauties of England and Wales; or, Delineations... of each county, by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley [and others]. 18 vols. [in 21].
10583792 - The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of Each County: Bedfordshire ; Berkshire ; Buckinghamshire
10583791 - Religion and Policy and the Countenance and Assistance Each Should Give to the Other
10583790 - The Electors' remembrancer, or, Guide to The votes of each member of The House of Commons
10583789 - A harmony of the four Gospels: in which the natural order of each is preserved
10583788 - Rudiments of ancient architecture, containing an historic account of the five orders, with their propositions, and examples of each from antiques
10583787 - Asiatic costumes, a series of 44 coloured engravings, with a description to each subject
10583786 - Homes abroad. For each and for all. French wines and politics
10583785 - The Saxon and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other
10583784 - The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of Each County
10583783 - The dramatic works and poems of William Shakespeare, with notes, original and selected, and introductory remarks to each play
10583782 - On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts
10583781 - The Bait
10583780 - An account of the population in each of six thousand of the principal towns and parishes in England and Wales, as returned to Parliament at each of the three periods, 1801, 1811, & 1821
10583779 - Kurtzer Auszug des Lobs der Pietдt und Gottes, Wie solches in dem Englischen Werck The Whole Duty of Man aufgezeichnet ist ...
10583778 - True Christianity; Or, the Whole Economy of God Towards Man, and the Whole Duty of Man, Towards God. In Four Books. Written Originally in the German Language
10583777 - The Mother at Home, Or, The Principles of Maternal Duty, Familiarly Illustrated
10583776 - The duty of American women to their country
10583775 - The new Whole duty of man
10583774 - The complete duty of man
10583773 - THE Duty OF THE American Scholar Politics AND THE Times
10583772 - Solitude improved by divine meditation; or, A treatise proving the duty, and demonstrating the ... requisites of divine meditation
10583771 - The duty of the present generation to evangelize the world
10583770 - The grace and duty of being spiritually minded. With an intr. essay by T. Chalmers
10583769 - The office and duty of a justice of the peace, and a guide to sheriffs, coroners, clerks, constables, and other civil officers
10583768 - Reports of cases relative to the duty and office of a justice of the peace
10583767 - A Dissertation on the Duty of Mercy and Sin of Cruely to Brute Animals
10583766 - The doctrine of the Russian Church, being the Primer or spelling book, the Shorter and Longer catechisms, and a treatise [by G. Koniskii] on the duty of parish priests, tr. by R.W. Blackmore
10583765 - The duty of disobedience to wicked laws
10583764 - The whole duty of man according to the law of nature
10583763 - Man's duty to his neighbour, in a series of 11 prize essays, by working men and women of the county of Northumberland
10583762 - The position and duty of Pennsylvania
10583761 - A tour of duty in California
10583760 - The office and duty of executors
10583759 - Camp, Garrison AND Guard Duty, With A Modified Manual OF Arms
10583758 - The trial of Archibald Stewart ... for neglect of duty, and misbehaviour in the execution of his office, as lord provost of Edinburgh
10583757 - Ejaculatory prayer; or the duty of offering up short prayers to God on all occasions [ed. by W.F. Hook].
10583756 - The duty of the master in the government of a masonic lodge, a lect. (Victoria freemasons).
10583755 - Camp and Outpost Duty for Infantry
10583754 - The town officer's guide, containing a compilation of the general laws of Massachusetts, relating to the whole power and duty of towns, districts, and parishes
10583753 - An essay on abstinence from animal food, as a moral duty
10583752 - The duty of executors and administrators ...
10583751 - Observations on the rights and duty of juries in trials for libels
10583750 - The art of contentment, by the author of the whole duty of man
10583749 - Observations on man, his frame, his duty and his expectations. To which are added, Prayers, and religious meditations
10583748 - The treatise of Cicero, De officiis; or, his Essay on moral duty
10583747 - The complete duty of man: or, A system of doctrinal and practical Christianity
10583746 - Three short discourses, on the duty of parents, the holy scriptures, and the sabbath
10583745 - Sermons on various subjects of Christian doctrine and duty
10583744 - Christian doctrine and duty, a selection of Scripture passages [ed.] by J. M'Donald
10583743 - A sermon on the duty of civil obedience
10583742 - A discourse shewing the duty of honouring the Lord with our substance, together with the impiety of tithe stealing. By John Newte, ...
10583741 - Observations and instructions for the use of the commissioned, the junior, and other officers of the Royal Navy, on all the material points of professional duty
10583740 - The duty and doctrine of baptism, in thirteen sermons
10583739 - Reports of cases relating to the duty and office of magistrates
10583738 - The duty of giving thanks for national deliverances
10583737 - Love and duty, or, The distress'd bride
10583736 - The whole duty of man
10583735 - Mans whole duty, and Gods wonderful intreaty of him thereunto
10583734 - Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations
10583733 - The whole duty of a woman, or, An infallible guide to the fair sex
10583732 - A Summary of the Powers and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in Scotland, with Forms of Proceedings, &c., Comprising a Short View of the Criminal Duty and of the Greater Part of the Civil Duty of Sheriffs and Magistrates of Burghs
10583731 - A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God to be used 12th Nov., for the preservation of his majesty during his late expedition
10583730 - A twelvemonth's residence in the West Indies, during the transition from slavery to apprenticeship
10583729 - A narrative of memorable events in Paris, preceding the capitulation and during the occupancy of that city by the allied armies in the year 1814
10583728 - Cases argued and detemined in the High court of chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon
10583727 - A detection of the court and state of England during the four last reigns and the inter-regnum
10583726 - An ecclesiastical history antient and modern from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the present century, in which the rise, progress, and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learning and philosophy and the
10583725 - A familiar view of the domestic education of children during the early period of their lives ...
10583724 - Official letters of the military and naval officers of the United States, during the war with Great Britain in the years 1812, 13, 14, & 15
10583723 - Parliamentary history and review, containing reports of the proceedings of parliament during 1825, 1826 with critical remarks
10583722 - An impartial narrative of the most important engagements which took place between His Majesty's forces and the insurgents, during the Irish Rebellion, in 1798
10583721 - Journal of a residence in Norway, during the years 1834, 1835, and 1936
10583720 - A Residence at Constantinople During a Period Including the Commencement, Progress and Termination of the Greek and Turkish Revolutions
10583719 - Secret memoirs of the royal family of France, during the revolution
10583718 - Journal of a tour in Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland, during the years 1813 and 1814
10583717 - The dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K. G. during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France
10583716 - History OF Europe During THE French Revolution. Vols. III. AND IV.
10583715 - A collection of electioneering squibs, songs, &c. &c. published during the contested elections at Pontefract, in the year 1812
10583714 - The eventful life of a soldier, during the late war in Portugal, Spain, and France; by a sergeant of the ** regiment of infantry
10583713 - Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and Other Various Occurrences in the Church of England, During Queen Elizabeth's Happy Reign: pt. 1 Annals of the reformation of religion, and affairs of the church in this kingdom of England; From
10583712 - Final Environmental Statement for the Prototype Oil-shale Leasing Program: Letters received during the review process
10583711 - The ecclesiastical and political history of the popes of Rome during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
10583710 - Transactions during the reign of Queen Anne;
10583709 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the several courts of law and equity in England, during the year 1839
10583708 - Hints to mothers for the management of health during the period of pregnancy and in the lying-in room
10583707 - Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary during the years 1806 and 1807 /c by F.A. de Chateaubriand ; translated from the French by Frederic Shoberl
10583706 - Remarks on antiquities, arts and letters during an excursion in Italy in the years 1802 and 1803
10583705 - Adventures during a journey overland to India
10583704 - Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821 and 1822
10583703 - Two expeditions into the interior of southern Australia, during the years 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831
10583702 - Journal of what took place at the tower of the Temple during the captivity of Louis xvi, tr. by J. Bennett
10583701 - Mirabeau's letters during his residence in England
10583700 - The Recent sufferings of the American missionaries in the Burman empire during the late war
10583699 - The Political History of England, During the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries: From the accession of Henry VII, to the troubles in Scotland, 1637
10583698 - Cobbett's parliamentary debates, during the ... session of the ... Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Kingdom of Great Britain ...
10583697 - Journal of an excursion to Antwerp, during the siege of the citadel, in December, 1832. By capt. the hon. C.S.W.
10583696 - Journal of a tour and residence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811
10583695 - Athenian letters: or the epistolary correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia, residing at Atheus during the Peloponnesian war. A new ed
10583694 - Adventures during a journey overland to India, by way of Egypt, Syria and the Holy Land
10583693 - A narrative of occurrences that took place during the mutiny at the Nore in ... 1797 [by sir C. Cunningham].
10583692 - Travels Through the Crimea, Turkey and Egypt Performed During the Years 1825 - 1828
10583691 - History of Italy during the consulate and empire of Napoleon Buonaparte
10583690 - Travels through Norway and Lapland during the years 1806, 1807, and 1808
10583689 - Philosophical, political, and literary travels in Russia, during the years 1788 & 1789
10583688 - Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and Asia Minor; During the Years 1817 & 1818
10583687 - Five months in labrador and newfoundland, during the summer of 1838
10583686 - Poems written and published during the American revolutionary war, and now republished from the original manuscripts
10583685 - Notes, During a Visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem
10583684 - Polynesian researches, during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands
10583683 - The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington During His Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France
10583682 - A visit to the South Seas, in the U.S. ship Vincennes, during the years 1829 and 1830
10583681 - Iceland; Or the Journal of a Residence in that Island, During the Year 1814 and 1815
10583680 - Letters, during a tour through some parts of France, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands
10583679 - A tour through the Batavian republic during the latter part of ... 1800
10583678 - Views in Italy during a journey in the years 1815 and 1816
10583677 - Seven sermons preached during the prevalence of cholera, in the parish of Sedgley
10583676 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the High court of chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, and of the several lords commissioners of the great seal, and Lord Chancellor Loughborough, from 1778 to 1794
10583675 - Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Religious Connexions of John Owen, D. D., Vice-chancellor of Oxford, and Dean of Christ Church During the Commonwealth
10583674 - Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, During the Years 1806 and 1807
10583673 - Anecdotes of eminent painters in Spain, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
10583672 - An original and authentic journal of occurrences during the late American war from its commencement to the year 1783
10583671 - Letters from the North highlands, during the summer 1816
10583670 - Letters from Paris, during the summer of 1791
10583669 - Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal. With some account of Spanish and Portugueze poetry
10583668 - Naval adventures during thirty-five years' service
10583667 - Domestic anecdotes of the French nation during the last thirty years
10583666 - Travels in Kamtschatka, during the years 1787 and 1788
10583665 - The substance of some letters written by an Englishman [J.C. Hobhouse] resident at Paris during the last reign of the emperor Napoleon, with an appendix
10583664 - A spinster's tour in France, the states of Genoa, &c. during 1827
10583663 - Journal of a residence in the Sandwich islands, during the years 1823, 1824, and 1825
10583662 - Four years in France; or, Narrative of an English family's residence there during that period [by H.D. Beste].
10583661 - A history of Europe during the Middle Ages
10583660 - Embassy to the eastern courts of CochinChina, Siam and Muscat... during the years 1832 - 3 - 4
10583659 - Letters written during the late voyage of discovery in the Western Arctic Sea
10583658 - The history of England (during the middle ages).
10583657 - View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharine the Second, and to the close of the eighteenth century
10583656 - Rambles in the south of Ireland during the year 1838
10583655 - Medical and surgical cases; selected during a practice of 38 years
10583654 - Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813
10583653 - Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
10583652 - Remarks on the Vaudois of Piemont during an excursion in the summer of 1825
10583651 - Letters from Canada, written during a residence there in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808
10583650 - Selections from my journal, during a residence in the Mediterranean
10583649 - Waldensian Researches During a Second Visit to the Vaudois of Piemont
10583648 - Memoirs of William Knighton, Keeper of the privy purse during the reign of King George IV.
10583647 - A view of the legal institutions, honorary hereditary offices, and feudal baronies, established in Ireland during the reign of Henry the Second
10583646 - The State letters of Henry earl of Clarendon ... during the reign of k. James the second: and his lordship's diary for the years 1687, 1688, 1689, and 1690
10583645 - The voyages and cruises of Commodore Walker, during the lat Spanish and French wars
10583644 - A collection of letters written by cardinal Bentivoglio to divers persons of eminence, during his nunciature in France and Flanders
10583643 - Remarks on local scenery & manners in Scotland during ... 1799 and 1800
10583642 - Letters and Correspondence, Public and Private ... During the Time He was Secretary of State to Queen Anne
10583641 - Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. during the years 1812 and 1813
10583640 - A Journey Through Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, During the Years 1809 and 1810
10583639 - memoirs of spain during the reigns of philip IV. and Charles II from 1621 to 1700
10583638 - Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
10583637 - A Residence in France during the years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795
10583636 - Two voyages to Sierra Leone during the years 1791-2-3
10583635 - Travels in South America, during the years, 1819-20-21
10583634 - Travels Through North America, During the Years 1825 and 1826
10583633 - Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-west Passage to the Pacific Ocean
10583632 - Organizational maintenance manual for truck, chassis, 5-ton, 6x6, M39, M39A2, M40, M40A1, M40A2, M40A1C, M40A2C, M61, M61A1, M61A2, M63, M63A1 ... truck, cargo ... truck, dump ... truck, tractor ... truck, tractor, wrecker ... truck, van, expansible ... t
10583631 - The dumb Lady: or, the Farriar made physician
10583630 - The dancing devils: or, The roaring dragon, a dumb farce [by E. Ward. In verse.].
10583629 - The deaf and dumb
10583628 - The deaf and dumb
10583627 - Anecdotes and annals of the deaf and dumb
10583626 - Education of deaf and dumb
10583625 - The art of instructing the infant deaf and dumb
10583624 - Memoirs of the Rev. John Townsend, founder of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and of the Congregational School
10583623 - An essay on the deaf and dumb
10583622 - Dumb love; Libussa; Melechsala
10583621 - The German Novelists: Popular tales: Musaeus, J. K. A. The dumb lover. Schiller, J. C. F. von. The apparitionist, a fragment; The sport of destiny; The criminal; Fraternal magnanimity ; A walk among the linden trees
10583620 - The history of the life and adventures of mr. Duncan Campbell, a gentleman, who tho' deaf and dumb, writes down any stranger's name at first sight
10583619 - Racconto delle vite delle due eroine domenicane Giovanna principessa di Portogallo et Osanna Andreasi di Mantova. - Vienna, Schlegel 1698
10583618 - Memorie storiche del ministero, de'due viaggi in Francia e della prigionмa nel Forte di S. Carlo in Fenestrelle
10583617 - Sopra due antiche monumenti egiziani posseduti dal cav. ... Pelagio Palai lettera
10583616 - Memorie storiche del ministero de'due viaggi in Francia e della prigioniа nel forte di S. Carlo in Fenestrelle del Cardinale Bartolomeo Pacca
10583615 - Degli scrittori del trecento e de' loro imitatori libri due
10583614 - Vicende Della Coltura Nelle Due Sicilie O Sia Storia Ragionata Della Loro Legislazione E Polizia Delle Lettere, Del Commercio, Delle Arti, E Degli Spettacoli, Dalle Colonie Straniere Insino A Noi
10583613 - Prose e rime de' due Buonaccorsi da Montemagno, con annotazioni
10583612 - La Campania Sotterranea e brevi notizie degli edificii scavati entro Roccia nelle due sicilie ed in altre regioni
10583611 - Dell'huomo di lettere difeso et emendato Parti due
10583610 - Due episodii della storia del Medio Evo d'Italia
10583609 - Dissertazione epistolare di Antonio Lizzari medico ad un'amico, relativa a due osservazioni in istampa recentemente pubblicate, in cui ... si accredita l'operazione cerusica detta paracentesi nell'idropisie ascitiche, cistiche e del peritoneo ...
10583608 - Della vita di Torquato Tasso libri due
10583607 - Descrizione topografica, fisica, economica, politica de' reali dominj al di qua del faro nel regno delle due Sicilie con cenni storici fin da' tempi avanti il dominio de' Romani
10583606 - Disputa sopra quella fanciulla della Magna, la quale visse due anni o piu senza mangiare et senza bere
10583605 - Historia vinetiana divisa in due parti
10583604 - Poeti del primo secolo della lingua italiana in due volumi raccolti
10583603 - Breve istoria del dominio temporale della Sede Apostolica nelle Due Sicilie
10583602 - Due illustri prose di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio
10583601 - Manuale ad uso de'sindaci del regno delle Due Sicilie
10583600 - De rimedi naturali che sono nell'isola di Pithecusa, hoggi detta Ischia libri due
10583599 - Storia di varj costumi sacri e profani dagli antichi fino a noi pervenuti. Si aggiungono in fine due dissertazioni appartenenti alla venuta della Messia
10583598 - Degli antichi edifizi profani di Ravenna libri due
10583597 - Gli ultimi due giorni di carnevale
10583596 - Trattato pio, et christiano, detto Specchio di croce . Composto dal R. Padre fra Dominico Cavalca ... con le postille adornato per il R.P. fra Francesco da Trevigi... con due tavole....
10583595 - De l'obйissance et soumission qui est due а N. S. P. le pape en ce qui regarde les choses de foi
10583594 - Le due deche dell'historia di Sicilia
10583593 - Contenente la conoscenza distinzione delle volte, superficie e solidita delle medisime la misura delle fabbriche, la trigonometria risolta per due metodi
10583592 - Codice per lo regno delle Due Sicilie
10583591 - Le Ree Qualitа Dei Due Libelli Intitolati Le Riflessione Sopra Il Noto Memoriale De'PP. Gesuiti, E L'Appendice Alle Medesime, Dimostrate ai loro Proprj Autori, Il Portoghese, Ed Il Romano Opera Posthuma Dell'Arciprete D. Giovanni Batista Zandalocca Mantov
10583590 - Due dissertazioni. Nella prima si da' notizia del pubblico Museo d'iscrizioni eretto in Verona, nella seconda si dimostra la bellezza d'una greca inedita iscrizione collocata in questo museo
10583589 - Le due illustri rivali
10583588 - Memoria storica contenente gl'irrefragabili diritti della casa regnante delle due Sicilie sul ducato di Castro e Ronciglione
10583587 - Viaggio secondo per le due provincie Senesi
10583586 - I fenomeni elettro-magnetici a due leggi ridotti con la loro cagione tolta dall' opinione symmeriana, ragionamento di Liberato Baccelli ...
10583585 - De l'Obйissance due au pape, conformйment aux paroles de Jйsus-Christ, et а la tradition de l'Eglise de France, ou rйfutation d'un йcrit de M. Vinson, intitulй ; Adresse aux deux chambres, ou Pensez-y bien
10583584 - Istoria della cittа e costiera di Amalfi in due parti divisa
10583583 - Due Dissertazioni
10583582 - De gli anfiteatri, e singolarmente del Veronese, libri due
10583581 - Tavole di riduzione dei pesi e delle misure delle Due Sicilie in quelli statuiti dalla legge de'6 aprile del 1840
10583580 - Il Marito di due mogli
10583579 - Le Massime delle due Corti Santa, e profana (etc.)
10583578 - De la conduite des вmes ou l'on traоte de l'autoritй et des devoirs des directeurs et de la soumission qui leur est due
10583577 - Del romanzo in generale e dei promessi sposi, romanzo di Alessandro Manzoni, discorsi due
10583576 - Eran due or sono tre
10583575 - Historia dei due nobilissimi ... fratelli Valentino et Orsone
10583574 - Itinerario delle Due Sicilie ...
10583573 - Guida allo studio geografico da Gio. Battista Nicolosi dottore di sacra teologia ... Con una prefatione, nella quale si narrano li motiui, ... Con due tauole, vna de' capi generali, & vn'altra delle materie. Et vn foglio intagliato in rame con le figure .
10583572 - Della lingua toscana... libri due
10583571 - Descrizione topografica fisica economica politica de' Reali Domini al di qua del Faro nel Regno delle Due Sicilie
10583570 - Li Due Libri Dell'Epistole Di Q. Orazio Flacco
10583569 - La divina commedia: Le annotazioni alle due ultime cantiche
10583568 - Il ballarino di M. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, diuiso in due trattati
10583567 - Dizionario statistico de'paesi del regno delle Due Sicilie al di qua del faro
10583566 - Notizie delle due famose statue di un fiume e di Patroclo
10583565 - Descrizione topografica fisica economica politica de' Reali Domini al di qua del Faro nel Regno delle Due Sicilie
10583564 - De gli automati, ouero machine se moventi
10583563 - Collezione delle Leggi e de'Decreti Reali del Regno delle Due Sicilie
10583562 - Due trattati : uno intorno alle otto principali arti dell'oreficeria : l'altro in materia dell'arte della scultura, dove si veggono infiniti segreti nel lavorar le figure di marmo, & nel gettarle in bronzo
10583561 - Orlando furioso... diviso in due tomi. Con la vita dell'autore scritta dal Pigna...
10583560 - Comentario su la parte quarta del Codice per lo regno delle due Sicilie
10583559 - Le Due Agrippine di Ferrante Pallavicino...
10583558 - Opere de Benvenuto Cellini: Due trattati ... Dell'oreficeria ... Della scultura
10583557 - Memorie storiche del ministero, de'due viaggi in Francia e della prigionia nel forte di S. Carlo in Fenestrella del cardinale Bartolomeo Pacca, scritte da lui medesimo e divise in tre parti
10583556 - Storia di Sicilia, Deche due
10583555 - Due comedie
10583554 - Elementi della storia e geografia del Regno delle Due Sicilie ...
10583553 - Canzonieri di Alessandro Guidi e de' due Zappi
10583552 - Una Camera affittata a due. Commedia in l atto solo
10583551 - Il diritto pubblico del regno delle due Sicilie
10583550 - Delle istorie di Vellejo Patercolo libri due
10583549 - Indice generale-alfabetico della collezione delle leggi e dei decreti per il regno delle Due Sicilie,distinto per materie con ordine cronologico dall'anno 1806 a tutto il 1836
10583548 - Della Sacrosanta Basilica Di S. Pietro In Vaticano Libri Due
10583547 - Nuovo dizionario portatile italiano-tedesco, tedesco-italiano, compilato su i migliori e piu recenti dizionarii delle due lingue
10583546 - Dizionario statistico de' paesi del regno delle Due Sicilie
10583545 - Vicende della coltura nelle due Sicilie...
10583544 - Itinerario per lo regno delle due Sicilie
10583543 - Dell'origine di alcuni arti principali appresso i Viniziani libri due
10583542 - Opere
10583541 - Viaggi nella Turchia, nell Persia, nell'Indie, divisi in due parti
10583540 - Degli antichi edifizj profani di Ravenna libri due
10583539 - Saggio di poesie Russe con due odi tedesca e inglese
10583538 - Rerum amorfortiarum scriptores due inediti
10583537 - Fundamenti principali della lingua retica o griggiona, all' uso di due delle principali valli della Rezia, cioи di Sopraselva e di Sorset
10583536 - Memorie appurate intorno al santuario della Madonna della corona on Monte Baldo. Divise in due Parti
10583535 - Le deche di T. Liuio Padouano dell'istorie romane, diuise in due parti. Tradotte in lingua toscana da m. Iacopo Nardi...
10583534 - Delle commedie di Giovanbattista de la Porta ...: La chiappinaria. La Cintia. Li due fratelli rivali. Li due fratelli simili
10583533 - The Due Right of Presbyteries
10583532 - Narratives of two families exposed to the great plague of London ... 1665, republ. [and abridged from Due preparations for the plague] with notes by J. Scott
10583531 - Vriendelycken geloof-strydt by maniere van samenspraek, waer in de doolingen van de soo geseyde gereformeerde religie wederleydt worden, door de schrifture algemeene kerkelyke vergaederingen en de H. Vaders. Verdeelt in dry deelen ...
10583530 - Den geestelicken palm-boom... oft Generale legende vande levens der heyligen, saligen, ... uyt de dry-vuldige Orden vanden H... Franciscus. Bestaende in twaelf boecken, ...
10583529 - Inleydinghe ofte voor-reden. Syne serenissime hoocheyt den keurvorst palatin heesschere, ende den heere prince van Schwartzenberg intervenient, ter eender zyde, gesien hebbende dry diversche advertissementen [...] geexhibeert, by ofte van wegen jo.rs Ian,
10583528 - Ontledinghe ende vvederlegh voor io.r Engelbert della Faille heere van Estempuis, gheinthimeerde verweerdere ter eender sijde, van dry motifuen [!] van rechten, inghedient van weghen m'her Ian Baptiste de Dois, burchgraue van Loon [...] heesschere appella
10583527 - Academie, hoogh-stvdeer-schole, ofte Gheestelicke oeffenynghen, opde dry devotien [...] van d'onbevleckte H. maghet Maria [...] verbreyt door de relieusen der order van S. Francois
10583526 - Den godtvrughtighen pelgrim ofte Ierusalemsche reyse, in dry boecken bedeylt ...
10583525 - De leere des Hemels, dat is de glorie des H. Cruys, verclaert in dry 't samensprekinghen tusschen eenen ghereformeerden Weer-haen en de eenen stanvastighen Catholijcken
10583524 - Den godtvruchtighen pelgrim, of te Jerusalemsche reyse, in dry boecken bedeylt
10583523 - Rym-oeffeningen, verdeelt in dry boecken, vervattende gedichten van verscheyden styl en stoffe
10583522 - J. de Deckers Rym-oeffeningen, verdeelt in dry boecken vervattende gedichten van verscheyden stijl en stoffe
10583521 - Eerste (-derde) deel over de ontledinghe van dry verscheyden nieuw-ghereformeerde martelaers boecken, ofte Reden-kamp-strydt tusschen de lutheriaenen, calvinisten, ende weder-doopers ...
10583520 - Ghemeyne t'samen-koutinghen van Jan Berthout besluytende dry schoone ende profijtige dialogen van maeltijden ...
10583519 - Den geestelicken palm-boom in elke maent nieuwe vruchten gevende, oft Generale legende vande levens der heyligen [...] uyt de dry-vuldige orden vanden H. en Seraphinschen Vader Franciscus, bestaende in twaelf boecken
10583518 - Den volstandigen christen, voor-ghestelt in dry tractaten. Het eerste vervatende de wonderbaerlijcke overwinninge, die de ware christen behout tegen alle creaturen. Het tweede aen-wijsende drie voor-nemelijcke pointen, daer op sonderlinghe te letten staet
10583517 - Zegenprael der onwinbare kercke [...] op de dry-hondert-jarige feeste van het H. sacrament van het H. sacrament van Miraeckel, by de [...] Augustynen binnen [...] Loven
10583516 - Dry Nederlandsche dichten. 1. Op de ontydighe doot van Alexander den Grooten. 2. Op den moort, aenghedaen aenden keyser Mauritius, vanden tyran Phocas. 3. Op de bekeeringhe vanden H. Ignatius de Loyola
10583515 - Het hemels lust-hofken, gheplant in de H. Orden des H. patriarchs Dominicus , bedeylt in dry deelen
10583514 - Wat nieuws wt de prochie van Laren by Ghendt in Vlaenderlandt, van dry ghemiste gevse-martelaers ... Franзois de Scheere, Iooris de Wilde ... ende Lucas de Pauvv ...
10583513 - Den boeck van het stervende leven der menschen. Bevattende hunne toe-vallen in korte neep-dichten, oft epigrammata ... Verdeelt in dry deelen
10583512 - Stichtelyck ende vermakelyck proces tusschen dry edel-lieden, zynde gebroeders, den eersten eenen dronckaert, den tweeden eenen hoereerder, ende den derden eenen speelder
10583511 - Den gheestelycken nachtergael tot den minnelycken Jesus. In dry deelen
10583510 - De gramschap in dry boeken verdeelt
10583509 - Brieven waer in verhandelt worden verscheyde geschillen, zoo nopens de oprechtinge van het seminarie generael tot Loven, als raekende de ontplaetsing der dry faculteyten naer Brussel, en andere souvereyne Schikkingen
10583508 - Den boeck der gheestelycke sanghen bedeelt in dry deelen Den blyden requiem, Den droeven allelvia, ende Ghelvckighe vyt-vaert [...] het welck de rechte weghen zijn tot het Cloosterken der gheestelycke verryssenisse [...] 't welck het derde deel is van des
10583507 - Dry sticks [poems].
10583506 - Des weireldts ydelheydt, pynelick gheniet ende ellendighen uyt-ganck, in dry deelen verdeelt ...
10583505 - The valley of vision or the dry bones of israel revived
10583504 - Dry leaves from young Egypt ...
10583503 - Dry Plate Photography
10583502 - A treatise on the dry rot in timber
10583501 - The dry collodion process
10583500 - United States economist, dry goods reporter, and bank railroad and commercial chronicle
10583499 - Oeffeningen ter eere der dry-en-dertig jaeren van onzen aenbiddelyken zaligmaeker Jesus-Christus, of genootschap van dry-en-dertig persoonen /
10583498 - A choice drop of seraphick love tender'd to the immortal soul
10583497 - The trotting horse of America: how to train and drive him
10583496 - De nieuwe Harleveense doedel-sak, kweelende boere-deunen, minne-klagten, harders zangen, drink-liederen, en klugten. Alle op bekende Voysen..
10583495 - Apollo's prullekraam, gevuld met herders-vryagies, minne-zangen, boere-deunen en drink-liederen. Alle op bekende voiszen
10583494 - Adulteration of food, drink, and drugs, the evidence taken before the parliamentary committee, arranged and simplified
10583493 - A dissertation on the properties and efficacy of the Lisbon diet-drink
10583492 - Samuel Drew ... the self-taught Cornishman, by his eldest son
10583491 - Court poems. [Reissue of Pope's miscellany. 2 pt. 1717]. To which are added, i. Verses upon prudery. ii. An epitaph upon John Hewett and Mary Drew, who were killed by lightening, at Stanton-Harcourt, in Oxfordshire
10583490 - Dream land and ghost land
10583489 - Dream children
10583488 - The dream of little Tuk, and other tales
10583487 - Shakespeare's Play of a Midsummer Night's Dream
10583486 - A dream of idleness, and other poems
10583485 - The dream
10583484 - Oberon's vision in the Midsummer-night's dream
10583483 - Dramas and Other Poems: Artaxerxes. The Olympiad. Hypsipyle. Titus. Demetrius. The dream of Scipio. Cantatas
10583482 - The Plays & Poems of Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice. Midsummer night's dream. Love's labor's lost
10583481 - Comedies: Two gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of errors. Taming of the shrew. Much ado about nothing. Love labour's lost. Merchant of Venice. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night. As you like it. Midsummer night's dream. Measure for measure. The tempest
10583480 - Teddy's dream; or, A little sweep's mission
10583479 - Bellamira her dream, or, the love of shadows
10583478 - An Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream
10583477 - Illustrations of the fairy mythology of a midsummer night's dream
10583476 - Kind-heart's dream
10583475 - The Plays of William Shakespeare: Midsummer night's dream. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. Taming the shrew
10583474 - A Christmas Dream
10583473 - An Oxford dream
10583472 - Orra. The dream. The siege. The beacon
10583471 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
10583470 - Midsummer night's dream. Love's labour's lost. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. All's well that ends well
10583469 - The dream
10583468 - A dream of life; or, Augustine and Geraldine, a poem
10583467 - The Plays of William Shakespeare: Midsummer night's dream; Love's labour's lost; Merchant of Venice
10583466 - The Works of Shakespear: The tempest. A midsummer-night's dream. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor
10583465 - The comedy of A midsummer night's dream
10583464 - Religious and moral sentences culled from the works of Shakespeare, compared with sacred passages drawn from holy Writ [by sir F. Watson].
10583463 - Illuminated ornaments selected from manuscripts and early printed books from the sixth to the seventeenth centuries, drawn and engr. by H. Shaw, with descriptions by sir F. Madden
10583462 - New and extensive sailing directions for the navigation of the North sea, arranged and written to accompany the new charts, drawn by J.W. Norie
10583461 - The Slave colonies of Great Britain; or, A picture of Negro slavery drawn by the colonists themselves
10583460 - Narrative of an expedition to the polar sea, in 1820, 1821,1822 & 1823 commanded by F. von Wrangell [drawn up from his papers and those of the other officers by G. Engelhardt] ed. by E. Sabine [tr. by E.J. Sabine].
10583459 - The picture of Quakerism once more drawn to the life
10583458 - History of the representation of England, drawn from the records
10583457 - Animals drawn from nature and engraved in aqua-tinta
10583456 - Anastatic drawing society
10583455 - J.D. Harding's drawing book
10583454 - A new drawing book in the manner of chalk
10583453 - Elements of machine construction and drawing
10583452 - Appletons' Cyclopжdia of Drawing
10583451 - A Treatise on Isometrical Drawing as Applicable to Geological and Mining Plans
10583450 - History and practice of photogenic drawing on the true principles of the daguerrйotype, tr. by J.S. Memes
10583449 - The art of painting and drawing in coloured crayons
10583448 - Guide for the drawing of acanthus
10583447 - Introduction to linear drawing
10583446 - A treatise on optical drawing instruments. Also A method of preserving pictures in oil and in water colours
10583445 - The illustrated London drawing book
10583444 - The student's instructor in drawing and working the five orders of architecture
10583443 - Ornamental drawing, and architectural design
10583442 - The hand-book of pencil drawing
10583441 - The art of figure drawing
10583440 - The Elements of Drawing
10583439 - Drawing models, and their uses
10583438 - The elements of building construction and architectural drawing
10583437 - A system of water-colour painting [ed. by J.E. With] Illustrated list of colours and materials for drawing and water colour painting, manufactured and sold by Winsor & Newton
10583436 - An introduction to linear drawing
10583435 - A guide to landscape drawing in pencil and chalk
10583434 - Industrial drawing
10583433 - Drawing for machinists and engineers
10583432 - The early drawing-book
10583431 - Manual of topography, and text-book of topographical drawing
10583430 - Drawing from nature
10583429 - A Cource of Lectures on Drawing, Painting, and Engraving
10583428 - The Practice of Drawing and Painting Landscape from Nature, in Water Colours
10583427 - Drawing from Memory
10583426 - A guide to figure drawing
10583425 - Handbook of foliage and foreground drawing
10583424 - Elements of perspective drawing; or The science of delineating real objects
10583423 - A text book of geometrical drawing, abridged from the octavo edition, for the use of schools ...
10583422 - Practical Drawing Book
10583421 - Drawing-room Plays and Parlour Pantomimes
10583420 - The American drawing-book
10583419 - A text book of geometrical drawing
10583418 - Handbook of elementary drawing
10583417 - Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-room Companion
10583416 - Willie's first drawing lessons
10583415 - Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap-book
10583414 - The juvenile drawing-book
10583413 - A progressive drawing book for beginners
10583412 - The Oxford drawing book, or The art of drawing, and the theory and practice of perspective, in a series of letters, with drawings
10583411 - Rules for drawing caricaturas
10583410 - Fisher's drawing room scrap book
10583409 - Elements of drawing
10583408 - The Rudiments of Drawing Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture
10583407 - Drawing and working quartz fibers
10583406 - Polygraphice; or, The art of drawing, engraving [&c.] by W.S.
10583405 - The Art of Drawing in Perspective
10583404 - First Book of Drawing
10583403 - The Cabinet-Maker And Upholsterer's Drawing-Book
10583402 - Science of Drawing
10583401 - The art of drawing in perspective, from mathematical principles
10583400 - The art of drawing on stone
10583399 - The Science of Drawing: The human figure
10583398 - Easy lessons in landscape drawing
10583397 - Elements of Drawing and Painting in Water Colours
10583396 - The History of Dunfermline, from the Earliest Records, Down to the Present Time, Including Historical Notices and Present State of the Parishes of Inverkeithing, Dalgety, Aberdour, Beath, Torryburn, Carnock, & Saline
10583395 - The travellers' guide down the Rhine
10583394 - A steam voyage down the Danube
10583393 - Notes of a wanderer, in search of health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube and down the Rhine
10583392 - Travels through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, A journal of a voyage down the Elbe from Dresden to Hamburg
10583391 - The excursion down the Wye, from Ross to Monmouth: including ... memoirs and anecdotes of the life of John Kyrle. [: stated to be the first part of the projected Excursion down the Wye, from Ross to Chepstow].
10583390 - Reflections upon a pamphlet, intituled, A dialogue between doubtful and steady, concerning infant baptism
10583389 - An essay on marketable or doubtful titles to real estate
10583388 - Doubtful questions in the law of elections stated and canvassed
10583387 - Paulding's Works: Tales of the good woman, by a doubtful gentleman
10583386 - La double vie
10583385 - La prima parte della Via Appia dalla Porta Capena a Boville: Monumenti. viii, 32 p. L double pl. (incl. plans)
10583384 - Le double cocu
10583383 - New double grammar French-English and English-French...
10583382 - Manuel complet du teneur de livre ou l'art de tenir les livres, enseignй en peu de leзons, renfermant un cours de tenue de livres а partie simple et а partie double
10583381 - L'amoureux de quinze ans, ou La double fкte
10583380 - Йtude sur les signaux de chemins de fer а double voie
10583379 - La double inconstance
10583378 - La double mйprise par l'auteur du Thйвtre de Clara Gazul
10583377 - Seven books of the history of Rome; with a double translation for the use of students on the Hamiltonian system. The text and the translations repeated separately, to furnish exercises for pupils
10583376 - Mйthode simplifiйe de la tenue des livres, en partie simple ou double
10583375 - Histoire de la double conspiration de 1800
10583374 - Le Vйritable Double Liйgeois
10583373 - Nouvelle double Grammaire Franc-Angloise ...
10583372 - L'amoureux de quinze ans, ou la double fete, comedie en 3 actes et en prose, melee de ariettes, la musique de Martiny
10583371 - Le double veuvage
10583370 - Il existe des prophйtiйs а double accomplissement
10583369 - Le double guide commercial, ou Livre d'adresses de la ville d'Anvers et de ses environs pour l'annee 1840
10583368 - La tenue des livres enseignйe en vingt et une leзons et sans maоtre ou traitй complet de la tenue des livres en partie simple et en partie double, mis а la portйe des personnes qui n'ont aucune notion de cette science
10583367 - Oeuvres de thйвtre: Julie, ou l'Heureuse йpreuve. Divertissement. Йgerie. Le double dйguisement. Zйloide. Arlequin au serrail. Le rival supposй
10583366 - La double extravagance
10583365 - Dictionnaire grec moderne franзais, suivi d'un double vocabulaire de noms propres d'hommes et de femmes, de pays et de villes
10583364 - Double flore parisienne ou description de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement aux environs de Paris, distribuйes suivant la mйthode naturelle, d'une part, et suivant le systиme de Linnйe de l'autre
10583363 - Le diable а quatre, ou la double mйtamorphose
10583362 - A selection from Italian prose writers: with a double translation: on the Hamiltonian system
10583361 - La double mйprise
10583360 - Recherches sur les courbes а double courbure
10583359 - Mayhew's practical book-keeping embracing single and double entry
10583358 - Trigonometry and double algebra
10583357 - The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq: Troilus and Cressida: or, Truth found too late. The Spanish fryar: or, The double discovery. The Duke of Guise. Vindication of the duke of Guise. Albion and Albianus
10583356 - An elementary treatise on book-keeping by single and double entry
10583355 - The science of double entry book-keeping
10583354 - The science of double-entry book-keeping
10583353 - A practical system of book-keeping by single and double entry ...
10583352 - Hand-book of the "double" slide rule
10583351 - Double falshood
10583350 - Book-keeping, in the true Italian form of debtor and creditor by way of double entry
10583349 - On the double refraction and polarisation of light [by sir D. Brewster].
10583348 - The double-dealer
10583347 - Who's who? or, The double imposture. A farce
10583346 - Out-doors at Idlewild; or, The shaping of a home on the banks of the Hudson
10583345 - The Bradys' Bleecker Street Mysterey; or, The House with a Hundred Doors
10583344 - California, in-doors and out
10583343 - Public entrance doors
10583342 - Reyse van hare doorluchtige majesteyt Christina, koninginne van Sweden. Gedaen door de Nederlanden, Duytslant, Vranckrijck, Italien, en andere gewesten des werelts, van haer eerste uyt-tocht uyt Sweden, in den jare 1654 tot haer wederkomste in den jare 16
10583341 - Den blyden waerheydt-sprekenden vlaemschen nachtegael, ghestelt teghen eenen droeven godts-lasterlycken koekoeck-sangh... in ... Haerlem, door... A. I. V. A. ende nu wederleyt...
10583340 - Twee Brieven aan Everhardus vander Hooght ... D'eerste voor desen uitgegeven van den 25. Sept.1691. uit Amsterdam. D'andere nu daar by gevoegd, van den 3/13 Juny 1692. uit Franeker ... Met een kort beright over de voorrede van seker Opstel van Aanmercking
10583339 - De kerk in den rouw, getroost over het ... verlies, haar toegebragt, door het ... afsterven van de ... vorstin Maria, ... in een leer-reden ... gepredikt tot Arnhem den 13/23 van louw-maand 1695
10583338 - Nader verklaringe van de XIX artikelen, voor desen door G. Abrahamsz ende D. Spruyt aen hare mede-dienaren over-ghegeven. Dienende tot wederlegginge van 't geschrift, genaemt: Antwoorde by forme van aenmerckingen, vragen, ende redenen, &c
10583337 - Reyze door Vrankryk, Italien, Duytsland, Switserland, &c. behelsende een nette verklaring en beschryving van de regte toestand aller Roomse kerken, kloosters, konventen en ordens van geestelijken, van allerley zoort; met alle de reliquien en heyligdommen,
10583336 - De vervloekte konings-moord, listelyk voorgenomen, wonderlyk ontdekt ... en billijklijk aangeteikend. Vertoond uit Ahasveros voorbeeld, en toegepast op ... Willem de Derde, door Gods genade koning van Engeland ... beschermer des geloofs. : In een predikat
10583335 - De starre-kunst, beschreven door Abraham de Graaf; leerende de hoedanigheden der beweginge van alle zichtbare hemelsche lighamen, en
10583334 - Christelycke onderrichtingen weghens de kennisse van Godt, de scheppinghe, en den val der menschen ende hunne herstellinghe door den Heere Jesus-Christus ...
10583333 - Afgedwongen verhael, en verantwoording van Laurentius Lange, Luterse predicant tot Gouda, opgestelt over de beschuldiging, van de gecommitteerdens der Amsterdammer consistorialen ... en tegens sijne uytsluyting van hare Broederschap, als oock d'uytsluytin
10583332 - Balthazar Bekkers en insonderheyd Sijner Veedsterlingen Onkunde, Onbescheidentheyd en Dwaliagen, kort en klaar ontdekt door een Discipel van de Heer J. Vander Waeyen en Voedsterling van de Academie van Friesland
10583331 - Aanhangsel aan de apologie voor den armen en geringen in den lande, tot nader verklaringe over sommige bedenckingen, door den selven autheur, met kennisse en approbatie als voor henen
10583330 - Authentique Stucken, behoorende tot ontdecking van den Beklaaglyken Conscientiedwang, sedert eenige Jaaren in de Gemeente toegedaan de Onverand. Augsb. Confessie binnen Amsterdam, door die van den Kerken-raade aldaar opgerecht ...
10583329 - Advertissement omme sr. Anthone van Aecken tot Oostende, als depositaris gheweest zijnde vanden schepe van oorloghe ghecommandeert door den Capiteyn Pieter de Wiemer, heesscher revident by requeste [...] ter eender zyde: jeghens d'heer Frederick Anthone M
10583328 - Aenmerckelycke historische reys-beschryvinge door verscheyde landen veel grooter als die van geheel Europa onlanghs ontdeckt
10583327 - Clucht-wyse comedie vande Mahometaense slavinne Sultana Bacharach. Sal verthoont worden binnen Lyer den 15 october 1698, door eenighe vrye liefhebbers tot behoef vanden ghemeynen huys-armen aldaer
10583326 - Verhandeling van de Mirakelen of Wonderen, die van de Visitatoris [sic]: Door ordere des E. Classis van Enchuysen, uyt het boek genaamd Pneumatica, ... van D°. Henricus Groenewegen gemaakt, verworpen zijn
10583325 - Vrankryks daling ten val, door de verovering van de twee importante steden Namen en Casal. Beneffens eenige bondige aanmerkingen over de middelen om tot een goede vrede te geraken. Alles in drie brieven uyt verscheyde plaatsen en door verscheyde auteuren
10583324 - Academie, hoogh-stvdeer-schole, ofte Gheestelicke oeffenynghen, opde dry devotien [...] van d'onbevleckte H. maghet Maria [...] verbreyt door de relieusen der order van S. Francois
10583323 - Des weireldts ydelheydt pynelick gheniet ende ellendighen uyt-ganck op't toneel ghebroght door de verdoemde sondaers uyt d'andere weireldt ... by een vergadert door P. F. Laurentius vander Lepe ... het eerste deel ...
10583322 - Philosooph door het vuur
10583321 - Declaratie van de koopmanschappen die gherekent worden door Vate-Goedt ... betaelen de rechten van het nieuw octroy
10583320 - Eenvoudig Verhaal van de Proceduuren gepleeght in de Waterlandse Doopsgesinde Gemeentens tot Wormer en Jisp, over het doen ophouden van een haarer Leeraaren, in sijn Predikdienst, door een gepretendeert besluyt genomen op den 2. April 1698. van vier voorn
10583319 - Hollands waare Rou-Troost, veroorzaakt door de ongehoopte tegenwoordigheid van ... Willem de III. In haer ... Rou over de ... Dood van Koningin Maria Stuart
10583318 - Ondersoek en antwoord van Balthasar Bekker... op 't request door de Gedeputeerden der Noordhollandsche synode tot Edam in ... 1691 ingegeven aan de ... Staten van Holland en West Friesland tegen sijn boek De betoverde weereld. Onlangs t'Enkhuisen in druk
10583317 - Neerlands rouklagten, uitgegalmd door digters deser eeuwe, op de dood ... Maria, koninginne van Groot Britanniл ... by een versamelt, door Th. S. Het eerste del
10583316 - Tractaet van vreede, tusschen de kroonen van Vranckryck en Spaignen, geslooten en getekent door den Heer Cardinael Mazaryn, en de Heer Don Louis Mendes de Haro [...] op het eylandt genaemt Faisans, in de rivier van Bidasson, op de grensen der Pyreneen. De
10583315 - Tweede deel, begrijpende een geschrift uyt de Helle, waer by verhaelt wert hoe Olivier Cromwel ... door den Keyser der Duyvelen Lucifer inde Helle ontfangen, gesestoyeert, getracteert, en wat daer ontrent gepasseert is
10583314 - Tractaet van vrede tusschen de croonen van Vranck-ryck ende Spaengien; gesloten ende onderteeckent door de heere cardinael Mazarijn, ende de heere dom Louys Mendez de Haro, plenipotentiarisen van [...] majesteyten in het eylant van de Faisans, in de rivie
10583313 - Wegh-Wijser door Italien
10583312 - Copye Van het Beslootene Testament 't Geen op den 2 October 1700, als mede van de Codicille op den 5 der geseyde Maand, verleeden door Zyne Majesteyt Onsen Heere Konink Don Carlos de II. ...Welke dispositie hy met 'er Dood heeft geconfirmeert op den 1 Nov
10583311 - Th: Herberts zee- en lant-reyse, na verscheyde deelen van Asia en Africa: overgeset door L. v. Bosch
10583310 - De Versoekinge onses Heeren J. C. in de Woestijne, volgens ... Mattheus, Cap. IV. v. 2-4. Verklaard en toegepast, in een Predicatie, gedaan op den 26 Sept. deeses Jaars: In de Vergaderplaats der Doopsgesinden ... binnen dese Stad. Met eenigenader bedenkin
10583309 - Kort begrip van de twee boeken der betooverde weereld in 't ligt gebragt door den Heere Balthazar Bekker
10583308 - Lyden en stryden door t'gheduerigh cruys Jesu Christi ... In rym-dicht ghestelt ...
10583307 - De kruys-leer ter zaligheydt, opgerecht door ...
10583306 - Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien, overgeset dor H.V.Q.
10583305 - Uiterste Verleegentheid van Doctor Balt. Bekker. Duidelijk aangewesen door Wederlegginge van alle sijne Aanmerkingen en Naleesingen gevoegt bi het slordige mengel-moes van sijn E. Voedsterlingen. Uitgegeeven Door een Discipel van De Heer J. Vander Waeyen
10583304 - Woordenschat der twee taalen, Portugeesch en Nederduitsch, door A. Alewyn en J. Collй
10583303 - Requeste Der Remonstrantsche Leeraren Aende Ed. Grootmogende Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, diendende tot verthoonighe harer onschult, over seeckere onwaerachtighe Nae-spraecken, tot haren naedeel door 't Landt ghestroyt
10583302 - Lijst der gebruikelijkste zelfstandige naamwoorden, beteekend door hunne geslachten
10583301 - Sermoenen gepredikt door de zeer eerweerden heer Ignatius Albertus De Vloo, voortyds rooms-pastor tot Sluys in Vlaenderen en daer naer canonik en pastor der ... parochiale kerke van O. L. Vrouwe; binnen Brugge
10583300 - Hecira, de seste comedie, de welcke P. Terentius Afer int Latine beschreven heeft, nu eerst rethorikelijc over ghestelt in onser Duytscher talen [door Cornelis van Ghistele].
10583299 - Jaer-clachte over den schreckelijcken moort begaen aen Henricvm IIII, coninck van Vranckryck ende Navarre den 14 dach May, anno 1610. Mitsgaeders een cort verhael der geboorte, kindtsche jaeren, ende treffelijcke daeden deses conincks. [...] T'saemen ghes
10583298 - Corte ende duydelijcke wederlegghinghe, van' tghene door mr. Johan Calvijn, tot beweringe vande macht der overheyt, int straffen der ketteren, by gebracht wert : in seker boecxken van hem ge-intituleert: Wederlegginghe der dolinghen van Michiel Servet, da
10583297 - Eunuchus, de tweede comedie, de welcke P. Terentius Afer int Latine bescreuen heeft, nu eerst rhetorickelijck ouer ghestelt in onser Duytscher talen [door Cornelis van Ghistele
10583296 - Beschryving van Arabie, uit eigene waarnemingen en in 't land zelf verzamelde narigten, opgesteld door Carsten Niebuhr...
10583295 - Historie van het Oud Testament, behelzende alle de bezegende en bestrafte voorvallen der godelyke toelaeting tot kennis der wetgestelde plichten ... in helden-veersen, door J. de Wolf
10583294 - Reyse van hare doorluchtige majesteyt Christina, koninginne van Sweeden, gedaen door de Nederlanden, Duytslant, Vranckrijck, Italien, en andere gewesten des Werelts, van haer eerste uyt-tocht uyt Sweden, in den iare 1654 tot haer wederkomste in den iare 1
10583293 - Lykrede over het ontydig afsterven van de doorlugtigste en grootmatigste vorstinne Maria Stuart, door Godts genade Koningin van Engelant, Schotlant, Vrankryk en Yerlant, beschermster des geloofs, etc, etc, etc,.
10583292 - Reyse van hare doorluchtige majesteyt Christina, koninginne van Sweeden; gedaen door de Nederlanden, Duytslant, Vranckrijck, Italien, en andere gewesten des werelts, van haer eerste uyt-tocht uyt Sweeden, in den jare 1654 tot haer wederkomste in den jare
10583291 - Digt -Sang-en Speel-Konst, Soo der Ouden als bysonder der Hebreen, door een naeuwkeurig ondersoek der Oudheyd uyt sijn vorige duysterheyd wederom opgeheldert
10583290 - De konst om koningen te vermoorden, door de Jesuiten aan Lodewijk de XIV en Jacobus de II geleert: behelsende het geheym van de laatste verfoeyelijke conspiratie, tot Versailles op den derden september 1695 tegen het leven van William de III koning van Gr
10583289 - De god-vruchtige Debora's dood en begravinge, vertoond, en toegepast op die van de doorlugtigste ... vorstinne Maria Stuart, door Gods genade, koninginne van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankryk en Yrland ... beschermster des geloof. In een predikatie gedaan op
10583288 - De Kerk In Den Rouw, Getroost over Het smertelijk en weergaloos verlies, haar toegebragt, door het onverwagt en droevigst afsterven van De Alderdoorlugtigste, Grootmagtigste Vorstin Maria, Koningin van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankrijk en Yrland, Beschermste
10583287 - De overhooghe vyt-nementheden vanden H. ende wyt-vermaerden aflaet gheiont door Christum [...] aen [...] den H. Franciscvs in de kercke van onse lieve Vrouwe der Enghelen ghenaemt Portivncvla ...
10583286 - De geest van den marquis de Louvois door Lodewyk de XIV koning van Vrankryk raed gevraegt, over den tegenwoordigen toestant van saken
10583285 - De Buitenspoorige Toebaksnuiver, Of Het Huwelyk Door Snuiftoebak
10583284 - Versoeninghe vande menschen met Godt door het H. Sacrificie der misse
10583283 - Eendracht van over de vijftich menigherley Schriften, die teghen 't Pelaghiaensdom [...] door de treffelijcste ghereformeerde Kercken ende school-Leeraren, [...] tot in de vijftich toe [...] in den druc bevordert zijn [...]
10583282 - De martelie der seven Machabйen, van hunne moeder Salamone ende Eleazar, treurspel [...] door de lief-hebbers van het H. cruys-vindinghe, met by-schrift: Fulget Crucis Mysterium, verthoont binnen Brussel den 13. october 1697
10583281 - Den Engelschen duyvel, ontdeckt door een botte schelm, in twaalf artijkelen van Cromwels geloof
10583280 - Het Rou-dragende Zion, In't Groote Klaeg-Huys, Om dat deser dagen een Vorstinne is gevallen in Israel, Maria Stuart, II. Door Gad Regerende Koninginne over Engeland, Schotland, Vrankrijk, ende Yrland, Tot God Opgenomen, in den Heere stervende, binnen Haer
10583279 - Verzameling der notarieele voorschriften in het werk: Le parfait notaire van Maenй voorkomende. Gevolgd door een verkort woordenboek der kunstwoorden tot het notarischap behoorende
10583278 - Oud-heden van Zaan-land, Stavoren, Vronen en Waterland, behelzende haar oorsprongen, volkplantingen, loop der rivieren, bedykinge, regeeringen onder keyzers, koningen ... . De wetten, en voor-regten, haar door deze vergund ...
10583277 - Sweedsche spiegel: Daer in niet alleen klaerelijck te sien is, maer oock beweesen wordt, wat de Sweeden voor oprechte, goede, vroome Christenen zijn. Maer oock alle hooge en lage standts persoonen, ... konnen bemercken der Sweeden valsheyt en bedrogh, in
10583276 - Het tweede deel van't wonder van Oosten; of De beroemde reys van den heer Iohan Aelbrecht van Mandelslo, door Persen en Oost-Indien
10583275 - De valsche propheten bekent aen haere vrughten ofte een ontdekkinge van ... sommige van deese leeraers, genaemt gereformeerde, met een antwoort op sommige dwaalingen uitgesprooken door een priester of prediker, Simon Simonides. Ook een weinig woorden tot
10583274 - Het heyligh herte ver-eert aen alle godtvrughtighe herten voor eenen nieu-iaer. Verciert met beelden en poлsie. Door eenen priester der societeyt lesu, [A. Poirters].
10583273 - Het Onderhoud der Goede Geesten op d'Ydelheden vande Werelt inde fransche Taal beschreven door H. Dullaart
10583272 - Het noodeloos tegen-venyn van een stuck sermoons door christelycke liefde van bitterheyt gesuyvert ...
10583271 - Geschiedenis van Godefridus van Bouillon door H. Prevault [pseud.]
10583270 - Heroпdum epistolae: oft der Griecscher Princessen ende Joncvrouwen klachtighe zeynt brieven beschreven int Latyn door den vermaerden poлet Ovidius Naso
10583269 - Een protestant aan zijne medeprotestanten ter gelegenheid van de afschetsing der voortreffelijkheid van den katholyken kerkler door J. G. le Sage ten Broek
10583268 - Reizen door een gedeelte van Europa, Klein Asien, verscheide Eilanden van de Archipel ...
10583267 - Pagt-tafelen, waar door alle on-ervarene in de reken-conste seer veerdig en gereed, konnen calculeren de pagt, ...
10583266 - De nieuwe wyze van landbouwen of onder-richtingen hoe men door byzondere toebereidings der gronden en nieuwe maniere van zaaien zeer groote oogsten van graanen, Peulvruohten en aardgewassen kan bekomen, enz
10583265 - Reize naar Surinamen, en door de binnenste gedulten van Guiana
10583264 - Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en land-reysen na Oost en West-Indian
10583263 - De levens van doorluchtige Grieken en Romeinen, onderling vergeleeken, door Plutarchus
10583262 - Nieuwe prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het genootschap ter bevordering der heelkunde
10583261 - Wandelingen door Bourgogne
10583260 - Krispyn, testateur en gelegateerde, of de erfgenaam door list
10583259 - Wandelingen door Brussel en een gedeelte van Belgiл, in 1836
10583258 - Zeldzaame levens-gevallen van J. C. Wyerman, op de Voor-Poorte van den Hove van Holland in 'sGravenhage overleden; behelzende zyne weergalooze en voortreffelyke geleerdheid, zyne wonderbaarlyke ontmoetingen en wetenswaardige omzwervingen door vele landen,
10583257 - De ongemaskerde liefde des hemels, tot weder-liefde door verscheyden beweegh-redenen, aen-spraecken ende betrachtinghen
10583256 - De verwoesting van Jeruzalem (door Christus voorzeyd) onder den bloeddorstigen Tyran Nero...
10583255 - Lijst der werken uitgegeven door of met bijdragen voorzien van wijlen Mr. W. Bilderdijk en Ve. K. W. Bilderdijk, chronologisch; en register der stukken in die werken voorkomende, afphabetisch gerangschikt
10583254 - Dagverhaal der ontdekkings-reis van Mr. Jacob Roggeveen, met de schepen den Arend, Thienhoven, en de Afrikaansche galei, in de jaren 1721 en 1722. Met toestemming van Zijne Excellentie den minister van kolonien uitg. door het Zeeuwsch genootschap der wete
10583253 - Getuigenis der waarheid aangaande de vredelievende bescherming welke de Hollandsche protestanten in Antwerpen genooten hebben: afgeperst door den schryver tegen de Eeuwrede van D. A. Kok
10583252 - Proeve, ter beantwoording der vrage, door Teyler's genootschap voorgesteld, betreffende het bestaan van beginzelen ener belangloze goedwilligheid, in het menschlyk hart
10583251 - De Bijbel, door beknopte uitbreidingen en ophelderende aenmerkingen verklaerd
10583250 - Wonderlijcke voyagie by de Hollanders ghedaen, door de strate Magalanes, ende voorts den gantschen kloot des aerdtbodems om, met vier schepen
10583249 - Onderzoek der Gronden, voor eene veronderstelde Wederopneming van Zenuwvocht door de Watervaten
10583248 - Verhandelingen uitgegeeven door de Hollandsche maatschappye der weetenschappen te Haarlem
10583247 - Lijst der werken uitgegeven door of met bijdragen voorz. van wijlen Mr. W. Bilderdijk en Ve. K.W. Bilderdijk, chronologisch; en Register der stukken in die werken voorkomende, alphabetisch gerangschikt
10583246 - Catalogus van een uitmuntende Verzameling van uit de drie Ryken der Natuur ... verzamelt door Willem. Van der Meulen
10583245 - Catalogus van een verzameling van heelkundige instrumenten en boeken ... agtergelaeten zoo door wylent Mynheer Franciscus Reynekinck ...welkers verkooping plaets zal hebben ... den Woensdag 26 October 1825 ... in Gend ...
10583244 - Wilhem de Derde door Gods genade, koning van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankryk en Ierland, Beschermer des geloofs
10583243 - Jurisprudentia Frisica, of Friesche regtkennis, een HS. uit de 15e eeuw, door M. Hettema. 3 stuken
10583242 - Den Krachteloosen Remonstrant, Vermorselt door de kracht vande Leere der waerheydt die nae de Godtsaligheydt is, Dat is: Korte ende klare Weder-legginge vande Voornaemste Lasteringen ende verkeerde Argueringen, die de Remonstranten tegen de ware Christeli
10583241 - Spiegel historiael, of, Rijmkronijk, met aanteekeningen door J.A. Clignett en J. Steenwinkel
10583240 - Historien Onses Tyds, Behelzende Saken Van Staat En Oorlogh, Voorgevallen in, en omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, En door geheel Europa, ...
10583239 - Mnemosyne, mengelingen voor wetenschappen en fraaije letteren verzameld door H.W. Tydeman en N.G. van Kampen. Stuk 1-10
10583238 - Proeve van bevrediging der oude godgeleerde en staatkundige geschillen, welke herlevendigd zijn geworden door onderscheidene sints eenigen tijd in het licht verschenen geschriften
10583237 - De Bybel vertaald, omschreeven en door aanmerkingen opgehelderd
10583236 - Leere der Waerheyt, van eenighe Leerstvcken die door de drijvers der nieuwicheden berispt ende ghelastert worden
10583235 - Ondersoek van de Betekeninge der Kometen, by gelegenheid van de gene die in de Jaren 1680, 1681 en 1682 geschenen hebben. Dese Druk is vermeerdert met een Hoofdstuk en een Nareden. Hier is nog bygevoegd een Berigt en Naberigt aangaande de Oost- en Westvin
10583234 - Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het genootschap ter bevordering der heelkunde
10583233 - Spiegel Der Waarheyd, Ofte t'Samensprekinge Tusschen Een Armiaan ende Vroom Patriot, Waar inne krachtig vertoont ende bewesen word, dat door de quade directie ende toeleg van eenige Heerschende Regenten Tot Amsterdam, Ons Land in den voorgaanden, en desen
10583232 - De toe-komste van den Heyligen Gheest over de Apostelen 't samen met hunne eerste wercken ende mirakelen tot hunne verdeylinghe door geheel de Wereld...
10583231 - Onderzoek der Gronden, voor eene veronderstelde Wederopneming van Zenuwvocht door de Watervaten
10583230 - Brieven van John Bowring, geschreven op eene reize door Holland, Friesland en Groningen
10583229 - Verhandelingen uitgegeven door het Zeeuwsch genootschap der wetenschappen te Vlissingen
10583228 - Memorie Ter Adstructie Van Het Verzoek, Door Mr. J. C. Hespe En J. Verlem Aan Hun Edele Groot Mogende De Heeren Staaten Van Holland En Westvriesland By Requesten Gedaan, En Ter Beantwoordinge van hetgeen daartegen by het Bericht van Schout en Schepenen va
10583227 - Het distrikt St. Nikolaas, voorheen Land van Waes, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, beschouwd met betrekking tot deszelfs natuur-, staat- en geschiedkunde, gevolgd door eene bijzondere beschrijving van elke stad, dorp of gemeente in hetzelve gelegen
10583226 - Comoedia Vetus, of bootsmans-praetje. Door eenige aenteykeningen opgeheldert en vermeerdert
10583225 - Reis door Noord Amerika
10583224 - Verbael gehouden door de Heeren H. van Beverningk, W. Nieupoort, J. van de Perre, en A.P. Jongestal, als gedeputeerden
10583223 - Gedenkschriften wegens het vierde eeuwgetijde van de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster
10583222 - Natuurkundige Lessen Door Proefneemingen Bevestigd
10583221 - Zeege-zang op het verrooveren der stad Naamen, en der onder hoorige sterkten, door de waapenen der saam-verknogte bondgenooten, onder het bestuer van ... Wilhem de Derde, enz
10583220 - Jerusalem en Sion tot Vreugdegalmen opgespoort door de Liefelyke Harptoonen van Koning David over Ps. 147: 12, 13, 14. Ter gelegentheid van den Algemeinen Dankdag over Neederlands Vreede
10583219 - Onder-aardze storm-klok, door de ... hand gods, in een onverwachte en verschrikkelyke aardbeeving, op Zardam, door geheel Holland, en nog meer andere provincien, landen en plaatsen, geluid: den 18. September,... 1692...
10583218 - Gedichten op de vervolging tegen de beleiders van de hervormde godsdienst, door Lowies de XIV ... in 't openbaar begonnen in 't jaar 1684. Op het onrechtmatig verbreeken van de vreede tusschen Vrankrijk en de vereenigde Nederlanden door Lowies de XIV in 1
10583217 - D'Eerste Opening en Gewis Onderwys van de Waere Vinding der Lengte van Oost en West, gedaan Door Lieuwe Willems Graaf, tot een proef dienende voor den Tijd van een Jaar
10583216 - Het ontroerde Nederlandt, door de wapenen des konings van Vrankryk ...
10583215 - D'oude Kronijk ende Historien vom Holland met West-Vriesland, van Zeeland ende van Uutrecht. Van nieus oversien, vermeerdert, verbetert ende verciert met Gheslacht-registeren ende Genealogyen (etc.) door W. van Gouthoeven. Deel 2 door E. de Veer ende N. D
10583214 - Historis oft waerachtich verhael van den gantschen toestant van oorlooge soo die ghevoert is in Duytschlandt, door den grootmachtichsten en onverwinnelicksten koningh Gustavus Adolphus, conink der Sweeden ... waer in de overwinninge der steden ... beleger
10583213 - 't verwaerloosde Formosa, of Waerachtig verhael, hoedanigh door verwaerloosinge der der Nederlanders in Oost-Indien, het eylant Formosa, van den Chinesen Mandorijn, ende zeeroover Coxinja, overrompelt, vermeestert, ende ontweldight is geworden. Met by-gev
10583212 - Verhole Wercken vanden Salighen ende verlichten Leeroer Joannes Vanden Cruyce eersten ongheschoender Carmeliet Door den Eerw Pater Servatius vanden H. Petrus
10583211 - Historia nostri temporis, dat is Geschiedenis onses Tijdts, door Adolphus Brachelius,... beginnende met het Jaer 1618, en vervolght tot het Jaer 1618 uyt de Latijnsche inde Nederduytsche tael overgeset door L
10583210 - Negenjaarige reyse door Oostindien en Persien
10583209 - Koning Davids Harpzangen. den Nederduitschen toegezongen door J. v. Vondel
10583208 - Zeer gedenkwaardige en naaukeurige historische reis-beschrijvinge, door Vrankrijk, Spangie, Italien, Duitsland, Engeland, Holland en Moscovien
10583207 - De Wonderdaden des Alderhoogsten waar in aangewesen word, wat mogelijker en waarschijnelijker is, de verleidinge van den mensch door sig selfs, of door dat ding dat een afgevallen Geest word genoemd ...
10583206 - Ongenoegsame Satisfactie, gedaan door den Auteur van het Boek, de Betov. Wereld genaamt ... Door Henricus Brinck, Dienaar der Gemeente J. Chr. tot Utrecht
10583205 - Spore der liefde ende eensaem-sprake ... Den derden druck. [Uitgegeven en vertaald door de Minderbroeders van Antwerpen].
10583204 - D'uitsteekenste digt-kunstige werkken, door Jan Zoet, Amsterdammer. Bestaande in verschaiden ernsthaftige en boertige stoffen. Naa zijn leeven by een gebragt, door een liefhebber der neederduidsche digt-kunst. Als mede het toneel-spel, genaemt Hel en heem
10583203 - Vlaemsche vrede-vreucht. Naer een pijnlijcke droefheyt door den grouwelijcken oorlogh, nu verandert in een aengenaeme peys. Verthoont door Vlaemsche maeght, mey-droom, Goddelycke vrede-lof, vorstelycke minne-lusten ende conincklycke bruyloft-dicht
10583202 - OUT-Door Papers .
10583201 - De chirurgie, ende alle de opera
10583200 - Reize om Kaap Hoorn langs de westkust van Zuid-Amerika, door de Stille Zuid-Zee naar de Philippijnsche Eilanden en verder door de Chinesche Zee naar Batavia
10583199 - Het leven van B. de Spinoza, met eenige aanteekeningen over zyn bedryf, schriften, en gevoelens: door den heer Bayle ... Nevens een kort betoog van de waarheit des christelyken godtsdiensts; en twee verhandelingen, I. van de ziel, II. van Godts wezentlykh
10583198 - Een schoone ghebedt ghemaect door ... Ian Hesselius ... Waer in datvan Godt den vader aenghaende het sacrament des outaers een vroem sterck ghelooue ... versocht wort. Overghestelt wt den latijne in onse nederlandsche sprake door F. P. Bacherium ...
10583197 - Prys-versen, behelzende : den mensch, door Adams val, gebragt in slaeverny; gerukt door 's Heylands dood, uyt satans heerschappy
10583196 - Regel van het derden order genaemd van penitentie, ingesteld door den seraphienschen vader Franciscus, bevestigd door den Paus Nicolaus IV.
10583195 - Den rampsalighen val vanden afgodt Dagon door de tegenvvoordigheyt van d'Arcke des Heeren in ghelijckenisse ghestelt door dese korte vvederlegginghe vanden Ghereformeerden Heydelbergschen Catechismus ...
10583194 - Het bereysde Oosten door Jo.r Vincent Stochove ... behelsende de naukeurighe beschrijvinghen vande rijcken ... Hier by is gevoeght Otthoman, ofte Kort begryp der levens vande Turcksche keysers, tot den jeghenwoordigen Mahomet de IV. door den selven autheu
10583193 - Leer-en-eer-reden, aenwyzende dat de waere vryheyd alleen gelegen is in Godt, en dat' er geene slavernye is in ' t kloosterlyk slot. Uytgesproken door ... Eugenius Somers ... plegtiglyk opgedraegen aen .... C. De Backer ... op den gedenkweirdigen dag, wan
10583192 - Alphabet der Hollandsche regten, ofte Bladt-Wyzer en korten inhoud van de Inleyding tot de Hollandsche regts-geleerdheit, beschreven door den heer Hugo de Groot en van de aantekeningen daar op door den heer Simon van Groenewegen van der Made ...
10583191 - Practijck des landmetens: leerende alle rechte ende kromzydige landen, bosschen, boomgaerden, ende andere velden meten ... Gecomponeert door Iohan Sems, ende Ian Pietersz Dou, .... Vermeerdert met hondert Geometrische Questien met haer solutien. Door Sybr
10583190 - Amstelredams eer ende opcomen, door de denckwaerdighe miraklen aldaer geschied, aen ende door het H. Sacrament des Altaers, anno 1345
10583189 - De herboore oudheit, of Europa in 't nieuw, door t'zaamenspraaken verhandelt van verscheidene zoorten van wyzen, en zotten: : zynde een opregt mengelmoes van waarheit, en loogen, van jok, en ernst, en een klaare sleutel, om den donkeren Parnas van W. van
10583188 - Proeve eener Hollandsche prosodia, oordeelkundig gegrond op, en door het gehoor getoetst aan de uitspraak onzer taal, door het beschaafde gedeelte onzer natie, en toegepast op het rythmus en metrum der ouden, in zoo verre beiden in onze Hollandsche dichtk
10583187 - Korte verhandeling door voorbeelden gesterkt, nopens de nieuwe wyze om de cataracta, met de daar door veroorzaakte blindheid te genezen, door middel van het kristallyne vocht uit het oog te nemen
10583186 - 't Verheerlickte Nederland door d' herstelde zee-vaart; klaerlijck voorgestelt, ontdeckt en aengewesen door manier van t' samen-sprekinge [...] Waar inne sy luyden [...] malkander voor-houden 1. Den slechten en soberen toestant in koop-handel [...] 2. Aen
10583185 - Drie voyagien gedaen na Groenlandt ... de eerste door Ioan Monnick, de tweede door Marten Forbisser, ende de derde door Gotske Lindenau [&c.].
10583184 - Next door neighbours
10583183 - Waerachtigh verhael, van 't gene gepasseert is by het veroveren des eylandts Funen in Denemarcken door Syne Coningl. Maj. van Swedens victorieuse wapenen op den 30 Ianuary des Iaers 1658. oude stijl
10583182 - Leeven en dood der doorlugtige heeren gebroeders Cornelis de Witt,...Beschreven door
10583181 - The Secret Door To Success
10583180 - The Greek pastoral poets, Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, done into Engl. by M.J. Chapman
10583179 - The voyages and adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto. Done into Engl. by
10583178 - The Universal Library of Historians; (viz.) the Oriental, Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Italian, English, and Others: Containing an Account of Their Lives ... and a Catalogue of the Several Editions of Their Works ... Written in French by Lewis E
10583177 - T. Lucretius Carus. The epicurean philosopher, his six books De natura rerum done into English verse, with notes
10583176 - Surveys and Surveyors of the Public Domain, 1785-1975
10583175 - Stabilizing the Dollar
10583174 - A monograph of the silver dollar
10583173 - The Dollar magazine
10583172 - Dollar monthly magazine
10583171 - Ballou's dollar monthly magazine
10583170 - Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations: The spectre barber [by J. K. A. Musдus] The magic dollar. The collier's family [by F. H. K. De La Motte-Fouquй] The victim of priestcraft. Kibitz
10583169 - Doing good, and communicating, sacrifices well-pleasing to God
10583168 - Ignorance and folly put to silence by well-doing
10583167 - Managed Integration; Dilemmas of Doing Good in the City
10583166 - The dog Crusoe and his master
10583165 - Researches into the history of the British dog
10583164 - The confessions of a lost dog
10583163 - The dog and the sportsman
10583162 - The History of Pompey the Little
10583161 - The Dog
10583160 - Outlines of veterinary homoeopathy: comprising horse, cow, dog, sheep, and hog diseases, and their homњopathic treatment
10583159 - The little woodman and his dog Caesar
10583158 - Neptune; or, The autobiography of a Newfoundland dog, by the author of 'Tuppy'.
10583157 - New manual of homњopathic veterinary medicine ; or The homњopathic treatment of the horse, the ox, the sheep, the dog, and other domestic animals
10583156 - The New Book of the Dog
10583155 - Verhael vande Heeren Joncker Adrian van Mathenes, Heere van Riviere, Opmeer, Does [...] Hugo Muys van Holy, Schout der Stadt Dordrecht: Gerrit Jansz vander Eyck, Burgemeester der Stadt delft: Meester Hugo de Groot, raedt, ende Pensionaris der Stadt Rotter
10583154 - Hollandtsche Rijm-Kronijk inhoudende de geschiedenissen der Graven van Hollandt tot het Jaer 1305; door enen wiens naeme noch onbekent is vvor 319 Jaren beschreven. Met een Vorrede des Jan van der Does. Hier is noch bygevoecht een waerachtige deductie van
10583153 - Apologia invectiva: ofte Een heftige verantwoordinge voor Iohan vander Does ende synen Soon. Secretarisen der Stadt Gorinchum, teghena Jonck-Heer Iacob van Paffenroode Drossart der selver Stede, ende syne onuytspreeckelijcke Eerloose, onrechtveerdige calu
10583152 - Hollandtsche Riim-Kroniik inhoudende de gheschiedenissen der Graven van Hollandt tot het Iaer M.CCC.V. ... Met een Voorrede des edelen E. Jonkh. Ian vander Does... Mitsgaders een extract uut een oude chronijcke, ghedruckt by Ian Veldenaer tot Utrecht int
10583151 - "What, then, does Dr. Newman mean?"
10583150 - Handsome is that handsome does
10583149 - What Society Does to Girls
10583148 - Executive documents of the State of Minnesota for the year ...
10583147 - Interesting memoirs and documents relating to American slavery
10583146 - The Executive Documents
10583145 - Niles' National Register, Containing Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientifical, Statistical, Economical, AND Biographical Documents, Essays AND Facts: Together With Notices OF THE Arts AND Manufactuers, AND A Record OF THE Events OF THE Times.
10583144 - Minutes, and other documents of the Grand committees of the Independent order of Odd fellows
10583143 - Arkansas public documents
10583142 - Executive documents, annual reports
10583141 - Examiner
10583140 - Index TO Miscellaneous Documents OF THE House OF Representatives FOR THE Second Session OF THE Fortieth Congress
10583139 - Fabric rolls and documents of York Minster : or, a defence of "The history of the metropolitan church of St. Peter, York,"
10583138 - Public Documents Printed BY Order OF Senate OF THE United States, During THE First Session OF THE Twenty-Sixth Congress, Begun AND Held AT THE City OF Washington, December 2, 1839.
10583137 - Annual message and accomanying documents
10583136 - Memorials of Columbus; or, A collection of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator
10583135 - Reports and other documents relating to the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, Mass
10583134 - Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320. From the archives of the city of Dublin, etc
10583133 - A history of the State paper office; with a view of the documents therein deposited
10583132 - Ancient Syriac Documents relative to the earliest establishment of christianity in Edessa and the neighbouring countries from the year after our Lord's Ascension to the beginning of the fourth century
10583131 - The Ideas that Have Influenced Civilization, in the Original Documents
10583130 - Documents relating to Perkin Warbeck, with remarks on his history
10583129 - Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accompanying Documents
10583128 - A statement, letters, and documents, respecting the affairs of Trinidad
10583127 - THE Miscellaneous Documents OF THE House OF Representatives,Printed During THE Second Session OF THE Thirty-Eighth Congress 1864-'65
10583126 - THE Miscellaneous Documents Printed BY Order OF THE House OF Representatives.
10583125 - Miscellaneous Documents, Read in the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
10583124 - the miscellaneous documents of the house of representaticves
10583123 - THE Miscellaneous Documents OF THE Senate OF THE Unites States
10583122 - Memorias dos estabelecimentos portuguezes a l'este do Cabo da Boa Esperanзa
10583121 - Libro del reyno de Dios y del camino por do se alcanзa
10583120 - Diбrio do governo
10583119 - Do.: Bйquilles
10583118 - Chronica do Serenissimo Senhor Rei D. Manoel
10583117 - Gabinet medalуw polskich oraz tych ktуre si
10583116 - El non plus ultra do lunario y pronуstico perpйtuo, general y particular para cada reino y provincia
10583115 - Resenha das familias titulares do reino de Portugal
10583114 - La verdadera relacion de todo lo q? este aсo de M.D.LXV. ha sucedido en la Isla de Malta, dende antes que la armada del gran turco Soliman llegasse sobre ella, hasta la llegada del socorro postrero del ... Rey de Espaсa don Phelipe nuestro seсor seg?do de
10583113 - Do[n] Silues de la Selua, Comie[n]зa la dozena parte del inuencible cauallero don Amadis de Gaula, que tracta delos grandes hechos en armas del esforзado cauallero don Silues de la Selua con el fin de las guerras ruxianas ...
10583112 - Obras do grande Luis de Camхes ...
10583111 - Chronica do muito alto e muito esclarecido principe Dom Diniz Sexto Rey de Portugal
10583110 - Ordenaзхes e leis do reino de Portugal
10583109 - Revista trimensal de historia e geographia, ou, Jornal do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro
10583108 - Dokumenty dlja istorii diplomati
10583107 - Commentarios do grande Afonso Dalboquerque
10583106 - Vocabolario veneziano e padovana do' termini
10583105 - Tercera y quarta parte del imbencible principe do Belianis de Grecia
10583104 - Chronica do muito alto e muito esclarecido principe D. Affonso Henriques primeiro Rey de Portugal
10583103 - Collecc
10583102 - Manualik do nauczenia si
10583101 - Anatomia do corpo humano
10583100 - Historia do Descobrimento e Conquista da India pelos Portugueses
10583099 - Annaes do Rio de Janeiro
10583098 - Obras do doctor Francisco de Sб de Miranda
10583097 - Provas da Historia genealogica da casa real portugueza, tiradas dos instrumentos dos archivos da Torre do Tombo, da serenissima casa de Braganзa, de diversas cathedraes, mosteiros e outros particulares deste reyno...
10583096 - Historia do Brasil
10583095 - Vernei e a Cultura do seu Tempo
10583094 - Obras: Discurso biographico do bacharel M. A. Alvares de Azevedo, por D. J. Monteiro. Fragmentos de cartas do autor ao Sr. Luiz Antonio da Silva Nunes. Lyra dos vinte annos. Poesias diversas
10583093 - Observaзхes crнticas sobre alguns artigos do Ensaio estatнstico do reino de Portugal e Algarves
10583092 - Pharmacographia do codigo pharmaceutico lusitano ...
10583091 - Mappas das medidas do novo systema legal comparadas com as antigas nos diversos concelhos do reino e ilhas
10583090 - Os Lusiadas do Grande Luis de Camoens ...
10583089 - Diбrio do governo
10583088 - Peregrinaзam de Fernam Mendez Pinto ; em que da conta de muytas e muyto estranhas cousas que vio & ouuio no reyno da China, no da Tartaria, no do Sornau, que vulgarmente se chama Siгo, no do Calaminhan, no de Pegщ, no de Martauгo , & em outros muytos reyn
10583087 - Colleззгo das leis e decretos do imperio do Brazil
10583086 - Sermoens do P. Antonio Vieira da Companhia de Jesu ...
10583085 - Sermoens do P. Antonio Vieyra da Companhia de Jesu ...
10583084 - Sermoens do Padre Francisco de S. Maria ... da Congregaзam de S. Joao Evangelista : terceira parte
10583083 - Sterf-bedde van den eerwaarden, godsaligen, en seer geleerden Do. Balthazar Bekker
10583082 - Pharsaliey albo raczey: Woyny Domowey Rzymskiey od zabicia w Senacie Juliusza Caezara miedzy dwiema stronami; Iedney o wolnosc drugiey pod pretextem zemsty iego zaboiu, o nabycie panstwa czyni
10583081 - Constituico~es synodales do arcebispado de Lisboa
10583080 - Martyrologio romano dado a luz por mandado do papa Gregorio XIII e nouamente accrescentado por authoridade do papa Clemente X ...
10583079 - Viagem do Capitaф Cook б roda do mundo no navio de sua magestade, a Diligencia
10583078 - Observaзхes sobre a Constituiзгo do Imperio do Brazil
10583077 - Przepis do szkу
10583076 - Ordonaзoes, e Leys do Reyno de Portugal, confirmadas e estabelecidas Pelo Leuhor Rey, D. Joad IV, novamente impressas... Por Mandalo do nicuito alto et paderoso Rey, D. nosso Senhor
10583075 - Kleynoty ... miбstб Krakowa, abo Ko
10583074 - Catalogo e historia dos bispos do Porto
10583073 - Pami
10583072 - Historia dos milagres do Rosario da Virgem Nossa Senhora
10583071 - Flagello do peccado, composto de varios sermoens
10583070 - Catalogos dos productos naturaes e industriaes remettidos das provincias do Imperio do Brasil que figuбrгo na Exposiзгo Nacional inaugurada na cфrte do Rio de Janeiro no dia 2 de dezembro de 1861
10583069 - How to do it
10583068 - Zbior rytmow duchownych, panegirycznych, moralnych y swiatowych, zebrany y do dr. podany przez J.Z.R.K.O.W. &c
10583067 - Constituiзгo polнtica do Impйrio do Brasil seguida do acto addicional, da lei da sua interpretaзгo e de outras, analysada por um jurisconsulto e novamente annotada com as leis regulamentares, decretos, avisos, ordens, e portarias que lhe sгo relativas
10583066 - The land of Burns, a series of landscapes and portraits, the landscapes from paintings by D.O. Hill, the literary department by prof. Wilson and R. Chambers
10583065 - What will he do with it?
10583064 - Chronica da Companhia de Jesu do Estado do Brasil e do que obrarгm seus filhos n'esta parte do novo mundo
10583063 - Sermoens do padre Bertholameu do Quental, da Congregaз'ao do Oratorio...
10583062 - What will he do with it? By Pisistratus Caxton
10583061 - Foras Feasa Ar Eirinn Do Rйir an Athar Seathrun Cйiting, Ollamh Rй Diadhachta
10583060 - Do you give it up? A collection of conundrums [&c.].
10583059 - Indice chronologico dos factos mais notaveis da historia do Brasil desde seu descobrimento em 1500 atй 1849, seguido de um succinto esboзo do estado do paiz ao findar o anno de 1849 ...
10583058 - Memуrias histуricas do Rio de Janeiro e das provincias annexas a' jurisdicзгo do vice-rei do estado do Brasil
10583057 - Relatorio do governador geral da Provincia de Angola
10583056 - Sermoens do Padre Bertholameu do Quental, da Congregaзaх do Oratorio ...
10583055 - Primeira parte do Indeж da livraria de musica do ... rey dom Ioгo o iv
10583054 - Historia de fundaca
10583053 - Constituiзгo politica do Imperio do Brazil
10583052 - Pragmaticas y Leyes hechas y recopiladas por mandado de los muy altos, catholicos y poderosos principes y seсores del Rey do[n] Ferna[n]do, y la reyna doсa Ysabel... Y con las leyes y pragmaticas que su magestad del Emperador don Carlos a fecho y promulga
10583051 - Annaes historicos do Estado do Maranhaх
10583050 - Cronica del muy valeroso rey don Fernando, Visnieto del sancto rey don Ferna[n]do que gano a Seuilla Nieto del rey do[n] Alonso que fue par d[e] emperador [et] hizo el libro de las siete partidas y fue hiio del rey do[n] Sancho el Brauo cuyas cronicas est
10583049 - The humbled sinner resolved what he should do to be saved
10583048 - Vida do admiravel papre S. Theotonio...
10583047 - Essays to Do Good
10583046 - Memoria sobre la conveniencia, utilidad y necesidad de erigir constitucionalmente en estado de la Confederacion Mexicana el antiguo distrito de Campeche, constituido de hecho en estado libre y soberano desde mayo de 1848, por virtud de los convenios de di
10583045 - Species et iconographie gйnйrique des animaux articulйs ou reprйsentation des genres, avec leur description et celle de toutes les espиces de cette grande division du rиgne animal
10583044 - The poll for the southern division of the west riding of the county of York ... 1865
10583043 - Dictionnaire franзais-latin des termes de mйdecine et de chirurgie, avec leur dйfinition, leur division & leur йtymologie. Suite du cours de chirurgie
10583042 - Nouvelles tables trigonomйtriques calculйes pour la division dйcimale du quart de carcle
10583041 - Tables trigonomйtriques dйcimales, ou table des logarithmes des sinus, sйcantes et tangentes, suivant la division du quart de cercle en 100 degrйs, du degrй en 100 minutes, et de la minute in 100 secondes
10583040 - La Division du monde, contenant la declaration des prouinces et regions d'Asie, Europe, et Aphricque... (Par J. Signot)
10583039 - Histoire de la scission ou division arrivйe en Pologne le Xxvii. juin Mdcxcvii au sujet de l'йlection d'un roy
10583038 - La geometrie pratique du Sr Boulenger ... ou Nouvelle Methode pour toiser & arpenter promptement & facilement toutes sortes de grandeurs, sans se servir de Fractions, de Reductions, ny mкmes d'aucune Division, quoy qu'on se serve de la mesure ordinaire &
10583037 - Praktische Generalstabswissenschaft (niederer Theil) oder Dienst des Generalstabes fьr die bei einer Division im Kriege angestellten Offiziere
10583036 - Histoire de la scission ou division arrivйe en Pologne 1697, au sujet de l'йlection d'un roy
10583035 - Diario de viage de la Comision de limites que puso el gobierno de la Republica, bajo la direccion del exmo. sr. general de division d. Manuel de Mier y Teran
10583034 - Catalogo De Las Lenguas De Las Naciones Conocidas, Y Numeracion, Division, Y Clases De Estas Segun La Diversidad De Sus Idiomas Y Dialectos
10583033 - Histoire de la scission ou division arrivйe en Pologne le xxvii. juin M.D.C.XCVII. au sujet de l'йlection d'un roy
10583032 - Memoria histуrica sobre las operaciones e incidencias de la division libertadora
10583031 - The poll for two knights of the shire to represent in parliament the southern division of the county palatine of Durham, as taken 21st, 22nd December 1832
10583030 - Catбlogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas, y numeracion, division, y clases de estas segun la diversidad de sus idiomas y dialectos
10583029 - Histoire de la Scission ou division arrivйe en Pologne le 27 juin 1697, au sujet de l'йlection d'un roy
10583028 - 1835. The poll for the knights of the shire, to represent the western division ofthe county of Kent in parliament
10583027 - Le regne animal divisй en IX classes, ou methode contenant la division generale des animaux ...
10583026 - Disertacion sobre el poder que los reyes expaсoles ejercieron hasta el siglo duodecimo en la division de obispados
10583025 - The poll at the election of a knight of the shire to serve in parliament for the eastern division of the county of Gloucester, taken August 11th and 12th, 1834
10583024 - Ornithologie ou Mйthode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, espиces & leur variйtйs: 543, [1], LXV, [3] p., XLVII f. de pl. dйpl
10583023 - De la richesse minйrale: Division economique
10583022 - Instruction abrйgйe sur les mesures dйduites de la grandeur de la terre, uniformes pour toute la Rйpublique, et sur les calculs relatifs а leur division dйcimale
10583021 - Plan de division du royaume et rleglement pour son organisation
10583020 - G
10583019 - Monographie des Cйtoines et genres voisins, formant, dans les familles naturelles de Latreille, la division des scarabйes mйlitophiles
10583018 - Leзons sur lнmpot, la rente, la division du travail, les machines, le paupйrisme, la monnaie, le crйdit, les banques, lбgriculture, lнndustrie, les travaux publics, la conversion des rentes, les sociйtйs en commandite, les douanes, la statistique; et sur
10583017 - Tableau synoptique et comparatif des idiomes populaires ou patois de la France, contenant de notices sur la littйrature des dialectes, leur division territoriale ainsi que celle de leurs sous-espиces, etc
10583016 - Disertacion sobre el poder que los reyes espaсoles ejercieron hasta el siglo duodecimo en la division de obispados, y otros puntos conecsos de disciplina eclesiastica
10583015 - Journal historique des operations militaires du Siиge de Peschiera et de l'attaque des retranchemens de Sermione Commandйs par le Gйnйral de Division Chasseloup Laubat ...
10583014 - Appel а la France contre la division des opinions
10583013 - Ornithologie ou Methode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, especes et leurs variйtйs ...
10583012 - Nouvelle histoire du Berry, contenant son origine, ses antiquitйs les plus reculйes,... sa division en ses diffйrentes parties, ses descriptions gйographiques,... avec les histoires hйraldiques,... des maisons et familles nobles les plus connues dans le b
10583011 - Histoire de la scission ou division arrivйe en Pologne le Xxvii. juin M.DC.Xcvii au sujet de l'election d'un roy
10583010 - De la division la plus naturelle des phйnomиnes physiologiques
10583009 - Ornithologie ou mйthode contenant la division des ciseaux...
10583008 - A Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medicine: Including the bio-thanatology of newborn children and the first part of The biological division
10583007 - The Local Historian's Table Book: Historical division
10583006 - Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum
10583005 - The proceedings and poll at the election for two knights of the shire to represent in parliament the northern division of the county of Durham, as taken 7th and 8th August, 1837. Also, the speeches on the day of nomination and at the declaration of the po
10583004 - The local historian's table book, of remarkable occurrences, historical facts, traditions, legendary and descriptive ballads [&c.] connected with the counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. Legendary division
10583003 - Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum
10583002 - The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests from the earliest accounts till division of the Macedonian Empire in the East:.
10583001 - The new sailing directory for the Strait of Gibralter and the western division of the Mediterranean Sea
10583000 - The Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division
10582999 - Register of voters for the northern division of the county of Durham, 1868-9, and poll taken 24 Nov., 1868
10582998 - Sharpe's road-book for the rail, eastern (western) division
10582997 - Journal of proceedings of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the State of New York
10582996 - The English Cyclopaedia: Division. Geography. 4v. and Suppl
10582995 - Journal of proceedings of the National Division of the Sons of Temperance
10582994 - A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, Anterior to the Division of the East and West
10582993 - First division
10582992 - 1865. The poll for two knights of the shire to represent the eastern division of the county of Kent. Compiled by W. Hall
10582991 - Health Physics Division annual progress report
10582990 - The new sailing directory for the Strait of Gibraltar and the western division of the Mediterranean Sea
10582989 - The division-violist, or, An introduction to the playing upon a ground
10582988 - The ecclesiastical division of the diocese of Bristol
10582987 - Physics Division annual progress report for period ending ...
10582986 - The Poll for Two Knights of the Shire for the Western Division of the County of Norfolk
10582985 - List of electors for the southern division of the county of Derby, shewing how they voted ... Jan. 20th and 21st, 1835
10582984 - Report of work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics mainly during the fiscal year 1887-'88
10582983 - A compendious system of practical surveying, and dividing of land
10582982 - An introduction and notes, on Mr. Bird's Method of dividing astronomical instruments
10582981 - History of the Dividing Line and Other Tracts: History of the Dividing Line
10582980 - St. Mark's Gospel: the text divided into paragraphs, and arranged chronologically, with notes, by J. Davies. (Local exam. manual).
10582979 - Reports by the Juries on the Subjects in the Thirty Classes Into which the Exhibition was Divided
10582978 - Reports by the juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the exhibition was divided
10582977 - The Church Catechism Explain'd, By Way of Question and Answer; And Confirm'd by Scripture Proofs: Divided Into Five Parts, and Twelve Sections. Wherein a brief and plain Account is given of, I. The Christian Covenant. II. The Christian Faith. III. The Chr
10582976 - Parallel universal history, an outline of the history and biography of the world divided into periods
10582975 - Letters, now divided into three parts
10582974 - A treatise on the process employed by nature in suppressing the hemorrhage from divided and punctured arteries
10582973 - The protestants apologie for the Roman Church, divided into three severall tractes
10582972 - Demarcacion de los limites de las cuatro provincias en que se divide la Cataluсa
10582971 - Algumas palavras em resposta ao que certas pessoas tem ditto e avanзado a cerca do governo Portuguez
10582970 - Guerrino ditto Meschino
10582969 - A treatise on the incubus, or, nightmare, disturbed sleep, terrific dreams, and nocturnal visions
10582968 - (Report on the land revenue of the Chanda district).
10582967 - Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia
10582966 - A guide through the district of the lakes in the north of England
10582965 - Economic geology of the Georgetown quadrangle (together with the Empire district) Colorado
10582964 - Reports of cases adjudged in the courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphans' Court, of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania
10582963 - Report of the Jaloun district, historical, geographical, statistical, 1869
10582962 - Address of John Quincy Adams, to his constituents of the Twelfth Congressional District
10582961 - Geology of New York: Geology of the first geological district (by William W. Mather)
10582960 - Paleontology of the Coalinga district, Fresno and Kings counties, California
10582959 - Historical sketches of the ten miles square forming the District of Columbia
10582958 - Reports of cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Eastern District
10582957 - Extracts from the second report of the inspectors of prisons for the Home District
10582956 - A geographical, statistical and historical description of the district ... of Dinajpur, by F. Buchanan, Hamilton
10582955 - Geology and coal resources of the Toledo-Castle Rock district, Cowlitz and Lewis Counties, Washington
10582954 - Geology of the Hanover-York district, Pennsylvania
10582953 - A statistical view of the district of Maine
10582952 - Geology of the Rangely oil district, Rio Blanco County, Colorado
10582951 - The Willow Creek district, Alaska
10582950 - Congressional district atlas
10582949 - Geology and ore deposits of the Bullfrog district, Nevada
10582948 - The mineral resources of the Mount Wrangell district, Alaska
10582947 - Geological and mining report on the Leinster coal district
10582946 - Geology and ore deposits of the Chichagof mining district, Alaska
10582945 - The Innoko gold-placer district, Alaska
10582944 - On the objects, and services, of the Society for promoting Christian knowledge, and its diocesan and district committees; a sermon
10582943 - Geology and quicksilver deposits of the Terlingua district, Texas
10582942 - Geology and ore deposits of the Breckenridge district, Colorado
10582941 - Delineations of the north western division of the county of Somerset, and of its antedeluvian bone caverns, with a geological sketch of the district
10582940 - The Ajo mining district, Arizona
10582939 - Reports of cases adjudged in the court of common pleas of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania
10582938 - A description of the scenery in the Lake district
10582937 - Fire protection in District 1
10582936 - A compendious history of the northern part of the province of New Brunswick, and of the district of Gaspe, in Lower Canada...
10582935 - Geology and ore deposits of the Pioche district, Nevada
10582934 - The district visitor's manual
10582933 - Iron ores, fuels, and fluxes of the Birmingham district, Alabama
10582932 - The civil, ecclesiastical [&c.] history of Leeds, Halifax, Huddersfield ... and the manufacturing district of Yorkshire
10582931 - a geogaphical view of the district of maine
10582930 - Madhya Pradesh district gazetteers
10582929 - U.S. district court, northern district of California
10582928 - Report of the trial of James H. Peck, judge of the United States district court for the district of Missouri, before the Senate of the United States on an impeachment preferred by the House of representatives against him for high misdemeanors in office
10582927 - Traitй thйorique et pratique de la conduite et de la distribution des eaux
10582926 - Rйflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses
10582925 - Des lignes isothermes et la distribution de la chaleur sur le globe
10582924 - Traitй pratique du chauffage, de la ventilation, et de la distribution des eaux dans les habitations particuliиres
10582923 - De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la dйcoration des йdifices en gйneral
10582922 - Pieuse distribution du temps
10582921 - L'art de batir des maisons de campagne ou l'on traite de leur distribution, de leur construction, et de leur decoration
10582920 - Thйorie des sentiments agrйables, oщ aprиs avoir indiquй les rиgles que la nature suit dans la distribution du plaisir, on йtablit les principes de la thйologie naturelle et ceux de la philosophie morale
10582919 - Pratique du droit canonique au gouvernement de l'Eglise, correction des moeurs et distribution des bйnйfices
10582918 - Flore des environs de Paris, ou Distribution mйthodique des plantes qui y croissent naturellement
10582917 - Distribution des prix, faite aux йlиves du prytanйe de Paris ... le 30 thermidor, an 11
10582916 - Distribution solennelle des prix aux йlиves de l'athйnйe de Gand
10582915 - Distribution des prix, faite aux йlиves du prytanйe franзais, а Saint-Cyr ... le 1er fructidor, an 13
10582914 - Dissertation sur l'effet des topiques dans les maladies internes, et en particulier sur celui du Sr Arnoult, contre l'Apoplexie, connu sous le nom de sachets anti-apoplectiques, dont la distribution se fait en sa maison, rue Quincampoix, au coin du cul-de
10582913 - Cours d'architecture ou traitй de la dйcoration, distribution et construction des bвtiments
10582912 - Distribution des prix, faite aux йlиves du Prytanйe, collиge de St. Cyr
10582911 - Lycйe impйrial de Lyon. Procиs-verbal de la distribution des prix accordйs par la Ville aux йlиves du Lycйe
10582910 - Procиs-verbaux des concours pour la nomination des йlиves internes et externes en mйdecine et en chirurgie des hopitaux et hospices civils de Paris, pour l'an 1832, et distribution des prix pour l'an 1831
10582909 - Description gйnйrale des diffйrens ouvrages а exйcuter pour la distribution des eaux du canal de l'Ourcq dans l'intйrieur de Paris, et devis dйtaillй de ces ouvrages
10582908 - An essay on the distribution of wealth, and on the sources of taxation
10582907 - Prattique du droict canonique au gouvernement de l'Eglise, correction des moeurs et distribution des bйnйfices, le tout au stile et usage de France...
10582906 - On the classification and geographical distribution of the M
10582905 - Thйorie des sentimens agrйables, oщ, aprиs avoir indiquи les rиgles que la nature suit dans la distribution dy plaisir, on йstablit les principes de la theуlogie naturelle, & ceux dela philosophie morale
10582904 - Description abregйe gйographique et historique du Brabant hollandois et de la Flandre hollandoise contenant un dйtail prйcis de la distribution de ces pays, de leur situation, climat, gouvernement, forces, nombre & moeurs de habitans, &c. Tirй du Hollando
10582903 - Prattique du droict canonique au gouvernement de l'Eglise, correction des moeurs et distribution des bйnйfices, le tout au stile et usage de France...
10582902 - OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
10582901 - Identification, history, and distribution of common sorghum varieties
10582900 - Proceedings of a symposium/workshop on underground heat distribution systems
10582899 - Distribution of insect pests in cottonfields
10582898 - North American geologic formation names : bibliography, synonymy and distribution,
10582897 - The occurrence and distribution of corundum in the United States
10582896 - Corundum and its occurrence and distribution in the United States
10582895 - Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States Geological survey with the laws governing their printing and distribution
10582894 - An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth most conducive to human happiness
10582893 - The distribution and the mechanical properties of Alaska woods
10582892 - Principles of Political Economy: Of the laws of the production and distribution of wealth
10582891 - An essay on the influence of the external corn trade upon the production and distribution of national wealth; ...
10582890 - A treatise on water-works for conveying and distributing supplies of water
10582889 - Loveday's letters, domestick and forreign, to several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical and moral
10582888 - Priestcraft distinguish'd from Christianity
10582887 - Principles and connexion of natural and revealed religion distinctly considered
10582886 - Sentimens sur la distinction des diverses maniиres de peinture, dessein et graveure, et des originaux d'avec leurs copies...
10582885 - Sentimens sur la distinction des diverses maniиres de peinture, dessins et gravures et des originaux
10582884 - La Distinction des places en l'Eglise pour les clercs et pour les laпques, auec vn Traitй des armoiries comme elles ne doivent кtre tolйrйes dans les йglises et sur les ornements, tirй de l'eminentissime cardinal Gabriel Paleote,...
10582883 - Sentimens sur la distinction des diverses maniиres de Peinture, Dessein et Graveure
10582882 - La Distinction et la nature du bien et du mal, traitй oщ l'on combat l'erreur des Manichйens, les sentiments de Montagne et de Charron et ceux de M. Bayle ; et le livre de saint Augustin de la Nature du bien, contre les Manichйens, traduit en franзois, su
10582881 - Principes sur l'essence, la distinction et les limites des deux puissances : spirituelle et temporelle. Ouvrage posthume du Pиre de la Borde,...
10582880 - Recueil de piиces dans lesquelles sont йtablies la Distinction, l'Etendue & les Bornes des deux Puissances Ecclйsiastique & Temporelle
10582879 - Magazin Des Enfantes, Ou Dialogus Entre une sage Gouvernante Et plusieurs de ses Eleves de la premiиre distinction
10582878 - Magasin des adolescentes, ou Dialogues Entre une sage Gouvernante, & plusieurs de ses Elиves de la premiиre distinction
10582877 - Nйcrologe de l'abbaпe de Nфtre-Dame de Port-Roial des Champs Ordre de Cоteaux, Institut du saint sacrement; qvi contient les eloges historiques avec les epitaphes des fondateurs & bienfaiteurs de ce monastйre, & des autres personnes de distinction, qui l'
10582876 - Principes sur la distinction du contrat et du sacrement de mariage, sur le pouvoir d'apposer des empкchemens dirimans et sur le droit d'accorder des dispenses matrimoniales
10582875 - Catalogue d'une trиs-belle collection de livres en plusieurs langues et facultйs ... dйlaissйs par une personne de distinction ...
10582874 - Traitй du domaine de propriйtй ou de la distinction des biens, considйrйs principalement par rapport au domaine privй
10582873 - Sentimens svr la distinction des diverses maniиres de peinture, dessein & graueure, & des originaux d'auec leurs copies
10582872 - Inscription en faux contre le texte citй sous le nom de M. Bossuet... dans la rйclamation de l'Assemblйe... du clergй en 1760, au sujet de la distinction des droits des deux puissances йclйsiastique et sйculiиre... par un licenciй en droit (l'abbй J. B. d
10582871 - Magasin des adolescentes ou dialogues d'une sage gouvernante avec ses йlиves de la premiиre distinction
10582870 - Magasin des adolescentes, ou Dialogues d'une sage gouvernante avec ses eleves de la premiere distinction pour servir de suite au Magasin des enfans
10582869 - Les oeuvres de feu M. De Cordemoy de l'Acadйmie franзoise, contenant VI discours sur la distinction du corps et de l'вme, divisйes en six parties
10582868 - De la distinction primitive des Pseaumes en monologues et en dialogues
10582867 - Principes sur l'essence, la distinction et les limites des deux puissances, spirituelle et temporelle
10582866 - Whartoniana; or, Miscellanies, in verse and prose. By the Wharton family, and several other persons of distinction [Tr. from the Fr. by J. Morgan. Ed. by E. Curll].
10582865 - The American Chesterfield, or, Way to wealth, honour, and distinction
10582864 - Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society
10582863 - The lady's preceptor, or, A letter to a young lady of distinction upon politeness
10582862 - The distinction between words esteemed synonymous in the English language
10582861 - The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks
10582860 - Discursus juris publici de donatione Constantini M., ex c. 14. distinct. 96
10582859 - Dubitationes [et] resolutiones partium iuris scripti in sex paragraphos distinct[a]e ...
10582858 - Discursus iuris publ. de donatione Constantini M. ex c. 14. distinct. 96
10582857 - An essay on consciousness: or, A series of evidences of a distinct mind
10582856 - The four pillars, or, The truth of Christianity demonstrated, in four distinct and independent series of proofs
10582855 - Bradshaw"s shilling handbook of Great Britain and Ireland, illustrated with superb-steel engraved views, maps & plans of towns in four sections each forming a special and distinct handbook
10582854 - Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world. Methodised and digested under distinct heads, with additions, by J. Trusler
10582853 - Harmonie des deux sphиres cйleste et terrestre, ou l'Art de connoоtre la situation, la route, et la distance de toutes les parties de la terre par le soleil et par les йtoiles,... par M. J. Goiffon,...
10582852 - Harmonie des deux sphиres cйleste et terrestre, ou l'art de connaоtre la situation, la route et la distance de toutes les parties de la terre, par le soleil et par les йtoiles
10582851 - Description de l'Amerique et des parties d'icelle, comme de la Nouvelle France, Floride, des Antilles, Iucaya, Cuba, Iamaica, &c., item de l'estendue et distance des lieux, de la fertilitй et abondance du pays, religion et coustumes des habitans, et autre
10582850 - Йtudes d'astronomie stellaire. Sur la Voie lactйe et sur la distance des йtoiles fixes
10582849 - A set of linear tables, for correcting the apparent distance of the moon from the sun or a fixed star, for the effect of refraction
10582848 - The distance of the sun from the earth determined, by the theory of gravity
10582847 - German word-book; a comparative vocabulary displaying the close affinity between the German and English languages
10582846 - China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture, and social habits of that ancient empire
10582845 - Dufief's Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man
10582844 - Dufief's Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man: adapted to the Span. by M. Velasquez de la Cadena, L. Hargous and M. de Torres
10582843 - The Wonders of Nature and Providence, Displayed
10582842 - The World Displayed, in Its History and Geography
10582841 - Human nature displayed in the history of Myddle
10582840 - Reuben Vose's wealth of the world displayed
10582839 - The nature and genius of the German language displayed
10582838 - An exposition of the ninth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. With The banner of justification displayed. To which is added, GE
10582837 - Faithful contendings displayed
10582836 - The English and Dutch affairs displayed to the Life. Both in matters of Warr, State, and Merchandize. How far the English engaged in their Defence, against the most Potent Monarchy of Spain and how ill the Dutch have since requited the English, fot their
10582835 - Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man ... adapted to the French
10582834 - Tom Fool's History, Or, Modern Taste Displayed
10582833 - The antiquities of England and Wales displayed
10582832 - Calumny and defamation displayed
10582831 - Christ's rule displayed in Great-Britain's deliverance. A sermon preached October 9, 1746. Being the day of thanksgiving appointed by publick authority, for the victory obtained over the rebels at the battle of Culloden, ... By Thomas Hall
10582830 - The beauties of nature and art displayed in a tour through the world ...
10582829 - The diorama of life, or, The macrocosm and microcosm displayed
10582828 - The religious world displayed
10582827 - Curtis's botanical magazine, or, Flower-garden displayed
10582826 - Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man
10582825 - The world displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations
10582824 - The religious world displayed, or, A view of Judaism, paganism, Christianity and Mohammedanism
10582823 - Grace displayed
10582822 - The Botanical magazine, or, Flower garden displayed
10582821 - The true nature of imposture fully displayed in the life of Mahomet. With a discourse annexed, for the vindication of Christianity from this charge
10582820 - The Cabinet of curiosities, or Wonders of the world displayed
10582819 - The world displayed
10582818 - The divine goodness displayed, in the American revolution
10582817 - Detraction displayed
10582816 - Nature displayed
10582815 - Curtis's botanical magazine, or, flower-garden displayed
10582814 - Bath and Bristol, with the counties of Somerset and Gloucester displayed in a series of views ...
10582813 - Nature displayed in her mode of teaching language to man
10582812 - Mammuth, or, Human nature displayed on a grand scale
10582811 - Bath and Bristol, with the Counties of Somerset and Gloucester, Displayed in a Series of Views, Including the Modern Improvements, Picturesque Scenery, Antiquities, Etc., from Original Drawings by Thos H. Schepherd, with Historical and Descriptive Illustr
10582810 - The world displayed, or, A collection of voyages and travels
10582809 - The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet
10582808 - The fountain of life opened: or, A display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory
10582807 - The principal roots and derivatives of the Latin languge, with a display of their incorporation into English
10582806 - The Tyburn Chronicle: Or, The Villainy Display'd In All Its Branches
10582805 - Spectacle de la nature; or, Nature display'd
10582804 - The banner display'd: or, An abridgment of Guillim [in his Display of heraldrie] by S. Kent
10582803 - Christian philosophy, or An attempt to display, by internal testimony, the evidence and excellence of revealed religion
10582802 - A display of heraldie
10582801 - A brief display of the origin and history of ordeals
10582800 - The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet
10582799 - Faction display'd. A poem
10582798 - Prestwich's respublica; or A display of the honors, ceremonies & ensigns of the Common-Wealth, under the protectorship of Oliver Cromwell
10582797 - The soul display'd
10582796 - The cruelties and persecutions of the Romish church display'd
10582795 - China opened; or, A display of the topography, history ... etc. of the Chinese empire, revised by A. Reed
10582794 - A tour to Cheltenham Spa; or, Gloucestershire display'd
10582793 - Flora Carolinжensis; or, A historical, medical and economical display of the vegetable kingdom
10582792 - A Display of two forraigne sects in the East Indies: sect of the Banians ... and sect of the Persees
10582791 - The naked bow of God; or A visible display of the judgments of God on the enemies of truth
10582790 - A new display of the beauties of England
10582789 - Discussions du Congrиs national de Belgique 1830-1831; prйcйdйes d'une introduction et suivies de plusieurs actes relatifs au gouvernement provisoire et au Congrиs, des projets de dйcrets, des rapports, des documents diplomatiques [...]: 10 nov.-31 dйc. 1
10582788 - Eigenthums-Recht und Ordnung, wie es mit den Discussions- oder FuЯerungs-Processen ... bey dem Eigenthumb fьrhaltenden Sachen in der Churfьrstl. Brandenburgischen Graffschaft Ravensberg gehalten werden soll
10582787 - Observations historiques sur les discussions respectives qui divisent les trois йtats des deux Flandres
10582786 - Discussions importantes dйbattues au Parlement d'Angleterre par les plus cйlиbres orateurs depuis trente ans
10582785 - Rapports et discussions de l'Acadйmie royale de mйdecine sur le magnйtisme animal
10582784 - Discussions et dйveloppemens sur quelquesunes des notions de l'йconomie politique
10582783 - Procиs de Louis XVI, de Marie-Antoinette, de Marie-Elisabeth et de Philippe d'Orlйans ; discussions lйgislatives sur la famille des Bourbons
10582782 - Discussions importantes debatues au Parlament d
10582781 - Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform
10582780 - Dissertations and discussions
10582779 - Discussions on church principles
10582778 - Sermons, tr. from the Fr. of C. Malan. To which is prefixed, A sketch of the religious discussions which have lately taken place at Geneva
10582777 - Analyse raisonnйe de la discussion du Code civil au Conseil d'Йtat, contenant le texte des lois
10582776 - Discussion
10582775 - Discours de M. Thiers prononcйs а l'Assemblйe nationale dans la discussion de la constitution septembre et octobre 1848
10582774 - Jurisprudence de la mйdecine, de la chirurgie et de la pharmacie, comprenant la mйdecine lйgale, la police mйdicale, la responsabilitй des mйdecins, chirurgiens, pharmacies, etc., l'exposй et la discussion des lois, ordonnances, rйglements et instructions
10582773 - Discussion de la Suite des Remarques nouv. du P. Bouhours sur la langue franз., pour dйfendre ou pour condamner la version du N. T. de Mons
10582772 - Contenant la discussion des titres
10582771 - Discussion sur l'usure
10582770 - Code forestier avec l'exposй des motifs, la discussion des deux chambres, des observations sur les articles, et l'ordonnance d'exйcution publiй
10582769 - Discussion entre MM. Necker et Calonne au sujet du compte rendu de 1781
10582768 - Commentar ьber das Gesetzbuch Napoleons oder grьndliche Entwickelung der Discussion dieses Gesetzbuches im Staats-Rathe
10582767 - Code de la pкche fluviale, avec und commentaire des articles de la loi, les motifs de cette loi, la discussion aux deux chambres, des modиles de procиs-verbaux pour dйlits de pкche, etc
10582766 - Manuel du droit parlementaire ou prйcis des rиgles suivies dans le parlement d'Angleterre et dans le congrиs des Etats-Unis, pour l'introduction, la discussion et la dйcision des affaires
10582765 - Analyse raisonnйe de la discussion du Code civil au conseil d'Etat
10582764 - Discussion si la polygamie est contre la loi naturelle ou divine, tant de l'Ancien que du Nouveau Testament; de ce qui a donne lieu de l'interdire aux Chretiens; si les Souverains Chretiens sont autorises de la reintroduire dans leurs Etats; & de quelle m
10582763 - Examen et discussion critique de l'histoire des diables de Loudun, de la possession des religieuses Ursulines, et de la condamnation d'Urbain Grandier, par M. de La Mйnardaye...
10582762 - Analyse raisonйe de la discussion du Code Civil au Conseil d'Etat
10582761 - Life and Work at the Great Pyramid During the Months of January, February, March, and April, A.D. 1865 ; with a Discussion of the Facts Ascertained
10582760 - The Hammersmith Protestant discussion
10582759 - Discussion on American slavery
10582758 - Discussion on the existence of God and the authenticity of the Bible
10582757 - Authenticated report of the discussion ... between ... T D. Gregg, and ... Thomas Maguire
10582756 - Great discussion of modern spiritualism, between Prof. J. Stanley Grimes and Leo Miller, esq
10582755 - A free discussion of the doctrine of materialism, and philosophical necessity
10582754 - Discussion of the doctrine of the trinity
10582753 - Report of the discussion on American slavery ...
10582752 - Robert Owen's opening speech, and his reply to the Rev. Alex. Campbell, in the recent public discussion in Cincinnati
10582751 - A discussion of the conjoint question
10582750 - Authenticated report of the discussion which took place at Londonderry,
10582749 - An adioynder to the Supplement of Father Robert Persons his Discussion of M. Doctor Barlowes Ansvvere &c
10582748 - THE Missionary Magazine, FOR 1800, A Periodical Monthly Publication, Intended AS A Repository OF Discussion, AND Intelligence Respecting THE Progress OF THE Gospel Thoughout THE World. VOL. V.
10582747 - The right of free discussion
10582746 - A discussion of the doctrines of the endless misery and universal salvation
10582745 - Papers relative to the discussion with France in 1802 and 1803
10582744 - On the Liberty of the Press, and Public Discussion
10582743 - A discussion on universal salvation
10582742 - Papers relative to the discussion with Spain in 1802, 1803, and 1804
10582741 - A discussion of Christian baptism
10582740 - A survey and discussion of lysimeters and a bibliography on their construction and performance
10582739 - Discussion of universalism
10582738 - An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy, and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings
10582737 - The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience Discussed
10582736 - Slavery discussed in occasional essays
10582735 - The question of previous consent discussed
10582734 - The policy of the Roman catholic question discussed, in a letter
10582733 - The Probability of Reaching the North Pole Discussed ...
10582732 - The doctrine of hell-torments distinctly and impartially discussed
10582731 - The original and institution of civil government, discuss'd
10582730 - The uninterrupted succession of the ecclesiastical mission asserted; and the appeal, in the Preservative against the principles and practices of the non-jurors, &c. [by B. Hoadly] to the ... Christian laity, discuss'd
10582729 - Transubstantiation discuss'd, in two parts, in several papers that have pass'd between T.B., and H. Newcome
10582728 - The good old cause ... further Discuss
10582727 - The case of proxies payable to ecclesiastical visitors fully stated: and the question discuss'd, whether those payments can upon any account become due from the parochial clergy ... With some remarks on part of a posthumous discourse of the late Bishop St
10582726 - The Socinian controversy discuss'd
10582725 - A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God: to be used 16th Apr., for discovering a conspiracy of papists to assassinate his majesties royal person [&c.].
10582724 - An essay on the means of discovering the senses of words
10582723 - Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists, indicating a method of discovering the true nature of Hermetic philosophy; and showing that the search after the philosopher's stone had not for its object the discovery of an agent for the transmutation of metals
10582722 - Satans invisible world discovered
10582721 - The lost solar system of the ancients discovered
10582720 - The historical geography of Arabia; or, The patriarchal evidences of revealed religion. With an appendix containing translations of the Hamyaritic inscriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut
10582719 - New-England's rarities discovered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country
10582718 - Description of the spar cave, lately discovered in the isle of Skye. To which is subjoined, The mermaid, a poem
10582717 - The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus restored in conformity with the recently discovered remains
10582716 - America discovered in the tenth century
10582715 - Daniel Defoe: his life and recently discovered writings
10582714 - Illustrations of ancient art, selected from objects discovered at Pompeii and Herculaneum
10582713 - Venice preserved, or, A plot discovered
10582712 - The popes brief: or Romes inquiry after the death of their Catholiques here in England, during these times of warre: discovered by two commissions; the one [dated 10 June 1643] sent from the pope that now is: the other, from the bishop and duke of Cambrey
10582711 - Antiqvitates Bremetonacenses: or, the Roman antiquities of Overborovgh. ... To which is added, a description of as many monuments of antiquity as have been dug up or discovered there lately, ...
10582710 - Some very remarkable facts, lately discovered, relating to the conduct of the Jesuits, with regard to Mr. Bower
10582709 - An account of some remarkable ancient ruins, lately discovered in the Highlands, and northern parts of Scotland
10582708 - Englands grievance discovered, in relation to the coal trade
10582707 - An illustration of the Roman antiquities discovered at Bath. By the Rev. Richard Warner, ... Published by order of the mayor and corporation
10582706 - Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis ...: 1. Davis, Sir J. A letter...to the Earl of Salisbury. 2. Ussher, [J.] Original and first institution of corbes, crenachs, and termonlands. 3. An account of two ancient instruments lately discovered. 1786
10582705 - A dissertation on the newly discovered Babylonian inscriptions
10582704 - Interesting Roman antiquities recently discovered in Fife ascertaining the site of the great battle fought betwixt Agricola and Galgacus
10582703 - The Almost Christian Discovered
10582702 - The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered
10582701 - The enemies of the Constitution discovered
10582700 - A candid and impartial state of the evidence of a very great probability, that there is discovered by monsieur Le Fevre, ... a specific for the gout
10582699 - Travels to discover the source of the Nile
10582698 - The moral state of nations, or, Travels over the most interesting parts of the globe, to discover the source of moral motion
10582697 - Bruce's travels into Abyssinia to discover the source of the Nile
10582696 - Venice Preserv'd
10582695 - Travels through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssiania, to discover the source of the Nile
10582694 - The celestial worlds discover'd: or, Conjectures concerning the inhabitants, plants and productions of the worlds in the planets
10582693 - England's Calamities Discover'd
10582692 - Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773
10582691 - Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768-1773
10582690 - The origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures discover'd
10582689 - Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, & 1773
10582688 - Single life discouraged for the publick utility, or, An essay on ways and means for the supplies of the government
10582687 - Ancienne et nouvelle discipline de l'йglise, touchant les bйnйfices et les bйnйficiers
10582686 - Dictionnaire De Cas De Conscience, Ou Dйcisions Des Plus Considйrables Difficultez touchant la Morale & la Discipline Ecclйsiastique
10582685 - Traitez historiques et dogmatiques sur divers points de la discipline de l'Eglise et de la morale chrestienne contenant un traitй des jeыnes de L' Eglise divisй en 2 parties
10582684 - Recherches historiques sur l'origine et l'usage de l'instrument de penitence appelй discipline
10582683 - Dictionnaire Des Cas De Conscience Ou Dйcisions Des Plus Considйrables Difficultez touchant la Morale & la Discipline Ecclesiastique
10582682 - La Milice franзaise rйduite а l'ancien ordre et discipline militaire des lйgions, telle et comme la souloient observer les anciens Franзais а l'imitation des Romains et des Macйdoniens par messire Louys de Montgommery, seigneur de Courbouson
10582681 - Ancienne et nouvelle discipline de l'йglise touchant les bйnйfices et les bйnйficiers
10582680 - Traitй du sacrement de l'extreme-onction, oщ l'on fait voir que les curez & les vicaires perpetuels en sont les ministres ordinaires. Ouvrage rempli d'observations sur la discipline de l'Eglise
10582679 - The Swedish discipline, religious, civile, and military. 3 pt. [in 2. The 1st part is tr. from Arma Suecica, by J.P. Abelin.].
10582678 - Histoire de l'йtat prйsent de l'Empire ottoman, contenant les maximes politiques des Turcs, les principaux points de la religion mahomйtane... leur discipline militaire... Traduite de l'anglois de Monsieur Ricaut... Par Monsieur Briot
10582677 - Le flambeau de la navigation, monstrant la discipline et dйlinйation de toutes les cartes et havres de la mer occidentale, septentrionale et orientale
10582676 - Historie van B. Cornelis Adriaensen van Dordrecht, minrebroeder binnen die stadt van Brugghe. Inde welcke warachtelick verhaelt wert, de discipline ende secrete penitencie of geesselinghe,... Inhoudende oock twee Vermaenbrieven van Stephanus Lindius aende
10582675 - Discours sur la castramйtation et discipline militaire des Romains, escript par Guillaume Du Choul,... Des Bains et antiques exercitations grecques et romaines. De la Religion des anciens Romains
10582674 - L'ancienne discipline de l'йglise sur la confession...
10582673 - La discipline des Eglises prйtendues rйformйes de France
10582672 - Resolutions de plusieurs cas de conscience, touchant la morale et la discipline de l'eglise. Recueillis par Mr. de Sainte-Beuve, frere de l'auteur
10582671 - De la vraie rйtractation des sectaires et de leurs sectateurs, oщ la soumission prйtendue des jansйnistes, dans les deux lettres de M. Arnauld, est examinйe, et oщ l'on voit comme ils doivent se rйtracter sincиrement sur les principes de la discipline de
10582670 - Discipline militaire de messire Guillaume Du Bellay, seigneur de Langey,... premiиrement faite et compilйe par l'auteur, tant de ce qu'il a leu des anciens et modernes que de ce qu'il a veu et pratiquй иs armйes et guerres de son temps, et nouvellement re
10582669 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques du diocиse d'Agde, touchant la discipline ancienne et nouvelle de l'administration du Sacrement de Pйnitences
10582668 - Traitez Historiques Et Dogmatiques, Sur divers points de la Discipline de l'Eglise & de la Morale Chrestienne
10582667 - La science des confesseurs ou l'ancienne discipline de l'йglise
10582666 - Abrйgй de la discipline militaire et des trois principales actions de guerre
10582665 - Dictionnaire raisonnй du gouvernement, des lois, des usages, et de la discipline de lEglise...
10582664 - Anecdotes ecclйsiastiques, contenant la police et la discipline de l'Йglise chrйtienne ...
10582663 - Traitй des bйnйfices ecclйsiastiques dans lequel on concilie la discipline de l'Йglise avec les usages du Royaume de France
10582662 - De la discipline rйguliиre
10582661 - Ordonnances de Monseigneur l'Illustris. et Rйvйrend. йvкque d'Autun [Gabriel de Roquette]. Pour le rйtablissement de la discipline ecclйsiastique dans tout son diocиse [9 avril 1693]
10582660 - Essai historique sur l'Hфtel-Dieu de Paris Ou tableau chronologique de sa fondation et de ses accroissemens successifs, des reglemens qui y ont maintenu en vigueur la discipline, l'administration spirituelle et temporelle, et la police
10582659 - La discipline ecclйsiastique des Eglises rйformйes de France
10582658 - Manuel d'instruction criminelle, contenant le code d'instruction criminelle, le code pйnal, les lois et rйglemens sur l'organisation judiciaire, l'administration de la justice, le service, la discipline des cours et tribunaux
10582657 - Dictionnaire des cas de conscience ou dйcisions par ordre alphabйtique des plus considйrables difficultйs touchant la morale et la discipline ecclйsiastique
10582656 - Recueil des actes, titres et mйmoires concernant les affaires du clergй de France, augmentй d'un grand nombre de pieces & d'observations sur la discipline prйsente de l'Eglise, et mis en nouvel ordre suivant la dйliberation de l'Assemblйe gйnйrale du cler
10582655 - Dictionnaire des cas de conscience ou dйcisions par ordre alphabйtique des plus considйrables difficultйs touchant la morale et la discipline ecclйsiastique
10582654 - Avantages d'une bonne discipline, et moyens de l'entretenir dans les corps
10582653 - Discipline de clergie
10582652 - Traitez historiques et dogmatiques sur divers points de la discipline de l'Eglise et de la morale chrestienne
10582651 - Rйsolutions de plusieurs cas de conscience touchant la morale et la discipline de l'Eglise
10582650 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques de Paris sur le mariage oщ l'on concilie la discipline de l'Eglise ... йtablies et imprimйes par ordre de S.E. Monseigneur le cardinal de Noailles
10582649 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques de Paris sur le mariage oщ l'on concilie la discipline de l'Eglise avec ... йtablies et imprimйes par ordre de S.E. Monseigneur le cardinal de Noailles
10582648 - La vie des Pиres d'Orient, avec leur doctrine et leur discipline monastique
10582647 - Speculum discipline sancti Bonauenture ad nouicios
10582646 - Traitй Des Bйnйfices Ecclйsiastiques, Dans lequel on concilie la Discipline de l'Eglise avec les Usages du Royaume de France, Et Recueil Des Bulles, Йdits, Ordonnances, Declarations & Arrets de Reglement concernant les Matieres Beneficiales, & autres qui
10582645 - Recueil des actes, titres et mйmoires concernant les affaires du clergй de France, augmentй d
10582644 - Traitй des bйnйfices ecclйsiastiques, dans lequel on concilie la discipline de l'Eglise avec les usages du royaume de France
10582643 - La discipline des Eglises rйformйes de France
10582642 - Traitez historiques et dogmatiques sur divers points de la discipline de l'Йglise et de la morale chrйtienne...
10582641 - Des fonctions, des Obligations et des Biens des Dignitaires Ecclйsiastiques ou Ancienne et Nouvelle Discipline de l'Йglise, touchant les bйnйfices et les bйnйficiers
10582640 - La discipline des Eglises prйtendues rйformйes de France, ou l'ordre par lequel elles sont conduites et gouvernйes
10582639 - Rйglement de la Chambre de discipline des notaires de l'arrondissement de Strasbourg
10582638 - Anecdotes ecclйsiastiques,contenant la Police et la discipline de l
10582637 - Le comte de Waltron, ou la discipline militaire du Nord
10582636 - Prйcis historique et analytique des pragmatiques, concordats, dйclaration, constitution, convention, et autres actes relatifs а la discipline de l'йglise, en France, depuis Saint Louis jusqu'а Louis XVIII
10582635 - Raccolta di leggi, regolamenti e discipline ad uso de'magistrati e del corpo degli Ingegneri d'acque e strade
10582634 - J.J. Confйrences ecclйsiastiques ou Dissertations sur les Auteurs, les Conciles et la Discipline des premiers Siиcles de l'Йglise
10582633 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques de Paris sur l'usure et la restitution oщ l'on concilie la discipline de l'Eglise ... йtablies et imprimйes par ordre de S.E. Monseigneur le cardinal de Noailles
10582632 - Vies des pиres des dйserts d'Orient, avec leur doctrine spirituelle et leur discipline monastique
10582631 - La discipline des Eglises rйformйes de France ou L'ordre par lequel elles sont conduites et gouvernйes
10582630 - Dictionnaire portatif et raisonnй des connaissances militaires, ou Premiиre notions sur lтrganisation, lаdministration, la compatibilitй, le service, la discipline, lмnstruction et le rйgime intйrieur des troupes franзaises
10582629 - Dictionnaire militaire, portatif, contenant tous les termes propres а la guerre ; sur ce qui regarde la tactique, le gйnie, l'artillerie, la subsistance, la discipline des troupes et la marine
10582628 - Conferences ecclйsiastiques de Paris, sur lu
10582627 - La Discipline de l'Eglise, tirйe du Nouveau Testament, et de quelques anciens Conciles
10582626 - Dictionnaire Raisonnй Du Gouvernement Des Lois, Des Usages Et De La Discipline De L'Йglise
10582625 - Confйrences ecclйsiastiques de Paris, sur l'usure et la restitution, oщ l'on concilie la discipline de l'Eglise avec la jurisprudence du royaume de France
10582624 - Rйsolutions de plusieurs cas importans pour la morale et pour la discipline ecclйsiastique par un grand nombre de docteurs en thйologie de la Facultй de Paris
10582623 - Church discipline...
10582622 - The training of the twelve; or, Passages out of the Gospels exhibiting the twelve disciples of Jesus under discipline for the apostleship
10582621 - Transactions of the National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline, held at Cincinnati, Ohio, October 12-18, 1870
10582620 - The Third Report of the Committee of the Society For the Improvement of Prison Discipline
10582619 - Steuben's regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States
10582618 - A manual of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South
10582617 - Discipline
10582616 - Prison discipline
10582615 - The doctrines and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal church, South
10582614 - A systematic view of the formation, discipline and economy of armies
10582613 - The Journal of prison discipline and philanthropy
10582612 - An inquiry, whether crime and misery are produced or prevented, by our present system of prison discipline
10582611 - Ancienne et nouvelle discipline de l'Йglise, touchant les bйnйfices et les bйnйficiers, extraite de la "Discipline" du R.P. Thomassin, prestre de l'Oratoire, par un prestre de la mesme congrйgation [le P. Julien Loriot]
10582610 - Thoughts on habit and discipline
10582609 - The Cambridge platform of church discipline
10582608 - Reports of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston
10582607 - A view of the formation, discipline and economy of armies
10582606 - Essays on the origin, doctrines, and discipline of the early Irish Church
10582605 - Report on the Discipline and Management of the Convict Prisons. 1850
10582604 - Prison discipline in America
10582603 - Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline in the United States
10582602 - History of the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church
10582601 - The Cambridge and Saybrook platforms of church discipline
10582600 - The doctrine and discipline of divorce
10582599 - The doctrines and discipline of the Methodist episcopal Church in America, with notes by T. Coke and F. Asbury
10582598 - Малые реки Ярославля
10582597 - Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States
10582596 - Professional recollections on points of seamanship, discipline, &c
10582595 - A survey of the summe of church-discipline
10582594 - Manual of church discipline ...
10582593 - The Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline and philanthropy
10582592 - Convict discipline and transportation
10582591 - Journal of prison discipline, and philanthropy
10582590 - A treatise on the discipline of light cavalry
10582589 - Naval evolutions: or, A system of sea-discipline
10582588 - An essay on naval discipline
10582587 - Observations on the Separate System of Discipline Submitted to the Congress Assembled at Brussels, on the Subjects of Prison Reform, on the 20 September 1847
10582586 - Report of the Committee on Prison-Discipline to the Governor General of India
10582585 - Compendium belli: or The touchstone of martiall discipline
10582584 - Naval discipline : subordination contrasted with insubordination
10582583 - Report of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders
10582582 - The discipline of the light-horse
10582581 - Four treatises concerning the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Mahometans
10582580 - Constitution and discipline of the Methodist Protestant church
10582579 - Ratio discipline
10582578 - Rules of discipline of the Religious Society of Friends, with advices
10582577 - Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the Prison Discipline Society
10582576 - The ground of Christian discipline briefly explained
10582575 - Letters on the comparative merits of the Pennsylvania and New York systems of penitentiary discipline
10582574 - Discipline of the Yearly meeting of Friends
10582573 - A treatise of military discipline
10582572 - The countess and Gertrude; or, Modes of discipline
10582571 - Self-discipline
10582570 - Ristretto delle vite dei primi discйpoli di S. Domenico
10582569 - Disc. inaug. hist. pol. iur. de potissimis personarum tam imperantium quam parentium in Imperio iuribus
10582568 - Activated sludge--bio-disc treatment of distillery wastewater
10582567 - Disaster, struggle, triumph
10582566 - The U.S. Government Foreign Disaster Assistance Program
10582565 - The role of technology in international disaster assistance
10582564 - Studies in Holland flood disaster 1953
10582563 - Disaster study
10582562 - Histoire des Cantabres ou des premiers colons de toute l'Europe avec celle des Basques, leurs descendants directs...
10582561 - De l'imagination considйrйe dans ses effets directs sur l'homme et les animaux, et dans ses effets indirects sur les produits de la gestation
10582560 - Descripзгo historica das moedas romanas existentes no gabinete numismatico de Sua Magestade el-rei o senhor dom Luiz I, pelo director do mesmo gabinete
10582559 - El Dulcissimo director de las almas
10582558 - Cuaderno de historias de enfermos que han concurrido a el establecimiento de aguas minerales de Graena en la provincia de Granada en el aсo de 1869, redactadas por Antonio Rafael Abellan, medico director en propiedad de dicho establecimiento
10582557 - El director de las almas
10582556 - Report of the board of education [continued as] Report of the director of public instruction ... 1840-1951/52
10582555 - The architectural director
10582554 - The architectural director
10582553 - The Director
10582552 - New and complete sailing directions for the east coast of England, from London to the Downs, Flamborough Head, and Scarborough
10582551 - Directions for the breeding and management of silk-worms
10582550 - Directions for laying off ships on the mould loft floor ...
10582549 - Information and Directions for Travellers on the Continent
10582548 - Sailing directions for the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence
10582547 - A manual containing directions for sowing, transplanting and raising of the mulberry tree
10582546 - The Oriental Navigator, Or, New Directions for Sailing to and from the East Indies
10582545 - Directions to church-wardens for the faithful discharge of their office, for the use of the arch-deaconry of Suffolk
10582544 - Sailing directions from Point Lynas to Liverpool
10582543 - Espaсa maritima, or Spanish coasting pilot; containing directions for navigating the coasts and harbours of Spain, with the Balearic islands and coast of Portugal, drawn from the surveys of V. Tofiсo de San Miguel. Tr. [from Derrotero de las costas de Esp
10582542 - Directions to servants [and miscellany
10582541 - Way-marks, or Directions to persons commencing a religious life
10582540 - Directions for the profitable reading of the holy Scriptures
10582539 - A manual of plain directions for planting and cultivating vineyards, and for making wine in New South Wales
10582538 - The cottager's guide for the management of his bees upon the depriving system, comprising practical directions for the management and preservation of hives
10582537 - The shooter's companion; or, Directions for the breeding and management of setters and pointers [&c.].
10582536 - Rituel ou ceremonial а l’usage des monasteres des religieuses de Saincte Claire, qui sont sous la direction des Freres Mineurs Recollects de la Prouince de Sainct Franзois en France
10582535 - Direction pour se former avec ordre et tranquilitй au saint exercice de l'Oraison
10582534 - Ordonnance et edict perpetuel des Archiducs nos princes souverains pour meilleure direction des affaires de la justice
10582533 - Direction et sujets de mйditation pour les retraites а l'usage des religieuses chartreuses
10582532 - Recueil de tables astronomiques, pub. sous la direction de l'Acadйmie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Prusse
10582531 - Voyage aux оles de Tйnйriffe, la Trinitй, Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, exйcutй par ordre du gouvernement franзais depuis le 30 septembre 1796 jusqu'au 7 juin 1798, sous la direction du capitaine Baudin pour faire des recherches et des collec
10582530 - A series of ornamental timber gables, from existing examples in England and France, of the sixteenth century, drawn by B. Ferrey under the direction of A. Pugin, with descriptive letter-press by E.J. Willson
10582529 - Routier des оles Antilles, des cфtes de terre ferme et de celles du Golfe du Mexique, rйdigй а la direction des travaux hydrographiques de Madrid...
10582528 - Mйthode pour la direction des вmes dans le tribunal de la pйnitence et pour le bon gouvernement des paroisses
10582527 - Histoire pittoresque de l'Angleterre et de ses possessions dans les Indes jusqu'а la rйforme de 1832, publ. par A. Mainguet sous la direction de mm. Taylor et C. Nodier
10582526 - Mйmoire tendant а faire admettre au nombre des vйritйs dйmontrйes la thйorie de Lahire, sur l'origine et la direction des fibres ligneuses dans les vйgйtaux ...
10582525 - Collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de l'architecture des diffйrents peuples, exйcutйs en modиles sous la direction de L. F. Cassas
10582524 - Ordonnance et йdit perpйtuel des archiducs et princes souverains, pour meilleure direction des affaires de la justice, en leurs Pays de pardeза
10582523 - Catalogue d'une trиs-belle et riche collection de livres modernes, ... Dйlaissйs par plusieurs dйfunts; dont la vente se fera publiquement ... а Gand, le Lundi 29 mai 1826 ... sous la direction de H. Dujardin
10582522 - Vies des saintes femmes, des martyres et des vierges, pour tous les jours de l'annйe, tirйes des йcrivains sacrйs.. dйdiйes aux Dames chrйtiennes et publiйes sous la direction de plusieurs йcclйsiastiques
10582521 - La Chronique de Champagne, publ. sous la direction de H. Fleury et L. Paris
10582520 - Instruction rйservйe pour la direction de la junte d'йtat
10582519 - Exploration OF THE Valley OF THE Amazon, Made Under Direction OF THE Navy Department
10582518 - The laws of the customs, compiled by direction of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and published by the appointment and under the sanction of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs
10582517 - Report Of The United States And Mexican Boundary Survey, The Direction Of The Secretary Of The Interior
10582516 - Exploration of the valley of the Amazon, made under direction of the Navy department, by W.L. Herndon and L. Gibbon. [With] Maps
10582515 - Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives ... under the direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A.A. Humphreys, Captain Topographical Engineers, in charge. By order of the Secretary of
10582514 - Essay on the beneficial direction of rural expenditure
10582513 - History and Direction of Calhoun County
10582512 - The three divine sisters, Faith, Hope, and Charity. The leaven; or a direction to heaven [&c.] with an intr. by Hugh [or rather William Hendry] Stowell
10582511 - Christ the Bread of Life
10582510 - The Jerusalem mission, under the direction of the American Christian Missionary Society
10582509 - Direct support and general support maintenance repair parts and special tools lists (including depot maintenance repair parts and special tools) for direction finder set AN/ARN-83 (NSN 5826-00-912-4415).
10582508 - History of the Wyandott Mission, at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, under the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Church
10582507 - A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere, under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, 1776-1780
10582506 - Census of the Philippine Islands taken under the direction of the Philippine Legislature in the year 1918
10582505 - Youths tragedy : a poem, drawn up by way of dialogue between youth, the Devil, wisdom, time, death, the soul, the nuncius : for the caution and direction of the younger sort ; the fourth edition ; by T.S.
10582504 - Direction or preparative to the study of the law
10582503 - L. Colonel John Lilbvrne his Apologetical Narration, relateing to his illegal & unjust Sentence ... Decreed & Executed upon him by the present Parliament of England January 1651 [i.e. 1652]. Directed tot the People of the United Nether-lands, the place of
10582502 - The inquirer directed to the work of the Holy Spirit
10582501 - Early seekers of Christ directed and encourag'd, in a sermon on Prov. VIII. 17. preach'd at Petty-France, May the first, 1729. By John Guyse
10582500 - The scientific tourist through Ireland, in which the traveller is directed to the principal objects of antiquity, art, science & the picturesque
10582499 - Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual for Truck, Cargo, ...
10582498 - Organizational, intermediate (field), (direct and general support), and depot maintenance repair parts and special tools list
10582497 - Intermediate (field) (direct and general support) and depot level maintenance
10582496 - Direct support and general support maintenance manual for truck, platform utility, 1/2 ton, 4 x 4, M274A2 (2320-074-1167), M274A3 (2320-782-5792), M274A4 (2320-782-5793), and M274A5 (2320-930-1976).
10582495 - Direct support and general support maintenance manual (including repair parts and special tools list)
10582494 - Direct support, general support, and depot maintenance for truck, chassis, 5-ton, 6 x 6, M39, M39A2, M40, M40A1 ... truck, cargo ... truck, dump ... truck, tractor ... truck, tractor, wrecker ... truck, van, expansible ... truck, wrecker, medium ... truck
10582493 - Direct support, general support, and depot maintenance manual
10582492 - Organizational, direct support, general support and depot maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools list
10582491 - Direct and general support maintenance manual for indicator, radio magnetic compass ID-998/ASN (NSN 5826000-897-4889).
10582490 - Operator's, organizational, direct support, general support, and depot maintenance manual (including repair parts) for electronic stroboscope (general radio type 1531-AB strobotac), 6680-892-1560
10582489 - Organizational, direct support, and general support maintenance repair parts and special tools lists (including depot maintenance repair parts and special tools) for terminal set, telephone AN/TCC-72, (NSN 5805-00-133-9003).
10582488 - Operator, organizational, direct support, general support, and depot maintenance manual
10582487 - An essay to direct and extend the inquiries of patriotic travellers
10582486 - Operator, organizational, direct support, and general support maintenance manual
10582485 - Direct support and general support maintenance manual (including repair parts and special tools list) for artillery ammunition for guns, howitzers, mortars, recoilless rifles and 40-mm grenade launchers
10582484 - Operator, organizational, direct, and general support maintenance manual
10582483 - Direct support and general support maintenance repair parts and special tools list (including depot maintenance repair parts)
10582482 - Direct and general support and depot maintenance repair parts and special tools lists
10582481 - Organizational, direct and general support, and depot maintenance repair parts and special tools list
10582480 - Direct support and general support maintenance repair parts and special tools lists (including depot maintenance repair parts and special tools)
10582479 - Direct support and general support maintenance manual
10582478 - Operator's, organizational and direct support, maintenance manual including repair parts and special tool list
10582477 - Operator, organizational, direct support, and general support maintenance manual for shelter, expandable for shop, portable, aircraft maintenance (SPAM), NSN 5410-01-003-2933
10582476 - What shall we have for dinner? By lady Maria Clutterbuck
10582475 - The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-table Directory
10582474 - A little dinner at Timmins's
10582473 - Breakfast, Dinner, and Tea: Viewed Classically, Poetically, and Practically
10582472 - The importance of the ministerial office, and the difficulty of rightly discharging it: considered in a discourse delivered in Norwich, June 20, 1745. at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Abraham Tozer. By Richard Frost. To which is added The charge, by
10582471 - The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties
10582470 - Questionnaire franзais. Questions on French grammar, idiomatic difficulties and military expressions
10582469 - A dictionary of difficulties; or, Appendix to the French grammar ...
10582468 - Essays on some of the difficulties in the writings of St. Paul
10582467 - The dictionary of every-day difficulties in reading, writing, and speaking the English language; or, Hard words made easy
10582466 - The difficulties of the French language explained
10582465 - A review of the principal questions and difficulties in morals
10582464 - The difficulties of Arminian Methodism
10582463 - The difficulties of English grammar and punctuation removed
10582462 - The wanderer; or, Female difficulties. By the author of Evelina
10582461 - Jack the conqueror, or Difficulties overcome
10582460 - The difficulties of Romanism in respect to evidence
10582459 - Truth espoused, relative to the difficulties that existed in the town of Manchester, Massachusetts
10582458 - On the study and difficulties of mathematics [by A. De Morgan].
10582457 - A letter to lord Melbourne, on the expediency of the interference of parliament to remove the present difficulties in the appointment of ministers in the Church of Scotland
10582456 - The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties
10582455 - The History of Paraguay, Vol. 2: With Notes of Personal Observations, and Reminiscences of Diplomacy Under Difficulties
10582454 - Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties
10582453 - Observations on some of the chief difficulties and disadvantages of English society, with suggestions for their remedy
10582452 - Letters on the difficulties of religion
10582451 - Notes on the more prominent difficulties of the four Gospels
10582450 - Pretended difficulties in natural or reveal'd religion
10582449 - A plain practical plan, by which Great Britain may extricate herself from her present difficulties, procure the blessings of perfect peace, prosperity, and happiness, and dispense them to the whole world
10582448 - Essays on some of the difficulties in the writings of st. Paul, and in other parts of the New Testament
10582447 - The wanderer; or, Female difficulties
10582446 - Nouvelles difficultйs proposйes par un peripateticien а l'auteur du voyage du monde de Descartes touchant la connoissance des bкtes
10582445 - Rйponses critiques a plusieurs difficultйs proposйes par les nouveaux incrйdules, sur divers endroits des livres saints
10582444 - A synopsis of the various kinds of difficult parturition
10582443 - Copulaten van remonstrantien, memorien, acten, resolutien, missiven, protesten, en andere stucken, gedient hebbende in het different onlanghs voorgevallen tusschen beyde leden van stadt Groningen ende Ommelanden
10582442 - Du Different M. Le Cardinal Archeveque De Paris, MM. Les Eveques De Luзon De La Rochelle De Gap
10582441 - Information du different ... entre Scipion Vimereat et Ludouic Birague
10582440 - Du principal et presque seul different, qui est а present en la religion Chrestienne, Et diuersitйs d'heresies, qui ont si fort troublй la Chrestientй, Par M. Gabriel de Saconay ...
10582439 - Placcaet Vande Heeren Staten Vanden Lande van Utrecht, jeghens die excessive groote Licentie, vanden genen die omme seer cleyne en[de] somtyts sonder wettighe saecke een Proces ofte different moveren, ...
10582438 - A collection of the dresses of different nations, ancient and modern particularly old english dresses...
10582437 - An estimate of the temperature of different latitudes
10582436 - The human tragedy [a poem. A different work from that publ. with the same title in 1862].
10582435 - Hydriatic treatment of scarlet fever in its different forms, Or, How to save, through a systematic application of the water-cure, many thousands of lives and healths, which now annually perish. Being the result of twenty-one years' experience, and of the
10582434 - A treatise on the rules of the law of personal succession, in the different parts of the realm
10582433 - The annual subscription charities and public societies in London: or, An account of the several sermons ... and meetings of every description, by which the different establishments of the metropolis, for charity ... are supported
10582432 - Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy
10582431 - Notes of opinions and judgements delivered in different courts
10582430 - Poems on different subjects
10582429 - Remarkable women of different nations and ages
10582428 - Poems on different subjects
10582427 - Asiaticus: in two parts. Part the first, ecclesiastical, chronological, and historical sketches respecting Bengal. Part the second, the epitaphs in the different burial grounds in and about Calcutta
10582426 - An Account of Conferences Held, and Treaties Made, Between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart., and the Chief Sachems and Warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas ... [etc.] Indian Nations in North America, at Their Meetings on Different Occasion
10582425 - Doctrinal treatises and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures
10582424 - Explanation of the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays, holidays and festivals throughout the ecclesiastical year, to which are added instructions on Christian faith and morals, explanations of different ceremonies and practices of the Church, and the li
10582423 - Hortus gramineus woburnensis, or, An account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals
10582422 - The anatomical instructor; or, An illustration of the modern and most approved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the human body, and of quadrupeds, by injection, corrosion, maceration, distention, articulation, modelling ...
10582421 - A catalogue of the different kinds of fish of Malta and Gozo
10582420 - Travels Through Different Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece and Several Parts of Asia, as the Far as the Banks of the Euphrates, in a Series of Letters... by Alexander Drummond,...
10582419 - An essay on the different stiles of poetry
10582418 - Several letters, or miscellany poems, on different subjects
10582417 - The Natural History of Iceland : Containing a Particular and Accurate Account of the Different Soils, Burning Mountains, Minerals, Vegetables, Metals, Stones, Beasts, Birds, and Fishes; Together with the Disposition, Customs, and Manner of Living of the I
10582416 - A Description of the Works of the Ingenious Delineator and Engraver Wenceslaus Hollar, Disposed Into Classes of Different Sorts
10582415 - A treatise of endemic diseases wherein the different nature of airs, situations, soils, waters, diet, &c. are mechanically explain'd and accounted for. By Clifton Wintringham
10582414 - An essay on the different causes of pestilential diseases, and how they become contagious
10582413 - Aspects of Nature, in Different Lands and Different Climates; with Scientific Elucidations
10582412 - Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English. To this ed. is added a concise history of the Reformation in Ireland [&c.].
10582411 - An essay on the different nature of accent and quantity
10582410 - A Treatise on the three different digestions and discharges of the human body, and the diseases of their principal organs
10582409 - A treatise on the nature of aliments, or foods, in general; shewing their good and bad qualities; and which of them are most proper in the different stages of life
10582408 - An account of the different charities belonging to the poor of the county of Norfolk
10582407 - A genealogical history of the house of Yvery, in its different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval and Gournay
10582406 - Memoirs of the Different Rebellions in Ireland, from the Arrival of the English
10582405 - Observations on the different methods of treating the venereal disease
10582404 - Observations on the different kinds of small pox
10582403 - Poetry on different subjects
10582402 - Account of the prisons and hospitals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. With occasional remarks on the different modes of punishments in those countries. By William Coxe, ...
10582401 - Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland
10582400 - Letters of Euler on different subjects in natural philosophy
10582399 - A second catalogue of manuscripts, in different languages ...
10582398 - Twelve discourses on different subjects
10582397 - Sermons on different subjects ...
10582396 - A treatise on printing and dyeing silks, shawls, garments, bandanas, and piece goods in the different colours
10582395 - An essay on the dropsy and its different species
10582394 - A practical dissertation on the means of obviating & treating the varieties of costiveness, which occur at different periods of life
10582393 - Interaction of wood species in different types of forests
10582392 - A comparative Display of the different opinions of the most distinguished british writers on the subject of the French revolution
10582391 - Treatise on Gun-shot Wounds
10582390 - An essay on the different nature of accent and quantity
10582389 - Travels into different parts of Europe, in the years 1791 and 1792
10582388 - Musical Biography ; Or Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Musical Composers and Writers,... who Have Flourished in the Different Countries of Europe During the Last Three Centuries
10582387 - Description anatomique des parties de la femme, qui servent а la generation; avec un Traitй des monstres, de leur causes, de leur nature, & de leur differences: et une descrition anatomique ...
10582386 - Grammaire generale, et raisonnйe contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler ; expliquez d'vne maniere claire et naturelle ; les raisons de ce qui est commun а toutes les langues, et des principales differences qui s'y rencontrent ; et plusieurs remarques
10582385 - A treatise on the calculus of finite differences
10582384 - Symbolism: or, Exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants, as evidenced by their symbolical writings. Tr., with a memoir of the author, by J.B. Robertson
10582383 - Symbolism, or, Exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants, as evidenced by their symbolical writings
10582382 - A compendium of English and Scotch law, stating their differences
10582381 - An humble attempt to reconcile the differences of Christians respecting the extent of the atonement
10582380 - Mass differences
10582379 - Deux lettres de Messire Antoine Arnauld Docteur de Sorbonne ecrites en 1687 а M. Ph. LeFeron aussi Docteur de Sorbonne ... touchant la difference des pechйs mortels & des pechйs veniels, oщ peuvent tomber quelques justes
10582378 - Traite de la penitence, contenant la difference qu'il y a entre la temporelle et l'eternelle
10582377 - An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings, especially in England: with hints on glass painting, by an amateur (C.W.).
10582376 - An inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient glass paintings, espacially in England
10582375 - A treatise of the difference betwixt the temporal and eternal
10582374 - The difference between the Church of England, and the Church of Rome
10582373 - Catalogue d'une Collection ... de Curiositez de differ. Genre
10582372 - A letter shewing why our English Bibles differ so much from the Septuagint [signed
10582371 - A candid statement of the reasons which induce the Baptists to differ in opinion and practice from their Christian brethren ... with a letter on the subject of communion, by the late W. Clarke
10582370 - P. Illuminati Moroni ... Centum responsa centum quaesitis ex iis quae illi in dies deferebantur soluenda
10582369 - Dies Buch gehцrt dem Kцnig
10582368 - Diarium Sanctorum seu Meditationes in singulos anni dies, ex Evangelio, vel vita Sanctorum cum brevi vitae Epitome petitae
10582367 - Fasti Mariani cum divorum elogijs in singulos anni dies distributis
10582366 - Fasti Mariani cum Divorum elogiis in singulos anni dies distributis...
10582365 - De eo quod iustum est circa dies caniculares ... disp
10582364 - Erga kai hemerai. (Opera et dies.)
10582363 - Panis Quotidianus, Sive Sacrarum Meditationum In Singulos Anni Dies Distributarum Libri Sex
10582362 - Nova Forma Meditationum, In singulos Anni Dies
10582361 - Aula Sancti Sanctorum Hoc est Conciones super Mysteria, Acta & Dicta Jesu Christi Per Dominicos Dies Anni propositae
10582360 - Alexandri de Alexandro Dies geniales
10582359 - Acta sanctorvm[...] collegervnt ac digesservnt [...] & variis observationibus illustrarunt Ioannes Bollandvs, Godefridvs Henschenivs [...] Febrvarivs: dies X medios а VII ad XVII
10582358 - Anni Caelestis Dies Mariani
10582357 - Annus dierum illustrium Societatis Iesu. siue in Anni dies digestae mortes illustres Eorum qui ex eadem Soc. Iesu... ab impijs occisi... alijsщe aerumnis confecti sunt
10582356 - Diarium Sanctorum Seu Meditationes In Singulos Anni Dies Ex Evangelio, vel vita Sanctorum cum brevi Epitome petitae
10582355 - Dies aestiva sive De umbra paegnion
10582354 - Acta sanctorvm aprilis: quo priores X dies continentur. prжmittuntur duo antiquissimi catalogi Romanorum Pontificum cum variis ad illos obseruationibus subiunguntur Actua Grжca ad eosdem dies pertinentia
10582353 - Compendium Meditationum, Quas In singulos Anni Dies, Ad profectum Religiosarum potissimum Personarum
10582352 - Diarivm sacro-prophanvm in quo per anni dies fasti festaque gentilium adducuntur
10582351 - Breviariolum actuum sanctorum exercitando et verrendo spiritui singulis in dies singulos reflexionibus
10582350 - Kalendaria Ecclesiae universae ... per annum dies Ecclesiarum Orientis et Occidentis recensuntur
10582349 - Panis Quotidianus Animae, Sive Meditationes In Singulos Anni Dies
10582348 - Fasti Societatis Jesu, res & personas memorabiles eiusdem Societatis per singulos anni dies repraesentantes
10582347 - Vita et Doctrina di Jesu Christi, ex quatuor Evangelistis collecta, et in meditationum materiam ad singulos totius anni dies
10582346 - Arnim, Klemens und Bettina Brentano, J. Gцrres: t. Bertholds erstes und zweites leben. Ein roman von Ludwig Achim von Arnim [mit faksimiliertem titel der ausgabe Berlin, Maurer, 1817] Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schцnen Annerl. Von Klemens Brent
10582345 - Diurnale Concionatorium Id Est Conceptus Praedicabiles In singulos dies, seu pro qualibet Dominica Septem
10582344 - Exercitia spiritualia ad mentem et normam D. Ignatii conscripta et adaptata usui personarum ecclesiasticarum pro sacra solitudine singulis annis ineunda et in octo vel decem dies protrahenda
10582343 - Dies sacerdotalis asceticus continens sacerotibus... Nomen et Omen sacerdotum ; Negotium matutinum et diurnum...
10582342 - Aureum breuiarium concionatorum, siue sermones breues in dominicos et festos dies totius anni
10582341 - Scintillж Ignatianж, sive Sancti Ignatij de Loyola ... apophthegmata sacra, per singulos anni dies distributa. Noviter recusa
10582340 - Dies sacra
10582339 - Acta sanctorum Julii [...]: quo dies vigesimus nonus, trigesimus primus continentur
10582338 - Scintillae Asceticae Ad Excitandum Spiritus Incendium In Singulos anni dies Accommodatae
10582337 - Commentarius in l. Domenico de Spectaculis, in C. Theod. et l. omnes dies, C. de feriis
10582336 - Dies caniculares
10582335 - Diurnale concionatorium id est conceptus praedicabiles in singulos dies, seu pro qualibet Dominica Septem ex Sacrae Scripturae testimoniis, selectis Patrum aliorumque authorum sententiis collecti bina aut trina divisione elucidati... a Francisco Xaverio D
10582334 - Annus sacer poeticus sive Selecta de divis caelitibus epigrammata in singulos anni dies tributa...
10582333 - Ascesis illuminata, sive Lumina practica ex meditatione vitae Christi hausta, doctrinis moralibus Scripturae Sacrae et Sanctorum Patrum locupletata... pro usu etiam meditantium in singulos anni dies accommodata, in quatuor partes divisa... Authore P. Caro
10582332 - Acta sanctorum augusti ex Latinis et Grжcis, aliarumque gentium monumentis, servatв primigeniв veterum scriptorum phrasi: quo dies primus, secundus, tertius & quartus continentur
10582331 - Canonica reformatio hominis veteris per decem dies quotannis salubriter instituenda
10582330 - Homeliae In Evangelia Dominicalia Et Dies Festos
10582329 - Joannis Martini Klee Acta sanctorum compendiata selectis sententiis Sanctorum Patrum illustrata, ac piis meditationibus in singulos anni dies accommodata
10582328 - Dies irae, Hymnus auf das Weltgericht
10582327 - Kalendaria ecclesiae universae, in quibus tum ex vetustis marmoribus, tum ex codicibus, tabulis, parietinis, pictis, scriptis, scalptisve, sanctorum nomina, imagines et festi per annum dies ecclesiarum Orientis et Occidentis, praemissis uniuscujusque eccl
10582326 - Spiritus S. Patris Nostri Benedicti... ex ipsius regula et vita, SS. paginis veteris et novi testamenti... ad meditandum per singulos anni dies...
10582325 - De quelques mala dies abdominales qui simulent, provoquent olu entretiennent des maladies de poitrine
10582324 - Nuclei historiae universalis, cum sacrae, tum prophanae ad dies, annosque relatae, auctarium
10582323 - Solitudo sacra ad dies octo, vel decem animae saluti utiliter impendendos ...
10582322 - Spiritus sanctissimi patris nostri Benedicti....ex Sacra ipsius regula et vita, SS. paginis Veteris et Novi Testamenti... ad meditandum per singulos anni dies, festa et tempora...
10582321 - Recto vitae via seu devotae meditationes ex sacra scriptura haustae et in singulos anni dies distributae... quibus accesserunt orationes quaedam selectae
10582320 - Encomia coelituum, digesta per singulos anni dies, una cum veterum fastis, recensibitus victorias, triumphos, sacrificia, ceterasque res insignes romanorum imprimis atque Graecorum, quibis christianae religionis praeponuntur fasti. Auctore Jo. Baptista Ma
10582319 - Concordia animae benedictinae am Deo, seu reflexiones asceticae in singulos anni dies super acta, praecipuas virtutes et mirabilem vitam sanctorum ex ordine magni monachorum patriarchae S. P. Benedicte fundata... adornatastudis R. P . Veremundi Eisvogl,..
10582318 - Fasti Mariani cum divorum elogiis in singulos anni dies distributis... [auctoribus A. Brunner et G. Pfeffer]
10582317 - Geniales dies
10582316 - Reglement rakende de opgeseyde landen, ende 'tgone dies meer is dependerende binnen de casselrye vander Auderburgh van Ghendt, ghedecreteert [...] den 17. julij 1696
10582315 - Hebdomas amoris per septem carissima rite digesta et in totidem dies ordine distributa
10582314 - Flores Indici, Sive Documenta ex aureis Sancti Indiarum Apostoli Francisci Xaverii decerpta et per singulos totius Anni dies distributa
10582313 - Fasti Angelici, in quibus plerique anni dies quidpiam exhibent ad SS. Angelos spectans
10582312 - Annus dierum illustrium Societatis Jesu sive in anni dies digestos Mortes Illustres eorum qui ex eadem Soc.Jesu... ab impiis occisi aut veneno necati sunt
10582311 - The Law's Disposal of a Person's Estate who Dies Without Will Or Testament
10582310 - The grayjackets: and how they lived, fought and died, for Dixie
10582309 - The lives and characters of the most illustrious persons, British and foreign, who died in the year 1712
10582308 - A genealogical register of the descendants of John Scranton of Guilford, Conn., who died in the year 1671
10582307 - Annual obituary notices of eminent persons who have died in the United States
10582306 - Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey who died in the penitentiary of Maryland
10582305 - Memoirs of the life of the late Reverend Increase Mather, who died Aug. 23, 1723
10582304 - A sermon preached at Haverhill (Mass.), in remembrance of Mrs. Harriet Newell, wife of the Rev. Samuel Newell, missionary to India. Who died at the isle of France, Nov. 30, 1812, aged 19 years
10582303 - An abstract of the evidence adduced to prove that sir William Stewart, of Jedworth, the paternal ancestor of the present earl of Galloway, was [sir W. Stewart, died 1429] the second son of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley
10582302 - Catalogus van een Verzameling van Mineralien Poss. Did. Smith
10582301 - "Drifting about"; or, What "Jeems Pipes, of Pipesville," saw-and-did. An autobiography by Stephen C. Massett. With many comic illustrations by Mullen
10582300 - What I heard, saw and did at the Australian gold fields
10582299 - Principia Discordia
10582298 - A Dictionary of painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers
10582297 - Military Dictionary
10582296 - A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland for 1852
10582295 - A high school pronouncing dictionary of the English language
10582294 - A dictionary of select and popular quotations, which are in daily use
10582293 - An ecclesiastical dictionary
10582292 - A dictionary of the English language
10582291 - Dictionary of the Holy Bible
10582290 - Bell's New Pantheon; or Historical dictionary of the gods, demi-gods, heroes ...
10582289 - A Dictionary of the Hok-Kлиn Dialect of the Chinese Language
10582288 - A comparative dictionary of the German and English languages
10582287 - Chinese and English dictionary
10582286 - A Pocket Dictionary, Gujarati and English, Compiled by Karsandбs Mъlji
10582285 - A general dictionary of provincialisms
10582284 - A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare
10582283 - A law dictionary and glossary
10582282 - A dictionary of music
10582281 - A new and enlarged military dictionary
10582280 - A Greek and English dictionary
10582279 - A Shakespeare Dictionary: Julius Caesar
10582278 - Dictionary of manufactures, mining, machinery, and the industrial arts
10582277 - Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English
10582276 - A new mathematical dictionary
10582275 - A general bibliographical dictionary
10582274 - A dictionary of the noted names of fiction
10582273 - Scottish Dictionary and Supplement
10582272 - A glossary and etymological dictionary
10582271 - Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, 3
10582270 - A dictionary of the Chinese language
10582269 - A Law Dictionary
10582268 - A pentaglot dictionary of the terms employed in anatomy, physiology, pathology, practical medicine, surgery ...
10582267 - A complete dictionary of music
10582266 - A dictionary of modern slang, cant, and vulgar words
10582265 - Dictionary of mixed Telugu
10582264 - A Dictionary in Persian and English
10582263 - The Gardeners Dictionary
10582262 - A primary-school pronouncing dictionary of the English language
10582261 - Dictionary of the Amharic language
10582260 - A topographical dictionary of Wales
10582259 - Webster's pocket pronouncing dictionary of the English language, condensed by W.G. Webster
10582258 - English and Tamil dictionary
10582257 - The Royal English dictionary: or, A treasury of the English language
10582256 - The cooks and confectioners dictionary; or, The accomplish'd housewifes companion ...
10582255 - A dictionary of the Bible
10582254 - A general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language
10582253 - Dictionary of the artists of antiquity
10582252 - English Irish Dictionary
10582251 - A Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian
10582250 - Universal Historical Dictionary
10582249 - A dictionary of general knowledge
10582248 - Dictionary of Film Makers
10582247 - The Law-French Dictionary Alphabetically Digested
10582246 - A dictionary of the principal languages spoken in the Bengal presidency
10582245 - A dictionary of medical science
10582244 - A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Explained in English
10582243 - A dictionary of reduplicated words in the English language
10582242 - A dictionary of the Welsh language
10582241 - A new dictionary of quotations from the Greek, Latin, and modern languages
10582240 - A Dictionary of English Etymology
10582239 - A Dictionary of modern slang, cant, and, vulgar words
10582238 - A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language
10582237 - A dictionary of the mixed dialects and foreign words used in Telugu
10582236 - Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish Dictionary
10582235 - A Dictionary of the Welsh Language Explained in English
10582234 - Hindi dictionary
10582233 - A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time
10582232 - A dictionary of chemistry
10582231 - A New and general biographical dictionary
10582230 - The gentleman's dictionary
10582229 - A Dictionary of Mechanical Science, Arts, Manufactures, and Miscellaneous Knowledge
10582228 - The dictionary of medical and surgical knowledge, by the editor of the 'Dictionary of useful knowledge'.
10582227 - A Dictionary of the English Language: Abridged from the American Dictionary
10582226 - A phraseological English-Latin dictionary ...
10582225 - Classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue
10582224 - A Dictionary English-Latin and Latin-English
10582223 - A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. [With]
10582222 - A critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language
10582221 - The law-dictionary
10582220 - The Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies
10582219 - A Dictionary of the English Language
10582218 - A philosophical dictionary
10582217 - An abridgement of Ainsworth's dictionary, English and Latin
10582216 - Entick's New Spelling Dictionary
10582215 - A new Latin-English dictionary
10582214 - A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language
10582213 - The royal dictionary abridged in two parts
10582212 - The Royal Dictionary
10582211 - Encyclopжdia metropolitana, or, Universal dictionary of knowledge, on an original plan
10582210 - Dictionary of the English and Italian languages
10582209 - A school dictionary; or, Entick's English dictionary,
10582208 - The Pennsylvania farm journal devoted to agriculture, horticulture and rural economy
10582207 - The Cultivator, a Monthly Journal Devoted to Agriculture, horitcluture, Floriculture, and to Domestic and Rural Economy New Series-Vol. III
10582206 - The National magazine: devoted to literature, art, and religion
10582205 - The Farmers' Register, A Monthly Publication, Devoted to the Improvement of the Practice and Support of the Interests of Agriculture
10582204 - Expounder of primitive Christianity, devoted to theoretical and practical religion
10582203 - the farmer's register, a monthly publication devoted to the improvement of the practice
10582202 - The devoted, by the authoress of 'The disinherited'.
10582201 - Sacra Mystarum Hebdomada, Sive Quotidiana Pro Sacerdotibus pie celebrandi Septenaria vero Pro Laicis devote communicandi Formula, Sacris e Litteris, Patribusque
10582200 - Fasciculus myrre, dat is een sondelinge devote materie van die passie ons heren Jesu Christie ...
10582199 - Devote aendachtighe meditatie ende speculatie op het heyligh leven ende gheduerigh lyden van H. Joseph
10582198 - Gheestelycke oeffeninghe van thien daghen... By de welcke ghevoeght is een seer devote oeffeninge vande passie Iesu Christi, gemaeckt ende beschreven in 't latyn ... overghestelt in het Vlaems door den Eerw. Pater Aegidius de la Laing ...
10582197 - Devote bereydinghe om den crancken mensche zijn ziele aen Godt te bevelen, als hy in doodts noodt leght, ende in perijckel van sterven is
10582196 - Sermoni, overo homelie devote
10582195 - Orationi devote
10582194 - Statuts et reglemens que doivent observer les confreres de la royale & devote compagnie des penitens blancs de Nфtre Dame du confalon de Lyon
10582193 - Vierighe meditacien oft aendacht. En die alleenspraken der sielen tot God. En dat hantboecxken vande aenscouwingen Christi. S. Bernardus devote aendachten S. Ancelmus strale der godlycker liefden
10582192 - Trisagion ou practique devote ... en l'honneur de S. Franзois de Sales
10582191 - Hinni sacri del breviario romano tradotti in lingua volgare, dichiarati et arrichiti di devote meditationi
10582190 - Statuts, et Reglemens que doivent observer les Confreres de la Royale & devote Compagnie des Penitens Blancs de Nфtre Dame du Confalon de Lyon
10582189 - Een devote maniere om gheestelyck pelgrimagie te trecken...
10582188 - L'Introduction a la vie devote
10582187 - Instellinghe van het broederschap vande H. vyf wonden ons salich-makers Iesus Christi door [...] Antonius Triest bisschop van Ghendt ... ... met eenighe devote ghebeden om alle menschen te verwecken tot liefde ende devotie vande selve heijlighe wonde
10582186 - Een sonderlinge devote oeffeninghe der passien ons heeren ...
10582185 - De groote evangelische peerle vol devote ghebeden, goddelijcke oeffeningen, ende gheestelijcke leeringhen ...
10582184 - Hebdomas Sacerdotalis Seu Brevis Methodus Singulis Hebdomadae diebus Devote Ss. Missae Sacrificium celebrandi
10582183 - Apologie De Mlle. Gertrude, Ou Dialogue entre M. Fortin, Democrate, Mlle. Gertrude, Devote, et Rosalie, son Ecoliere; sur l'Ecrit d'un Cure constitutionnel du Diocese d'Amiens, en forme de Refutation du Catechisme du Cure intrus
10582182 - Het wonderlyck leven van de eerbaere, devote, ende H. maghet Lydwina
10582181 - Devote gebedekens ofte Groetenissen ter eere van de heylige moeder Anna, tot Bottelaere
10582180 - Een devote oeffeninghe tot eenen yeghelijcken choor der enghelen ...
10582179 - La Vie de la seraphique et devote Ste Catherine de Siene, auec ses diuines meditations... Traduict d'Italien en Franзois par R. F. Iean Blancone..., [Stances par D. R., Tombeau par J. de La Vallйe]
10582178 - Een devote maniere om gheestelyck pelgrimagie te trecken...
10582177 - Magnum Promptuarium Catholicae Devotionis, Selectissimas devote orandi, meditandi, et psallendi formulas complectens
10582176 - Inscriptions and devices in the Beauchamp tower, Tower of London; with a short historical sketch
10582175 - Historic devices, badges, and war-cries
10582174 - The Hand Book of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices
10582173 - The theater of fine devices
10582172 - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
10582171 - Silicon device processing
10582170 - Historical development of speculative philosophy, from Kant to Hegel
10582169 - Letters on the laws of man's nature and development
10582168 - The heathen religion in its popular and symbolical development
10582167 - Outer continental shelf resource development safety
10582166 - The Catholic doctrine of the Atonement: an historical inquiry into its development in the Church
10582165 - A Manual of Budhism, in Its Modern Development
10582164 - A descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and moderne with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts: including the progressive development of the steam engine:...
10582163 - Economic-demographic Interactions in Agricultural Development
10582162 - An essay on the development of Christian doctrine
10582161 - The Economic Development of the Third World Since 1900
10582160 - An Essay on the Origin and Development of Window Tracery in England; with Nearly Four Hundred Illustrations
10582159 - Handbook for Preparing Office of Research and Development Reports
10582158 - The Welsh Revival: its origin and development
10582157 - A history of the intellectual development of Europe
10582156 - History of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ
10582155 - The Young Lady's Guide to the Harmonious Development of Christian Character
10582154 - Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of civilization
10582153 - A Monograph on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum on the Vertebrata
10582152 - The international development institute
10582151 - The future of animals, cells, models, and systems in research, development, education, and testing
10582150 - Long-range planning for urban research and development: technological considerations
10582149 - Science and Philippine development
10582148 - Systems for stimulating the development of fundamental research
10582147 - Guidelines for development of programs in science instruction
10582146 - Limitations of rock mechanics in energy-resource recovery and development
10582145 - Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory
10582144 - Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development
10582143 - Prototype university plans for the development of biomedical engineering
10582142 - Ocean thermal energy conversion power system development
10582141 - Ship operation research and development
10582140 - Port development in the United States
10582139 - Recommendations for baseline research in Washington and Oregon relative to offshore resource development
10582138 - Law and Development in Latin America
10582137 - Meristems, Growth, and Development in Woody Plants
10582136 - Collection Development Policies
10582135 - Research and development in applied optics and optical glass at the National Bureau of Standards
10582134 - Agricultural Development in Asia
10582133 - Recent development of the producer-gas power plant in the United States
10582132 - Language Conflict and National Development
10582131 - An historical development of the present political constitution of the Germanic empire
10582130 - The human brain, its configuration, structure, development and physiology
10582129 - The Development of Economic Doctrine
10582128 - Primitive Culture
10582127 - Development of blacklight traps for European chafer surveys
10582126 - Effect of temperature and humidity on development and potential distribution of the Mexican fruit fly in the United States
10582125 - The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception; Or, Mystic Christianity, an Elementary Treatise Upon Man's Past Evolution, Present Constitution and Future Development
10582124 - Affinities of plants; with some observations upon progressive development
10582123 - Studies in East African Geography and Development
10582122 - The grammar of the German language philosophically developed
10582121 - THE Farmer'S Register, A Monthly Publication, Developed FOR THE Imporvement OF THE Practice AND Support OF THE Intersts OF Agriculture
10582120 - Sacred hermeneutics developed and applied
10582119 - Mesmerism; Its History, Phenomena, and Practice: with Reports of Cases Developed in Scotland
10582118 - The mystery developed
10582117 - An attempt to develop the law of storms by means of facts
10582116 - Truth develop'd, and innocence protected
10582115 - On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: Organology; or, An exposition of the instincts, propensities, sentiments, and talents, or the moral qualities, and the fundamental intellectual faculties in man and animals, and the seat of their org
10582114 - The improved practical navigator: containing all necessary instructions for determining the latitude by various methods, and for ascertaining the longitude by lunar observations
10582113 - Aphorisms, or, Select propositions of the Scripture shortly determining the doctrin of the sabbath [ed. by O. Hughes].
10582112 - Determining Consumptive Use and Irrigation Water Requirements
10582111 - Method for determining the resolving power of photographic lenses
10582110 - A plain method of determining the parallax of Venus
10582109 - Rapid inexpensive tests for determining fracture toughness
10582108 - Development of a rapid analytical method for determining asbestos in water
10582107 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland, form 1800 ... [to 1826]
10582106 - Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit
10582105 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia
10582104 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
10582103 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of the vice chancellor of England ...
10582102 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of ... Vermont
10582101 - Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster-Hall, from 1746 to 1779
10582100 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court
10582099 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court, and the Court of Errors and Appeals of New Jersey
10582098 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the ecclesiastical courts at Doctors' Commons
10582097 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland
10582096 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of Judicature and in the Court for Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors in the State of New-York
10582095 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common pleas and Exchequer chamber
10582094 - Reports of equity cases, determined in the Court of Appeals of the state of South Carolina
10582093 - Chancery cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina
10582092 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the late Supreme Court of the state of New York
10582091 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana and in the Superior Court of the Territory of Louisiana
10582090 - Cases argued and determined in the courts of Common pleas & Exchequer chamber
10582089 - Reports of cases determined in the Constitutional court of South-Carolina
10582088 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the English ecclesiastical courts
10582087 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Tennessee [1818-1837]
10582086 - Reports of cases principally on practice and pleading, determined in the Court of King's Bench
10582085 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the King's Bench Practice Court
10582084 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical courts at Doctors' commons, and in the High court of delegates
10582083 - Reports of cases determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina
10582082 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
10582081 - Reports of cases argues and determined in the Supreme court of the state of Louisiana ...
10582080 - The Province of Jurisprudence Determined
10582079 - Prophetical landmarks; containing data for helping to determine the question of Christ's pre-millennial advent
10582078 - An attempt to determine the exact character of Elizabethan architecture
10582077 - An Account of Experiments to Determine the Figure of the Earth
10582076 - Ranked input and output data used to determine impact of new source performance standards
10582075 - A letter to a gentleman detecting the gangrene of some errors vented at this time
10582074 - Adulterations detected ; or, Plain instructions for the discovery of frauds in food and medicine
10582073 - Bible vs. tradition, in which the true teaching of the Bible is manifested, the corruptions of theologians detected, and the traditions of men exposed
10582072 - Hypocrisy unveiled, & calumny detected
10582071 - The errors of Hopkinsianism detected and refuted
10582070 - Faction detected by the evidence of facts ...
10582069 - The St. James' guide, or, The sharper detected
10582068 - The opposition rescued from the insolent attacks of Faction detected
10582067 - Details militaires dont la connoissance est necessaire a tous les officiers et principalement aux commissaires des guerres
10582066 - Mineralogie sicilienne docimastique et metallurgique ou connaissance de tous les mineraux que produit l'ile de Sicile, avec les details des mines et des carrieres, et l'histoire des travaux anciens et actuels de ce pays. Suivie de la minerhydrologie sicil
10582065 - Thoughts and Details on Scarcity
10582064 - Sketches OF THE Character, Manners, AND Presend State OF THE Highlanders OF Scotland;With Details OF THE Military Service OF THE Highland Regiments.
10582063 - Details of Elizabethan architecture
10582062 - Report on the construction, ventiliation, and details of Pentonville prison
10582061 - Practical details in equitable commerce
10582060 - Authentic details of the Valdenses, in Piemont and other countries
10582059 - Sketches of the character, manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland: with details of the military service of the Highland regiments
10582058 - Authentic details of the Valdenses, in Piemont and other countries [by C.H. Bracebridge]; with abridged tr. of 'L'histoire des Vaudois', par [J.] Bresse [&c.].
10582057 - Details of the arrest, imprisonment and liberation of an Englishman
10582056 - Sketches, civil and military, of the island of Java and its immediate dependencies, comprising interesting details of Batavia, and authentic particulars of the celebrated poison-tree
10582055 - The young farmer's manual: detailing the manipulations of the farm in a plain and intelligent manner
10582054 - Narrative of the wreck of the 'Favorite' on the island of Desolation (Kerguelen Land): detailing the adventures, sufferings and privations of John Nunn; ed. by W.B. Clarke [from Nunn's account as told to him].
10582053 - A manual of surveying for India, detailing the mode of operations on the revenue surveys in Bengal and the North-western provinces
10582052 - The Huntingdon peerage, a detailed account of the recent restoration of the earldom; to which is prefixed a history of the house of Hastings
10582051 - A sketch of the geology of Fife and the Lothians, including detailed descriptions of Arthur's seat and Pentland hills
10582050 - Memoire, or, Detailed statement of the origin and progress of the Irish Union
10582049 - A Detailed Account of the Battle of Austerlitz
10582048 - Narrative of the second Seikh war, in 1848-49. With a detailed account of the battles of Ramnugger, the passage of the Chenab, Chillianwallah, Goojerat, &c
10582047 - Histoire militaire de Flandre, depuis l'annйe 1690 jusqu'en 1694 inclusivement; qui comprend le detail des marches, campemens, batailles, siйges & mouvements des armйes du roi & de celles des alliйs pendant ces cinq campagnes
10582046 - “Die” Kaiser Franzens-Kettenbrьcke zu Prag (etc.) Mit techn. Nachweisungen nebst 16 Detail-Plдnen und 1 Perspektiv-Ansicht, hrsg. von Carl August Ferdinand Hennig
10582045 - Le detail de la France, la cause de la diminution de ses biens, & la facilitй du remede
10582044 - L' architecture pratique, qui comprend le detail du toise, & du devis des ouvrages de massonnerie, charpenterie, menuiserie, serrurerie, plomberie, vitrerie, ardoise, tuile, pave de grais & impression
10582043 - The story of the diamond necklace told in detail for the first time
10582042 - The tactic of the British army reduced to detail: with reflections on the science and principles of war
10582041 - A short detail of the battle of Waterloo
10582040 - The debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave-trade, in the House of Commons, on Monday the second of April, 1792, reported in detail
10582039 - Universalism confounds and destroys itself
10582038 - The antediluvians, or, The world destroyed; a narrative poem
10582037 - An enquiry into, and detection of the barbarous murther of the late earl of Essex, or a vindication of that noble person from the guilt and infamy of having destroy'd himself [by R. Ferguson.].
10582036 - A little treatise vppon the firste verse of the 122. psalm, stirring vp vnto carefull desiring & dutifull labouring for true Church gouernement [by] R.H. Repr
10582035 - Quakerism farther expos'd, by XII arguments against their desired simple affirmation
10582034 - Custom House of Desire
10582033 - A collection of 35 mounted proofs of woodcut ornaments from designs by J.-J. Bachelier for the "Oudry" edition of La Fontaine's Fables, 1755-1759
10582032 - A collection of the dresses of different nations, particulary old English dresses after the designs of Holbein, Vandyke (etc.)
10582031 - Designs for parish churches, in the three styles of English church architecture
10582030 - On the designs of Russia
10582029 - The Modern Style of Cabinet Work Exemplified, in New Designs, Practically Arranged
10582028 - List of patents for inventions and designs
10582027 - The lady's assistant, for executing useful and fancy designs in knitting, netting, and crochet work. [With] The accompaniment to second volume
10582026 - The triumphs of temper; a poem. With new original designs, by M. Flaxman [engr. by W. Blake].
10582025 - Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems by Mr. T. Gray
10582024 - The praise of folly, made Engl. by W. Kennet, adorn'd from the designs of H. Holbeine
10582023 - C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey : To which is added, a supplement to his Commentary of his wars in Gaul; as also, Commentaries of the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish wars, by Aulus Hirtius, or Oppius, etc.
10582022 - Designs for elegant cottages and small villas ...
10582021 - A Book of Ornamental Alphabets, Initials, Monograms, and Other Designs
10582020 - Twelve designs for the costume of Shakespeare's Richard the third; after the drawings and with the descriptions of J.R. Planchй
10582019 - The cabinet-makers London book of prices, and designs of cabinet-work in perspective, by the London society of cabinet-makers
10582018 - A collection of designs in architecture
10582017 - An account of the origin and designs of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
10582016 - A new series of designs for ornamental cottages and villas
10582015 - The designs of the minister anatomiz'd, and laid open
10582014 - The works of Shakspere, revised from the best authorities: with a memoir and essay on his genius by Barry Cornwall: also annotations and remarks by many writers, illustr. with engr. from designs by K. Meadows
10582013 - An essay on rural architecture, illustrated with original and oeconomical designs
10582012 - The papists designs detected, and the Jesuits subtill practises to ruine and subvert the nation, discovered and laid open. By an impartial hand [A. Egan. Orig. publ. as The Romanists designs detected.].
10582011 - Dr. Brook Taylor's principles of linear perspective, or, The art of designing upon a plane the representation of all sorts of objects
10582010 - Death-bed scenes, or, Dying with and without religion : designed to illustrate the truth and power of Christianity
10582009 - Pearls of the East; or, Beauties from Lalla Rookh [by T. Moore] designed by F. Corbaux and drawn on stone by L. Corbaux
10582008 - An abridgement of Ainsworth's dictionary, English and Latin, designed for the use of schools
10582007 - Mitchell's ancient geography, designed for academies, schools and families
10582006 - An elementary arithmetic designed for academies and schools
10582005 - The elements of algebra, designed for the use of schools
10582004 - Fabulous histories, designed for the instruction of children, respecting their treatment of animals
10582003 - Murray's English grammar simplified designed to facilitate the study of the English language ...
10582002 - A Geography of Hindustan, ancient and modern : illustrated by eight lithographic maps : with brief notices of the principal political events which have occured from the earliest times : designed for the use of schools
10582001 - THE First Book OF Etymology Designed TO Promote Precision IN THE USE AND Facilitate THE Acquisition OF A Knowledge OF THE English Language for Beginners
10582000 - Anatomy and physiology, designed for academies and families
10581999 - Essays on various subjects, principally designed for young ladies
10581998 - Fabulous histories, designed for the instruction of children,respecting their treatment of animals
10581997 - The complete works of William Shakespeare, revised with intr. remarks and notes by S. Phelps, with engr. designed by T.H. Nicholson [and a second engr. title-leaf]. 2 vols. [publ. in parts].
10581996 - Hints designed to promote beneficence, temperance, & medical science ...
10581995 - Natural philosophy for beginners: designed for common schools and families
10581994 - Arithmetic, designed for academies and schools
10581993 - Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Gospels designed for Sunday school teachers and Bible classes
10581992 - The negative on that question: whether is the archangel Michael our Saviour? examined and defended, an argument designed to prove the real humanity of Christ. Together with a full interpretation of such narratives as are particularly refer'd to by the aut
10581991 - Nautical tables designed for the use of British seamen
10581990 - Flowers of loveliness, 12 groups of female figures designed by E.T. Parris, with poetical illustr. by the countess of Blessington
10581989 - A Short course of standing rules, for the government and conduct of an army, designed for, or in the field
10581988 - A short course of standing rules, for the government and conduct of an army, designed for, or in the field, by a lieutenant-general of his majesty's forces
10581987 - A manual for common Christians; or, plain reasons for infant-baptism; designed for the use of all pжdo-baptists, of every denomination;...
10581986 - A collection of hymns ... designed chiefly for the use of the congregations in union with the Brethren's Church
10581985 - Christianity designed and adapted to be a universal religion
10581984 - Lectures on Scripture history, designed particularly for the instruction of young persons in India
10581983 - The elements of algebra: designed for the use of students in the university
10581982 - Practical and familiar sermons designed for parochial and domestic instruction
10581981 - An Essay on the Nature, Design, and Origin of Sacrifices
10581980 - Serious considerations on the salutary design of the Act of Parliament for a regular, uniform register of the parish-poor in all the parishes within the bills of mortality
10581979 - A discourse concerning the nature and design of the Lord's supper
10581978 - The design of Christianity
10581977 - A design for the bridge at New Palace Yard, Westminster ...
10581976 - The peace and happiness of this world, the immediate design of Christianity. A discourse on Luke IX. 56. ... With an address, in the close, to the Deists, ... By Thomas Bott, ...
10581975 - A plain and faithful narrative of the original design, rise
10581974 - An argument proving that the design of employing and enobling foreigners, is a treasonable conspiracy
10581973 - Design of structures to resist the effects of atomic weapons
10581972 - Principles of Design in Architecture
10581971 - An inquiry into the nature and design of Christ's temptation in the wilderness
10581970 - An essay on design in gardening
10581969 - Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times [by A.A. Cooper]. With the addition of a letter concerning design
10581968 - The design potential of metal curtain walls
10581967 - History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States
10581966 - New joint sealants: criteria, design, and materials
10581965 - Engineering and design
10581964 - MFPG, engineering design
10581963 - Design for environment
10581962 - The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design
10581961 - Planning and design of roads, airbases, and heliports in the theater of operations
10581960 - Carbon monoxide monitoring network design methodology
10581959 - The history, design, and present state of the religious, benevolent and charitable institutions, founded by the British in Calcutta and its vicinity
10581958 - Public safety: a growing factor in modern design
10581957 - Les Plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le consul, avec des remarques sur tous ses bвtimens et une dissertation touchant l'architecture antique et l'architecture gothique
10581956 - Architecture de Vignole, qui comprend des ordres, avec des commentaires, les figures et descriptions de des plus beaux bвtimens et de ceux de Michel-Ange, et une explication de tous les termes par ordre alphabйtique
10581955 - Engravings of unedited or rare Greek coins, with descriptions
10581954 - Devonshire & Cornwall illustrated, from original drawings by T. Allom, W.H. Bartlett, &c., with historical and topographical descriptions by J. Britton & E.W. Brayley
10581953 - Descriptions of the inferior maxillary bones of mastodons
10581952 - British phaenogamous botany, or, figures and descriptions of the genera of British flowering plants
10581951 - Select views in Italy [by J. Smith], with topographical and historical descriptions, in Engl. and French
10581950 - Descriptions of some native trypetid flies with notes on their habits
10581949 - The biblical keepsake: or, Landscape illustrations of the most remarkable places mentioned in the holy Scriptures, with descriptions by T.H. Horne
10581948 - Micrographia, Or, Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses, with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
10581947 - Sketches towards a Hortus botanicus Americanus, or, Coloured plates (with a catalogue and concise and familiar descriptions of many species) of new and valuable plants of the West Indies and North and South America
10581946 - Descriptions and sketches of some remarkable oaks
10581945 - Medical Botany, Or, Illustrations and Descriptions of the Medicinal Plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Pharmacopњias
10581944 - ... Descriptions of five new species of scale insects
10581943 - Descriptions of the rapacious birds of Great Britain
10581942 - Cheshire antiquities, Roman, baronial, and monastic: a re-publ. of orig. copper plates, engr. by J. Strutt, with descriptions &c. By C. Hulbert
10581941 - Wales illustrated, views engr. from drawings by H. Gastineau, accompanied by descriptions
10581940 - Travels througt Germany, Bohemia...descriptions of the present stre of thouse Contries
10581939 - Illustrations of the New Testament, by Westall and Martin. With descriptions by H. Caunter
10581938 - Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham & Northumberland, illustr. from drawings by T. Allom, with descriptions by T. Rose
10581937 - Revision of the American fossil cockroaches, with descriptions of new forms
10581936 - Antiquarian and topographical cabinet, containing a series of elegant views of the most interesting objects of curiosity in Great Britain. Accompanied with letter-press descriptions
10581935 - Flora indica; or, Descriptions of Indian plants
10581934 - Illustrations of the Bible, by Westall and Martin. With descriptions by H. Caunter
10581933 - Flora Indica; or, Descriptions of Indian plants, ed. by W. Carey. To which are added descriptions of plants more recently discovered by N. Wallich
10581932 - Description de l'aimant qui s'est formй а la pointe du clocher neuf de N. Dame de Chartres, avec plusieurs expйriences trиs curieuses sur l'aimant et sur d'autres matiиres de physique, par M. L. L. de Vallemont,...
10581931 - Traitй des embaumements selo les anciens et les modernes, avec une description de quelques compositions balsamiques et odorantes par Louis Penicher,...
10581930 - Description historique du royaume de Macaзar, divisйe en trois livres. Augmentйe de diverses piиces curieuses
10581929 - Description historique du royaume de Macaзar
10581928 - Nouveau voyage d'Italie, contenant une description exacte de toutes ses provinces, villes et lieux considйrables...
10581927 - Description nouvelle de la ville de Paris
10581926 - Nouvelle gйographie ou description exacte de l'univers...
10581925 - Le Thйвtre de la guerre ou Description gйographique et universelle des pays, royaumes, provinces, villes et forts...
10581924 - Description du royaume de Siam, &c
10581923 - Les dйlices des Pais-Bas ou Description gйnйrale de ses dix-sept provinces, ...
10581922 - Description de la piиce d'Ambregris que la Chambre d'Amsterdam а recue des Indes orientales pesant 182 livres
10581921 - Description Nouvelle de ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable Dans La Ville De Paris
10581920 - Description d'Vkranie, qui sont plusieurs prouinces du royaume de Pologne. Contenuлs depuis les confins de la Moscouie, iusques aux limites de la Transilvanie
10581919 - Description de la magnifique et superbe entrйe du Roy et de la Reyne en la ville de Paris
10581918 - Histoire nouvelle des anciens ducs et autres souverains de l'Archipel
10581917 - Description des plantes de l'amerique
10581916 - Description d'Ukranie, qui sont sont plusieurs Prouinces du Royaume de Pologne... par le sieur de Beauplan
10581915 - La description et la carte de l'empire d'Allemagne auec les acquisitions de la France et de la Suиde par la paix de Munster, par P. Du Val...
10581914 - Description d'Ukranie qui sont plusievrs provinces du Royaume de Pologne
10581913 - Description du royaume de France, contenant ses principales divisions gйographiques dressйes pour la grande carte intitulйe "le Royaume de France avec ses acquisitions..., dйdiйe а Louis le Grand, roy de France et de Navarre, par Jean-Baptiste Nolin". Ave
10581912 - Description du cerveau, des principales distributions de ses dix paires de nerfs, & des organes des sens avec les figures
10581911 - La geographie universelle ou Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement cette science. Contenant le traitй de la sphere, la description du globe terrestre & celeste, les parties du monde, divisйes en leurs etats ...
10581910 - Histoire de N-D. du Montserrat, avec la description de l'Abbaye, de la Montagne et des Ermitages
10581909 - Le monde ou la Description gйnйrale de ses quatre parties,... Composй premiиrement par Pierre Davity,... Nouvelle йdition reveu, corrigй & augmentй,... Par Jean-Baptiste de Rocoles,...
10581908 - Les Diffйrens caractиres des femmes du siиcle, avec la description de l'amour propre, contenant six caractиres et six perfections
10581907 - Description de l'aimant, qui s'est formй а la pointe du clocher neuf de N. Dame de Chartres
10581906 - Mйmoires de Michel de Marolles, abbй de Villeloin. Diuisez en trois parties, contenant ce qu'il a vы de plus remarquable en sa vie, depuis l'annйe 1600. Ses entretiens auec quelques-vns des plus sзauants hommes de son temps. Et les geneaologies de quelque
10581905 - Les Dйlices De La France, Ou Description des Provinces et Villes Capitales d'icelle, Depuis la Paix de Ruswyk. Et la Description des Chвteaux, Maisons Royales, &c
10581904 - The traveller's guide, or, A most exact description of the roads of England
10581903 - A compendious geographical dictionary, containing, a concise description of the most remarkable places, ancient and modern, in Europe, Asia, Africa, & America
10581902 - Universal Geography: Containing the description of India and Oceanica
10581901 - A description of the king's royal palace and gardens at Loo
10581900 - A guide to all the watering and sea-bathing places; with a description of the lakes; a sketch of a tour in Wales; and itineraries, by the editor of The picture of London
10581899 - A chorographical description or survey of the county of Devon. With additions
10581898 - A poetical description of Texas,
10581897 - Vegetable organography, or, An analytical description of the organs of plants
10581896 - A description of the coronation of the kings and queens of France
10581895 - The history and description of Colchester
10581894 - A generic and specific description of British plants, [extr. and] tr. from the Genera et Species plantarum, with notes by J. Jenkinson
10581893 - The Scottish chronicle or, a complete history and description of Scotland
10581892 - The history and description of the town and borough of Ipswich
10581891 - Topographical description and historical sketch of Plainfield, in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, May, 1834
10581890 - Vectis scenery: in the Isle of Wight. To which are prefixed, a complete topographical description and the general tours of the island
10581889 - Labiatarum Genera et Species: or, a description of the genera and species of plants of the order labiatae
10581888 - Description of the Greek papyri in the British Museum
10581887 - A view of the history, literature, and mythology of the Hindoos: including a minute description of their manners and customs, and translations from their principal works ...
10581886 - The description of Greece
10581885 - A description of East-Florida
10581884 - A description of the chanonry in old Aberdeen, in 1724 and 1725
10581883 - A Description of the Burmese Empire
10581882 - A description of Ceylon
10581881 - A description of the series of medals struck at the National medal mint by order of Napoleon Bonaparte
10581880 - Description of st. Michael's church, Coventry; with the inscriptions &c
10581879 - A catalogue raisonnй of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters ... with a copius description of their principal pictures, etc...
10581878 - A description of the parish of Melrose
10581877 - A geographical, historical, and topographical description of Van Diemen's Land
10581876 - A description of the Shetland Islands
10581875 - A treatise on the operations of surgery, with a description and representation of the instruments used in performing them
10581874 - Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire, or, A description of the strata and organic remains of the Yorkshire coast
10581873 - A Description of the Present State of Samos, Nicaria, Patmos and Mount Athos
10581872 - Description of Elgin Garden, the property of David Hosack, M.D.
10581871 - A description of the antiquities and other curiosities of Rome
10581870 - Londinium redivivum or An antient history and modern description of London
10581869 - THE Modern Traveller. A Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, AND Topoghraphical, OF THE Various Countries OF THE Globe. India. VOL. III.
10581868 - Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Greaves: Miscellaneous tracts, letters, poems, &c., divers of which were never before printed. A description of the Grand Seignor's seraglio, or Turkish emperor's court. [4], 359-800 p
10581867 - History and description of the Royal Museum of Natural History
10581866 - Description and historical sketch of the Massachusetts State Prison
10581865 - An introduction to astronomy, geography, navigation and other mathematical sciences, made easie by the description and uses of the coelestial and terrestrial globes ...
10581864 - A geographical and statistical description of Scotland
10581863 - A botanical description of British plants in the midland counties
10581862 - A description of ventilators
10581861 - Picturesque views and description of cities, towns, castles, mansions, and other objects of interesting feature, in Staffordshire, from original designs, taken expressly for this work by Frederick Calvert, engraved on steel dy [sic] Mr. T. Radclyffe, with
10581860 - A topographical and historical description of the county of Warwick
10581859 - A description of the genus Pinus
10581858 - A short description of the Isle of Thanet
10581857 - The North American sylva, or, A description of the forest trees, of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia
10581856 - An historical description of the Tower of London and its curiosities [by D. Henry].
10581855 - Architectural illustrations, history and description of Carlisle cathedral
10581854 - A description of Greenland
10581853 - A catalogue and description of the whole of the works of the celebrated Jacques Callot;
10581852 - An improved system of nursery gardening for propagating forest and hardy ornamental evergreen & deciduous trees & shrubs of general description, by seeds of British produce
10581851 - A general description of the shire of Renfrew
10581850 - A description of the scenery of the lakes in the north of England
10581849 - Description and use of a diagram of navigation
10581848 - A description of Bath
10581847 - A general description of Nova Scotia
10581846 - The History of the Life of Peter I, Emperor of Russia, Containing a Description of Russia
10581845 - THE Modern Traveler A Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, AND Topographical
10581844 - A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales
10581843 - Description of the process of manufacturing coal gas
10581842 - A description of the theory and properties of inclined plane wheels
10581841 - History and description of the ancient town and borough of Colchester, in Essex
10581840 - The history and description of the city of Exeter
10581839 - A description of England and Wales
10581838 - A delineation of the strata of Derbyshire with a description of the fossils found in there strata
10581837 - The description, nature and general use, of the sector and plain-scale
10581836 - A Picturesque description of North Wales
10581835 - The description and uses of the celestial and terrestrial globes
10581834 - Description of the scenery of Dunkeld & of Blair in Atholl
10581833 - A geographical, statistical, and historical description of Hindostan and the adjacent countries
10581832 - An historical description of Westminster-Abbey, its monuments and curiosities. ...
10581831 - A General Description of China
10581830 - The universal traveller or a compleat description of the several foreign nations of the world
10581829 - Description of the geology of the state of New Jersey
10581828 - A Description and history of vegetable substances used in the arts, and in domestic economy
10581827 - London; being an accurate history and description of the British metropolis and its neighbourhood
10581826 - New description of Blenheim [&c., by W.F. Mavor.].
10581825 - A description of the collection of ancient marbles in the British museum
10581824 - A description of a set of prints of Roman history
10581823 - A geographical and historical description of Asia Minor;
10581822 - History and description of Woburn and its abbey, etc
10581821 - An historical description of an ancient picture in Windsor Castle
10581820 - A description of Gibraltar
10581819 - History and Description of the Ancient City of York: The strangers' guide
10581818 - The modern traveller, a popular description geographical historical and topographical of the various countries of the globe
10581817 - The true, and only true description and view of the Catholic question
10581816 - A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece
10581815 - THE Modern Traveller A Popular Description Geographical,Historical,AND Tographical OF THE Various Countries OF THE Globe
10581814 - An abridgement of the history of Spain. With a geographical description of Spain and Portugal. [transl.].
10581813 - A Description of the Lines Drawn on Gunter's Scale
10581812 - Universal geography, or A description of all the parts of the world
10581811 - A description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man
10581810 - A description of the paintings in the Hall of Ossian
10581809 - A description of the Patent rolls in the Tower of London
10581808 - A geographical and historical description of ancient Italy, 1
10581807 - The description of Greece, by Pausanias, tr. with notes [by T. Taylor].
10581806 - A topographical and historical description of the parish of Tixall, by sir T. and A. Clifford
10581805 - A description of the villa of Horace Walpole, youngest son of Sir Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, at Strawberry-Hill, near Twickenham
10581804 - A short topographical description of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada, in North America
10581803 - A description of the river Thames &c
10581802 - Botany of the northern and middle states, or, A description of the plants found in the United States, north of Virginia
10581801 - Universal Geography, Or, a Description of All the Parts of the World, on a New Plan: Spain, Portugal, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and Holland
10581800 - Description of the Anglo-Gallic coins in the British Museum
10581799 - A description of the Western Islands of Scotland
10581798 - Flora scotica; or, a description of Scottish plants
10581797 - An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa ...
10581796 - Laneham's letter describing the magnificent pageants presented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth castle in 1575
10581795 - A treatise describing the construction, and explaining the use of new celestial and terrestrial globes
10581794 - A treatise describing and explaining the construction and use of new celestial and terrestial globes
10581793 - Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings, &c. of that country, in the years Mdcclxx and Mdcclxxi, to a friend residing in France
10581792 - Newes from the Levane seas, describing the many perrilous events of ... Edward Glenham, by H.R.
10581791 - Breviarium chronologicum: or, A treatise describing the terms and most celebrated characters, periods, and epocha's used in chronology
10581790 - Laneham's letter describing the magnificent pagents presented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle
10581789 - A military dictionary, explaining and describing the technical terms [&c.] used in the science of war
10581788 - Letters describing the character and customs of the English and French nations
10581787 - An universal, historical, geographical, chronological and poetical dictionary, exactly describing the situation, extent, customs ... of all kingdoms ...
10581786 - Notices and anecdotes illustrative of the incidents, characters, and scenery described in the novels and romances of Sir Walter Scott, bart
10581785 - Il viaggio di Giovan Leone [described in his Descrittione dell'Africa] e le navigazioni di Alvise da Ca da Mosto, di Pietro di Cintra [and others] quali si leggono nella raccolta di G. Ramusio. Nuova ed., riveduta
10581784 - The railways of Great Britain and Ireland practically described and illustrated
10581783 - Gleanings of natural history, exhibiting figures of quadrupedes, birds, plants, etc. Most of which have not, till now, been either figured or described
10581782 - Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves, described by R.H. Cobbold
10581781 - Rocks classified and described
10581780 - The upper ward of Lanarkshire described and delineated. The archжological and historical section by G.V. Irving. The statistical and topographical section by A. Murray
10581779 - The Excellent woman as described in the Book of Proverbs
10581778 - Travels, chiefly on foot through several parts of England, in 1782. Described in letters to a friend
10581777 - The International exhibition. The industry, science, & art of the age: or, The International exhibition of 1862 popularly described
10581776 - The natural history department of the Crystal palace described ...
10581775 - Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America
10581774 - The mediжval court in the Crystal palace, described by M.D. Wyatt and J.B. Waring
10581773 - Near home, or, The countries of Europe described
10581772 - The upper ward of Lanarkshire described and delineated
10581771 - The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue ... described, in several sermons. And The fools prosperity, the occasion of his destruction: a sermon
10581770 - The diseases of sheep explained and described
10581769 - The Plain of Troy described
10581768 - Far off, or, Asia and Australia described
10581767 - Scotland described
10581766 - The manuscripts of the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter described and collated
10581765 - The state of innocence: and fall of man, described in Milton's Paradise lost, render'd into prose, with notes, from the Fr. of Raymond de St. Maur, by a gentleman of Oxford [G.S. Green].
10581764 - England described
10581763 - The parks, gardens, etc., of London and its suburbs, described and illustrated, for the guidance of strangers
10581762 - Ancient mysteries described, especially the English miracle plays ...
10581761 - The Antiquities of Wisconsin as Surveyed and Described
10581760 - Bees, pigeons, rabbits, and the canary bird, familiarly described
10581759 - The countries of Europe described
10581758 - A faithful man described and rewarded
10581757 - Ecclesiastes. The worthy church-man ... described ... in a synod-sermon
10581756 - Far off; or, Africa and America described
10581755 - The ruins of Gour described
10581754 - London and its environs described
10581753 - A survey of the counties of Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, West Riding of Yorkshire, and the northern part of Staffordshire, ... Illustrated with a whole sheet map of the counties described, a small map of the environs of Manchester, and a plan of the
10581752 - The state of protestantism in Germany described
10581751 - The papal chapel described, and illustrated from history and antiquities
10581750 - Ancient Mysteries described
10581749 - The English rogue: described, in the life of Meriton Latroon
10581748 - Miscellanies [by J. Swift and others]. Vol.1-[4. Vol.2 is of the 2nd ed. The title-leaves of vol.3,4 are transposed, the 3rd vol., normally described as the last vol., being called vol.3, while the 4th vol., normally described as vol.3, is called the last
10581747 - English derived from Hebrew
10581746 - A practical treatise on the diseases peculiar to women, illustrated by cases, derived from hospital and private practice
10581745 - Evidence of the truth of the Christian religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of prophecy. With a refutation of A.P. Stanley's poetical interpretations
10581744 - Customs of service for non-commissioned officers and soldiers, as derived from law and regulations, and practised in the army of the United States
10581743 - The synagogue and the Church, being an attempt to show, that the government, ministers, and services of the Church, were derived from those of the synagogue. Condensed from the work of Vitringa [De synagoga vetere].
10581742 - Historical account of the navigable rivers, canals, and railways, of Great Britain, derived from original and parliamentary documents in the possession of J. Priestley
10581741 - Exotics: or, English words derived from Latin roots
10581740 - Lectures on the rational system of society, derived solely from nature and experience
10581739 - Verba nominalia; or, Words derived from proper names
10581738 - Christ, a Christian's life: or, A practical discourse of a believer's life derived from Christ, and resolved into Christ, the substance of several sermons
10581737 - A letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between popery and paganism: or, The religion of the present Romans derived from that of their heathen ancestors..
10581736 - The primitives of the Greek tongue, together with the most considerable derivatives of the Greek language and an alphabetical collection of English words derived from the Greek. Tr. from the Fr. [Le jardin des racines grecques] of messieurs de Port Royal
10581735 - Geometry without axioms; or the first book of Euclid's elements. With alterations and familiar notes; and an intercalary book in which the straight line and plane are derived from properties of the sphere ...
10581734 - Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English history, derived from ms. sources
10581733 - The New World of Words Or Universal English Dictionary Containing and Account of the Original Or Proper Sense and Various Significations of All Hard Words Derived from Other Languages
10581732 - Experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of wind and water to turn mills and other machines depending on a circular motion
10581731 - An essay on fevers and their various kinds, as depending on different constitutions of the blood
10581730 - An experimental enquiry concerning the natural powers of water and wind to turn mills, and other machines, depending on a circular motion. By J. Smeaton, F.R.S.
10581729 - Description historique, chronologique et gйographique du duchй de Brabant, contenant : les quatre chef-villes de ce duchй, & tout ce qui en depend ... le tout recueilli des meilleurs auteurs, tant anciens que modernes
10581728 - Bibliography of forest disease research in the Department of Agriculture
10581727 - A catalogue of books, in every department of literature, now on sale
10581726 - List of publications of the United States Department of Agriculture from January, 1931, to December, 1935, inclusive
10581725 - History of the persecutions endured by the Protestants of the south of France and more especially of the department of the Gard, during the years, 1814, 1815, 1816, &c. including a defence of their conduct, from the revolution to the present period
10581724 - Department of the Interior final environmental statement
10581723 - U.S. Department of Agriculture miscellaneous publication
10581722 - Careers in the United States Department of the Interior
10581721 - History of the county palatine ... of Lancaster. The biographical department by W.R. Whatton
10581720 - Abbreviations used in the Department of Agriculture for titles of publications
10581719 - Statistical Reporting Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
10581718 - Official correspondence with the Department of War
10581717 - History, directory & gazetteer, of the county of York; with select lists of the merchants ... of London, and the principal . .. towns of England. The directory department by W. Parson
10581716 - History, directory and gazetteer of the county palatine of Lancaster. The directory department by W. Parson. [With] Illustrations
10581715 - List of technical workers in the Department of Agriculture and outline of department functions, 1933
10581714 - Thйologie des insectes, ou Demonstration des perfections de Dieu dans tout ce qui concerne les insectes. Tr., avec des remarques de P. Lyonnet
10581713 - Vindiciae des hцchst-verletzten Lands-Fьrstlichen Respects und Gehorsams, das ist, grьndliche Demonstration der unwahren Aufflagen womit des Herrn Bischoffen zu Hildesheim Herrn Jodoci Edmundi Hoch-Fьrstliche Gnaden von einigen dero Hoch-Stiffts Edel-Leuh
10581712 - Der einzig mцgliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseyns Gottes
10581711 - Les Religions du monde, ou Demonstration de toutes les religions & heresies de l'Asie, Afrique, Amerique, & de l'Europe, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu' a present
10581710 - La Paix de Clement IX ou Demonstration des deux faussete's capitales
10581709 - Les Religions du Monde, Ou Demonstration de toutes les Religions & heresies de L'Asie, Afrique, Amerique, & de L'Europe
10581708 - Grьndliche Demonstration ... der von beyden Chur-Brandenburg und Pfalz-Newburg bey Antrettung der Landen ... Gьlich Cleve Berg Anno 1609 gnedigst ertheilten Reversalen
10581707 - Histoire pontificale, ou plustost demonstration de la vrai Eglise ...
10581706 - Astro-theology: or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens
10581705 - The messiahship, or, Great demonstration
10581704 - Astro-theology, Or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God
10581703 - Proceedings of the public demonstration of sympathy with Pope Pius IX., and with Italy
10581702 - Demonstration of a new energy saving pulp and paper industry sludge disposal system
10581701 - A demonstration of areawide water resources planning
10581700 - A demonstration of the existence and attributes of God
10581699 - An essay towards a demonstration of the soul's immateriality
10581698 - Moralium actionum regula in opinabilibus seu Quaestio de opinione probabili ... ; Additur duplex appendix, I. Novum systema probabilisticum expositum [et] confutatum II. Demonstrationum Pithanophilianarum vitia detecta [et] demonstrate
10581697 - Democratic review
10581696 - The Democratic speaker's hand-book ...
10581695 - Democratic speeches on Kansas
10581694 - Official proceedings of the National Democratic convention, held at New York, July 4-9, 1868
10581693 - The United States democratic review
10581692 - Official proceedings of the Democratic National Convention
10581691 - Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention
10581690 - The democratic speaker's hand-book
10581689 - The United States Democratic review
10581688 - Democratic rage
10581687 - The United States magazine and Democratic review
10581686 - Original papers relative to the rights and pretensions of the Nabob of Arcot, and the Rajah of Tanjore, and to the demands of British subjects on the Nabob of Arcot
10581685 - The dangers with which Great Britain and Ireland are now menaced, by the demands of Irish Roman Catholics [signed Fabricius. With] Appendix
10581684 - A brief account of many of the prosecutions of the people call'd Quakers in the exchequer, ecclesiastical, and other courts, for demands recoverable by the acts made in the 7th and 8th years of the reign of King William the Third, for the more easie recov
10581683 - What we demand from France
10581682 - Assessing demand for outdoor recreation
10581681 - The demand for textile fibers in the United States
10581680 - A study of new catalytic agents to determine chemical oxygen demand
10581679 - The demand and price structure for selected vegetables
10581678 - A Treatise ON THE Preparation AND Delivery
10581677 - The proceedings on His Majesty's commission of oyer and terminer, and goal delivery for the High Court of Admiralty of England
10581676 - The practice of the customs in the entry, examination, and delivery of goods and merchandize
10581675 - The art of delivering written language
10581674 - Two speeches, delivered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday the 2d of March, 1790,
10581673 - Reports of judgements delivered by Sir Orlando Bridgman
10581672 - Protestant nonconformity, &c. Two discourses, delivered at the annual double lecture, at Oldbury. The former by J. Scott, and the latter by J. Kenrick
10581671 - Лавелл (радиотелескоп)
10581670 - Радиотелескоп
10581669 - An introductory lecture delivered in the University of London, on Thursday, October 2, 1828
10581668 - Speech on the abolition of negro slavery ; delivered at a public meeting, held in the Guildhall, in the city of Norwich, on Wednesday, 28th January, 1824
10581667 - Romanism exposed; or, Strictures on two lectures, delivered by ... Joseph Render
10581666 - A sermon delivered in Boston, Sept. 16, 1813
10581665 - A sermon, delivered at the gathering of the Second Congregational Church
10581664 - A discourse delivered at Providence, August 5, l836
10581663 - A discourse, delivered at Plymouth, 22 December, 1806, at the anniversary commemoration of the first landing of the fathers, A.D. 1620
10581662 - A discourse delivered at Plymouth, Dec. 22d, 1808
10581661 - A sermon delivered at the dedication of the second Congregational Church, in Worcester, Aug. 20, 1829
10581660 - A discourse, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy
10581659 - A sermon delivered September 25, 1827
10581658 - A sermon, delivered July 4th, 1802, at Walpole, N.H.
10581657 - A poem delivered in the First Congregational Church in the town of Quincy, May 25, 1840
10581656 - The difficulties and supports of a gospel minister; and The duties incumbent on a Christian Church: a charge, by J. Ryland, and a sermon, by J. Hinton; delivered at the ordination of T. Coles
10581655 - A discourse delivered in King's Chapel, Boston
10581654 - A discourse delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-Jersey, at its first annual meeting, September 27, 1825
10581653 - A sermon delivered at the ordination of the Rev. William Henry Furness, as pastor of the First Congregational Unitarian Church in Philadelphia, January 12, 1825
10581652 - A discourse in commemoration of the lives and services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, August 2, 1826
10581651 - Plain discourses delivered to a country congregation
10581650 - A sermon [on Matt. x,16] delivered in the parish church of Glasnevin
10581649 - A discourse, delivered at Francestown, N. H. on the last Sabbath in July, 1838
10581648 - Discourses Delivered and a Prayer Offered at the Ordination of the Rev. John Owen
10581647 - Charge delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Bangor ... 1834
10581646 - Ten introductory lectures delivered at the opening of the University of London
10581645 - A charge delivered to the clergy of the archdeaconry of Ely, June the 9th, 1818
10581644 - A letter to the Right Reverend Samuel, Lord Bishop of St. David's, on the charge he lately delivered to the clergy of his Diocese. By a Welsh freeholder
10581643 - An oration, delivered on the 49th anniversary of American independence
10581642 - An oration, delivered 4th July, 1835
10581641 - Four sermons delivered at Cavendish, Vt. on the doctrine of endless misery
10581640 - The deity's delay in punishing the guilty, considered, on the principles of reason
10581639 - On the origin of universities and academical degrees
10581638 - The Book of the Chapter, Or, Monitorial Instructions, in the Degrees of Mark, Past and Most Excellent Master, and the Holy Royal Arch
10581637 - An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the Northern parts of Russia, for ascertaining the degrees of latitude and longitude of the mouth of the river Kovima, of the whole coast of the Tshutski, to East Cape, and of the islands in the
10581636 - A catalogue of graduates who have proceeded to degrees in the University of Dublin
10581635 - The nature of repentance and faith opened in their lowest degrees
10581634 - A table of natural sines and tangents, to every degree and minute of the Quadrant; the Rdaius being 1.000.000 from whence de secant and versed sines are easily found
10581633 - Les definitions du droit canon
10581632 - Definitions ou explications des termes du droit consacrйs а la pratique judiciaire du Paпs de Vaud
10581631 - Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants
10581630 - Mathematical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathematical science comprising definitions of all the terms employed in mathematics -
10581629 - Definitions in Political Economy
10581628 - A theological dictionary, containing definitions of all religious terms. Woodward's enlarged & improved Amer. ed
10581627 - A Theological Dictionary, Containing Definitions of All Religious Terms
10581626 - Thesaurus of Karen Knowledge, comprising Traditions, Legends or Fables, Poetry, Customs, Superstitions, Demonology, Therapeutics etc. alphabetically arranged, and forming a complete Native Karen Dictionary, with Definitions and Examples, illustrating the
10581625 - The rudiments of Latin grammar, founded on the definitions and rules of Thomas Ruddiman
10581624 - A synopsis of chemistry, arranged alphabetically: comprehending the names, synomina, and definitions, in that science
10581623 - Dictionnaire franзois-latin, des termes de medecine, et de chirurgie, avec leur definition, leur division, & leur etymologie
10581622 - Metropolitan area definition
10581621 - Mechanical failure, definition of the problem
10581620 - A grammatical analyzer; or, The derivation and definition of words with their grammatical classification ...
10581619 - The American definition spelling book
10581618 - Development of a study plan for definition of PCBs usuage, wastes,and potential substitution in the investment casting industry
10581617 - McGuffey's newly revised Eclectic fourth reader: containing elegant extracts in prose and poetry with rules for reading and exercises in articulation, defining, etc
10581616 - The word baptizo defined
10581615 - The geometric beauty of the human figure defined
10581614 - Les Remonstrances sur le default du labour et culture des plantes, et de la cognoissance d'icelles, contenant la maniere d'affranchir et appriuoiser les arbres sauuages. Par Pierre Bellon du Mans Medecin...
10581613 - A Political Grammar, Adapted to the Meridian of Great Britain, in which the Welfare and Safety of Every Subject is Deeply Concern'd
10581612 - Ocean scenes, or, The perils and beauties of the deep
10581611 - Geology and biology of north Atlantic deep-sea cores between Newfoundland and Ireland
10581610 - Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs
10581609 - An experimental/analytical investigation of deep submerged multiple buoyant jets
10581608 - Observaciones astronomicas y phisicas hechas de orden de S. Mag. en los reynos del Perъ por Jorge Santcilia Juan y D. Antonio de Ulloa de las quales se deduce la figura y magnitud de la Tierra y se aplica a la navegaciуn
10581607 - Le lettere scelte di M. Tullio Cicerone tradotte nell'italiano dall'abate Antonio Ambrogi e dedicate a sua eccellenza il signor D. Mario Gabrielli de' principi di Prossedi
10581606 - Satire di Saluator Rosa, dedicate a Settano
10581605 - A faire warning. Declaring the comfortable vse both of sicknesse and health. Deliuered in seuerall sermons
10581604 - The Grace & Duty of Being Spiritually Minded, Declared & Practically Improved
10581603 - Revelation examined with candour. Or, a fair enquiry into the sense and use of the several revelations expresly declared, or sufficiently implied, to be given to mankind from the creation, as they are found in the bible,by a professed friend to an honest
10581602 - The true Christian's faith and experience briefly declared
10581601 - Disertaciуn sobre la justicia y utilidad de una ley que declare a favor del Real Fisco la pertenecia de bienes de Realengo situados en el Reyno de Valencia, que se destinan a manos muertas, a quienes falta la habilitaciуn del Prнncipe
10581600 - Lettre touchant Beatrix comtesse de Chalon, laquelle declare quel fut son mary, quels ses enfans, ses ancestres, et ses armes (etc.)
10581599 - Remarques et decisions de l'Acadйmie franзoise
10581598 - Remarques et decisions de l'academie francoise recueillies
10581597 - La Science des juges criminels, temporels et ecclesiastiques, ou les Decisions des plus difficilles et importantes questions en matiиre criminelle, fondйes sur le droit civil et canonique, йdits, ordonnances royaux... par Mr Me Bertrand Compaigne...
10581596 - Admiralty decisions in the District Court of the United States, for the Pennsylvania District
10581595 - Decisions of the Court of King's Bench, upon the laws relating to the poor
10581594 - Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty
10581593 - Reports of judicial decisions in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina
10581592 - The Adequacy of environmental information for outer continental shelf oil and gas decisions
10581591 - Decisions of the Court of Session
10581590 - Virginia cases; or, Decisions of the General Court of Virginia,
10581589 - A collection of decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon the poor's laws, down to the present time
10581588 - Quarterly digests of unpublished decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States
10581587 - Reports of decisions made in the Superior Courts of the eastern district of Georgia
10581586 - The decisions of the Court of Session
10581585 - Dissertations sur l'arche de Noй, et sur L'Hemine et la livre de S. Benoist : Dans l'une on examine plusieurs questions curieuses, dont la decision prouve la matiиre, la capacitй, la figure ou disposition de cette arche, le nombre des animaux, et la quant
10581584 - Antipologia medica en respuesta de una apologia del eruditissimo doctor Duarte Nuсez de Acosta ... sobre la decision de dos graves dificultades, que inquieren, si en el rapto incipiente de humor a la Cabeзa, convenga medicamento electivo? y en la perlesia
10581583 - Critique sincere de plusieurs ecrits sur la fameuse baguette. Contenant la decision de ce qu'il en faut Croire, avec la Regle pour justifier, et pour condamner de Magie mille Effets qui nous surprennent par Messire Andrй Renaud...
10581582 - Essay on decision of character
10581581 - Decision making for regulating chemicals in the environment
10581580 - Dunallan; or, Know what you judge, by the author of The decision
10581579 - The Mexican Profit-Sharing Decision
10581578 - Modern Japanese Organization and Decision-Making
10581577 - Decision and indecision
10581576 - Reports of cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the state of Texas
10581575 - Reports of cases decided by the Honourable John Marshall, late chief justice of the United States
10581574 - Digest of cases decided in the Courts of Session, Teinds, and Justiciary. in the House of Lords, 1821-1835; in the Jury Court, 1815-1833
10581573 - Reports of cases decided in the High court of chancery of Maryland. [1811-1832]
10581572 - A collection of cases decided by the General Court of Virginia, chiefly relating to the penal laws of the Commonwealth, commencing in the year 1789, and ending in 1814
10581571 - New reports of cases heard in the House of Lords, on appeals and writs of error; and decided during the sessions[s] 1827[-37]
10581570 - Select cases decided by Lord Brougham in the Court of Chancery
10581569 - Reports of cases decided by the Lord Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor
10581568 - Reports of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1785-1951
10581567 - An analytical digest of the equity cases decided in the courts of the several states, and of the United States, from the earliest period
10581566 - Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of Mississippi ...
10581565 - Cases decided in the Court of Session
10581564 - Lettre d'un theologien illustre par sa qualitй et par son merite, consultй par un auteur, pour sзavoir si la comedie peut estre permise, ou doit кtre absolument dйfenduл, dans laquelle il decide q'elle est permise
10581563 - De vera Nobilitate opusculum: completam ipsius rationem explicans, & virtutes, quae generis nobilitatem in primis decent ac exornant, depromens
10581562 - Oculus Abbatum, complectens quae regulariter ac communiter spectant, concernunt et decent tam Praelatos quam eorum subdites
10581561 - Troisiesme Decade De Tite-Live
10581560 - Romainsche historien van Titvs Livivs, sedert de bouwing van Romen tot aan d'ondergang van 't Macedonische Rijk. Ten meestendeel van nieus vertaalt, en met een tweede decade, voor de gene, die verloren is, verrijkt, en op ontellijke plaatsen vermeerdert.
10581559 - Decade di alberi curiosi ed eleganti piante delle Indie orientali e dell'America ultimamente fatte gia'note
10581558 - Decade De Sermons
10581557 - La decade de medecine, ou Le medecin des riches & des pauvres
10581556 - The history of Rome: The third decade (2 pts.)
10581555 - Decade Di Panegririci Sacri
10581554 - Decade, contenant la vie et gestes de Henry le Grand
10581553 - L' Utile col Dolce cavato da detti e fatti di diversi huomini Saviissimi, che si contiene in cinque decade di Argutie
10581552 - A decade of Italian women
10581551 - International hydrological decade representative and experimental basins in the United States
10581550 - La fiscalidad a debate
10581549 - Substance of the debate in the House of Commons, on the 15th May, 1823, on a motion for the mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions
10581548 - Rudiments of public speaking and debate
10581547 - Debate at the East-India house
10581546 - Debate on "modern abolitionism"
10581545 - A debate on the doctrine of universal salvation
10581544 - A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion in two parts etc. To which is prefix'd an apology for free debate and liberty of writing
10581543 - A debate on the doctrines of atonement, universal salvation, and endless punishment
10581542 - A debate on the Roman Catholic religion between Alexander Campbell and Rt.Rev.John B.Purcell
10581541 - A debate on slavery
10581540 - A debate between Rev. A. Campbell and Rev. N.L. Rice
10581539 - The debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave-trade, in the House of Commons, Monday the second of April, 1792
10581538 - Speech of John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, upon the right of the people, men and women, to petition; on the freedom of speech and debate in the House of representatives of the United States; on the resolutions of seven state legislatures, and the peti
10581537 - Debate on the evidences of Christianity
10581536 - Debate on Campbellism
10581535 - A debate on Christian baptism
10581534 - Substance of the debate ... on May 15, 1823, on a motion for the mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions
10581533 - Sermons on the death of Queen Mary, and other subjects
10581532 - The History of the Life and Death of His most Serene Highness Oliver [Cromwell], Late Lord Protector ...
10581531 - Some remarkable Passages in the Holy Life and Death of the late Reverend Mr. Edmund Trench
10581530 - Some remarkable passages in the holy life and death of... Edmund Trench, drawn out of his own diary
10581529 - The punishment of death
10581528 - What is true civilization; or, Means to suppress the practice of duelling, to prevent, or to punish, crimes, and to abolish the punishment of death
10581527 - Calvary; or, The death of Christ, a poem
10581526 - An old disciple. A sermon preached at Hadleigh in Suffolk, on occasion of the death of I. Toms
10581525 - A discourse, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D.
10581524 - A sermon [on James i,2] preached ... upon occasion of her late majesties death
10581523 - An authentic narrative of the conversion to the Protestant faith and of the death of J.A. Cadiot, tr. from the French
10581522 - The chronicle of the kings of England from William the Norman to the death of George III
10581521 - Secret history of the court of England, from the accession of George the Third to the death of George the Fourth
10581520 - The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of George the Second
10581519 - Night thoughts, on life, death, and immortality
10581518 - Interesting facts relating to the fall and death of Joachim Murat, king of Naples; the capitulation of Paris in 1815; and the second restoration of the Bourbons
10581517 - A phliosophical [sic] dissertation upon death
10581516 - The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II
10581515 - Last words; or The truth of Jesus sealed in the death of his martyrs, by the author of 'Little Mary'.
10581514 - A true and exact relation of the death of two Catholicks [E. Arrowsmtih and R. Herst] at Lancaster ... 1628. Republ. with some additions
10581513 - A letter to Adam Smith ... on the life, death, and philosophy of his friend David Hume ...
10581512 - History of Great Britain from the death of Henry VIII to the accession of James VI of Scotland to the crown of England
10581511 - A sermon occasioned by the death of the Reverend Henry Miles
10581510 - The High court of justice; comprising memoirs of the principal persons who sat in judgment on king Charles the first, and signed his death-warrant
10581509 - Death Valley
10581508 - Thoughts on the punishment of death for forgery
10581507 - A discourse on occasion of the death of Dr. Price;
10581506 - THE Presages OF Life AND Death IN Diseases.
10581505 - The death of Christ was a propitiatory sacrifice and a vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind, atheological essay [by J.C. Cowley].
10581504 - An extract of the life and death of T. Halyburton ...
10581503 - Memoirs of the kings of Spain of the house of Bourbon, from the accession of Philip the fifth to the death of Charles the third
10581502 - An impartial history of Europe, from the death of Louis xvi. To which is prefixed, a sketch of the French revolution
10581501 - The history of France, from the accession of Henry the Third, in 1574, to the death of Henry the Fourth, in 1610
10581500 - A true and faithful account of the last distemper and death of Tom. Whigg, Esq;
10581499 - A philosophical dissertation upon death
10581498 - A universal prayer ; Death ; A vision of heaven ; and A vision of hell
10581497 - History of the Commonwealth of England: To the death of Charles I
10581496 - The Dance of Death...
10581495 - A sermon preached at New Broad-Street, August 1, 1779, occasioned by the death of the Revd
10581494 - The history of England from the earliest times to the death of George II
10581493 - Moemovrs of the illustrious house of Medici from Giovanni the founder of ther greathess who died in the year 1428 to the death of Giovani Gaston the last Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1737
10581492 - The history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George the Second
10581491 - A relation of the death of the primitive persecutors
10581490 - The history of England from the revolution in 1688, to the death of George II.
10581489 - The death of Wallenstein
10581488 - The life of Sir Walter Ralegh from his birth to his death on the scaffold ...
10581487 - The Christian entirely the property of Christ, in life and death
10581486 - The history of Spain, from the establishment of the colony of Gades by the Phoenicians, to the death of Ferdinand, surnamed the sage
10581485 - Memoirs of the life, death, burial, and wonderful writings, of Jacob Behmen
10581484 - The life and death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald
10581483 - History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold the Second: 1218 ... to ... 1792
10581482 - The history of the house of Stanley, from the conquest to the death of the Right Honourable Edward, late Earl of Derby, in 1776
10581481 - The judges of Israel; or, A history of the Jews, from the death of Joshua to the death of Samuel, including an account of the reign of Saul
10581480 - Salus Electorum, Sanguis Jesu, Or The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
10581479 - Willy Reilly and his dear Coleen Bawn
10581478 - O mother dear, Jerusalem
10581477 - Dear Brutus
10581476 - Plain dealing
10581475 - the life of trust being a narrative of the lords dealing with george muller
10581474 - The South Australian system of conveyancing by registration of title with instructions for the guidance of parties dealing ...
10581473 - Plain-Dealing, in answer to Plain-English, a sermon ... for reformation of manners by W. Bisset
10581472 - The history of Deal, and its neighbourhood
10581471 - The New Deal in Old Rome
10581470 - The fair Quaker of Deal
10581469 - The dead secret
10581468 - Three times dead; or, The secret of the heath
10581467 - THE Patriotism OF Illinois. A Record OF THE Civil AND Military History OF THE State IN THE WAR FOR THE Union, With A History OF THE Campaigns IN Which Illinois Soldiers Have Brrn Conspicuous, Sketches OF Distinguished Officers, THE Roll OF THE Illusthlous
10581466 - The doctrine of Purgatory and the practice of praying for the dead, as maintained by the Romish Church, examined
10581465 - The anastasis of the dead
10581464 - Narrative of the United States' expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead sea
10581463 - The Dead Sea
10581462 - Narrative of the late expedition to the Dead Sea
10581461 - The Works of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe: Letters from the dead to the living. Letters moral & entertaining, pts. 1 & 2
10581460 - On the construction and theory of the dead escapement for clocks
10581459 - A brief account of the countries adjoining the Lake of Tiberias, the Jordan, and the Dead Sea
10581458 - The dead of the Synod of Georgia
10581457 - Wild oats and dead leaves
10581456 - Dealings with the dead
10581455 - Lays for the dead
10581454 - The resurrection of the dead
10581453 - Narrative of a journey round the Dead Sea and in the Bible lands in 1850 and 1851
10581452 - Living Or Dead?
10581451 - Legends of the Gulf: Pierre Godey's story, The captain's story, The island of the dead
10581450 - Fables and Dialogues of the Dead
10581449 - Official report of the United States' expedition to explore the Dead sea and the river Jordan
10581448 - Narrative of a jouney round the Dead Sea and in the Bible lands
10581447 - Record of the Federal Dead
10581446 - The dialogues of the dead
10581445 - A sorrowful respect paid to the dead vindicated
10581444 - Of drinking in remembrance of the dead
10581443 - The Works of George Lord Lyttelton: Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul, in a letter to Gilbert West, esq. Dialogues of the dead
10581442 - Dead Souls
10581441 - Harrison's British Classicks: The World. The Lyttelton's Dialogues of the dead
10581440 - Dialogues of the Dead
10581439 - The Works of Mr. Thomas Brown: Letters from the dead to the living and from the living to the dead
10581438 - A book of prayers for the seven days and seven nights
10581437 - A form of common prayer to be used on Wednesday the 27th of March, 1672 [&c.]; being the days of the general fast for imploring God's blessing on his majesties naval forces
10581436 - Knights and their days
10581435 - The republican court; or American society in the days of Washington
10581434 - Narrative of the Days of the Reformation
10581433 - The last days of Napoleon
10581432 - Social life in former days
10581431 - The case of occasional days and prayers
10581430 - Naomi, or, The last days of Jerusalem
10581429 - memorable days in america: being a journal of a tour to the united states
10581428 - Sermons upon various subjects, preached to young people on New Years Days
10581427 - Salmonia, or Days of fly fishing
10581426 - A journal of eight days journey from Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames
10581425 - Old Deccan days
10581424 - Early days
10581423 - The devout Christian's companion for holy-days
10581422 - The sun standing still in the days of Joshua, rationally accounted for. By A. O. LL.D.
10581421 - Ninety days' worth of Europe
10581420 - A catalogue of the entire and valuable collection of Leonard Wooddeson ... consisting of pictures, limnings, prints [&c.]. As likewise his library. To be sold by auction, 8th Mar. and the following days. A. Lambe auctioneer
10581419 - Arabian days and nights; or, Rays from the East
10581418 - A continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal, after his arrival at Georgia, to a few days after his second return thither from Philadelphia
10581417 - A catalogue of Greek, Roman and English coins, medallions and medals, of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Oxford, deceas'd, which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Cock, at his house in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Thursday March the 18th, 1741--2
10581416 - The poll of the electors for members of parliament to represent the city of Canterbury, taken on the 29th, 30th, and 31st days of July, 1830
10581415 - A journal of eight days journey from Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames, with miscellaneous thoughts, moral and religious, in a series of letters
10581414 - The courtier of the days of Charles ii, with other tales. By the author of 'Mrs. Armytage'.
10581413 - Henri Quatre; or, The days of the league
10581412 - Boxiana; Or, Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism: From the days of the renowned Broughton and Slack, to the championship of Cribb
10581411 - Scenes and shadows of days departed
10581410 - Shakspeare's early days: an historical play. With remarks by D-G.
10581409 - Some recollections of the last days of ... King William the Fourth
10581408 - Hymns for private devotion for the Sundays and saints' days throughout the year
10581407 - Bibliotheca selecta. A catalogue of the library of an eminent collector, removed from the north of England. Which will be sold by auction, by mr. Saunders, Feb. 16th, 1818, and 5 following days
10581406 - Rochester; or, King Charles the second's merry days: a burletta, by W.T. Moncrief
10581405 - The last days of Bishop Heber
10581404 - The speeches of William Scott ... at the late Southampton election, on the 5th and 7th days of July, 1802
10581403 - Consolations in travel, or, The last days of a philosopher
10581402 - The thousand and one days
10581401 - Days departed; or, Banwell hill: a lay of the Severn sea
10581400 - Proper lessons, to be read at morning and evening prayer, on the Sundays, and other holy days, with a comm. and notes by J. James
10581399 - Catalogue of the library of the late reverend John Williams ... to be sold by auction ... on ... the 19th of December, 1826, and the following days
10581398 - Boxiana: From the days of the renowned Broughton and Slack, to the championship of Cribb
10581397 - Hesiod: Works And Days
10581396 - An authentic alphabetical list of the nobility, clergy & gentry, who balloted at Wakefield ... the twelfth of May, 1817, and four following days, for a register for the west-riding of the county of York, with a list of those freeholders who paired off; an
10581395 - The Decameron, Or Ten Day's Entertainment of Boccaccio
10581394 - A midsummer day's dream
10581393 - A review of president Day's treatise on the will
10581392 - A form of prayer to be used on Friday the eighth day of April, being the fast-day appointed by proclamation
10581391 - German life and manners as seen in Saxony at the present day
10581390 - Sermons, Bearing on Subjects of the Day
10581389 - The religious, social, and political history of the Mormons, or Latter-day saints, from their origin to the present time
10581388 - A history of the Vaudois church from its origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the present day
10581387 - Reflections for every day in the year on the works of God, and of His providence throughout all nature
10581386 - the latter day saints
10581385 - Intentions for Mass & Holy Communion
10581384 - The Mormons: or Latter-day saints
10581383 - Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, (Rhode-Island), on the second day of August, 1796
10581382 - A day by the fire
10581381 - Latter-day Saints
10581380 - An account of the musical celebrations on St. Cecilia's day
10581379 - The American Farmer, and Spirit of the Agricultural Journals of the Day
10581378 - THE Latter DAY Saints Millennnial Star
10581377 - THE Latter-DAY Saint'S Millennial Star. VOL. Xxxiii
10581376 - Ancient English ecclesiastical architecture and its principles, applied to the wants of the church at the present day
10581375 - Reflections on the works of God in nature and providence, for every day in the year
10581374 - A genealogical register of the descendants in the male line of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., who died in the year 1648
10581373 - A History of the celebration of Robert Burns' 110th natal day, at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York
10581372 - The Every Day Book, Or, A Guide to the Year
10581371 - Old Testament precepts, arranged alphabetically for every day in the year, and illustr. by selections of sacred song, compiled and ed. by F.M.H.
10581370 - The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star. Volume XII.
10581369 - To-day
10581368 - A Compendium of the Faith and Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
10581367 - Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-day Cookery
10581366 - "The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
10581365 - Beeton's Dictionary of practical recipes and every-day information
10581364 - The Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star. Volume X.
10581363 - Three nights' public discussion between the Revds. C.W. Cleeve, James Robertson, and Philip Cater and Elder John Taylor, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, at Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, also a reply to the Rev. K. Groves & Charles Townley
10581362 - The Doctrine and Covenants, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
10581361 - Fast day sermons
10581360 - A treatise on the right use of the Fathers in the decision of controversies existing at this day in religion
10581359 - A form of prayer to be used ... on Wednesday the nineteenth day of June; being the fast-day appointed by proclamation
10581358 - A form of prayer to be used ... on Wednesday the fifth day of April; being the fast-day appointed by proclamation
10581357 - The National Memorial Day
10581356 - a latter-day saints millenial star
10581355 - The Latter-Day Saints' millennial star
10581354 - Lyrics of a day: or, Newspaper-poetry
10581353 - A voice of warning, and instruction to all people: or, An introduction to the faith and doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
10581352 - A chaplet of flowers: a Scripture text for every day in the year
10581351 - Dante Alighieri, the festal day ... Mdccclxv [a poem].
10581350 - A poem on the last day
10581349 - A Fovre-fovld Meditation, of the Four Last Things: Viz. ... 1. Hour of Death. 2. Day of Judgement. 3. Paines of Hell. 4. Ioyes of Heauen
10581348 - Visits to the most holy sacrament, and to the blessed Virgin, for every day in the month, Aspirations of love to Jesus in the most holy sacrament; Aspirations of divine love. To which are added Prayers to the blessed Virgin for every day in the week [and
10581347 - Description of the universal telegraph for day and night signals
10581346 - Day by day at Lucknow
10581345 - Christian Directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long
10581344 - Planetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions, 601 B.C. to A.D. 1 at Five-day and Ten-day Intervals
10581343 - Meditations for every day in the year
10581342 - A true account of the most triumphant royall accomplishment of the baptism of ... Henry Frederick ... prince of Scotland and since of Wales ... the 30th day of August, 1594 [by W. Fowler]. Repr
10581341 - Astronomy, as it is known at the present day
10581340 - The birth-day
10581339 - The Lord's-day evening entertainment, 52 discourses
10581338 - Chronological tables for every day in the year
10581337 - Mammon in London; or, The spy of the day
10581336 - A godly and learned sermon, preached before an honourable auditorie the 26. day of Februarie, 1580 [by W. Fulke.].
10581335 - A sermon preached at Christ-Church, Dublin, on the 10th day of May, 1752
10581334 - Family prayers for every day in the week: compiled from the authorised formularies of the Church of England and Ireland, by Clericus
10581333 - Ivan iii; or, A day and night in Russia, a dramatic sketch [in verse.].
10581332 - An alphabetical list of the names of the several persons who voted at the election of knights of the shire, for the county of Buckingham, at the county court of Richard Scrimshire, ... held at Aylesbury, on Wednesday the 21st day of April, 1784, .... Cand
10581331 - A treatise concerning the sanctification of the Lord's day
10581330 - Election day
10581329 - The Every-day Book
10581328 - The guilty tongue, by the author of The last day of the week
10581327 - The every day book
10581326 - The day of doom: or, A poetical description of the great and last judgment, abridged
10581325 - The near approaching day of universal restoration, regeneration, peace and salvation
10581324 - Sermons on the lessons, the Gospel, or the Epistle, for every Sunday in the year (for week-day festivals) preached in the parish church of Hodnet [ed. by sir R.H. Inglis].
10581323 - The history of Paris, from the earliest period to the present day;
10581322 - The poems of Falconer, Day, Blair, Glynn, and Porteus
10581321 - The day of Pentecost, or, The Baptism with the Holy Ghost
10581320 - The Day
10581319 - The way of salvation, meditations for every day of the year, tr. by J. Jones
10581318 - The History of Lyme-Regis, Dorset, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Day
10581317 - A discourse in six dialogues on the name, notion and observation of the Lord's Day
10581316 - Think well on't, or Reflections on the great truths of the Christian religion for every day in the month
10581315 - London of to-day
10581314 - Our Day in the Light of Prophecy
10581313 - History of the British Turf, from the earliest period to the present day
10581312 - Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions A. D. 2 to A. D. 1649 at 5 Day and 10 Day Intervals
10581311 - The speeches of John Wilkes ... in the Parliament appointed to meet at Westminster the 29. day of November 1774, to the prorogation the 6. day of June 1777
10581310 - Enchiridion Leonis papae serenissimo imperatori Carolo magno in munus pretiosum datum nuperrime mendis omnibus purgatum...
10581309 - Itinerarium filiorum Dei ex hac valle lacrymarum in longaevam aeternitatem per conciones funebres in lucem datum
10581308 - Specimen juridicum de obligatione resarciendi damnum ab aliis datum
10581307 - Ueber alte sued-sibirische graeberfunde mit inschriften von gewissem datum
10581306 - Consilium datum Amico de recuperanda ... pace regni Poloniae ...
10581305 - Defensio praecipuorum fidei catholicae capitum contra scriptum quoddam quatuor Charantonii in agro Parisiensi ministrorum ad Regem datum
10581304 - Sensa romanorum pontificum, Clementis XIV. praedecessorum, cum animadversionibus circa ejusdem breve datum XXI. Julii M. DCC. Lxxiii.
10581303 - Testimonium Spiritus, per prophetas datum
10581302 - Original treatises dating from the xiith to xviiith centuries on the arts of painting in oil ... and on glass, of gilding, dyeing [&c.] with tr., prefaces and notes by mrs. Merrifield
10581301 - Original treatises, dating from the XIIth to the XVIIIth centuries, [o]n the arts of painting,
10581300 - Lettres de Franзois de Sales. Rangйes suivant leurs dates depuis 1593 jusqu'а 1606, inclusivement
10581299 - Histoire chronologique du dernier siиcle, oщ l'on trouvera les dates de ce qui s'est fait de plus considйrable dans les quatre parties du monde, depuis l'an 1600 jusqu'а prйsent (par le P. C. Buffier)
10581298 - L'art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens monumens, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur, par le moyen d'une table chronologique, avec un calendrier perpйtuel
10581297 - L' Art De Verifier Les Dates Des Faits Historiques Des Chartes, Des Chroniques, Et Autres Anciens Monumens Depuis la Naissance de Notre Seigneur
10581296 - Table Gйnйrale des Matiиres contenues dans... l
10581295 - Abus des petites dates, rйservations, preventions, annates, et autres vsurpations et Exactions de la Cour de Rome, Contre les Edictz et ordonnances des Roys de France, par Messire Charles Du Moulin, iadis en Latin, et par luy mesme mis en Franзois, et aug
10581294 - Chronologie ou dates des йvйnemens les plus remarquables
10581293 - L'Art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des inscriptions, des chroniques et autres anciens monumens, avant l'иre chrйtienne...
10581292 - L'art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des inscriptions, des chroniques et autres anciens monuments avant l'иre chrйtienne, par le moyen d'une table chronologique... avec une dissertation sur l'annйe ancienne, l'abrйgй de l'histoire sainte...
10581291 - L'art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur
10581290 - L'Art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur, par le moyen d'une table chronologique...
10581289 - L'art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monumens, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur
10581288 - L'art de vйrifier les dates de la Rйvolution, ou rйpertoire lйgislatif...
10581287 - Les fastes universels ou Tableaux historiques , chronologiques et gйographiques avec atlas contenant trois grands tableaux synoptiques ... suivis de 42 tableaux particuliers ... nouvel art de vйrifier les dates
10581286 - Des principales expressions qui servent а la notation des dates sur les monumens de l'ancienne Йgypte, d
10581285 - L'art de verifier les dates, 2
10581284 - Calendrier usuel et perpйtuel pour 2200 ans, contenant en entier les calendriers pour trouver, sans calcul, les dates depuis l'an 1er de J.-C. jusqu'а l'an 2200, suivis du tableau du lever et du coucher du soleil, de la prйdiction des йclipses, des signes
10581283 - Les fastes universels ou tableaux historiques, chronologiques et gйographiques...avec atlas...contenant trois grands tableaux synoptiques, une table alphabйtique,... un nouvel art de vйrifier les dates...
10581282 - L'Art de vйrifier les dates depuis l'annйe 1770 jusqu'а nos jours: M.Dcccxxiv
10581281 - L'Art de vйrifier les dates
10581280 - L'art de vйrifier les dates ...
10581279 - L'Art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques
10581278 - Manuel des dates en forme de dictionnaire
10581277 - L'art de vйrifier les dates de la Rйvolution, ou Rйpertoire lйgislatif, administratif, judiciaire et historique, depuis l'ouverture des Etats-Gйnйraux en 1789...
10581276 - The world's progress: a dictionary of dates
10581275 - Medii жvi kalendarium; or, Dates, charters, and customs of the Middle ages
10581274 - Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era
10581273 - An index of dates
10581272 - Specimen pages, prospectus, & opinions of Haydn's dictionary of dates
10581271 - Dictionary of dates, and universal reference
10581270 - L'art de vйrifier les dates ...: t.1-18. L'art de vйrifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques, et autres anciens monuments, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur
10581269 - Haydn's dictionary of dates
10581268 - Dates
10581267 - The Royal military chronicle; or, The British officer's monthly register, chronicle, and military mentor. Vol. 1-7 [2 issues of vol. 1, one without the engr. title-page dated 1811 and wanting all after p. 72 of the suppl. to vol. 1]; new ser
10581266 - A true relation of the holy war, made by king Shaddai upon Diabolus. Together with The life of mr. Badman, Pharisee and publican, Barren fig-tree, &c. [5 pt., the 2nd with a separate title-leaf dated 1811].
10581265 - The dramatic works of Massinger and Ford, with an intr. by H. Coleridge. [2 pt. With an additional engr. title-leaf dated 1839].
10581264 - Return to an order ... dated 22 April 1841
10581263 - The breast-plate of faith and love. [2 pt. The title-page of the 'Treatise of effectuall faith' is dated 1637].
10581262 - A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, Against the Attack of M. Turgot in His Letter to Dr. Price, Dated the Twenty-second Day of March, 1778
10581261 - The new London universal gazetteer, or alphabetical geography (by J. Miller). The engr. title-page, dated 1826, reads] The universal gazetteer
10581260 - Annales de l'imprimerie des Alde, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs йditions: Paul Manuce, 1559-78. Alde le Jeune, 1574-98. Йditions sans date. Livres imprimйs pour l'Accademia veneziana. Andrй Torresano d'Asola. Bernard Turrisan. Йditions de Colom
10581259 - Date historique de la formation du canon du Nouveau Testament
10581258 - Lettere del conte Baldessar Castiglione ora per la prima volta date in luce e con annotazioni storiche illustrate dall' abate Pier Antonio Serassi. ...
10581257 - Memorie istoriche del monastero di S. Prospero di Reggio date alla luce
10581256 - Annales de l'imprimerie des Alde: Paul Manuce, 1559-78. Alde le Jeune, 1574-98. Йditions sans date. Livres imprimйs pour l'Accademia veneziana. Andrй Torresano d'Asola. Bernard Turrisan. Йditions de Colombel. Imitation[s]. Contrefactions de Lyon. Йditions
10581255 - Notizie della vita e delgi scritti di tre illustri Perastini date alla luce dal sacerdote Antonio Bassich
10581254 - Arrest Du Parlement De Navarre, Portant supression d'un Imprimй, contenant trois prйtendus Brefs; l'un du 9 Juin dernier, adressй au Roi; l'autre du 9 Juillet suivant, adressй aux Evкques de France; & le troisiйme sans date, adressй aux quatre Cardinaux,
10581253 - Moyens d'abus, entreprises et nullitez, du rescrit et bulle du pape Sixte V. du nom, en date du mois de septembre 1585
10581252 - La dodici meditazioni ecclesiastiche date negli Esercizi de Preti
10581251 - Poesie di eccellenti autori toscani ora per la prima volta date alla luce per far rider le brigate ...
10581250 - Risposta alle accuse date al praticato sin' ora da' religiosi della Compagnia di Giesщ ... in due libri diversi dal reverendissimo padre Fra Luigi Maria Lucino del venerabil' Ordine de' Predicatori ...
10581249 - Lettres des йvкques, dйputйs а l'Assemblйe nationale, en rйponse au Bref du Pape, en date du 10 mars 1791
10581248 - Opere postume, date alla luce dall'abate conte d'Ayala
10581247 - Opere postume del signor abate Pietro Metastasio date alla luce dall'abate conte d'Ayala..
10581246 - Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, mentioned in Domesday book, and those of more recent date
10581245 - An historical and statistical account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date
10581244 - Remarks on occurences in China since the opium seizure in March 1839 to the latest date
10581243 - United States Rigister: A Work in which the pricipal events of every half year occuring in the united states are recorded, each arranged under the dat of its date.
10581242 - The Book of common prayer illustrated; so as to shew its various modifications; the date of its several parts, and the authority on which they rest, by W.K. Clay
10581241 - A disquisition on the scene, origin, date, etc. etc. of Shakespeare's Tempest, in a letter
10581240 - The date and origin of the phonetic alphabet
10581239 - A description of a Chart of biography. With a catalogue of all the names inserted in it, and the date annexed to them
10581238 - Sketch of the political history of India from ... 1784 to the present date. 2. ed
10581237 - Historia, o vero narrazione giornale dell'ultime rivoluzioni della cittа e regno di Napoli scritta e data in luce da don Agostino Nicolai
10581236 - Excellentia theologiae cum naturali philosophia ... comparatae, in epistola ad amicum data
10581235 - Excellentia Theologiae cum naturali philosophia... comparatae in epistola ad amicum data, discussa...
10581234 - Bulla synodica I. Duraeo scoto ... nuper data a synodo quadam Ecclesiarum Reform. in Foed. Belgio Medioburgi ... 1656 ... congregata ... examini subiecta
10581233 - The NBS Alloy Data Center: permuted materials index
10581232 - Fifth progress report (Project SR-110) on reproducibility of keyhole charpy and tear test data on laboratory heats of semikilled steel
10581231 - Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1962
10581230 - Rainfall intensity-frequency data
10581229 - Hydrologic data for experimental agricultural watersheds in the United States, 1968
10581228 - Climatological data, Alaska
10581227 - National data book and guide to sources
10581226 - Oregon, monthly climatological data
10581225 - Mortality Project: Annotated Bibliography on the Sources of Demographic Data
10581224 - Climatological data
10581223 - Climatological data
10581222 - Atlas of nutritional data on United States and Canadian feeds
10581221 - Climatological data, Virginia
10581220 - The Spanish brothers, by the author of 'The dark year of Dundee'.
10581219 - The light and dark of the rebellion ...
10581218 - The Hierophant; or, Gleanings from the past. Being an exposition of biblical astronomy, and the symbolism and mysteries on which were founded all ancient religions and secret societies. Also an explanation of the dark sayings and allegories which abound i
10581217 - The Bradys and the Missing Girl; or, A Clew Found in the Dark
10581216 - A dark night's work
10581215 - The light of prophecy let in on the dark places of the papacy, an exposition of 2d Thessal. ii
10581214 - Light for dark days; or, Solace in sadness
10581213 - Selva di materie predicaibili ed istruttive per dare gli Esercizi a Preti...
10581212 - The dangerous voyage performed by Captain Bligh
10581211 - The strange adventures of Captain Dangerous
10581210 - The silent friend: a medical work, on the disorders produced by the dangerous effects of onanism [&c.].
10581209 - A preservative against Quakerism, or, A complication of deism, enthusiasm, and divers other ancient and modern dangerous errors and heresies
10581208 - The voyages, dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Capt. Rich. Falconer
10581207 - An account of a most dangerous voyage peformed by the famous Captain John Monck, in the years 1619, and 1620
10581206 - War betwixt the two British kingdoms consider'd, and the dangerous circumstances of each with regard thereto lay'd open; by a full view of the consequences of it on both sides
10581205 - The grounds and reasons of temporal judgments, consider'd. A sermon preached at Ditton upon Thames, in Surrey: occasion'd by the present dangerous situation of our protestant religion and liberties. By George Harvest,...
10581204 - Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous Tendency, of Illuminism
10581203 - A letter to the Right Honourable William Windham, on the intemperance and dangerous tendency of his public conduct. By Thomas Holcroft
10581202 - The voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes, of Capt. Richard Falconer ...
10581201 - A key to the lock. Or, A treatise proving ... the dangerous tendency of ... The rape of the lock, to government and religion. By Esdras Barnivelt
10581200 - Dangerous errors
10581199 - Nouvelles observations sur la pratique des accouchemens, avec la maniere de se servir d'une nouvelle machine, tres-commode & facile, pour tirer promptement & seurement, la tete de l'enfant, separee de son corps, & restee seule dans la matrice, sans se ser
10581198 - Opйration courte, facile et sans danger, pour guйrir sыrement l'hydrocиle
10581197 - Le danger des liaisons
10581196 - Memoire sur l'insuffisance et le danger des lavemens antivйnйriens
10581195 - Traitй sur les princes de la Valachie et de la Moldavie, sortis de Constantinople, connus sous le nom Fanariotes, ou, Exposй de leur influence dans l'Empire Ottoman contre les Grecs, et du danger de les admettre dans la direction des affaires de la Grиce
10581194 - Discours inйdit sur le danger des mauvaises lectures
10581193 - Le danger des souvenirs
10581192 - Barbarism the first danger
10581191 - The life of Sir J. Vanbrugh The relapse; or, Virtue in danger. The provok'd wife, with a new scene. Жsop, in two parts. The false friend
10581190 - Popular Tales: Lame Jervas. The will. The Limerick gloves. Out of debt out of danger. The lottery. Rosanna
10581189 - Out of debt, out of danger
10581188 - The evil and danger of apostacy, as exemplified in the history of Francis Spira
10581187 - The vanity and danger of modern theories
10581186 - The danger of strife
10581185 - The danger and duty of good men, under the present unnatural invasion
10581184 - The sin and danger of popery: God's vengeance on persecutors; and Man's wrath turn'd to God's praise, in six sermons
10581183 - The constitution safe without reform: containing some remarks on a book entitled The commonwealth in danger, by J. Cartwright. By the author of the Example of France a warning to Britain (A. Young).
10581182 - A catalogue of the damages for which the English demand reparation from the United-Netherlands. As also a list of the damages, actions, and pretenses for which those of the United-Netherlands demand reparation and satisfaction from the English. Together w
10581181 - Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1977
10581180 - A practical treatise on the law of distress for rent, and of things damage-feasant
10581179 - The Catholic's vade-mecum: a select manual of prayers for daily use
10581178 - The Christian's Daily Walk
10581177 - The seaman's new daily assistant, exhibiting an easy and expeditious method of keeping a ship's reckoning at sea
10581176 - Health and disease, as influenced by the daily, seasonal, and other cyclical changes in the human system
10581175 - What I Know, Or, Hints on the Daily Duties of a Housekeeper
10581174 - Daily Bible illustrations, original readings. Evening series
10581173 - The daily governess; or, Self-dependence
10581172 - A daily exercise, and devotions, for the young ladies ... at the monastery of the English canonesses regulars of the Order of s. Augustin, at Bruges
10581171 - Daily devotion assisted and recommended, in four sermons
10581170 - The Christian's daily treasury
10581169 - A collection of papers scatter'd lately about the town in the Daily-Courant, St. James's-Post, &c
10581168 - The Seaman's daily assistant
10581167 - The year book of daily recreation and information
10581166 - Divine meditations upon several occasions: with A daily directory
10581165 - The floral calendar, monthly and daily
10581164 - The book of daily family prayer: a selection of prayers for every morning and evening in the week, from the Book of common prayer, prepared for the use of families, especially in the diocese of Down and Connor, by R. Mant
10581163 - The gospel of the daily-service of the law, preached to Jew and Gentile, in an explanation of that grand ritual
10581162 - A daily exercise, and devotions : for the young ladies, and gentlewomen pensioners at the Monastery of the English canonesses regulars of the Holy Order of S. Augustin, at Bruges
10581161 - An introduction to chronology: containing an account of time; also of the most remarkable cycles, epoch's, era's, periods, and moveable feasts
10581160 - A cycle of celestial objects
10581159 - Explication du kalendrier romain, recueille du grand livre "Novae rationis restituendi kalendarii romani". Avec les methodes pour sзavoir... par la seule aritmetique, l'indication romaine, le cycle solaire, la lettre dominicale, le nombre d'or, la lettre
10581158 - Geochemistry of gold in the weathering cycle
10581157 - Human performance as a function of the work-rest cycle
10581156 - Scoping assessment of the environmental health risk associated with accidents in the LWR supporting fuel cycle
10581155 - Sectum: the universal directory in the art of cutting
10581154 - Gazette of fashion, and cutting-room companion [afterw.] Minister's gazette of fashion
10581153 - Instructions for Cutting Out Apparel for the Poor;
10581152 - Lithotomia Douglassiana: or, A new method of cutting for the Stone
10581151 - A popular and practical treatise on masonry and stone-cutting
10581150 - Hudibras, a Poem Written in the Time of the Civil Wars. Adorned with Cuts
10581149 - A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Consisting of Authentic Writers in Our Own Tongue,... And Continued with Others of Note, that Have Published Histories, Voyages,... Relating to Any Part of the Continent of Asia, Africa, America, Europe,... And with a
10581148 - The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. ... By Henry Fielding, ... Illustrated with cuts. In two volumes
10581147 - Bibliomania, Or, Book Madness ; a Bibliographical Romance, in Six Parts ; Illustrated with Cuts
10581146 - The gentle shepherd. Adorned with cuts, the overtures to the songs and a glossary
10581145 - Illustrations of the rock-cut temples of India
10581144 - The rock-cut temples of Ajanta
10581143 - The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi
10581142 - List of serials currently received in the Library of the United States Department of Agriculture as of July 1, 1957
10581141 - Die Current-Kalligraphie Anleitung in sechs bis zehn Stunden schцn schreiben zu lernen
10581140 - Ming's New-York price-current
10581139 - The Christian system, in reference to the union of Christians and a restoration of primitive Christianity, as pleaded in the current reformation
10581138 - American Farmer containing Original Essays and Selections on Rural Economy and Internal Improvements, with Illustrative Engravings and the Prices Current of Country Produce
10581137 - The New quarterly review, and digest of current literature
10581136 - Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts, approved by C. Ch. Morris and published by authority of Hon. S. C. Dobbin
10581135 - Willis'S Current Notes:
10581134 - The Household narrative of current events
10581133 - The current population survey
10581132 - Willis's price current
10581131 - Willis's current notes
10581130 - Provincial words and expressions current in Lincolnshire
10581129 - A View of the coins at this time current throughout Europe
10581128 - Electrical Fundamentals; Direct Current
10581127 - Current industrial reports
10581126 - The current status of modular coordination
10581125 - Grammatical remarks on the practical and current dialect of the jargon of Hindostan, with a vocabulary
10581124 - Sotheran's price current of literature
10581123 - Current housing reports
10581122 - Current population reports
10581121 - A cabinet of jewels opened to the curious
10581120 - Desiderata curiosa: or, A collection of divers scarce and curious pieces relating chiefly to matters of English history
10581119 - Antiquitates Culinariae Or Curious Tracts Relating to the Culinary Affairs of the Old English
10581118 - A collection of curious discourses
10581117 - A select collection of valuable and curious arts, and interesting experiments
10581116 - A catalogue of the large and curious English library of Mr. John Hutton, ... Which will be sold by auction, ... by Sam. Paterson, and W. Bristow, ... on Monday the 22d of October, 1764, ...
10581115 - Thoughts on religion, and other curious subjects
10581114 - Essays on several curious and useful subjects
10581113 - The Harleian miscellany, or, A collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts
10581112 - Curious and diverting journies, thro' the whole island of Great-Britain
10581111 - Interesting tracts, relating to the Island of Jamaica
10581110 - The world displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations
10581109 - The British Apollo, or, Curious amusements for the ingenious
10581108 - Catalogue of the library of W.S. Higgs, containing some curious and rare English chronicles, etc
10581107 - Villasantelle; or The curious impertinent
10581106 - Collection of curious discourses
10581105 - Lettre De M. Philopald De La Haye, Tresorier-Cure' D'Appoigny, Dicиse d'Auxerre, а un de fes Confreres, Curй du mкme Diocиse, au sujet de ce qui est dit de lui dans la Lettre Pastorale de Monseigneur leur Evкque, en date du 28 Octobre 1756, sur le ton de
10581104 - Lettre d'un cure du diocese de Lyon qui explique les ceremonies de l'usage de Lyon pour les offices publics... [Signe L. C. D. S. L.
10581103 - The water cure in America
10581102 - The cure of discomfort, conteyned in the spirituall epistles of Doctour I. de Auila, most renowned preacher of Spaine. Most profitable for all, and particularly for persons in distresse
10581101 - A discourse on the nature, causes, and cure of corpulency. Illustrated by a remarkable case, read before the Royal Society, November 1757. And now first published, by Malcolm Flemyng, M.D.
10581100 - Farriery improv'd : or, a compleat treatise upon the art of farriery. Wherein is fully explain'd, the nature, structure and mechanism of ... a horse, the diseases, and accidents he is liable to, and methods of cure ... Likewise an account of drugs and mix
10581099 - A treatise on the cure of ulcereted legs without rest, and ulcers of various parts ...
10581098 - Water-cure journal
10581097 - Considerations concerning the origine and cure of our church-divisions. In two sermons. The first preach'd at Petersfield, May 26. 1709, the second at Wamford [sic], May 11. 1710. ... By John Needham, ...
10581096 - Considerations on the nature, causes, cure and prevention of pestilences
10581095 - Prayers for the use of all persons, who come to the baths for cure
10581094 - A dissertation on the effects of mercury on human bodies, in the cure of the venereal disease
10581093 - An appendix, to the Cure of deism
10581092 - Febrifugum magnum, or Common water the best cure for fevers, and probably for the plague
10581091 - A free and impartial enquiry into the antiquity and efficacy of touching for the cure of the King's evil
10581090 - A treatise of religion and government with reflexions upon the cause and cure of England late distempers and present dangers
10581089 - A perfect cure for the king's evil, by effectual alcalious medicines
10581088 - Domestic Medicine: Or, A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and Simple Medicines
10581087 - An enquiry into the origin, nature, and cure of the Small-Pox. To which is added, a prefatory address to Dr. Mead, concerning the present discipline in the general administration of Physic in this Kingdom
10581086 - A practical method as used for the cure of the plague in London, in 1665
10581085 - Discourses on the nature and cure of wounds
10581084 - An essay on the use of the nitrate of silver in the cure of inflammation, wounds and ulcers
10581083 - Reflections on the general treatment and cure of fevers ...
10581082 - Six weeks in Paris; or, A cure for the Gallomania
10581081 - A complete treatise on the nature, symptoms, and cure of lues venerea
10581080 - A dissertation on the nature and cure of the venereal disease
10581079 - Observations upon a treatise on the virtues of hemlock , in the cure of cancers
10581078 - Generalship, Its Diseases and Their Cure
10581077 - Medical Instructions Towards the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases Peculiar to Women
10581076 - Hippopathology: a treatise on the disorders and lameness of the horse; with their methods of cure
10581075 - A radical and expeditious cure for a recent catarrhous cough
10581074 - Drops from Flora's cup
10581073 - Waare oeffening en ontleding der planten ... : Hiernevens ... De culture ofte voortqueekinge van de tabak ... tot ... wederlegginge van ... Tabaks verhandelinge ...
10581072 - La Culture des fleurs, ou il est traittй gйnйralement de la maniиre de semer, planter, transplanter et conserver toutes sortes de fleurs et d'arbres, ou d'arbrisseaux а fleurs, connus en France
10581071 - Nouvelle Instruction facile pour la culture de figuiers
10581070 - Mйmoire complet sur la culture de l'olivier, la maniиre de le tailler pour qu'il rapporte annuellement des fruits en quantitй plus йgale, etc
10581069 - De l'olivier, sa culture, son fruit et son huile
10581068 - Cours йlйmentaire de culture maraichиre
10581067 - Ampйlographie Franзaise, comprenant la statistique, la description des meilleurs cйpages, l'analyse chimique du sol, et les procйdйs de culture et de vinification des principaux vignobles de la France
10581066 - Traitй de la culture du melon en pleine terre, particuliиrement aux environs de Lyon
10581065 - Recueil de renseignements relatifs а la culture des beaux-arts а Genиve
10581064 - Traitй complet de la culture, fabrication et vente du tabac
10581063 - Remarques nйcessaires pour la culture des fleurs
10581062 - Remarques nйcessaires pour la culture des fleurs et Catalogue de quelques plantes qui sont prйsent au jardins de P. Morin
10581061 - De la culture de l'olivier en Algйrie
10581060 - De la culture de la vigne, dans l'Antiquitй, au Moyen-вge et au temps prйsent
10581059 - Connaissance et culture parfaite des plus belles fleurs
10581058 - Remarques nйcessaires pour la culture des fleurs ... par Pierre Morin
10581057 - Instruction sur la culture du bois, а l'usage des forestiers
10581056 - Йtude, culture et propagation du mыrier en France, ouvrage suivi d'un traitй sur l'йducation des vers а soie
10581055 - La culture de soi-mкme
10581054 - Rapport adressй а l'empereur sur la culture du coton en Algйrie (1854)
10581053 - La Culture de l'Esprit
10581052 - Culture des abeilles, ou mйthode expйrimentale et raisonnйe sur les moyens de tirer meilleur parti des abeilles, par une construction de ruches mieux assorties а leur instinct, avec une dissertation nouvelle sur l'origine de la cire
10581051 - Traitй pratique de la culture des pins а grandes dimensions
10581050 - Vocal culture and elocution
10581049 - Traitй de la culture du figuier, suivi d'observations & expйriences sur la meilleure maniиre de cultiver, sur les causes de son dйpйrissement, & sur les moyens d'y remйdier
10581048 - La science de la sйtifиre ou l'art de produire la soie avec avantage et suretй, comprenant la morique, ou l'art de culture les muriers; la bigattique, ou l'art d'йlever les vers а soie
10581047 - Phytologie Universelle, Ou Histoire Naturelle Et Mйthodique Des Plantes, De Leurs Propriйtйs, De Leurs Vertus Et De Leur Culture
10581046 - L'art de cultiver les peupliers d'Italie avec des observations sur le choix, la disposition des pйpiniиres, leur culture & sur celle des arbres plantйs а demeure
10581045 - Traitй des jardins ou le nouveau De La Quintinye, contenant la description et la culture, 10 des arbres fruitiers, 20 des plantes potagиres, 30 des arbres, arbrisseaux, fleurs et plantes d'ornement
10581044 - Traitй sur la culture des mыriers blancs, la maniиre d'йlever les vers-а-soie, et l'usage qu'on doit faire des cocons
10581043 - Thйorie de la culture du trиfle, qui conduit а celle de l'agriculture ...
10581042 - De la facilitй et des avantages de l'introduction en France de la culture en grand du coton, du cafй, en notamment de la canne а sucre, ainsi que de plusieurs autres plantes des tropiques
10581041 - Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction et culture
10581040 - Instruction sur la culture et la prйparation du pastel (isatis tinctoria) et sur l'art d'extraire l'indigo des feuilles de cette plante
10581039 - Principes raisonnйs et pratiques de la culture des arbres fruitiers, d'alignement et forestiers, arbrisseaux et arbustes d'agrйment, des graines, racines, plantes potagиres et lйgumineuses, des prairies naturelles et artificielles
10581038 - Essai sur la culture du chвtaignier, et sa rйintroduction dans le dйpartement de la Moselle
10581037 - Herbier gйnйral de l'amateur, contenant la description, l'histoire, les propriйtйs et la culture des vйgйtaux utiles et agrйables
10581036 - De la Culture des truffes, ou manиre d'obtenir, par des plants artificiels, des truffes noires et blanches, dans les bois, les bosquets et les jardins
10581035 - Traitй de la culture du nopal, et de l'йducation de la cochenille dans les colonies franзaises de l'Amйrique
10581034 - Traitй de la culture des terres, suivant les principes de Tull
10581033 - Histoire naturelle de la rose, oщ, L'on dйcrit ses diffйrentes espиces, sa culture, ses vertus et ses propriйtйs
10581032 - Cours de culture et de naturalisation des vйgйtaux
10581031 - Traite de la culture des terres, suivant les principes de M. Tull
10581030 - Remarques nйcessaires pour la culture des fleurs
10581029 - Essai d'un manuel d'agriculture, ou, Exposition du systиme de culture suivi pendant dix-neuf ans dans le Domaine d'Hauterive, commune de Castres, dйpartement du Tarn
10581028 - Trattato teorico-pratico completo sull'ulivo, che comprende la sua istoria naturale, e quella della sua culture
10581027 - Arbres fruitiers: leur culture en Belqique et leur propagation par la graine
10581026 - Phytologie universelle, ou histoire naturelle et mйthodique des plantes, de leurs propriйtйs, de leurs vertus et de leur culture: G-N
10581025 - Phytologie universelle, ou histoire naturelle et mйthodique des plantes, de leurs propriйtйs, de leurs vertus et de leur culture: B-F
10581024 - Traitй thйorique et pratique sur la culture de la vigne
10581023 - Manuel du jardinier ou la culture des jardins potagers а fleurs & а fruits
10581022 - Culture des rosiers йcussonnйs sur йglantiers
10581021 - Traitй thйorique et pratique sur la culture des grains
10581020 - Principes Sur La Culture De La Vigne En Cordons
10581019 - Des semis et plantations des arbres, et de leur culture
10581018 - Traitй de la culture de la vigne et de la vinification...
10581017 - Principes d'agriculture et d'йconomie, appliquйs mois par mois, а toutes les opйrations du cultivateur dans les pays de grande culture
10581016 - Rйsumй des principaux traitйs chinois sur la culture des mыriers et l'йducation des vers а soie
10581015 - Mйmoire sur la culture des pins, et sur leur
10581014 - Traitй de la culture du mыrier et de l'йducation des vers а soie
10581013 - Traitй de la culture forestiиre
10581012 - De la culture des mыriers
10581011 - Mйmoire et instruction sur la culture, l'usage et les avantages de la racine d'abondance ou de disette ...
10581010 - Manuel de physiologie vйgйtale, de physique, de chimie et de minйralogie appliquйes a la culture
10581009 - Traitй sur la connaissance et la culture des jacintes, par l'auteur du "Traitй des renoncules" [le P. Jean-Paul d'Ardиne]
10581008 - Traitй de la culture des arbres et arbustes
10581007 - Instruction sur la culture du murier, sur les diffйrentes maniиres de greffer les arbres et d'йlever le plus avantageusement les vers а soie
10581006 - Traitй sur les propriйtйs et les effets du cafй, par M. B. Moseley,... Traduit de l'anglois sur la troisiиme йdition par M. Lebreton,... Avec les observations sur la culture du cafй, par M. Fusйe-Aublet
10581005 - Dictionnaire d'agriculture pratique
10581004 - Traitй de la culture des forкts
10581003 - Recueil de rapports et de mйmoires sur la culture des arbres fruitiers, lus dans les sйances particuliиres de la Sociйtй d'agriculture de Paris
10581002 - Traitй de la Culture des Pкchers
10581001 - Mйmoire sur la culture de l'olivier et la maniиre d'extraire l'huile des olives
10581000 - Correspondance rurale, contenant des observations critiques, intйressantes et utiles sur la culture des terres et des jardins
10580999 - Traitй abrйgй de la culture des arbres fruitiers dans les deux Flandres
10580998 - Des semis et plantations des arbres, et de leur culture our Mйthodes pour multiplier et йlever les arbres ...
10580997 - Traitй des arbres fruitiers, contenant leur figure, leur description, leur culture
10580996 - Le voyageur amйricain ou observations sur l'Йtat actuel, la Culture, le Commerce des Colonies Britanniques en Amйrique ...
10580995 - L'йcole du jardin potager qui comprend la description exacte de toutes les plantes potagиres, les qualitйs de Terre, les situations & les climats qui leur font propres, la culture qu'elles demandent ...
10580994 - La culture et le commerce des grains en France
10580993 - Nouveau cours complet d'agriculture thйorique et pratique contenant la grande et la petite culture, l'йconomie rurale et domestique, la mйdecine vйtйrinaire, etc. ou Dictionnaire raisonnй et universel d'agriculture
10580992 - Traitй sur la culture et les usages des pommes de terre, de la patate, et du topinambour
10580991 - Manual Du Jardinier, Ou La Culture des Jardins potagers, fruitiers, а fleurs, et les meilleures Mйthodes pour former les Jardins modernes ...
10580990 - Le jardinier solitaire, ou dialogues curieux et un jardinier solitaire, avec des rйflexions sur la culture des arbres
10580989 - Considйrations gйnйrales sur l'йtat des sciences et des lettres, aux diffйrentes йpoques de leur culture
10580988 - Nouveau cours complet d'agriculture thйorique et pratique, contenant la grande et la petite culture, l'йconomie rurale et domestique, la mйdecine vйtйrinaire,etc. ou Dictionnaire raisonnй et universel d'agriculture
10580987 - Le botaniste cultivateur ou, Description, culture et usage de la plus grande partie des plantes йtrangиres, naturalisйes et indigиnes, cultivйes en France, en Autriche, en Italie et en Angleterre, rangйes suivant la mйthode de Jussieu
10580986 - Nouveau plan de culture
10580985 - L'agriculture parfaite ou Nouvelle dйcouverte, touchant la culture et la multiplication des arbres, des arbustes et des fleurs ...
10580984 - Culture des plantes а grains, farineux ou cйreales et plantes a Cosses
10580983 - Traitй de la culture des arbres fruitiers
10580982 - On the culture and commerce of cotton in India and elsewhere
10580981 - Vineyard culture improved and cheapened
10580980 - The music of the nineteenth century, and its culture. Method of musical instruction. Tr. by A.H. Wehrhan (C.N. Macfarren).
10580979 - Cotton is king; or, The culture of cotton
10580978 - The culture of the grape, and wine-making
10580977 - The fern garden, how to make, keep, and enjoy it; or, Fern culture made easy
10580976 - Self-culture, and perfection of character including the management of youth
10580975 - The strawberry, and its culture
10580974 - Culture, behavior, beauty
10580973 - The horticulturist; or, An attempt to teach the science and practice of the culture and management of the kitchen, fruit, and forcing garden to those who have had no previous knowledge or practice in these departments of gardening
10580972 - How to make the farm pay; or, The farmer's book of practical information on agriculture, stock raising, fruit culture, special crops, domestic economy & family medicine
10580971 - Culture and Diseases of Game Fishes
10580970 - The new Indian gardener, and guide, to the successful culture of the kitchen and fruit garden in India
10580969 - A practical treatise on the culture of the carnation, pink, auricula, polyanthus, ranunculus, tulip, hyacinth, rose, and other flowers
10580968 - The kitchen garden; or, The culture in the open ground of roots, vegetables, herbs, and fruits, by Eugene Sebastian Delamer
10580967 - Culture and anarchy
10580966 - Culture of the vine and wine making, tr. by L. Marie
10580965 - Реалити-шоу
10580964 - Полное собрание сочинений
10580963 - Полное собрание сочинений
10580962 - Фабрика времени
10580961 - Марксистская социология
10580960 - ДНК-дактилоскопия
10580959 - Психологические типологии
10580958 - Психологический портрет
10580957 - Thoughts on moral and spiritual culture
10580956 - The silk culture in the United States
10580955 - Woman's work and woman's culture
10580954 - Trout culture
10580953 - Essays on education and culture
10580952 - The apiary; or, Bees, bee-hives, and bee culture
10580951 - Grape Culture, Wines, and Wine-making
10580950 - Manual of flax culture
10580949 - A treatise on the culture and management of fruit-trees, in which a new method of pruning and training is fully described
10580948 - The Political Culture of Japan
10580947 - Culture, Language and Personality
10580946 - Health in the Mexican-American Culture
10580945 - An epitome of Mr. Forsyth's treatise on the culture and management of fruit-trees
10580944 - American fish-culture
10580943 - Primitive Culture
10580942 - A treatise on the culture of the cucumber
10580941 - Self-culture
10580940 - A treatise on the culture of the vine, and the art of making wine
10580939 - Fessenden's silk manual and practical farmer. Devoted to the culture of silk, agriculture, and rural economy
10580938 - The culture of the beet, and manufacture of beet sugar
10580937 - Marriage and Rank in Bengali Culture
10580936 - An account of the culture and use of the mangel wurzel, or root of scarcity
10580935 - Religion and Political Culture in Kano
10580934 - Telekkцnyvi tцrvйnyek az Igazsбgьgyi ministeriumnak 1855. december 15. kelt rendelete alapjбn s az ezzel kapcsolatban бllу egyйb cs. k. nyiltparancsok s kiegйszitц rendeletek nyomбn ...
10580933 - Supplementum ad Aeneida, seu Aeneidos liber decimus-tertius, authore C. S. Villanova,...
10580932 - Gratiani canones, illustr. opera et studio C.S. Berardi. 3 pt. [in 4].
10580931 - C. S. Disqvisitio De Tollendis Regvlarivm Exemtionibvs
10580930 - A history of the British sessile-eyed crustacea, by C.S. Bate and J.O. Westwood
10580929 - C.S. Sauvinet vs J.A. Walker
10580928 - A critical review of the liberties of British subjects, with a comparative view of the proceedings of the H-e of c-s of I-d, against an unfortunate exile of that country, by a gentleman of the Middle-temple [or rather, by C. Lucas].
10580927 - A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon, founded on the German-Latin dictionary of C.E. Georges, by J.E. Riddle and T.K. Arnold
10580926 - A full collation of the Codex Sinaiticus with the received text of the New Testament: to which is prefixed a critical introduction
10580925 - A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon
10580924 - Elements of art criticism
10580923 - Elements of art criticism
10580922 - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: Poems. Dramas. Criticism relating to poetry and the belles-letters
10580921 - Musical history, biography, and criticism
10580920 - A Plain Introduction TO THE Criticism OF THE NEW Testament
10580919 - Studies of religious history and criticism
10580918 - THE Medical Times AND Gazette. A Journal OF Medical Science, Literature, Criticism AND News
10580917 - The lives of the English poets: and a criticism of their work
10580916 - The Edinburgh literary journal; or, Weekly register of criticism and belles lettres
10580915 - The Aldine magazine of biography, bibliography, criticism, and the arts
10580914 - Shakespearian criticism
10580913 - An essay on criticism. With notes by mr. Warburton
10580912 - Principles of textual criticism
10580911 - The Literary Gazette, Or, Journal of Criticism, Science, and the Arts
10580910 - Essays in criticism
10580909 - A journal of medical science, literature, criticism, and news
10580908 - A familiar explanation of the poetical works of Milton. To which is prefixed Mr. Addison's criticism on Paradise lost. With a preface by the Rev. Mr. Dodd
10580907 - A criticism upon modern notion of sacrifices, an examination of dr. Taylor's Scripture - doctrine of atonement examined, in relation i. to Jewish sacrifices ii. to the sacrifice of our lord Jesus Christ. To which is added an appendix
10580906 - Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost
10580905 - Elements of criticism [by H. Home].
10580904 - A treatise on the improvements made in the art of criticism
10580903 - A defence of a late pamphlet, entitled, a treatise on the improvements made in the art of criticism
10580902 - Essay on Criticism
10580901 - Lectures on the criticism and interpretation of the Bible
10580900 - Elements of Criticism
10580899 - Lectures on Biblical criticism
10580898 - An Essay on Criticism
10580897 - The elements of dramatic criticism
10580896 - The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings
10580895 - The canons of criticism and glossary
10580894 - The Dublin Literary Gazette, Or Weekly Chronicle of Criticism, Belles Lettres, and Fine Arts. ...
10580893 - Periodical criticism
10580892 - Elements of criticism
10580891 - The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart: Periodical criticism
10580890 - Morsels of criticism
10580889 - The Chinese classics with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena, and copious indexes
10580888 - Essays Critical and Imaginative: Christopher at the Lakes. Tennyson's poems. Memoir of Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood, bart. American poetry: William Cullen Bryant. Poetry of Ebenezer Elliott. On the punishment of death. Anglimania
10580887 - A Commentary, Critical, Expository and Practical, on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark
10580886 - Notes, critical, illustrative, and practical, on the book of Daniel
10580885 - A Critical Essay on the Gospel of St. Luke
10580884 - A critical pronouncing dictionary [ed. by J. Murdoch].
10580883 - A Critical Dictionary OF English Literature AND British AND American Authors
10580882 - A critical essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland
10580881 - THE Edinburgh Review, OR Critical Journal FOR April 1814.....Sept. 1814
10580880 - A universal critical and pronouncing dictionary of the English language: including scientific terms
10580879 - Cobb's abridgment of J. Walker's critical pronouncing dictionary and expositor of the English language
10580878 - A descriptive, explanatory, and critical, catalogue
10580877 - A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language
10580876 - Questions and notes, critical and practical, upon the Book of Exodus
10580875 - Critical notes on the Old Testament:
10580874 - Maxims, characters, and reflections, critical, satyrical, and moral
10580873 - A Critical Essay on Various Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian
10580872 - Critical, historical, and explanatory notes on Shakespeare
10580871 - Critical history of the celtic religion and learning
10580870 - The Monthly critical gazette
10580869 - A general critical grammar of the Inglish language, on a system novel and extensive
10580868 - A commentary, critical and grammatical, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
10580867 - A general dictionary, historical and critical
10580866 - A Copious and Critical English-Latin Dictionary
10580865 - A biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers
10580864 - A critical commentary and paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha
10580863 - A Short introduction to English grammar, with critical notes... [by Robert Lowth.]
10580862 - Essays historical and critical on the temperance question
10580861 - A history of English gardening, chronological, biographical, literary, and critical
10580860 - A descriptive, analytical, and critical catalogue of the manuscripts bequeathed into the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole ... also of some additional manuscripts contributed by Kingsley, Lhuyd, Borlase, and others
10580859 - Notes Critical, Explanatory and Practical on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah
10580858 - Critical observations on Shakespeare
10580857 - The American monthly magazine and critical review
10580856 - A critical and exegetical commentary on the Acts of the apostles
10580855 - Observations, historical, critical, and medical, on the wines of the ancients
10580854 - A historical and critical commentary on the Old Testament
10580853 - Catalogue bibliographical and critical of early English literature
10580852 - Notes, critical and practical, on the book of Exodus
10580851 - Notes, critical, illustrative, and practical, on the book of Job
10580850 - notes, critical and practical, of the book of joshua
10580849 - A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell
10580848 - A biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue ...
10580847 - Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poesy
10580846 - A critical and grammatical commentary on the pastoral epistles, with a revised translation
10580845 - The Chinese classics: with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena and copious indexes ... in seven volumes
10580844 - A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
10580843 - Theos ephaner
10580842 - Observations, critical, explanatory, and practical, on the canonical Scriptures
10580841 - A critical dissertation upon Homer's Iliad
10580840 - A critical enquiry into the present state of surgery
10580839 - A critical exposition of the third chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
10580838 - Notes, critical and practical, on the books of Joshua and Judges
10580837 - A critical history of the Athanasian Creed
10580836 - A critical examination of our financial policy during the Southern rebellion
10580835 - A critical pronouncin dictionary and expositor of the English language ...
10580834 - A Critical Study of Philip Guston
10580833 - Critical and historical essays
10580832 - A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha: Judges-Psalms
10580831 - A general critical grammar of the Inglish language
10580830 - A Chronological, Critical Table of English Literature
10580829 - Candid and critical remarks on the Dialogues of the dead [by G. Lyttelton] a letter from a gentleman in London
10580828 - A glossary of the Cleveland dialect: explanatory, derivative, and critical
10580827 - Manual of historico-critical introduction to the canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament
10580826 - The pilgrim's progress. With a critical essay [from Critical and historical essays] by lord Macaulay
10580825 - A Critical and Chronological History Of The Rise, Progress, Declension, and Rivival Of Knowledge, Chiefly Y Religious
10580824 - A critical grammar of the Hebrew language
10580823 - A short introduction to English grammar: with critical notes ...
10580822 - Plautus's comedies, Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Rudens, made English [by L. Echard]: with critical remarks upon each play
10580821 - Critical and miscellaneous essays
10580820 - Walker's critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language
10580819 - The British review, and London critical journal
10580818 - Dramatic micellanies: consisting of critical observations on several plays of Shakespeare
10580817 - Specimens of American poetry
10580816 - The Literary and scientific repository, and critical review
10580815 - A critical pronouncing dictionary
10580814 - A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language ...
10580813 - An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures
10580812 - The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;
10580811 - The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Every Nation
10580810 - The Critical review: or, Annals of literature
10580809 - The Edinburgh review, or critical journal
10580808 - Critical and miscellaneous essays
10580807 - International critical tables of numerical data, physics, chemistry and technology
10580806 - Caii Crispi Sallustii De coniuratione Catilinae historia. Caii Crispi Sallustii De bello Iugurthino historia. Caii Crispi Sallustii in M. Tul. Ciceronem oratio. M. T. Ciceronis in Crisp. Sallustium oratio. M. T. Ciceronis contra Catilinam oratio prima -II
10580805 - An address to the liverymen of the city of London, from sir Crisp Gascoyne ... relative to his conduct in the cases of Elizabeth Canning and Mary Squires
10580804 - Memoirs of the life of Stephen Crisp, with selections from his works
10580803 - Crisis theologica sive Disputationes selectae ex morali theologia ...
10580802 - Crisis theologica, sive disputationes selectae ex morali theologia in 4 partes distinctae
10580801 - Examen castellano de la crisis griega con que...Manuel Bautista de Castro intentт establecer el Instituto Bethlemitico
10580800 - Examen de la crisis del reverendissimo Padre Maestro Don Benito Geronymo Feyjoo, Monge Benedictino, sobre el arte luliana
10580799 - Crisis astrologica physica mathematica y choronologica y pronostico universal sobre la maxima conjuncion del aсo 1723, dia ... de Enero
10580798 - Caduceus theologicus et crisis pacifica de examine thomistico
10580797 - Crisis Anticrisios, Et Triga, Opisodromos, Sive, Examen & Excussio Iudicii. Joan-Georgii Dorschaei, Praedicantis Argentinensis, Quo, Iudicium Theologicum viri ClariЯimi, Ernesti de Eusebiis, Super quaestione An Pax, Qualem Desiderant Protestantes Sit Secu
10580796 - Io. Iac. Chiffletii De Linteis sepulchralibus Christi Servatoris crisis historica (Epistolae E. Puteani)
10580795 - Crisis theologica bipartita
10580794 - Comoedio Crisis
10580793 - R.P. Ioannis de Cardenas Hispalensis, и Societate Iesu ... Crisis theologica, in qua plures selectae difficultates ex morali theologia ad Lydium veritatis lapidem reuocantur ex regula morum posita a SS.D.N. Innocentio XI
10580792 - Crisis theologica de clericorum dominio et facultate testandi ad discussionem apologeticam Eugenii Speth
10580791 - The crisis
10580790 - Opium crisis
10580789 - The History of the Commercial Crisis 1857 - 58, and the Stock Exchange Panic of 1859
10580788 - The Commercial Crisis 1847-1848
10580787 - Helper's Impending crisis dissected
10580786 - The crisis of 1866
10580785 - A book for the "impending crisis"!
10580784 - Political Sermons: Dwight, T. Duty of Americans at the present crisis. 1798
10580783 - Latin America's petroleum prospects in the energy crisis
10580782 - American Communism in Crisis, 1943-1957
10580781 - Crisis, and National Co-operative Trades' union gazette
10580780 - Anti-slavery crisis
10580779 - Hints to the people of the United Kingdom ... and of north Britain in particular, on the present important crisis
10580778 - Crisis in the opium traffic
10580777 - The Inflation Crisis, and how to Resolve it
10580776 - The American Crisis
10580775 - Der цffentliche Credit dargestellt in der Geschichte und in den Folgen der Finanzoperationen der grossen europдischen Staaten seit Herstellung des allgemeinen Land- und Seefriedens, ihrer Massregeln zur Begrьndung oder Befestigung цffentlicher Creditansta
10580774 - Ad L. lecta XL. Dig. de rebus credit. si cert. pet. liber singularis, et dissertatio de pactis juris stricti contractibus incontinenti adjectis
10580773 - The credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States
10580772 - Debit and credit
10580771 - Essay on public credit [from Political discourses].
10580770 - An inquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain
10580769 - Consumers', credit, and productive cooperative societies, 1929
10580768 - Farm-mortgage credit facilities in the United States
10580767 - A treatise on the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, and letters of credit in Scotland
10580766 - Remarks on the present state of currency, credit, commerce, and national industry ...
10580765 - An Enquiry Into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain
10580764 - Le creature
10580763 - The Creator and the Creature Or the Wonders of Divine Love
10580762 - The Practical Works: Sermons on the new creature, invitation to sinners, &c., &c
10580761 - The great love and tenderness of God to His creature man, or, The Scripture-account of redemption, conversion and salvation of all mankind ...
10580760 - Discours philosophique sur la creation et l'arrangement du monde
10580759 - Le corps des annales sacrйes et ecclйsiastiques contenant tout ce qui est advenu de memorable dans l'Eglise, & dans les empires & royaumes, depuis la creation du monde jusques а maintenant. Divisees en six tomes. Composйes en latin par l'eminentissime car
10580758 - Abregй de l'histoire de l'Eglise, ou l'on voit ce qui est arrivй de plus memorable dйpuis la creation du monde jusqu'а present
10580757 - Abregй De L'Histoire De L'Eglise. Ou L'On Voit Ce Qui Est Arrivй de plus memorable dйpuis la creation de Monde jusqu'а present
10580756 - Edicts des rois Henry III. (Paris, dйc. 1581) et Henry Quatriesme. Pour la creation... des Iurandes de tous les Arts & Mestiers...
10580755 - A short history of religion from the creation of the world; with questions for examination
10580754 - A chronological record from the Creation to the present time
10580753 - Creation
10580752 - The Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the Creation
10580751 - Free thoughts upon the brute-creation; or, An examination of father Bougeant's Philosophical amusement, in two letters to a lady
10580750 - A general history of the world, from the creation to the present time
10580749 - Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
10580748 - Haydn's universal index of biography from the creation to the present time
10580747 - Pious reflections, and devout prayers, on several points of faith and morality, from man's creation to his consummation, by father Nicolas of the holy Cross
10580746 - The Book of the Cave of Treasures
10580745 - Discourses on various subjects relative to the being and attributes of God, and his works in creation, providence, and grace
10580744 - A briefe chronicle of the successe of times from the creation of the world to this instant
10580743 - Creation Myths of Primitive America
10580742 - Chronological antiquities: or, The antiquities and chronology of the most ancient kingdoms, from the creation of the world, for the space of five thousand years
10580741 - A New Universal Biography: First series, from the creation to the birth of Christ
10580740 - The creation of the world, with Noah's flood
10580739 - A compendious history of the world from the creation to the dissolution of the Roman Republic ...
10580738 - The gallery of nature and art; or a tour through creation and science ...
10580737 - On the power wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals and in their history habits and instincts
10580736 - The peerage of England, or A genealogical and historical account of all the families of this kingdom, that have born the dignity of peerage, either by tenure, summons to parliament, investiture, or creation, & c. from the conquest to this present year, 17
10580735 - Primitive history, from the Creation to Cadmus
10580734 - The universal chronologist, and historical register, from the creation to the close of the 1825
10580733 - Barr's Buffon. Buffon's Natural History: History of the brute creation. Of the degeneration of animals
10580732 - Sketches of universal history, sacred and profane, from the creation of the world, to the year 1818 of the Christian era
10580731 - The Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation and Subsequent Events to the Deluge
10580730 - God's regard to Man in his works of creation: and providence. A sermon preached in the parish church of Saint Leonard Shoreditch; on Whitson-Tuesday, June 4. 1745. At the anniversary lecture founded by Mr. Thomas Fairchild, ... By John Denne, ...
10580729 - Navajo Creation Myth
10580728 - Creation. A philosophical poem
10580727 - The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation
10580726 - Sketches from the volume of creation, as displayed in the seasons of the year
10580725 - A view of universal history, from the creation to the present time
10580724 - Sketches of universal history, sacred and profane, from the creation of the world to the present time
10580723 - Creation, a poem
10580722 - The Bridgewater Treatises on the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as Manifested in the Creation. Treatise I-VIII.: The hand, by Sir Charles Bell. 4th ed
10580721 - A survey of the wisdom of God in the Creation: or A compendium of natural philosophy [by J. Wesley].
10580720 - Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation
10580719 - A treatise on the records of the Creation, and on the moral attributes of the Creator
10580718 - Universal history, from the creation of the world
10580717 - Gallery of Nature and Art, or a tour through creation and science
10580716 - An Inquiry Into the Manner of Creating Peers
10580715 - Sir George Calvert, created Baron of Baltimore, in the county of Longford, Ireland, and projector of the province of Maryland
10580714 - A catalogue of all graduats in divinity, law, and physick: and of all Masters of Arts and Doctors of Musick: who have regularly proceeded, or been created, in the University of Oxford, between October 10th. 1659, and October 10th. 1726
10580713 - De concursu Dei ad actus liberos voluntatis create ac De scientia quam Deus habet de contingentibus sub conditione futuris priъs ratione quаm liberи quidquam decernat opuscula theologica Francisci Diotalleuii ...
10580712 - Crazy Snake and the Smoked Meat Rebellion
10580711 - Crazy tales
10580710 - The people's history of Manchester. 1-[10. Wanting the covers of pt.2-10].
10580709 - The grass cover of Africa
10580708 - Memoranda relative to the lines thrown up to cover Lisbon in 1810
10580707 - L'honneste homme, ou l'art de plaire а la court, par le sieur Faret
10580706 - L'honeste homme ou L'art de plaire a la Court
10580705 - Le Secret des cours ou les Mйmoires de Walsingham... contenant les Maximes de Politique nйcessaires aux courtisans [versions franзaise de la trad. anglaise, par Edward Walsingham, de la 2e partie du Traictй de la Court d'Eustache de Refuge] avec les Remar
10580704 - Ordonnance et instruction pastorale de Monseigneur l'evesque de Chartres (Paul Desmarets, 21 nov. 1695) pour la condamnation des livres intitulez "Analysis orationis mentalis" etc. "Moyen court et tres-facile de faire oraison" etc (de Mme Guyon) "Regle de
10580703 - Le Court Et Bon Chrestien, Ou sommaire de tout de, qu'on doibt Scavoir, & Faire Pour vivre Chrestiennement
10580702 - The High Court of Justice or Cromwels New Slaughter House in England
10580701 - Five new playes, 1650: The English Moor, or The mock-marriage. The lovesick court, or The ambitious politique, 1658. The wedding of the Covent-Garden, or The Middlesex-justice of peace, 1658. The new academy, or, The new exchange, 1658. The queen and conc
10580700 - An Account of the Court of Portugal, Under the Reign of the Present King Dom Pedro II.
10580699 - Reports of cases Argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench
10580698 - Reports of cases decreed in the High Court of Chancery
10580697 - Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts
10580696 - Reports of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1785-1951
10580695 - Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery
10580694 - The history of the High court of Parliament
10580693 - Reports of cases in law and equity, determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine
10580692 - Reports of cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
10580691 - Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of Mississippi ...
10580690 - The Court and Camp of Buonaparte
10580689 - Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
10580688 - Memoirs of the court of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second
10580687 - The Court Journal
10580686 - The practice of the High Court of Chancery
10580685 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
10580684 - Condensed reports of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States
10580683 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont
10580682 - Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery
10580681 - Cases in the Court of common pleas and Exchequer chamber [1834-1840].
10580680 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the High court of admiralty
10580679 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri
10580678 - The court-gamester
10580677 - Memoirs of the court of King Charles the First
10580676 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
10580675 - Decisions of the Court of Session
10580674 - Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family
10580673 - Reports of judicial decisions in the Constitutional court, of the state of South-Carolina
10580672 - Memoirs of the court of King James the First
10580671 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of chancery of the state of South-Carolina
10580670 - The secret history of the court and cabinet of St. Cloud
10580669 - The practice of the High Court of Chancery, under the new orders
10580668 - The Court and camp of Bonaparte
10580667 - Supplement to the Dictionary of the decisions of the Court of Session
10580666 - The decisions of the Court of Session
10580665 - The practice of the Court of chancery
10580664 - The Royal kalendar, and court and city register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the colonies
10580663 - Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth
10580662 - Private correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough
10580661 - A compendium of the statute laws, and regulations of the Court of admiralty
10580660 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
10580659 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court, and the Court of Errors and Appeals of New Jersey
10580658 - A digest of the cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Court for the Correction of errors
10580657 - Decisions of the Supreme Court, Vice-Admiralty Court & Bankruptcy Court of Mauritius
10580656 - Reports of cases decided by the judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Court of Nisi Prius at Philadelphia, and also in the Supreme Court
10580655 - Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New England: Court orders [being the proceedings of the General court and the Court of assistants] 1633-1691
10580654 - Reports of cases at law, argued and determined in the Court of appeals and Court of errors of South-Carolina
10580653 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court and, at law, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey
10580652 - Reports of cases in chancery, argued and determined in the Court of appeals and Court of errors of South-Carolina
10580651 - Descriptive Catalogue of the Original Charters, Royal Grants, and Donations ... Monastic Chartulary, Official, Manorial, Court Baron, Court Leet
10580650 - Condensed reports of cases in the Superior Court of the territory of Orleans, and in the Supreme Court of Louisiana
10580649 - Le vray thйвtre d'honneur et de chevalerie, ou le Miroir hйroique de la noblesse, contenant les combats ou jeux sacrez des Grecs et des Romains, les triomphes, les tournois, les joustes, les pas, les emprises ou entreprises, les armes, les combats а la ba
10580648 - Manuel des courses de chevaux
10580647 - Journal des haras, chasses, courses de chevaux, des progrиs des sciences zooiatriques et de mйdecine compareйe
10580646 - Le Romant des chevaliers de la Gloire... qui parurent aux Courses faites а la Place Royale pour la feste des Alliances de France & d'Espagne... par Franзois de Rosset
10580645 - Key to Chardenal's First and second French courses
10580644 - OEuvres complettes d'Alexis Piron: Discours preliminaire. Vie d'Alexis Piron. L'ecole des peres; comedie. Callisthene; tragedie. L'amant mysterieux; comedie.- t.2. Epitre a Madame la comtesse de ***. Les courses de Tempe; pastorale. Gustave Wasa, tragedie
10580643 - Calendrier des courses de chevaux, ou, "Racing calendar" franзais ...
10580642 - Oeuvres choises d'Alexis Piron: Les courses de tempй
10580641 - Les courses de tempй : pastorale ; Arlequin. Deucalion : monologue en trois actes et en prose ; Йpitres ; Stances, odes, et madrigaux ; Poemes, et contes ; Йpigrammes ; Chansons
10580640 - The history of initiation, 3 courses of lectures
10580639 - Military schools and courses of instruction in the science and art of war in France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Sardinia, England, and the United States
10580638 - A treatise on the common law, in relation to water courses
10580637 - A Miscellaneous Essay Concerning the Courses Pursued by Great Britain in the Affairs of Her Colonies
10580636 - Three courses and a desert
10580635 - An elementary course of botany
10580634 - A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts: pt. I. Mechanics. pt. II. Hydrodynamics. pt. III. Physics
10580633 - A short course of history
10580632 - Primary object lessons for a graduated course of development
10580631 - Tabellen ьber die steigenden und fallenden Wechsel-Course auf grossen Handelsplдtzen, zur Bequemlichkeit der Kaufmannschaft
10580630 - The second course of orthographic projection
10580629 - A Course of Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle
10580628 - Elements of divinity: or, A course of lectures
10580627 - Short discourses to be read in families. The Christian contemplated in a course of lectures. Prayers
10580626 - A first English course
10580625 - Chemistry no mystery; or, A lecturer's bequest, the subject-matter of a course of lectures, delivered by an old philosopher, arranged and revised
10580624 - An elementary course of military engineering
10580623 - The polite lady; or, A course of female education
10580622 - The duties of the parish priest, a course of lectures
10580621 - An elementary course of civil engineering
10580620 - Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mountain-course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, north of the Panjab
10580619 - A course of mathematics ...
10580618 - Elementary course of geometry ...
10580617 - A Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery
10580616 - Skeletons of a Course of Theological Lectures
10580615 - Heads of lectures on a course of experimental philosophy,
10580614 - Inductive Latin course for beginners
10580613 - A shorter course in English grammar
10580612 - An elementary course of gymnastic exercises
10580611 - The course of time: a poem, in ten books
10580610 - A book of mathematical problems on subjects included in the Cambridge course
10580609 - Reports on the course of instruction in Yale college
10580608 - Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States
10580607 - Elements of military art and science, or, Course of instruction in strategy, fortification, tactics of battles, &c
10580606 - Abstract of a course of lectures on mental & moral philosophy
10580605 - A collection of problems and examples, adapted to the "Elementary course of mathematics"
10580604 - A complete course of lithography, tr. by A.S.
10580603 - The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature
10580602 - Elements of agricultural chemistry in a course of lectures for the Board of Agriculture
10580601 - On the correlation of physical forces, the substance of a course of lectures
10580600 - The geometry, by T. S. Davies. Conic sections, by Stephen Fenwick
10580599 - Reflections upon the constitution and management of the trade to Africa, through the whole course and progress, thereof, from the beginning of the last century, to this time ...
10580598 - The practical draughtsman's book of industrial design, and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion: forming a complete course of mechanical, engineering, and architectural drawing
10580597 - A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry [...]
10580596 - Course of ancient geography ...
10580595 - A Course OF Mathematics
10580594 - A course of experimental agriculture
10580593 - Bishop Butler's analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature
10580592 - A course of six lectures on the various forces of matter, and their relations to each other
10580591 - A course of twelve elementary lectures on galvanism
10580590 - An elementary course of mathematics
10580589 - An outline of a course of architectural instruction
10580588 - The Bible and civil government in course of lectures...
10580587 - A course of counterpoint and fugue
10580586 - Course of the history of modern philosophy
10580585 - A course of fifteen lectures, on medical botany
10580584 - Syllabus of a course of lectures on botany
10580583 - Selections for the illustration of a course of instructions on the rhythmus and utterance of the English language
10580582 - Analysis of a course of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy
10580581 - An Elementary Course in Analytic Geometry
10580580 - The introductory lecture of a course upon state-medicine ...
10580579 - Observations Et Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey Through France, Italy and Germany
10580578 - A Course of Lectues on Elocution
10580577 - A course of lectures in natural philosophy
10580576 - A course of critical lectures
10580575 - The principles of natural and revealed religion occasionally opened; in a course of sermons. [With] Sermons and discourses on various subjects
10580574 - A course of lectures on dramatic art and literature
10580573 - A course of sermons for the year
10580572 - Course of Hebrew study
10580571 - An analysis of bishop Butler's Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature, with notes
10580570 - Cardiphonia: or, The utterance of the heart; in the course of a real correspondence
10580569 - A course of lectures
10580568 - A course of lectures on the principal subjects in pneumatology, ethics, and divinity
10580567 - A course of reading drawn up by the Hon. James Kent ...
10580566 - Introductory lectures to a course of military surgery
10580565 - The Christian contemplated in a course of lectures
10580564 - A Compendium of the Course of Chemical Instruction in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania
10580563 - An elementary course of civil engineering
10580562 - The wonders of geology; or, A familiar exposition of geological phenomena; being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at Brighton
10580561 - A course of mathematics
10580560 - A practical course of French lessons, or A grammar of the French tongue
10580559 - A Course of Lectures, upon the materia medica, antient and modern
10580558 - A course of sermons
10580557 - Course of popular lectures
10580556 - An analysis of a course of lectures on the principles of natural philosophy
10580555 - A Course of Mathematics
10580554 - Voyage Round The World, By A Course Never Sailed Before
10580553 - An essay in a course of lectures on abstracts of title
10580552 - Observations on the principles which regulate the course of exchange
10580551 - The course of Hannibal over the Alps ascertained
10580550 - Insitutes of biblical criticism; or heads of the course of lectures in that subject
10580549 - Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany
10580548 - Reports of the late John Smeaton, F.R.S., made on various occasions, in the course of his employment as a civil engineer ...
10580547 - The modern preceptor or a general course of education
10580546 - William O'Brien and the Course of Irish Politics, 1881-1918
10580545 - Farrand's Course of Latin studies, or, Classical selections
10580544 - Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany
10580543 - Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger
10580542 - An elementary course of Biblical theology
10580541 - A course of elementary fortification
10580540 - A syllabus of a course of lectures upon trigonometry
10580539 - A course of mathematics
10580538 - A course of experimental philosophy
10580537 - A series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red-Sea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt
10580536 - A series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red-Sea
10580535 - A compleat method of studying divinity: or, A regular course of theological studies. Transl
10580534 - A Course of Legal Study
10580533 - A course of elementary reading in science and literature, compiled by J.M. M'Culloch
10580532 - The analogy or religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature
10580531 - A popular course of pure and mixed mathematics ...
10580530 - A Course of Lectures on Elocution
10580529 - The Constant Couple
10580528 - A Select Collection of English Plays from the Best Authors ...: The miser, by Henry Fielding. The provok'd wife, by Sir John Vanbrugh. The recruiting officer, by George Farquhar. The constant couple, by George Farquhar. Sir Harry Wildair, by George Farquh
10580527 - The natural history of England; or, a description of each particular county [&c.].
10580526 - A general view of the agriculture of the county of Kent
10580525 - Illustrations of the architectural antiquities of the county of Durham
10580524 - On ancient manorial customs, tenures, services, privileges, serjeanties, grants, fines, etc., in the county of Essex
10580523 - 1868. The poll for two knights of the shire to represent the western division of the county of Kent. Compiled by E. Hughes
10580522 - A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Suffolk, taken at Ipswich, Aug. 30. Anno dom. 1727. Robert Goodrich, Esq; High Sheriff. Candidates, Sir William Barker Sir Jermyn Davers, Baronets. John Holt, Esquire
10580521 - A short account of the two charitable foundations at King's-Cliffe in the county of Northampton. The one founded in the year 1745, by Mr. Elizabeth Hutcheson ... The other founded in the year 1727, by William Law ...
10580520 - A most pleasant description of Benwel village, in the County of Northumberland. ... By Q. Z. late commoner of Oxon
10580519 - A catalogue of the large and valuable freehold estate of the most noble William, Duke of Powis, deceased, situate in the county of Northampton; ... Which, ... will be sold by auction, by Mr. Langford, ... on Monday the 13th day of November, 1758, ...
10580518 - The poll for a Knight of the Shire to represent the county of Leicester. ... January 1775, ... Candidates, John Peach Hungerford, Esq; and William Pochin, Esq
10580517 - Select illustrations of the county of Surrey
10580516 - An Act for amending, widening, and keeping in repair, the roads from Epsom through Ewell to Tooting, and from Ewell to Kingston-upon-Thames, and Thames Ditton, in the county of Surrey
10580515 - Catterick church, in the county of York
10580514 - John v.6. Wilt thou be made whole? Or, the virtues and efficacy of the water of Glastonbury in the county of Somerset. Illustrated in above twenty remarkable cases ... Collected by an inhabitant of Bath
10580513 - The obligation to believe the divine mission of Jesus Christ; set forth in two sermons, lately preach'd in the church of Richmond, in the county of Surrey. By John Browne,...
10580512 - An address to the gentlemen of the grand-jury for the county of Oxford, on their late presentment of a libel against his majesty's person and government
10580511 - Parish corruption in part display'd: or, a narrative of some late transactions in St. Luke's parish, in the county of Middlesex: especially such as respect the indicting for forgery, and outlawing Mr. Thomas Sayers, the first head-church-warden in that ne
10580510 - The respective charges; given to the grand jury of the county of Armagh, at the general assizes ... 1763, by ... mr. justice Robinson, and mr. justice Tenison; on occasion of the late commotions in several of the northern counties
10580509 - History of the early settlement and progress of Cumberland County, New Jersey
10580508 - A faithfull Remonstrance of the holy life and happy death of John Bruen of Bruen-Stapelford in county of Chester, Esquire
10580507 - Water consumption by water-loving plants in the Malad Valley, Oneida County, Idaho
10580506 - Sketch of the early history of Cape May county, to accompany the geological report of the State of New Jersey for said county
10580505 - Nottinghamshire. History, directory and gazetteer of the county, and of the town and county of the town of Nottingham. To which is added, the history and directory of the port of Gainsborough
10580504 - Soil survey of Orange County and western part of Riverside County, California
10580503 - Records of Buckinghamshire, or, Papers and notes on the history, antiquities, and architecture of the county, together with the proceedings of the Architectural and Archaeological Society for the County of Buckingham
10580502 - The county and town officer
10580501 - History of the town of Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
10580500 - The civil division of the county of Dorset
10580499 - The chorographical description or survey of the county of Devon
10580498 - Beverlac; or, The antiquities and history of the town of Beverley, in the county of York ; and of the provostry and collegiate establishment of St. Johns;
10580497 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Cornwall
10580496 - The history of Guildford, the county-town of Surrey ...
10580495 - The natural history and antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton:
10580494 - A mineralogical description of the county of Dumfries
10580493 - England delineated, or, A geographical description of every county in England and Wales
10580492 - Statistical survey of the County of Clare
10580491 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex
10580490 - Annals of the town of Concord, in the county of Merrimack, and state of New-Hampshire
10580489 - Statistical survey of the county of Meath,
10580488 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Radnor, with observations on the means of its improvement
10580487 - County business patterns
10580486 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Surrey
10580485 - The History of the County of Derby
10580484 - A General History of the County of Norfolk
10580483 - History of the County of Fife
10580482 - General view of the agriculture in the county of Somerset
10580481 - History, directory, and gazetteer, of the county palatine of Lancaster
10580480 - General view of the agriculture of the County of Northampton
10580479 - Ordnance survey of the county of Londonderry
10580478 - The history of the county of Gloucester
10580477 - History of York County, from its erection to the present time
10580476 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Kent
10580475 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Peebles
10580474 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Monmouth, with observations on the means of its improvement
10580473 - The history and gazetteer of the county of Derby
10580472 - History of the Insurrection of the County of Wexford, A. D. 1798
10580471 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk
10580470 - A new and complete history of the county of York
10580469 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster
10580468 - A history of the western division of the county of Sussex
10580467 - History, directory & gazeteer, of the county of York
10580466 - The history of the county of Cumberland
10580465 - General view of the agriculture of the county of West Lothian
10580464 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk
10580463 - A letter to the lord lieutenant of the county of Surrey, on the misconduct of licensing magistrates, and the consequent degradation of the magistracy
10580462 - The history and topographical survey of the county of Kent
10580461 - General view of the agriculture of the county of Selkirk
10580460 - Statistical Survey of the County of Donegal,
10580459 - Statistical survey of the county of Monaghan,
10580458 - An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk
10580457 - Collections towards the history and antiquities of the county of Hereford
10580456 - The history and antiquities of the county of Somerset
10580455 - History, Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Derby, with the Town of Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, Comprising a General Survey of the County
10580454 - Anno regni Georgii ... decimo tertio. (An act for repairing the road from Cranford bridge in the county of Middlesex, to that end of Maidenhead bridge which lies in the county of Bucks).
10580453 - The English country gentleman, and other poems
10580452 - Letters from Italy, describing the customs and manners of that country, in ... 1765 and 1766. To which is annexed, An admonition to gentlemen who pass the Alps, in their tour through Italy
10580451 - The Country gentleman's companion ...
10580450 - The Cultivator & Country Gentleman
10580449 - Inefficiency of heavy ordnance in this country and everywhere
10580448 - The dangers of the country
10580447 - Holly's country seats
10580446 - The Country Gentleman's Magazine
10580445 - Rural homes: or, Sketches of houses suited to American country life
10580444 - Sermons to a country congregation
10580443 - The state of the country
10580442 - A picturesque guide to Bath, Bristol hot-wells, the river Avon, and the adjacent country [by J.C. Ibbetson].
10580441 - A family-text book for the country
10580440 - Caleb in the country
10580439 - Holly's Country Seats ; Modern Dwellings
10580438 - The Sportsman's Cabinet, and Town and Country Magazine
10580437 - The lady's country companion
10580436 - A complete guide to the Lakes, comprising minute directions for the tourist, with mr. Wordsworth's Description of the scenery of the country, &c. and Three letters upon the geology of the Lake district, by prof. Sedgwick
10580435 - A diurnal of remarkable occurrents that have passed within the country of Scotland since the death of King James the Fourth till the year M.D.LXXV
10580434 - The court and country confectioner: or, The house-keeper's guide; to a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, he
10580433 - Country school-houses
10580432 - The hunt of Eildon. The adventures of Basil Lee. Adam Bell. Duncan Campbell. An old soldier's tale. Katie Cheyne. The long pack. A country funeral. The shepherd's calendar
10580431 - The Town and Country Magazine
10580430 - U.S. foreign trade, imports: TSUSA commodity by country
10580429 - Historical sketches of the discovery, settlement, and progress of events in the Coos country and vicinity
10580428 - Country life
10580427 - The Sportsmen's cabinet, and town and country magazine
10580426 - A few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments [by J.M. Neale]. No. 1, suited to country parishes
10580425 - Lucius Junius Brutus, Father of His Country
10580424 - The Sportsman's Dictionary; Or, The Gentleman's Companion: for Town and Country
10580423 - Annals of the American pulpit; or, Commemorative notices of distinguished American clergymen of various denominations, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five
10580422 - The Sportsman's Magazine of Life in London and the Country
10580421 - Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817
10580420 - The country wife
10580419 - The country gentleman's architect
10580418 - Cottage gardener and country gentleman's companion
10580417 - Remarks on the influence of climate, situation, nature of country ... on the disposition and temper, manners and behaviour ... of mankind
10580416 - A dialogue between a lawyer and a country gentleman upon the subject of the game laws relative to hares, partridges, and pheasants
10580415 - Journal of horticulture, cottage gardener and country gentlemen
10580414 - The love of our country
10580413 - The discovery, settlement and present state of Kentucky, and an introduction to the topography and natural history of that ... country. Also colonel Daniel Boon's narrative of the wars of Kentucky
10580412 - THE Town AND Country
10580411 - A discourse on the love of our country
10580410 - A glossary of North country words, with their etymology, and affinity to other languages
10580409 - Select views in Mysore
10580408 - The history of the country of Cambridge
10580407 - The London and Country Cook: Or, Accomplished Housewife
10580406 - The History and Antiquities of the Town and Country of the Town of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Including an Account of the Coal-trade of that Place and Embellished with Engryved Views
10580405 - The architecture of country houses
10580404 - Nettleton's guide to Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, and to the neighbouring country
10580403 - A General History of England: An account of the first inhabitants of the country, and the transactions in it, from the earliest times to the death of King John, A.D. Mccxvi
10580402 - 'Up the country.'
10580401 - Country gentleman
10580400 - The Compleat City and Country Cook
10580399 - The love of our country, a poem
10580398 - Elegy written in a country churchyard
10580397 - The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Country Gentleman
10580396 - A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with real Christianity
10580395 - The town and country magazine, or, Universal repository of knowledge, instruction, and entertainment
10580394 - Bryant & Stratton's counting house bookkeeping
10580393 - The Bible in the counting-house
10580392 - Processing of counting data
10580391 - Charms and counter-charms
10580390 - Counter-irritation, its principles and practice
10580389 - Purgatories triumph over Hell, maugre the barking of Cerberus in sir Edward Hobyes Counter-snarle, a letter to the sayd knight from I. R.
10580388 - Memoirs and recollections of Count Segur ...
10580387 - The Count of Monte Cristo
10580386 - Count Mirabeau
10580385 - Memoirs of Count Grammont
10580384 - The complete works of Count Rumford
10580383 - The Operations of the French fleet under the Count de Grasse in 1781-2
10580382 - History of the campaigns of Count Alexander Suworow-Rymnikski ...
10580381 - Memoirs of the baroness d'Oberkirch, countess de Montbrison, ed. by her grandson, the count de Montbrison
10580380 - Memoirs of Count Lally, from his embarking for the East Indies, as Commander in Chief of the French forces in that country, to his being sent prisoner of war to England, after the surrender of Pondichery
10580379 - Redmond count O'Hanlon, the Irish rapparee
10580378 - The Works of Joseph Addison: The Tatler. The Guardian. The Freeholder. The Whig-examiner. The lover. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals. Remarks on several parts of Italy, etc. The present state of the war. The late trial and conviction of Co
10580377 - The count of Monte Christo
10580376 - Memoirs of Count Boruwlaski:
10580375 - Letters which passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre and others
10580374 - Narrative of a journey round the Dead sea and in the Bible lands in 1850 and 1851, ed., by count E. de Warren
10580373 - Biographical sketch of Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, count de Survilliers
10580372 - The Tatler. The Guardian. The Freeholder. The Whig-examiner. The lover. Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals. Remarks on several parts of Italy, etc. The present state of the war. The late trial and conviction of Count Tariff. The evidences of
10580371 - The Count of Narbonne
10580370 - Letters on England, by Victoire, count de Soligny
10580369 - Rosamond. Cato. The drummer, or The haunted house. The late trial and conviction of Count Tariff. The Whig-Examiner. The lover
10580368 - Memoirs of General Count Rapp, first aide-de-camp to Napoleon
10580367 - Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky ...
10580366 - Memoirs and recollections of Count Segur
10580365 - The Life of Nicholas Lewis Count Zinzendorf
10580364 - A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of His Highness the chancellor of the empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurick
10580363 - The natural history of birds, from the Fr. of the count de Buffon [and others] illustr. with notes and additions by the tr
10580362 - Memoirs of the history of France during the reign of Napoleon. Historical miscellanies, dictated to the count de Montholon
10580361 - Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky
10580360 - Tales of My Landlord,.: Count Robert of Paris
10580359 - The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smollett, M.D.: Count Fathom, 1st pt
10580358 - Eminent Foreign Statesmen: Andrew Hercules, cardinal de Fleury. Philip Louis, count Zinzendorf. Sebastian Joseph, marquis of Pombal. Joseph Moсino, count of Florida Blanca. Stephen Francis, duke of Choiseul. James Necker
10580357 - Lives of the Cardinal de Richelieu, Count Oxenstiern--Count Olivarez and Cardinal Mazarin
10580356 - Journal of the proceedings of the Legislative-Council of the State of New-Jersey
10580355 - The General Council of the First International
10580354 - Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen...: 1398-1570. v.2. 1570-1625
10580353 - Compilation of the public acts of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, passed prior to 1840
10580352 - Reports of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council and Local Government Board [Great Britain]. 1866
10580351 - Inventory of the objects forming the art collections of the Museum at South Kensington
10580350 - Reports of artisans selected by a committee appointed by the Council of the Society of arts to visit the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867
10580349 - The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut [1636-1776] ...: The charter of Connecticut. Records of the General Court, May 1665-Oct. 1677. Journal and correspondence of the Council, 1675-1677. Appendix
10580348 - The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent
10580347 - The Law reports. Privy Council appeals
10580346 - The Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent
10580345 - Acts of the Legislative Council of India, of 1860
10580344 - Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania
10580343 - Report of the Department of Science and Art of the Committee of Council on Education
10580342 - A History of the Councils of the Church: To the close of the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325, tr. from the German, and ed. by William R. Clark
10580341 - The Pope and the council, by Janus [with the collaboration of J.N. Huber and J. Friedrich]. Transl
10580340 - An index to all the repeated cases, statutes and general orders, in or relating to the principles, pleading, and practice of equity and bankruptcy in the several courts of equity in England and Ireland, the Privy Council, and the House of Lords, from the
10580339 - Ordinances of the City Council of Charleston, in the state of South Carolina
10580338 - Journal of the Select Council of the city of Philadelphia for ...
10580337 - Report of the National Research Council
10580336 - The Catechism of the Council of Trent, Translated Into English, with Notes by Theodore Alois Buckley
10580335 - Debates and proceedings of the National Council of Congregational Churches, held at Boston, Mass., June 14-24, 1865
10580334 - The decisions of the Lords of council & session, in the most important cases debate before them with the Acts of Sederunt
10580333 - Report to the Committee of the City Council appointed to obtain the census of Boston for the year 1845
10580332 - History of the Council of Trent
10580331 - Regulations and instructions relating to his majesty's service at sea, established by his majesty in council
10580330 - The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and њcumenical Council of Trent
10580329 - The speech of Count Camillo Cavour, President of the Council of Ministers
10580328 - Proceedings of the Legislative Council of India from May, 1854 to Nov. 1861
10580327 - A History of the Church from the Edict of Milan, A.D. 313, to the Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 451
10580326 - Journal of the proceedings of the Legislative council of the territory of Florida
10580325 - The Council of Revision of the State of New York
10580324 - An Index to All the Reported Cases Decided in the Several Courts of Equity in England and Ireland, the Privy Council, and the House of Lords
10580323 - Report of a special committee of the Council of the government Schoolof design
10580322 - Statement by the council ... explanatory of the nature and objects of the institution
10580321 - Report to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations of the proceedings of the Department relating to railways
10580320 - Catholic doctrine as defined by the Council of Trent
10580319 - The history of the Council of Florence
10580318 - Minutes of the common council of the city of Philadelphia: 1704-1776
10580317 - The history of the council of Florence
10580316 - The legislative acts of the Governor General of India in council of 1869 ...
10580315 - The Seventh General Council, the Second of Nicaea, Held A.D. 787, in which the Worship of Images was Established
10580314 - Considerations on the Council of Trent
10580313 - The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from June 6th, 1678, to July 30th, 1712
10580312 - Journal of the ... annual council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Carolina held in ...
10580311 - Colonial Records: Pennsylvania (Colony) Provincial council. Minutes
10580310 - Journal of the proceedings of the General Council of the Republic of Texas
10580309 - Journal of the annual council ...
10580308 - Pope Alexander III and the Council of Tours (1163)
10580307 - General Report to the King in council from the Honorable Board of Commissioners on the Public Records
10580306 - Report of the council
10580305 - Ancient French archives or Extracts from the minutes of Council relating to the records of Canada while under the government of France
10580304 - The compact with the charter and laws of the colony of New Plymouth: together with the charter of the Council at Plymouth
10580303 - The Catechism of the Council of Trent
10580302 - Decisions of the lords of council and session
10580301 - Journal of the Legislative Council of the Province of Prince Edward Island
10580300 - Reprint and circular series of the National Research Council
10580299 - Journal of the Council of Censors of the State of Vermont at its several sessions ...
10580298 - Publications of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Fall, 1958
10580297 - Journal of the proceedings of the Legislative-Council of the State of New-Jersey
10580296 - Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council of England ...
10580295 - Minutes of the Provincial council of Pennsylvania
10580294 - Journal of the Legislative Council of the province of New Brunswick ...
10580293 - An index to all the reported cases, statutes and general orders, in or relating to the principles, pleading, and practice of equity and bankruptcy in the several courts of equity in England and Ireland, the Privy council and the House of lords, from the e
10580292 - Acts of the Governor and Legislative Council of the territory of Florida
10580291 - The decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in most cases of importance
10580290 - Journal of the Council of Censors, at their sessions in June and October, 1813, and January, 1814
10580289 - 'The beast and his image'; or, The pope and the Council of Trent, a comm. upon Revel. xiii
10580288 - Journal of the Legislative Council
10580287 - Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy council of England
10580286 - Proceedings AND Ordinances OF THE Privy Council OF England
10580285 - Letters to the Right Honourable the Earl of Hillsborough, from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and the Honourable His Majesty's Council for the province of Massachusetts-Bay
10580284 - A guide to drawing bills of costs
10580283 - Costs of education in the health professions
10580282 - Manufacturability and costs of proposed low-emission automotive engine systems
10580281 - Methods and costs of gravel and placer mining in Alaska
10580280 - The practice in the office of pleas of the Court of exchequer, epitomized; with precedents of forms and bills of costs
10580279 - The law and practice as to costs
10580278 - Report of the survey and estimates of the cost of constructing the inter-oceanic ship canal
10580277 - Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the library of ... Richard Heber, which will be sold by auction, by messrs. Sotheby and son [and others] Apr. 10, 1834 [&c.]. [2 other copies. Pt.1-12 with MS. prices, pt.1-11 also with the cost to the owner. In the 2nd
10580276 - Aerospace cost savings - implications for NASA and the industry
10580275 - A treatise on rural architecture, comprehending plans, elevations and sections, of farm houses, farm offices, cottages, manses, schools, gates, railings, etc. with specifications, and all necessary information as to their cost
10580274 - Three lectures on the cost of obtaining money
10580273 - The cost of water supply and water utility management
10580272 - The Rise, Growth, and Danger of Socinianisme together with a plaine discovery of a desperate designe of corrupting the Protestant Religion ...
10580271 - A second letter to ... the archbishop of York, on the present corrupt state of the Church of England
10580270 - A letter to ... the archbishop of York, on the present corrupt state of the Church of England
10580269 - A practical method of learning to speak correctly the Castilian language
10580268 - Rapport а M. le Comte de Montalivet, pair de France... sur les prisons maisons de force, maisons de correction et bagnes des йtats de Piйmont, de Parme, des йtats romains et de Toscane
10580267 - Manuel de la conversation, ou recueil complet des locutions vicieuses les plus usitйes en Belgique, avec leur correction
10580266 - Les Quinze livres des elements geometriques d'Euclide Megarien
10580265 - Dictionnaire wallon-franзais, dans lequel on trouve la correction de nos idiotismes vicieux, et de nos wallonismes, par la traduction, en franзais, des phrases wallonnes
10580264 - Dictionnaire wallon-franзais, dans lequel on trouve la correction de nos idiotismes vicioux, et de nos wallonismos
10580263 - Traduction du livre de saint Augustin de la correction et de la grace, avec des sommaires de la doctrine
10580262 - Six months in a house of correction
10580261 - Rules proposed for the government of gaols, houses of correction, and penitentiaries
10580260 - A general treatise on the principles and practice by which courts of equity are guided as to the prevention or remedial correction of fraud
10580259 - A Digest of the cases decided and reported in the Superior Court of the City of New York, the Vice Chancellor's Court, the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New York
10580258 - Practical elementary digest of the reported cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the state of New York
10580257 - Correction, instruction: or, The rod and the word
10580256 - A digest of the cases decided and reported in the Supreme court of judicature and the Court for the correction of errors, in the state of New-York
10580255 - Two sermons, on the prevention and correction of crime
10580254 - Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of Judicature and in the Court for Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors in the State of New-York
10580253 - Reasons offered for the reformation of the House of Correction in Clerkenwell
10580252 - A digest of the cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New York
10580251 - Turner's longitude tables for correcting the observed distance of the moon and sun, or moon and star
10580250 - A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue
10580249 - Propositions for correcting our calendar (by R. Browne).
10580248 - Corrected report of the speech of ... George Canning ... on mr. Lambton's motion for a censure on mr. Canning's embassy to Lisbon
10580247 - A manual of materia medica and pharmacy, from the Fr. of H.M. Edwards and P. Vavasseur, corrected by J. Davies
10580246 - Gye's Bath directory, corrected to Jan. 1819
10580245 - The works of the author of "The night-thoughts". Revised and corrected by himself
10580244 - Corrected proofs
10580243 - The Seasons, by James Thomson. A new edition, entirely revised, corrected, and complete. The First Part [- The Second Part]
10580242 - Buffon's Natural history, corrected and enlarged by J. Wright. (To which are added Elements of botany).
10580241 - Decisions of the Court of king's bench, upon the laws relating to the poor, revised, corrected and enlarged
10580240 - Nouvelles Annales de Paris jusqu'au rиgne de Hugues-Capet, par Dom Toussaints. On y a joint le poлme d'Abbon sur le fameux siиge de Paris par les Normands en 885 et 886, beaucoup plus correct que dans aucune des йditions prйcйdentes ; avec des notes pour
10580239 - Instructions pour les jeunes dames Qui entrent dans le Monde, et se Marient... Pour servir de suite au Magasin des Adolescentes. Par Mad. Le Prince de Beaumont. Edition faite sous les yeux de l'Auteur, sur un nouveau Manuscrit plus correct & plus ample qu
10580238 - Instructions pour les jeunes dames Qui entrent dans le Monde, et se Marient... Par Mad. Le Prince de Beaumont. Edition faite sous les yeux de l'Auteur, sur un nouveau Manuscrit plus correct...
10580237 - Amati Lusitani doctoris medici praestantissimi Curationum medicinalium centuriae septem, varia multiplicique rerum cognitione refert[a]e & in hac vltima editione recognitae & valde correct[a]e. Quibus praemissa est commentatio de introitu medici ad aegrot
10580236 - A full and correct report of the trial of Sir Home Popham, including the whole of the discussions which took place between that officer and Mr. Jervis, the counsel for the admiralty ... and also the observations of the several members of the court. Togeth
10580235 - AN English AND Arabic Dictionary, In Two Parts, Arabic AND English, AND English AND Arabic, IN Which THE Arabic Words ARE Represented IN THE Oriental Character Their Correct Pronunciation AND Accentuation Shewn IN English Letters.
10580234 - The correct order of fundamental harmonies
10580233 - Cary's New and Correct English Atlas
10580232 - Battle of Waterloo; or, Correct narrative of the late sanguinary conflict on the plains of Waterloo
10580231 - Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711
10580230 - A new, correct, and much improved-history of the Isle of Wight
10580229 - A new and concise method of hand-railing, upon correct principles
10580228 - The old and the new representations of the United Kingdom contrasted, a correct detail of the members of the House of commons at the session of 1832, and an account of the various alterations
10580227 - The art of reading, or, Rules for the attainment of a just and correct enunciation of written language
10580226 - The pillar of divine truth immoveably fixed on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone
10580225 - The chimney-corner
10580224 - Slight reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, and a corner of Italy [by M. Boddington].
10580223 - An oration, delivered at the laying of the corner stone of a monument on Mount Zion, in Ephrata, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, September 11, 1845
10580222 - Ristretto storico sopra l'origine degli abitanti della campagna di Roma, e successivamente de'rи, consoli, e dittatori: delle gemme, e i di loro intagli [&c. Interleaved copy]. Aggiuntovi un Catalogo degl'autori, che hanno fin'ora scritto sopra le medagli
10580221 - The copy of the poll ... for knights of the shire for the county of Oxford, Aug. 1830
10580220 - Rolls of arms of the reigns of Henry iii, and Edward iii. (The copy of an ould Rolle of armes made in the reigne of king H. 3. A roll of arms compiled in the reign of Edward the third). Ed. by N.H. Nicolas
10580219 - Copy of the last will and testament of the late Robert Richard Randall, esq
10580218 - History, gazetteer and directory of Cambridgeshire. Subscribers copy
10580217 - An authentic copy of the minutes of evidence on the trial of John Smith, a missionary, in Demerara
10580216 - A true copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Guy
10580215 - A topographical, statistical, & historical account of the borough of Preston in the hundred of Amounderness, County of Palatine of Lancaster ; its antiquities and modern improvements, including a correct copy of the charter granted in the reign of Charles
10580214 - Copy of the poll for the election ... for ... Middlesex. July, 1802
10580213 - The works of George Herbert. containing Parentalia, the 2nd copy wanting the 1st sheet of vol.2].
10580212 - A copy of the poll at the election of two burgesses to represent the town and borough of Northampton ... 1837
10580211 - An exact copy of the poll taken at the Guild-Hall in the borough of Leicester
10580210 - A catalogue of all graduats in divinity, law, and physick: and of all masters of arts, and doctors of musick: who have regularly proceeded, or been created, in the University of Oxford, between ... Octob. 1659, and ... July 1688 [compiled by R. Peers.]. [
10580209 - Copy of the Poll for Two Knights of the Shire for the Eastern Division of the County of Norfolk
10580208 - An exact copy of the poll, for the county of Leicester
10580207 - The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the corrected copy left by G. Steevens, with glossarial notes
10580206 - The stenographical copy-book; or, Short-hand instructor
10580205 - The pen's triumph: a copy-book. [2 imperf. copies].
10580204 - A copy of the poll, at the election of members to serve in parliament, for the borough of Kingston-upon-Hull, on January 6th & 7th, 1835
10580203 - A copy of the poll for two knights of the shire, for the County of Northampton
10580202 - Copy of the Protest by Mr. Hogg, one of his Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into Municipal Corporations
10580201 - A true copy of the last will and testament of George Clarke esq....
10580200 - A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, taken at Norwich, May 22. 1734. Candidates: Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. William Wodehouse, Esq; The Honourable Robert Coke. William Morden, Esq
10580199 - A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk. Taken at Norwich, March 23, 1768. Candidates. Sir Armine Wodehouse, Bart. ... Thomas de Grey, Esq; ... Sir Edward Astley, Bart. ... Wenman Coke, Esq; ...
10580198 - A copy of the Royal Charter and statutes of the Society of Antiquaries of London
10580197 - A copy of the poll for knights of the Shire for the County of Hertford, taken at the town of Hertford, June 1st, 1796. John Sowerby, Esquire, Sheriff. Candidates. ... William Plumer, ... William Baker, ... Samuel Ferrand Waddington, ...
10580196 - A copy of the poll for knights of the shire for the county of Bucks
10580195 - Poems [Signed A. Cochrane. With MS. note by the author 'Uncorrected copy'].
10580194 - A vindication of the right of the universities of Great-Britain to a copy of every new publication
10580193 - The plays of William Shakespeare: accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens
10580192 - Copies of papers relative to the restoration of the King of Tanjore, the arrest of George Lord Pigot, and the removal of his lordship from the government of Fort St. George
10580191 - Mauritius Copies of correspondence ... relative to the introduction of Indian labourers into the Mauritius
10580190 - The Copies of all letters, papers and other transactions between the commissioners of the parliament of England, and the parliament ... of Scotland 1647 - 1648
10580189 - Reliques of ancient English poetry: consisting of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces [ed. by T. Percy]. [4 other copies with cancel leaves in vol. 1].
10580188 - Copies of the epitaphs in Salisbury cathedral, accompanied by tr. and notes. With a general survey of the other churches in Salisbury. By J. Harris
10580187 - Copies of the polls taken at the several elections for members to represent the county of Northampton in parliament in the years 1702, 1705, 1730, 1745 [really 1948] & 1806. Repr. [With] A copy of the poll for two knights of the shire for the county of No
10580186 - Copies of Papers Relative to the Restoration of the King of Tanjore, the Arrest of the Right Hon. George Lord Pigot, and the Removal of His Lordship from the Government of Fort St. George, by Sundry Members of the Council..: Orders of the Court of Directo
10580185 - Dinan [by A. Johnson? 2 copies].
10580184 - The poll for the county of Lincoln, for the election of two knights of the shire, taken on the 16th, 18th, and 19th of May, 1807. Also the speeches delivered on that occasion; copied from the Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, with additions and corr
10580183 - Miscellaneous works, copied fair for the press by A. Drift [ed. by J. Banks].
10580182 - Drawings faithfully copied from nature at Naples
10580181 - G
10580180 - Cartonensia; or, An historical and critical account of the tapestries in the palace of the Vatican, copied from the designs of Raphael
10580179 - A record of the Cope family
10580178 - The overthrow of the protestants pulpit- Babels, convincing their preachers of lying et Rayling, to make the Church of Rome seeme mysticall babell
10580177 - Dimostrazione Apologetica, Nella quale si convince di Calunnia la Imputazione che si fa ai RR. PP. Gesuiti Circa Le Ree Massime Del Tirannidicio
10580176 - The life, history, and travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh (George Copway),a young Indian chief of the Ojebwa nation, a convert to the Christian faith, and a missionary to his people for twelve years
10580175 - The royal convert
10580174 - The sincere convert; and The sound believer. with notes
10580173 - Leila Ada, the Jewish convert
10580172 - The court convert: or, A sincere sorrow for sin, faithfully travers'd. By H(enry) A(nderson).
10580171 - Guide de la conversation franзaise-arabe, ou, Dialogues avec le mot -a-mot et la pronunciation interlinйaires figurйs en caractиres franзais
10580170 - Nouveau dictionnaire de la conversation; ou, Rйpertoire universel ... sur le plan du Conversation's lexicon ... Par une Sociйtй de Littйrateurs, de Savants et d' Artistes ...
10580169 - Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture
10580168 - Guide de la conversation franзaise-arabe
10580167 - Annales / Soci
10580166 - Guide de la conversation arabe, ou vocabulaire franзais-arabe contenant les termes usuels, classйs par ordre de matiиres, et marquйs des signes-voyelles
10580165 - Le Drogman turc donnant les mots et les phrases les plus nйcessaires pour la conversation
10580164 - Guide de la conversation en trois langues, franзais, espagnol, et mexicain
10580163 - Biensйance de la conversation entre les hommes. Communis vitae inter homines scita urbanitas. Reueu et corrigй auec augmentation
10580162 - Guide de la conversation Fraзais-Turc
10580161 - De la conversation, discours de M. le chevalier de Mйrй
10580160 - Lucien en belle humeur ou nouvelles conversation des morts par l'abbй J.C. Bruslй de Montpleinchamp
10580159 - L'art de plaire dans la conversation
10580158 - Conversation entre le Sr. Daniel Crespin e un de ses amis rйfugiй
10580157 - La conversation avec soi-mкme
10580156 - Journal de conversation oщ les plus belles matiиres sont agitйes de part et d'autre...
10580155 - Bienseance de la conversation entre les hommes
10580154 - Manuel de conversation pour le voyageur
10580153 - Essai sur l'esprit de conversation et sur quelques moyens de l'acquйrir
10580152 - Le nouveau guide de la conversation, en espagnol et en franзais
10580151 - Galatйe Ou L'Art De Plaire Dans La Conversation
10580150 - Saillies d'esprit ou Choix curieux de traits utiles [et] agrйables pour la conversation, entrelassesz d'histoires singulieres, d'anecdotes interessantes, de rйflexions critiques, morales ...
10580149 - Traitй de l'йduication des abeilles et de leur conversation
10580148 - La nouvelle guide de la conversation, en Portugais et en Franзais
10580147 - The elements of French conversation
10580146 - Le guide de la conversation brйsilienne et franзaise en trois parties
10580145 - Le Nouveau guide de la conversation en anglais et en franзais
10580144 - Dictionnaire de la conversation et de la lecture
10580143 - Conversation de trois mйdecins sur la doctrine physiologique, adressйe а Mr. Broussais, sous forme de lettre, par le docteur A***.
10580142 - Guide de la conversation franзaise-arabe
10580141 - Gemeinnьtziges Handbuch der Conversation
10580140 - Taschen-Conversations-Lexicon oder encyclopдdisches Handwцrterbuch zum Behufe der Conversation und Lektьre fьr alle Stдnde
10580139 - Reales Staats-, Zeitungs- und Conversation-Lexicon
10580138 - The Works of Thomas De Quincey: The art of conversation
10580137 - Guide to French conversation
10580136 - The Art of Conversation
10580135 - Vocabulaire systйmatique anglais-franзais et guide de conversation anglaise
10580134 - The Art of Conversation
10580133 - French chit-chat; or, Recreations in French conversation
10580132 - Italian conversation-grammar
10580131 - Christian spiritual conversation on saving faith for the young
10580130 - A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds
10580129 - A collection of colloquial phrases, on every topic necessary to maintain conversation
10580128 - The Works of Jonathan Swift: Tale of a tub. Battle of the books. Polite conversation
10580127 - Polite conversation
10580126 - La civile conversation
10580125 - Principes de l'interprйtation des lois, des actes, des conventions entre les parties, et spйcialement, des lйgislations franзaises et йtrangиres concernant l'йtranger en France
10580124 - Instruction facile sur les conventions ou Notions simples sur les divers engagements qu'on peut prendre dans la Sociйtй et leurs suites... [par F.-J. Mamert de Jussieu de Montluel]
10580123 - Instruction facile sur les conventions ou Notions simples sur les divers engagements qu'on peut prendre dans la Sociйtй... [par F. J. Mamert de Jussieu de Montluel]
10580122 - Articles et conventions arrestйes en Espagne, le 20 d'aoыt 1612, ... sur le mariage de Louis XIII avec l'infante
10580121 - Traitй des nullitйs des conventions et des actes en matiиre civile
10580120 - Recueil des traitйs et conventions concernant le royaume de Belgique
10580119 - Traitй des nullitйs des conventions et des actes en matiиre civile
10580118 - Recueil des traitйs et conventions entre la France et les puissances alliйes, en 1814 et 1815
10580117 - Le pacte de famille et les conventions subsйquentes, entre la France et l'Espagne
10580116 - Sur les legislatures et les conventions nationales
10580115 - Conventions-Zwanzig-Gulden FuЯes
10580114 - Abgeforderte Prьfung der vernьnftigen Vertheidigung des Conventions- oder zwanzig Gulden Fusses
10580113 - Zufдllige Gedancken von der Proportion zwischen Silber und Gold, Worinn zugleich erwiesen wird, daЯ der Wiener Conventions-Mьntz-FuЯ ohne Abдnderung der darinn angenommenen Proportion von 14 11/71 zu 1. in denen heroberen Reichs-Craysen nicht zu Execution
10580112 - Proceedings of the conventions at Charleston and Baltimore
10580111 - Journals of the general conventions of the Protestant Episcopal church from 1785-1853
10580110 - Journals of the Conventions of the Proteastant Episcopal Church in the Diocess Virginia
10580109 - The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution
10580108 - The state of the church and clergy of England, in their councils, synods, convocations, conventions
10580107 - Kurtze doch grьndliche Untersuchung der Conventional- oder Collegial-Rechten der Evangelischen Kirchen und deren rechtmдssigen Verwaltung
10580106 - Pro-Memoria Oder Grьndliche Bewдhrung DaЯ Das HeЯische Austregal-Conventional-Gericht weder in denen beyden obhandenen Strittigkeiten ьber Die Hanauische Mobiliar-Verlassenschafft und Das Amt Babenhausen vorbey gegangen werden kцnne, Noch weniger aber ein
10580105 - Survey of European non-conventional chemical notation systems
10580104 - Histoire philosophique de la Rйvolution de France, depuis la convocation des notables, par Louis XVI, jusqu'а la sйparation de la convention nationale
10580103 - Journal of the Constitutional convention of the state of Michigan
10580102 - Journal of the Convention to form a constitution for the state of Wisconsin
10580101 - Debates in the Convention for the revision and amendment of the constitution of the state of Louisiana
10580100 - Proceedings of the State Equal Rights' Convention, of the Colored People of Pennsylvania, held in the city of Harrisburg February 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1865
10580099 - Journal of Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of Delegates
10580098 - Report of the Debates in the Convention of California on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849
10580097 - Debates and proceedings in the New-York State Convention, for the revision of the constitution
10580096 - Journal of the Constitutional convention of the State of Virginia, convened in the city of Richmond, December 3, 1867, and an order of General Schofield, dated Nov. 2, 1867, in pursuance of the act of Congress of March 23, 1867
10580095 - The debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Michigan
10580094 - The debates and proceedings of the Minnesota Constitutional Convention
10580093 - Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional convention of the state of Illinois
10580092 - Report of the proceedings and debates in the convention to revise the constitution of the state of Michigan, 1850
10580091 - Proceedings and debates of the Constitutional convention of the state of New York, held in 1867 and 1868 in the city of Albany
10580090 - Abstract of the proceedings of the National Lord's Day Convention held in the city of Baltimore on the 27th and 28th November 1844
10580089 - Journal of the Convention of the state of Pennsylvania
10580088 - Official proceedings of the Democratic National Convention, held in 1860, at Charleston and Baltimore
10580087 - The debates of the constitutional convention of the state of Maryland, assembled at the city of Annapolis, Wednesday, April 27, 1964
10580086 - The debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the state of Virginia
10580085 - Journal of the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the people of Georgia
10580084 - Report of the debates and proceedings of the convention for the revision of the constitution of the state of Ohio, 1850-51
10580083 - Debates and proceedings of the Convention which assembled at Little Rock, January 7th, 1868 ...
10580082 - Journal of the proceedings of the Convention of the state of Louisiana
10580081 - Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the state of Delaware
10580080 - Proceedings and debates of the Convention of Louisiana
10580079 - Journal of the proceedings of the convention of delegates elected by the people of Tennessee
10580078 - Journal of Proceedings, Convention of 1865
10580077 - Secret proceedings and debates of the convention assembled at Philadelphia, in the 1787,
10580076 - Proceedings of the New-England Anti-Slavery Convention
10580075 - Proceedings and debates of the Virginia State Convention of 1829-1830
10580074 - Pйtition prйsentйe а la Convention Nationale, au sujet de sa dйtention arbitraire а la citadelle de Cambrai. Avec une adresse а la Convention
10580073 - Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention for the territory of Minnesota
10580072 - Official report of the debates and proceedings in the Constitutional Convention of the state of Nevada
10580071 - Proceedings of the National Emigration Convention of Colored People, held at Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 24th, 25th and 26th of August 1854
10580070 - Official journal of the proceedings of the Convention of the State of Louisiana
10580069 - Proceedings of the General anti-slavery convention
10580068 - The Debates, resolutions, and other proceedings, in convention, on the adoption of the federal Constitution
10580067 - Journal of the proceedings and debates in the Constitutional convention of the state of Mississippi, August, 1865
10580066 - Journal of the Convention of the people of South Carolina, held in 1860-'61
10580065 - Journal of the proceedings in the Constitutional convention of the state of Mississippi
10580064 - Линия Кэйо
10580063 - Линия Тюо-Собу
10580062 - Линия Одавара (Одакю)
10580061 - Линия Яманотэ
10580060 - Линия Синдзюку (Toei)
10580059 - Линия Маннергейма
10580058 - Proceedings of the Baptist convention for missionary purposes
10580057 - Official report of the debates and proceedings in the State Convention, assembled May 4th, 1853, to revise and amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
10580056 - Proceedings of the Anti-Slavery Convention held at Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 15 and 16, 1857
10580055 - Journal of the Missouri state convention
10580054 - Journal of the Convention of the People of the State of Indiana to Amend the Constitution
10580053 - Proceedings of the National Liberty Convention, held at Buffalo, N.Y., June 14th & 15th, 1848
10580052 - Journal of the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention
10580051 - The Proceedings of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention
10580050 - Journal of a convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State [or Diocese] of Maryland
10580049 - A letter to the National Convention of France
10580048 - A convention the only means of saving us from ruin
10580047 - Minutes and proceedings of the ... annual Convention for the Improvement of the Free People of Colour in these United States
10580046 - Minutes of the proceedings of the annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and the Adjacent States
10580045 - A short account of the Hartford Convention
10580044 - Journal of the proceedings of the ... convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State [Diocese] of Pennsylvania
10580043 - The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the Federal constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia in 1787
10580042 - Journal of the Convention of the state of Tennessee
10580041 - Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821 Assembled for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution of the State of New York
10580040 - The journal of the Free Trade Convention, held in Philadelphia, from September 30 to October 7, 1831
10580039 - Reports of the proceedings and debates of the New York Constitutional Convention 1821
10580038 - An historical sketch of the Baptist missionary convention of the state of New York
10580037 - Journal of the Convention of the people of South Carolina
10580036 - Seasonable reflections on the late Convention, concluded the 3d of May last, between the courts of Vienna and Turin
10580035 - Proceedings of the Convention
10580034 - Archives of the General Convention
10580033 - Proceedings and debates of the Convention of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania
10580032 - Journal of the proceedings of the National Republican convention, held at Worcester, October 11, 1832 ...
10580031 - Journal of proceedings of the ... annual convention
10580030 - The slotted-templet method for controlling maps made from aerial photographs
10580029 - The European corn borer and its controlling factors in Europe
10580028 - Controlling corn and hog supplies and prices
10580027 - The citrus rust mite and its control
10580026 - Population Control and Economic Development
10580025 - Pest control
10580024 - Kudzu for erosion control in the Southeast
10580023 - Forest Fire Control
10580022 - The sand wireworm and its control in the South Carolina coastal plain
10580021 - Sanitary milk control and its relation to the sanitary, nutritive, and other qualities of milk
10580020 - Biological control of insect pests in the continental United States
10580019 - Early erosion-control practices in Virginia
10580018 - Development of suspended solids quality control and performance evaluation samples
10580017 - Control of aphids injurious to orchard fruits, currant, gooseberry and grape
10580016 - Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America: pt. 1. Acalephs in general. pt. 2. Ctenophorж. 1860
10580015 - An exposition of the Act for a contribution on property, professions, trades, and offices
10580014 - Research studies constituting the U.S. contribution to the International Biological Program
10580013 - The contrast, an examination of the doctrine of eternal future punishment and of universal salvation, 2 sermons
10580012 - The undue administration; or, The usual managements of the customs consider'd, and compar'd with the late pernicious practices of removing and placing officers, contrary to all former precedents
10580011 - Songs of Innocence and of Experience
10580010 - Anno regni Georgii ii ... decimo septimo. (An act for continuing and enlarging the term and powers granted by an act of parliament, passed in the thirteenth year of ... George the first, for repairing the road from Cranford Bridge in the county of Middles
10580009 - The Second Part of Henrie the Fourth, Continuing to His Death, and Coronation of Henrie the Fift
10580008 - Four Speeches Against Continuing the Army, &c
10580007 - A statement of some reasons for continuing to Protestants the whole legislature of Great Britain and Ireland
10580006 - Tales and Sketches: The shepherd's calendar (continued) Emigration. The two highlanders. The watchmaker. A story of the forty-six. A tale of the martyrs. Adam Scott. The baron St. Gio. The mysterious bride. Nature's magic lantern
10580005 - Pedigree of the family of Dod of Cloverley, with a continuation to 1844 by A. W. Woods
10580004 - Continuation du I. traitй des йcritures
10580003 - Continuation des amours
10580002 - Mathematical questions and solutions in continuation of the mathematical columns of "the Educational times"
10580001 - The history of the theatres of London, from the year 1760 to the present time. Being a continuation of the annual register