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Книга: Crash Course Japanese for Business (+ CD)

Товар № 10229333
Автор: Rumi Sei
Издательство: ALC Press Inc.
Вес: 0.220 кг.
Год издания: 2010
Формат: 180x255
Страниц: 196 Переплет: Мягкая обложка
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Crash Course Japanese for Business has been written to meet the needs of those busy business people who wish to study Japanese effectively, in the shortest possible period of time. Topics have been carefully selected for business oriented people. Situations covered are well suited for their practicality in business, to ensure that successful relationships are established and only the most effective phrases have been used. Crash Course Japanese for Business is a revised edition of Crash Japanese for Businessmen, which was published in 1990. Crash Japanese was written, based on a survey conducted on the needs foreign business people working in Tokyo in relation to the Japanese language. As a result of a follow up survey conducted on foreign business people who had studied using Crash Japanese, this new edition has been devised to be even easier to use and more effective in business situations. Distinctive features of Crash Course Japanese for Business are: The author has placed top priority on ensuring that the learner can enquire communication skills and grammar has been explained as concisely as possible. Emphasis has been placed on visual learning. The learner can deal with actual situations through duplicating the situations referred to in the book. Humorous illustrations have been used, to assist in memorizing sentence patterns. Care has been taken to include Japanese cultural background in the subject matter. Another new approach is the fact that unnatural Japanese has been avoided. Important sentence forms have been separated into units, for easy memorization. Useful vocabulary is included in a separate chart which can be used as a handy reference guide, to be referred to at any time, anywhere. Romaji has been modified to assist the student to pronunce words as accurately as possible. Common announcements often heard in Japan have been included in the accompanying cassette tape so that the learner can memorize these through listening. It is my hope that this book will open the door to the Japanese language and culture for many foreign business people.

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